Smart Gloves For Blind

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Iot Based Smart Gloves For Blind People

Dr. D. Sat ish Kumar
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Arsh.A.Ghate1, Vishal.G.Chavan2
1,2Dept.Computer Engineering Ideal Institute of Technology Posheri ,Wada ,Palghar India-421303
Abstract - In order to help the visually challenged people, a In Voice based email system for blinds by T.Shabana ,
study that helps those people to walk more confidently is A.Anam, A.Rafiya, K.Aisha. says In today s world
proposed. The study hypothesizes a smart walking gloves that communication has become so easy due to integration of
alerts visually-impaired people over obstacles, pits thus this communication technologies with internet. However the
device could help them in walking with less accident. It visually challenged people find it very difficult to utilize this
outlines a better navigational tool for the visually impaired. It technology because of the fact that using them requires
consists of a simple walking equipped with sensors to give visual perception . Even though many new advancements
information about the environment. GPS technology is have been implemented to help them use the computers
integrated with microcontroller which will help their loved efficiently no naïve user who is visually challenged can use
ones to keep eye on them. In this system ultrasonic sensor, GPS this technology as efficiently as a normal naïve user can do
receiver, vibrator, PIC controller and battery are used. The that is unlike normal users they require some practice for
overall aim of the device is to provide a convenient and safe using the available technologies. This paper aims at
method for the blind to overcome their difficulties in daily life. developing an email system that will help even a naïve
visually impaired person to use the services for
Key Words: Arduino, Smart Cane, Zero Update communication without previous training. The system will
Algorithm, Servo. not let the user make use of keyboard instead will work only
on mouse operation and speech conversion to text. Also this
1. INTRODUCTION system can be used by any normal person also for example
the one who is not able to read. The system is completely
Nowadays, technology and human life cannot be separated based on interactive voice response which will make it user
as it has become the phenomenon of the world. But, how the friendly and efficient to use.
technology can help people that visually impaired? Blind
people usually can estimate the obstacle in front them Navigation System for Visually Impaired People by Chaitali
without knowing the actual distance of the obstacle from Kishor Lakde and Dr. Prakash S. Prasad says Navigation
them. Mobility for the blind people can be defined as assistance for visually impaired (NA VI) refers to systems
mobility to move with safety and ease through environment that are able to assist or guide people with vision loss,
without rely on other. Most commonly mobility aid used by ranging from partially sighted to totally blind, by means of
the blind are cane and guide dogs to facilitate their sound commands. Many researchers are working to assist
movement. But there are problems for this navigation visually impaired people in different ways like voice based
supports. The cane provide limited preview for the user and assistance, ultrasonic based assistance, camera based
as a result, user has to be more careful to walk and mobile assistance and in some advance way researchers are trying
very slowly. As for the guide dogs, the training and to give transplantation of real eyes with robotic eyes which
coordinating the dogs with blind people are difficult task and can capable enough to plot the real image over patient retina
the result are minimal. using some biomedical technologies.. There are some
limitation in system like obstacle detection which could not
In order to overcome this problem, research on the assistant see the object but detection the object and camera based
devices for the blind has been done by many people to help system can't work properly in different light level so the
reduce the limited ability of the blind people. The assistive proposed system is a fusion of Color sensing sensor and the
glove for the blind is a device that can help visually impaired obstacle sensor along with the voice based assistance
to facilitate movement and to perform daily activities system.
without relying too much on others. The glove with the
integration of ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, Arduino UNO 3. EXISTING SYSTEM
microcontroller will help blind to facilitate movement and
give alert to user if there are obstacle in front of them in the According to Mazo and Rodriguez the blind Cane is one of
range 2 cm to 300 cm. the assisting tools for the visually-impaired and it is really
important. According to Herman , one of the main problems
2 .LITERATURE SURVEY of the visually-impaired, is that most of these people have
lost their physical integrity. Also, they do not have
To make the System more efficient there are various system confidence in themselves. This statement has been proven
that relates to the development for projects related to the by Bouvrie, in which an experiment name ―Project Prakash‖
blind persons. These literature survey help us to overcome has been carried out. It was intended at testing the visually-
various design and program related improvements. impaired to utilize their brain to identify set of objects.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1025
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

According to Chang and Song , this can also be applied to

different situation. When the visually-impaired walk into a
new environment, they will find it difficult to memorize the
locations of the object or obstacles. These examples
demonstrate the difficulties of visually- impaired people.
The Guide Cane is designed to help the visually-impaired
users navigate safely and quickly among obstacles and other
hazards. Guide Cane is used like the widely used white cane,
where the user holds the Guide Cane in front of the user
while walking.

