Weld Imperfections 01
Weld Imperfections 01
Weld Imperfections 01
In the construction of such steel structures as buildings and bridges and the fabrication of
such machinery as ships, autos, rolling stock, and pressure vessels, arc welding is
indispensable method for joining metals. Therefore, the reliability of steel structures and
machinery depends on the quality of the welds as well as the quality of the steel materials. In
order to produce satisfactory weldments which fulfill the requirements of quality, the integrity
of quality control is very important. For integral quality control, all the personnel (including
managers, engineers, inspectors, supervisors, foremen, welders, and welding operators) who
are involved in arc welding should have adequate knowledge of weld imperfections and
preventive measures. The Weld Imperfections and Preventive Measures is prepared so as to
outline weld imperfections, their causes, and preventive measures.
BS EN ISO 6520-1 : Classification of imperfections
Solidification cracks: occur in the weld metal (usually along the centreline of the weld)
as a result of the solidification process
Liquation cracks: occur in the coarse grain HAZ, in the near vicinity of the fusion line
as a result of heating the material to an elevated temperature, high enough to produce
liquation of the low melting point constituents placed on grain boundaries.
Solidification cracking is most likely to occur in compositions, which result in a wide freezing
temperature range. In steels this is commonly created by a higher than normal content of
carbon and impurity elements such as sulphur and phosphorus. These elements segregate
during solidification, so that intergranular liquid films remain after the bulk of the weld has
solidified. The thermal shrinkage of the cooling weld bead can cause these to rupture and
form a crack.
It is important that the welding fabricator does not weld on or near metal surfaces covered
with scale or which have been contaminated with oil or grease. Scale can have a high
sulphur content, and oil and grease can supply both carbon and sulphur. Contamination with
low melting point metals such as copper, tin, lead, and zinc should also be avoided.
4.1.3 Hydrogen induced cracks
Hydrogen induced cracking occurs primarily in the grain-coarsened region of the HAZ, and is
also known as cold cracking, delayed cracking or underbead/toe cracking. Underbead
cracking lies parallel to the fusion boundary, and its path is usually a combination of
intergranular and transgranular cracking. The direction of the principal residual tensile stress
can, for toe cracks, cause the crack path to grow progressively away from the fusion
boundary towards a region of lower sensitivity to hydrogen cracking. When this happens, the
crack growth rate decreases and eventually arrests.
Description: A gas cavity of essentially spherical shape trapped within the weld metal
Causes Prevention
Damp fluxes/corroded electrode (MMA) Use dry electrodes in good
Grease/hydrocarbon/water contamination of Clean prepared surface
prepared surface
Air entrapment in gas shield (MIG/MAG TIG) Check hose connections
Incorrect/insufficient deoxidant in electrode, filler or
Use electrode with sufficient
parent metal deoxidation activity
Too high an arc voltage or arc length Reduce voltage and arc length
Gas evolution from priming paints/surface treatment Identify risk of reaction before
surface treatment is applied
Too high a shielding gas flow rate which results in Optimise gas flow rate
turbulence (MIG/MAG TIG)
Comments: Note that porosity can either be localised or finely dispersed voids throughout
the weld metal.
4.2.2 Worm holes
Description: Elongated or tubular cavities formed by entrapped gas during the solidification
of the weld metal; they can occur singly or in groups.
Causes Prevention
Gross contamination of preparation surface Introduce preweld cleaning
Laminated work surface Replace parent material with an
unlaminated piece
Crevices in work surface due to joint geometry Eliminate joint shapes which
produce crevices
Comments: Wormholes are caused by the progressive entrapment of gas between the
solidifying metal crystals (dendrites) producing characteristic elongated pores of circular
cross-section. These elongated pores can appear as a herring-bone array on a radiograph.
Some of them may break the surface of the weld.
Causes Prevention
Damp or contaminated surface or electrode Clean surface and dry electrodes
Low fluxing activity (MIG/MAG) Use a high activity flux
Excess sulphur (particularly free-cutting steels) Use high manganese electrode to
producing sulphur dioxide produce MnS, note free-cutting
steels (high sulphur) should not
normally be welded
Loss of shielding gas due to long arc or high breezes Improve screening against
(MIG/MAG) draughts and reduce arc length
Too high a shielding gas flow rate which results in Optimise gas flow rate
turbulence (MIG/MAG TIG)
Comments: The origins of surface porosity are similar to those for uniform porosity.
