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Chapter 4

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This chapter presents the findings of the study with their interpretations and

analyses. The data are presented according to the statement of the problem.

Problem 1: What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. age;


1.3. religion

1.1. Age

Table 1

Frequency and Percent Distribution of Respondents

According to Age

Age Frequency Percentage

16-17 years old 46 92
18-19 years old 3 6
20 years & above 1 2
Total 50 100

Table 1 presents the frequency and percent distribution of respondents

according to age. The data reveal that out of 50 respondents, 46 or 92% are 16-

17 years old, 3 or 6% are 18-19 years old, and 1 or 2% are 20 years & above.

The study reveals that the average age of the respondents were 16-17 years old.

That means the number one participants are minors.

1.2. Gender

Table 2

Presents the Percent Distribution of Respondents According to Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 24 48
Female 26 52
Total 50 100

Table 2 presents the percent distribution of respondents according to

gender of the respondents. As shown, 52% of them were female and 48% were

male. The study reveals that most of the participating and active respondents are

females which denote that most of them are minors.

1.3. Religion

Table 3

Presents the Percent Distribution of Respondents According to


Religion Frequency Percentage

Roman Catholic 34 68

Other Religion 13 26
Iglesia Ni Cristo 2 4
Seventh Day Adventist 1 2
Total 50 100
Table 3 presents the religion of the respondents as shown in the
table above. 68% of them were Roman Catholic, 26% are other religion, 4% were
Iglesia ni Cristo and 2% were Seventh Day Adventist. Several characteristics like
age, gender and religion have been found to be resources that may contribute to
juvenile delinquency.

Problem 2: What is the perception of the Senior High School Students of

Kitaotao National High School about the causes of juvenile delinquency?

Table 4 presents the perception of the Senior High School Students of

Kitaotao National High School about the Causes of Juvenile Delinquency. As

shown in the table, an overall mean rating of 3.52 denotes agree descriptive

rating for the level of engagement.

Table 4

Presents the Causes of Juvenile Delinquency As Perceived By the Senior

High School Students of Kitaotao National High School

Causes of Juvenile Delinquency Mean Descriptive

Peer pressure. 4.02 Agree
Poor educational standards. 3.98 Agree
Parent does not follow up their children about
school matters. 3.92 Agree
Depression/Anxiety can cause minor to commit 3.68 Agree
Financial problem causes minor to commit offense. 3.66 Agree
Maltreated minors usually the ones tend to commit 3.60 Agree
Curiosity can bring minors to commit offense. 3.56 Agree
Lack of moral guidance. 3.54 Agree
Influence by their friends not to attend classes. 3.54 Agree
Family problem is one of the causes of student rude 3.50
behavior. Agree
Influence by their friends to engage in illegal 3.48 Undecided
Influence by their friends to hang-out with them and 3.24 Undecided
drink liquors.
Lack of communication from elders. 3.22 Undecided
Influence by their friends to smoke cigarette. 3.22
Influence by their friends to play computer games. 2.58
Overall Mean 3.52 Agree

Legend: 4.50-5.00- Strongly Agree 3.50-4.49- Agree 2.50-3.49- Undecided

1.50-2.49- Disagree 1.00-1.49- Strongly Disagree

This means that the indicator stated is manifested and observed on some

occasions and indicator stated is sometimes felt and occurring among

stakeholders. The results suggest that there is still a need for the stakeholders to

be encouraged to participate and be engaged in the different school-initiated


This chapter presents the summary, the conclusions and the

recommendations regarding the results of the study.


This study sought to determine the Causes of Juvenile Delinquency as

Perceived by the Senior High School Students of Kitaotao National High School.
This study also determines the demographic profile of the students.
This study was conducted at Kitaotao National High School. 50 senior
high school students that were chosen for the study were the respondents. To
collect the data, a standardized set of questionnaire was used. We used the
mean, frequent counts, and percentage. Roman Catholicism predominated
among the respondents, who were male and female and between the ages of 16
and 17.
The result showed that the respondents were “undecided on five out of
fifteen indicators, namely: “Influence by their friends to engage in illegal
gambling.”, “Influence by their friends to hang-out with them and drink liquors.”,
and “Lack of communication from elders.”, “Influence by their friends to smoke
cigarette.”, and “Influence by their friends to play computer games.” While the
overall mean is 3.52 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”. This meant that senior
high school students perceived the ten out of fifteen indicators, particularly the
statement on the students being “Peer pressure.” with the highest mean of 4.02
followed by “Poor educational standards.” with 3.98. In the third place based on
the mean was Parent does not follow up their children about school matters.”
with a mean of 3.92, “Depression/Anxiety can cause minor to commit offense.”
with 3.68, “Financial problem causes minor to commit offense.” at 3.66, and
“Maltreated minors usually the ones tend to commit offense.” with the mean of
3.60, “Curiosity can bring minors to commit offense.” with a mean of 3.56, “Lack
of moral guidance.” with a mean of 3.54, “Influence by their friends not to attend
classes.” with a mean of 3.54’ and “Family problem is one of the causes of
student rude behavior.” with the lowest mean of 3.50.
The following conclusions are hereby drawn based on the findings.
Based on the finding of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
Majority of the respondents belonged to the age range of 16-17 years old at 92%
followed by the respondents aged 18 to 19 at 6%. Respondents with the age of
20 years old and above numbered to 1 student of 2% of the total respondents.
Majority of the respondents were female which numbered to 26 or 52% of the
total number of student respondents, while the male respondents comprised 48%
or 24 respondents.
The dominant religion is Roman Catholic with 34 respondents belonging to this
religion (68%), followed by other religion with 13 or 26% of respondents. Iglesia
ni Cristo at 4% or 2 respondents, followed by Seventh Day Adventist with 1
respondent or 2%.
The result showed that the respondents were “undecided on five out of fifteen
indicators, namely: “Influence by their friends to engage in illegal gambling.”,
“Influence by their friends to hang-out with them and drink liquors.”, and “Lack of
communication from elders.”, “Influence by their friends to smoke cigarette.”, and
“Influence by their friends to play computer games.” While the overall mean is
3.52 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”. This meant that senior high school
students perceived the ten out of fifteen indicators, particularly the statement on
the students being “Peer pressure.” with the highest mean of 4.02 followed by
“Poor educational standards.” with 3.98. In the third place based on the mean
was Parent does not follow up their children about school matters.” with a mean
of 3.92, “Depression/Anxiety can cause minor to commit offense.” with 3.68,
“Financial problem causes minor to commit offense.” at 3.66, and “Maltreated
minors usually the ones tend to commit offense.” with the mean of 3.60,
“Curiosity can bring minors to commit offense.” with a mean of 3.56, “Lack of
moral guidance.” with a mean of 3.54, “Influence by their friends not to attend
classes.” with a mean of 3.54, and “Family problem is one of the causes of
student rude behavior.” with the lowest mean of 3.50.

The researchers came up with the following recommendation as a result
of their results and analysis. In order to make the senior high school students of
Kitaotao National High School more aware, there should be a pre-orientation
about juvenile delinquency. After all, prevention is always better than cure. In
order to create regulations and even physical activities that are responsive to the
needs of the students, parents, teachers, and administrators should collaborate.

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