Sunflower Breeding

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Chapter 25

Sunflower Breeding for Resistance

to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses

Dragan Škorić

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter


Due to a specific structure of its main organs (root, stem, leaves, and head), sunflower can
be successfully grown on marginal soils and in semiarid conditions, and it is more resist‐
ant to abiotic stresses, than other field crops. Unfortunately, it is very sensitive to biotic

In sunflower breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses, the greatest progress has been
made in selection for drought resistance. Breeders use over 30 different parameters in
sunflower screening for drought resistance, with physiological ones being the predomi‐
nant type. The best breeding results have been achieved using the phenomenon of stay-
green, with the added bonus that this method incorporates into the cultivated sunflower
not only drought resistance but resistance to Macrophomina and Phomopsis as well. The di‐
versity of the wild Helianthus species offers great possibilities for increasing the genetic
resistance of the cultivated sunflower toward abiotic stresses. In using wild sunflower
species in sunflower breeding for drought resistance and resistance to salinity, best re‐
sults have so far been achieved with H. argophyllus and H. paradoxus, respectively. In ad‐
dition to the use of wild Helianthus species, sunflower breeding for abiotic stress
resistance should also make more use of molecular breeding techniques. More progress
has been made in sunflower breeding for heat resistance than in that for cold resistance.
Specific breeding programs dealing with sunflower resistance to mineral deficiency and
mineral toxicity have yet to be established.

Concerning biotic stresses, the main problem in sunflower cultivation is caused by fungal
diseases. Genetic variability of cultivated sunflower is very low and deficient in disease-
resistance genes. Due to wild sunflower species of the Helianthus genus, genes that con‐
fer resistance to certain diseases were discovered and incorporated into the genotypes of
the cultivated sunflower. Based on the wild species, genes were found that confer resist‐
ance to Plasmopara halstedii, Puccinia helianthi, Verticillium dahliae, V. albo-atrum, and Erysi‐
phe cichoracearum. Furthermore, wild sunflower species provide a high level of tolerance
(field resistance) to Phomopsis/Diaporthe helianthi, Macrophomina phaseolina, Albugo erago‐
pognis, and Alternaria ssp. Sources of resistance to other harmful diseases are sought after
within wild sunflower species.

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and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
586 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

With the use of one wild species of H. annuus from Kansas (USA.), genes conferring re‐
sistance to a group of imidazolinone (IMI) or sulfonylurea herbicides were discovered.
Moreover, similar genes were found through induced mutations. These sources of resist‐
ance provide successful control over a broad spectrum of weeds, which infest sunflower
crops, including broomrape.

The growth of the parasitic weed sunflower broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr) is a ma‐
jor issue in sunflower production, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as in
Spain. Six races of broomrape have been detected (A, B, C, D, E, and F) and dominant
resistance genes (Or1, Or2, Or3, Or4, Or4, and Or6) were found in wild sunflower species.
During the last 4–10 years, new virulent races of broomrape emerged in several European
countries. Geneticists and breeders work on finding the sources of resistance to the new
broomrape races in wild sunflower species.

Numerous insect species cause economic damages during sunflower production, espe‐
cially in North America (the homeland of sunflower). Homoeosoma species are the most
widespread insects that infest sunflower. Homoeosoma nebulella infests sunflower in Eu‐
rope and Asia, while infestation with H. electellum poses a major problem in USA, Cana‐
da, and Mexico. Based on the use of wild sunflower species H. tuberosus, genes conferring
resistance to Homoeosoma species were incorporated. Sunflower has an armored layer in
the hull, which provides resistance to this insect. Sources of resistance to other economi‐
cally harmful insects are sought after.

New methods in biotechnology, particularly marker genes, have been frequently used in
breeding for abiotic and biotic stresses.

Keywords: Abiotic and biotic stresses, breeding, interspecies hybridization, resistance,

sunflower, wild species

1. Introduction

1.1. Sunflower breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses

Abiotic stresses not only determine the geographical and regional distribution of crops but
also dictate if a potentially arable piece of land can actually be used for cultivation. According
to an estimate, 24.2% of the world's geographic area is potentially arable. However, only 10.6%
of the geographic area is under actual cultivation, while the rest is not available for cultivation
due to one or more abiotic stresses [1]. According to the same author, drought is the main
abiotic factor, as it affects 26% of the arable area. Mineral toxicities/deficiencies are second in
importance, while frost stands third. Drought is the most limiting of all abiotic stresses, and it
affects well over one-third of the soils worldwide. Plants that manage to survive the effects of
drought stress show a decrease in fertility, yield, and product quality [2].

Characterization of drought tolerance is very complex and interrelated to many factors.

Drought is a multidimensional stress affecting plants at various levels of their organization.
Sunflower is grown in a number of countries on so-called marginal soils, often in semiarid
conditions where almost every year an abiotic stress of one kind or another is present acting
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 587

as a limiting factor on crop production. However, of all field crops, sunflower is best able to
withstand drought conditions, primarily on account of the structure of its organs [3].
Drought is the main cause not only of differences between mean yield and potential yield but
also of yield variations from year to year and therefore of yield instability [2].
Using the results of our own studies and those of other authors, the present chapter discusses
the progress that has so far been made in sunflower breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses
and indicates possible future directions in this area of sunflower research.

1.2. Sunflower breeding for resistance to drought

Previous experiences in sunflower cultivation have shown that drought can be a limiting factor
in realizing the potential of a variety or a hybrid.
In sunflower breeding for resistance to drought, just like in the other crops, a number of
physical and morphological parameters are at play. The accumulation of genes for these
parameters in a single genotype makes it possible to increase resistance to drought [4].
Škorić [5] states that sunflowers must be resistant to both soil and air drought, that is, to high
temperatures during flowering (pollination) and the oil synthesis stage. The ways to achieve
this desired goal are as follows: a more efficient root system, a certain systemic composition
of the main organs, and resistance to certain diseases (Macrophomina phaseoli). In addition to
efficient water use, the root system must have the ability for efficient nutrient use under stress
On the one hand, resistance depends on the selection of genotypes whose flowering and
maturity end before the occurrence of stress (early maturity).
On the other hand, mechanism of drought resistance incorporates the modification of certain
physiological and morphological parameters, which enables a more efficient use of water
reserves during the period of stress. The mechanism manifests itself through a more aggressive
root system or water use reduction via a more efficient stomatal apparatus plus the interaction
of these factors.
The inheritance of tolerance of drought based on high osmotic pressure was found to be
controlled by partial dominance and overdominance. The inheritance of drought tolerance
measured by temperature shock was found to be based on nonallelic interaction of genes
contained in the system of partial dominance [6].
Soil drought limits water uptake and consumption by plants. Transpiration intensity decreases
strongly, which, in combination with high air temperature, leads to overheating of plants. The
protective reaction of plants against water shortage is the increased ability of cells to retain
water. Respiration intensity typically increases under the influence of drought. Prolonged
drought forces the plants to reduce the energy efficiency of respiration [22].
Fulda et al. [8] used their own results and those of other authors to conclude as follows.
Obviously, water stress acclimation is a multigene acclimation, in which many different
physiological processes and many drought stress-inducible genes are involved. Functionally,
588 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

these gene products can be distinguished into osmolyte synthesis, protection factors for
macromolecules (chaperons, LEA/dehyndrtype genes), proteases, membrane proteins
(aquaporins, transporters, detoxification enzymes (glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and
superoxide dismutase (SOD)), and genes of regulatory proteins such as transcription factors
(TFs), protein kinases, and protein phosphatases. Although the alterations in all of these
processes related to drought stress have been widely investigated in many model species and
a few crop species, reports on sunflower are limited.

Studying the influence of water deficit and canopy senescence pattern on sunflower root
functionality during the grain-filling phase, Lisanti et al. [9] have concluded that both water
deficit and intrinsic canopy senescence dynamics can profoundly affect root functionality
during grain-filling. The effects of these factors and their interactions, especially under
drought, on yield merit focused attention in future research

According to Singh [1], drought seems rather difficult to define and more difficult to quantify.
For example, the common criteria used in the various definitions are precipitation, air
temperature, relative humidity, evaporation from free water surface, transpiration, wind, air
flow, soil moisture, and plant conditions. A working definition of drought may be "the
inadequacy of water availability, including precipitation and soil moisture storage capacity,
in quantity and distribution during the life cycle of a crop to restrict the expression of its full
genetic yield potential".

Therefore, under conditions of drought, water stress develops in the plants as the demand
exceeds water supply; this may occur due to atmospheric or soil conditions and is reflected in
a gradient of water potentials developed in the soil/soil–root interface and the leaf, the
transpiring organ. Thus, moisture stress may be defined as the inability of plants to meet the
evapotranspirational demand. Moisture stress is likely to develop to a different rate in different
plant organs along this gradient [10].

Drought resistance may be defined as mechanism(s) causing minimal loss of yield in a drought
environment relative to the maximum yield in a constraint-free, that is, optimal environment
for the crop. However, it does not exist as a unique heritable plant attribute. The various
mechanisms by which a crop can minimize yield loss due to drought are grouped into the
following three categories:
1. drought escape

2. dehydration avoidance, and

3. dehydration tolerance [1]

Drought escape describes the situation where an otherwise drought-susceptible variety
performs well in a drought environment simply by avoiding the period of drought. Early
maturity is an important vehicle for drought escape, suitable for environments subjected to
late-season drought stress [1].

Early sunflower hybrids generally have lower leaf area index (LAI), lower total evapotrans‐
piration, and lower yield potential than the later ones. According to Škorić [11], early sunflower
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 589

hybrids are most often susceptible to Macrophomina, and thus in cases where there is an early
occurrence of drought such hybrids may become affected, thus nullifying any positive effect
early maturity may bring.

Dehydration avoidance is the ability of a plant "to retain a relatively higher level of hydration
under conditions of soil or atmospheric water stress." Therefore, the various physiological,
biochemical, and metabolic processes involved in plant growth and yield production are not
internally exposed to stress, but they are protected from water stress [10]. The common
measure of dehydration avoidance is the tissue water status as expressed by water or turgor
potential under conditions of water stress. This can be achieved by either reducing transpira‐
tion (such plants are often called water savers) or increasing water uptake (such plants are
often termed as water spenders). Wild species are readily classifiable as water savers and water
spenders, but crop plants ordinarily exhibit a combination of both features, probably as a result
of selection by man.

Drought not only reduces the rate of photosynthesis but also directs the photosynthetic
metabolism toward increased formation of low-molecular weight compounds such as alanine,
hexoses, and malic acid [12]. When the drought ends, sunflower plants are capable of again
having a high rate of photosynthesis, thus compensating for the negative effects of water

As sunflower plants respond to drought, the free proline content of their leaves increases,
because proline, due to its structure, increases the water retention capacity of the cell [13].

When breeding for dehydration avoidance, it is highly important that a considerable attention
is paid to parameters such as reduced transpiration, osmotic adjustment, abscisic acid (ABA),
cuticular wax, and leaf characteristics (leaf pubescence, altering the leaf angle, and leaf rolling).
It is also especially important to find ways to increase water uptake by creating a more
powerful, deeper, and well-branched root system [14].

