Automated Facial Expression Recognition Using Deep Learning Techniques - An Overview (#657395) - 1125402

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International Journal of Informatics and Applied Mathematics

e-ISSN:2667-6990 Vol. 3, No. 1, 39-53

Automated Facial Expression Recognition Using

Deep Learning Techniques: An Overview

Meriem Sari1 , Abdelouahab Moussaoui1 , and Abdenour Hadid2

Department of Computer Science, University of Ferhat Abbas Setif1, Setif Algeria
{meriem.sari , abdelouahab.moussaoui}
Center for Machine Learning and Signal Analysis, University of Oulu, Oulu Finland

Abstract. Facial expression recognition (FER) plays a key role in con-

veying human emotions and feelings. Automated FER systems enable
different machines to recognize emotions without the help of humans;
this is considered as a very challenging problem in machine learning.
Over the years there has been a considerable progress in this field. In
this paper we present a state of the art overview on the different con-
cepts of a FER system and the different used methods; plus we studied
the efficiency of using deep learning architectures specifically convolu-
tional neural networks architectures (CNN) as a new solution for FER
problems by investigating the most recent and cited works.

Keywords: Facial expression recognition · Emotion Recognition · Ma-

chine learning · Deep learning · Convolutional Neural Network
40 M. Sari et al.

1 Introduction

Facial expression is one of the most important aspects of biometry; it has been
regarded as a fresh and active research field in the last decade due to its im-
portance in translating the emotional state of peaple. Even though this latter
analysis can be done through other features such as: voice [11], body gestures,
social and contextual parameters of the situation [25] among others facial ex-
pression remains to be the most expressive way through which human beings
can display their emotions because it has a high level of directness, friendliness,
convenience and robustness.
Nowadays, facial expression recognition (FER) has known a large number of
applications thanks to the huge amount of attention that it got. It is mostly used
in human machine interaction (HCI) applications such as; interactive gaming,
digital entertainment, virtual reality and robotics. It is also used in emotion and
behavioural analysis in the medical domain (Autism [17], mental disorder [48],
pain assessment [36]) also used in surveillance and law enforcement applications.
Facial expression was first introduced as a research field by Darwin in his
book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals [7], and then it was
studied by many other scientists. In the recent few decades the work of Paul
Ekman has been considered as the cornerstone of almost all the research done in
this field [10]; Ekman introduced the six basic emotions [9] which are; happiness,
sadness, anger, disgust, fear, surprise plus the neutral emotion that is considered
in most of the works, these emotions became universal among human beings.
Automated FER System (AFERS or FERS) is the very complicated process
for machines to automatically recognize emotions without any help from human
beings. This system receives as input images that contain faces, it performs some
processing that will be cited in the next section and then gives as output the
recognized emotion. Even though it seems to be a very simple task for humans, it
represents a very challenging one in the world of machine learning. In this paper
we try firstly to give a brief summary on the FER concepts enriched by what
scientists had accomplished over the years then we present a comparative study
of the most recent works that have been done in the field using deep learning.
The rest of the paper is organized as follow: next section represents a back-
ground review about FER concepts. Section III represents a comprehensive study
for FER problems using deep learning. Observations and discussion are presented
in section IV then conclusion and future directions in section V.

2 Background Review

FERS can be divided into two main categories in terms of inputs; i.e. it can take
images or dynamic sequences; in either cases; the FER system workflow is shown
in Figure 1 , we observe that the analysis is done via three important steps:
Automated Facial Expression Recognition... 41

Fig. 1. Facial Expression Recognition System Workflow

2.1 Face Acquisition

Over the years there have been many methods developed to detect faces in an ar-
bitrary scene [19, 31, 42, 43, 46, 49], some can detect only frontal view faces while
others can work even on multi-view faces such as side views, the most common
and used technique for face detection is the algorithm of Viola and Jones [55].
Over the time, this phase was assumed to be a pre-processing phase along with
the modifications that we apply on different input images before we feed them
to the FES. A pre-processing phase could also include image resizing, denoising,
rotation correction, etc; it is based on suppressing unwanted distortions and en-
hancing image features in order to improve the quality of the input data that
the system is going to work on.

