Domestic Tourism Lesson - Sept. 22, 2022

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Domestic Tourism

September 22, 2022 Lesson

- To understand what TOURISM is
- To define Domestic Tourism and International Tourism
- To define and understand the types of Domestic Tourists in the Philippines

- Tourism comprises the activities of people travelling to and in places outside their usual environment
for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes. (according to World
Tourism Organization)
- It has also elevated its role as a major player to other aspects such as environment and revitalization of

The Philippines is a perfect example of how tourism can be a major player in economic and social

Even in the face if consistent negative political and economic events in the past decades, the industry was able
to perpetuate and become a major business and employment provider for many Filipinos.

Domestic Tourist
- They are tourist who travel within their own country.
- Domestic tourists are ten time as many as international tourists; as a group spend seven times the
amount spent by the latter. (according to World Tourism Organization)
Motivation to Travel

Traveling for Pleasure

Travels can be classified into two main groups:

1. Those who travel for professional, political, academic or medical reason.
2. Those who travel for pleasure
1st Group of Domestic Tourists
- Businessmen
- Executives
- Diplomats
- Missionaries
- Students
- Workers

2nd Group of Domestic Tourists

- Vacationers
- Pleasure travelers
- Backpackers

Kinds of Travelers
Domestic Tourism vs International Tourism

Domestic Tourism
- Less expensive
- No need for passports and visas
- You travel as a first class citizen and would not have to worry
- Inspires a genuine appreciation, not only in terms of its natural resources but also of the diverse
cultural groups
- Raises national consciousness

International Tourism
- More expensive
- Require passports and visas
- Might encounter cultural adjustment difficulties in foreign destination

3 Types of Domestic Tourists in the Philippines

 Intraregional Tourists – Moves form one province to another within one specific region.
 Interregional Tourists – Moves from one region to another
 Local Tourists – Often classified as an excursionist because of the assumption that he/she will not
need to stay beyond 24 hours in his/her destination which is always within his/her province.

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