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Seat No.: _ Republic of the Phizippines PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONMISSTON Manila | BOARD OF MEDICINE BRYSICIANS Licensure Examination Saturday, october 30, 2001 wiaToMy) AND ser B a (NSTRUCEION: Select the correct answer for each of the following scrrosc negate only one answer for each item by shading the box STR TCEE ang eS the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. 7 AULTIPLE CHOICE What becomes of the visceral pelvic fascia around the cervix in females A. Broad ligaments C. Cardinal Ligaments B. Tarametrium D. Uterosacral ligaments wee ex ittSCle assists the levator ani muscle to support the pelvic viscera? B: Ticcoccygeus Cc. Obturator Internus + Puborectalis D. Coceygeus "aT Anse leeeed Ee vyenocy B. Biconves ‘C. Biconcave )Mesoderm (2)Ectoderm Rathke's pouch (3) neuroectoderm A. 1,2,3 €.1,2 B. 2,3 D. 1,3 ‘4. Embryogenesis of the pituitary glands peint to its precursor from_ , (a A. The right conus artery is a branch of the left coronary =~ = artery that supplies the infundibulum of the left ventzicle IB. The right coronary finally anastomose with the left. coronary artery in the posterior interventricular groove the xight coronary descends to the right atrioventricular |” groove and the left coronary artery ends in the posterior aortic sinus D. The left coronary artery divides into 4 branches 5. “_ of the following is TRUE about the blood supply of the heart? <6. what is the NORMAL capacity of the urinary bladder in ml? jA. 200-400 €. 600-800 |B. 400-800 D. 1200 mi 7. Which statements are TRUE about normal values of blood cells (1) normal hnge of (REQ in adujt™is 4.5-6 million cells per microliter; (2) normal range of white blood cells Ay10- thousand pez microliter (3)/150-650 ‘thousand per microliter : — A. 1,3 c. 142 B. 2,3 D. 1,2,3 8. Information such as touch, temperature and pain are sent from the brain back into the muscles by these nerves : A. dorsal and efferent C. sensory and afferent B. motor and efferent D. afferent and ventral Continued on Page | 2RHYSICIANS Licensure Examination saturday, October 30, 2021 - 11:00 a.m. - 02:00 p.m. Page 2 ANATOMY AND HTS SET B 9. what is the length of the descending colcn A. 15 cm 7 c. 10 em B. 25 cm D. 30 em 10. My@linated axc>~’ ias a layer of fatty insulating substances which is formed by these cells (1). Schwann cells (2), oligodendrocytes (3) astrocytes . What are these two types of calls? Re 1,3 c.1,2,3 B. 2,3 D. 1,2 11. Whdt ie the largest endocrine gland in the human body? A. Thyroid ¢. Pituitary gland B. Thymus D. Pancreas 12. A shallow depression which is formed with articulation between the humerus and the scapula is + Radial fossa “@, Bicipital groove B. Glenoid Cavity D. Suprascapular notch 13. Thp main sources of blood supply of the breasts come from the following arteries (1) internal thoracic (2) anterior intercostal (3) lateral thoracic (4)acromiothoracie 2,3,4 pete) vo sid. During childbirth what ‘occurs at the pelvic inlet? A. Anteroposterior axis is maintained by the fetus in the | transverse diameter of the pelvic floor . Parietal part of the head now moves downward and forward along the pelvic floor until it reaches the pubic arch - - Anteroposterior axis of the head of the fetus takes up the transverse position of the pelvic inlet D. When the head of the fetus reaches =he pelvic floor, it flexes 15. All lymph from the stomach finally passes into which nodes? A. Gastroduodenal c. Celiac B. Pancreat icoduodenal D. Mesenteric adjacent organs EXCEPT papeadie ny Aces larynx, esophedus and external laryngeal nerve B{ inferiorly lies the thyroid and cricoid cartilages and the acheal fascia xicrly the parathyroid glands p. anterolaterally the infrahyoid musc_es snd the anterior border cf the steznocleidomastoid masola 16. Be following is TRUE about the relatioa of the thyroid glands to 17. Where are the venous sinuses of the brain found? A. Lies in the upper border of the fax cerebri B. Arises behind the right sternoclavicular joint arching upward and laterally c. Ascends in the neck through the foramina in the transverse processes of the upper six cervical vertebrae D. Situated between the periosteal and meningeal layers of the dure matter Continued on Page 3 TODS Ve!c p.m. SET herve supply of the lacrimal gland is derived from R. vagus nerve C. vestibulocochlear nerve . 