2.2 Feature Extraction and Representation

After locating the face, the next phase is to extract information from the input
data known as features. In this process variety of features can be retrieved and
based on this we can categorize the used methods for feature extraction. Over
the literature, the facial characteristics are divided into two main categories.
Geometric features and they represent the shape and location of facial com-
ponents (mouth, eyes, eyebrows, nose) during the execution of a facial expression.
42 M. Sari et al.

The best way to describe nearly the entire facial component movements is the
Facial Action Coding System (FACS) introduced by Ekman [13], it contains 44
Action Units (AU) and another 20 was added in 2002 [10]; each AU describes
a set of facial muscles that works together to perform the movements related
to a specific facial expression. Methods that are based on geometry use a fea-
ture vector that is composed of facial feature points after their extraction, some
examples of application of this method can be found in [14, 44, 60, 16, 27, 51].
On the other hand Appearance Features represent the skin or texture changes
of the face without taking in consideration the muscles motion. Methods based
on appearance features are considered time consuming in term of processing
yet studies have shown that they produce better results because they take into
account pixel intensity, texture edges, color arrangements, wrinkles and furrows
of the whole face or just a small part of it. The most successful methods using
appearance features are the local binary pattern (LBP) and its extensions [1,
26]. For further examples we can refer to [51, 57, 16, 24, 20].

2.3 Feature Classification and Emotion Recognition

The previous phase results a large set of features, the aim of this phase is to
choose only the most discriminative ones in order to decrease the processing
time and give more credibility to the results. Over the years, researchers have
developed and innovated a considerable number of methods; some of the very
known are: Support Vector Machines (SVM) [62], Bayes classifier [6], Fuzzy
Techniques [3], Feature Selection [8], Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) [23] and
others [64]. The general workflow of a FER system is presented in
Despite the increasing improvements in the recognition performances, there
are still some limitations in terms of accuracy (subjectivity, occlusion, pose, low
resolution, scale, illumination variation, spontaneous vs. posed expressions) and
efficiency (time, computational and space complexity) [51, 54, 53]. To overcome
those limitations researchers started digging to find new methods or focused on
enhancing existing ones that lead to using Deep Neural Networks (DNN) which
are based on regular ANN.

2.4 Deep Neural Networks

Artificial Neural Networks are based on the idea of mathematically representing
information processing in human brains, most of them rely on features selected
or created by humans whereas Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have the exact
same structure as classical ANN, the only difference is that they use multiple
and deeper hidden layers instead of just one and that gives more chance to
increasingly learn bigger and more complex and abstract features. The crucial
point of DNN is that they create a hierarchy of representations, each more and
more abstract than the preceding to ultimately help fulfil the given task [45].
Take for example visual recognition; one can use the whole image as an input
instead of using the features extracted by handcrafted off-the-shelf methods such
as appearance and geometric based methods. Over the last decade DNN has come
Automated Facial Expression Recognition... 43

to enormous fame under Deep Learning and has become the fastest growing and
most attracting research field in machine learning.
One of the very used deep learning architectures in the field of FER are
deep belief networks (DBN) and convolutional neural networks (CNN); in this
paper we are interested in CNN; it was first presented in 1997 [28], its structure
relies basically on the alternative use of two kinds of basic layers respectively
called convolutional layers (C layers) and sub-sampling layer (S layers) usually
referred to as Pooling layer, and at the end a fully connected layer that leads to
the output as represented in Figure 2. Further detailed information about CNN
can be found in [22].

