2014 - Notes On Bivalves and Gastropods of Palawan
2014 - Notes On Bivalves and Gastropods of Palawan
2014 - Notes On Bivalves and Gastropods of Palawan
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ISSN 2320-7078
JEZS 2014; 2 (5): 72-90
The molluscan fauna (gastropods and bivalves)
© 2014 JEZS and notes on environmental conditions of two
Received: 24-08-2014
Accepted: 19-09-2014 adjoining protected bays in Puerto Princesa City,
Rafael M. Picardal Palawan, Philippines
College of Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences, Western Philippines
University Rafael M. Picardal and Roger G. Dolorosa
Roger G. Dolorosa
College of Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences, Western Philippines With the rising pressure of urbanization to biodiversity, this study aimed to obtain baseline information
University on species richness of gastropods and bivalves in two protected bays (Turtle and Binunsalian) in Puerto
Princesa City, Philippines before the establishment of the proposed mega resort facilities. A total of 108
species were recorded, (19 bivalves and 89 gastropods). The list includes two rare miters, seven recently
described species and first record of Timoclea imbricata (Veneridae) in Palawan. Threatened species
were not encountered during the survey suggesting that both bays had been overfished. Turtle Bay had
very low visibility, low coral cover, substantial signs of ecosystem disturbances and shift from coral to
algal communities. Although Binunsalian Bay had clearer waters and relatively high coral cover,
associated fish and macrobenthic invertebrates were of low or no commercial values. Upon the
establishment and operations of the resort facilities, follow-up species inventories and habitat assessment
are suggested to evaluate the importance of private resorts in biodiversity restoration.
Keywords: Binunsalian Bay, bivalves, gastropods, Palawan, species inventory, Turtle Bay
1. Introduction
Gastropods and bivalves are among the most fascinating groups of molluscs that for centuries
have attracted hobbyists, businessmen, ecologists and scientists among others from around the
globe. Gastropods and bivalves with high economic importance are widely cultivated [1, 2].
Pearl oyster culture and pearl farming is a multi-million dollar industry [3, 4]. Some species (e.g.
Tectus niloticus) used in the production of pearl buttons had been transplanted outside their
natural range of distribution [5, 6], while efforts to restore the populations of overharvested
species are widely undertaken [7-10] to satisfy the rapidly increasing demands in the global
Ecologically, the importance of molluscs cannot be underestimated. Grazing gastropods can
control ephiphytic and macro algal bloom [11-15]. Under laboratory condition, 20,000 juveniles
of hatchery produced gastropod Tectus (Trochus) niloticus of 4 – 7 mm in diameter can
consume sessile diatoms covering an area of 6.5 m2 within a week [16]. Bivalves as filter
feeders can help purify silted marine waters [17].
Although molluscs are of huge importance to the ecosystem and the society, not much is
known about the gastropods and bivalves of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays in Puerto Princesa
City, Province of Palawan, the Philippines. Both bays were declared as marine sanctuaries by
the City Government of Puerto Princesa in 1992 [18], but uncontrolled fishing activities could
Correspondence: have heavily impacted its molluscan fauna, a similar case for many paper marine sanctuaries in
Roger G. Dolorosa the country [19].
College of Fisheries and Aquatic Both bays are the proposed sites of a world class resort that any disturbance during the
Sciences, construction stage and operational phase may have a long term effect on the composition and
Western Philippines University
abundance of these species. This study which sought to document the species richness of
Puerto Princesa City
5300 Philippines molluscs (gastropods and bivalves) and provide notes on ecological conditions of Turtle and
Email: Binunsalian Bays may serve as basis in proposing relevant conservation measures and could
[email protected] be used as baseline in monitoring the impacts of any management interventions.
