W5 FoldsFaults Stratified Rocks

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Opening Prayer

Trece Martires City Grade 11
Duration: 60 mins SOCIAL SCIENCE
Senior High School HUMSS (HUMSS)

Quarter 1 Week 5

Earth and Life Science

1. Folds and Faults

2. Stratified Rocks
Learning Objectives
Folds and Faults
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Identify the three types of plate movements from a
short except
2. Expound three types of plate movement based on
plate tectonics theory using an illustration
3. Cite specific examples of landforms as outcomes
of plate movements
A fold is a bent of rock layer or
series of layers that were
originally horizontal and
subsequently deformed
Due to compression forces
They are most visible in rocks
that have layers
Classification of Folds
Folds are classified into two main types namely:

1. Anticlines are the up- 2. Synclines down-folds

folding and/or arching of or throughs
sedimentary layers
Types of Folds
Other types of folds are:

1. Symmetrical – the
axial plane is vertical

2. Asymmetrical – the
axial is not vertical but
Types of Folds
Other types of folds are:
3. Isoclinal – kinds of
folds in which limbs are
parallel to each other
and approximately to the
axial plane as well
4. Overturned – when
folds are highly inclined
they are called
overturned or overfold
Types of Folds
Other types of folds are:
5. Monoclines – the
layers are incline in one
and same direction
6. Chevron – folds looks like
zig-zag and it has repeated
patterns with straight limbs
and sharp hinges. They
formed V-shaped beds which
are formed of regional
compressive stress
Types of Folds
Other types of folds are:
7. Slump – formed because of
a landslide where sediments
were softer. It forms during
sedimentation or lithification
8. Ptygmatic – type of slump
fold where the material
which is folding is more
vicious than the surrounding
material. These are random
and disconnected
Types of Folds
Other types of folds are:
9. Disharmonic – this folds
are those in which different
layers are having different
kinds of folds or combination
of various kinds of folds
10. Fold mountains – formed by the folding
of rock layers. Most are formed at
convergent boundaries where continents
have collided. They form when rock layers
are squeezed together and pushed upward
Fold Mountains
– nature of folds, divided into two parts which is;
1. Simple Fold Mountain-
These are said to be the
mountains with open folds
where patterns of anticlines
and synclines can be found
and have wave-like patterns
Fold Mountains
– nature of folds, divided into two parts which is;
2. Complex Fold
mountains –
These are those
mountains in which rock
are compressed so much
that it forms a complex
Is the result of movement of
the earth’s plates.
Faults occur where there is
stress along a weak point in
the earth’s crust resulting to a
Normal Faults
Fault in which the rock above Footwall
the fault plane has moved
down relative to the rock
Formed by tension
Reverse Faults Hanging
Fault in which the material wall
above the fault plane moves
up in relation to the material
Formed by compression
Transform Fault
A strike-slip fault that cuts
through the lithosphere and
accommodates motion
between two plates
These faults are vertical in
nature and are produced
where the stresses are
exerted parallel to each other
A valley formed by the
downward displacement of a
fault-bounded block
Produced when tensional
stresses result in the
subsidence of a block of rock
An elongated, uplifted
block of crust bounded
by faults
Development of two
reverse faults causing a
block of rock to be
pushed up
Earth’s Plate Tectonics

• Plate tectonics is a scientific theory that explains how major

landforms are created as a result of Earth's subterranean
How Plate Moves
• Mantle convection drives plate tectonics. Hot material rises at
mid-ocean ridges and sinks at deep sea trenches which keep
the plates moving along the Earth’s surface
How Plate Moves
• 1. Hot mantle from the two adjacent cell rises at the ridge axis
creating new ocean crust.
• 2. The top limb of the convection cell moves horizontally away from
the ridge crest, as does the new seafloor.
• 3. The outer limbs of the convection cells plunge down into the
deeper mantle, dragging oceanic crust as well. This takes place at the
deep-sea trenches.
• 4. The material sinks to the core and moves horizontally.
• 5. The material heats up and reaches the zone where it rises again.
How Plate Moves
Lithospheric Plate

The figure shows the Lithospheric plate and their names. The arrows show whether
the plates are moving apart, moving together, or sliding past each other. Movement
of plates over Earth’s surface is called plate tectonics. Plates move at a rate of a few
centimeters a year, about the same rate fingernails grow.
Plate Boundaries Are the edges where two plates

Most geologic activities including

volcanoes, earthquakes and
mountain building take place at
plate boundaries
Different types of Boundaries
Different types of Boundaries
1. Convergent
boundaries come
•Places where crust
is destroyed as one
plate dives under
Different types of Boundaries

