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Module 4 Q1 Health 8 REVISED

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Quarter 1-Module 4
Gender and Human Sexuality

MAPEH (Health) Grade-8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1-Module 4: Gender and Human Sexuality
Revised Copy 2021

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders.
Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from
their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim
ownership over them.

Development Team of the Module

Compiler / Writer: ANNABELLE C. DACUA – Master Teacher I, Pardo National High

Editors: ROY C. GENARES – Principal I, Sirao Integrated School
DESIREE Y. PERALES - Assisting Principal Lahug Night High
ROWENA L. AGUILON – MT1 Pardo National High School
Management Team:
Schools Division Superintendent
Assistant Schools Superintendent
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Printed in the Philippines by DepEd Cebu City Division, RO7

Office Address: Imus Avenue, Cebu City
Telefax: (032) 255-1516 / (032) 253-9095
E-mail Address: [email protected]

The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module. Use
a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities included in
the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Submit the accomplished module every end of the week.
7. Upon submission claim the module for the following week.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult
your teacher or facilitator through text, phone call, chat, online classroom during the virtual
orientation with students.
Always bear in mind that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep
understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

About the Module

This module was designed and written with you, students, in mind. It is here to help you
understand more about gender and human sexuality. The scope of this module permits
it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) released by the Department of Education
(DepEd) for this school year 2020 – 2021.

This module is divided into four parts, namely:

Lesson 1 –Sexuality
Lesson 2 –Dimensions of Human Sexuality
Lesson 3–Factors that Affect One’s Attitudes and Practices Related to Sexuality
and Sexual Behaviors
Lesson 4- Personal Health Attitudes

What I Know

Instructions: How much do you know about gender and human sexuality? Find out by answering
the following questions. Write your answer in a separate paper.

1.What word defines a man, or a woman based on his/her biological characteristics?

A. Gender B. Sex C. Sexuality D. Physical Attribute

2. Which action speaks for gender?

A. Ronnie uses her cellphone every day. C. Rene carries a tub of water.
B. Kimberly enjoys watching the dogs. D. Yaniel visits her dad.

3. What sentence DOES NOT refer to Gender Role?

A. The children help the chores at home.
B. Inday Vivian plays her cellphone every day.
C. Manang Janet cooks food for her children.
D. Manoy Jeffrey drives tricycad to feed his family.

4. Which statement shows the importance of human sexuality?

A. Students will learn that each of them has sexual issues.
B. Young people will understand that they develop in all aspects.
C. Teenagers will be aware more of boyfriend and girlfriend relationships.
D. Human sexuality can help build good relationship to oneself and to other people.

5. What is Sexuality?
A. It demonstrates the typical characteristics of a person in his or her behavior.
B. It’s the most important aspect is masculine or feminine identification.
C. It is primarily associated with physical and physiological features
D. It is a term about humanity.

B. Read the Statement. Put ( / ) if you agree to the sentence and put an ( X ) if you do not
agree to the idea.
____1. Fathers are the only persons to carry tubs and water containers in the house.
____2. All mothers should stay at home as a plain housewife when pandemic is over.
____3. Lesbians must do all the men’s work at home because they feel like one.
____4. Gays can wear feminine dress while attending in the virtual classes.
____5. Boys are not allowed to dust the windows because it is a girl’s job.
____6. Washing of dishes can be done both by sons and daughters.
____7. Women can be good leaders in a barangay just like the men.
____8. Daughters can help their father fix the faucet.
____9. Older son can help the mother wash clothes.
____10. Mother must do the cooking always.


1 Human Sexuality
What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson you are expected to:

1.identify the symbols of human sexuality;
2.discuss basic terms in sexuality as an important component of one’s personality; and
3.make or copy a quotation that will help boost your personality.

What’s In

Activity 1.1 Kinsa Ka Kinsa Ko

Instructions: Read the questions and answer briefly. Use another sheet of paper.

1. What is your idea of being a man or a woman?

2. How do you behave as a man or a woman?

What’s New and What Is It

Activity 1.2 Pares Tang Duha

Instructions: Match Column A with Column B. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Use
another sheet of paper.

