Intro To SikoPil
Intro To SikoPil
Intro To SikoPil
Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino psychology) refers to the psychology born out of the
experience, thought and orientation of the Filipinos, based on the full use of Filipino culture
and language. The approach is one of ‘‘indigenization from within’’ whereby the theoretical
framework and methodology emerge from the experiences of the people from the indigenous
culture. It is based on assessing historical and socio-cultural realities, understanding the local
language, unraveling Filipino characteristics, and explaining them through the eyes of the
native Filipino. Among the outcomes are: a body of knowledge including indigenous concepts,
development of indigenous research methods and indigenous personality testing, new
directions in teaching psychology, and an active participation in organizations among
Filipino psychologists and social scientists, both in the Philippines and overseas.
Indigenous Research Methods (Socio-political origins), which corresponds
to a socio-political dimension.
1. PAKAPA-KAPA - means groping (field This dimension corresponds to the narrow
method) -searching, probing into an definition of citizenship as stated in the 1987
unsystematized mass of social and cultural Constitution.
data to be able to obtain order, meaning, and
directions for research Kinalakhan
2. PAKIKIPAG-KUWENTUHAN - An “kinalakhan” (cultural roots), revolves
occasion for exchange of information, ideas, around
insights, and opinions also it is a sharing of participation and being immersed in a
beliefs, thoughts, and experiences. cultural milieu acknowledged as Filipino.
“kamalayan” (consciousness).
The responses in this dimension are
associated with awareness of the self as
Filipino, acceptance of membership in the
category “Filipino”, and also pride in this