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Timestamp Email Name Gender

10/10/2022 20:32:34 [email protected] Adham Mihy Male

10/10/2022 20:34:18 [email protected] Pierre Hany Male
10/10/2022 20:37:43 Youssef.o Male
10/10/2022 20:39:05 [email protected] Joseph Hani Male
10/10/2022 20:41:06 Marc Male
10/10/2022 20:42:28 [email protected] Merol Maged Female
10/10/2022 20:42:31 [email protected] Marcos rafik Male
10/10/2022 20:43:04 [email protected] Marly Female
10/10/2022 20:44:25 Erwan Male
10/10/2022 20:46:11 Abdelrahman Male
10/10/2022 20:47:36 Daniel Tamer Male
10/10/2022 20:47:42 [email protected] demian wafek Male
10/10/2022 20:50:07 [email protected] Jessica ramy Female
10/10/2022 20:50:21 Nathalie Female
10/10/2022 20:55:10 Maria hany Female
10/10/2022 21:05:56 [email protected] Joumana Sami Female
10/10/2022 21:06:27 [email protected] Morina Maged Female
10/10/2022 21:06:49 [email protected] Fady Moheb Raouf Male
10/10/2022 21:07:21 [email protected] ‫ مايكل‬Male
10/10/2022 21:08:38 [email protected] Daniel Ebram Male
10/10/2022 21:09:48 [email protected] Marco Male
10/10/2022 21:10:01 [email protected] Jessica micheal Female
10/10/2022 21:12:01 abdallah Male
10/10/2022 21:14:40 [email protected] Chris Ehab Helmy Habib Kozman Male
10/10/2022 21:17:34 [email protected] Christian Achraf Male
10/10/2022 21:31:52 [email protected] Karim Male
10/10/2022 21:37:58 [email protected] Kareem Embaby Male
10/10/2022 21:49:15 Belal Mohamed Male
10/10/2022 21:56:32 [email protected] Karim Hany Male
10/10/2022 21:58:11 [email protected] George Adel Male
10/10/2022 21:58:53 [email protected] Youstina Michael Female
10/10/2022 22:02:40 [email protected] sylvana kozman Female
10/10/2022 22:06:13 [email protected] Matthew Male
10/10/2022 22:10:59 [email protected] No Male
10/10/2022 22:20:24 [email protected] Carlos salah zakaa Male
10/10/2022 22:52:03 [email protected] Cherif Youssef Male
10/10/2022 22:54:07 [email protected] Elina Maged Female
10/10/2022 22:59:41 [email protected] Sandra Raafat Female
10/10/2022 23:07:01 [email protected] Luana John Female
10/10/2022 23:18:11 [email protected] Steven emil Male
10/11/2022 8:18:19 Carol Female
10/11/2022 8:20:23 Shanon Female
10/11/2022 8:25:40 Julie Female
10/11/2022 8:27:44 Jessie Female
10/11/2022 8:28:48 Lilou Female
10/11/2022 8:39:37 [email protected] Mohraeil mina Female
10/11/2022 8:50:10 Boushnaq Male
10/11/2022 10:20:50 Kirolos Girgis Male
10/11/2022 14:28:50 [email protected] Nourine Female
10/11/2022 19:56:48 Meilora Female
Age Group What is your favorite Subject? What Major do you plan on choosing?
13-19 Mathematiques Computer and Information Sciences
13-19 Scientifique Subjects (Physics; Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) Engineering
13-19 Mathematiques Engineering
13-19 Mathematiques Engineering
13-19 Mathematiques Engineering
13-19 Biology (anatomy) Biological and Biomedical Sciences
13-19 Mathematiques Business
13-19 Technological Subjects (SNT;...etc) Engineering
13-19 History & Geography Social Sciences and History
13-19 Scientifique Subjects (Physics; Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) Computer and Information Sciences
13-19 Scientifique Subjects (Physics; Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) Idk
20-35 Philosophy Business
13-19 Language Business
13-19 Language Business
13-19 Language Language Studies
13-19 Mathematiques Biological and Biomedical Sciences
13-19 Scientifique Subjects (Physics; Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) Biological and Biomedical Sciences
13-19 Mathematiques Maybe health professions or engineering
13-19 Mathematiques Engineering
13-19 Language Visual and Performing Arts
13-19 Technological Subjects (SNT;...etc) Computer and Information Sciences
13-19 Scientifique Subjects (Physics; Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) Biological and Biomedical Sciences
13-19 Scientifique Subjects (Physics; Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) Visual and Performing Arts
13-19 Mathematiques Engineering
13-19 Mathematiques Engineering
13-19 Mathematiques not sure yet
13-19 Mathematiques Engineering
13-19 Mathematiques Computer and Information Sciences
13-19 Technological Subjects (SNT;...etc) Computer and Information Sciences
20-35 Technological Subjects (SNT;...etc) Computer and Information Sciences
13-19 Scientifique Subjects (Physics; Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) Fashion design
13-19 Mathematiques Biological and Biomedical Sciences
13-19 Mathematiques Visual and Performing Arts
13-19 Mathematiques Computer and Information Sciences
13-19 Mathematiques Engineering
13-19 Scientifique Subjects (Physics; Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) Computer and Information Sciences
13-19 Scientifique Subjects (Physics; Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) Biological and Biomedical Sciences
13-19 Mathematiques Engineering
13-19 Mathematiques Engineering
13-19 Scientifique Subjects (Physics; Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) Biological and Biomedical Sciences
13-19 Mathematiques Engineering
13-19 Technological Subjects (SNT;...etc) Computer and Information Sciences
13-19 Mathematiques Business
13-19 Scientifique Subjects (Physics; Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) Biological and Biomedical Sciences
13-19 History & Geography Social Sciences and History
13-19 Mathematiques Computer and Information Sciences
13-19 Language Language Studies
20-35 Technological Subjects (SNT;...etc) Computer and Information Sciences
13-19 Technological Subjects (SNT;...etc) Computer and Information Sciences
13-19 Scientifique Subjects (Physics; Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) Visual and Performing Arts
Which Level of Education do you aim to acheive?
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
PhD (Doctorate)
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
Highschool Graduate (alumnus )
Highschool Graduate (alumnus )
Bachelors Degree
Master's Degree
PhD (Doctorate)
Bachelors Degree
Bachelors Degree
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
PhD (Doctorate)
Bachelors Degree
PhD (Doctorate)
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
PhD (Doctorate)
Highschool Graduate (alumnus )
PhD (Doctorate)
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
Bachelors Degree
Master's Degree
Bachelors Degree
Bachelors Degree
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
PhD (Doctorate)
Highschool Graduate (alumnus )
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
Highschool Graduate (alumnus )
Master's Degree
Bachelors Degree
Bachelors Degree
Bachelors Degree
Bachelors Degree
Bachelors Degree
Highschool Graduate (alumnus )
Bachelors Degree
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
Master's Degree
What Job Do you wish to work as?
Computer Engineering
Engineer at nasa
Still don't know
Computer Engineer
Bank teller
A freelance
An historian
Doctor I guess
Doctor of heart disease
Have my own business
Actually I don't know maybe engineer or a doctor
I don’t really know maybe (Animator-Cartoonist),Some interesting job in the future and have fun concepts,For NASA,Google,YouTube,Des
Aviation engineering
Doctor of surgery
animator at pixar or disney / or orthodontist
I wish to work with NASA or MICROSOFT or TESLA online from EGYPTE
Electric Engineer
still haven't thought that far into the future
Not specified yet
Software engineering
Fashion designer
Architect engineer
Computer engineer
Flight engineer or even a pilot
Bio technician
Programeuse professional
Business women
Information Security Engineer
computer science
Which Is a more suitable career for Females? Which Is a more suitable career for Males?
Literary works Scientific Professions
Literary works Scientific Professions
Literary works Scientific Professions
Literary works Scientific Professions

