Artikel Hel Peby With Cover Page v2
Artikel Hel Peby With Cover Page v2
Artikel Hel Peby With Cover Page v2
Signal Processing t o get Magnit ude Moment as t he Sunda St rait Tsunami Generat or on Dece…
Abraham Arimuko
Rika Ampuh Hadiguna
Humanitarian relief is genuinely different with the commercial logistics. The humanitarian relief aims
to distribute the goods to affected people in order to save the human lives. The characteristic of
disaster that are inevitable and uncontrolled make emergency logistics be unpredictable. This
circumstance will cause unbalance condition between the supply and the demand of emergency
logistic. The logistic supply can be abundant in particular demand node; on the other hand be
insufficient in another demand node. To solve this problem, it is need a permanent logistic
warehouse that can manage the distribution of humanitarian relief in the chaos condition as an
impact of massive disaster. Only the systems which are persistence to changes and disturbances can
survive in that critical situation. According to that reason, the consideration of resilience perspective
becomes very substantial in the emergency response especially in term of humanitarian warehouse
location. The optimal location for the humanitarian warehouse can be decided based on some
selection criteria. This study will try to identify the new model of the selection criteria that will be
enriched by the perspective of resilience. In the end, the new model will be applied in the study
area, the city of Padang, using spatial multi-criteria evaluation (SMCE) to evaluate and compare the
selected locations for the local emergency logistic warehouse that is using the resilience model and
the common model.
The disaster occurrence is inevitable and to construct criteria for location allocation of
uncontrolled (Schwab, Eschelbach, & Brower, humanitarian logistics warehouse.
2007). It makes the humanitarian logistics be
unpredictable in demand, when, where, and The aim of this thesis is developing the site
how large the quantity (Murray, n.d.). This selection method for humanitarian logistics
circumstance will cause unbalance condition warehouse by examining resilience criteria which
between supply and demand. The supply can be are beneficial to improve the city resilience. The
abundant in particular demand node; on the city of Padang in Indonesia is used to evaluate
other hand be insufficient in another demand the new method because it is vulnerable with
node. This condition will be exacerbated by the vary natural disasters, the biggest one is
destruction of supporting infrastructure as an tsunamigenic earthquake. This city is also
impact of massive disaster. Only the systems established as the biggest fatality risk city in the
which are persistence to changes and world in the event of tsunami.
disturbances can survive in that critical situation.
Holling (1973) has introduced the level of Systematic Literature Survey
system persistence as “resilience”. This
The systematic literature survey will be
resilience concept will then be used in this study
conducted to find the relevant articles followed
Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota B SAPPK V5N1 | 87
Developing Site Selection Method for Local Humanitarian Logistic Warehouse
the method adopted from Mariano et al. (2015) Step 4: Analyzing and grouping the criteria, and
and Sternberg et al. (2011). This method is then constructing the new model of
outlined in following steps: humanitarian warehouse site selection.
Step 1: Assessing the articles published in Web The search uses the Web of Science database
of Science databases, using a set of between 1 January 1945 and 16 April 2015 by
predetermined keywords. entering some critical keywords. The
predetermined keyword is expanded to the
Step 2: Screening the articles found by reading synonyms in order to accommodate the use of
their abstracts. the other words with the same meaning. The
critical keywords used in the search include
Step 3: Screening continued to read the article “site”, “selection”, “criticism”, and several
entirely to obtain the expected article.
The new model of local humanitarian logistic To construct the new model of site selection
warehouse criteria is synthesized from the criteria, it began from the assessment of the
eleven selected articles from the literature three studies above and continued by the
survey stage. Those articles divide to three sorting process of the indicators to find out
articles which is in humanitarian domain and which fit with the local context. Then, the
eight articles which is outside of humanitarian suitable indicators are divided into several
domain. Three selected articles which discuss categories to group the indicators which have
about humanitarian warehouse are Zhang et al. similarity in meaning, intention and
(2009) which built the model of multilevel fuzzy characteristic.
optimization to site selection of emergency
The assessment and the grouping of indicators and the “Proximity to beneficiaries”.
result nine categories for the new model. The Transportation is an essential aspect to deliver
first category is disaster free location. It the logistic needs from the supply nodes to the
anticipates a failure of the facility as an impact demand nodes. This aspect which is in previous
of disaster. To consider the environmental effect study presented as efficiency and flexibility of
related to the existence of facility, this study road, route, and transportation mode is
generates the second category. In the new considered as the fifth category.
model, this category is converted to the land
use category because the efforts to protect the The sixth and seventh categories are related to
environment in local context are usually set on the accessibility of the warehouse to the
the land use regulation. The indicator which possible destination and the origin points. The
related to the characteristic of location such as destinations are the positions of the victim, and
geographical and geological in the new model the origins can be airports, seaports, or other
later is classified to the third category namely logistic warehouses. The two last categories
Natural condition. Another important factor for which cannot be ignored in this new model are
the new model is an availability of supporting the safety and the security of the logistics stocks
base infrastructure. It is represented by the and the consideration of the emergency
fourth category which accommodates two response executive such as host government
criteria in previous studies; “Base installation” and third donor party.