2. Divergent boundaries
spread apart
• Places where new crust
is generated as the
plates pull away from
each other
• New crust is created
from magma pushing
up from the mantle
Different types of Boundaries
3. Transform
boundaries slide against
each other
• Places where crust is
neither produced
nor destroyed as the
plates slide
horizontally past
each other
Landforms Results at Plate Boundaries
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Describe how layers of stratified rocks are formed
2. Describe the different laws of stratigraphy.
3. Determine how geologist correlate rocks.
4. Reflect on human environmental practices that may
contribute to the alteration on the earth surface
5. Illustrate an outcrop of rock layers applying the
law of stratigraphy.
present in
The process
of creating
layers of
Stratified Rock
Sedimentary rocks are
called stratified rocks
because they are formed by
accumulation and
hardening of sediments
such as mud, sand, silt and
disintegrated rocks over a
period of time which are
arrange in layers
Common example of Stratified Rock
2. Limestone – is also a
sedimentary rock
composed mostly of the
mineral calcite and
1. Sandstone – is a comprising about 15%
sedimentary rock of the Earth’s
composed mostly of sedimentary crust
quartz sand but it can
also contain significant
amount of feldspar and
something silt and clay
Common example of Stratified Rock
4. Shales – fine grained,
laminated sedimentary
rocks consist of silt and
clay sized particles.
3. Shales – fine grained,
laminated sedimentary
rocks consist of silt and
clay sized particles.
How are
ry Rocks)

Is the study of strata(sedimentary layers) in

the Earth’s crust, it is the relationship
between rocks and time
4 ways that stratigraphy is commonly
1. Lithostratigraphy: Rock layer designation
2. Biostratigraphy: Fossil layer designation
3. Chronostratigraphic: Time layer
4. Allostratigraphy: Bounded packages of
sediments- not necessarily a layer
Law of
1. Law of Superposition
2. Law of Horizontality
3. Law of cross cutting relationships
4. Law of lateral continuity
5. Law of Inclusions
6. Law of Unconformities
Law of Superposition
•States that the oldest layer
of rock is at the bottom and
the youngest layer of rock
is at the top.
Law of Original Horizontality
•States that sediment o
rock layers were deposited
in a horizontal orientation.

•If units aren’t horizontal

an event occurred
subsequent to the
deposition which
caused layers to fold or
Proposed by Nicolas Steno, Danish
Law of Cross-Cutting Relationships
•States the relationship
between existing rock and
rock which intrudes by
magma flow into existing
•This creates and intrusion
and an intrusion is always
younger than the rock it
Law of Lateral Continuity
- that deposits
originally extended in
all directions.
Law of Inclusion
- mass that
contains pieces of rocks
(inclusion) are younger
than the rock mass.
Law of Unconformities
•Deposition- is interrupted by erosion events called
•Rock surface that represent a period of erosion or
non deposition
•Referred to missing time
3 types of Unconformities
- Unconformity
1. Angular
2. Disconformity
3. Nonconformity
Who’s Older, Who’s Younger?
• The figure labelled A
to F undergo a
process that results
in changes in rock
form. Use the
diagram of a rock
layer to complete
and answer the
questions in your
Matching rock layers from different outcrops
based on rock type, grain size, composition,
fossils, distinguishing traits, sequence of layers
and other distinctive features
Methods in correlating rocks
1. Rock types and its characteristics – color, texture,
hardness, composition, or mineral contents
2. Index fossil – guide fossil or indicator fossils, fossil
use to define the identity of geologic period (or
faunal stages)
3. Bedrock – a deposit of solid rock that is typically
buried beneath soil and other broken or
unconsolidated material, made up of igneous,
sedimentary or metamorphic rock
How to match correlate rocks
How to match correlate rocks
How to match correlate rocks
Types of Correlation

1. Physical 2. Fossil
Correlation Correlation
Physical Correlation
- Accomplish by using several criteria
such as color, texture, and types of
minerals contain within a stratum
which make it possible for geologist
to classify a stratum
Fossil Correlation
- Used by geologist to determine the age
of rock. Used fossils with its unique
characteristics such geologically short
lifespan and easily identifiable features,
also use to estimate the age of a rock
layer in other areas that contain the
same type of fossil or group of fossils
Criteria in identifying index fossils
1. Fossilized organism must be easily recognizable
and easy to identify because of its uniqueness
2. Fossil must be geographically widespread or
found over large areas so that it can be used to
match rock layers separated by huge distances
3. Fossils must have lived for only a short time so
that it appears in only the horizontal layer of
sedimentary rocks

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