1.2.1. Sources of drought resistance

Several types of germplasms are used in sunflower breeding for drought resistance:
1. landraces;

2. cultivated hybrids and varieties;

3. wild species of the genus Helianthus; [15]; and

4. genetically engineered germplasm.

Use of landraces and cultivated hybrids and varieties has produced some positive results, but
not to the extent that would secure stable sunflower production under drought conditions.
The best results in increasing the drought resistance of cultivated sunflower have been
achieved using wild species of the genus Helianthus.

Over the last 10–14 years, highly drought-tolerant germplasms based on H. argophyllus, which
have a commercial value, have been created in various breeding centers.
590 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

Research and characterization of physiological mechanisms in wild sunflower are just

beginning. Škorić [16] suggests that in breeding for drought tolerance, there should be a greater
effort to expand the use of other wild species such as H. deserticola, H. hirsutus, H. maximiliani,
H. Tuberosus, and others.

1.2.2. Using different traits in sunflower breeding for drought resistance

Škorić [7] reported that over 30 different parameters were used in the study of drought
resistance and breeding for drought resistance in sunflower. Among these, the most frequently
used were physiological parameters.

Chimenti et al. [17] reported that high osmotic families extracted more water from the profile
during the stress period and had greater grain yield and leaf area duration than families with
a low degree of osmotic adjustment. The same authors concluded that osmotic adjustment can
contribute to post-anthesis drought tolerance in sunflower through increased water uptake,
reduced impact on grain number, grain size, and greater leaf area duration.

Andrei [18] concluded that high self-fertility (24–49%) in some hybrids ensured a greater
stability in sunflower yield under stress conditions.

Studying the influence of drought stress on growth, protein expression, and osmolyte
accumulation in sunflower, Fulda et al. [8] reported that osmolyte analysis revealed an
accumulation of glucose (24–30-fold), inositol (20–30-fold), proline (10–20-fold), fructose (3–6-
fold), and sucrose (4–4-fold) in extracts from leaves of drought-stressed plants. Changes in
protein expression of drought-stressed versus control plants were detected in colloidal
Coomasie-stained 2D-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE).

Sato et al. [19] studied the correlation between the responses of leaf expansion and hypocotyl
elongation to water deficit in sunflower genotypes. Based on the results obtained, they
reported that the response of hypocotyl growth to water deficit ranged between 31 and 48%,
while that of leaf growth ranged between 40 and 63%. There was a significant positive
correlation (p < 0.01 R2 = 0.61) between both responses. The correlation was also significant
using Pearson’s correlation test (p < 0.04, r = 0.78).

Petcu et al. [20] studied physiological traits for the quantification of drought tolerance in
sunflower and determined as follows. The reduction in leaf area, shoot size, and biomass
accumulation of sunflower seedlings under water stress conditions determined the increase
in root/shoot ratio. This suggests that for young plants the main sink was survival. In a late
stage of vegetation, the root/shoot ratio decreased under drought stress in some hybrids but
increased in others, suggesting that for mature plants the main sink was the yield. The
physiology work has focused on morpho-physiological traits induced by drought and
associated with drought tolerance of plants and the elaboration of screening methods for
rapidly measuring drought tolerance using plants in an early stage of vegetation.

Based on the results of Škorić [7, 11], practical results in sunflower breeding for drought
resistance have been achieved by using the stay-green phenomenon. Here, we should warn
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 591

that in the selection of lines on the basis of stay-green criteria, only lines with a high degree of
self-fertility should be looked for, otherwise a wrong choice of genotypes will be made.

The use of the stay-green criterion involves the selection of not only genotypes resistant to
drought but also those resistant to Macrophomina, which tends to be a problem under stress
conditions. Also, genotypes resistant to Phomopsis may be simultanously selected, as confirmed
by the inbred lines Ha-48, Ha-22, CMS-1-40, PH-BC-2-91, PR-ST-3, RHA-SES, RHA-483, etc.
as well as the hybrids made from these lines, which combine several resistance systems.
Vrânceanu [21] confirmed the validity of using the stay-green criterion in the selection for
drought resistance [22].

Petrović et al. [23] concluded that nitrate reductase activity and free-proline accumulation rate,
which underwent large modifications in plants under water stress, may serve as parameters
for the evaluation of sunflower genotypes for drought tolerance.

Working on the determination of water stress index in sunflower, Orta et al. [24] found
statistically significant correlations between CWSI (crop water stress index) calculated from
single leaf temperatures on the one hand and stomatal resistance, leaf area index, and available
water in the root on the other.

Early sunflower hybrids generally have lower leaf area index, total evapotranspiration, and
yield potential than the later hybrids. However, according to Škorić [11], early hybrids are
typically sensitive to Macrophomina, so in the case of an early manifestation of drought they
become infected and thus the advantage of earliness is nullified.

Some breeders believe that drought avoidance can be achieved by developing very early
sunflower hybrids or by moving the sowing date (early or late sowing) in order to avoid the
dry period. Dehydration avoidance can be achieved in several ways, for example, by selecting
genotypes with reduced transpiration (water savers) or by increasing the uptake of available
water from the soil by a powerful root system (water spenders).

Characteristics that appear to be correlated with drought tolerance include deeper rooting
depth and more efficient root uptake of water, tolerance to high osmotic pressure, low
transpiration rates, and plant ability to recover after wilting under heat stress.

The genetics of sunflower resistance to drought has not been studied sufficiently, despite
numerous attempts and use of different plant characteristics. It appears safe to say that the
drought resistance (tolerance) is controlled by a set of genes.

1.3. Sunflower breeding for resistance to salinity

Abiotic stress can be generated by mineral salts, which affect a considerable portion of the
global arable land. Salinity ranks second after moisture stress. This stress may occur in the
form of a specific mineral deficiency or toxicity, or as accumulation of an excess amount of
soluble salts in the root zone [1].

Sunflowers are grown on low-to-medium-saline soils in many countries. These countries face
soil salinity as a serious limiting factor in sunflower production. However, it should be
592 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

remembered that there are several wild Helianthus species that naturally grow on saline soils.
These species are important sources of genes for resistance to salinity. Breeders should apply
effective screening methods in order to identify the wild species that possess genes useful in
breeding for salinity resistance and equally effective breeding methods to transfer these genes
into cultivated sunflower genotypes [22].

Seiler [25] stated that several wild species of Helianthus are native to salt-impacted habitats and
may possess genes for salt tolerance. The same author reports that Chandler and Jan [26]
evaluated three wild Helianthus species for salt tolerance, namely H. paradoxus, H. Debilis, and
H. annuus population native to salty desert areas, and obtained the following results. Helianthus
debilis tolerated a salt concentration about the same as cultivated sunflower, wilting at an NaCl
concentration of 240–400 mM. The wild ecotype of H. annuus had a higher tolerance, with some
plants surviving the NaCl concentration of 800 mM. Helianthus paradoxus was highly salt
tolerant, with some plants surviving at 1300 mM of NaCl. Salt tolerance was a dominant trait
in hybrids between H. paradoxus and cultivated H. annuus, which did as well as the wild parent.

The emergence percentage, emergence index, shoot length, and shoot fresh weight can be used
as selection criteria for salt tolerance in sunflower at the seedling stage [27].

Tolerance of sunflower genotypes to salinity has been investigated by a number of researchers.

Prakash et al. [28] found that turgor is not correlated with salt tolerance. The accumulation of
proline shows a higher impact on tolerance to salinity. Since callus development, seed
germination, and vigor are associated, the former could be a more reliable index of salt

The involvement of turgor and proline in salt tolerance seems to be doubtful [29]. Prakash et
al. [28] stated that turgor cannot be related to salt tolerance. However, proline accumulation
seems to be more due to the effect of salinity.

Evidently, using H. paradoxus and possibly some other wild Helianthus species, sunflower
breeders can successfully achieve high resistance to salinity. It is important to determine the
selection criteria that can be applied in the breeding program, and these can be cell survival,
seed germination, dry matter accumulation, leaf death or senescence, leaf ion content, leaf
necrosis, root growth, osmoregulation, etc. [1].

1.4. Sunflower breeding for resistance to mineral deficiency and mineral toxicity

Sunflowers require only 10 macroelements (C, O, H, N, P, K, S, Ca, Fe, and Mg) and 6 micro‐
elements (B, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, and Co) for their growth and development. Air and water are
the sources of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. The rest of the elements are taken up from the
soil or fertilizers and are divided into primary elements, secondary elements, and microele‐
ments [14]. Sunflower nutrition has been the subject of many books and scientific papers, which
have established optimum levels of each individual macro- and microelement needed for the
normal growth and development of sunflower on different types of soil. There is also volu‐
minous literature on the deficiencies or excess levels (toxicity) of individual elements and how
they affect sunflower growth and development.
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 593

Studying the diversity of elements in sunflower inbred lines, Sarić et al. [30] came to the
conclusion that the genetic specificity for mineral nutrition is manifested not only through
different contents of mineral elements but also through their distribution into individual plant

As there are unfortunately no major breeding programs anywhere in the world that deal
specifically with sunflower resistance to mineral deficiency and mineral toxicity, sunflower
breeders should consider a possibility of establishing one or more such programs. They would
have to choose appropriate breeding methods and targets, define selection criteria, and select
potential resistance sources (most likely wild Helianthus species) [16].

1.5. Sunflower breeding for heat resistance

Singh [1] made a very good definition of the heat and cold resistance, which reads: "Each plant
species, more particularly genotype, has an optimum range of temperatures for its normal growth
and development: the specific temperatures would depend not only on the genotype but also
on the stage of growth and development of a given genotype. When temperature moves
beyond this optimal range, it generates temperature stress, i.e., temperature interferes with the
performance. Temperature stress may be grouped into the following three categories: (1) heat
stress, (2) chilling stress and (3) freezing stress."

Sunflower is characterized by high adaptability to high temperatures. At high temperatures,

sunflower intensifies the process of transpiration so that its leaves remain relatively cool.
Transpiration rate can be increased only if sufficient water is supplied and this calls for a deep
and well-developed root system. Therefore, the choice of genotypes with a deep and powerful
root system is an important criterion in the selection for sunflower tolerance to high temper‐
atures [22].

Another important criterion is the tolerance to intensive transpiration. For the environments
in which high air temperatures frequently occur at the flowering stage, breeders should select
genotypes capable of producing large quantities of pollen and maintain pollen viability under
such conditions. It is also important for the pistil and its stigma, or for the disk flowers on the
whole, to be tolerant to high temperatures, which ensures pollination and seed formation [22].

Yet another criterion for the selection of genotypes adapted to climates with high temperatures
and air and soil drought is the capacity for high seed (formation) filling rate and rapid synthesis
of oil in response to stress conditions.

In order for sunflower breeders to be able to determine the right breeding methods, targets,
and selection criteria and to choose their breeding materials for selection for heat resistance,
they must have a detailed knowledge of how sunflower organs respond to high temperatures.
Sunflower is exposed to high temperatures in arid and semiarid conditions, which have been
prevalent in much of Europe in 2007. High temperatures may be accompanied by high, but
also low humidity levels.
594 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

The present knowledge on sunflower heat resistance allows sunflower breeders to define their
selection criteria more easily and to search for sources of heat resistance in wild Helianthus

Breeding for resistance to high temperatures should be combined with selection for drought
resistance. Intensive breeding programs on sunflower heat resistance should be organized in
countries where excessive temperatures are a regular occurrence. Selection for heat resistance
is an integral part of many breeding programs and is often combined with breeding for
increased productivity and resistance to dominant diseases and drought [16].

