The orc gladiator is a humanoid orc with 75 hit points and proficiency with spiked gauntlets, tusk tridents, and nets. It can make two weapon attacks per turn and has abilities to restrain targets in nets or gain advantage on attacks by inspiring audiences.
The orc gladiator is a humanoid orc with 75 hit points and proficiency with spiked gauntlets, tusk tridents, and nets. It can make two weapon attacks per turn and has abilities to restrain targets in nets or gain advantage on attacks by inspiring audiences.
The orc gladiator is a humanoid orc with 75 hit points and proficiency with spiked gauntlets, tusk tridents, and nets. It can make two weapon attacks per turn and has abilities to restrain targets in nets or gain advantage on attacks by inspiring audiences.
The orc gladiator is a humanoid orc with 75 hit points and proficiency with spiked gauntlets, tusk tridents, and nets. It can make two weapon attacks per turn and has abilities to restrain targets in nets or gain advantage on attacks by inspiring audiences.
AC 14(studded leather) HP 75 (10d8+30) Multiattack The orc gladiator makes two attacks Speed 30 ft. with any weapon(s) it chooses. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Spiked Gauntlet Melee +7, 5’, 1 tgt. 11 (2d6+4)P 18 14 16 8 10 15 Tusk Trident Melee/Ranged +7, 5’ or 20/60’, 1 tgt. (+4) (+2) (+3) (-1) (+0) (+2) 11 (2d6+4)P, or 13 (2d8+4)P if used with two hands Saves Str +7, Dex +5 in melee. Skills Performance +5, Athletics +7 Net Ranged +5, 5/15’, 1 L or smaller creature On a Senses darkvision 60’ hit, the target is restrained. A DC 10 Strength can be Languages Orcish, Goblin made to free a creature in the net. Dealing 5 slash- Are You Not Entertained! As a bonus action, the orc ing dmg. to the net (AC 10) frees the target without gladiator can make a DC 12 performance check to an harming it and destroys the net. observing audience. On a success, the gladiator gains advantage on its next roll. Blood Sport Competitor Attacks deal one extra die of damage on a hit.