Fig. 2. Convolutional Neural Network Architecture

3 Facial Expression Recognition with Deep Learning

Over the last two decades, several approaches were developed to solve the prob-
lems of FER in computer vision, each and every one of them helped improv-
ing the recognition performance, a further survey on the elder methods can be
found in [11, 44, 27, 26, 20]. An important part of the recent progress in the field
was achieved thanks to the emergence of deep learning methods and specifically
CNN; this section discusses the most recent and highly cited deep learning based
methods that achieved high accuracy in the last five years.
A recent research presented in [5], studied the ability of CNN in improving
the FER accuracy on the real image dataset of FER2013 which includes real
facial images for the seven facial expressions, their solution was developed using
the machine learning platform TensorFlow. the architecture consists of three
convolutional layers, two max pooling layers, two fully connected layers and
dropouts at different levels, authors also provided details about the different
parameters of the architecture. The method achieved 91,12% in which CNN
augmentation setting can provide a better performance.
44 M. Sari et al.

Another model proposed in[52] in which face is detected from the images in
datasets using Cascade Classifier, then the obtained image is transformed into
grayscale level and after that normalized and at the end augmented using Image
Data Generator provided by Keras API; methods used in augmentation are:
horizontal flip, rotation, rescale, shear and zoom. The augmented dataset then
is fed into a CNN in order to predict the emotion. Their architecture consisted
of three convolutional layers with 32, 64, 128 filters respectively, kernal size is
3*3 and four fully connected layers. Data was collected from multiple databases
namely: CK+, FER2013, MUG, KDEF & AKDEF and Kinface W I & II. It
achieved an accuracy of 96,24% with only 120 epochs, whereas CNN without
data augmentation required 260 epochs to achieve only 92,95%.
Authors in [21] proposed a single deep CNN containing convolutional layers
and residual blocks. The system was trained on CK+ and JAFFE databases and
achieved an accuracy of 93,24% and 95,23% respectively. It seems that combining
CNN with residual blocks improves the overall results thus responds the problem
of facial expression recognition and classification.
the model proposed in [37] contains three layers architecture based on deep
learning in which the first two layers consist of extracting two kinds of features
geometric and appearance based (LBP) then combining them using auto en-
coders. The third layer classifies combined features using a self-organizing map
(SOM) based classifier that combines benefits of both supervised and unsuper-
vised training algorithm; the authors consider their method as the first of a kind
in this field. The system was validated on two databases CK+ and MMI and
achieved respectively 98,95% and 97,55%.
Authors proposed a method based on CNN combined with specific image pre-
processing steps in [34]. The different steps are: i) rotation correction, ii) cropping
(eliminates the background information), iii) down-sampling (performed to re-
duce the image size and ensure that the location of facial component is the same
in all images), iiii) intensity normalization (makes the brightness and contrast
of all images the same in order to decrease the complexity of the network). The
input of the pre-processing phase is a set of images with faces and their eyes lo-
cation and expression id and then the output is fed to a CNN that comprises two
convolutional layers, two sub-sampling layers and a fully connected layer. The
system studied the impact of each pre-processing step on the accuracy rate and
was tested on three widely used databases (CK+, JAFFE and BV-3DFE) and
achieved the best accuracy on CK+ with 96,76%, the accuracy was improving
with the addition of each pre-processing step.
Another system composed of four modules is presented in [47], the mod-
ules are: input, pre-processing, recognition and output. It was tested on two
databases JAFFE an CK+ and it was compared to a k nearest neighbour (KNN)
algorithm, it achieved respectively 76,7442% and 80,303%. The system was re-
alised by implementing face detection using Haar like features in OpenCV and
histogram equalization. The system architecture is composed of four layers; (two
convolutional and two sub sampling) then a Softmax classifier is used for multi-
classification. The authors favoured Haar like features in order to capture the
Automated Facial Expression Recognition... 45

