CP5074 - SNA Unit V Notes

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A Learning Based Approach for Real Time Emotion Classification of Tweets, A New Linguistic
Approach to Assess the Opinion of Users in Social Network Environments, Explaining Scientific
and Technical Emergence Forecasting, Social Network Analysis for Biometric Template

5.1 A Learning Based Approach for Real Time Emotion

Classification of Tweets
The definition of emotions is stated to be: “Episodes of coordinated changes in several
components (including at least neurophysiological activation, motor expression, and subjective
feeling but possibly also tendencies and cognitive processes) in response to external or internal
major significance to the organism”.
5.1.1 Emotion Classification
 Emotion classification starts with defining these emotions into an emotion model.
Emotion Model
1. One way to categorize emotions is to categorize them using the “wheel of emotions”.
The wheel of emotions consists of 8 primary bipolar emotions, like trust versus
disgust, joy versus sadness, and anger versus fear, which all can be represented in a

2. Another frequently used model is the “arousal and valence model”, representing
emotions in a 2D space. In this space, valence represents the way one judges a
situation, from unpleasant to pleasant, and arousal expresses the degree of excitement,
from calm to exciting.

The main difference between these two models is that the arousal and valence
model is continuous, representing every emotion on a two dimensional axis and thus
using coordinates to classify emotions, while the wheel of emotions is discrete,
classifying emotions to a discrete state.

3. Finally, another widely used emotion model is given by Ekman who defined six basic
emotions, i.e. surprise, fear, happiness, sadness, anger and disgust, based on
universal facial reactions.

5.1.2 Architecture for Emotion Recognition for Real-Time Emotion Recognition

When using Twitter, the focus lies on speed. It is important for the user to tweet fast.
The efficiency of processing a tweet is especially important when using mobile devices since
they have less computing power than a computer. In order not to restrict emotion recognition to
high-end, multi-core smartphones, desktop computers and tablets, a client-server architecture is
designed so the emotion recognition can be done on a dedicated server. Figure given below
illustrates the general concept. As can be seen in this figure, the Twitter client provides tweet
data to the platform. This data is processed by the server and the resulting classified emotion is
sent back to the client. The architecture is designed based on the principles of service-oriented
architectures, wherein all components are implemented as REST services.

Fig. A high-level architecture for emotion classification of tweets

Since the emotion classification is done server-side, the performance and processing time of the
server has to be optimized on one hand, and on the other hand, the communication overhead has
to be kept to a minimum to optimize performance and restrict bandwidth usage.

5.1.3 Emotion Recognition on Twitter

 Twitter was founded in 2006 and its popularity keeps rising every day.
 Twitter is so popular is because it is very accessible.
 Tweeting can be done from various platforms, ranging from websites, mobile apps to
even toasters.
 As it is possible to tweet from a broad range of devices, Twitter is a good medium to
gather data for text classification.
 The goal is to improve the classification rate and additionally minimize the
processing time to support realtime emotion recognition of Tweets.


 The dataset consists of seven emotion classes, one more than the six basic emotions
of Ekman.
 This original dataset of 2,500,000 tweets was split into ten representative parts:
1 training dataset, 8 development dataset and 1 testing dataset.
 In Table 1, the emotion occurrences for both the training and the test set are

 A tweet was deemed relevant if the hashtag corresponded to the writer’s emotion.
 The filters are used to remove irrelevant tweets and they are as follows:
(i) only tweets with hashtags at the end were kept, since those are more likely to
correspond to the writer’s emotion;
(ii) tweets with less than 5 words were discarded;
(iii) tweets with URLs or quotations were also removed from the dataset.

 The first step in order to be able to classify tweets is to preprocess them and
standardize the text.


 First, the emotion hashtags are removed from the dataset in order to construct the
ground-truth data.
 The next step consist of stemming, which reduces words to their stem.
An example: kneeling, kneeled, kneels are all reduced to kneel.
 The second step in classifying the short Twitter messages is to convert them to a
feature space which can be used as input for various machine learning algorithms.

Feature Extraction Methods

 The feature extraction methods transform words and sentences into a numerical
representation (feature vectors) which can be used by the classification algorithms.
 In this, the combination of N-grams and TF-IDF feature extraction methods is chosen
in order to preserve syntactic patterns in text and solve class imbalance respectively.