1.6. Sunflower breeding for resistance to low temperatures (cold)

In many environments, crop productivity is limited by low temperatures. When temperatures

remain above the freezing level, that is, >0°C, it is called chilling, while freezing describes
temperatures below this level, that is, <0°C.

For sunflower, it is important to increase its resistance to cold in the early stages of growth and
development, that is, at germination, emergence, and the stage of two to three leaf pairs, so as
to enable successful early sowing. Cold resistance at maturation should be increased as well
in order to enable sunflower growing at higher altitudes and in colder regions. Sources of cold
resistance should be sought exclusively in the wild Helianthus species that are found growing
wild in the mountains where winters are harsh and springs are cold [16].

Apart from wild Helianthus species, induced mutations can also be successfully used as sources
of resistance to low temperatures.

Excellent results in the development of sunflower genotypes resistant to cold were achieved
by Kalaydzhyan et al. [31, 32], who applied induced mutations by chemical mutagens, first of
all DMS. Resistance to low temperatures was tested in 44,000 seeds of about 2.000 mutagenic
progenies by planting them in late fall/early winter. Some 499 plants from 72 mutagenic
progenies (0.91%) survived the harsh winter and low temperatures (down to −20°C). The
following mutants showed highest resistance to low temperatures:

• in the case of M-1248 (progenies of 40–43), the overwintering rate was 63%;

• in the case of M-1976 (progenies of 14–20), the overwintering rate was 48%;

• in the case of M-2002 (progenies of 44–64), the overwintering rate was 42%;

• in the case of the cultivar Radnik (control), the freezing rate (death) was 100%.

• These mutants should be subjected to the cold test in the climatic chamber in order to obtain
more reliable results.

In any case, Kalaydzhyan et al. [31, 32] evidently developed a unique germplasm, which can
be used for the development of winter genotypes and genotypes tolerant to low temperatures.
Unfortunately, sunflower geneticists and breeders around the world seem to be unaware of
these outstanding results.
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 595

1.7. Sunflower breeding for tolerance to herbicides

In the past decade or so, significant results were achieved in sunflower breeding for resistance
(tolerance) to herbicides from the class of imidazolinones and some herbicides from the class
of sulfonylureas (SU).

Acetolactate synthase (ALS), also called acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS), is the first
enzyme in the biosynthesis of three vital amino acids in plants: valine, leucine, and isoleucine.
Four different classes of herbicides inhibit ALS, thus causing the herbicidal effect. The most
common are imidazolinones and sulfonylureas. They have been widely used since their
introduction in the early 1980s, and now they constitute one of the major weed control mode-
of-action classes for many crops. Resistant (tolerant) plants rapidly metabolize the herbicide
in herbicidally inactive form. Sensitivity is likewise due to the lack of metabolic detoxification
(Stoenescu, personal communication).

Advantages of ALS-inhibiting herbicides are as follows: very low application rate, broad
spectrum of weed control (broad leaf and grassy weed species), broad range of crop,
selectivity, etc.

1.7.1. Development of IMI-resistant sunflower hybrids

A wild population of annual H. annuus from a soybean field in Kansas that had been repeatedly
treated with imazethapyr for 7 consecutive years developed resistance to the imidazolinone
and sulfonylurea herbicides [33]. Resistance to imazethapyr and imazamox herbicides has
great potential for producers in all regions of the world for controlling several broad-leaved

Miller and Al-Khatib [34] reported that the USDA-ARS (NDSU) research team quickly
transferred this genetic resistance into cultivated sunflowers and released public “IMISUN”
lines in 1998. At the same time, Alonso et al. [35], IFVC research team, Novi Sad, and several
private companies in Argentina incorporated IMI resistance from the wild population of H.
annuus L. from Kansas into their elite lines and developed the first IMI-resistant hybrids [22].
Genetic stocks IMISUN-1 (oil maintainer), IMISUN-2 (oil restorer), and IMISUN-3 (confection
maintainer) have been developed and released [36]. Miller and Al-Khatib [34] also released
one oilseed maintainer and two fertility restorer breeding lines with imidazolinone herbicide

Malidža et al. [37] reported having transferred resistance to imidazolinones from the wild H.
annuus L. from Kansas into the elite line HA-26 using three generations per year (one in the
field and two in the greenhouse). They stated that the resistance was controlled by a single
partially dominant gene. Alonso et al. [35] were among the first in the world to transfer genes
from the wild H. annuus L population collected in Kansas into a cultivated sunflower genotypes
resistant to the herbicide imazethapyr, which also 100% controlled (destroyed) broomrape in

Studying the mode of inheritance of resistance to imidazolinone herbicides by using F2 and

test-cross population, Bruniard and Miller [38] concluded that the resistance was controlled
596 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

by two genes, a major gene having a semidominant type of gene action (Imr1) and a second
gene (Imr2) with a modifier effect when the major gene is present.

Resistance in sunflower can only be achieved with homozygosity (Imr1 Imr1, Imr2 Imr2) of
both resistance genes in inbred line or in a hybrid [38].

Sala et al. [39] reported having obtained a new source of IMI resistance, CLHA-PLUS, devel‐
oped by means of induced mutations. The line was obtained through ethyl methanesulfonate
mutagenesis and selection for the herbicide imazapyr. Also, the authors proved at the
molecular level that CLHA-PLUS is different from Imr1 and that both of them are allelic
variants of the locus AHASL1 [40].

It has been shown experimentally that the gene CHLA-PLUS has a higher degree of IMI
resistance than the gene Imr 1 Imr 2. Breeding centers wishing to use the CHLA-PLUS gene for
breeding purposes have to sign a contract on its use with the company BASF. At the same time,
BASF provides a protocol for screening for resistance at the molecular level (CLEARFIELD®
Protocol SF30).

The recently established CLEARFIELD® (a BASF trademark) Production System for Sunflower
provides growers with a new technology, which ensures broad-spectrum postemergence grass
and broad-leaved weed control combined with high-performing sunflower hybrids from
leading seed companies or public institutions.

BASF Corp. has also established two testing systems which serve to approve IMI-resistant
sunflower hybrids as CLEARFIELD®, based mainly on relative tolerance compared with a
standard resistant hybrid: Global and Country Qualification System.

Over the last 5 years, there has been a rapid spread of IMI (CLEARFIELD®)-resistant hybrids
in the USA, Argentina, and especially central and eastern Europe, where new races of broom‐
rape, which can be successfully controlled by this technology, have emerged.

1.7.2. Development of hybrids resistant to sulfonylurea (tribenuron-methyl)

Simultaneously with sunflower breeding for IMI resistance, work has been started on the
development of hybrids resistant to herbicides from the tribenuron-methyl group of sulfony‐
lureas. To date, two resistance sources have been discovered:

The first one was derived from SU-resistant wild Helianthus annuus plants collected from the
same area in Kansas where IMI resistance was found. The USDA-ARS (NDSU) research group
incorporated this genetic resistance into cultivated sunflower and released public lines SURES
in 2001 [41].

At the same time, sunflower breeders in various breeding centers (public and private) in the
world introduced the sulfonylurea resistance gene into their elite lines, and thus created
resistant hybrids.

The second SU resistance was detected by DuPont within an artificial mutagenesis project
conducted in the early 1990s. This material was reselected, purified, and tested by Pioneer/
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 597

DuPont during 1998–2000. Several mutation events were evaluated and selectivity to the
sunflower mutation event SU7 was confirmed for a narrow range of SU herbicides.
Also, in SU-resistant hybrids, it is necessary that both parent lines possess resistance, because
of the partial domination in inheritance of this trait.

1.7.3. The use of molecular techniques in sunflower breeding for resistance to abiotic stress
Molecular studies as part of sunflower breeding for resistance to abiotic stress should be
focused on the recognition of chromosomal segments carrying genes that contribute to the
determination of tolerance, provide the possibility to partition the character, and can be used
as a tool for an efficient manipulation of the breeding material. For this purpose, genetic maps
of neutral molecular markers, such as isozyme and restriction fragment length polymorphism
loci, can be an efficient tool for the determination of useful genes [42].
Belhassen et al. [43] and Cellier et al. [44] were among the first to use molecular techniques in
sunflower breeding for resistance to abiotic stress.
Belhassen et al. [43] started breeding for drought tolerance from an interspecific cross with H.
argophyllus. Four cycles of divergent selection using the physiological criterion of leaf cuticular
transpiration (relative water loss) allowed the production of two contrasting genotypes: T−
(low level of leaf cuticular transpiration) and T+ (high level of leaf cuticular transpiration).
Field experiments showed better yield tolerance index combined with good potential yield for
T− hybrids in some locations. Physiological analyses conducted in the field and in controlled
conditions allowed to distinguish the two genotypes for only one parameter – osmotic
adjustment. Molecular comparison revealed the existence of a cDNA differentiating T− from
T+. This cDNA has high homology with an amino acid transporter. A quantification of the
amino acid concentrations during water deficit in T− and T+ lines showed that the T− plants
accumulate significantly more proline than T+ ones. Using this cDNA, RFLP and STS analysis
allowed the differentiation of the two lines.
Cellier et al. [44] studied a sunflower genotype showing drought tolerance in field conditions
(R1 genotype) and another exhibiting drought sensitivity (S1 genotype). They found that R1
tolerance was characterized by a delay of both wilting and decrease of leaf water potential. To
analyze R1 tolerance at a molecular level, they isolated different cDNAs (named SDI for
Sunflower Drought Induced) corresponding to transcripts accumulated in water-stressed R1
leaves by subtractive hybridization. The analysis of transcript accumulation in both genotypes
upon drought stress suggested a differential expression in the sdi genes. Abscisic acid-
mediated induction in the tolerant genotype was observed for four of the sdi genes and was
found to differ among them. Sequence analysis of SDI clones showed high identity with known
proteins, including nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs), early light-inducible proteins
(ELIPs), or dehydrin, predicted to be involved in various physiological processes.
Arce et al. [45] studied sunflower atypical transcription factors and miRNAs playing a key role
in responses to abiotic stresses. In order to achieve the desired results, they used a series of
molecular biology techniques. These techniques and strategies include database analysis,
phylogenetic tree construction, screening of genomic DNA libraries, isolation of cDNA clones,
598 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

expression studies using northern blots, western blots, and quantitative real-time reverse
transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), functional analyses using plant transfor‐
mation, both stable and transient, confocal microscopy, and microarrays.
Among their findings was the conclusion that transcription factors are proteins able to
recognize and bind specific DNA sequences present in the regulatory regions of their target
genes. Upon binding, entire signalization cascades are induced or repressed and the plant can
adapt itself, at least temporarily, to the adverse conditions to which it is subjected.
Based on the copious results, Arce et al. [45] made the following conclusions.
The most amazing results obtained during these studies and other current studies are related
to the divergence in structure and function of TFs and miRNAs found in sunflower, apparently
conserved in some cases in other Asteraceae species but not in model plants. The release of the
genomic sequence together with the advance in transformation techniques will certainly help
to better understand how sunflower evolved to be adapted to abiotic stress factors and which
novel regulating molecules are playing key roles in such an adaptation.
Alberdi et al. [46] studied the relationship between a set of molecular markers (amplified
fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR)) and leaf expansion
parameters under water-deficit conditions in a cross of two public sunflower lines of contrast‐
ing response, in its F2 and F2:3 progenies, and in an independent F8 recombinant inbred line
(RIL) population.
Based on phenotypic trials (two in growth chambers – F3 and F2–3) and experiments in a
greenhouse (RIL population), certain leaves collected during these experiments were used for
DNA extraction. Using a set of 60 SSR and 41 AFLP markers, they achieved significant results,
which may be useful for the development of molecular markers for assisted selection in
breeding programs oriented to generate new cultivars with improved adaptation to water
stress conditions.
Liu and Jan [47] closely studied the results of molecular studies about abiotic stresses in light
of their own as well as other authors’ research. They concluded that approaches using
molecular biology, functional genomics, transcriptome, and proteomics have been used to
identify genes or quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and proteins correlated with the network of the
response to such stresses, which will provide knowledge for the development of hybrids with
resistance or tolerance to them. Some wild species grow in locally extreme environments
providing an opportunity to study species from these habitats.
Studying the phenomenon of salt tolerance in sunflower, Lexer et al. [48] identified an EST that
codes for the Ca-dependent protein kinase with maps to a salt-tolerance QTL in sunflower.