useful portion of facial expression and removing most of the background infor-
mation then applied Histogram Equalization in order to make gray scale values
and contrast more uniform in all images, at the end authors concluded that CNN
gives better results in solving the problem of facial expression recognition after
comparing their results to methods that are based on KNN.
Authors in [12] developed a CNN with variable depth giving the user the
freedom to chose the number of convolutional and fully connected layers as well
as the existence of batch normalization dropout and max pooling layers, also the
number of filters, strides and zero padding can be specified by users with the
existence of default values in case the user did not. The authors implemented
the modal in Torche with high GPU capacity integration; the test and training
were performed on a database provided by Kaggle Website which consists of gray
scale images of faces. Their process lies on combining features extracted using
the convolutional layer with those of Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG)
and provides them as input features into fully connected layers. The system
was trained under two architectures in order to decide which is the best for the
recognition, the training was for 30 epochs and batch size of 128. The first shallow
architecture is composed of two convolutional layers, one fully connected layer
and a hidden layer composed of 512 neurons; it achieved 55% on the validation
and 54% on the test set. The second one is a deeper CNN with four Convolutional
layers, two fully connected layers with the first hidden layer composed of 256
neurons and the second 512; it achieved 65% on validation and 64% on test set.
The authors also trained deeper architectures with five and six convolutional
layers but the results were not acceptable. They also attempted to combine
features from convolutional layers of both architectures with HOG features but
it appears that hybrid features did not help in improving the model accuracy
therefore they concluded that a not very deep architecture is fair enough to get
good accuracy and solve the problem.
A real time model was presented in [2], authors proposed a method for real
time vision system which detects faces and classifies them by gender and then
by emotion based on CNN in which they proposed two different architectures.
The first one relies on completely eliminating the fully connected layers. The
second in addition to the elimination of fully connected layers, it is combined
with depth wise separable convolutions and residual models. The gender and
emotion classification took 0,22 ms. For gender classification the first architecture
achieved 96% while the second 95% applied on IMDB gender dataset, for emotion
classification both architectures were performed on FER2013 and achieved 66%
The work presented [38] consists of a deep multi layer network for saliency
prediction to get the intensity maps then pass them as an input to the CNN
based AlexNet, the model was trained on the ILSVRC2012 dataset with its
both posed databases CFEE and RaFD, faces were cropped using Viola and
Jones algorithm, the system was trained on CFEE using 100 epochs and tested
independently on RaFD and CFEE and achieved respectively an accuracy of
95,71% and 74,79%.
46 M. Sari et al.

3D inception ResNet architecture was proposed in [18]; it focuses on extract-

ing both spatial and temporal features from video images in video sequences.
They enhanced their method by using another input which is Facial Landmarks
in order to help extracting the main component of the face (eyebrows, lip corners,
eyes); the model was tested by subject independent task in which every database
is splited into training and validation sets and in cross validation task in which
the system is trained on one database and tested on the other, the employed
databases are CK+, MMI, FERA and DISFA. They achieved the following ac-
curacies respectively in subject independent task: 93,21% , 77,50% , 77,42%
and 58,00%. In addition they achieved these accuracies on cross validation task:
67,52% , 54,76% , 41,93% and 40,51%. It seems that subject independent evalu-
ation gives better results but in both tasks authors affirmed that their method
outperforms many of the state of the art methods.
DNN architecture presented in [40] was composed of two convolutional lay-
ers each followed by max pooling then inception layers. The system takes input
images from seven different databases and classifies them into the six basic emo-
tions; the databases with their accuracies for subject independent validation are:
CMU MultiPIE 94,7% , MMI 77,9%, CK+ 93,2%, DISFA 55,0%, FERA76,7%,
SFEW 47,7% and FER2013 66,4%. The authors observed that the use of incep-
tion layers with CNN instead of conventional CNN increases the classification
accuracy on both subject independent and cross database evaluation tasks and
they confirmed that results in the subject independent tests were either compa-
rable or better than the state of the art at that time.
Authors proposed a CNN model based on structured subnets in [32], each
subnet is a compact CNN model trained separately, and the final network was
constructed by concatenating all the subnets together. The designed three sub-
nets contain three, four, five Convolutional layers respectively and other param-
eters were identical. The general workflow of the system is composed of two
stages: i) feed the input data to the subsets. ii) Predict the emotion based on
the last output (stage i). The features collected by the three subsets are concate-
nated by adding a fully connected layer at the end, and then a Softmax layer is
used as the output layer of the whole network. The best single subnet achieved
62,44% and the entire model accuracy scored 65,03%.
The work presented in [29] proposed a system that uses a webcam which can
detect faces and recognize users with a distance of 2-3 m for TV environment and
can recognize human emotions based on the six basic emotions; their model was
developed under CAFFE and based on CUDA. It consists of three convolutional
layers and two fully connected layers and rectified liner unit (ReLu) activation
function. The system was trained using FER2013 and tested using real time
images; it achieved a good accuracy and recognized the six primary emotions
and three secondary ones (exited, bored and concentration) therefore it seems
to be successful and can be used in various domains (interactive TV, intelligent
vehicles and others).
An action unit inspired deep network was proposed by [33], authors were
inspired by the interpretation of AU; they built a convolutional layer and max-
Automated Facial Expression Recognition... 47