N-Gram Features

 An N-gram is a contiguous sequence of N items from a given sequence of text

or speech.
 An N-gram of size 1 is referred to as a “unigram”, size 2 is a “bigram”, and
size 3 is a “trigram”.
 An N-gram can be any combination of letters, syllables, words or base pairs
according to the application.
 In this, N-grams are used to represent a sequence of N words, including
emoticons, in the training set and used as features to convert the tweets to the
feature space.
 Table 2 shows an example for converting a tweet into the feature space using
unigrams, bigrams and trigrams.

Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)
 In this test the tweets are transformed to feature vectors by using the bag of word
representation together with word occurrence. When these feature vectors are
constructed, they are used by a stochastic gradient decent (SGD) classifier with
modified Huber loss.
 When looking at the results presented in Table 3, it is safe to state that the
imbalance can be detected.
 To avoid these potential discrepancies, the number of occurrences of each word in
a document is divided by the total number of words in the document, called
normalization. These new features are called Term Frequencies (TF).
 Additionally, weights for words that occur in many documents can be downscaled
making them less dominant than those that occur only in a small portion of the
 The combination of term frequencies and downscaling weights of dominant words
is called Term Frequency Times Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF).

Comparison of Classification Algorithms

 Now that the tweets can be converted to feature vectors, they are ready to be used
as input for various machine learning algorithms.
 The features of the training set are given to nine classification algorithms for
 Four algorithms are linear classifiers that use stochastic gradient descent with
different loss functions.
 Stochastic gradient descent is a method where the gradient of the loss is estimated
each sample at a time.
 The stochastic gradient descent algorithms respectively use the modified huber
loss, hinge loss, log loss and the perceptron loss.

 Apart from the stochastic gradient descent algorithm, the following algorithms are
also used:
 LIBLINEAR, a linear SVM optimized for large datasets.
 Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB), which is the naive bayes algorithm
implemented for multinomially distributed data.
 Bernoulli Naive Bayes (BNB), which is the naive bayes algorithm for data
that is distributed according to multivariate Bernoulli distribution.
 A Ridge Classifier, which is a linear classifier that uses regularized least-
squares, and
 A Nearest Centroid (NC) Classifier, which is known as the Rocchio classifier
when using TF-IDF feature vectors for text classification.

Classification Metrics
In order to be able to compare the performance of the nine algorithms, four error
measurements are compared: accuracy, precision, recall and f1-score for which the
formulas can be seen in Eqs. 1–4, with |TP| being the amount of true positive
classifications; |TN|, the amount of true negative classifications; |FP|, the amount of
false positive classifications and |FN|, the amount of false negative classifications.

Time Measurement

Another important aspect in real-time emotion classification is timing. Therefore, the

processing time has to be as small as possible. The processing time presented in
Table 5 contains the transformation of the test set to the feature space and the
emotion classification itself.


5.2 A New Linguistic Approach to Assess the Opinion of Users in
Social Network Environments

 This section describes an automated technique that allows to differentiate texts

expressing a positive or a negative opinion.
 The basic principle is based on the observation that positive texts are statistically shorter
than negative ones.
 The lexicon is then used to compute the level of opinion of an unknown text.
 The primary motivation is to reduce the need of the human implication (domain and
language) in the generation of the lexicon in order to have a process with the highest
possible autonomy.

Opinion Mining

 The basic principle generally starts with the necessity to use or to generate a lexicon that
makes a link between words and their opinion value. Then, this lexicon will be used to
rate a text by combining the opinion value of each of its words.
 Opinion mining techniques can be roughly segmented in two categories as they are
bottom-up or top-down.
 The first category needs the most prior knowledge and starts from existing
lexicons often manually adapted to include sentiment knowledge tags. The
 Second approach uses a series of textual documents that have been globally

Lexicons Generation

A lexicon as a list of words with one or several language attributes. This can include a
basic list of words with polarity tags or a more complex dictionary with grammatical and
sentiment class attributes.
 WordNet
 WordNet-Affect
 Senti-WordNet

The idea is here to use a machine learning algorithm in order to extract a link between
words and the rated comment and predict the opinion of an unrated text.

Identifying the Polarity of Words

The identification of the polarity of words can be done using more or less complex
methods. In bag-of-words, terms are considered as independent parts of the speech.
Elementary grammatical features of words that are known to have polarity values
(adjectives, adverb, negation, intensifier, diminisher) are used to separate them.
Adjectives or adverbs are then organized in binary classes or associated to a position in a
continuum between the two extreme polarities.

