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Conception St., Brgy. Central, Baganga Davao Oriental.


Name (optional): ______________________________________

TITLE: A Study on the Effects of Attitudes and Study Habits of Students on Modular
Learning in the Wake of COVID-19


Please check the corresponding box for your profile.

1. Sex
Male Female
2. Age
15 – 20 21 – 30 31 and above


INSTRUCTIONS: Please respond to the following questions by placing a check mark (√) in the
answer box that corresponds to your response. Your responses are voluntary and will be confidential.
Responses will not be identified by individual. All responses will be compiled together and analyzed as
a group.

5 – Never
4 – Rarely
3 – Sometimes
2 – Often
1 – Always

A. Tangibles 5 4 3 2 1
1. Studying and answering makes me feel lazy
2. I spent a lot of time playing online games that I don’t have
the interest of doing mg home works.
3. I pass my home works on the given date.
4. I feel lazy when I asked to do something that I can’t do in
my home works.
5. I feel lazy in doing my home works when I got many
household chores.
B. Responsiveness 5 4 3 2 1
I lose interest in doing my home works when I don’t get a
response when I’m asking my teachers
I lose interest in answering mg homework when I ask
something to my classmates and I don’t get a response to
C. Accessibility 5 4 3 2 1
1. I lose interest I cannot find my answer in the internet
2. I lose interest when I don’t have enough resources.


INSTRUCTIONS: Please respond to the following questions by placing a check mark (√) in the
answer box that corresponds to your response. Your responses are voluntary and will be
confidential. Responses will not be identified by individual. All responses will be compiled
together and analyzed as a group.

5 – Never
4 – Rarely
3 – Sometimes
2 – Often
1 – Always

Study habits in terms of Delay Avoidance 5 4 3 2 1

1. When my assigned homework is extra-long or
unusually hard, I either quit or study only the
easier parts of the lesson.
2. If I have to be absent from class, I make up
missed lessons without being reminded by the
3. Daydreaming distracts my attention from my
lessons while I am studying.
4. Even though an assignment is dull and boring, I
stick to it until it is completed
5. I keep all my work for each subject together and
carefully arranged in some planned order
6. When I am having trouble with my school work, I
try to talk it over with the teacher.
7. I do not bother to correct errors on the papers of
my teachers have graded and returned to me.
8. My place of study at home is kept neat and
9. Unless I really like a subject, I believe in doing only
enough to get a passing grade.
10.It takes a long time for me to get warmed up to
the job of studying.
11.I am unable to study well because I get restless,
moody, or have the blues.
12.I put off doing written assignments until the last
13.When I sit down to study I find myself too tired,
bored, or sleepy to study well.
14.I waste too much time talking, watching TV,
listening to the radio, going to the movies, etc. for
the good of my studies.
15.My studying at home is done in an easy-going,
unplanned manner
16.Having too many other things to do causes me to
get behind in my school work.
17.I try to do my assignments at school so as to
reduce my homework
18.Problems outside of school – with other students or
at home – cause me to neglect my school work.
19.I complete my homework assignments on time.
20.I like to have a radio, record player, or television
set turned on while I'm studying
21.With me, studying is sort of hit-or-miss depending
on the mood I'm in.
22.I study an hour or more each day outside of
23.I keep my assignments up to date by doing my
work regularly from day to day.
24.I prefer to study my lessons alone rather than with
25.At the beginning of a study period, I plan my work
so that I will make best use of my time.
Study Habits in terms of Work Method 5 4 3 2 1
1. In preparing reports, themes, and other written
work, I make certain that I clearly understand
what is wanted before I begin work.
2. I have trouble saying what I want to say on
test, reports, and other work to be turned in.
3. Daydreaming distracts my attention from
lessons while I'm studying.
4. I give special attention to neatness on themes,
reports, and other work to be turned in.
5. I memorize spelling rules, definition of words,
rules of grammar, etc. without really
understanding them.
6. I hesitate to ask a teacher for further
explanation of an assignment that is not clear to
7. I get nervous and confused when taking a test
and fail to answer questions as well as I otherwise
8. I have trouble with spelling, grammar, and
punctuation while writing themes and reports.
9. In taking notes, I tend to write down things
which later turn out to be unimportant
10. I do poorly on tests because I find it hard to
think clearly and plan my work within a short
period of time.
11. I skip over the figures, graphs, and tables in a
reading assignment.
12. After reading several pages of an assignment, I
am unable to remember what I have just read.
13. I find it hard to pick out the important points of
a reading assignment – points that later appear on
14. When in doubt about the proper form for a
written assignment, I find a model or guide to
15. When reading a long assignment, I stop now
and then to try to remember what I have read.
16. I seem to get very little done for the amount of
time I spend studying
17. I can study a reading assignment for only a
short while before the words stop making sense.
18. I copy the diagrams, drawings, tables, and
other illustrations that the teacher puts on the
19. I lose points on tests because I change my first
answer only to discover later that I was right the
first time.
20. When getting ready for a test I arrange facts to
be learned in some planned order – order of
importance, order in which taught, order of time in
history, etc.
21. I am careless about spelling, punctuation, and
grammar when answering test questions.
22. Although I work until the last possible minute, I
am unable to finish test within the time allowed.
23. If time is left, I take a few minutes to check
over my answers before turning in my test paper.