pooling layer and the micro action pattern representation to capture the local
appearance variations caused by facial expressions; then combined the different
maps and at the end employed a multi-layer learning process to generate high
level features that are used for the expression recognition. authors performed
cross-database validation and compared obtaind results with state of the art
methods, also they compared their results with hand crafted methods and it
seems that this method achieved good accuracy on three databases; CK+, MMI
and SFEW.
The work presented in [30] consists of a system that recognizes emotions from
static facial images using CNN. Their method involves passing pre-processed im-
ages as an input to the CNN instead of RGB images in order to minimise the net-
work effort and complexity, then the images are converted to LBP codes to over-
come the illumination changes. the model is trained on CASIA webface images
and tested on the Emotion Recognition in the Wild Challenge (EmotiW 2015)
and Static Facial Expression Recognition sub-Challenge (SFEW)This method
at its time achieved 15,36% improvement over the baseline results and boosted
the performance of the system by 40% by looking beyond RGB images as input
to the CNN network.
For further works and methods in the field of image processing using convolu-
tional neural networks the reader may refer to [56, 59, 58, 61, 63, 61, 50, 4]; these
papers show the effectiveness of CNN in lots of fields such as: face recognition,
gender recognition. Other works are a bit old to critisize since their results were
overcomed by more recent works i.e. they are no longer interesting to investigate.

4 Comparative Study and Discussion

After studying a humble number of papers, these articles are the most recent
works in domain of facial expression recognition and specifically facial expres-
sion recognition based on deep learning more specially on convolutional neural
networks, we observed the following points:
Most of the presented works are based on the CNN architecture with different
depth size. Even though it requires a large training dataset and a good GPU
capacity but each time it is used, CNN proves its efficiency in resolving image
recognition problems because of its classification capacity.
A pre-processing phase is performed almost in every work i.e. the pre-processing
operations such as face detection, cropping, illumination normalization, resizing,
flipping to name few, can help in improving the accuracy and decreasing the
complexity of the architecture therefore enhancing the training time.
Convolotional neural networks require a huge amount of data but in case
the dataset provided is not large enough, data augmentation is a key step to
inlarge and expand the dataset by exercing some predefined processing such as
horizontal and vertical flipping, rescaling, zooming, rotating.
Deep learning is very trendy in solving facial expression recognition problems
but that doesnt mean that increasing the depth of the architecture can for sure
increase the recognition rate [12], sometimes a shallow one can do the job.
48 M. Sari et al.

