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Media and Information Literacy

Quarter 1

Media and Information Literacy - Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 - Module 2: Media
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
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exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalty.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective
copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to
use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and
authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.

Published by the Department of Education – Region X – Northern

Mindanao Regional Director: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO V
Development Team of the Module:

Author: Development
Celomarteam of the module
Reviewers: Therese Mae C. Maandig
Author: Arian M. Edullantes
Celomar Pacquiao
Editors: Abihail L. Gimena
Illustrator: Jay
Reviewers: Therese Mae C. Michael A. Calipusan
Arian M. Edullantes
Management Team:
Abihail L. Gimena
Illustrator and Layout Artist:
Chairperson: Jay Michael A.Dr.Calipusan
Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director
Management Team: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
Asst. Regional Director
Himaya B. Sinatao
Mala Epra B. Magnaong
Joel D. Potane
Members: Dr. Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr.
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Senior High School

Media and Information

Quarter 1

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators

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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Table of Contents

What This Module is About.................................................................................................I

What I Need to Know.........................................................................................................II
How to Learn from this Module.........................................................................................III
Icons of this Module..........................................................................................................IV
What I Know..................................................................................................................... IV

Module 5:
Types of Media...............................................................................
What’s In.....................................................................................................5
What’s New.................................................................................................6
What Is It.....................................................................................................7
What’s More..............................................................................................12
What I Have Learned................................................................................13
What I Can Do..........................................................................................14

Module 6:
Media and Information Sources...................................................
What’s In...................................................................................................15
What’s New...............................................................................................15
What Is It...................................................................................................16
What’s More..............................................................................................20
What I Have Learned................................................................................21
What I Can Do..........................................................................................21
Key to Answers....................................................................................................................
What This Module is About
Welcome to the 21st Century Society!
We live in a world where the quality of information we receive largely determines
our choices and ensuing actions, including our capacity to enjoy fundamental freedoms and
the ability for self-determination and development. Driven by technological improvements in
telecommunications, there is also a proliferation of media and other information providers
through which vast amounts of information and knowledge are accessed and shared by
citizens (Karklins, J., UNESCO).
This Module is a second part for the subject in Media and Information Literacy, which
will pave the way towards more meaningful discussions and interactions. This aimed in
introducing the concept of Media and Information Literacy to Senior High School learners, as
solid ground for college readiness. Basic concepts and terminologies will be presented as
we go along the module.
This module contains varied activities that can help you as a Senior High School
student to not just be an information literate individual, but a creative and critical thinker as
well as responsible user and competent producer of media and information.
Together, let us scan the next few pages of this module in order for us to be fully
equipped and to be media and information literate individual. But before that, let me first
present to you our learning goals for this module.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

1. The Evolution of Traditional to New Media
2. Types of Media
3. Media and Information Sources

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Identify the device used by people communicate with each other, store information
and broadcast Information across the different ages. (Identifies traditional media and
new media and their relationships MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb-5);
2. Differentiate between traditional media and new media. (Editorializes the roles and
functions of media in democratic society MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb-6);
3. Discuss the Normative Theories of the Press. (Editorializes the roles and functions of
media in democratic society MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb-6);
4. Identify the functions of communication and media. (Searches latest theory on
information and media MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb-7);
5. Identify the different types of media. (Classifies contents of different media types
6. Classify contents of different media types. (Classifies contents of different media types
7. Analyze and evaluate the effects of new media to the youth. (Classifies contents of
different media types MIL11/12TYM-IIId-10);
8. Explain the need to be aware and understand propaganda materials (Classifies
contents of different media types MIL11/12TYM-IIId-10);
9. Define media convergence through current example MIL11/12TYM-IIId-11) ;
10. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different sources information
(Discusses to class on how a particular individual/ or society is portrayed in public
using different type of media MIL11/12TYM-IIId-12);
11. identify and explain basic criteria for evaluating information(Compares potential
sources of media and information MIL11/12MIS-IIIe-13);
12. Interviews an elder from the community regarding indigenous media and information
resource MIL11/12MIS-IIIe-14;
13. discuss the importance of being able to evaluate information from the internet
(Evaluates everyday media and information with regard to with codes, convention,
and messages; in regards with audience, producers, and other stakeholders
14. Produces and assesses the codes, convention, and messages of a group presentation

How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that
Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior relatedt
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.