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Fig 1: The sampling sites in Turtle and Binunsalian Bays in Palawan, Philippines (source: Google Earth).
number could be associated with the turbid waters of Turtle utilized for local consumption. These commercially exploited
Bay which supply the required food of bivalves plus an added species were also low in numbers. Only one or two individuals
benefit of concealment from shellfish collectors. However, out per commercially exploited species were encountered during
of 19 bivalve species, only four (21%) are utilized as food. the survey. Only three gastropod species: Canarium urceus
Notably, a few large (~20 cm) Atrina vexillum (Pinnidae), (Strombidae), Vexillum exasperatum (Costellariidae) and
Chama lazarus (Spondylidae), Decatopecten radula Monetaria moneta (Cypraeidae) occurred in both bays.
(Pectinidae) and Maleus maleus (Isognomonidae) were noted Taking into account the total number (108 species) of bivalve
within Turtle Bay. Only the Timoclea costellifera (Veneridae) and gastropod species, lesser number (42 or 39%) were
occurred in both bays. recorded in Turtle Bay than in Binunsalian Bay (64 or 59%).
As for gastropods, only 27 species were recorded in Turtle Bay Such could be related to the wide sandy area in Binunsalian
while 65 species in Binunsalian Bay. In spite of such high Bay which directly faces the open sea.
number, only six (6.7%) of the 89 gastropod species are
Table 1: List of bivalves encountered in Turtle (TB) and Binunsalian (BB) Bays, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines.
Family No. Species TB BB
Arcidae 1 Anadara uropigimelana (Bory St. Vincent, 1824)
2 Isognomon isognomum (Linnaeus, 1758)
3 Malleus malleus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Mytilidae 4 Septifer excisus (Weigmann, 1837)
5 Decatopecten radula (Linnaeus, 1758)
Pectinidae 6 Juxtamusium coudeini (Bavay, 1903)
7 Bractechlamys vexillum (Reeve, 1853)
Pinnidae 8 Atrina vexillum (Born, 1778)
Spondylidae 9 Chama lazarus Linnaeus, 1758
10 Tellin sp1 (white)
11 Tellin sp2 (red)
12 Fulvia subquadrata Vidal & Kirkendale, 2007
13 Fulvia colorata Vidal & Kirkendale, 2007
14 Lioconcha fastigiata (G. B. Sowerby II, 1851)
Veneridae 15 Vasticardium elongatum enode (G. B. Sowerby II, 1840)
16 Timoclea costellifera (Adams & Reeve, 1850)
17 Paphia textile (Gmelin, 1791)
18 Timoclea imbricata (G. B. Sowerby II, 1853)
Corbulidae 19 Corbula tunicata Reeve, 1843
Subtotal 19 17 3
Percentage 89 16
Table 2: List of gastropods encountered in Turtle (TB) and Binunsalian (BB) Bays, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines.
Family No. Species TB BB
Acteonidae 20 Pupa affinis (A. Adams, 1855)
21 Phos vandenberghi (Fraussen & Poppe, 2005)
22 Pollia fumosa (Dillwyn, 1817)
Bullidae 23 Bulla vernicosa (Gould, 1859)
Cancellariidae 24 Scalptia articularis (G. B. Sowerby I, 1832)
25 Rhinoclavis aspera (Linnaeus, 1758)
26 Rhinoclavis longicaudata (A. Adams & Reeve, 1850)
Columbellidae 27 Mitrella floccata hanleyi (Deshayes, 1863)
28 Conus arenatus Hwass, in Bruguiere, 1792
29 Conus magus Linnaeus, 1758
30 Conus thalassiarchus G. B. Sowerby I, 1834
31 Conus quercinus [Lightfoot], 1786
32 Conus eburneus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792
33 Conus tessulatus Born, 1778
34 Vexillum amandum (Reeve, 1845)
35 Vexillum angustissimum (E. A. Smith, 1903)
36 Vexillum collinsoni (A. Adams, 1864)
37 Vexillum coronatum (Helbling, 1779)
38 Vexillum dilectissimum (Melvill & Sykes, 1899)
39 Vexillum exasperatum (Gmelin, 1791)
40 Vexillum formosense (G. B. Sowerby III, 1889)
41 Vexillum gruneri (Reeve, 1844)
42 Vexillum michaui (Crosse & P. Fischer, 1864)
43 Vexillum pelaezi Poppe, Tagaro & Salisbury, 2009
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Fig 2: The bivalves of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 1. Anadara uropigimelana, 2. Isognomon isognomum, 3. Maleus maleus, 4. Septifer excisus,