1.8. Conclusions

Due to the basic structure of its main organs (root, stem, and leaves), sunflower is more resistant
to abiotic stresses than other field crops. Therefore, it is usually grown on soils of lower quality
(“marginal soils”) and in semiarid and arid conditions, where it is often exposed to abiotic
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 599

When it comes to sunflower breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses, the greatest progress
has been made in selection for drought resistance. The progress was achieved by using various
criteria and parameters, but the most headway was made by using physiological parameters.

The best and the most affordable method for testing sunflower for drought resistance is the
use of “stay-green” character. By using “stay-green” in sunflower selection for drought
resistance, the selection for Macrophomina and Phomopsis resistance is made at the same time.

Wild sunflower species of Helianthus are successfully used in selection for drought resistance.
Helianthus argophyllus is most commonly used in selection for drought resistance via interspe‐
cies hybridization. Thus, new germplasms have been developed in a number of breeding
centers. Moreover, several more wild species deserve to be used in selection for drought
resistance. The use of molecular breeding techniques enables faster and more efficient
achievement of desired results in sunflower resistance to drought.

Significant results in sunflower selection for salinity resistance have been obtained by the use
of H. paradoxus via interspecies hybridization.

Cold resistance can be increased by using certain wild species of sunflower, but especially
induced mutations.

Wild species of sunflower are insufficiently used in selection for high temperature resistance,
that is, heat resistance, as well as mineral deficiency and mineral toxicity resistance.

By using a population of wild H. annuus L. and induced mutations, great headway in sunflower
selection for resistance to herbicides from the imidazolinones and sulfonylureas (tribenuron-
methyl) group has been made. Sunflower resistance to broomrape (Orobanche spp.) has also
been achieved.

2. Sunflower breeding for resistance to biotic stresses

Concerning biotic stresses in sunflowers, it can be safely concluded that diseases caused by
different fungi present the most serious problem. Broomrape, the parasitic angiosperm, is in
the second place, viruses and bacteria in third and fourth [22].

2.1. Sunflower diseases

The original variability of the cultivated sunflower is very narrow and different in genes
applicable in selection for the improvement of different agronomic traits, especially those
conferring resistance to diseases.

Diseases are a limiting factor in the production of sunflower in all continents where it is grown.
Different diseases are dominant in different growing regions, depending on the prevailing
environmental conditions. Some diseases cause economic damage to sunflower in all sun‐
flower-growing regions of the world. More than 30 different pathogens that attack sunflowers
and cause economic loss in production have been identified so far (Table 1). Sunflower breeders
600 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

have achieved significant results in finding genes for resistance or high tolerance to certain
diseases in wild species and incorporating them into cultivated sunflower genotypes possess‐
ing high combining ability [22].

Disease Pathogen

Downy mildew Plasmopara halstedii

Broomrape Orobanche cumana

White rot Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

Stem canker Diaporthe helianthi

Alternaria blight Alternaria helianthi, A. helianthinficiens

Rust Puccinia helianthi

Phoma black stem Phoma macdonaldii

Virus Sunflower chlorotic mottle virus

Verticillium wilt Verticillium dahliae

Charcoal rot Macrophomina phaseolina

White blister rust Albugo tragopogonis

Fusarium wilt Fusarium spp.

Rhizopus head rot Rhizopus spp.

Table 1. The most common sunflower diseases

Wild sunflower species have been a valuable source of resistance genes for many of the
common pathogens of the cultivated sunflower. The relative severity of individual diseases
varies widely, depending on climate and host cultivars. Breeding for resistance often is the
most effective means of control. Sources of resistance or improved levels of tolerance for most
diseases are available among the cultivated sunflower and the wild species of Helianthus [49].

Changes in the racial composition of certain pathogens have also been caused by the intro‐
duction of hybrids in commercial production, which are substantially more homogeneous with
respect to the previous period when genetically heterogeneous open-pollinating varieties were

Vear [50] recommended for efficient disease control in future breeding programs to combine
vertical and horizontal resistance if available. If not, marker-assisted selection should be used
to combine QTLs with different additive defense mechanisms [22].

Galina Pustovoit [51] evaluated new cultivars based on interspecific hybridization (H.
tuberosus × cultivated sunflower) – Progress, October, Yubileyniy 60, and Novinka. Based on
the results achieved in the field and by inoculation, the author concluded that the new cultivars
possess group immunity, that is, resistance to downy mildew, rust, Macrophomina, Phoma, and
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 601

To be successful in breeding for disease resistance, the sunflower breeder must be thoroughly
acquainted with general principles of resistance breeding, major approaches to management
of resistance genes, stability of sunflower resistance to certain pathogens, monitoring of
interactions between the host (sunflower), pathogen and the environment, and resistance types
(vertical and horizontal). Finally, he has to have an adequate germplasm at his disposal, select
a method of breeding, and develop a strategy for achieving the desired goal [22].

The aim of this research is to review biotic stresses in sunflower, indicate their significance,
and reveal the sources of resistance and methods of selection in order to achieve the desired

2.1.1. Downy mildew [Plasmopara halstedii (Farl.) Berl. et de Toni)]

Downy mildew [Plasmopara halstedii (Farl.) Berl. et de Toni)] occurs in all regions around the
world in which sunflower is grown as a major oil crop. Downy mildew occurs with light
intensity in years with a wet spring.

Downy mildew control was successfully maintained with dominant genes for a long period.
This period roughly corresponds to the presence of only two races of downy mildew, the
European race, controlled by the dominant gene Pl1, and North American, controlled by the
Pl2 gene. Unfortunately, changes took place in the past 14 years and there occurred a number
of new races. These new races of downy mildew were registered in France, Hungary, USA,
Argentina, and several other countries [22].

Viranyi [52] reported that the most detailed and up-to-date list of global distribution of P.
halstedii pathogens has been compiled by Gulya [54] in a paper presented at the 2nd Interna‐
tional Downy Mildew Symposium, Kostelec, Czech Republic. In the accurate overview, he
comprised as many as 34 pathotypes (races), an unbelievably high number considering the
fact that in most sunflower-producing countries from just a few to 12 well-distinguished
virulence phenotypes exist. Europe, France, Germany, and Spain reported the highest numbers
but the pathogen is rather diverse in the USA, Canada, and in South Africa as well. Further‐
more, there are five P. halstedii pathotypes (300, 330, 710, 730, and 770) that are universally
distributed globally, recorded from North and South America, Europe and Africa. Apart from
the quantitative aspect of virulence, it is interesting to consider the dynamics of diversity as
well, that is, the changes in a given region over time. In this respect, France leads with the
highest number of new pathotypes arisen in the last 6–7 years [53].

Here, it should be mentioned that genes for resistance to the new races were quickly found in
wild species and promptly transferred into genotypes of the cultivated sunflower [55]. An
international set of differential lines has been made which makes it possible to determine which
downy mildew races are present in a certain region. The set of differentials is supplemented
with new lines as new downy mildew races occur [50].

The dynamism of changes in downy mildew races may be illustrated by the fact that, conclu‐
sive, with 2011, at least 18 downy mildew races have been determined in the world (100, 300,
304, 307, 314, 330, 700, 703, 704, 710, 711, 714, 717, 721, 730, 731, 770,...).
602 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

The testing of breeding materials by inoculation methods is in constant improvement and

continuous progress. These issues have been dealt with by a large number of researchers,
including Gulya et al. [56], Gulya et al. [57], Jouffret et al. [58], Tourvieille de Labrouhe et al. [59],
Molinero-Demilly et al. [60], and others.

Tourvieille de Labrouhe et al. [61] reported that, in addition to major genes, nonrace-specific
resistance contributes to the expression of resistance to downy mildew as well. The study also
showed that the nonrace-specific resistance is inherited independently of major genes.
Furthermore, Vear et al. [62] concluded that the inheritance of nonrace-specific resistance is
under additive control. The authors reported that two QTLs may explain 42% variation in field
reaction to downy mildew. This form of resistance was mapped as belonging to linkage groups
8 and 10. At the same time, they argued that this quantitative resistance is not related to any
of the known major resistance gene clusters.

Also, Vear et al. [63] have developed a procedure for the development of new B-lines and
parallel conversion into the cms form from source population. We should also mention here
the procedure (scheme) of Vear et al. [64] for introgressing Pl genes into elite B-lines by
backcrossing and simultaneous conversion into the cms form while performing resistance
screening at the molecular level. This method significantly shortens the cycle of Pl gene
introgression into elite lines.

According to Tourvieille de Labrouhe et al. [65] and Vear et al. [62], breeders should develop
a strategy of simultaneous selection for nonspecific resistance and major gene resistance along
with requisite use of molecular markers.

According to Seiler [49], complete resistance to the downy mildew pathogen was found in
annual species H. annuus, H. argophillus, H. debilis, and H. petiolaris and perennial H. decapetalus,
H. divaricatus, H. eggertii, H. giganteus, H xlaetiflorus, H. mollis, H. nuttallii, H. scaberrimus, H.
pauciflorus, H. salicifolius, and H. tuberosus [66].

Diploid perennial species H. divaricatus, H. giganteus, H. glaucophyllus, H. grosseserratus, H.

mollis, H. nuttallii, and H. smithii and their interspecific hybrids were resistant to downy
mildew [67].