Types of Media
What’s In

Activity 1: Analyzing Infographics

Source: http://cnnphilippines.com/news/2016/06/01/Media-killings-journalists-Duterte-Philippines.html

Process questions:
1. What information is show in the Infographics?

2. What is the implication of media killings in the Philippines?

3. Do you agree that media killings is a danger to Philippine democracy? Why? Why not?

What’s New

Activity 2: Photo Analysis

Source: https://ccsearch.creativecommons.org/photos/113a5fc5-c52f-4cc9-bdeb-ad9cc6deef90

Process questions:
1. Define media in your own words based from the picture shown above?

2. What possible type of media can you depict from the picture?

Category 4 3 2 1
Observations Student makes Student makes Student makes Student
a complete a detailed a detailed descriptions
and detailed description of description of are not detailed
description of most of the some of the or complete.
the subject subject matter subject matter
matter and/or and/or elements and/or elements
elements seen seen the photo. seen the photo.
the photo.
Understanding Analysis of Analysis of Analysis of Analysis of
the piece the piece the piece the piece
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
Thorough considerable some little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
of principles, of principles, of principles, of principles,
concepts and concepts and concepts and concepts and
relationships. relationships. relationships. relationships.
Thinking/ Analysis and Analysis and Analysis and Analysis and
Inquiry Interpretation Interpretation of Interpretation
of images is images is sound. of images is Interpretation
strong. satisfactory. of images is
Application Ability to make Ability to make Ability to make Ability to make
and express and express and express and express
judgements, judgements, judgements, judgements,
conclusions and conclusions and conclusions conclusions
predictions was predictions was and predictions and predictions
insightful and considerably was moderately was limited.
effective. effective. effective.

What Is It

Media is the term we use to

refer to different types of media that
provide us with important information
and knowledge. Media has always
been part of our society, even when
people used paintings and writings
to share information. As time passed,
people came up with different modes
to provide news to the public. Based
on the type of medium, their role
may be different, but they all exist to
communicate to the audience and
affect their perceptions. Today, we
don’t have to travel oceans or wait for
a pigeon to get the latest news.

Print Media
This type of news media used to be the only way of delivering information to the
public. For the generations of the 80s and 90s, print media was the only media of entertain.
People relied on newspapers and magazines to learn everything, from recipes and
entertainment news to important information about the country or the world. Print media

Newspapers. Printed and Magazines. Printed on a Books. Focused on

distributed on a daily or weekly, monthly, quarterly, a particular topic or
weekly basis. They include or annual basis. It contains subject, giving the
news related to sports, information about finance, reader a chance
politics, technology, science, food, lifestyle, fashion, to spread their
local news, national sports, etc. knowledge about their
news, international news, favorite topic.
birth notices, as well as
entertainment news related Banners. Used to advertise Billboards. Huge
to fashion, celebrities, and a company’s services and advertisements
movies. Today’s parents products, hung on easily- created with the help
grew up with this type of noticed sights to attract of computers. Their
printed media. people’s attention. goal is to attract
people passing by.
Brochures. A type of Flyers. Used mostly by (source: https://
booklet that includes small companies due to whatagraph.com/blog/
everything about one the low cost of advertising. media)
company – its products, They contain the basic
services, terms and information about a
conditions, contact details, company, their name, logo,
address, etc. They are service or product, and
either distributed with the contact information, and
newspapers, or hand over they are distributed in public
to people. areas.

