Smart Gloves For Blind
Smart Gloves For Blind
Smart Gloves For Blind
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1025
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1026
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
3.4 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT paper, where only one gyroscope value is used. A Markov
model is constructed using segmentation of gyroscope
Software: outputs instead of using gyroscope outputs directly, which
makes the zero velocity detection more reliable.
There are two main software used in developing this project
which are Arduino software and Fritzing software. Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
software used to write the program using C language and
Arduino language. It is used to compile and install the This type of ultrasonic sensor has an ability to determine the
program into the microcontroller. It also has the function to distance of objects with high accuracy and provide stable
monitor the distance between obstacle and ultrasonic reading of data. The sensor widely used for the blind because
sensor. It will display the value of distance and make the it does not affected by environmental noise. It works by
project easier to be tested. transmitting an ultrasonic burst and provide output pulse
which correspond to the time required for the burst echo to
Fritzing software is used to design the circuit connection of return to the sensor. The distance to the target or objects can
all the hardware. Since all the hardware will have their own be calculated by measuring the echo pulse width.
library, Fritzing software is a suitable software to be used in
this project as it will help in showing the circuit connection Arduino UNO
and the schematic of the system.Besides that, SolidWorks
also used to design structure of frame which is used to hold Arduino Uno is the main part of this project which it act as
the position of ultrasonic sensors. microcontroller. Since the price is very cheap and easy to
use, it is very good for the development of new products or
interesting projects. Coming with 14 digital pin, 6 analog pin,
16 MHz crystal oscillator and USB connection, it is suitable to
There are six main hardware in this projects.
be used as a microcontroller. Based on ATmega328, this
1. Ultrasonic Sensor microcontroller board can simply connect to computer using
2. Sensor Position USB cable or using adapter to connect with battery to get
3. Arduino UNO started.
4. Switch
5. USB to TTL Converter Adapter
6. Servo Vibrator Motor
7. Jumper Wires
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1027
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Figure 4.1 and 4.2 both shows the Arduino and the pin ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
structure while Figure 4.2 shows the complete schematic
diagram of Arduino UNO including the integrated circuit and I would like to take the opportunity to express our heartfelt
all the other components. gratitude to the people whose help and co-ordination has
made this seminar a success. I thank Miss. TRUPTI KINI for
In this project, Arduino UNO was powered with 9V battery knowledge, guidance and co-operation in the process of
which is in the range of recommended voltage. Although the making this project. I owe Seminar success to our guide and
board can operate at 6V up to 20V, if the supplied voltage is convey our thanks to them. We would like to express our
less than 7V, the 5V pin may supply less power resulting heartfelt to our HOD Miss. Trupti Kini and all the teachers
unstable condition for the board. Besides, if the supplied and staff members of Computer Engineering Department for
voltage more than 12V, the voltage regulator will overheat their full support. We would like to thank our principal for
and the board will damage. conductive environment in the institution. We are also
grateful to the library staff of Ideal Institute of Technology
Servo Motor: for the numerous books, magazines made available for
handy reference and use of internet facility. Lastly, we are
Servo motors are great devices that can turn to a specified also indebted to all those who have indirectly contributed in
position. Usually, they have a servo arm that can turn 180 making this Seminar successfully.
degrees. Using the Arduino, we can tell a servo to go to a
specified position and it will go there. Servo motors were REFERENCES
first used in the Remote Control (RC) world, usually to
control the steering of RC cars or the flaps on a RC plane.
[1] A Low Cost Smart Glove for Visually Impaired People
With time, they found their uses in robotics, automation, and
Mobility by Giuseppe Bernieri Luca Faramondi and
of course, the Arduino world.
Federica Pascucci.
Here we will see how to connect a servo motor and then how [2] Vol. 4, Issue 1, January 2015 Copyright to IJARCCE DOI
to turn it to different positions. . /IJARCCE. . Voice based email system for
blinds by T.Shabana , A.Anam, A.Rafiya, K.Aisha.
Smart glove for the blind project is to help blind people walk
and estimate the distance from obstacles. Main component
for this project are Arduino UNO, Vibrator motor and
ultrasonic sensor. Based on the experiment that have been
conducted, there are few advantages and limitations of this
project. One of the advantages of this project was the use of
ultrasonic sensor. This sensor was very sensitive and will
trigger faster when it detect obstacles. Besides that, the cost
to develop this project was low and can be afforded by blind
people. The limitation of this project was the ultrasonic
sensor used can only detect the obstacles but cannot
illustrate the shape of the obstacles. Furthermore, this
assistive glove can only be used by blind people but not the
blind and deaf people. Future improvement can be made to
increase the performance of this project.
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1028