Comments: Crater filling is a particular problem in TIG welding due to its low heat input. To
fill the crater for this process it is necessary to reduce the weld current (slope out) in a series
of descending steps until the arc is extinguished.
Description: Slag trapped during welding. The imperfection is of an irregular shape and thus
differs in appearance from a gas pore.
Causes Prevention
Incomplete slag removal from underlying surface of Improve inter-run slag removal
multipass weld
Slag flooding ahead of arc Position work to gain control of
slag. Welder needs to correct
electrode angle
Entrapment of slag in work surface Dress work surface smooth
Comments: A fine dispersion of inclusions may be present within the weld metal, particularly
if the MMA process is used. These only become a problem when large or sharp-edged
inclusions are produced.
4.3.2 Flux inclusions
Description: Flux trapped during welding. The imperfection is of an irregular shape and thus
differs in appearance from a gas pore. Appear only in case of flux associated welding
processes (ie MMA, SAW and FCAW).
Causes Prevention
Unfused flux due to damaged coating Use electrodes in good condition
Flux fails to melt and becomes trapped in the weld Change the flux/wire. Adjust
(SAW or FCAW) welding parameters ie current,
voltage etc to produce satisfactory
welding conditions
Causes Prevention
Heavy mill scale/rust on work surface Grind surface prior to welding
Comments: A special type of oxide inclusion is puckering. This type of defect occurs
especially in the case of aluminium alloys. Gross oxide film enfoldment can occur due to a
combination of unsatisfactory protection from atmospheric contamination and turbulence in
the weld pool.
Description: Particles of tungsten can become embedded during TIG welding. This
imperfection appears as a light area on radiographs due to the fact that tungsten is denser
than the surrounding metal and absorbs larger amounts of X/gamma radiation.
Causes Prevention
Contact of electrode tip with weld pool Keep tungsten out of weld pool; use
HF start
Contact of filler metal with hot tip of electrode Avoid contact between electrode
and filler metal
Contamination of the electrode tip by spatter from the Reduce welding current; adjust
weld pool shielding gas flow rate
Exceeding the current limit for a given electrode size Reduce welding current; replace
or type electrode with a larger diameter one
Extension of electrode beyond the normal distance Reduce electrode extension and/or
from the collet, resulting in overheating of the welding current
Inadequate tightening of the collet Tighten the collet
Inadequate shielding gas flow rate or excessive wind Adjust the shielding gas flow rate;
draughts resulting in oxidation of the electrode tip protect the weld area; ensure that
the post gas flow after stopping the
arc continues for at least 5 seconds
Splits or cracks in the electrode Change the electrode, ensure the
correct size tungsten is selected for
the given welding current used
Inadequate shielding gas (eg use of argon-oxygen or Change to correct gas composition
argon-carbon dioxide mixtures that are used for MAG
Causes Prevention
Low heat input to weld Increase arc voltage and/or welding
current; decrease travel speed
Molten metal flooding ahead of arc Improve electrode angle and work
position; increase travel speed
Oxide or scale on weld preparation Improve edge preparation procedure
Excessive inductance in MAG dip transfer Reduce inductance, even if this
welding increases spatter
Comments: During welding sufficient heat must be available at the edge of the weld
pool to produce fusion with the parent metal.
Description: A lack of union along the fusion line, between the weld beads.
Causes Prevention
Low arc current resulting in low fluidity of weld pool Increase current
Too high a travel speed Reduce travel speed
Inaccurate bead placement Retrain welder
Comments: Lack of inter-run fusion produce crevices between the weld beads and
cause local entrapment of slag.