Broadcast Media
Broadcast media describes the traditional forms of media that include television and
radio. Technically, the term ‘broadcast media’ can include the internet as well and even such
things as Bluetooth marketing and other forms of location-based transmissions.
(Source: https://www.openpr.com/wiki/broadcast-media)
This means to communicate or transmit a signal, a message, or content, such as
audio or video programming, to numerous recipients simultaneously over a communication
network. To make knows over a wide area.
(Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Broadcast+media)

(Source: https://ccsearch.creativecommons.org)

Film / Cinema
The Term ‘Film’ is commonly applied
to movies of an artistic or educational nature
and is not expected to have broad,
commercial appeal. According to Wikipedia, a
film is created by photographing actual
scenes with a motion picture camera; by
photographing drawings or miniature models
using traditional animation techniques; by
means of computer animation; or by a
combination of some or all of these
techniques and other visual effects. It is a
series of images, which when displayed on
screen, create an illusion of moving images
by the phi phenomenon.

(Source: https://ccsearch.creativecommons.org)

Video Games / Digital Games
Any of various interactive games
played using a specialized electronic gaming
device or a computer or mobile device and a
television or other display screen, along with a
means to control graphic images.

(Source: https://ccsearch.creativecommons.org)

New Media
Defines “new media” as “forms of
communicating in the digital world, which
includes publishing... most significantly, over
the Internet. It implies that the user obtains
the material via desktop and laptop
computers, smartphones and tablets. Every
company in the developed world is involved
with new media.” PC Magazine
(Source: https://ddunleavy.typepad.com/new_

(Source: https://ccsearch.creativecommons.org)

Media Convergence
Media convergence is a term that can
refer to either: 1) the merging of previously
distinct media technologies and media forms
due to digitization and computer networking;
or 2) an economic strategy in which the
media properties owned by communications
companies employ digitization and computer
networking to work together.
(Source: Gleonhard, article/media-convergence).

Mass Media and Media Effects

Mass Media Refers to the various ways, especially television, radio,
newspapers, and magazines, by which information and news
are given to large numbers of people.

Media Effects Are the intended or unintended consequences of what the mass
media does?
(Denis McQuail, 2010)

Media Effects
Third – party Theory

People think they are more immune to

media influence than others. Behavioral
hypothesis predicts that third-person
perception (i.e., seeing others as more
influenced) will lead to support for
restrictions on media messages.
Source: superk8nyc,
Reciprocal Effect

When a person or event gets media

attention, it influences the way the person
acts or the way the event functions.

Mixer, https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/
Boomerang Effect

Refers to media-induced change that is

counter to the desired change.

Cultivation Theory
(George Gerbner)

It state media exposure, specifically to

television, shapes our social reality by
giving us a distorted view on the amount of
violence and risk in the world
rawpixel.com/ https://www.freepik.com/free-
Agenda-setting Theory
(Lippmann/ McCombs and Shaw)

Process whereby the mass media determine

what we think and worry about.

Macrovector/ https://www.freepik.com/

Ideas or statements that
are often false or exaggerated
and that are spread in order to
help a cause, a political leader, a
government, etc.


Be Aware of Propaganda
• Propaganda manipulates
and diverts you from logical
analysis of issues.
• Propaganda hides the
• By understanding
propaganda, you will
be able to protect
yourself from deceitful

How to Spot a Propaganda

• Distorts and
oversimplify evidence
• Shows internal
after examining

Source: https://www.ifla.org/publications/node/11174

What’s More

Activity 3: Types of Media

Direction: Key Type. Write “P” for print media, “B” for broadcast media, “F” for film, and
“N” for new media.
1. ABS- CBN TV Patrol aired on channel 2
2. Harry Potter Complete Series Boxed Set Collection
3. Promotional poster uploaded in Facebook
4. Media and Information Literacy textbook
5. Don’t Let Me Down by The Chain smokers in Spotify
6. 24- Oras news program uploaded on YouTube
7. One Punch-man manga uploaded in My Manga website
8. Jason Bourne movie shown in theaters
9. Philippine Daily Inquirer news paper
10. 7 Years by Lukas Graham played on 90.7 Love Radio

Activity 4: Picture Analysis

Guide Questions:

1. What symbolisms are

used in this Picture?