Smart Cane has been designed by students from Central

Michigan University where this invention uses Radio Figure 3.2.1: Overview of the system
Frequency Identification (RFID). RFID is used to detect
objects or obstacles in front of the user and detects the RFID Sonar radiation of system is shown in figure 3.2.2 which
tag that has been placed in several areas to navigate the show the outcome of this system. If the ultrasonic sensor
users. This invention is just like a normal stick but is detect the output below 1 meter from the user, buzzer and
equipped with a bag, worn by the user. The bag supplies LED will trigger and Vibrator Motor will decode the sound
electricity power to the invention and informs the user only if the obstacles detected exactly at 1 meter. The same
through speakers inside the bag. For users who do not have process happen for distance 1.5 meters and 2 meters
the ability to hear, there are special gloves that will vibrate
at every finger, in which different vibrations in each finger
have different meanings. However, this invention has
several weaknesses and is only suitable for small areas. This
is because it only detects the area with RFID tag otherwise
this invention only works as a regular blind cane. In addition,
this invention requires a high cost if it is used in the external
environment because the larger area that need to be tagged,
the higher cost is needed.


To achieve the objectives, the scope of this project are

determined. For the hardware, ultrasonic sensors will be
used as a sensor to detect obstacles at the front and it will Figure 3.2.2: Sonar radiation
send signal to Arduino UNO which act as microcontroller.
The microcontroller will then process data and send the 3.3 IMPROVEMENT IN EXISTING SYSTEM
signal to Servo Motor which will guide through its vibrating
feedback. For the software, the design of the circuit is done
We are implementing the system in such a way that it help
using Fritzing software and the program will be done using
them to overcome every day-to-day life obstacles. Thus we
Arduino software by installing through Arduino library. This
are implementing a integrated system called as HUB which
will also produce:
consist of numerus features such as GPS tracking,emergency
calling features and lot other features ca be add to system.
• Independent Mobility
As android application play a vital role in our life but in such
• Easy to access location
topics which cover the for blind, the adroid application
• Easy to call in emergency
cannot be taken as helping hand for blinds in emergency
• Better way to explore surrounding
situations so, we are using the Near Field Communication
• Low cost device to handle with ease
Technology which is widely known as NFC . Just tap the
• System is flexible and secure to use
smartphone with gloves and you are ready to go. It will help
• Saves times and reduce interdependency
them in emergency situations by just tapping smartphone to
gloves and family members will be notified by text
3.2 PROPSED SYTEM messages.Thus NFC will help them to cover wide rage of
situation handling by just tapping the phone to gloves.
The concept of integration of system is illustrated in figure
3.3, this is the concept of the project that shows the position Now this shows us limitation for the project that the
of all the component which will be discussed in next section. smartphones need to support the NFC Feature. Thus every
All the components were integrated with glove and used by research start with its limitation heces it open new doors to
blind person. explore more.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1026
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3.4 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT paper, where only one gyroscope value is used. A Markov
model is constructed using segmentation of gyroscope
Software: outputs instead of using gyroscope outputs directly, which
makes the zero velocity detection more reliable.
There are two main software used in developing this project
which are Arduino software and Fritzing software. Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04
software used to write the program using C language and
Arduino language. It is used to compile and install the This type of ultrasonic sensor has an ability to determine the
program into the microcontroller. It also has the function to distance of objects with high accuracy and provide stable
monitor the distance between obstacle and ultrasonic reading of data. The sensor widely used for the blind because
sensor. It will display the value of distance and make the it does not affected by environmental noise. It works by
project easier to be tested. transmitting an ultrasonic burst and provide output pulse
which correspond to the time required for the burst echo to
Fritzing software is used to design the circuit connection of return to the sensor. The distance to the target or objects can
all the hardware. Since all the hardware will have their own be calculated by measuring the echo pulse width.
library, Fritzing software is a suitable software to be used in
this project as it will help in showing the circuit connection Arduino UNO
and the schematic of the system.Besides that, SolidWorks
also used to design structure of frame which is used to hold Arduino Uno is the main part of this project which it act as
the position of ultrasonic sensors. microcontroller. Since the price is very cheap and easy to
use, it is very good for the development of new products or
interesting projects. Coming with 14 digital pin, 6 analog pin,
16 MHz crystal oscillator and USB connection, it is suitable to
There are six main hardware in this projects.
be used as a microcontroller. Based on ATmega328, this
1. Ultrasonic Sensor microcontroller board can simply connect to computer using
2. Sensor Position USB cable or using adapter to connect with battery to get
3. Arduino UNO started.
4. Switch
5. USB to TTL Converter Adapter
6. Servo Vibrator Motor
7. Jumper Wires