Table 1. List of Presented Papers

Paper Year Dataset Accuracy Architecture

[5] 2019 FER2013 91,12% 3 C layers, 2 max P layers,
2 FC layers, dropouts at different levels
[52] 2019 Multiple Databases 96,24% 3 C layers, 4 FC layers, data augmentation
[21] 2019 CK+ 93,24% C layers combined with residual blocks
JAFFE 95,24%
[37] 2018 CK+ 98,95% 3 C layers, geometric and appearance feautures,
MMI 97,55% classification is done using
self-organizing map (SOM)
[34] 2017 CK+, JAFFE , BV- 96,76% 2 C layers, 2 sub-sampling layers,
FC layer, pre-processing steps
[47] 2017 JAFFE 76,7442% 2 C layers, 2 sub sampling layers,
CK+ 80,303% Softmax classifier, Haar like features
[12] 2017 Kaggle Website 64% CNN combined with HOG,
Architecture 1 (2 C layers, 1 FC layer),
Architecture 2 (4 C layers, 2 FC layers),
parameters defined by the user
[2] 2017 FER2013 66% Gender and emotion classification,
Architeture 1 ( eliminating FC layers),
Architecture 2 ( elimination combined
with residual models)
[38] 2017 CFEE 95,71% CNN architecture based on AlexNet
RaFD 74,79%
[18] 2017 CK+ , MMI 93,21% ; CNN combined with facial landmarks
FERA , DISFA 77,42% ;
[40] 2016 CMU MultiPIE, 94,7% ; 77,9% 2 C layers, max pooling layer,
CK+, DISFA 93,2% ; 55,0% inception layer
FERA, SFEW, 76,7% ; 47,7%
FER2013 ; 66,4%
[29] 2016 FER2013 3 C layers, 2 FC layers,
rectified liner unit (ReLu) activation function
[33] 2015 CK+, MMI 93,70% ; 1 C layer, 1 max pooling layer,
SFEW 30,14% micro action pattern representation
[30] 2015 CASIA webface 15,36% im- CNN with pre-processed images
images EmotiW
2015, SFEW

All the performed validation tasks use subject independent and cross database
validation, they both give good results, but for most of the presented works it
seems that the highest accuracy is obtained when performing a subject indepen-
Automated Facial Expression Recognition... 49

dent validation that’s because cross validation is destined for simple models with
few parameters but for CNN known to have huge number of parameters perform-
ing a cross validation will be extremly time consuming and hence decrease the
performance of the model.
Some papers used real time images in the test phase obtained by real time
face acquisition systems in order to prove the efficiency of their system in real
time application such Human Computer Interaction (HCI) evaluation and ad-
vertisement services.
most of the datasets collected by authors are either one or a combination of
the fullowing databases in the presented works are the extended Cohn Kanade +
(CK+) [35] which contains posed, spontaneous and smiles images. The Japanese
Female Facial Expression (JAFFE) [39] which contains only posed images. The
Facial Expression Recognition 2013 dataset (FER2013) [15] created using Google
image search API to search for images of faces corresponding to different emo-
tions. For further details about existing databases in the field you can check
We focused on investigating works from the five last years that are based
on deep learning, and according to the observed results in different articles, it
seems that deep learning is the new orientation for facial and emotion expression
recognition problem since different authors compared their results to those of the
state-of-the-art methods.
Table 1 represents the different presented papers organized by year of pub-
lication, the table also contains the different datasets used in each paper and
acuuracies achieved by each method. we observe that over the years the accu-
racy achieved using CNN models is increasing therefor it seems that CNN ar-
chitectures and more generally depp learning fulfills the task of facial expression
recognition very well.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we investigated the most recent and more cited works in the field of
FER according to Google Scholer; these works are based on deep learning archi-
tectures and mostly on convolutional architectures. We observed that researchers
are more and more interested in deep learning methods because these latter are
achieving good accuracies over the last five years, therefore deep learning is con-
sidered as the new generation for solving FER problems due to its efficiency
in feature extraction and classification task. At the moment we are working on
developing a deep architecture based on CNN that will overcome the state of
the art accuracy.

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