2. What is the message of

this Picture?

* Please see the

Picture Analysis
Rubric on the next

Source: Max , Muselmann, https://unsplash.com/


Picture Analysis Rubric

Category 4 3 2 1
Observations Student makes Student makes Student makes Student
a complete a detailed a detailed descriptions
and detailed description of description of are not detailed
description of most of the some of the or complete.
the subject subject matter subject matter
matter and/or and/or elements and/or elements
elements seen seen the photo. seen the photo.
the photo.
Understanding Analysis of Analysis of Analysis of Analysis of
the piece the piece the piece the piece
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
Thorough considerable some little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
of principles, of principles, of principles, of principles,
concepts and concepts and concepts and concepts and
relationships. relationships. relationships. relationships.

Thinking/ Analysis and Analysis and Analysis and Analysis and

Inquiry Interpretation Interpretation of Interpretation
of images is images is sound. of images is Interpretation
strong. satisfactory. of images is
Application Ability to make Ability to make Ability to make Ability to make
and express and express and express and express
judgements, judgements, judgements, judgements,
conclusions and conclusions and conclusions conclusions
predictions was predictions was and predictions and predictions
insightful and considerably was moderately was limited.
effective. effective. effective.

What I Have Learned

Activity 5: Character Analysis

How is this person portrayed in public by different types of media?

Adapted from teaching guide by CHED to DepEd, pp.22. (Teaching Guide for SHS)
Guide Questions:
1. What do these two personalities have a common?
2. How did they become the “Queen of All Media?

What I Can Do

1. Write an essay about your analysis and evaluation of the effects of media to the
Filipino youth.
2. Your essay must have a title, an introduction, a body paragraph (1 main argument
with 2 examples), and a conclusion. Not less than 12 sentences

Very Good Good Poor
5 4 2

INTRODUCTION Well-developed Introductory Introduction Introduction

Background/ introductory paragraph does not was not
Define the paragraph contains some adequately presented.
Problem contains detailed background explain the
background information background of
information, a and states the problem.
clear explanation the problem, The problem
or definition of but does not is stated, but
the problem. explain using lacks detail.

BODY Argument is Argument was Argument was Argument

PARAGRAPHS well developed presented presented but was not
with supporting with some lacks examples. presented.
Main Argument
examples. supporting

CONCLUSION Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion was Conclusion

was presented. was presented presented but was not
Opinions and with some no suggestions presented.
suggestions suggestions for change and/
for change are for change are or opinions are
logical and well evident. included.
thought out.

Media and Information
6 Sources

What’s In

Activity 1: Arrange Me
In the previous module, we learned about mass media and media effects. Mass
media talks about sharing relevant information to a large number of audience through
several ways and platforms.
Below is a list of Media types. Arrange the scrambled letters to identify the correct
media types. Write your answer on the spaces provided.


What’s New

Activity 2: Unlocking Difficulties


---By Henry Ward Beecher----

Guide Questions:
1. What is the message?

2. Do you agree with the message? Why or Why not?

What Is It

Information can come from virtually anywhere — media, blogs, personal experiences,
books, journal and magazine articles, expert opinions, encyclopedias, and web pages — and
the type of information you need will change depending on the question you are trying to
answer. Look at the following sources of information. Notice the similarities between them.
Source: VirginiaTech Library (http://ufh.za.libguides.com/c.php?g=91523&p=590868)

A place in which literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials (such as books,
manuscripts, recordings, or films) are kept for use but not for sale.
(Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/library)

Modern Library Interiors - Decoration Ideas in 2016

Source: http://mostpp.org/modern-library-interiors-2/

Indigenous Knowledge
Knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society. IK contrasts with the
international knowledge system generated by universities, research institutions and private
firms. (Warren 1991)
This would include as follows:
• local knowledge
• knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society
• owned, controlled, and managed by indigenous peoples in order for them to
develop and produce culturally appropriate information in the languages
understood by the community

Characteristics of Indigenous Knowledge

• oral tradition of communication
• store information in memories
• information exchange is face to face
• information is contained within the border of the community

Types of Information

Source: http://iupui.campusguides.com/c.php?g=583319&p=4027829

Cover virtually any topic, fact or
fiction Useful for the complete background
on an issue or an in-depth analysis of a
theory or person. Can take years to
publish, so may not always include the
most current information
Source: Daria, Nepriakhina, https://unsplash.com/

Reference Books
Include facts, figures, addresses,
statistics, definitions, dates, etc. Useful for
finding factual or statistical information or
for a brief overview of a particular topic.
Examples: dictionaries,
encyclopedias, directories
Source: James L.W, https://unsplash.com/photos/

Newspapers (News Resource)

Provides very current information
about events, people, or places at the time
they are published. Useful for information
on current events or to track the
development of a story as it unfolds.
Examples: The New York Times, manila
bulletin, Philippine Star, Daily Inquirer

Source: Rishabh , Sharma ,

https://unsplash.com/ photos/R-js25Pv1LQ

Include articles on diverse topics of
popular interest and current events. Articles
typically written by journalists or
professional writers Geared toward the
general public.
Examples: Time, Newsweek, National
Source: Charisse ,Kenion , https://unsplash.com/photos/

Academic Journals
Include articles written by and for
specialists/experts in a particular field
.Articles must go through a peer review
process before they’re accepted for
publication. Articles tend to have a
narrower focus and more analysis of the
topic than those in other types of
publications. Include cited references or
footnotes at the end of research articles.
Examples: Journal of Communication, The
Historian, Journal of the American Medical
Source: Charisse ,Kenion , https://unsplash.com/photos/

An electronic communications
network that connects computer networks
and organizational computer facilities
around the world.
(Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/

The Internet is by far the most

popular source of information and the
preferred choice for news ahead of
television, newspapers and radio,
according to a new poll in the United
(Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-media-

Examples: Google.com. Facebook.com Source: Leon, Seibert , https://unsplash.com/


Evaluating Information
by Eastern Kentucky University Libraries based on the work of Paul and Elder

What’s More

Activity 3: Picture Analysis

Guide Questions:
1. What is a library?

2. Why do you think every school has

a library?

Source: ?

Picture Analysis Rubric

Category 4 3 2 1
Observations Student makes Student makes Student makes Student
a complete a detailed a detailed descriptions
and detailed description of description of are not detailed
description of most of the some of the or complete.
the subject subject matter subject matter
matter and/or and/or elements and/or elements
elements seen seen the photo. seen the photo.
the photo.
Understanding Analysis of Analysis of Analysis of Analysis of
the piece the piece the piece the piece
demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
Thorough considerable some little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
of principles, of principles, of principles, of principles,
concepts and concepts and concepts and concepts and
relationships. relationships. relationships. relationships.

Thinking/ Analysis and Analysis and Analysis and Analysis and

Inquiry Interpretation Interpretation of Interpretation
of images is images is sound. of images is Interpretation
strong. satisfactory. of images is
Application Ability to make Ability to make Ability to make Ability to make
and express and express and express and express
judgements, judgements, judgements, judgements,
conclusions and conclusions and conclusions conclusions
predictions was predictions was and predictions and predictions
insightful and considerably was moderately was limited.
effective. effective. effective.
What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Answer Me
1. What are the different types of media that can be used as a source of information?
2. How can you evaluate or measure information quality?

What I Can Do

1. Interview two elders coming from two families. Ask about cultural beliefs or practices
in the community valued by the elders. Identify and gather information to at least two
cultural beliefs or practices.
2. Encode the information on a short bond paper, identify the source of information.
3. Interview your guardian or one of your direct family and find out if these cultural
beliefs or practices are still known and being valued by their generation. (Example 3
out of 10…)

Rubric 5 4 3 2
Preparation Before the Before the interview, Before the The student did
interview, the the student prepared interview, the not prepare any
student prepared a couple of in-depth student prepared questions before
several questions and several several factual the interview.
in-depth AND factual factual questions to questions to ask.
questions to ask. ask.
Politeness Student never Student rarely Student rarely Several times,
interrupted or interrupted or hurried interrupted or the student
*Please hurried the person the person being hurried the person interrupted or
keep in being interviewed interviewed and being interviewed, hurried the
mind while and thanked them thanked them for but forgot to thank person being
interviewing for being willing to being willing to be the person. interviewed AND
be interviewed. interviewed. forgot to thank
the person.
Formatting The student edited The student edited The student edited The student
and Editing and organized and organized and organized the did NOT edit
the transcript in a the transcript in a transcript but the or organize the
way that made the way that made the information was transcript.
information clear information clear. not as clear or as
and interesting. interesting as it
could have been.
Knowledge Student can Student can Student can Student cannot
Gained accurately answer accurately answer a accurately answer accurately
several questions few questions about a few questions answer questions
about the person the person who was about the about the
who was interviewed interviewed and can person who was person who was
and can tell how this tell how this interview interviewed. interviewed.
interview relates to relates to the material
the material being being studied in
studied in class. class.

Module 5: Types of Media

Types of Media Media and Media Effects

• Print Media • Third – party Theory
• Broadcast Media • Reciprocal Effect
• Film/Cinema • Boomerang Effect
• Video Games (Digital Games • Cultivation Theory
• New Media (George Gerbner)
• Agenda-setting Theory
(Lippmann/ McCombs and Shaw)

Fakes News and Propaganda

Source: https://www.ifla.org/publications/node/11174

Module 6: Types of Information Sources

Source: http://iupui.campusguides.com/c.php?g=583319&p=4027829

Evaluating Information
by Eastern Kentucky University Libraries based on the work of Paul and Elder

Assessment: (Post-Test)

Multiple Choice. Answer the question that follows. Choose the best answer from
among the given choices.
1. What year were online social networking websites were introduce in the internet?
A. 2000 B. 1995
C. 2004 D. 2020
2. In the evolution of Electronic Age, what year is being started and
introduce? A. 1930–1980 B. 1995-2000
C. 2001- 2005 D. All of the above
3. Before 1700s or during the Prehistoric age, what was there way of communication as
they’re painting in the wall as they will represent dancing and hunting people?
A. Cave painting B. Email
C. Mobile phone D. All of the above
4. In the aspect of media and government under the normative theories of the press,
what theory that describe that all forms of communications are under the control of
the governing elite.
A. Social responsibility B. Authoritarian
C. Libertarian D. All of the above
5. What type of media is Philippine Daily Inquirer newspaper?
A. Print media B. Broadcast media
C. Film D. New media
6. GMA 24 Oras aired on channel 7?
A. Broadcast media B. Print media
C. New media D. All of the above
7. A place in which literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials can be found that are
kept for use.
A. Internet B. Library
C. Indigenous knowledge D. None of the above
8. Types of information, provide very current information about event, people, or places
as the time they are published.
A. Newspaper B. Magazines
C. Books D. All of the above
9. An electronic communications network that connect computer networks and
organizational computer facilities around the world.
A. Book B. Magazines
C. Internet D. None of the above
10. Ways to consider in evaluating information EXCEPT.
A. Accuracy B. Fairness
C. Relevance D. Copying

Key to
Module 5
Activity 1: Analyzing Infographics
What’s In
1. What information is show in the infographics?
About the number of media practitioners who were killed in the Philippines.
2. What is the implication of media killings in the Philippines?
Media killings slowly kills democracy
3. Do you agree that media killings is a danger to Philippine democracy? Why? Why
Yes, because it takes out the freedom of the people to speak and express their
thoughts and feelings about societal issues.