With the rapid improvement of molecular techniques and their use in plant pathology, new
developments have opened new insights into research on fungal biology, detection technolo‐
gy, and genetics and host–pathogen interactions. For example, Hammer et al. [68] in Germany,
using different approaches, were successful in detecting fungal structure from sunflower host

2.1.2. White rot [Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary]

White rot is a major problem in countries with a humid climate or in years with an extremely
wet summer. The fungus itself is polyphagous. It attacks over 360 plant species, which
increases its variability and makes the selection for resistance difficult [69]. The major problem
in the selection are the three types of the diseases (on the root, stem, and head) controlled by
different mechanisms of resistance [11].
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 603

Sunflower stalk and head rot incident by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary is considered
the most important disease of the crop in many parts of the world. Since cultural practices or
fungicides are insufficient to control the disease, efforts are being made by breeders to develop
resistant or tolerant cultivars. This may explain the dominance of publications dealing with
various aspects of resistance [52].

When breeding sunflower for resistance to all three forms of Sclerotinia attack, it is necessary
to combine two or three different tests [70].

Mancel and Shein [71] found that Sclerotinia isolates taken from different plant species differed
in the degree of virulence. They also found that sunflower isolates that had been repeatedly
subcultured in the laboratory were significantly less virulent than isolates recently obtained
from sunflower.

When we discuss the three types of sunflower infection by Sclerotinia, it is easy to achieve high
tolerance to the mid-stalk infection by selecting genotypes resistant to lice [11]. Young leaves
of such genotypes are not injured by lice and therefore these plants avoid infections.

Using four different tests for the evaluation of Sclerotinia resistance (basal stem infection,
ascospore, and oxalic acid injection into the back face of the head), Baldini et al. [72] found that
the inbred line 28R was most tolerant to the basal stem and white head rot infections and it
also showed the best performance in oxalate and culture filtrate tests, which indicated the
presence of a specific resistance to oxalate.

Van Becelaere and Miller [73] tried different inoculation procedures for evaluation of resistance
to Sclerotinia head rot. According to their results, the best method involved the spraying of
heads at the beginning of flowering with 4 cm3 of a suspension of ascospores, which contained
4000 ascospores per milliliter, and covering the heads with brown paper bags immediately
after inoculation. Measurements of inoculation could begin as early as 34 days after the

Vear et al. [50] studied the virulence of 10 Sclerotinia isolates. They found differences in in vitro
growth rate and sclerotia production as well as some highly significant isolate and genotype
effects. They concluded that the available resistance in sunflower genotypes has partial,
nonrace-specific, and horizontal characteristics and that it should be durable.

Using an in vitro screening test based on callus induction to evaluate Sclerotinia resistance,
Drumeva et al. [74] found that the test allowed the identification of the breeding material with
high to moderate resistance to the pathogen.

When developing inbred lines, sunflower breeders should take note of the results of Van
Becelaere [75], who found that the general combining ability (GCA) effects of female lines were
relatively larger than the GCA effects of male lines, which indicated that, at least in that
particular research, the female lines had a greater influence on the resistance of the hybrids.

When considering the methods of selection for white rot tolerance, recurrent selection and
pedigree method were found to produce the best results.
604 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

Vear et al. [63] used the pedigree method to select sunflower heads resistant to Sclerotinia. They
applied the ascospore test on F2 and F4 plants and the mycelium test on F3 plants. Their results
showed that in all cases there was a variation in the level of resistance among F3 families. The
gains in relation to their parents ranged from 24 to 61%.

Vear et al. [76] applied 14 cycles of recurrent selection to a sunflower restorer population
developed in 1978 and they obtained significant results. The mycelium test was used in the
first three cycles and a combined test with a suspension of ascospores in the subsequent cycles.
About 80% reduction of the infected area was achieved in the fourth cycle. In the 12th cycle,
the latency index (a measure of incubation period) in the ascospore test was doubled. Simple
regression provided the best relation with this cycle, indicating that further increase in the
degree of tolerance was possible.

Christov [66] and Christov et al. [77] reported that higher-ploidy perennial species (hexaploid
and tetraploid species) exhibited greater susceptibility than the diploids, with H. glaucophyllus,
H. divaricatus, H. salicifolius, and H. mollis having the highest frequency of healthy plants.
Tolerance to Sclerotinia was observed in the perennials H. eggertii, H. pauciflorus, and H.
smithii and annuals H. annuus, H. argophillus, H. petiolaris, and H. praecox [78].

Interspecific hybrids based on H. nuttallii, H. giganteus, and H. maximiliani were reported to

show resistance against stem infection by Henn et al. [79]. Miller and Gulya [80] developed
four maintainer and four restorer oilseed lines with improved tolerance to Sclerotinia stalk rot.
The inbred line HA 410 released by Miller and Gulya [80] derived from a wild perennial
hexaploid, H. pauciflorus (=rigidus), had a moderate tolerance to stalk rot. Sclerotinia root rot
tolerance was observed in perennials H. mollis, H. nuttallii, H. resinosus, and H. tuberosus [81].

Among the perennial species, resistance to Sclerotinia was observed in population of H.

tuberosus, H. divaricatus, H. hirsutus, H. maximiliani, H. mollis, H. nuttallii, H. occidentalis, and H.
rigidus (= pauciflorus) grown under natural infection conditions [82].

Sclerotinia head rot tolerance was observed in perennials H. resinosus, H. tuberosus, H. decape‐
talus, H. grosseserratus, H. nuttallii, and H. pauciflorus [83–85].

In the past decade, advances were made in the research of Sclerotinia resistance at the molecular
level, particularly in the marker-assisted selection [86, 50, 62, and many others]. The new
methods are expected to provide significant help to sunflower breeders [86].

2.1.3. Sunflower rust (Puccinia helianthi Schw.)

Rust is the second most important sunflower disease considering its global distribution. The
disease causes economic loargophyllussses in sunflower production in North and South
America, Australia and Africa. Based on our own observations, rust is present in several
countries in Asia (China, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, and others), but its racial composition has
not been determined yet. Fortunately for Europe, the local rust population is fairly stable. Rust
races were studied most extensively in North America. Sackston [87] determined four North
American races, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Race 4 was identified by Yang [88] and race 6 by Lambrides and
Miller [89].
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 605

Antonelli [90] and Senetinner et al. [91] studied sunflower resistance to an Argentinean rust
isolate, clone 340, and found that the lines MP 447, MP 444, and LC 74/74-20620 were resistant
to it and that the resistance was controlled by a single dominant gene.

Hugues et al. [92] studied the occurrence and distribution of rust in Argentina in the period
1982–2008. Their results indicated that resistant cultivars were stable in terms of rust resistance.
They also concluded that a single rust pathotype existed in central and southern sunflower-
growing regions of Argentina, which was in contrast to previous studies.

In Africa, the determination of rust races in sunflower was done only in Mozambique. Using
differential lines from Canada and USA, Vicente and Zazzerini [93] found that the rust race 4
was present in Mozambique.

In Europe, rust has been studied on a limited scale. Most of the work had been done at VNIIMK,
Krasnodar. Studying various methods of inoculation by rust, Galina Pustovoit and Slyusar [94]
concluded that growing a mixture of resistant genotypes in spatial isolation completed by
selection of resistant plants was the most appropriate method.

Miller et al. [95] tested 343 genotypes for resistance to rust and found that 12 genotypes were
resistant to race 4. The authors also found that the lines HA-R1, HA-R3, HA-R4, HA-R34, and
647-1 shared the same locus, R4, while the line HA-R2 had a different one that was named R4.

Kochman and Goulter [96] proposed a system for identification of rust races in sunflower, and
examined the slow-rusting phenomenon and resistance gene pyramiding to control sunflower

Sendall et al. [97] studied the diversity of Puccinia helianthi pathosystem in sunflower in
Australia at the molecular level and found a set of 24 lines and determined putative resistance

Regarding the methods of artificial inoculation, Gulya and Maširević [98] provided a detailed
description of inoculation techniques for evaluating sunflower resistance to rust under
laboratory conditions (greenhouse experiments) as well as under field conditions. They also
ranked the differential lines in three sets: set one (S-37-388, CM90RR, and MC29), set two
(P-386, HA-R1, and HA-R2), and set three (R3-HA, HA-R4, and R4-HA).

Wild species of the genus Helianthus are a rich gene pool for further identification of resistance
genes and their use to forestall the emergence of new races of Puccinia helianthi.

2.1.4. Stem canker (Phomopsis) Diaporthe helianthi

In the past three decades, Phomopsis has become the most destructive disease on the global
scale. Its large-scale occurrence was first registered in the Vojvodina Province (Serbia) and
Romania in 1980, when it caused large economic damage to sunflower production. Soon
afterwards, it was registered in most sunflower-growing countries in Europe (France,
Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, and Italy). In the early 1980s, its presence was
reported in the USA, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Australia, Iran, and some other coun‐
tries [22].
606 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

The first significant results in sunflower breeding for resistance to Phomopsis were achieved in
Serbia and Romania.

Škorić [99] reported that of 4000 inbred lines and 2000 experimental hybrids, only four lines
exhibited field resistance to Phomopsis. Two of these lines had been derived from interspecific
hybrids (cultivated sunflower × H. tuberosus): one was obtained from a cross of H. argophyl‐
lus × Armavirski 9344 and the restorer line SNRF-69 was derived from a local population from

Based on extensive research, Vrânceanu et al. [100] found that the sunflower resistance to
Phomopsis is of the horizontal type and that it is positively correlated with the stay-green
phenomenon. The authors reported that, of all Romanian hybrids, Select has the highest degree
of tolerance to Phomopsis.

Škorić [99] found that three female lines (Ha-22, Ha-74, and Ha-BCPL) and the restorer line
SNRF-6 are field resistant to Phomopsis. Resistance was transferred to the hybrids NS-H-43,
NS-H-44, and H-NS-44 developed from these lines. The same author also reported that
Phomopsis resistance is positively correlated with Macrophomina and Phoma resistance as well
as with drought tolerance.

Vrânceanu et al. [101] concluded that partial dominance is expressed in the inheritance of
Phomopsis resistance in some cases, while additive inheritance is much more frequent. The
same authors found that the stay-green stem at the ripening stage is positively correlated with
Phomopsis resistance.

Much work has been done lately on the use of molecular markers in breeding for Phomopsis

Studying recombinant inbred lines derived by crossing LR4-17 (resistant) with HA89 (suscep‐
tible) at the molecular level, Langar et al. [102, 103] concluded that unlinked segments carried
major QTLs for different components of resistance, and that the resistances of leaves and stems
could be pyramided with a marker-assisted selection.

Molecular studies on the intraspecific diversity of this fungus using intergenic spacer sequence
analysis revealed a high homology among French/Yugoslavian and among Italian isolates
[104]. The phylogenetic tree obtained from the aligned data revealed three separate groups.
The analysis also showed that all isolates originating from countries with regular and severe
outbreaks of the disease (e.g., France, Yugoslavia, etc.) formed a well-defined taxon with
relatively low variability compared with isolates from Italy where the disease seldom occurs.
In another paper, Rekab et al. [105] pointed out a polyphyletic nature of this fungus.

Škorić [99] and Dozet [106] reported high levels of resistance to Phomopsis in H. maximiliani,
H. hirsutus, H. pauciflorus, H. mollis, H. resinosus, and H. tuberosus.

