Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide From Gas STR
Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide From Gas STR
Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide From Gas STR
Wastewater Technology Centre, Environment Canada, 867 Lakeshore Road, Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6, Canada. *E-mail:
[email protected]
Syed, M., Soreanu, G., Falletta, P. and Béland M. 2006. Removal of rigoureux de l’apport d’oxygène pour assurer la production de soufre
hydrogen sulfide from gas streams using biological processes - A élémentaire au lieu de sulfate. Ces réacteurs gagnent une certaine
review. Canadian Biosystems Engineering/Le génie des biosystèmes popularité dans la purification de divers flux gazeux contenant du H2S
au Canada 48: 2.1 - 2.14. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a toxic and comme le biogaz, les gaz d’échappement des usines de traitement des
odorous compound present in biogas produced by the anaerobic eaux usées, des fermes etc. Le garnissage du biofiltre est peu coûteux
digestion of biosolids and other organic materials. Due to its corrosive et peut contenir les nutriments nécessaires pour le développement et
nature in internal combustion engines, biological hydrogen sulfide soutien des populations microbiennes. Les besoins de recherche dans
removal processes are being investigated to overcome the chemical and ce domaine inclus l’optimisation de la biofiltration anaérobie, le
disposal costs associated with existing chemically-based removal développement d’un système qui prend avantage des caractéristiques
processes. Both phototrophic and chemotrophic bacteria are suitable des bactéries phototrophiques et chimiotrophiques et d’un système qui
candidate microorganisms for hydrogen sulfide bioxidation. pourrait réaliser l’élimination simultanée du sulfure d'hydrogène et du
Phototrophic C. limicola is an ideal bacterium in these biological siloxane. Mots-clés: sulfure d'hydrogène, phototrophique,
removal processes due to its ability to grow under anaerobic conditions chimiotrophique, oxydation biologique, biofiltration, épuration
using only inorganic substrates and a light source and its efficient biologique.
extracellular production of elemental sulfur from H2S. Phototrophic
fixed-film reactors are an interesting concept for cost-effective H2S INTRODUCTION
removal from biogas due to their ability to operate for long periods of
time without requiring a biomass separation step and their ability to Hydrogen sulfide is present in biogas produced during the
operate under higher and variable loadings. However, a light source is anaerobic digestion of biodegradable substances. It is produced
one of the key constraints for this process. Chemotrophic bacteria can from the degradation of proteins and other sulfur containing
also be used in fixed-film reactors to produce elemental sulfur instead compounds present in the organic feed stock to the digester. The
of sulfate under controlled oxygen conditions. These bioscrubbers are concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the biogas depends on the
gaining acceptance for treating hydrogen sulfide containing gases from feedstock and varies between 0.1 to 2% (Lastella et al. 2002;
a wide variety of sources such as biogas, off-gases from wastewater Boyd 2000). Generally, biogas produced from manure and
treatment plants, livestock farms, etc. The biofilter medium is
inexpensive and may contain sufficient micro-nutrients for the protein rich industrial wastes contain higher amounts of
microbial communities. Future research needs include the optimization hydrogen sulfide (Schieder et al. 2003). Considerable amounts
of the anaerobic biofiltration process, the development of a system of hydrogen sulfide are also emitted from industrial activities
combining the advantages of phototrophic and chemotrophic bacteria such as petroleum refining (Henshaw et al. 1999), pulp and
and the possible co-removal of siloxanes within this process. paper manufacturing (Wani et al. 1999), food processing,
Keywords: hydrogen sulfide, phototrophic, chemotrophic, biological livestock farming (Chung et al. 2001), and natural gas
oxidation, biofiltration, bioscrubbing. processing (Kim et al. 1992). It is also found in landfill biogas
Le sulfure d'hydrogène (H2S) est un composé toxique et odorant and is the principal odorous component in off-gases from
présent dans le biogaz produit par la digestion anaérobique des wastewater collection and treatment facilities (Cox and
biosolides et de autres matières organiques. Ce composé peut causer Deshusses 2001). Biogas derived from these waste stabilization
la corrosion précoce des moteurs à combustion interne qui brule le processes is not usually used as a renewable energy source, but
biogaz pour générer de l’énergie. Récemment, certains procédés
biologiques sont visés pour surmonter les coûts élevés relié aux rather flared off as excess gas when it is not used for space and
processus chimiques d'élimination du sulfure d'hydrogène (coûts des process heating (Tchobanoglous et al. 2003). One of the biggest
produits chimiques et de l’élimination des déchets). Les factors limiting the use of biogas is related to the hydrogen
microorganismes responsables pour la bio-oxydation du H2S peuvent sulfide it contains, which is very corrosive to internal
être de nature phototrophique ou chimiotrophique. Due à sa capacité combustion engines (Tchobanoglous et al. 2003; Ross et al.
de croissance rapide et de sa production extracellulaire du soufre 1996). Currently, most commercial technologies for the removal
élémentaire en utilisant seulement des substrats inorganiques en milieu of H2S are chemically based and expensive to operate (Monteith
anaérobique, la bactérie phototrophique C. limicola est suggérée. Les et al. 2005; Gabriel and Deshusses 2003; Cha et al. 1999)
réacteurs à biomasse phototrophique fixée sont intéressants pour la
thereby negating all of the financial incentives associated with
conversion du H2S grâce à leur facilité de séparer le soufre du biogaz
et de leur capacité élevée d’opérer sous des charges et des conditions potential revenues from energy produced in a cogeneration
variables. Cependant, l'alimentation en énergie lumineuse est l’une des plant.
contraintes principales pour l’avancement de ce procédé avec la In addition to its unpleasant odor, hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
bactérie C. limicola. Les bactéries chimiotrophiques peuvent aussi être gas is highly toxic (Roth 1993). Upon inhalation, hydrogen
utilisées dans les réacteurs à biomasse fixée si l’on pratique un contrôle sulfide reacts with enzymes in the bloodstream and inhibits
Table 2. Examples of energy sources for representative chemotrophs (Prescott et al. 2003).