Causes Prevention
Excessively thick root face, insufficient root gap or Improve back gouging
failure to cut back to sound metal in a back technique and ensure the
gouging operation edge preparation is as
per approved WPS
Low heat input Increase welding current
and/or arc voltage;
decrease travel speed
Excessive inductance in MAG dip transfer welding, Improve electrical
pool flooding ahead of arc settings and possibly
switch to spray arc
MMA electrode too large (low current density) Reduce electrode size
Use of vertical down welding Switch to vertical up
Comments: If the weld joint is not of a critical nature, ie the required strength is low and
the area is not prone to fatigue cracking, it is possible to produce a partial penetration
weld. In this case incomplete root penetration is considered part of this structure and is
not an imperfection (this would normally be determined by the design or code
Description: One or both fusion faces of the root are not melted. When
examined from the root side, you can clearly see one or both of the root edges
4.5.1 Undercut
Description: An irregular groove at the toe of a run in the parent metal or in a
previously deposited weld metal due to welding. It is characterised by its depth, length
and sharpness
Causes Prevention
Melting of top edge due to high welding current Reduce power input, especially
(especially at free edge) or high travel speed approaching a free edge where
overheating can occur
Attempting a fillet weld in horizontal vertical position Weld in the flat position or use
(PB) with leg length >9mm multirun techniques
Excessive/incorrect weaving Reduce weaving width or switch to
Incorrect electrode angle Direct arc towards thicker member
Incorrect shielding gas selection (MAG) Ensure correct gas mixture for
material type and thickness (MAG)
Comments: Care must be taken during weld repairs of undercut to control the heat
input. If the bead of a repair weld is too small, the cooling rate following welding will be
excessive and the parent metal may have an increased hardness and the weld may be
susceptible to hydrogen cracking
Comments: The term “reinforcement” used to designate this feature of the weld is
misleading since the excess metal does not normally produce a stronger weld in a butt
joint in ordinary steel. This imperfection can become a problem, as the angle of the weld
toe can be sharp, leading to an increased stress concentration at the toes of the weld
and fatigue cracking.
4.5.3 Excess penetration
Description: Projection of the root penetration bead beyond a specified limit can be
local or continuous.
Causes Prevention
Weld heat input too high Reduce arc voltage and/or
welding current; increase welding
Incorrect weld preparation ie excessive root gap, Improve workpiece preparation
thin edge preparation, lack of backing
Use of electrode unsuited to welding position Use correct electrode for position
Lack of welder skill Retrain welder
4.5.4 Overlap
Description: An imperfection at the toe of a weld caused by metal flowing on to the
surface of the parent metal without fusing to it.
Causes Prevention
Poor electrode manipulation (MMA) Retrain welder
High heat input/low travel speed causing surface Reduce heat input or limit leg
flow of fillet welds size to 9mm maximum leg size
for single pass fillets.
Incorrect positioning of weld Change to flat position
Wrong electrode coating type resulting in too high Change electrode coating type to
a fluidity a more suitable fast freezing type
which is less fluid
Comments: For a fillet weld overlap is often associated with undercut, as if the weld
pool is too fluid the top of the weld will flow away to produce undercut at the top and
overlap at the base. If the volume of the weld pool is too large in case of a fillet weld in
horizontal-vertical position (PB), weld metal will collapse due to gravity, producing both
defects (undercut at the top and overlap at the base). This defect is called “sagging”.
Description: Misalignment between two welded pieces such that while their surface
planes are parallel, they are not in the required same plane.
Causes Prevention
Inaccuracies in assembly procedures or distortion Adequate checking of alignment
from other welds prior to welding coupled with the
use of clamps and wedges
Excessive out of flatness in hot rolled plates or Check accuracy of rolled section
sections prior to welding
Causes Prevention
Insufficient weld metal Increase the number of weld runs
Irregular weld bead surface Retrain welder
Comments: Although this imperfection may not affect the integrity of completed weld, it
can affect the width of HAZ and reduce the load-carrying capacity of the joint (in case of
fine-grained structural steels) or impair corrosion resistance (in case of duplex stainless
4.5.9 Root concavity
Description: A shallow groove that occurs due to shrinkage at the root of a butt weld
. Causes Prevention
Insufficient arc power to produce positive bead Raise arc energy
Incorrect prep/fit-up Work to WPS
Excessive backing gas pressure (TIG) Reduce gas pressure
Lack of welder skill Retrain welder
Slag flooding in backing bar groove Tilt work to prevent slag flooding
Comments: The use of a backing strip can be used to control the extent of the root
Causes Prevention
Insufficient travel speed Increase the travel speed
Excessive welding current Reduce welding current
Lack of welder skill Retrain welder
Excessive grinding of root face More care taken, retrain welder
Excessive root gap Ensure correct fit up
Comments: This is a gross imperfection, which occurs basically due to lack of welder
skill. It can be repaired by bridging the gap formed into the joint, but requires a great
deal of attention.