Interspecific hybrids based on H. eggertii and H. smithii showed high tolerance to Phomopsis in
Bulgaria [107].
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 607

Christov [78] identified annuals H. annuus, H. argophyllus, and H. debilis and perennials H.
pauciflorus, H. glaucophyllus, and H. eggertii as potential sources of Phomopsis brown stem canker
resistance, based on field screening in Bulgaria.
Nikolova et al. [108] reported resistance to stem canker in progenies of interspecific hybrids of
perennial H. pumilus. Resistance to Phomopsis was reported in interspecific hybrids derived
from H. argophyllus, H. deserticola, H. tuberosus, and H. xlaetiflorus [109].
Complete resistance to Phomopsis was reported in interspecific hybrids of H. salicifolius by
Encheva et al. [110] and Škorić [22].
State research and private companies have developed a rich germplasm for Phomopsis

2.1.5. Verticillium wilt (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.)

In addition to Verticillium dahliae Kleb., sunflowers are attacked by Verticillium albo-atrum R. et
B. and Verticillium lateritium Bertk. Verticillium dahliae Kleb. is the most harmful of these three
fungi and it is also the most widespread globally. It causes economic damage to sunflower
production in North and South America, Europe, North Africa, Australia, and some countries
in Asia [22].
Sunflower breeding for Verticillium wilt resistance has been extensive in the USA, Canada, and
Argentina. Putt [111] discovered the first sources of resistance to Verticillium wilt. His discovery
was confirmed by Fick and Zimmer [112]. Resistance to the American race was found in the
line HA-89 derived from the Russian cultivar VNIIMK 8931. It is controlled by a single
dominant gene.
Bruniard et al. [113] and Bertero de Romano [114] found a Verticillium race in Argentina that
could not be controlled by the gene V1 (HA89).
Bruniard et al. [113] reported to have developed the lines V144, V99, V134, and V196 resistant
to the Argentine race of Verticillium.
Gulya [54] reported that in 2002 he had found a new strain of V. dahliae, which was able to
overcome the simple, V-1 dominant resistant gene used in oilseed and confection hybrids. The
author tested a diverse germplasm and found that the Russian variety VNIIMK 8883 had genes
for resistance to the new strain of Verticillium dahliae.
Several researchers used wild sunflower species in order to identify the source of resistance
to Verticillium wilt.
Assessing the resistance of interspecific hybrids (cultivated sunflower × H. tuberosus) to
Verticillium wilt, Galina Pustovoit and Krokhin [115] found a different mode of inheritance of
resistance (two or three recessive genes or two complementary dominant genes), which
hinders the development of resistant genotypes.
Putt [111] discovered a source of resistance in line CM144, which was derived from an
interspecific hybrid of wild H. annuus. Škorić [116] determined high tolerance to Verticillium
dahliae in H. occidentalis, H. hirsutus, and H. tuberosus.
608 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

2.1.6. Charcoal rot [Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goild]

Synonyms for this fungus are Sclerotium bataticola Taub., Macrophomina phaseoli (Maubl.) Ashby
and Rhizoctonia bataticola (Taub.) Butler.

Charcoal rot causes economic damage to sunflower production in arid regions. It is widespread
in most sunflower-growing countries.

Charcoal rot may cause premature death of sunflowers grown on light, sandy soil under hot
and dry climate. The disease is well known in the southern part of Europe [52].

Manici et al. [117] concluded that the great variability in pathogenicity in all the climatic areas
of Italy suggests good adaptation of Macrophomina to the host.

This pathogen has been studied by many authors. Iliescu [118] and Ionita and Iliescu [119]
published a detailed review of charcoal rot symptomatology, taxonomy, epidemiology,
pathogenesis, and control of Macrophomina in sunflowers. To our knowledge, a most detailed
description of charcoal rot has been provided by Aćimović [120].

Walcz and Piszkev [121] have developed an inoculation method for screening sunflower lines
for resistance to this pathogen.

Mihaljčević [122, 123] conducted the most detailed studies on the effectiveness of inoculation
methods with Macrophomina. According to his results, the method of Hsi (1961) was the best
of the four inoculation methods tested. Hsi developed this method for sorghum testing and
Mihaljčević [122] adapted it for sunflower testing.

Ahmad et al. [124] examined 13 exotic sunflower inbred lines and eight Macrophomina isolates.
The tested inbred lines differed significantly in agronomic characteristics (head diameter, head
weight, number of seeds per head, 1000-seed weight, and yield per unit area). The inbred lines
HAR 1 and HAR 2 were resistant/tolerant across all charcoal rot isolates, while HA 822 was
susceptible to the disease development and two charcoal rot isolates (MP9 and MP21) were
virulent in affecting the head weight.

Mihaljčević [122] also found high resistance levels in lines derived from the Argentine cultivars
Pehuan INTA, Ciro, and Klein as well as in the lines GVP-1 and GVP-2, derived from varietal
populations (VNIIMK, Krasnodar) developed by interspecific hybridization with H. tuberosus.

Galina Pustovoit and Gubin [83] found the sources of resistance to Macrophomina in the F14
progenies of the interspecific hybrid VNIIMK8931 × H. tuberosus. A radical inoculation method
(injecting fungus suspension into the head tissue) confirmed a complete resistance in 62 lines.

Studies of wild sunflower species have been insufficient to enable the identification of
resistance genes as the sources of resistance against charcoal rot. Seiler [49] concluded that
interspecific hybrids based on H. tuberosus have resistance to charcoal rot. Wild species H.
mollis, H. maximiliani, H. resinosus, H. tuberosus, and H. pauciflorus have also shown resistance.
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 609

2.1.7. Phoma black stem (Phoma macdonaldii Boerema)

According to Aćimović [120], the synonym for this fungus is Phoma oleracea var. helianthi-
tuberosi Sacc.

Phoma black stem is in large expansion in several countries in the world. It causes premature
drying of plants (forced ripening) resulting in economic damage that increases from 1 year to
another [22].

Viranyi [52] points out that Phoma black stem is extremely severe in France where basal stem
lesions often result in lodging.

The inoculation method described by Maširević [125] is recommended to sunflower breeders.

For efficiency, molecular markers should be used when screening breeding material.

Fayzalla [126] examined in detail the resistance to Phoma macdonaldii in a large set of Novi Sad
genotypes of cultivated sunflower and several wild species. Using an inoculation method, he
found that there was no satisfactory tolerance to Phoma macdonaldii in the genotypes of the
cultivated sunflower. Among the wild species, however, high tolerance was registered in H.
maximiliani, H. argophillus, H. tuberosus, and H. pauciflorus.

Phoma black stem resistance has been reported in several perennial species: H. eggertii, H.
hirsutus, H. resinosus, and H. tuberosus [99].

Encheva et al. [110] stated that interspecies of hybrids based on H. salicifolius are highly resistant
to Phoma black stem.

Christov [78] also confirms that interspecies hybrids based on H. eggertii, H. debilis, and H.
argophillus exhibit high levels of resistance to Phoma.

Darwishzadeh et al. [127] undertook experiments to determine the partial resistance of

sunflower genotypes to seven isolates and highly significant differences were observed among
genotypes, isolates, and their interactions. Two genotypes exhibited specific resistance with a
wide range of isolate-nonspecific partial resistance appearing as well. In addition, QTLs were
also found associated with isolate-specific and nonspecific resistance [128]. Alignan et al. [129]
developed a 1000-element cDNA microarray-containing genes putatively involved in primary
metabolic pathways in order to identify genes responsible for partial resistance. They were
successful in identifying 38 genes differently expressed among genotypes, treatments, and

According to Škorić [99], resistance to Phoma black stem is positively correlated with resistance
to Phomopsis stem canker and charcoal rot.

2.1.8. Alternaria blight (Alternaria helianthi Tub. et Nish.)

Aćimović [120] cited the following synonyms for Alternaria blight: Helminthosporium helianthi
Hansf., Alternaria leucanthemum Nelena et Vas. and Embellisia helianthi (Hansf.). The same
author stated that sunflowers are also attacked by Alternaria zinniae Pape, Alternaria alternata
(Fr.) Keiss (synonym Alternaria tenuis Ness.) and Alternaria helianthinficiens Simmons, Walcz,
610 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

and Roberts. Of these species, Alternaria helianthi is the most common on sunflowers and the
best studied from the point of view of sunflower resistance. It was found to attack sunflowers
in all continents where this oilseed crop is grown. In the previous decade, it caused the most
extensive economic damage on sunflowers in India and Brazil. According to Aćimović [120],
most of the cultivated sunflower genotypes are sensitive to Alternaria blight.

Regina et al. [130] concluded that the occurrence of Alternaria helianthi in southern Brazil
depended on the pathogen race and sunflower cultivar to a large extent. Attack is most
intensive on crops sown in December and least intensive in October-sown crops. Dudienas et
al. [131] claimed that Alternaria causes economic damage in Brazil, especially in humid

Aćimović [132] tested 1389 inbred lines for 4 years under field conditions and found that only
six lines possessed satisfactory tolerance to Alternaria blight.

Madhavi et al. [133] found the sources of resistance to Alternaria blight in H. tuberosus and H.

Lipps and Herr [134] examined 496 sunflower genotypes for resistance to Alternaria for 3 years
and found tolerance in eight genotypes only. A different situation was encountered when the
H. tuberosus population was inoculated in the greenhouse. Based on the obtained results, the
authors concluded that H. tuberosus can be used as a source of resistance to Alternaria helianthi.

Morris et al. [135] confirmed that all 21 annual taxa and 18 of 21 perennial species evaluated
were susceptible to A. helianthi using applied spore suspensions, while perennial species H.
hirsutus, H. pauciflorus ssp. subrhomboideus, and H. tuberosus appear to resist infection by A.

Sujatha et al. [136] determined that nine perennial Helianthus species, H. maximiliani, H. mollis,
H. divaricatus, H. simulans, H. occidentalis, H. pauciflorus and H. decapetalus, H. resinosus, and H.
tuberosus were highly resistant to Alternaria leaf spot; all annuals were susceptible.

Christov [78] reported that perennial H. decapetalus, H. laevigatus, H. glaucophyllus, and H.

ciliaris were potential sources of genes for Alternaria resistance.

Complete resistance to Alternaria leaf spot was reported in interspecific hybrids of H. salicifo‐
lius by Encheva et al. [110]. Škorić [81] obtained similar results.

2.2. Other fungal diseases

There is a large number of other fungal diseases of sunflower that cause economic damage to
sunflower production in some regions and in some years. Unfortunately, most of them have
not been included in breeding programs yet [22].

2.2.1. Fusarium wilt (Fusarium spp.)

According to Aćimović [120], several species of the genus Fusarium attack sunflowers:
Fusarium solani, Fusarium solani var. minus, Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium oxysporum, F.
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 611

helianthi, Fusarium moniliforme (syn. Gibberella fujikuroi), Fusarium equiseti, Fusarium tabacum,
Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium sp. and Fusarium spp.
Viranyi [52] states that Fusarium wilt (Fusarium spp.) has been reported as a pathogen of concern
only from Russia [137] where it appeared to be harmful for sunflower production. Based on
the extent of necrosis incited by the fungus on the main root and the root–hypocotyl transition
zone of sunflower seedlings, some tolerance to pathogen attack could be detected among the
genotypes [138]. In a breeding program, a number of new breeding lines were developed
exhibiting relatively good field tolerance [139].
There are few research papers dealing with sunflower resistance to Fusarium. In one of these
earlier papers, Orellana [140] reported that out of 49 inbred lines tested, 23 were resistant to
Fusarium moniliforme. In recent years, Goncharov [139] produced plants tolerant to Fusarium
on the basis of laboratory tests and individual selection of plants from three double-cross
combinations and an F3 cross (UV.680 × o.p. cv. Leader).