The polarity depends on a larger range of terms individually or in association.
The co-occurrence of words is also a key criterion. In short, it is assumed that words that
have the same polarity are often found together or more or less close in a sentence.
This relationship between words can be computed following different techniques as LSA
(Latent Semantic Analysis), PMI (Pointwise Mutual information), Chi-Squared test of

Opinion and Length of Expression

Even if it is clear that taking into account associations of words (n-gram, seeds, …) provides
better performances than a simple bag-of-words method, it is still a question to identify the
optimal length of this association. This issue has raised the attention of the community with the
spread of micro-blogging platforms, as Twitter, where the size of the message is strongly limited.


Polarity-Length Method
 At the beginning, the comments of the L set were randomly dispatched into two
subsets P0 and N0 that can be viewed as two kinds of bag-of-words with a loss of
organization between words. These two sets will be progressively refined through
several iterations where new sets (P1, N1 to Pn, Nn) will be generated from the
previous ones. At each iteration i, Pi and Ni will be used to generate 2 steps
lexicons Lpi, Lni.

 At the second step, the frequency of P0 and N0 words are computed in order to
generate the Lp0 and Ln0 lexicons. Thus, a specific word will be stored in Lp0, in
Ln0 or discarded depending on the difference of frequency it has on the two subsets
P0, N0.

Differential frequency algorithm

For each unique word :Wi C (Pi U Ni)
if (Freq(Wi) in Pi) > (2*freq(Wi) in Ni)
then Wi is stored as unique in Lpi
else if (Freq(Wi) in Ni) > (2*freq(Wi) in Pi)
then Wi is stored as unique in Lni
else Wi is discarded
End for

 In the third step, the goal is to start the agglomeration of words having the same
polarity in the same sets (Lpi or Lni). We take again the L subset and, for each
comment, we compute its level of polarity (Pij) with the following formula.

 In the fourth step, the number of words in P1 and N1 will decide of this polarity.
If N1 has more words than P1 then Ln1 is considered as the negative step
sub-lexicon and Lp1 the positive one, else Lp1 become the negative one (and is
renamed Ln1) and Ln1 the positive one.

 All the process from the third stage is iterated until Lpn, Lnn is considered a stable.

 The value of the K, Z and C parameters is important. The distance [−k, +k]
correspond to the neutral polarity proportion.

Seeds Method

 The seeds method starts from few key words which polarity is known. These words
will be used to look for similarities into unknown texts in order to collect new
words which polarity will be induced from the nearness with seeds words. All these
words (including seeds) will compose the generated lexicon.

 In the organogram of the Fig. 3, Wij represents the seeds with i[1, n] the index
number and j[p, n] the polarity negative or positive. Lj represents the positive or
negative sub lexicon with j[p, n]. Tk represents the unknown texts with k[1, m] the
index number among texts. Pu with u[1, q] is the phrase that is associated to a text.
For example, P4T2 would represents the fourth phrase of the second text.

 In the first step (1), the user defines several initial seedswords.
 Then (2), we collect the texts needed for this learning step.
 In the iteration loop (3)(6), for all phrases Pu of the texts Tk, if a seed word
(of p or n set) appears in the phrase PuTk, then all the words of the phrase are
stored in the appropriate sub-lexicon (p or n). The frequency of occurrence of each
of these words is also stored in the p or n sub-lexicon.
 The frequency analysis step (4) consists in comparing the frequency of a word
appearing in both Lp and Ln in order to decide if it will be discarded or kept in one
of the sub-lexicons.
 Finally (5), the two sub-lexicons will be merged and ready to use for the opinions

5.3 Explaining Scientific and Technical Emergence Forecasting

 Decision support systems have been successfully used to make predictions about
constrained information spaces, based on available evidence.
 Such systems can often be classified as hybrid intelligence systems leveraged one or
more methods from artificial intelligence, including both probabilistic and knowledge
base driven reasoning.
 This section focuses on the development of a novel infrastructure for enabling the
explanation of probabilistic models—in the form of Bayes nets.
 The infrastructure design has been driven by two goals:
 First, to provide technology to support transparency into systems for forecasting
scientific and technical emergence based on identified indicators.
 Second, aim to provide analyst users context-aware mechanisms to drill down into
evidence underlying presented indicators.

The ARBITER System

 ARBITER addresses emergence forecasting in a quantifiable manner through analysis of

full-text and metadata from journal article and patent collections.
 In ARBITER, feature data extracted from U.S. patents and scientific journal articles is
used to calculate indicators of emergence, which can correspond to trends identified
within the extracted data.
 In ARBITER, usage of indicators to predict prominence requires usage of probabilistic
models, designed to make estimates based on established indicator values.