INSTRUCTIONS Please respond to the following questions by placing a check mark (√) in the
answer box that corresponds to your response. Your responses are voluntary and will be
confidential. Responses will not be identified by individual. All responses will be compiled
together and analyzed as a group.

5 – Strongly Agree
4 – Agree
3 – Neutral
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree

Students Behavior 5 4 3 2 1
1. I do not seem to have enough time to do
everything that needs to be done.
2. I have too much homework.
3. I spend time engaged in one of my favorite
4. I do not have time to get the rest I need.
5. I am late for classes and/or appointments.
6. I skip meals because I do not have time to eat.
7. I do not have enough time to prepare sufficiently
for quizzes and tests.
8. I try to get some time to relax.
9. I get anxious when I realized I do not have time
to get my work done.
10.I feel like I am hurrying all the time.
11.I just feel to overwhelmed to go on.
12.I wish I had more time to just be by myself.
13.I wish I had more time to spend having fun with
my friends.
14.I spend too much time watching television.
15.I need more time to think.


INSTRUCTIONS: Please respond to the following questions by placing a check mark (√) in the
answer box that corresponds to your response. Your responses are voluntary and will be
confidential. Responses will not be identified by individual. All responses will be compiled
together and analyzed as a group.

5 – Strongly Agree
4 – Agree
3 – Neutral
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree
Student Engagement 5 4 3 2 1
1.I frequently interacted with my instructor of this
modular learning.
2.I discussed what I learned in the modular
learning outside of class.
3.I completed my readings as assigned during the
modular learning.
4.I participated in synchronous and/or
asynchronous chat sessions during the modular
5.I was not actively engaged in the activities
required in the modular learning.
Instructor Presence
1.The instructor’s feedback on modular learning
was clearly stated
2.The instructor's feedback on modular learning
was not constructive.
3.The instructor provided timely feedback about
my progress in the modular learning.
4.The instructor cared about my progress in this
modular learning.
5.I learned from the feedback that was provided
during the modular learning.
Student Satisfaction
1.I am satisfied with my overall experience in this
modular learning.
2.I would not recommend this modular learning to
other students.
3.I am satisfied with the level of student
interaction that occurred in the modular learning.
4.I am satisfied with my learning in the modular
5.I am satisfied with the instructor of the modular
6.I am satisfied with the content of the modular
Perceived Learning
1.I am pleased with what I learned in the modular
2.The learning tasks enhanced my understanding
of the content.
3.I learned less in the modular leanring than I
4.I learned skills that will help me in the future.
5.The learning activities promoted the
achievement of student learning outcomes.
6.The modular learning contributed to my
professional development.

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