5. Decatopecten radula, 6. Juxtamusium coudeini, 7. Bractechlamys vexillum.
The finding of the rare species Timoclea imbricata Psudominolia tramieri (Trochidae) (Tables 1 and 2). Such
(Veneridae) in Turtle Bay, and Vexillum vibex and Scabricola continued discovery is suggesting that many species are yet
alabaster (Mitridae) in Binunsalian Bay implies the presence unknown to science. The number of species in the current list
of unique niches in both bays and the potential use of these is expected to increase with continued exploration and
species as ecological indicators. This is also the first record of documentation of gastropods and bivalves in both bays.
T. imbricata in Palawan. In addition, the list includes seven The combined number of species (108 species) from Turtle
species that have been only described between 2005 and 2009: and Binunsalian Bays were higher than those recorded from
Fulvia subquadrata, Fulvia colorata (Veneridae); Phos the mangrove and estuarine (65 species) areas of Iwahig River
vandenberghi (Buccinidae); Vexillum pelaezi (Costellariidae); but fewer compared with the more than 200 species in
Rossiteria pseudonucleolus, Jujubinus geographicus, offshore Tubbataha Reefs [25]. Unregulated harvesting can
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significantly affect the population of harvested species. For were not encountered, suggesting a relatively low abundance
example, poaching in Tubbataha Reefs had significantly in the area. With such low number of commercially important
reduced the populations of the reef gastropod Tectus (Trochus) gastropods and bivalves (10 species or 9.3% of the total
niloticus [26, 27]. In Iwahig River, the abundance of the species), it is clear that both bays were overfished [29], and
mangrove clam Polymesoda erosa is lower in open accessed shares the same condition of the so many paper marine
areas compared to areas under the jurisdiction of the Iwahig sanctuaries in the country [19]. This justifies the need to
Penal Farm [28]. In Turtle and Binunsalian Bays, the reefs strengthen/revise the conservation schemes employed
appeared to have been stripped with commercially important following the declaration of both bays as marine sanctuary
macrobenthic invertebrates. Threatened species such as giant more than two decades ago.
clams, topshells, sea cucumbers, tritons and helmet conchs
Fig 3: The bivalves of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 8. Atrina vexillum, 9. Chama lazarus, 10. Tellin sp. 1 (white), 11. Tellin sp. 2 (red)
12. Fulvia subquadrata, 13. Fulvia colorata.
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3.2. Notes on Environmental Conditions sandy coastline and wide opening which directly flushes the
The water in Turtle Bay was generally turbid (~1-3 m silted water towards the Sulu Sea. Live coral cover was high
visibility) making it difficult to find the molluscs during the (~50%) yet devoid of commercially important fishes,
reconnaissance survey. Dredging was difficult at the inner gastropods, bivalves and echinoderms. Not a single rock
shallow areas having deep muddy substrate. Such could be due boring giant clams were noted suggesting high level of
to soil erosion from the surrounding agricultural sloping fields exploitation. Giant clams, topshells and other macrobenthic
and inadequate water exchange because of small bay opening. reef invertebrates can be very visible in successfully managed
Hard coral cover at the reef crest was generally low (~10%). protected areas [9, 30, 31].
There were lots of broken coral colonies and patches of rubble. Measures to rehabilitate the damaged reefs [32] to restore the
This condition could have been caused by anchors of fishing lost ecological and economic values [33] must be set in place.
boats that seek shelter during the day and in times of bad To hasten the recovery of lost species, reintroduction maybe
weather. There appears a high nutrient load as manifested by considered as the first option [5, 6, 10, 34, 35]. The restoration of
many coral colonies being gradually overtaken by green algae biodiversity through effective partnership among the local
such as Halimeda spp. and Caulerpa spp. There were also government units, private entities and academe [9, 36-38] can
some bleached corals. By contrast, Binunsalian Bay had benefit the adjacent open accessed areas through spill-over
clearer (~5-8 m visibility) water possibly because of its rocky- effects [39-41].
Fig 4: The bivalves of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 14. Lioconcha fastigiata, 15. Vasticardium elongatum enode, 16. Timoclea costellifera.
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Fig 5: The bivalves of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 17. Paphia textile, 18. Timoclea imbricata, 19. Corbula tunicata.
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Fig 6: The gastropods of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 20. Pupa affinis, 21. Phos vandenberghi, 22. Pollia fumosa, 23. Bulla vernicosa,
24. Scalptia articularis, 25. Rhinoclavis aspera, 26. Rhinoclavis longicaudata, 27. Mitrella floccata hanleyi.
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Fig 7: The gastropods of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 28. Conus arenatus, 29. Conus magus, 30. Conus thalassiarchus,
31. Conus quercinus, 32. Conus eburneus, 33. Conus tessulatus.
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Fig 8: The gastropods of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 34. Vexillum amandum, 35. Vexillum angustissimum, 36. Vexillum
collinsoni, 37. Vexillum coronatum, 38. Vexillum dilectissimum, 39. Vexillum exasperatum.
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Fig 9: The gastropods of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 40. Vexillum formosense, 41. Vexillum gruneri, 42. Vexillum michaui,
43. Vexillum pelaezi, 44.Vexillum perrieri, 45. Vexillum scitulum, 46. Vexillum spicatum 47. Vexillum vibex, 48. Vexillum virgo, 49. Vexillum
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Fig 10: The gastropods of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 50. Erosaria labrolineata, 51. Palmadusta contaminata contaminata, 53. Purpuradusta
gracilis, 54. Monetaria moneta, 55. Cypraea tigris, 56. Lyncina vitellus.
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Fig 11: The gastropods of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 57. Epitonium alata, 58. Atys naucum, 59. Aliculastrum cylindricum, 60. Domiporta
carnicolor, 61. Domiporta filaris, 62. Imbricaria conularis, 63. Imbricaria olivaeformis, 64. Mitra maesta, 65. Scabricola
alabaster, 66. Scabricola ocellata, 67. Ziba bacillum, 68. Ziba verrucosa foveolata.
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Fig 12: The gastropods of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 69. Hexaplex cichoreum, 70. Drupella margariticola, 71. Nassarius gemmuliferus,
72. Nassarius bicallosus, 73. Nassarius coronatus, 74. Nassarius sp., 75. Natica buriasiensis, 76. Mammilla melanostoma, 77. Tectonatica
venustula, 78. Eunaticina papilla.
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Fig 13: The gastropods of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 79. Oliva carneola, 80. Olivella fulgurata, 81. Syrnola fasciata, 82. Ranularia
gutturnia, 83. Turritriton labiosus, 84. Canarium erythrinum, 85. Canarium urceus, 86. Conomurex luhuanus, 87. Dolomena pulchella.
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Fig 14: The gastropods of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 88. Dolomena variabilis, 89. Euprotomus bulla, 90. Lambis lambis, 91. Lentigo pipus,
92. Terebellum terebellum, 93. Terestrombus fragilis, 94. Varicospira crispata, 95. Hastulopsis pertusa, 96. Hastulopsis suspense,
97. Myurella kilburni, 98. Strioterebrum arabellum, 99. Terebra funiculata, 100. Terebra subulata.
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Fig 15: The gastropods of Turtle and Binunsalian Bays. 101. Rossiteria pseudonucleolus, 102. Monilea belcheri, 103. Jujubinus geographicus,
104. Pseudominolia tramieri, 105. Lophiotoma leucotropis, 106. Lophiotoma acuta, 107. Vasum tubiferum, 108. Xenophora cerea.
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