ARBITER’s System Infrastructure

Fig. 1 ARBITER’s system architecture

 Figure 1 provides a high-level overview of ARBITER’s processing routines, carried
out in the following sequence:
 First, documents are analyzed to obtain feature data, consisting of statistics such
as the total number of funding agencies referenced by publication year.
 Second, feature data is recorded to the RDF knowledge base.
 Third, feature data is read by a second set of analysis routines to calculate
emergence-oriented indicators.
 Fourth, indicators are recorded back to the RDF knowledge base.
 Fifth, provenance records that track the indicator derivations are made accessible
to the explanation system for analysis.

 Once a set of indicators and feature data has been established from the document
corpora, ARBITER may then check the prominence of a term/publication person
represented within the corpora, based on a supplied query.
 ARBITER utilizes Bayesian probabilistic models, to establish prominence scorings
through observed indicator values.
 In turn, to express hypotheses of prominence, evidence for prominence (indicators,
features), as well as formal relationships between hypotheses and evidence, an
RDF/OWL based encoding strategy is used.

Encodings for Evidence and Hypotheses

 Content structuring for ARBITER’s RDF knowledge base is established using an

OWL-based ontology.

 This ontology serves three purposes:

 First, to represent hypotheses of prominence.

 Second, to express traces of reasoning steps applied to establish hypotheses.
 Third, to formally express evidence records based on data identified in
publication collections.

 Figure 2 shows the main classes and properties in and their value types. Based on the
ARBITER’s ontology, instance data can be defined that corresponds to individual
prominence hypotheses, as shown in Fig. 3.

 Forecast hypotheses are expressed as conclusions about high-level characteristics of a

document space, related to estimates of prominence for persons, publications and terms.

 In ARBITER, much of the identified evidence centers on publications.

Therefore, ARBITER’s ontology imports the Mapekus Publication ontology2 for
describing documents and adds representations for document features, indicators, and
high level network characteristics.

Probabilistic Modeling
Bayesian networks are a step in this direction since they encode meaningful relations of
dependence or independence between variables. Bayesian networks are directed graphs in
which the nodes represent random variables and the links capture probabilistic relations
among variables. Nodes in Bayesian networks are typically categorized as observable or
unobservable. Observable nodes correspond to variables whose values can be determined by
observation or measurement and which serve as evidence. Unobservable nodes represent
theoretical states or processes causally linked to observable variables, either as effects or as
Figure 4 shows an example of a Bayes net model for predicting the future prominence of a
patent document. Prominence1, the variable to be predicted, represents the prominence of
the document one year into the future. This variable is the root of a tree whose children are
variables representing observable indicators of future prominence. The prior distribution for
each variable is shown as a horizontal bar graph with the probabilities given as percentages.
All variables are continuous but have been discretized for efficient computation. Bayes nets
with such a two level tree structure are called Naive Bayes nets.

Trace Generation
The trace of the Bayes net inferencing with English language descriptions of indicators and
patterns that provide the user with valuable background information about why they are
relevant to the question being answered and why they have the influence the model assumes
they do. These description templates along with explanation component relationships are
stored in one of the ARBITER ontologies.

Explaining Prominence Forecasting
The infrastructure design has been driven by two goals: utilize lineage records to support
transparency into emergence forecasting by exposing both indicator values and probabilistic
reasoning steps applied, and develop strategies for providing context-aware drilldowns into
evidence underlying presented indicators.
Trace-Based Explanation
For trace-based explanation, information is extracted directly from lineage records and
directly presented to an end-user. For the ARBITER system, a custom-tailored user
interface was utilized—designed to present information from records of the form given in
Figs. 2 and 3.

Figure 5 displays the interface for ARBITERs explanation module. An analyst user will start
their explanation session at a screen that provides both a prominence scoring for a given
entity (in this case, “Patent: 7111146—Method and system for providing hardware support
for memory protection and virtual memory address translation for a virtual machine”), and
evidence applied to calculate this scoring.
Specifically, the following content is made accessible:
1. Reference Period: Denotes the most recent year in which documents from ARBITER’
corpus are considered.
2. Forecast Period: The year the prominence prediction is made for.
3. Predicted Prominence: A scoring of the prominence for a given patent, term or
4. Evidence Table: A table of all indicators considered by ARBITER in making the
prominence prediction.
5. Evidence: This column of the evidence table lists names of indicators considered.
6. Value: This column lists indicator values calculated.
7. Weight of Evidence: Weight of evidence is based on the amount the probability of the
conclusion increased or decreased upon finding out the value of a given indicator.
8. Evidence Entry: These correspond to individual indicators applied as evidence.
The items listed correspond to dynamic content generated by ARBITER during runtime.