4.6 Miscellaneous Imperfections
4.6.1 Stray arc
Description: Local damage to the surface of the parent metal adjacent to the weld,
resulting from arcing or striking the arc outside the weld groove. The result is in form of
random areas of fused metal where the electrode, the holder, or current return clamp
has accidentally touched the work.
Causes Prevention
Poor access to the work Improve access (modify
assembly sequence)
Missing insulation on electrode holder or torch Institute a regular inspection
scheme for electrode holders and
Failure to provide an insulated resting place for Provide an insulated resting
the electrode holder or torch when not in use place
Loose current return clamp Regularly maintain current return
Adjusting wire feed (MAG welding) without Retrain welder
isolating welding current
Comments: An arc strike can produce a hard HAZ, which may contain cracks. These
can lead to serious cracking in service. It is better to remove an arc strike by grinding
than weld repair.
4.6.2 Spatter
Description: Globules of weld metal or filler metal expelled during welding and
adhering to the surface of parent metal or solidified weld metal.
Causes Prevention
High arc current Reduce arc current
Long arc length Reduce Arc Length
Magnetic arc blow Reduce arc length or switch to
AC power
Incorrect settings for GMAW process Modify electrical settings (but be
careful to maintain full fusion!)
Damp electrodes Use dry electrodes
Wrong selection of shielding gas (100% CO2) Increase argon content if
possible, however too high a % of
argon may lead to lack of
Comments: Spatter in itself is a cosmetic imperfection and does not affect the integrity
of the weld. However as it is usually caused by an excessive welding current, it is a sign
that the welding conditions are not ideal and so there are usually other associated
problems within the structure ie high heat input. Note that some spatter is always
produced by open arc consumable electrode welding processes. Anti-spatter
compounds can be used on the parent metal to reduce sticking and the spatter can then
be scraped off.
Weld imperfections can seriously reduce the integrity of a welded structure. Therefore,
prior to service of a welded joint, it is necessary to locate them using NDE techniques,
assess their significance, and take action to avoid their re-occurrence.
The acceptance of a certain size and type of defect for a given structure is normally
expressed as the defect acceptance standard. This is usually incorporated in application
standards or specifications.
All normal weld imperfection acceptance standards totally reject cracks. However, in
exceptional circumstances, and subject to the agreement of all parties, cracks may be
allowed to remain if it can be demonstrated beyond doubt that they will not lead to
failure. This can be difficult to establish and usually involves fracture mechanics
measurements and calculations.
It is important to note that the levels of acceptability vary between different applications,
and in most cases vary between different standards for the same application.
Consequently, when inspecting different jobs it is important to use the applicable
standard or specification quoted in the contract.
Once unacceptable weld imperfections have been found, they have to be removed. If
the weld imperfection is at the surface, the first consideration is whether it is of a type,
which is normally shallow enough to be repaired by superficial dressing. Superficial
implies that, after removal of the defect, the remaining material thickness is sufficient
not to require the addition of further weld metal.
If the defect is too deep, it must be removed by some means and new weld metal added
to ensure a minimum design throat thickness.
Replacing removed metal or weld repair (as in filling an excavation or re-making a weld
joint) has to be done in accordance with an approved procedure. The rigor with which
this procedure is qualified will depend on the application standard for the job. In some
cases it will be acceptable to use a procedure qualified for making new joints whether
filling an excavation or making a complete joint. If the level of reassurance required is
higher, the qualification will have to be made using an exact simulation of a welded joint,
which is excavated and then refilled using a specified method. In either case,
qualification inspection and testing will be required in accordance with the application