Warping Board - Assembly & Winding Instructions
Warping Board - Assembly & Winding Instructions
Warping Board - Assembly & Winding Instructions
• Place the warping board in a sturdy position. Hang it the warp. Do NOT wind the warp too tight. If the pegs
on the wall, lay it flat on a table, or lean it against a are bending , you are winding the warp TOO tight.
chair or other sturdy object.
• Tie the warp yarn to the 1st peg with a loop (left or
• Calculate how long your warp needs to be and how right—your preference). In these instructions, we will
many ends will be in your project. begin on the left. Wind around the pegs for the
calculated warp length and return following the same
• You can wind the warp from left to right or right to
path back to the beginning. (Details below)
left . It is personal preference.
➔ Tie the yarn to the 1st peg on the top left.
• Since this warping board measures 1 yard from one
(Count this as going over this peg.)
peg (on left) across to another peg (on right) you can
easily measure the correct amount of warp. Round up ➔ Going to the right, run the yarn over the next
to the nearest whole number. peg (#2), under the next peg (#3) and over the
last peg on the top (#4).
• OR you can cut a piece of scrap yarn the length you
need for your warp and use it as a guide to determine ➔ Then go right to left to the next peg on the left
the path for your warp. (Cut the guide 12 inches side of the board.
longer than the length of a warp end. Tie a loop in one
➔ Reverse direction again and go to the next peg
end and slip the loop on peg #1. Create a path to
on the right side of the board and so on until
desired yardage and tie off on the last peg used. This
you have reached your desired length.
is the path to follow when measuring the warp.)
➔ Then reverse direction and work your way
• It is important to keep the tension EVEN as you wind
back up to the top of the warping board.
➔ At the top, go over the far right peg (#4), over the next one
(#3), under the following peg (#2) and under the far left #1 #2 #3 #4
peg (#1). You have now measured TWO warp ends.
➔ This creates a threading cross between the 2nd and 3rd
pegs on the top and keeps the warp threads in the order
that you wound them.
➔ Repeat this pattern until you have the desired number of
warp ends.
If needed, you can also create a 2nd cross on the bottom for a
raddle or for counting , (Create in similar manner to top cross.)
1 yard
18 inches
• Top & Bottom are interchangeable. Our large warping board measures 1 yard
• Left & Right sides are interchangeable. from one peg (on left) across to another peg
(on right), has a 14 yard warp capacity and
• Align the left slot in the top piece with the top can handle the warp for any of your weaving
slot in the left piece . Insert bolt from back to projects.
front. The wing-nut should be on the front of
the warping board (so that the board will lay The small warping board measures 18 inches
flat against a table or wall. from left to right, and has a 4.5 yard warp
capacity. It is perfect for projects woven on
• Repeat for the other three corners. a rigid heddle loom.
free instructions
for winding a warp
at our website: