Igcse Physics 3ed TR Practical Workbook Answers

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Exam-style questions and sample answers have been written by the authors. In examinations, the way marks are awarded
may be different.

Practical Workbook
Chapter 1
Practical investigation 1.1: Practical investigation 1.2:
Estimating measurements The simple pendulum
Getting started Getting started
Measurement Equipment For a short time frame, measure over multiple
oscillations, for example, ten, and record the
length ruler time for this. The reaction time for a human is
volume measuring cylinder, ruler, beaker approximately 0.4 s. This would affect the time if
done for one oscillation. Use a fiducial marker to
mass balance be able to take time from a consistent point.
time timer, stopwatch
Answers to workbook questions
Answers to workbook questions 1 Learners record their results in the table.
1 Learners should record their results in the table. 2 Learners calculate the time period for each
2 Learners should check that all measurements length of pendulum by dividing their time
are to the correct number of significant figures. period for ten oscillations by 10.

3 Learners calculate average values for 3 Learners draw their graphs, with length on the
each measurement. horizontal axis and time period on the vertical
axis, to produce a roughly horizontal line.
4 Learners comment on their estimated and
measured results. They should make 4 Results should show that as the length of the
reference to the limits of accuracy of the pendulum increases, the time period of the
measuring equipment. swing increases.

5 Learners calculate the volume of the glass 5 The mass of the pendulum may have an
block, based on their measurements effect or the type of material from which the
using rulers. pendulum is made.

6 A pair of vernier callipers would give a more Practical investigation 1.3:

precise result than a ruler. This increased Calculating the density of liquids
degree of accuracy would then be carried into
the calculation. Learners suggest alternative Getting started
methods of measurement.
Density of a fluid can help to tell whether an
7 30 cm ruler precision is correct to 1 mm; metre object will float. This is important in relation to
ruler precision is correct to 1 mm; stopwatch aerospace and shipping.
precision is correct to 0.01 s.
Volume of fluid: 45 cm3, 72 cm3, 7 cm3.

1 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

distance ____ 94.2

Answers to workbook questions iv Average speed = ________
​​   ​​; 
 = ​​   ​​    [1]
time 0.49
1 Learners record their results in the table. = 192 cm/s [1]
2 Learners sketch their graphs of mass (vertical c She could record the time taken for
axis) against volume (horizontal axis) for each multiple laps so there is no impact from
of the liquids. human reaction time. [1] She could use a
light gate to record the time. [1]
3 Learners draw and label the line of best fit on
each graph. [Total: 12]
4 The graph that has the steepest gradient will
have the highest density. The gradient of the
saltwater solution is the steepest, showing
Chapter 2
that saltwater has the highest density of all
the solutions.
Practical investigation 2.1:
Average speed
5 Water 1 g/cm3, oil 0.92 g/cm3,
saltwater 1.03 g/cm3. Getting started
6 Saltwater solution, water, oil (bottom to top). • Difficulty seeing the start of the run, or
missing the runner pass the line.
7 Learners should suggest reasons, for example
errors in measurement, errors in calculations. • Ask runners to repeat their runs, or ask the
starter to move their arm as they say, ‘Go’.
8 The learner is incorrect. Results from this
investigation show that oil is less dense than Answers to workbook questions
saltwater so would float on the surface of
1 Learners record their results in the table.
the saltwater.
2 Learners use the data from their table to plot a
Answers to exam-style questions distance–time graph of their results.
1 a i Eye level with 8 cm3 line [2] 3 The section with the steepest gradient
ii 8 cm3 [1] represents the section in which the runner was
m 65.01 moving fastest, as the gradient represents the
b i = __ ​​  v ​ ,​ _____  [1], 8.13 [1] g/cm3 [1]
​​   ​​  speed / the section with the smallest increase in
ii Steel [1] time represents the section in which the runner
was moving fastest as they covered the 20 m in
c Using the data from the table, none of the
a smaller amount of time.
metals will float. [1] For a metal to float it
will need a density less than [1] water. This 4 The triangulation method or change in
would mean a value below 1 g/cm3. vertical or horizontal values should be
[Total: 10] evident, or evidence of using v = __
​​   ​​  provided.
2 a i and ii Check learners’ results.

Quantity Measuring device Resolution 5 Calculate the distance travelled and the time
taken in an instant. This would be difficult
metre ruler; 1 mm; to measure.
measuring tape 1 mm
total distance travelled
time taken stopwatch; timer 0.01 s 6 Average speed = ____________________
​      ​
total time taken
b i 1 cm : 5 cm scale; radius of the track 100
= _____________
​ ​      ​​
15 cm [1] learner answer
Circumference = 2πr = 2π × 15 7 Precision is dependent on the instruments
= 94.2 cm [1] used. Precision can be increased by using
ii She should record all values to the instruments with smaller divisions.
same number of significant figures. [1] 8 Immediately the starter signals the
iii 0.49 s [1] runner to start to move, the timers start
their stopwatches.

2 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

9 The graph would appear as a curve with an

increasing gradient. The curve would get 49
steeper as time went on. 48
Practical investigation 2.2: 46
Speed–time graphs using 45
ticker tape 43
Getting started 41
​​  1  ​​ = 0.02  s
Time between dots: ___ 40
50 39
Time period for ten spaces: 0.2 s 38
Answers to workbook questions 36
1 Learners should cut the ticker tape into 34
ten‑dot sections, labelling them in the order in 33
which they are cut from the start of the tape. 32
2 Refer to the example of a velocity–time graph
in exemplar data on Cambridge GO.
3 Refer to the example of a velocity–time graph 28
in exemplar data on Cambridge GO . 27
4 See learners’ graphs. cm 25
5 Columns are increasing in height; there is a 23
positive gradient so the velocity is increasing. 22
6 See learners’ graphs. 21
7 Learners calculate the gradients of their 19
graphs; units cm/s2. This represents 18
the acceleration. 17
8 Learners calculate the area under their graphs; 15
units cm. 14
9 Started counting the dots from where a 12
pattern was visible, started counting where 11
the gaps were clear, used a fresh carbon 10
paper disc. 9
10 The ramp is not steep enough so the trolley 7
has moved at a constant velocity. Increase the 6
gradient of the ramp. 5
11 This graph would show the acceleration of the
vehicle over a short period of time, using the 2
distance travelled. 1
Answers to exam-style questions 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
1 a Check suitable scale has been chosen [1];
b Triangulation method [1]; 1.2 [1]; m/s2 [1]
axes should be labelled, including units
​​ _2 ​​× base × height visible [1]; 1.5 [1]; m [1]
[1]; correct plot to _​​ 2 ​​ square [2]; line of best
1 c
fit drawn. [1] d Not correct. [1] Reason: a straight-line
graph represents constant acceleration. [1]
[Total: 13]

3 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

Practical investigation 3.2:

Chapter 3 Investigating the relationship
Practical investigation 3.1: between force, mass
Estimating the acceleration and acceleration
of freefall Getting started
Getting started How will you prevent
Gravity becomes weaker the further away from the it?
surface of the Earth. This means the acceleration Make a line on the
due to free fall will be smaller. Starting point of the
runway and always
trolley changing
Calculations will depend on learners’ researched start from this point
values for g. Make a line on the
End point of the
runway and always
Answers to workbook questions trolley changing
end at this point
1 Learners record their results in the table. Recording the time Take repeats and
2 Learners plot a graph of their results to incorrectly calculate an average
calculate the acceleration of free fall. Reset its position
Trolley colliding with away from the sides
3 Learners draw in a line of best fit on
the side of the runway at the beginning of
their graph.
every run
4 A value in the region of 10 will be acceptable
for the gradient. Answers to workbook questions
5 The acceleration of free fall should 1 Learners record their results for increasing the
approximate to 10. Learners will need to number of elastic bands in the table.
make a comparative statement between their 2 Learners record their results for increasing the
value and the official value such as: ‘The value mass in the table.
of my gradient was 11. This is close to the
accepted value but slightly higher.’ 3 As the force on the trolley increases, the
Sensible suggestion for why the value is acceleration increases. This is shown in the
different, for example: I might have misread results by the trolley covering the distance
the scale on the newton meter; the newton in a shorter period of time when the force is
meter did not show zero when no mass was greater. (Learners should use their data to
hanging from it. support this.)

6 Yes, a straight-line graph was obtained, 4 As the mass of the trolley increases the
which shows that the acceleration of free fall acceleration decreases. This is shown in the
is constant. results, by the trolley covering the distance
in a longer period of time as the mass of the
7 0.01 N for newton meter; 00.1 g. Top-pan trolley increases. (Learner should use their
balances have a precision of about 1 g data to support this.)
to 0.01 g.
5 Control variables could be: force investigation
– the mass of the trolley; mass investigation –
the number of elastic bands, or the distance by
which the bands are pulled.
6 Repeat the results and calculate an average.
Results should be similar for them to
be reliable.

4 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

Practical investigation 3.3:

Momentum in explosions
Chapter 4
Getting started Practical investigation 4.1:
The weighing machine
Value Value rounded to 2 s.f.
Getting started
25 478 25 000
Possible methods: use a set-square; measure the
679 680 height of the ruler at three different points.
1.23 1.2
Answers to workbook questions
0.056 78 0.057
1 Learners calculate and record the moment
0.000 657 4 0.000 66 and the mass for each object, recording their
results in the table.
Answers to workbook questions 2 Learners weigh the masses and record their
1 Learners record their results in the table. results in the table.
2 Learners calculate the momentum of the 3 Yes or no. Data from the learners’ results
trolleys and add the answers to the table. should be used to support their answer.
3 As velocity and momentum are vector quantities 4 Any two suggestions from: ensure that the
they have both magnitude and direction. ruler is horizontal; take readings at eye level
to reduce parallax error; use a set square to
4 The momentums of trolley A and of trolley B
ensure that the ruler measuring the height of
are equal in magnitude and opposite in
the ruler is perpendicular to the bench.
direction. This can be seen by looking at the
results in the table (should quote a result from 5 The height of the ruler from the bench was
table to support). measured at three different points to ensure
they were all the same.
5 Learners should repeat the investigation for
each trolley mass and calculate an average of 6 This ensures that the ruler is horizontal and
the results. thus the forces act at right angles to the rule.

Answers to exam-style questions Practical investigation 4.2:

1 a i Acceleration =    ​​ 
change in velocity
 ​​  [1] Finding the centre of gravity
ii Measure the change in velocity of Getting started
the trolley. [1] Learners should research a method. A common
b i Independent variable: force; dependent method is to hang the two-dimensional shape from
variable: change in velocity [1] three different positions and draw a vertical line
ii Control variable: the mass of through each point of suspension with the help
the trolley [1] of a plumb line. Other sensible suggestions
are possible.
c Suitable scale required [1]; axes labelled
including units [1]; correct plot to ​​ _2 ​​ square
Answers to workbook questions
[2]; line of best fit. [1]
1 Learners draw three vertical lines through
ii The acceleration is directly different points of suspension; the lines should
proportional to the force applied [1]; meet in one point.
the graph is a straight line through
(0, 0). [1] 2 To improve the accuracy: wait until the
plumb-line comes to rest; use a stiffer piece
iii Evidence of triangulation method
of string or maybe a rod for the plumb-
[1]; mass approximately 500 [1] g [1]
line; make sure the card is at eye level when
or 0.5 kg (depending on the type of
drawing the lines.
trolley used)
[Total: 15]

5 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

Practical investigation 4.3: d i Any two reasons from: the learner

might not have read the newton
Tower stability meters correctly; there were rounding
Getting started errors in calculation; difficulty
balancing a small object; the object
Answers will be relevant to the learner and may not have uniform density. [2]
their equipment.
ii Take readings either side of the object
Answers to workbook questions or mark the object with a central line
and align with the ruler marking. [2]
Example method
[Total: 13]
1 Measure the height of the centre of gravity of
the block and record it in a table.
2 Place the block on the ramp. Chapter 5
3 Increase the incline of the ramp until the
block topples. Practical investigation 5.1:
4 Use a protractor to measure the angle at
Determining the spring constant
which it topples and record it in the table. Getting started
5 Repeat twice more and record in your table. • Taking measurements from the same point
6 Calculate the average (mean) result. every time reduces the chance of error in
measurement of length and extension and
7 Repeat steps 1–6 for a blocks with a range keeps measurements consistent.
of heights.
• Learners will need to adapt their equipment
Questions accordingly so answers may differ. A suggestion
1 Learners record their results in the table. might be to use a fiducial marker, for example,
use a pin on the selected end point of the
2 Learners plot a graph of the angle of topple spring so it is clearly indicated on the ruler.
against the height of the centre of mass.
• Allow time for the spring to settle before
3 Learners draw a line of best fit on their graphs. recording the extension.
4 Yes – as the height of the centre of mass Answers to workbook questions
increases the angle of topple gets smaller.
The learner should include key points from 1 Learners complete the table with their
graph to support their answer. own results.

5 Answers could include: the width of the base of 2 Learners plot a graph of load against
the blocks; the starting position of the blocks. extension with appropriate labels and scales.

6 Keep the blocks in the same orientation 3 Learners join the points with a line of best fit.
throughout. The starting position on the ramp 4 Check learners’ graphs for anomalies.
was kept the same throughout.
5 It should be a straight-line graph through
7 Ruler: 1 mm; protractor: 1°. the origin.
8 Precision could be improved by using smaller 6 The triangulation method should be used to
divisions of measurement. calculate the spring constant of the graph.
Answers to exam-style questions 7 The graph would begin to curve as masses
1 a i x = 1.5 cm [1] were added to the spring.
ii y = 2.0 cm [1] 8 The change in shape would occur because the
b x = 15 cm; y = 20 cm [2] spring has been permanently deformed by the
applied load.
c i Evidence of principle of moments [1];
1.53 [1]; N [1]
ii 153 [1] g [1] (or 0.153 [1] kg [1])

6 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

9 One reason from: the spring was still

oscillating when the load was applied; not Chapter 6
taking readings at eye level (parallax error);
the ruler is not at right angles to the bench; the Practical investigation 6.1:
ruler is not aligned with the spring correctly; Gravitational potential energy
readings were taken from the wrong points.
Getting started
10 Use a set square to ensure that the ruler is
correctly positioned and clamped in place. • 0.05 m • 26 cm
• 0.32 m • 34 cm
Practical investigation 5.2: • 0.65 m • 76 cm
Calculating pressure • 0.87 m • 92 cm
Getting started Answers to workbook questions
force 1 Learners record their measurements.
Pressure = _____
​​  area ​​ 
2 Learners calculate the g.p.e. for the
Order: high-heeled (stiletto) shoes; sitting on a
heights used.
stool; desk on a floor; standing on one foot; a
walking elephant. 3 Learners plot the graph of gravitational
potential energy (vertical axis) against height
Answers to workbook questions (horizontal axis) and draw a line of best fit.
1–6 Answers will depend on learner measurements. 4 As the height increases so does the g.p.e. This
7 Learners should compare their calculations to is represented by a straight-line graph with
their estimates in the ‘Getting started’ section. positive gradient, passing through the origin.
The height and g.p.e. are in direct proportion.
8 The stiletto provides an area 1000 times
smaller than the area provided by an 5 Look for evidence of the triangulation
elephant’s foot. Whilst the force of an method. The gradient should be
elephant is much greater than that of a approximately equal to the measured mass of
human, it is spread over a greater area and so the ball × 10, in newtons / N.
reduces the pressure exerted on the ground. 6 Weight = measured mass × 10 / N. Differences
9 Use a sharp pencil and ensure the point is held will come from errors in measurement, such
very close to the object when drawing as placing the string incorrectly, misreading
the length of string against the ruler, any other
Answers to exam-style questions sensible suggestion.
1 a From the top of the spring to the bottom
7 Measure a height and mark it with chalk.
of the spring, or from the same point on
Release the ball from this point.
the top loop to the same point on the
bottom loop. [1] Practical investigation 6.2:
b Load / N [1]; Length / m [1]; Kinetic energy
Extension / m [1]
c Suitable scale required [1]; axes labelled Getting started
including units [1]; correct plot to _​​ 2 ​​ square
Learner discussion. Issues that might arise include:
[2]; line of best fit drawn. [1] standing position at the start and end; keeping the
d i Yes [1]; reason: it is a straight line same person for rolling the ball; keeping the same
through the origin [1] ball; making sure the timer is directly above the
ii Use a set square and clamp the finish line.
ruler. [1]
Answers to workbook questions
[Total: 12]
1 Learners record the mass of the ball in
the table.
2 Learners calculate the average speed of the
ball over 5 m.

7 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

3 Learners calculate the square of the speed and 7 i A data-logger can be used to measure the
the k.e., recording their results in the table. velocity to a high degree of precision.
4 Learners plot the graph of kinetic energy ii The experiment is repeated and the
(vertical axis) against the square of the speed average calculated.
(horizontal axis) and draw a line of best fit. Answers to exam-style questions
5 They are directly proportional. The graph is a 1 i 0.60 m [1]
straight line, passing through the origin. ii Ignore any anomalous results. [1] Add the
As the speed increases, the kinetic energy also values together and divide by the number
increases. Data from the graph or the learners’ of values in the addition. [1]
results should be quoted in support. iii 1.04, 0.92, 0.75, 0.56, 0.46 [3 marks
6 The difficulty might be in measuring time all, 2 marks for 4 correct, 1 mark for
exactly. To improve the results, stand over 3 correct]
the line and stop the stopwatch as the ball [Total: 6]
crosses it. Use light gates, use video recording
equipment and slow motion.
7 Reliability could be improved by repeating Chapter 7
each roll and finding the average
Practical investigation 7.1:
8 Use balls of differing masses and calculate
their k.e. using a constant force to roll the ball. Solar panels
Getting started
Practical investigation 6.3:
Energy and the pendulum Learners’ answers will vary depending on the
values they set.
Getting started
Answers to workbook questions
• The principle of conservation of energy states
that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, 1 Learners prepare their tables and record
only transferred from one form to another. their data.
• As the starting height of the pendulum 2 As the area of the solar panel increases,
increases, the velocity at the lowest point will the greater the temperature rise. Therefore,
increase. Thus, as the starting amount of g.p.e. the greater the area, the faster it heated up.
increases, the k.e. gained as it falls increases. Learner data should be referenced.

Answers to workbook questions 3 If the volume was different in each container

it would affect the results. The more water
1 Learners record the mass of the pendulum used, the longer the time it will take to heat up
bob in the table. so this would affect the results.
2 Learners calculate the average velocity for 4 The intensity of light on each solar panel will
each height of the pendulum. not be the same. The panel with the lowest
3 Learners calculate and record the g.p.e. and light intensity will take longer to warm up.
the k.e. for each height.
Practical investigation 7.2:
4 Learners plot the graph of k.e. against g.p.e.
for each height and draw in a line of best fit.
Solar buggies
5 As the g.p.e. increases the k.e. also increases, in Getting started
proportion. Learners should use data from the • Dependent variable: distance travelled by
graph to support this. The graph is a straight the car.
line through the origin, • Independent variable: distance from the
6 Circle any anomalous result and omit it from light source.
the calculation of the average. • Control variables: type of solar buggy;
surface; starting position; colour of the light.

8 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

Answers to workbook questions Answers to exam-style questions

1 Learners prepare their tables and record data. 1 a 26.5 [1]; 31 [1]; 35.5 [1]
Headings and units should be included in the b Any of: read at eye level to reduce
table. An example could be: parallax error; repeat results and calculate
average or spot anomalous results; use a
Distance from the Distance travelled
light meter to check the intensity, measure
light source / m /m
the intensity; check for zero error,
calibrate thermometer [2]
c i 360 seconds [1]; misreading
2 Learners should use their data to draw a graph thermometer (or any other sensible
of distance from the light source (m) against suggestion) [1]
distance travelled (m).
ii Correct plot to _​​ 2 ​​ square [2]; line of

3 As the distance from the light source increases, best fit drawn [1]; neatness of plot and
the distance travelled by the buggy also line of best fit – all should be clear [1]
increases. Learners should refer to their data. iii The greater the intensity, the greater
4 Learners refer to their data and results to the temperature rise in the same
assess whether their prediction is supported. time interval [1]; learner data
to support [1]
5 Control variables: light intensity – The colour [Total: 13]
of the light was kept the same, and the same
bulb was used.
Chapter 8
Practical investigation 7.3:
Efficiency of a tennis ball Practical investigation 8.1:
Getting started
Work done
Challenges identified by learners may include Getting started
ensuring the ball is released from the same height Learners should label the requested distances on
– use a marker; or that it is released with the same the diagrams to show where they will take their
force – same person to release it each time. measurements from and discuss general ideas on
keeping their measurements accurate, such as line
Answers to workbook questions of sight, and start and end markers.
1 Learners record their answers in the table.
Answers to workbook questions
2 Learners calculate the average rebound height.
1 Learners record their results in the table.
3 Learners calculate the efficiency of
the bounce. 2 Learners calculate and record the weight lifted.

4 As the drop height increased the rebound 3 Learners calculate and record the upwards
height increased. The line of best fit is straight distance travelled.
so the efficiency has remained constant. 4 Learners calculate and record the work done.
5 Efficiency is a ratio of the two connected values. 5 The shoulder raise transfers the most energy.
6 This will ensure that the drop height and the Reason: the weight/force is moved through
rebound height are measured as close to the the greatest distance so will require the
true value as possible. most energy.

7 Examples of errors include: parallax error 6 Taking readings on a metre ruler at eye level
– read off the ruler from eye level; dropping reduces parallax error, improving the accuracy
from the wrong height – double check the of the measurement.
starting height each time; judging the rebound 7 Learners might not have moved the weight the
height when the ball is moving; measuring the whole distance and so the value calculated for
starting and rebound heights from the same work done will be too great.
point on the ball

9 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

8 When the masses are moving upwards the b Headings [1]; correct units [1]
muscles are doing work against gravity. Correctly calculated work done [2]
9 Top-pan balance precision is ±1 g (will depend
Distance Force
on the balance used in class); ruler precision is Work
Surface travelled applied
±1 mm. done / J
/ m / N
Practical investigation 8.2: table top 0.5 0.8 0.4
Calculating mechanical power sandpaper 0.5 2.5 1.25
Getting started wooden
energy transferred 0.5 1.8 0.9
• Power = ________________
​​      ​​ bench
time taken
paper 0.5 1.2 0.6
• Learners can measure the work done over a
period of time. This would include measuring c i The learner should ensure that the
distances travelled in the direction of the force. newton meter is pulling at right angles
to the tub. The learner should take
Answers to workbook questions the meter reading at eye level. (Accept
1 Learners should produce a table similar to the any sensible suggestion.) [1]
one below and record their results. ii The learner can attach a pulley to
the tub. [1] As she adds masses to the
Time taken / s

Work done / J

pulley she can record the mass that

Total distance
travelled / m

causes the tub to move and calculate

1 squat / m
Weight / N

Power / W
Mass / kg

Depth of

the force from here. [1]


[Total: 9]

Chapter 9
Practical investigation 9.1:
Changes of state of matter
2 Learners calculate the work done for
each learner. Getting started
3 Learners calculate and record the power Liquids Gases
generated for each learner.
Bonds weak no real bonds
4 Answer correct, and in line with experimental between
results. The answer should reference the most particles
energy transferred / work done. Movement of glide over one random
5 No. The total work done depends on the particles another haphazard
distance travelled, not just the weight of the motion
learner. The time it takes to complete the Relative lower higher
work done will determine the power. Learners kinetic energy
would not be able to determine this by looking
at the subject’s weight alone. Answers to workbook questions
Answers to exam-style questions 1 Learners record their results in the table.
1 a 0.8 N, 2.5 N, 1.8 N, 1.2 N (1 mark awarded 2 Small bubbles start to rise, as air escapes, then
for each correct figure, 1 for the correct larger bubbles form.
unit) [5] 3 Large bubbles, steam escapes from the surface,
temperature close to 100 °C. The temperature
does not rise above 100 °C.
4 The temperature remains constant.

10 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

5 Learners sketch a graph of temperature

against time. Chapter 10
Practical investigation 10.1:
D Thermal expansion of solids
Temperature C Getting started
/ °C B
0 Diagram to include tripod, Bunsen burner,
Time / min heatproof mat, beaker on top of the gauze.
Thermometer and soda glass with bung should be
6 Energy is being absorbed by molecules during inside the beaker. All parts labelled.
this time, which causes the molecules to
move more quickly thus increasing their Answers to workbook questions
kinetic energy. 1 The fluid volume appears to decrease.
7 There are two horizontal sections in the 2 The fluid volume appears to decrease more
graph. At these points the ice/water are than in the thermometer.
changing state. Energy is still being provided
but is being used to break the bonds between 3 The fluid volume appears to decrease less than
molecules so that the ice can melt into in the thermometer.
water and the water can change into vapour 4 The glass surrounding the fluid expands and
that leaves the liquid. During this time the so the internal volume of the tube increases,
temperature remains constant. giving the impression that the fluid has
8 The temperature of the water might not be decreased in volume.
consistent throughout. 5 The laboratory glass test tube has expanded
less than the soda glass test tube.
Answers to exam-style questions
1 a Beaker [1], tripod [1], heat source / 6 From the observations, the fluid in the soda
Bunsen burner [1] glass tube seems to dip the most initially. The
glass from which this is made expands more,
b Always stand when heating the water to
compared with the glass of the laboratory
avoid scalds; clamp the thermometer so it
glass tube. The expansion can be measured
doesn’t topple the beaker; take care when
more accurately by marking the starting
handling the apparatus after use [1 for
position of the fluid in the capillary tube and
each valid consideration, total of 2
then marking the point to which it drops.
marks available]
c i Suitable scale required [1]; axes 7 The energy supplied to the molecules in the
labelled including units [1]; correct metal is enough to weaken the bonds between
plot to _​​  2 ​​  square [2]; neatness of plot
1 molecules and increase their separation so the
and line of best fit – are they metal expands quickly. The bonds between the
all clear? [1] glass molecules do not weaken as quickly and
so the glass does not expand. This makes the
ii As the temperature increases, the
lid (slightly) larger than the glass rim and so
mass of sugar dissolved also increases
easier to open.
[1]; data used to support this. [1]
d As the temperature of the water increases,
the net kinetic energy of the water
molecules also increases. [1] This means
that the water molecules will collide more
frequently with the sugar, causing it to
break up faster, and thus dissolving it
more easily. [1]
[Total: 14]

11 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

Practical investigation 10.2: Practical investigation 10.3:

Measuring the specific heat Surface area and evaporation
capacity of aluminium Getting started
Getting started Rectangle length × height
Learners will research a method and the different Circle πr2
pieces of equipment for this investigation.
Triangle base × height
Answers to workbook questions
Example method Answers to workbook questions
°C 1 Learners complete their tables.
2 Learners calculate the volume of water
evaporated based on their results.

80 thermometer
immersion heater 70
3 The greater the surface area, the greater the

volume of water evaporated.
4 The containers need to be made of the same


material so the same rate of heat transfer
10 occurs out of the material.
5 Take repeat readings of the volumes and
solid calculate the average volume of water lost.
heat resistant mat Answers to exam-style questions
1 a i Headings: two correct [1]; all four [2]

Specific heat capacity

1 Measure the mass of the block. Temperature rise,
2 Measure the energy supplied to the block

of lead / J/kg/°C
temperature / °C

temperature / °C
No. of turns / n

(from a 50 W heater for a fixed period of time,

transferred / J
Total energy
say 5 minutes).

3 Record the temperature change.


/ °C

​ ​ ∆E  ​​  
c = _____ ; P = IV 20 22.8 23.6 0.8 5 125
Questions 30 22.8 24.1 1.3 7.5 115
1 Learners record data – exemplar data 40 22.8 24.5 1.7 10 118
provided on Cambridge GO
50 22.8 24.9 2.1 12.5 19
2 904 J/kg °C
Temperature rises: two correct [1];
3 Aluminium. The aluminium will require more
all four [2]
energy to increase its temperature and so
will transfer less energy to the outside of iii Total energy transferred: two correct
the building. [1]; all four [2]
b See table. 1 mark per correct answer [4]
4 900 J/kg °C; the experimental value is
slightly higher, c The mean of learner’s results is
119 J/kg/C. This result is similar to the
5 Because some of the energy supplied to accepted value of 128 J/kg/C. The 
the aluminium will have been lost to value for the learners results is
the surroundings. slightly higher. [1]

12 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

This may be due to the learner Practical investigation 11.2:

incorrectly measuring the mass of the
lead shot, energy being transferred to Investigating absorption
the tube as thermal energy, or any other Getting started
sensible suggestion. [1]
Learners should make a prediction founded on
d Lead is poisonous so should be
their results from Practical investigation 11.1 with
handled carefully. [1]
a legitimate way of working out the best absorber
[Total: 13] of thermal energy.

Answers to workbook questions

Chapter 11 1 Learners record their results in the table.
2 Black should be the best absorber. Learners
Practical investigation 11.1: should make reference to their results to
Conductors of thermal energy support their conclusion.
Getting started 3 Variables that may not have been controlled:
the amount of petroleum jelly used; the
• Good thermal insulators: wool, polyester,
distance from the heater to each of the pins.
silver foil, fibre glass
4 Use a syringe to apply the petroleum to make
• Poor thermal insulators: cotton, newspaper
sure the same amount is used each time.
• Independent variable: type of material To control the thickness of screen, use the
same material and screen thickness for each.
• Dependent variable: temperature of the water
Arrange the screens at an equal distance from
• Control variable: volume of water, size of the radiant heater.
beaker; starting temperature of the water
5 They need to be at a constant distance to
Answers to workbook questions ensure that the intensity of heat landing on
the screen is constant.
1 Table for recording data drawn up, such as the
one below. 6 There could be a thermometer attached to
the back of the screen to measure the
Time / s Temperature / °C temperature increase.
0 Practical investigation 11.3:
30 Thermal energy transfer
60 by convection
Learners should systematically record their Getting started
results in a table relevant to their method.
Learners should practise using a pair of compasses
2 Learners should construct a graph of to draw a circle with diameter 10 cm.
temperature against time. Learners should plot
their results one fabric at a time and then fit in Answers to workbook questions
a line of best fit. The final graph should have 1 Without a candle: turns in different directions,
four cooling curves, one for each material. no pattern in movement.
3 Learners identify the material that enabled With one candle: turns clockwise at a
water to cool most slowly and suggest a constant rate.
reason, such as it being a non-metal with With two candles: turns clockwise at a constant
fixed atoms. rate, more quickly than with one candle.
4 A non-metal has no free electrons to transfer 2 As the air is heated the particles in it gain
thermal energy quickly. more energy, causing an increase in the
5 The volume of water was kept consistent at spacing between them. This causes the air to
250 ml using a measuring cylinder. become less dense. The unheated (cooler) air
contains particles that are more closely packed

13 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

together, meaning this air is more dense. This c

Various options are available, such as:
pushes the warmer air upwards, which causes distance from the heat source to the cans;
the spiral to rotate. volume of water; material the can is
made from; starting temperature. (Three
3 As the temperature increases with a second
required, 1 mark for each) [3]
candle, the air particles gain more energy and
2 a i Independent variable: type of lid [1]
move faster as a result. As the particles move
more quickly upwards, the collisions of the ii Dependent variable: temperature
particles with the card are increased and so it of water [1]
turns more frequently. b Volume of water [1]; size of beaker [1]
4 The type of wax in the candle, the size of the c Thermometer; stopwatch [1]
candle, the thickness of the card, the height of d One learner per thermometer as the
the spiral. timer starts. [1]
5 Learners suggest how a circle with small e Use a thermometer with smaller
diameter may behave. Suggestion of divisions. [1]
moving faster. [Total: 13]
Practical investigation 11.4:
Thermal energy transfer Chapter 12
by radiation
Practical investigation 12.1:
Getting started
Measuring the speed of sound
Learner to provide a prediction for the
investigation, such as: I think that the black one Getting started
will absorb more thermal energy because we paint Learners should identify that smooth surfaces are
things black to help heat things, like in an oven (or the best reflectors.
a similar sensible suggestion).
Answers to workbook questions
Answers to workbook questions
1 The distance from the wall should be about
1 Learners record their results in the table. 50 m measured to the nearest cm.
2 The blackened aluminium leaf absorbs more 2 Learners draw up a table to complete
thermal energy as there is a bigger increase the investigation.
in temperature shown by this thermometer.
Learners should make reference to Time taken Time taken
their prediction. Attempt for ten claps for one clap
/ s / s
3 Yes the results are valid. This is because the
method accurately measures the amount of 1
thermal energy absorbed by the different
coloured materials. Variables such as the 2
distance from the radiant heat source and 3
surface area exposed were kept controlled so
as not to affect the results. average

Answers to exam-style questions 3 Learners calculate the average time taken for
1 a The black matt surface is the best echo time
one echo, using _________
​​   ​​. 

absorber of thermal energy. [1] It has the 10
greater increase in temperature over the distance from surface × 2
4 Evidence of speed =    
​​      ​​
time period. [1] time taken for one clap
b Award 1 mark for any valid answer, Results should be in the region of 300 m/s.
for example: allow cans to cool before
repositioning or packing away; allow 5 Yes – The time for ten claps was recorded
heater to cool before moving. [1] to reduce the error in the timing. No – It
was difficult to distinguish the echo and so

14 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

the timings recorded were inaccurate (or Answers to exam-style questions

another sensible suggestion that supports
1 a A metal sheet or other smooth surface
their argument).
such as a hardwood screen. [1]
6 Any discrepancy in centimetres in relation b i Stopwatch precision = 0.01 s [1]
to the distance will be smaller over a large
distance 800
distance, for example, 20–50 m, than over a ii Speed = ________
​​  [1]; ____
  ​​     ​​ [1];
time 2.34
shorter distance so it can be neglected in
342 [1]; m/s [1]
this calculation.
c Repeat the experiment to achieve multiple
7 When the blocks are being clapped at a
readings [1] and find the average. [1]
steady rate, it is more accurate to record the
time taken for a larger number of claps. This [Total: 8]
is because any inaccuracy in starting and
stopping the stopwatch is much smaller in
relation to a longer time period than a
Chapter 13
shorter one.
Practical investigation 13.1:
Practical investigation 12.2: Forming a virtual image in a
Sound through different plane mirror
substances Getting started
Getting started Learners should practise drawing rays of light.

Learners should predict that sound will travel Answers to workbook questions
faster in a solid because the particles are
1 Angle of incidence = angle of reflection
closer together.
2 Dashed lines represent where light appears to
Answers to workbook questions come from, so they are virtual rays.
1 Learners record their observations. 3 The image is the same distance from the
2 The sound travels more directly through the mirror as the object is.
particles in the fingers as they are closely 4 The image is:
packed. When the fingers are out of the ears • the same size as the object
the sound then has to travel from the fingers
• the same distance from the mirror
through the air to the ear. As the particles are
as the object
further apart in the air, it takes longer for the
• upright
sound to reach the ear.
• virtual.
3 In solids the particles are packed closely
together and allow the vibrations of the sound 5 A multi-slit screen shows a number of rays
wave to transmit easily. In gases the particles and the point where they converge is where
are much further apart, which results in the the image would appear. This would not be
sound taking longer to travel through possible using a single slit.
the medium.
Practical investigation 13.2:
4 In the water, the particles are spaced further
apart than in a solid. Whilst the sound will be
Finding the refractive index
transmitted, it will be muted compared with of glass
the sound produced when not in the water.
Getting started
5 For example: It was challenging to hear the
Angles: 45°; 62°; 76°; 22°
sound with the background noise in the class
(or other sensible answer). Answers to workbook questions
6 For example: Conduct the investigation in a 1 Learners should record a range of results at 5°
quiet room (or other sensible answer). or 10° intervals between 10° and 80°.

15 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

2 Learners calculate the sines of the angles and 7 A beam of white light is observed. The
record them in the table. incident light on the second prism changes
speed as it enters the glass block. This causes
3 Plot a graph of sin r against sin i. The graph
the colours of the spectrum to be refracted
should be a straight-line graph with a gradient
by different amounts, dependent on their
of approximately 1.5.
wavelengths, back into the original beam of
4 Learners draw the line of best fit. white light.
5 Calculate the gradient of the graph using the Answers to exam-style questions
equation provided. Gradient = 1.5 1 a i 11.6 cm [1]
6 Precision of protractor = 1° ii 4 cm [1]
7 The points should show a significant iii 2.9 [1]
difference from the line of best fit. To ensure b Any two from: lens at the same height
more accurate results, pins could be used as object; work in a darkened room; all
instead of pencilled crosses or the room could equipment at right angles to the bench;
be darkened. ruler fixed to the bench. [2]
8 If the line of best fit lies in the range of the [Total: 5]
additional points, the measurements taken
are accurate. If the line of best fit falls out of
these points, the results can be improved by
using a sharp pencil, ensure the baseline of
Chapter 14
the protractor lines up with the angle being Practical investigation 14.1:
measured. (Only one suggestion required.)
Waves on a spring
Getting started
Practical investigation 13.3:
Dispersion of white light Learners are to practise manipulating the spring
for the investigation to produce both longitudinal
Getting started and transverse waves.
Learners research the different types of prism and Answers to workbook questions
predict the order in which the colours are seen.
1 Learners record their results in the table.
Answers to workbook questions 2 Learners should sketch a transverse wave,
1 As the prism is rotated, the width of the labelling the amplitude.
spectrum of the refracted beam gets smaller
3 As the speed of the wave is increased the
and then larger as the rotation continues.
frequency also increases. The wavelength
2 Learners should sketch and label the colours might also shorten.
in order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue,
4 Learners should sketch a longitudinal wave,
indigo, violet.
labelling a compression and a rarefaction.
3 Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
5 Difficulty: timing the wavefront.
4 Violet. The glass slows down the violet light Solution: record, using video and stop frame
more than it does the red and so the angle for exact time. Or Difficulty: maintaining a
through which the violet is refracted is greater. fixed end. Solution: fix to a wall rather than
use another person.
5 View the spectrum in a darkened room; use a
white screen; use a lens to sharpen the image.
6 Interference from the multiple-slit sources
will produce a different pattern to the
basic spectrum.

16 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

Practical investigation 14.2: 7 Learners draw a diagram of waves passing

through a large gap and a small gap. They
Investigating the properties describe the wave pattern, speed and
of waves wavelength after the wave passes through the
gap. See exemplar results on Cambridge GO.
Getting started
8 Waves are generated by a beam attached to a
Reflection Refraction Diffraction motor. The motor oscillates the beam, disrupting
Angle of Wave speed More the surface of the water, producing waves.
incidence changes if it diffraction will 9 As the wavefront travels into shallower water
= angle of goes into a occur when the wave slows down, and consequently
reflection. more dense the size of the changes its direction.
No change in or less dense gap is equal 10 The closer the gap in size to the wavelength of
the speed of medium. to or smaller the wave, the greater the diffraction that occurs.
the wave. than the 11 The wavelength of light is much smaller than
wavelength of the wavelength of the water waves. This means
the wave. that a much smaller gap in the order of 10−7 m
would need to be used in order to see the
Answers to workbook questions diffraction of the light.
1 Learners sketch the reflection of a wavefront
from the boundary, using straight lines to
Answers to exam-style questions
represent the waveform. 1 a Transverse wave [1]
b Any four from: place bar in the water; set
2 The wavelength and the speed
motor running; measure the size of the
remain constant.
gap; record observations; repeat for
3 The angle of the incoming wave front is equal different sizes of gap. [4]
to the angle of the reflected wave front. c i
4 The shallow water boundary causes the speed
of the wave to decrease. This slowing of the barrier
wave causes the wavefront to bend.
5 The wave speed decreases as it enters the more
shallow water. The frequency of the wave Wavelength remains the same [1];
remains constant so the wavelength must small diffraction [1]
also decrease.
6 Learners draw a diagram of the wave front
before and after it hits the boundary in
the water.

larger gap


Wavelength remains the same [1];

large diffraction [1]

17 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

iii The closer the gap to the size of UV light; same volume of
the wavelength [1]; the greater the fluorescent matter. [2]
diffraction observed. [1] b The clear plastic is transparent and will
d Any one from: observe in a darkened not block any of the UV light. [1]
room; ensure the bar is submerged in the c Ensure all variables that might affect
water; ensure the frequency of the waves the results are controlled and repeat the
is low. [1] experiment to see if the results are
[Total: 12] the same. [1]
[Total: 6]

Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Practical investigation 15.1:
Investigating infrared waves Practical investigation 16.1:
A magnetic circus
Getting started
Getting started
Learners select a number of materials from those
on offer and categorise those that will reflect, Learners should research magnetic materials and
absorb or emit thermal energy. then predict which materials in station 2 would be
magnetic. Examples: fridge door magnetic strip,
Answers to workbook questions fire doors, door locks, earrings, earphones.
1 Learners draw a table for their results. Answers to workbook questions
Intensity / W/m2 1 The north pole of a bar magnet will attract
Material the south pole of another magnet. The
1 2 3 Average
magnetic field lines run from the north pole to
the south, which causes the opposing ends to
move towards one another. When like poles
are placed opposite one another the force felt
2 Aluminium foil blocked the greatest amount from the field lines causes a repulsion.
of radiation. For example, this can be seen 2 The field lines run in a circular pattern on the
in the results as the reading on the infrared outside of the bar magnet, running from one
thermometer dropped to 8 W/m2. pole to the other. The iron filings cluster at the
3 poles, suggesting these are the strongest points
Control Variable of the magnet.
All the same thickness Thickness of 3 Learners comment on the results of their
where possible – material investigation at station 2 and their prediction.
one layer
4 The magnetic materials were those that
Same distance each time Distance from were attracted by the magnet. These
transmitter materials included nickel, iron and the steel
ball bearings.
Same size squares Positioning of
each time material 5 Use a piece of card with a magnet placed
underneath. You could also use plotting
Answers to exam-style questions compasses instead.
1 a i Independent variable: type of
6 For the materials identified as possibly
sunscreen [1]; dependent variable:
magnetic, the opposite side of the magnet
amount of fluorescence [1]
should be used to see if the material still
ii Any two from: the distance of the attracts. If it is a magnet it will be repelled by
plastic from the UV light; the volume the test magnet.
of sunscreen, size of plastic; same

18 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

Practical investigation 16.2: Answers to workbook questions

Exploring magnetic fields Station 1
Getting started 1 Learners draw up a table and record their results.

The coloured end of the compass represents north. Type of core Number of paperclips
picked up
Answers to workbook questions 1 2 3 Average
1 Learners sketch the
results for opposite
poles facing: N–S. N S 2 The core made from soft iron was the most
effective in the electromagnet. The soft iron
core picked up more paperclips compared
with just one paperclip when using steel. The
2 Learners sketch the wooden core did not magnetise as it failed to
results for same poles pick up any paperclips. The number of coils
facing: N–N, S–S. and the current were kept constant so as not
to when using the results.
Station 2
repulsion 3 Number of paperclips
Number of
3 The field lines from the north pole of one turns 1 2 3 Average
magnet connect to the south pole of the other
magnet. The outer field lines still curve but the 20
inner ones are closely packed together. Field 40
lines around each magnet still connect from 60
north to south.
4 The field lines are closest together near the 100
poles so the field is strongest here. Iron filings
can be used to display the magnetic fields. 4 As the number of turns on the coil of wire
was increased, the number of paperclips
5 The field lines collected by the electromagnet also increased.
for three magnets For example, when there were 20 turns fewer
will look paperclips were collected compared to when
like this. there were 80 turns. The core and current were
neutral point kept constant so as not to affect the results.
Stations 1 and 2
5 The potential difference was kept at the same
value throughout the experiment to ensure
6 Iron filings or steel pins could be used. that the current within the circuit remained
constant. The number of turns on the coil was
Practical investigation 16.3: kept at 40 so that this did not affect the result.
Investigating electromagnets 6 A steel core would not demagnetise.
Altering the core would affect the strength of
Getting started the magnet.
Independent (the one Number of coils; type 7 Any reasonable suggestion such as: loaded one
you choose) of core paper clip at a time; made sure no paperclips
were linked; only added the paperclips in
Dependent (the one Number of steel
a chain.
you measure) paperclips
Control (the one(s) Current through the
you will need to keep coil; type of core;
the same) number of coils

19 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

Answers to exam-style questions 2 Both the salt and the pencil shavings have
1 a Increase the number of turns on the coil an opposite charge to the balloon and so are
or use a soft iron core. [1] attracted to it. The charge in the shavings
and salt is induced due to the charge on the
b The iron nail [1]; as it can become
balloon. The pencil shavings, being lighter, are
magnetised. [1]
easier to lift.
c Plastic is not a magnetic material. [1]
d The number of turns on the coil. [1] Station 3
e i 9 [1] 1 Learners record their observations in the table.
ii Any sensible suggestion: miscounted Balloon condition Observations
paperclips; there might have been a
break in the circuit. [1] uncharged balloons lie side by side
f As the current through the wire increases charged balloons balloons separate
the strength of the electromagnet
dampened balloons balloons almost
also increases. [1]
return to rest
When the current was 0.2 A the position
electromagnet could hold four paperclips
but as the current increased to 1.0 A the 2 Both of the balloons obtain the same charge
number of paperclips increased to 36. [1] because they are made of the same material
 and so they repel one another.
[Total: 9]
3 The water conducts electrons and so conducts
the static charge away so that the balloons are
Chapter 17 no longer charged.

Practical investigation 17.1: 4 Like charges repel; the unlike charges attract.

Investigating static electricity 5 Reduced handling of items that have been

charged. Earth yourself by touching a
Getting started conductor; remove rubber-soled shoes.
Learners will practise handling the rods and 6 Learners to use ideas about not discharging
charging them up through friction. themselves or accidentally discharging the
objects, etc. Any sensible suggestions should
Answers to workbook questions be accepted here.
Station 1
1 Learners record their observations in the table. Practical investigation 17.2:
Rod combination Observations Production and detection of
polythene and acrylic attract electrostatic charges
polythene and polythene repel
Getting started
acrylic and acrylic repel
Learners predict which material will be
2 As the two rods are brought together they move electrostatically charged, such as paper and
towards one another – they attract. This suggests pencil shavings and concrete wall. This is because
that the two rods have opposite charges. a balloon can stick to a wall once it has been
rubbed due to charge. Or a piece of paper may
3 When two rods of the same material are stick to another sheet when they come out of
brought close together they move away from the photocopier.
one another – they repel. This suggests that
they have the same charge. Answers to workbook questions
Station 2 1 Concrete, paper and pencil shavings can all be
1 As the balloon is brought over the salt and charged by induction. This was evidenced by
pencil shavings it attracts them. As the pencil the balloon becoming attracted towards the
shavings are lighter they stick to the balloon previously uncharged materials.
more quickly.

20 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

2 Once the balloon was charged it was handled Practical investigation 18.2:
only by means of the string or its tied end.
Determining the resistance
Answers to exam-style questions
Getting started
1 a i By rubbing the rod against a woollen
cloth, clothes, or by friction. [1] Measurement: Current   Device: Ammeter in series
ii Negative [1]; because opposite Measurement: Voltage Device: Voltmeter in parallel
charges attract. [1]
Answers to workbook questions
b Cotton. [1] It does not conduct electricity
[1]; does not have free electrons / is 1 Learners should draw up a table for
an insulator. [1] their results.
c No. [1] Water conducts away the charge so Resistor number V / V I / A
the results would be less evident. [1]
d The sphere would move away from
the rod. [1] 2
[Total: 8]
Chapter 18
2 Learners calculate the resistances of
Practical investigation 18.1: their resistors.
Investigating current 3 Support: Yes, they are similar. All resistors
have to meet industry standards so must have
Getting started a resistance similar to its coding.
Learners discuss reasons why a circuit may be Against: No, they differ significantly. This
incomplete and test each of the components. might be due to errors in the measuring
Examples could be: a break in the circuit; a broken devices or resistance between contacts in the
cell; rust between connections; damage in the wires. circuit causing inaccurate measurements.
Answers to workbook questions 4 Precision of ammeter = 0.01 A; precision of
1 Learners fill in their results table for voltmeter = 0.01 V
series circuits.
Practical investigation 18.3:
2 Learners fill in their results table for Investigating current
parallel circuits.
in components
3 The current in a series circuit is the same
throughout the circuit. Getting started
4 In a parallel circuit the current in the branches Learners trial the experiment to find a good range
is smaller than the current that is pushed out for their results.
of the cell.
Answers to workbook questions
5 No. Current is not used up, it remains the
1 Learners draw up tables to record their results.
same around a series circuit and the total
current leaving and returning to the cell Potential difference, Current,
remains the same in a parallel circuit. p.d. / V I/A
6 An ammeter. There is no parallax error so
the result is more accurate. A digital ammeter
2 A graph of current against potential difference
reads to a greater number of decimal places so
should be drawn. It should be a straight-line
is more sensitive or precise.
graph through the origin with a gradient
7 The switch means that the circuit is off until approximating to 100 Ω.
turned on, which can reduce the heating
effects of the current on the components.

21 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

3 The current–potential difference relationship ii Triangulation method demonstrated

is directly proportional. This means that, [1]; 24 [1]; Ω [1]
when the results are plotted, a straight-line iii Yes, the learner is correct.[1] It is a
graph through the origin is obtained. straight line graph that goes through
4 The resistance of the learner’s resistor will be the origin. [1]
1 [Total: 19]
less. This is because the gradient represents __
​​    ​​ 
2 a Correct circuit symbols [1]; correct
5 An ohmic conductor is a component that
positioning of components [1]; straight
follows Ohm’s law. This means the current
lines for wires, drawn with a ruler. [1]
is directly proportional to the potential
difference across it. b Read off the thermometer at eye level [1],
stir the water in the water bath to
6 Maintain the resistor’s temperature when ensure the temperature is the same
repeating readings (or other sensible answer). throughout. [1]
Answers to exam-style questions c i Voltage = current × resistance [1]
1 a i A, V, Ω all correct. [1] ii V = I × R [1]; 6 = 10 ×10–3 × R [1];
R = 600 [1]; Ω [1]
ii 1 mark for each correct answer. [4]
[Total: 10]
2.00 0.080 25
1.40 0.034 41
Chapter 19
2.00 0.024 83 Practical investigation 19.1:
1.20 0.012 100 Light-dependent resistors
b Place the resistor on a heatproof mat to Getting started
prevent damage to the surface; turn off
Learners should try different materials to block
the power pack when not in use to reduce
out the light to see which will be most effective.
effects of heating. [1]
c Correct circuit symbols [1]; correct Answers to workbook questions
positioning of components [1]; straight 1 Learners record their results in the table, see
lines for wires, drawn with a ruler. [1] exemplar results on Cambridge GO.
d i Suitable scale required [1]; axes
labelled including units [1]; correct plot 2 Learners should plot a graph of resistance
to ​​ _2 ​​ square, [2]; neatness of plot and
1 against distance.
line of best fit – are they all clear? [1]


0.4 Resistance


Distance / m

0.1 3 As the light intensity decreases the resistance

increases; learners should make reference to
0 their results to support this.
0 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00
4 No. As the light intensity decreases, the
resistance will increase and so the current will
drop. This means that the circuit will not work.

22 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

5 Any viable suggestion such as wrapping black use; the thermistor should be fully submersed
paper around the lamp and LDR or blocking in the water; water is stirred to ensure the
out the light in some way. temperature reading is correct throughout the
water; read the thermometer at eye level to
6 A light detector attached to a data logger
reduce parallax error; readings are repeated so
could have been used at the set distances to
that an average can be taken to reduce error.
measure the light intensity.

Practical investigation 19.2: Practical investigation 19.3:

Thermistors Investigating resistors in series
and in parallel
Getting started
Getting started
Learners should jot down some notes on particles
and recognise that, as the temperature increases, Learners practise setting up basic series and
the ions in the metal will have increased energy parallel circuits so that they are able to get them
and so vibrate more. working without help.

Dependent variable: resistance Answers to workbook questions

Independent variable: temperature 1 Learners record their results in the tables.
2 Learners draw a circuit diagram for the
Answers to workbook questions
second circuit.
1 Learners draw up a table, and record
their results. V

Temperature Potential Current Resistance

difference  / A / Ω
/ V

2 Learners plot a graph of resistance

against temperature.

/Ω 3 Learners calculate the average values for p.d.
and current for both circuits and record them
in the tables.
4 Learners should calculate and record the
resistance in both circuits using the formula
Temperature / °C V
R = __
​​   ​​ 
3 For an NTC thermistor, as the temperature
5 The total resistance in the parallel circuit is
increases the resistance decreases. Learners
less than the resistance in the series circuit.
should refer to their own results, for example,
Learners should refer to their results. For
‘This is illustrated in the experimental results.
example, ‘This can be seen in the experimental
When the temperature is 40 °C the resistance is
results. The resistance in the parallel circuit is
250 Ω but drops to 100 Ω when the temperature
3 Ω whereas in the series circuit it is 30 Ω’.
increases to 70 °C’.
6 There is no parallax error so the result is
4 Any two of: ensure readings on the
more accurate. The digital ammeter reads to
thermometer are taken from eye level; check
a greater number of decimal places so is more
for non-zero error on the ohmmeter before
sensitive or precise.

23 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

Practical investigation 19.4:

Investigating fuses
Chapter 20
Answers to workbook questions Practical investigation 20.1:
1 Learners record their results in the table.
Making a relay circuit
2 Learners should state the current at which the Getting started
fuse blows. De-magnetise them by heating or dropping and
3 The fuse did not blow because the current check that they do not attract anything metallic.
flowing through the circuit was lower than the
rating value and so did not heat the fuse wire
Answers to workbook questions
up enough to cause it to melt. 1 The lamp in the 12 V circuit is turned off.
4 Yes. The fuse wire melted at a current similar 2 The lamp in the 12 V circuit is turned on.
to the rating on the fuse wire.
3 When the 1.5 V circuit is turned on, the C-core
5 The current in the circuit that causes the becomes magnetised and attracts the steel
fuse to blow might be related to a p.d. that strip. As the steel strip moves downwards
is between a whole-number interval. The the contact wires touch, completing the 12 V
variable resistor allows for more sensitive circuit, causing the lamp to turn on.
readings to be taken.
4 This protects the user as the voltage in the
6 There is no parallax error so the result is 1.5 V circuit will be at a much safer level than
more accurate. The digital ammeter reads to in the 12 V circuit.
a greater number of decimal places so is more
sensitive or precise. 5 The strip must be made from steel, iron,
cobalt or nickel as it needs to be attracted to
Answers to exam-style questions the C-core to make a contact and complete the
1 a Voltmeter in parallel to all components or 12 V circuit.
across the cell. [1] 6 Increase the current in the smaller circuit or
b See table, two correct [1], all three [2] increase the number of turns on the coil.
Total resistance in

Practical investigation 20.2:

the circuit, R / Ω

Appearance of

The motor effect

the lamp

Getting started



Learners should draw the field lines between the

magnets. Field lines should run from north to
1 1.49 0.50 3.0 bright south in straight lines between the poles and in
curved lines above and below the poles for the
2 1.48 0.22 6.7 dim pairs of north and south poles.
V For the pair of north poles, the field lines go
c i R = __
​​   ​​  [1]
I towards each other and then through 90 degrees
ii See table, 3.0 [1]; 4.5 [1] upwards and downwards so that they are parallel
d See table: circuit 1 – bright [1]; near an imaginary line that is halfway between
circuit 2 – dim [1] the poles.The angle between the wire and the field
would be 90°.
e If the learner added another resistor in
parallel to the other resistors in each of Answers to workbook questions
the circuits this would reduce the effective
1 The wire moved (and might be forced out of
resistance of both circuits. [1] Placing a
the magnetic field, depending on the polarity
resistor in parallel to another makes it
of their connection to the cell).
easier for the current to flow reducing the
total resistance in the circuit. [1] 2 The wire moved in the opposite direction.
[Total: 10]

24 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

3 It will cause the wire to move in the 8 Dependent variable: induced e.m.f. or current;
opposite direction. independent variable: number of turns of
the coil.
4 Fibreglass is an insulator and so will not
conduct electricity, so the wire would 9 The size of the magnetic field; keep the
not move. magnets the same throughout. The speed at
which the magnet is inserted into the coil;
5 Increase the current in the wire or increase the
insert into the coil at a consistent speed.
strength of the magnets.
10 It has a greater sensitivity than an ammeter
Answers to exam-style questions so will detect smaller currents and can also
1 a All three correct [2]; two correct [1] indicate the direction of current flow.
b i As the circuit is turned on the rod will
move [1] outwards [1]. Practical investigation 21.2:
ii The rod will move [1] in the Investigating transformers
opposite direction. [1]
c i Increase the current [1]; increase the Getting started
strength of the magnets. [1] Learners correctly identify primary coil, secondary
ii The copper rod is a conductor [1] coil and soft iron core (yoke).
[Total: 9] Answers to workbook questions
1 The lamp is dimly lit when there are 20 turns
Chapter 21 on the primary coil.
2 Learners should make a prediction and give
Practical investigation 21.1: reasoning to support their prediction.
Electromagnetic induction 3 The brightness of the lamp increases as the
in a coil number of turns increases.
4 Learners state whether their observation
Getting started
supports their prediction.
Readings: 6 μA, 14 μA, 12 μA, 2 μA
5 Prediction related to an increase in brightness.
Answers to workbook questions Reason: adding the yoke increases the magnetic
flux in the transformer and so will increase the
1 When the magnet is pushed inside the coil of induced e.m.f. in the secondary coil.
wire the arm on the galvanometer deflects.
Learners should provide a reading. 6 Learners should state with reason if their
observation supports their prediction.
2 When removing the magnet, the arm of the
galvanometer will deflect in the opposite 7 A step-down transformer. The mains voltage
direction. Learners should provide a reading. is 230 V but the bulb has a p.d. of 2.5 V so the
voltage across the secondary is lower than that
3 When the magnet remains in the coil the arm across the primary.
of the galvanometer should not deflect.
8 A voltmeter could be placed across the bulb
4 The arm of the galvanometer deflects further to take readings for voltage or an ammeter
each way. placed in the circuit to measure the current.
5 The arm of the galvanometer deflects further This can then be compared to what is supplied
and faster each way. to the primary coil.
6 The greater the number of turns, the greater Answers to exam-style questions
the induced e.m.f., so the greater the 1 a Independent variable: speed of rotation
current induced. [1]; dependent variable: the induced e.m.f.
7 The faster the movement of the magnet within [1]; control variables: the magnetic field
the coil, the greater the induced e.m.f. and strength; number of turns on the coil
thus the greater the induced current. (both correct [1])