2.2.2. Rhizopus head rot (Rhizopus spp.)

Dry rot of sunflower is caused by the following fungi from the genus Rhizopus: Rhizopus
arrhizus Fisch. (syn. Rhizopus nodosus Namysl.), Rhizopus nigricans Ehr. (syn. Rhizopus stoloni‐
fer Eh. et Fr.) and Rhizopus oryzae Nent et Geer [120].
Dry rot occurs typically in regions with dry climate and high temperatures. It often causes a
significant yield reduction and it particularly reduces the oil content in seeds [22].
It has become an important disease of sunflower in the USA [141]. The disease reduced oil
quality and quantity in oilseed sunflower [142]. Infection of sunflower with Rhizopus head rot
is enhanced by larval feeding of sunflower moth, Homoeosoma electellum (Hulst), which
contributes to a secondary infection [141].
Yang et al. [143] reported that 4 out of 32 wild species and subspecies were resistant when
inoculated with R. arrhizus and R. oryzae Went. The resistant sources were perennial H.
divaricatus, H. hirsutus, H. xlaetiflorus, and H. resinosus.
One of the pioneer works was that of Agrawat et al. [144], who studied the resistance to Rhizopus
nodosus in 91 sunflower cultivars. Their results based on an inoculation test indicated that
resistance existed only in cultivars – Armavirec, Armavirskiy 3497, EC 40277, and K-2217, all
from Krasnodar.
Rhizopus head rot brings great economic damage in many countries, by decreasing seed yield,
seed oil content, and seed development. Unfortunately, few researchers in the world work on
the examination of this pathogen.

2.2.3. Powdery mildew (Erysiphe cichoracearum DC)

Sunflower is a host to three fungal genera that cause powdery mildew [120, 145]: Erysiphe
cichoracearum DC, which is widespread in all continents where sunflower are grown, Leveillula
compositarum Golow., Leveillula taurica (Lev.) Arn., and Sphaerotheca fuliginea (Schlecht. ex Fr.)
612 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

Since Erysiphe cichoracearum DC is common on sunflowers around the world, resistance to this
pathogen has been studied most extensively. Saliman et al. [146] was among the first to identify
wild species from the genus Helianthus resistant to Erysiphe [120].

Jan and Chandler [147] transferred the resistance from H. debilis Nutt. into the line P21. The
mode of inheritance in this resistance source was partially dominant. According to unpub‐
lished results of Škorić, resistance to powdery mildew exists in several inbred lines, especially
those that incorporate genes from H. tuberosus.

Breeding programs conducted in Argentina, Australia, and the Republic of South Africa have
been targeted on Albugo resistance and several highly tolerant hybrids were obtained.

Seiler [49] indicates that Helianthus debilis ssp. praecox, and H. bolanderi, and 14 perennial species
were tolerant of powdery mildew in both field and greenhouse tests [146]. Not all population
of perennial species are resistant: population of H. grosseserratus and H. maximiliani showed
differential reactions. Škorić [116] reported that interspecific hybrids with H. giganteus, H.
hirsutus, H. divaricatus, and H. salicifolius had no powdery mildew symptoms.

Jan and Chandler [147] transferred the resistance from H. debilis Nutt. into the line P21. The
mode of inheritance in this resistance source was partially dominant. According to unpub‐
lished results of Škorić, resistance to powdery mildew exists in several inbred lines, especially
those that incorporate genes from H. tuberosus.

2.2.4. Botrytis cinerea Pers.

Sunflower geneticists and breeders have unjustly neglected the polyphagous fungus Botrytis
cinerea Pers., although it causes economic damage in sunflower production in some regions.

Prats [148] was the first to discover a source of resistance to Botrytis cinerea in the cultivar INRA

Burlov and Artemenko [149] found the line Od-2624 to be resistant to Botrytis.

Kostyuk [150] studied some 1400 sunflower genotypes and found that none of them were
resistant and only some were tolerant to Botrytis under natural and inoculation conditions.

2.2.5. White rust (Albugo tragopogonis Schr.)

According to Aćimović [120] the synonym for this fungus is Albugo tragopogonis (Pers.) Schr.
White rust has been registered on sunflowers in several countries and is particularly aggressive
in South America (Argentina), Africa (Republic of South Africa), some Asian countries, several
countries from the former Soviet Union, and Australia.

Breeding programs conducted in Argentina, Australia, and the Republic of South Africa have
been targeted on Albugo resistance and several highly tolerant hybrids were obtained [22].

An established breeding centre, which focuses its research on identifying sources of resistance
to white rust in wild species of genus Helianthus, unfortunately does not exist anywhere in the
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 613

2.3. Viruses and Bacteria

Some viruses are capable of causing disease in sunflowers. The number of viruses that are
specific and attack only sunflowers is very limited. In most cases, the main host is another
agricultural crop and sunflower is only a secondary host [120]. According to Gulya et al. [145],
several viruses attack sunflower: aster yellows virus, cucumber mosaic virus, sunflower
mosaic virus, sunflower ringspot virus, sunflower yellow blotch virus, leaf crinkle virus,
tobacco ringspot virus, tobacco streak virus, tomato spotted wilt virus, potyvirus, etc.
Viruses are typically transmitted by vectors, the most important among which are aphids.
Srechari et al. [151] reported three aphid species, Aphis gossypii Glove., Aphis craccivora Koch,
and Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch), as virus vectors. Among them, A. gossypii is best known as
the vector that transmits the sunflower mosaic disease.
Lenardon et al. [152] detected the sunflower chlorotic mottle virus (SuCMoV) in several regions
of Argentina.
Lenardon et al. [153] tested 232 lines in the greenhouse using an inoculation method. Only
three lines exhibited partial resistance (L33, L74, and L42) to the sunflower chlorotic mottle
virus. Of these three lines, L33 was the most resistant. Screening F2 population of crosses
between resistant and sensitive lines in the greenhouse and in field, the authors concluded that
the resistance is controlled by a single dominant gene (Remo-1).
In recent years, the sunflower chlorotic mottle virus has been studied intensively at the
molecular level.
Dujovny et al. [153] conducted a molecular characterization of a new potyvirus (SuCMoV).
Arias et al. [155] described the effect of SuCMoV on some aspects of carbon metabolism in
sunflower plants.
Mailo et al. [156] mechanically inoculated one sensitive (20 016) and one tolerant line (B-133)
with SuCMoV. Total RNA was isolated from infected leaf tissue for study at the molecular
level. The achieved results indicated that the gene expression profiles in the inoculated plants
(of the sensitive and the tolerant line) were statistically significant compared with leaves of
plants that were not inoculated. Eighty-eight genes were differentially expressed in the tolerant

2.3.1. Bacterial diseases

Bacterial diseases of sunflower are caused by pathogenic bacteria. They can be found on
sunflowers in most countries where this oil crop is grown. In addition to sunflower, most of
these bacteria also attack other crops. The sunflower is typically a secondary host and quite
rarely the main host [120].
The most widespread bacteria on sunflowers are Agrobacterium tumefaciens (E. F. Sm. and
Town.) Conn, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci (Wolf and Foster 1917) Young, Dye and Wilkie
1978 (synonyms Pseudomonas tabaci and Bacterium tabacum Wolf and Foster), Xanthomonas
campestris pv. phaseoli (Smith) Due., Pseudomonas syringae pv. helianthi (Kawamura) Dye, Wilkie
614 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

and Young, Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith), Erwinia carotovora pv. carotovora (Jones) Bergey
et al., etc. [120].

There are few papers in the literature dealing with sunflower selection for resistance to
bacterial diseases.

Among these few, Nemeth and Walcz [157] reported the occurrence of Erwinia carotovora on
sunflowers in Hungary in the period 1984–1986. Testes of inbred lines and commercial hybrids
conducted under natural conditions indicated that there existed significant differences in
resistance to this bacterial disease. However, the tests showed that the breeding material can
be tested by inoculation methods under field conditions.

2.4. Sunflower breeding for resistance to broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.)

The parasitic angiosperm broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr. = Orobanche cernua Loelf.) is
the cause of many economic losses in sunflower production in a number of countries in the
world, especially in central and eastern Europe, Spain, Turkey, Israel, Kazakhstan, and China.
Its presence has also been established in Australia.

Sunflower breeders have been fighting Orobanche cumana Wallr. for almost a century [22].

According to past researches, there have been different mechanisms of sunflower resistance
to Orobanche. Most often these are genetic mechanisms, but there are also physiological,
biochemical, mechanical, and others.

According to Morozov [158], the first reports of broomrape in sunflower came from Saratov
Oblast in Russia and date back to the 1890s. The same author mentions that the first sunflower
varieties resistant to race A of Orobanche were developed by Plachek at the Saratov breeding

At the beginning of the 20th century, broomrape spread across Russia significantly and
endangered the mass production of sunflower. The first cultivar resistant to race A, Saratovskij
169, was created by Plachek. In the years that followed, other cultivars resistant to race A were
also produced (Kruglik A/41, Zelenka, and Fuksinka). As the mass production of sunflower
spread quickly, it was followed by a relatively fast production of a new race called B. Zhdanov
in Rostov on the Don announced that he had produced several cultivars resistant to a new race
(B). During the period 1924–1960, Pustovoit in VNIIMK, Krasnodar created highly productive
cultivars, which were resistant to race B [22, 158].

In order to attain their breeding goals and identify sources of broomrape resistance, sunflower
breeders must develop a breeding strategy, decide on a breeding method, secure the necessary
germplasm and differential lines for broomrape race identification, and choose the appropriate
inoculation method and molecular marker technique (marker-assisted selection (MAS)) –
Škorić [22].