Column A Column B

A. Female

2. B. Male

C. Gender Equality

4 D. Man/Boys

5. E. Woman/Girls

It is important to know the different symbols in sexuality because it is part of

understanding one’s personality.

Sex is a major aspect of personality. It is closely related to emotional and social

development and can be best understood by connecting it to the total adjustment of the individual
in the family and society. The process of sexual development begins from birth to adulthood thus
it is a continuous developmental process throughout life.

Gender is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel, and act. It refers
to femininity or masculinity of a persons’ role and behavior as defined by society.

Gender Role is often an outward expression of gender identity. It is manifested within

society by observable factors such as behavior and appearance. Your gender role demonstrates
the typical characteristics of a person in his or her behavior.

Gender Equality permits man and woman equal enjoyment of human rights

(Adapted from: Health 8Learner’s Module, 2013 )

What I Have Learned

Sexuality is a natural and healthy part of life. It is everything about being a male or female.
Its most important aspect is masculine or feminine identification. Sexuality involves the name
given at birth, the toys played with, the clothes worn, the friends played with, the roles and
responsibilities at home, and it provides a sense of self – worth when sexual understanding is

What I Can Do?

Activity # 1.4 Gugma Lang

Choose or make a quotation that will remind or encourage you every day to face the challenges
being a teenager.
Here are the instructions.
1. Use materials that are available in the house
2. Use your creativity.
3. Paste it in any corner of your room or in your house. Make it sure that it is visible.
4. Take picture for submission in our group chat.
8. If internet connection is the problem or you do not have cellphone, submit the output
together with your post- test.

Materials to be used: Short bond paper, or any clean paper (ex. back of a calendar.),
pencil/marker/pencil pen /crayons.

“I can do things with God as my guidance.”
Grade Level & Section

Rubrics for Activity 1.4 Self Quotation

Criteria Fully Evident Needs More Information

Text clearly gives encouragement to 5 3-4
one’s self
Produced new object/idea, work is 5 3-4
Instruction in the submission is 5 3-4
Total Score 15 9-12


Dimensions of Human Sexuality

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson you are expected to:

1. explain the dimensions of human sexuality;
2. identify the different components of human sexuality; and
3. write a letter to your parents/ guardian expressing your gratefulness and appreciation.

What’s In

Activity 2.1 Ikaw Para Sa Akoa

Instruction: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
Column A Column B
_______ 1. sex A. outward expression of gender identity
_______ 2. gender B. equal enjoyment of human rights
_______ 3. Gender role C. influences how people perceive themselves.
_______ 4. Gender equality D. biological attributes

What’s New and What Is It

Activity 2.2 Kinsa Ka

Instructions: Take one minute to see yourself in the mirror, if you do not have a mirror, imagine
yourself you are holding one. While looking at your face, I want you to list down five qualities or
attributes that you see in you. Use separate sheet of paper.

Ex: I have a beautiful face.

Sexuality means you have to be aware of yourself better. As you grow older, you
will experience a range of social, emotional, and physical changes. As these occur, you
need an intensive knowledge on how to deal with your attitudes and behavior.

Sexuality refers to your attitudes and behavior toward yourself

How you see yourself

Sexuality towards yourself How you think of yourself
How you love yourself
How you feel about yourself

Sexuality refers to your total self

Physical Self The way you look as a man
Mental Self The way you think as a man
Social Self The way you interact with others
Emotional Self The way you feel about yourself
Ethical Self The way you value relationships
Sexuality refers to your perceptions, feelings, and behaviours towards others
How you see others
Sexuality towards others How you think of others
How you love others
How you feel about others

What I Have Learned

Sexuality means you must be aware of yourself better. As you grow older, you will
experience a range of social, emotional, and physical changes. As these occur, you need an
intensive knowledge on how to deal with your attitudes and behavior.

What I Can Do

Activity 2.5 Nahigugma Ako

Write a letter to your parents/guardian following the semi-block style. The content of your
letter includes how will you take care of yourself as a teenager and as a student. Include your
appreciation for the things that your parents/guardian have done to you and to your family
especially in this time of pandemic. Take a picture and submit it in the messenger. For printed
module students submit it together with your answer sheets in the school.

Dear _______, Date

Body of the letter.

Yours truly,
Student’s Name

Rubrics for Activity 2.5 Nahigugma Ako

Criteria Fully Needs More
Evident Information
The content clearly states the purpose of the letter; how 5 3
self is taken care of, appreciation to parents.
Student can produce new object/ creativity is shown 5 3
Instructions on the letter format is followed 5 3
Total Score 15/15 9/15

Factors that Affect One’s Attitudes and
3 Practices Related to Sexuality and Sexual

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson you are expected to:

1.analyze the factors that affect one’s attitudes and practices related to sexuality and sexual
behaviors ;
2. identify the values that are practice by you, and your families; and
3. answer the survey activity to determine your values.

What’s In?

Activity 3.1 Kahinumdom Ka Pa Ba?

Instruction: Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What are the different dimensions of sexuality?

2. How does these dimensions relate to each other?

What’s New & What Is It?

Activity 3.2 Lahi Ra

Instructions: Write your idea of how a child would be when raised in different ways. Write two to
three sentences for each scenario in the space provided for in your module.

1. One who grew up in a very religious family

2. One who was raised by authoritative parents

Rubrics for Activity Activity 3.2 Lahi Ra
Criteria Fully Evident Needs More Information
Content (detailed) 5 3-4
Explanation ( clear ideas) 5 3-4
Total Score 10 6-8

Family. Family values oftentimes determine your own values.

Culture. Filipinos living in different regions have diverse cultures and beliefs. Your cultural
background can affect your values regarding sexuality, along with the norms and standards
set by society.

Peers. Like your family, your friends can also have a significant impact on your views on
human sexuality.

Media. The media plays a significant role in our lives as we regularly watch televisions, listen
to radio, search the internet, read newspapers, etc.

What I Have Learned

Values are strong beliefs held by persons, families and group of people about important
issues. It is essential to know one’s own values, beliefs and attitudes, how they influence on the
rights of others and how to stand up for them. As you mature, you develop your own values which
may be different from one another. Social norms and standards can affect your sexual decision-
making and behavior as it influences values and behavior.

What I Can Do

Activity 3.1 Kinsa Ka Sa Akong Kinabuhi

Instructions: Tick on the appropriate box based on the importance you assign to each attribute.

Not Very
Important Important
1. To have a positive image of myself.
2. To do well in school.
3. To give and receive love.
4. To appreciate sexuality as factor of
5. To make intelligent decisions concerning
sexual behaviour.

4 Personal Health Attitudes

What I Need To Know

At the end of this lesson you are expected to:

1. assess personal health attitudes that may influence sexual behavior;
2. relate the importance of sexuality to family health; and
3. apply the right decision to the situation given.

What’s In?

Instructions: Answer the questions given. Use another sheet of paper.

1. What are the factors that affect your sexual attitudes and behaviors?

2. Do you think these factors partly shape you now?

What’s New & What Is It

Look at the picture. What do you see? Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Image 1 https://www.sintetia.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/confuse.png

Assessing your Health means evaluating your well-being periodically. This includes your
sexuality. Figure out what you can do to improve your health if it is not as good as it can be.

Making Good Decisions means making choices that are healthy and responsible. You
must have the courage to make difficult decisions and stick to them.

Communicating Effectively. Communication skills help you avoid misunderstanding by

expressing your feelings in a healthy way. This means if you listen to what people say, they will
want to listen to you as well.

Practicing Wellness can be accomplished through information about good sexuality.

Setting Goals or aiming for something that will give you a sense of accomplishment. Just
be sure to be realistic with your target goal.

Refusal Skill is a way to say no to something that you don’t want to do. This skill requires
practice. But first, you must feel strongly about what things you want to avoid.

Evaluating Media Messages is being able to judge the worth of media messages. It is a
big challenge knowing that most media messages are very convincing

Decision-making skills will help you make decisions based on your needs and desires. At
the same time, it helps you to resist peer pressure Decision-making skills must be practiced and
exercised in resolving issues and concerns about sexuality. At the end, you have to understand
gender and human sexuality with a lesson in decision-making.

The Six Steps of Decision Making

Determine the problem ex.COVID 19 Pandemic

Explore the alternatives ex. Practice preventions or It is okay if I will
not follow.
Consider the consequences ex.If will not practice the preventions
1. I can be a COVID19 patient.
2. My family will also be infected.
Identify your values ex. I love myself and my family
Decide ex.I will do all the preventive measures.
Evaluate ex.Everyone in my family will be saved.

What I Have Learned?

A decision is a choice you make or act upon. A good decision is a decision in which
you have carefully considered the outcome of each choice. To accept personal
responsibility is to accept how your decisions may affect you and other people

What I Can Do

Activity 4.3 Ngano Ko

Instructions: Write at least three issues / concerns of you being a teenager and how will you
dealt or solve it. Let your parents/guardian sign it. Use a separate sheet of paper.

Issues / Concerns Your Solution

Parent’s Signature


Instructions: How much do you know about gender and human sexuality? Find out by answering
the following questions. Write your answer in a separate paper.

1. What is Sexuality?
A. It is a term about humanity.
B. It is primarily associated with physical and physiological features.
C. It’s the most important aspect is masculine or feminine identification.
D. It demonstrates the typical characteristics of a person in his or her behavior.

2. Which action speaks for gender?

A. Ronnie uses her cellphone every day. C. Rene carries a tub of water.
B. Kimberly enjoys watching the dogs. D. Yaniel visits her dad.

3. What sentence DOES NOT refer to Gender Role?

A. The children help the chores at home.
B. Manang Janet cooks food for her children.
C. Inday Vivian plays her cellphone every day.
D. Manoy Jeffrey drives tricycad to feed his family.
4. Which statement shows the importance of human sexuality?
A. Students will learn that each of them has sexual issues.
B. Young people will understand that they develop in all aspects.
C. Teenagers will be aware more of boyfriend and girlfriend relationships.
D. Human sexuality can help build good relationship to oneself and to other people.

1.What word defines a man, or a woman based on his/her biological characteristics?
A. Gender C. Sexuality
B. Sex D. Physical Attribute

B. Read the Statement. Put ( / ) if you agree to the sentence and put an ( X ) if you do not
agree to the idea.
____1. Mother must do the cooking always.
____2. Older son can help the mother wash clothes.
____3. Daughters can help their father fix the faucet.
____4. Women can be good leaders in a barangay just like the men.
____5. Washing of dishes can be done both by sons and daughters.
____6. Boys are not allowed to dust the windows because it is a girl’s job.
____7. Gays can wear feminine dress while attending in the virtual classes.
____8. Lesbians must do all the men’s work at home because they feel like one.
____9. All mothers should stay at home as a plain housewife when pandemic is over.
____10. Fathers are the only persons to carry tubs and water containers in the house.

Answer Key

Activity 1.2 Activity 2.1

5. B
4. A 4. B
3. D 3. A
2. E 2. C
1. C 1. D


Text Book
Adapted from Department of Education Learning Module Health 8, 2013

Image 1 (n.d) Retrieved 7 22 2020, from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia:

Image 2 (n.d.). Retrieved 7 21 2020, from sintetia.com

https://www.sintetia.com/wp- content/uploads/2012/06/confuse.png

You are now ready for the next module. Always remember the following:

1. Make sure every answer sheet has your

▪ Name
▪ Grade and Section
▪ Title of the Activity or Activity No.
2. Follow the date of submission of answer sheets as agreed with your teacher.
3. Keep the modules with you AND return them at the end of the school year or
whenever face-to-face interaction is permitted.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education- Cebu City
Curriculum Implementation Division
3rd Floor, DepEd Bldg., Imus Avenue, Cebu City, Philippines 6000
Telefax (632) 032255 1516

Email Address: [email protected]

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