Smart solutions have been proposed for reducing the disease

impact (artificial body parts, augmented reality sensors, etc).
Due to the big effort in improving the usability of
technological devices for impaired people, the uncanny
valley has been filled up and we are facing at threshold of a
new era in adopting these cyber-physical system. Figure 4.1: Arduino UNO


We introduce a fast and reliable algorithm to estimate the

position of the hand considering only the x-acceleration. The
algorithm is based on the well-known Zero Velocity Update
approach, adopted in pedestrian dead reckoning the peaks
are isolated using fixed threshold, while crosstalk and noise
are regarded as a bias and estimated when the hand is still.
In this work we introduce the Zero Update algorithm.

In pedestrian navigation systems, the position of a

pedestrian is computed using an inertial navigation
algorithm. In the algorithm, the zero velocity updating plays
an important role, where zero velocity intervals are detected
and the velocity error is reset. To use the zero velocity
updating, it is necessary to detect zero velocity intervals
reliably. A new zero detection algorithm is proposed in the Figure 4.2: Structure of Arduino UNO

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1027
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Figure 4.1 and 4.2 both shows the Arduino and the pin ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
structure while Figure 4.2 shows the complete schematic
diagram of Arduino UNO including the integrated circuit and I would like to take the opportunity to express our heartfelt
all the other components. gratitude to the people whose help and co-ordination has
made this seminar a success. I thank Miss. TRUPTI KINI for
In this project, Arduino UNO was powered with 9V battery knowledge, guidance and co-operation in the process of
which is in the range of recommended voltage. Although the making this project. I owe Seminar success to our guide and
board can operate at 6V up to 20V, if the supplied voltage is convey our thanks to them. We would like to express our
less than 7V, the 5V pin may supply less power resulting heartfelt to our HOD Miss. Trupti Kini and all the teachers
unstable condition for the board. Besides, if the supplied and staff members of Computer Engineering Department for
voltage more than 12V, the voltage regulator will overheat their full support. We would like to thank our principal for
and the board will damage. conductive environment in the institution. We are also
grateful to the library staff of Ideal Institute of Technology
Servo Motor: for the numerous books, magazines made available for
handy reference and use of internet facility. Lastly, we are
Servo motors are great devices that can turn to a specified also indebted to all those who have indirectly contributed in
position. Usually, they have a servo arm that can turn 180 making this Seminar successfully.
degrees. Using the Arduino, we can tell a servo to go to a
specified position and it will go there. Servo motors were REFERENCES
first used in the Remote Control (RC) world, usually to
control the steering of RC cars or the flaps on a RC plane.
[1] A Low Cost Smart Glove for Visually Impaired People
With time, they found their uses in robotics, automation, and
Mobility by Giuseppe Bernieri Luca Faramondi and
of course, the Arduino world.
Federica Pascucci.
Here we will see how to connect a servo motor and then how [2] Vol. 4, Issue 1, January 2015 Copyright to IJARCCE DOI
to turn it to different positions. . /IJARCCE. . Voice based email system for
blinds by T.Shabana , A.Anam, A.Rafiya, K.Aisha.


AND COMMUNICATION Navigation System for Visually
Impaired People by Chaitali Kishor Lakde and Dr.
Prakash S. Prasad.

[4] Proceedings of International Conference on Circuits,

Communication, Control and Computing (I4C 2014)
Voice Assisted Navigation System for the Blind by
Figure 4.3: Direction for Servo Motor Ananth Noorithaya1 , Kishore Kumar M.3 and Dr.
Sreedevi A.

Smart glove for the blind project is to help blind people walk
and estimate the distance from obstacles. Main component
for this project are Arduino UNO, Vibrator motor and
ultrasonic sensor. Based on the experiment that have been
conducted, there are few advantages and limitations of this
project. One of the advantages of this project was the use of
ultrasonic sensor. This sensor was very sensitive and will
trigger faster when it detect obstacles. Besides that, the cost
to develop this project was low and can be afforded by blind
people. The limitation of this project was the ultrasonic
sensor used can only detect the obstacles but cannot
illustrate the shape of the obstacles. Furthermore, this
assistive glove can only be used by blind people but not the
blind and deaf people. Future improvement can be made to
increase the performance of this project.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1028

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