Vrânceanu et al. [159] defined a set of differential lines for the evaluation of the composition
of broomrape races. Among them was the AD-66 line, which represented a tester line suscep‐
tible to all broomrape races. On the other hand, the differential line (cultivar) Kruglik A41 was
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 615

used for race A, the Jdanov-8281 cultivar for race B, the Romanian cultivar Record for race C,
line S-1348 for race D, and line P-1380-2 for race E. Pâcureanu-Joița et al. [160] included the line
LC-1093 as a tester for race F. Unfortunately, there have been no tester lines for the latest
broomrape races [160].
Genes for resistance to broomrape races A, B, C, and D are present in varietal populations
of sunflower developed in breeding programs from Krasnodar, Armavir, Odessa, Fundu‐
lea, and several other places [149]. Genes that confer resistance to races E, F, G, and the latest
ones, on the other hand, have been identified in certain wild species of the genus Helian‐
thus and have been incorporated into cultivated sunflower genotypes by interspecific
hybridization [161, 162].
Galina Pustovoit [163] and her team made a great contribution in this area by developing
sunflower varieties through interspecific hybridization in which H. tuberosus was used as the
donor of Or genes. These varieties were used in the identification of Or4 and Or6 genes.
Fernandez-Martinez et al. [164] tested 44 wild sunflower accessions (representing 27 perennial
and 4 annual species) and 44 cultivated sunflower accessions, which they raised in a growth
chamber and then transplanted to a greenhouse. The material was inoculated with the virulent
race F (population SE 296). Most of the perennial species proved fully resistant to race F.
Among the wild annual species, H. anomalus and H. agrestis were completely resistant, while
H. debilis ssp. cucumerifolius and H. exilis segregated with regard to Orobanche resistance [164].
Interspecific hybrids based on H. eggertii and H. smithii showed total resistance to broomrape
in Bulgaria [107]. Broomrape resistance to the local race in Bulgaria was reported in H.
divaricatus, H. eggertii, H. giganteus, H. grosseserratus, H. glaucophyllus, H. mollis, H. nuttallii, H.
pauciflorus (=rigidus), H. resinosus, and H. tuberosus [107, 165].
Diploid perennial species H. divaricatus, H. giganteus, H. glaucophyllus, H. grosseserratus, H.
mollis, H. nuttallii, and H. smithii and their interspecific hybrids were resistant to broomrape
[67]. Christov [78] reported that several perennial Helianthus species showed 100% resistance
including H. tuberosus, H. eggertii, H. smithii, H. pauciflorus, and H. strumosus.
Jan et al. [166] crossed the wild sunflower species H. maximiliani Schrad, H. grosseserratus Mart.,
and H. divaricatus L. with cultivated sunflower and developed four populations (BR1-BR4)
resistant to race F in Spain.
Numerous authors in public institutions and private companies use wild sunflower species as
donors of genes for resistance to broomrape.
The sources of resistance to broomrape, which have been discovered so far, mostly use the
gene of resistance taken from the wild species of the genus Helianthus. According to the results
obtained so far, there are over 20 wild species of the genus Helianthus, which contain the gene
of resistance to broomrape [22].
When broomrape occurred, breeders used infested fields for testing selection materials for
broomrape resistance in many countries. This method is not reliable enough since in natural
conditions infestation with broomrape on those fields is not equally spread, which causes large
616 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

experimental errors. A much more reliable method, which is applied on testing resistance, is
mixing of broomrape seed (a certain amount) with the selection material in the process of
cultivation. In order to accelerate the process of testing the resistance of selection material,
there are certain containers used in a greenhouse during the period autumn/winter, which are
filled with a mixture of soil and sand filled with broomrape seeds and the seed of sunflower
genotypes that are being tested [22].
Panchenko [167] developed a method of testing the selection materials in the greenhouse,
which enables simultaneous testing of a great number of lines that are being created. The
purpose of this method is preparation of a medium (sterilized soil + sand or perlite) on the
tables in the medium. Following that, the appropriate amount of broomrape seed is added and
the selection material is cultivated. Within 3–4 weeks after germination, it is possible to make
the evaluation of resistance.
In Rustica Prograin Genetique, Grezes-Besset [168] developed a fast method of testing the
selection material of sunflower in plastic tubes (a mixture of sand and perlite), which enables
a reliable testing of a large number of lines (hybrids) in small space and the cycle lasts about
3 weeks.
However, the most reliable and the most easily applied method of screening breeding materials
for broomrape resistance is the use of molecular markers, QTL, RFLP, RAPD, TRAOP, and
SSR markers which have been used for this purpose.
Increased use of marker-assisted selection, which gives quick and reliable results, is very
positive for sunflower breeding.
The best example of that is the production of hybrids resistant to the imidazolinone group of
herbicides, which has proven itself in mass production by cultivating IMI-resistant hybrids
followed by controlling broomrape. IMI-resistant hybrids are very important in regions where
new races of broomrape have occurred [22].
Dominant genes for resistance to races A, B, C, D, E, and F have been found and incorporated
into cultivated sunflower genotypes. In the last 2–3 years, new broomrape populations have
been discovered in several countries. None of the existing commercial hybrids resistant to races
A, B, C, D, E, and F have proven resistant to these new populations.

2.5. Sunflower breeding for insect resistance

Several hundred different species of insects cause infestations in sunflower. However,

economic losses are caused only by a few insect species [169]. Some insects transmit several
sunflower diseases [170]. Homoeosoma spp. are a significant problem in cultivated sunflower
on four continents. Homoeosoma nebulella (Hubner) infests sunflower in Europe and Asia. In
South America, sunflower is infested by H. heinrichi (Pastrana), whereas H. electellum (Hulst)
causes damage to sunflower in Mexico, USA, and Canada.
Cultivar resistance to European sunflower moth (H. nebulella) was incorporated in USSR 60-70
years ago through interspecies hybridization of cultivated sunflower and H. tuberosus spp.
Purpurellus, Cockerell [171, 172].
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 617

The mechanism of resistance to sunflower moth exists due to the phytomelanin (carbon) layer
in the husk. Black hull colour is positively correlated with phytomelanin content in the husk.
North-American species of sunflower moth (H. electellum) is far more virulent on cultivated
sunflower than H. nebulella; hence, resistance breeding to this insect is of great importance in
North America.
According to the results of Rogers and Kreitner [173], the presence of phytomelanin in
sunflower seed pericarp prevents seed infestation with H. electellum. By monitoring the
formation of pericarp (husk), it was determined that phytomelanin starts to accumulate
between the hypodermis and sclerenchyma 3 days after fertilization, whereas its formation is
clearly visible 13 days after fertilization.
In the major production area of North America, there are about 14 principal insect pests of
cultivated sunflower, and of this total about six are considered potential economic pests [174].
“Two breeding procedures are recommended for identifying lines with improved resistance
to insects attacking cultivated sunflower. These procedures are based on the initial evidence
that the resistance to the insects is quantitatively inherited, that is, controlled by several genes.
Both are based on recurrent selection and random mating, with the main objective to combine
as many of the alleles controlling resistance as possible” [175].
“The recurrent phenotypic selection breeding procedure could be utilized for selection against
stem and/or foliage infesting insects. An original (C0) source population may be created by
random mating cultivars or lines (e.g., Plant introductions, open-pollinated populations),
which are then screened for resistance to a particular insect attack sunflower” [175].
“Recurrent phenotypic selection with S1 line progeny evaluation could be utilized for
selection for head and/or seed infesting insects. An original (C0) source population is created
similarly as in the recurrent phenotypic selection procedure. The C0 population is planted
in a normal breeding nursery with the most vigorous plants selected for bagging and self-
pollination” [175].
According to Seiler [49], the insects causing most economic damage in North America are:
sunflower beetle [Zygogramma exclamationis (Fabritius)], the sunflower stem weevil [Cylindro‐
copturus adspersus (LeConte)], the red and gray seed weevils [Smicronyx fulvus (LeConte) and
S. sordidus (LeConte)], the banded sunflower moth (Cochylis hospes Walsingham), the sunflower
moth [Homoeosoma electellum (Hulst)], and the sunflower midge Contarinia schulzi Gagne. The
sunflower head moth, Homoeosoma electellum is the most widespread and damaging sunflower
insect pest in North America, while in Europe and Asia it is Homoeosoma nebulella (Hubner).
According to the results obtained by Rogers [176, 177], the following sunflower species exhibit
significant levels of resistance to sunflower moth: H. arizonensis, H. ciliaris, H. pumilus, H.
resinosus, H. rigidus × laetiforus, H. silphiodes and H. smithii.
Among the insects that cause economic losses to sunflower production, the biggest success
was achieved in breeding for resistance to sunflower head moth above all in Europe by the
development of cultivars in which an armored layer was induced in the husk from some
specific wild species. Similar results were obtained in North America.
618 Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants - Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

High level of resistance to Bothynus gibbosus was exhibited by the following species: H.
tuberoses, H. maximiliani, H. niveus, H. xlaetiflorus, H. salicifolius, H. mollis, H. grosseseratus, H.
Argophyllus, and H. ciliaris [178].
The results of Rogers [176, 179, 180], as well as Rogers and Thompson [178, 181, 182], confirm
high levels of resistance to Zygogramma exclamationis, Bothynus gibbosus, Masonaphis masoni and
Empoasca abrupta in wild sunflower species H. tuberosus and H. maximiliani, and recommend
the use of these species in breeding programs.
Results of Rogers and Thompson [183, 184] confirm significant levels of resistance in two
annual and 10 perennial wild species (Masonaphis masoni). The highest resistance to aphids
was seen in H. carnosus, H. exilis, H. floridanus and H. radula.
Weak point in sunflower breeding for resistance to insects is that only few sunflower research‐
ers deal with this issue. Insecticides can be used to some extent, more or less successfully, as
a solution to this problem in some species.

2.6. Conclusions

Biotic stresses cause great economic damages and act as a limiting factor for the production of
Diseases are the main problem among biotic stresses. Using wild sunflower species of the
Helianthus genus, genes conferring resistance to most dominant diseases were discovered and
incorporated to the genotypes of the cultivated sunflower.
Regarding the achievements in sunflower breeding for disease resistance, the results can be
divided into four different groups.
The first group consists of work that resulted in the discovery of genetic resistance to certain
causative agents of sunflower diseases (Plasmopara halstedii, Puccinia helianthi, Verticillium
dahliae, Verticillium albo-atrum, and Erysiphe cichoracearum).
The second group comprises work in which a high level of tolerance (field resistance) was
achieved. This group includes the results achieved in breeding for resistance to Phomopsis/
Diaporthe helianthi, Macrophomina phaseolina, Albugo tragopogonis, and Alternaria ssp.
The third group consists of results in which a satisfactory level of tolerance was achieved
(Phoma macdonaldii and to some extent Sclerotinia sclerotiorum).
The fourth group consists of results that were partly achieved, where the level of favorable
tolerance, that is, resistance, was not reached (Rhizopus ssp., Botrytis cinerea and other fungal
Viruses and bacteria only pose a minor problem in comparison with diseases. Breeding for
resistance to viruses and bacteria also includes wild sunflower species.
Broomrape (Orobanche cumana Walr.) is a major global issue in sunflower production, partic‐
ularly in Central and Eastern Europe. Genes conferring resistance to six races of broomrape
have been discovered in some wild sunflower species and incorporated into genotypes of the
Sunflower Breeding for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 619

cultivated sunflower. Research work, which aims at finding genes of resistance to the newest
races within specific wild sunflower species, is in progress.
Sources of resistance to imidazolines and sulfonylurea herbicides (tribenuron-methyl) have
been found in a population of wild H. annuus from Kansas and incorporated in cultivated
sunflower genotypes. Moreover, genes conferring resistance to these herbicides were discov‐
ered using induced mutations. The newly developed hybrids, resistant to the abovementioned
herbicides, provide successful weed and broomrape control through imidazolines.
Insects are a major issue in sunflower production, especially in North America. Significant
results have been obtained through breeding for resistance to sunflower head moth. Wild
sunflower species are used in research work aimed at finding the sources of resistance to other
economically harmful insects.
Different biotechnological methods (tissue culture, embryo culture, protoplast fusion, molec‐
ular markers, in vitro screening, and other methods) have been included in breeding for
resistance to biotic stresses.

Author details

Dragan Škorić*

Address all correspondence to: [email protected]

Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, SASA – Novi Sad Branch, Novi Sad, Serbia


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