The new model of site selection indicators is a From the three experiences that have been
combination of selected criteria from the eleven described previously, can be conclude the chaos
previous studies and the criteria which condition aftermath extreme events:
events. To know the extent of the extreme
events impact to the local system especially to water distribution network was
the logistics affairs, this study tried to find the disconnected.
* Agency for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Aceh and Nias (BRR), 2009
** National Police Agency (NPA), 2011
*** Haiti government, 2011
which are included in the first category apply the extreme event (Kovács & Spens, 2007). The
the resilience as an anticipation of a worst-case experiences from the three previous even also
scenario (Revkin, 2011 as cited in Jha et al., portray that the damages usually occurs in some
2013). For the reason of that anticipation, the particular segments due to the random event.
warehouse is not allowed to be located in the One of the causes of damage to the segment is
natural hazards exposed area (e.g. floodplain, due to the road line that crosses the active
tsunami inundated area, landslide, etc.). This faults. The fault displacement/rupture has been
category also considers the human-caused disregarded in road and bridge design. An
disasters such as a fire incident. While, the experience of the fault rupture has been
indicators which are parts of the second extremely disrupted the road surface in 1999
category serve to minimize the impact on the Chi-chi, Taiwan earthquake. It also caused the
environment and the surrounding area such as large-scale damage of road and bridge in 1999
built-up area, protected forest, riverbank, and Kocaeli, Turkey earthquake (Kawashima, 2002).
other conservation areas. Another important Based on those cases, an intersection between
factor in determining the location is the natural active fault and road network should be realized
condition. This factor is the third category and as a barrier that will break the logistic
has several criteria which are related with the distribution line. The other random event can be
profile of geology, hydrology, and landform. the debris such as power poles, fallen trees that
block the road, and the collapse of the bridges
Based on lessons learned from the last major in certain points. Hence, the segment of
catastrophic event, there is damage to some of damaged road should be used as one of to the
the infrastructure and the lifelines. The lifelines resilience criteria in the new model.
here means the networks for distribution of
resources and services (Honorable & Gallagher, The six category’s criteria are about the
2010). The previous studies also suggest that destinations where logistics will be distributed.
fuzzy condition after disaster occurrence is Those are the refugee shelters and the
aggravated by the damages in the settlements where its inhabitants still survive in
infrastructures and lifelines such as the power it. Otherwise, the criteria in the seventh
supply (Kovács & Spens, 2007), category are the origin of the logistic stocks
telecommunication lines (Balcik & Beamon, which are received by the warehouse. In the
2008; Sheu, 2007), water and gas supply normal circumstances, the origin points are the
(Kazama & Noda, 2012). It needs time to be airport, seaport or another warehouse. But,
recover depends on technical and organizational aftermath the massive disasters occurrence,
factor in the provider company. Therefore, it is those supply points have a potential to collapse
necessary to see this problem from a resilience and cannot function for some time. One of the
point of view, especially using the principle of possible options is the supply using helicopter
redundancy. This principle will be adopted to the whether landing operation or airdrop technique.
criteria in the fourth category that consider the Indeed the airdrop operation more economical,
variety of infrastructure services options or but it should be the last choice (Kovács &
back-up system of the lifeline sources. Spens, 2007) because there are some
disadvantages of this method. One of them is
The fifth category, Transportation, perform the the high risk of personnel injury and goods
connectivity of the warehouse location with the damaged during the operation. Another
road networks and the transportation modes. disadvantage is the special requirement to
This category just focuses on the network, while trained aircrews and the limited capacity of
the logistic carriers are assumed that has been humanitarian goods which is able to be dropped
prepared by the local government in sufficient (Varner, 2000). Finally, the helipad will be used
quantities. The transportation system is one of as a resilience criterion in this new model.
the infrastructures that is ruined as an impact of
92 | Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota B SAPPK V5N1
Hel Peby
The criteria which include in safety and security Implementing the New Model to
category include a number of crimes and Determine the Location of Emergency
offenses (thefts, robberies, and vandalism), the Logistic Warehouse in Padang, Indonesia
distribution of police personnel and proximity to
the police office. The ratio of the police The criteria used in this analysis are applied in
personnel to the size of service area, and the two procedures. Most of them serve as spatial
proximity of a location to the police office are constraints or spatial factors in ILWIS-SMCE,
assumed to have a positive correlation to the and a few criteria are used in ArcGIS procedure.
security in a particular region. The constraints criteria are areas exposed to
natural hazard, conservation area, built-up area,
In the end, the last category is “Consideration to and the additional constraints criterion for the
the executives of response operation” which is resilience scenario (2nd scenario): the
concerning the existence of the host groundwater deficit area. The factors criteria are
government and third donor parties who divided into four groups: 1) Proximity to
participate in emergency response operation, supporting infrastructure, 2) Natural condition,
whether in terms of personnel or the operational 3) Accessibilities to demand/supply points and
vehicles. The host government can be the emergency response actor’s headquarters,
represented by the fire brigade or other quick and 4) Safety- security. The ArcGIS procedure
response bureaus, and the third donor parties will handle transportation factors which related
are the external organization such as Red Cross, with the road network such as road network,
UN, and other NGO’s. evacuees shelters, airports, seaport, and other
logistic warehouses. All criteria used by both
procedures in two scenarios are illustrated in into four intervals: 0-2%, 2%-15%, 15%-40%,
Table 2. and more than 40%. To adjust the permitted
maximum slope with the classification, the next
There are five types of disaster which examine SMCE analysis will use fifteen percent of slope
in this case study: flood, land slide, tsunami, as the criteria. Prasetio et al. (2012) also
coast erosion, and liquefaction. Another crucial suggested that the facility is not allowed to be
constraint is a distance of the facility building located in 100 m from the river and should be
from the fault line. Some measurement to less than the 1km from a residential area for the
determine the criteria in this study are adopted accessibility reason.
from a previous study in the same locality, the
city of Padang. The previous study conducted by The ILWIS-SMCE procedure
Prasetio et al. (2012), assigned the distance of
500 m from the fault line as a minimum distance The analysis in ILWIS can be divided into four
for the safety of facility building. It also set a steps:
Table 2. Criteria used by ILWIS-SMCE and ArcGIS-Network Analyst for both scenarios
the four intermediate maps for each group of analysis is “location allocation”. This tool is able
factor. to determine one or more optimal location of
the emergency logistic warehouse that can
The ArcGIS procedure cover all demand point and be linked to the
supply point by using the distance as
To determine the point of warehouse location, impedance. There are several parameters that is
this study uses the vacant lots data as an option used in location allocation, which include
in the selection. The vacant lots mean an area Network Dataset, alternatives of facility location,
of the land that is ready to be built without land the “demand” points, and the barriers or the
clearing and too much land preparation. There restriction.
are eighteen point of vacant lots location that
are scattered throughout the city area. Not all of The networks data set in this case is a road
them could be considered as an input in the network, either primary or secondary road.
network analysis. It is only the points which
located in Highly Suitable and Moderately The alternatives of facility location that will be
Suitable area used in the next analysis. The in put in the analysis are the selected vacant
points are obtained by intersect all points with lot points that are obtained from the previous
The Highly Suitable and The Moderately Suitable step.
However, this analysis still have a number of selection criterion that can improve the quality
weaknesses including the random event that is of a decision.
considered in it can be improved by applying
simulation using Monte Carlo simulation. The The relevance of the study to the land use
author believes that by the simulation the result policies in Padang
will represent more appropriate location.
The revised version of land use plan (RTRW) of
The point that makes this research superior to Padang has considered the disaster mitigation
the previous studies is the site selection criteria principle in the planning process in Padang.
that have accommodated the latest issue which Some of disaster-prone locations were
is resilience. Recently, the experts agree that a determined as the protected areas with limited
system should consider the worst-case scenario use to reduce the fatality risk and the damages
which is beyond the expectation. To cope with of the buildings. The land use plan also set the
this intention, a system should be strengthened evacuation route and the evacuation shelter to
by the back-up capacity to anticipate if any provide the adequate spaces to escape and to
failures in a part of the system that can be settle temporarily until the conditions become
reduce the performance. For instance, this safe enough or their residence can be livable as
model has considered the alternative source of before. However, the RTRW has not mentioned
the lifeline or the back-up system service of the detailed about of the emergency logistics issue.
supporting infrastructure services. This model is This document only gave the guidance in the
also adapted with the possibilities of the land use policies which require an adequate
disconnection in some segment of distribution development of the city infrastructures that
path-way. So, it is expected that the selected consider the emergency condition aftermath
location will still be able to maintain its function disaster occurrence.
when the situation is unfavorable. Moreover, the
main function of the emergency logistic All aspects in RTRW was visualized with several
warehouse is at a critical time after a disaster. maps that have scale 1: 25,000. That scale is
not able to accommodate the size of the
But, it is realized that the new model is not warehouse site that assume 50x50 meter
without its flaws. As a new method, it is a square. Because of that, it should be
reasonable if there are imperfections in the accommodated in the detailed spatial plan
method and in the content. This model still (RDTR) document that is equipped by 1: 5,000
applies the principle of resilience on the one scale maps. In the fact, the city of Padang has
side; there are several other principles such as not arranged to legalize the detailed spatial plan
robustness, resourcefulness, or rapidity that can for whole areas. So, the location allocation for
also be applied into the model for the next the emergency logistic warehouse can still be
study. Another limitation is the determination of included into the detailed spatial plan.
priorities for each criterion, where the latest
model is formed by examining the literature Actually, the resilience thinking has been used
review instead of a focus group discussion of intrinsically in the implementation strategies of
some expert or deep survey with sufficient the land use policies. The strategies obligate to
number of respondents. That is one of a reason anticipate the emergency conditions aftermath
why in the SMCE process, this study use equal the disasters in the terms of the lifelines
priority for each criteria. infrastructural development such as water
provision, energy supply, and
Finally, with some of these shortcomings, this telecommunication service. Nevertheless, there
model has been able to become a reference of is no clear guidance how this thinking applied to
how to convert a resilience principle into a site development programs in the RPJM of Padang.
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