25 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

b One from: keep the magnets the same

each time; maintain a constant number of
coils of wire. [1]
c A voltmeter [1]
[Total: 5]

Chapter 22

Practical investigation 22.1:

The structure of the atom
Getting started
• Protons – positive charge, atomic mass of 1,
in nucleus
• Neutrons – no charge, atomic mass of 1,
in nucleus
• Electrons – negative charge, negligible mass, 3

in orbitals or shells around nucleus 3 Each different type of bead represents a

Answers to workbook questions different sub-atomic particle. The proton and
neutron beads are collected in the centre of
1 Sketch the atoms you have created. the plate in the nucleus, while the electron
2 Adapt your models to illustrate an isotope beads are positioned as orbitals on the outer
of each of the elements​​147 ​N​,​126 ​C​, ​42 ​He​and ​73 ​Li​. edges of the plate.
Sketch these isotopes. 4 Similarities: there are three different types of
particle (bead); they are arranged similarly.
Differences: there is no free space in this
model. The sizes of the atom and particles,
and their spacing, are not proportionate or
representative of those in the atom.
5 Ideas could include: include orbitals for
electrons; make the model three-dimensional;
create free space in the model.
6 There is free space between the planets; the
planets orbit a central core.

Practical investigation 22.2:

The alpha scattering experiment
Getting started
Learners make predictions about how the rolling
balls might behave when the bottles are in the
different configurations described.

Answers to workbook questions

6 C 1 The table tennis balls represent the alpha
particles. Each drinks bottle represents
an atom and the curvature of the bottle
represents the nuclear force of the atom.

26 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

2 The ball moves collides with the bottle and 2 Learners draw a graph of a decay curve, based
rolls back in the same direction. on their results.
3 The ball deflects away from the bottle as it
collides with the side of the bottle.
4 The more off-axis the impact, the smaller the
deflection of the table tennis ball from the
centre of the bottle.
5 The ball deflects fully because the curvature is dice
at its greatest at this point.
6 The size of the nucleus is small in comparison
to the size of the atom so the -particles
would rarely collide head-on with the nucleus. Number of rolls
7 Similarities in the model: a large number of
3 Learners should draw the curve of best fit on
balls would pass through the model; balls will
the graph.
deflect with a greater angle the closer to the
centre of the bottle they are fired. 4 Half-life is four spins, based on model data.

Answers to exam-style questions 5 The half-life results are similar. This is

representative of radioisotopes of the same
1 a i 7
element. Each time the spinners are spun there
ii 14
is the same probability that a spinner will land
iii 7
on a 6. This will give rise to the same
iv 7
decay pattern.
b i The nucleus is positively charged as it
has repelled a positive particle. Law 6 Six spinners, based on the model data.
of electrostatics, like charges repel. 7 If the sample size is increased to 50 the half-
ii 1)  The nucleus is very small in size life will remain the same.
2) the majority of the atom is
8 The process by which the spinners land on
empty space.
the 6 is random. However, over a period of
[Total: 7] time, a pattern emerges and a curve is
produced similar to what you would see in
radioactive decay.
9 Spinners are being used rather than decaying
Chapter 23 nuclei. There are no radioactive emissions; the
spinners do not change once they have rolled.
Practical investigation 23.1:
10 Yes this is an appropriate model. Learners to
Radioactive decay model suggest a model that may work.
Getting started Answers to exam-style questions
Demonstration to show the idea of a half-life. 1 a i 164 ÷ 3 [1] = 55 (2 s.f.) [1]
Answers to workbook questions ii Any two from: artificial sources;
cosmic rays; food and drink; radon;
1 Learners record their results in the table. ground and buildings; medical [2]
Results should range from 25 spinners b Any two from: sources should be kept in
remaining to one spinner remaining. a lead lined box in a metal storage box;
should bear the radioactive symbol on
the box; should be handled with tongs;
learners should stand a safe distance
from the source; do not direct the source
at anyone. [2]

27 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

c i As the thickness of the aluminium 3 The shadow cast creates the crescent moon.
sheet increases, the amount of beta-
4 The new moon is in full shadow so it is unable
decay passing through decreases [1];
to be observed.
supporting reference from data. [1]
ii Any one from: use same detector; 5 The distances from the Sun and Earth could
same distance of source from have been to scale. A scale model of the Sun,
the sheet. [1] Moon and Earth could have been used.
d She could repeat the investigation and 6 The Moon would have been between the
take an average of the results. [1] observer and the Sun.
[Total: 10] 7 a

Day Sketch Phase of the

Chapter 24 moon
1 Full moon
Practical investigation 24.1:
Phases of the Moon
• The lamp represents the Sun.
• The ball represents the Moon. 7 First quarter
1 Learners record their observations in the table.
2 See table

Point from Sketch Phase of the 14 New moon

starting observation moon
position of the ball
At start Full moon

21 Third quarter
​​ _18 ​​ turn Waning
anticlockwise gibbous

​​ _14 ​​ turn Last quarter

anticlockwise 28 Full moon
​​ _38 ​​ turn Waning
anticlockwise crescent

​​ _12 ​​ way New moon

through cycle b The Moon takes approximately 28 days to
orbit the Earth. The radius of the Moon’s
​​ _58 ​​ turn Waxing orbit is approximately 3.5 × 108 m
anticlockwise crescent 2r
i V = ​​ ____ ​​  
​​ _34 ​​ turn First quarter
anticlockwise 2 ×  × 3.5 × 108
​​     ​​
(28 × 24 × 60 × 60)
​​ _78 ​​ turn Waxing [1] for subs; [1] for conversion of time
anticlockwise gibbous period
V = 909 m/s [1]
Back to starting Full moon V = 0.91 km/s [1]

28 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

c •  It is elliptical Answers to exam-style questions

•  It orbits the Sun 1 a See table. All correct [2]; minimum of half
• It changes in speed / fater the closer to correct [1]
the Sun
Length, l / m Time, T / s (Time)2, T 2 / s2

Chapter 25 0.1
Practical investigation 25.1: 0.3 1.10 1.21
Determining the acceleration 0.4 1.26 1.59
of freefall 0.5 1.41 1.99
Getting started 0.6 1.55 2.40
a 12.5 m/s 0.7 1.67 2.79
b 15 m/s
b Graph should have labelled axes with
c 7.5 m/s
units [1]; all plotted correctly [1]
Answers to workbook questions c Line of best fit should be straight [1]
1 Learners record their data in the table. d Gradient should show triangulation
method [1]; value should be
2 Learners calculate the speed for each height of approximately 4.0 [1]
card drop using the relevant data and record it
in the final column of the table. e These readings may include an error. [1]
Repeating the measurements and taking
3 Learners calculate v2 for each height of card an average will reduce the effect of
drop and record it in the table. the error. [1]
4 Learners plot a graph of v2 on the vertical f The learner should record the time taken
axis and the height of card drop, h, on the for ten oscillations (or sensible number
horizontal axis. suggested). [1] This can then be divided
by 10 to find the time period for
5 Learners should calculate an answer using the one oscillation. [1]
triangulation method in the region of 10 m/s2.
[Total: 11]
6 They are directly proportional (since the graph
is a straight line through the origin).
7 Learners research values of g on other
planets: Mars 3.7; Jupiter 24.79; Saturn 10.4;
Mercury 3.7.
8 As the size of the planet increases the
acceleration due to freefall increases. This
causes the weight to increase (reverse
argument also true). Learners should use data
to support their argument.
9 Any two from: the timer; human reaction
time; poor alignment with gate; card released
from incorrect height.
10 Learners make suggestions relevant to errors
listed, for example always use the same person
releasing the ball, film the fall of the ball, use
a marker as a starting point, use a marker
on the ball and the ruler so they align before
release (or other sensible suggestion).

29 Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Practical Workbook – Nightingale © Cambridge University Press 2021

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