Stockyard Floodlights - BOQ
Stockyard Floodlights - BOQ
Stockyard Floodlights - BOQ
S.No. Description Units QTY Supply Rate Supply Amount Erection Rate Erection Amount Total Amount MAKE
(Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 SITC of 400W Flood lights with all tools, accessories and consumables. Nos 48 28,500.00 13,68,000.00 1,250.00 60,000.00 14,28,000.00 Philips
2 SITC 150 x 150mm junction -boxes with all tools,accessories and consumables. Nos 40 1,250.00 50,000.00 250.00 10,000.00 60,000.00 Sintex
SITC x 4C Copper Flexible Cable with all tools,accessories and consumables. KEI /
3 MTR 1000 235.00 2,35,000.00 45.00 45,000.00 2,80,000.00 KEI
4 SITC of 16way distribution board with all tools,accessories and consumables Nos 2 38,950.00 77,900.00 3,650.00 7,300.00 85,200.00 L&T
5 SITC of 12way distribution board with all tools,accessories and consumables. Nos 2 35,550.00 71,100.00 3,250.00 6,500.00 77,600.00 L&T
6 SITC of 32mm dia PVC pipe with clamp, with all tools, accessories and consumables. MTR 780 92.00 71,760.00 35.00 27,300.00 99,060.00 Sudhakar
7 Boom Lift Hiring Charges (Approximate for 15Days) Set 1 1,45,000.00 1,45,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 1,70,000.00 Rental
TOTAL AMOUNT 20,18,760 1,81,100 21,99,860
GST (18%) 363376.8 32598 395974.8
Total Incl. GST 23,82,137 2,13,698 25,95,835