Scientific Professions Literary works

Scientific Professions Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Literary works
Scientific Professions Literary works
Literary works Scientific Professions
Literary works Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Literary works
Scientific Professions Literary works

Scientific Professions Literary works

Scientific Professions Literary works
Scientific Professions Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Literary works
Scientific Professions Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Literary works
Literary works Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Literary works
Literary works Scientific Professions
Literary works Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Scientific Professions
Literary works Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Literary works

Scientific Professions Literary works

Literary works Scientific Professions
Literary works Scientific Professions
Literary works Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Scientific Professions

Scientific Professions Scientific Professions

Scientific Professions Scientific Professions

Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Scientific Professions
Literary works Scientific Professions
Literary works Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Literary works
Literary works Scientific Professions
Literary works Literary works
Scientific Professions Scientific Professions
Scientific Professions Literary works
Scientific Professions Scientific Professions
Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5

Nombres de Participants 50

Homme 29
Femme 21

13-19 47
20-35 3
35+ 0

Matiére préféré
Mathematiques 22
History & Geography 2
Language 5
Scientifique Subjects (Physics;Chemistry; Biology ;...etc) 13
Philosophy 1
Technological Subjects (SNT;...etc) 7

quelle majeure comptez-vous choisir?

Business 5
Health Professions 0 50 47
Social Sciences and History 2 45
Engineering 13 40
Biological and Biomedical Sciences 8
Language Studies 2
Computer and Information Sciences 12 30
Visual and Performing Arts 5 25
Architecture and Design 0 20
Undecided 3
Quel niveau d'études souhaitez-vous atteindre ? 5
Secondaire 6 0
baccalauréat 13 13-19
Master's 24
PhD (Doctorate) 7
Column6 Column7 Column8 Column9 Column10 Column11 Column12




Homme Femme

50 47
5 v 3 Mathem
0 Languag
13-19 20-35 35+ Philosop
Column13 Column14 Column15 Column16 Column17 Column18 Column19

Matiére Préféré

Mathematiques History & Geography

Language Scientifique Subjects (Physics;Chemistry; Biology ;...etc)
Philosophy Technological Subjects (SNT;...etc)
Column20 Column21 Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 Column5

Majeure de choix



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Column6 Column7 Column8 Column9 Column10 Column11 Column12

Chart Title

Secondaire baccalauréat Master's PhD (Doctorate)

c es Ar
ts ig
i en g es ec
in D
Sc rm d nd
on fo an U
P er re
c tu
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Column13 Column14 Column15 Column16 Column17 Column1 Column2


ster's PhD (Doctorate)

Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6 Column7 Column8 Column9
Column10 Column11 Column12 Column13 Column14 Column15 Column16
Column17 Column18 Column19 Column20

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