8. facial Nerve D, glossopharyngeal nerve 19. T Jj three primary brain vesicles are. formed during which weeks of conception? + nd to 3rd Cc. 4th 'As ath : D. 10th 4 20. Conparing adult hair to che of a child, which part of the hair is abgent in baby hair? . Pigment C.. Cuticle Medulla D. Cortex inferior radio-ulnar joints? Partial flexion ¢. Full flexion # 21. What movement is made around a vertical exis at the superior and the Partial extension D. Rotary movement Ind (3) hair follicles (4) apocrine gland 1,374 C. 12,34 © 1,2,3 D. 2,3,4 22. ore appendages of the skin include (1) holocrine gland (2) eccrine (| ; 23. Which is’ the largest branch of the sacral plexes? Femoral nerve Nerve to Quadratus femoris : Superior gluteal nerve Sclatic Nerve 24. The olecranon fossa of the humerus artictlates with the olecranon prdcess of the ulna. In which position of the elbow joint does the olecranon fossa receive the olecranon process of the ulna? “4. Full Abduction of the arm + Extension of the arm t\ Partial Flexion and Adduction Oo. Full Flexion of the arm » 25. The myelencephalon is the posterior portion’of the brainstem, Which payt of the brain is derived trom thé Myelencephalon?. + Cerebral cortex C. Medulla oblongata + Cerebellum D. Midbrein i:26. What joint transmits the weight of the body from the vertebral to, |the bony pelvis? column y “R. Sacrococcygeal joints C. Symphysis pubis + Sacral promontory D. Sacroiliac joints | 27. The arterial supply of the prostate is primarily from___. A. anterolateral pudendal C. inferisr vesical B. posterior hypogastric D. lateral hemorrhoidal 28. oaeh muscle originates from the lower thorecic and upper lumbar spines and inserts in the lower rib? A. Serratus anterior superior B. Serratus posterior inferior d¢. Serratus anterior inferior D. Serratus posterior superior Continued on Page 4FAYSICIANS Licensure Examination Saturday, October 30, 2021 - 11:00 a.m. ~ 01:00 p.m. Page 4 ANATOMY AND EIST 30. 35. 36. a 38. The Limbic system is a set of structures in the brain that deals with emotion and memory. What structure is included in the Limbic system? (A)Amydala (2). hippocampus (3). cingulate gyrus. a.) 1,3 c. BL 12 D. 1;2,3 renal artery is a branch of which vessel? A. Internal Tliac artery Cc. Aorta B.) External Tluac artezy D. Hypogastric artery The following statements are TRUE about the adgenal-glands (1) located in the retroperitoneum (2) right adrenal g_and is crescent-shaped, the left} is pyramidal (3) yellowish in color R23 1,3 Bei 2,3 D. 1,2 the Vas: deferens emerge from which of the following? A./Paramesonephric duct C. Epididymides B.| Scrotum D: Ductus deferens At whet gestational age, in weeks are lungs normally mature? a! 32 4 c. 30 B.|34 D. 36 Glucgeorticoids, like cortisol. end cortisares whose functions are regujation of metabolism and immune system suppression are synthesized in which portion of the adrenal gland? @ A.|Zona reticularis Q&S. Adrenal medulla F B.|Zona glomerulosa D. Zona fasciculata zg Which statemet/s is/are cage about platelets (i) smallest blood compgnent seen only undermiiicrascope (2) form by the fragnentation of megakaryocytes within the bone marrow (3) once activated it transforms into|discoid form : All . c.3 B. 12 DB. 1,2,30 7 7 Which is the largest bone of the foot? a. |Navicular bone B. |Calcaneum Cc. |The three cuneiform bones D. \farsal Bone what lis the normal carrying angle of the #lbew? AL [Elbow joint is abducted at an angle of 170 degrees for female - [Elbow joint is extended and lies between the arm and forearm lat an angle of 167 degree in male &. larms are held out at the side, with palms facing forward, lthe forearm and hands should be about 5-15 degrees away from he body D. Elbow joint is flexed and lies between the arm and forearm let an angle of 170 degrees for female A horseshoe-shaped bone situated in the anterior midline of the neck and lies at the base of the mandible. Only bone in the body with no articulation. A. Larynx C. Trachea B. Cricoid D. Byoid bone Continued on Page 5 er 2.1.9Y{ October 39, 2021 i asm. = 91:00 p.m. Page 5S ; ANATONY AND. LOSY SET B 28) The brachiocephalic veins ave major veins in the upper chest. which Statement is @ALSE regarding brachiocephalic veins? A} The right brachiocephalic vein is formed by the union of the Fight subclavian and the right internal ‘ugular_veins* Bi The left brachiocephalic vein merge vith” the right - ,. Prachiocephalic vein to form the superior vena cava fo The, right brachiocephalic vein is formed at the root of
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