5.4 Social Network Analysis for Biometric Template Protection
Biometric Template Protection
 Cancelable biometric system is a type of system that can protect the database from
template level attack.
 Biometric system with cancelability, also called the template protection scheme, can
defend the biometric database from security threats.
 A biometric template protection algorithm should satisfy the following four requirements:
 Security
 Discriminability or Performance
 Diversity
 Recoverability
 Biometric templates are stored in a database in different ways; they can be stored as raw
biometric data or as extracted feature vectors.

 In the first stage of the transformation is the 2-Fold random cross folding.
 The outcome of the process is two sets of a feature that are cancelable.
 Figure 1 shows the system architecture of social network based cancelable biometric
system Fig. 2.

 Random indexes are used to generate two folds.
 Distance based features are calculated from Fold 1 and Fold 2.
 Distance features are then projected using random projection that transforms the original
m-dimensional data to n-dimensional.
 Random indexes are transformed using Gram-Schmidt transformation to an orthogonal
random matrix. This random matrix is used for first random projection. In the second
random projection, a random matrix is transformed using Gram-Schmidt transformation.
The Gram-Schmidt transformation is used to orthonormalize the random matrix so that it
keeps the distance of the projected features similar in the Euclidean space. Transformed
matrix is used as a random projection matrix.
 To enhance the discriminability of the feature, Linear Discrimination Analysis (LDA) is
used next to find discriminant feature from randomly projected features.
 Finally, LDA features are classified using k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) classifier.

2-Fold Random Cross Folding

 In this step of the biometric system, biometric raw data are randomly split into n
 These blocks are then processed.
 Raw face or ear biometric features are divided into two equal parts.
 A pseudorandom number generation algorithm is used to split the raw features into
two parts.
 Instead of selecting local features of face like lips, eye etc., we have selected random

 These two folds are then processed separately to obtain different domain feature
using another set of cancelable transformation.
 Finally, transformed features from two folds are projected using random projection
 Discrimination analysis is conducted on the randomly projected feature.
 Figure 3 shows the general block diagram for random splitting.

 In the Fig. 3, we used the method of random selection. From NxN face template,
m random features are selected and named as Fold 1. Other m features are Fold 2,
where m=NxN/2. We have applied the same cancelable transformation on both folds
(Fold 1 and Fold 2).
 An example of 2-Fold Cross-Folding is shown in Fig. 3. This example takes 8×8
blocks of pixels. The partition of the block is based on the random indexes. Each cell
of the block represents a pixel.
Feature Extraction Using Fisherface
 Eigenface method finds total variation of data regardless of the class specification.
 Using Fisherface method allows us to identify the discriminative class specific
feature extraction.
 That method used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the extract features for
face detection and recognition system.

Social Network Analysis
 Generating the social network for cross-folded biometric feature is an important task.
 Euclidian distances among the randomly selected features of each biometric trait are
 Distance values are then converted into similarity values and normalize in the range
of zero to one.
 Correlation coefficients are calculated from the similarity values. If the correlation
coefficient values are greater than the threshold, a link is assigned among the person.
 We named two networks as Social Network-1 and Social Network-2 (Fig. 4). A
weight is calculated from features of Fold 1 and Fold 2. Distance based features are
used to generate weights. Eigenvalue centrality is measured for both networks. The
cross products of both features are taken to fuse them together.
 Figure 4 is the block diagram of the proposed social network based cancelable

 This process is cancelable because it satisfies the property of cancelable features.

 First, it is computationally hard to reconstruct the original feature from the
calculated features.
 Second, once the cross fold indexes are changed, therefore, the feature
relations as well as the constructed network changed.
 Finally, features from social network are non-invertible which increases the
template security.

 Selecting the threshold is one of the important tasks to generate virtual social

Validation of Virtual Social Network

 Validation of the constructed social network can be done based on several values
such as betweenness centrality, clustering coefficient, degree centrality, eigenvector
centrality etc. From the analysis of the metric values we found that different metric
gives better distribution of values for different threshold values.

 Network construction using 60% of the correlation coefficient gives better

convergence for the centrality of the node (person).


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