Key to
Module 5
Activity 2: Photo Analysis
What’s New

1. Media: any means of communication

2. Broadcast media

Module 5 Module 5
Activity 3: Types of Media Activity 4: Picture Analysis
What’s More
1. The blind fold symbolizes not being able to see
1. B the truth.
2. P 2. The burnt newspaper symbolizes unreliable
3. N information.
4. P
5. N
6. N Module 5
7. N Activity 5: Character Analysis
8. F What I have learned
9. P
10. B 1. They are both called “Queen of All Media”
2. They are both featured in print, broadcast
and new media.

Module 6 Module 6
Activity 1: Arrange Me Activity 2: Unlock the Meaning
What’s In What I have learned

1. Cinema 1. Knowledge is vital because in a world that

full of information we should keep ourselves
2. Video Games
updated that is why learning is not just a
3. New Media luxury but a necessity.
4. Print Media 2. Yes, because knowledge create
5. Broadcast Media opportunities and bridges information gap.

Key to
Module 6 Module 6 Post-Test
Activity 3: Picture Analysis Activity 4: Answer Me

1. A
1. A Library is a place 1. Books, Magazine,
where books and other Newspaper and 2. A
sources of information other printed 3. A
are found. materials. 4. B
2. Because students need 2. Assessing and 5. A
books to learn more. evaluating 6. A
the source of
7. B
information if it is
reliable and valid. 8. A
9. C
10. D


NEW MEDIA – forms of communication in the digital world.

BROADCAST MEDIA - describes the traditional forms of media that include

television and radio.

MEDIA CONVERGENCE – Merging of previous distinct media technologies and

media forms due to digitization and computer networking.

MASS MEDIA – Refers to the various ways, especially television, radio,

Newspapers, and magazines.

MEDIA EFFECTS – Are the intended or unintended consequence of what the

mass media does.

Key to
Media and Information Literacy Curriculum Guide by DepEd
Communicationtheory.Org,”Communication Theory.”Accessed January 13,2020,
Tan, Lara.”Duterte blames corrupt journalism for media killings”.Accessed January
14,2020, https://cnnphilippines.com/news/2016/06/01/Media-killings-journalists-
Khan. R. (2006). “The Evolution of Traditional to New Media (Lec). Accessed January
14,2020. http://teachtogether.chedk12.com/teaching_guides/view/229
Syping, Ralph. “The Evolution of Traditional to New Media”. Accessed January 14,
2020. https://www.tiki-toki.com/timeline/entry/869769/The-Evolution-of-Traditional-
Khan Academy. “ Cunieform”. Accessed at January 17, 2020,
https://www.khanacademy. org/humanities/ancient-art-civilizations/ancient-near-
east1/the-ancient-near-east- an-introduction/a/cuneiform
Oldest.Org.” Oldest Cave Paintings in the World”. Accessed at January 17, 2020,
http:// www.oldest.org/artliterature/cave-paintings/
Jimmy Stamp. “How the Telegraph Went From Semaphore to Communication Game
Changer”. Accessed at January 17, 2020, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/ arts-
Sutori. “The Evolution of Traditional to New Media” Accessed at January 17 ,2020,
Weebly. “ American Entertainment”. Accessed at January 17 , 2020, https://
Kelley L. Ross, Ph.D.”The Marxist-Leninist Theory of History”. Accessed at January 17
,2020, https://www.friesian.com/marx.htm
Encyclopedia Britannica” Stalinism”. Accessed at January 17, 2020, https://www.
BBAMANTRA. “ Media-Types of Media, Characteristics, advantages and
disadvantages. Accessed at January 17,2020, https://bbamantra.com/media-types-
MentalHelp.net.”Types of Media”.Accessed at January 17,2020. https://www.
Wendy, Gooseberry. “What are the Different Types of Media”. Accessed at January
17,2020, https://whatagraph.com/blog/articles/different-types-of-media
OpenPR Worldwide Public Relations. “Broadcast Media definitions” Accessed at
January 17, 2020, https://www.openpr.com/wiki/broadcast-media
University of Fort Hare.”Information Literacy Guide: Types of Information Sources”.
Accessed at January 17,2020,
DS, Mirasol. “Media and Information Sources”. Accessed at January 17, 2020,
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