Table 3. Characteristics of some microorganims implicated in degradation of H2S or other sulfur compounds.
Conditions Thiobacillus Thiobacillus Thiobacillus Thiobacillus Thiobacillus Thermothrix Thiothrix Thioalkalispira Thiomicrospra
ferrooxidans thiooxidans novellus thioparus denitrificans azorensis nivea microaerophila frisia
pH growth range - 0.5 - 6.0 5.7 - 9.0 5-9 - 6.0 - 8.5 6 - 8.5 8 - 10.4 4.2 - 8.5
Optimum pH 1.3 - 4.5 2.0 - 3.5 7.0 7.5 6.8 - 7.4 7.0 - 7.5 - 10 6.5
Temperature 10 - 37 10 - 37 10 - 37 - - 63 - 86 - - 3.5 - 39
growth range (°C) (thermophile)
Optimum 30 - 35 28 - 30 30 28 28 - 32 76 - 78 15 - 30 - 32 - 35
temperature (°C)
* G+C content of 56 - 59 - 67.2 62 63 39.7 44 - 55 58.9 39.6
DNA (mol%)
Cells type Gram-negative Gram-negative Gram-negative Gram-negative - Gram-negative Gram-negative or Gram-negative Gram-negative
a b
Group - - -2 Proteobacteria -Proteobacteria -Proteobacteria -Proteobacteria -Proteobacteria -Proteobacteria -Proteobacteria
Spore formation None None None - - None - - -
Motility 0 to several polar - Non-motile Motile Motile by means Motile No flagella Motile by means Motile
or petrichous of a polar of a single polar
flagella flagellum flagellum
Shape Rod, 0.5-1.0 m Rod, 0.5 x Rod, 0.4-0.8 x Rod, 0.9-1.8 m Rod, 0.5 x Rod, 0.3-0.8 x Rod, 0.7-2.6 x Spirillum, 0.3-0.45 Bent-rod, 0.3-0.5
1.1-2.0 m 0.8-2.0 m 1.0-3.0 m 2-5 m 0.7-5.0 m x 1-4 m x 1.0-2.7 m
Trophy Obligate Obligate Mixotroph Obligate Obligate Obligate Mixotroph Obligate Obligate
chemoautotroph chemoautotroph (faculative chemoautotroph chemoautotroph chemoautotroph (faculative chemoautotroph chemoautotroph
chemoautotroph) chemoautroph)
Examples of Ferrous ion and Hydrogen sulfide, Hydrogen sulfide, Thiosulfate, Thiosulfate, Thiosulfate, Inorganic sulfur Sulfide, Thiosulfate,
energy source reduced sulfur polithionates, methyl mercaptan, sulfide tetrathionate, tetrathionate, compounds, polysulfide, tetrathionate,
compounds elemental sulfur dimethyl sulfide, thiocyanate, hydrogen sulfide, simple organic elemental sulfur, sulfur, sulfide
dimethyl disulfide sulfide, elemental elemental sulfur compounds, sugars thiosulfate
Oxygen Facultative Strictly aerobe Strictly aerobe Strictly aerobe Faculataive Strictly aerobe Strictly aerobe and Strictly aerobe and Strictly aerobe
requirement anaerobe** anaerobe*** microaerophile microaerophile
Sulfur deposit - - - Extracellular - Intracellular Intracellular Intracellular Extracellular
Reference Colorado School Takano et al. Cha et al. (1999) Vlasceanu et al. Kelly and Wood Odintsova et al. Howarth et al. Sorokin et al. Brinkhoff et al.
of Mines¶ (1997) a
Kelly et al. (2000) (1997) (2000) (1996) (1999), bPrescott et (2002) (1999)
al. (2003)
* G = guanine; C = cytosine
** Under anaerobic conditions, T. ferroosidans can grow on elemental sulfur using ferric iron as an electron acceptor.
*** Grows as an anaerobic chemoautroph by using nitrate, nitrite, or nitrous oxide.
SYED et al.
¶ (2006/02/16)
Table 4. Reactions involving chemotrophic bacteria.
Thiobacillus 3HS- + 3.9NO3- + 0.2NH4+ + HCO3- + 1.7H+ → CH1.8O0.5N0.2 + 1.9N2 + 3SO42- + 2.3H2O Kleerebezem and
denitrificans 14.5HS- + 5NO3- + 0.2NH4+ + HCO3- + 20.3H+ → CH1.8O0.5N0.2 + 2.5N2 + 14.5S + 27.4H2O Mendez (2002)
55S + 20CO2 + 50NO3- + 38H2O + 4NH4+ → 4C5H7O2N + 25N2 + 55SO42- + 64H+ Lampe and Zhang
Thiobacillus sp. is widely used in studies of the conversion Other species are able to degrade sulfur compounds in
of H2S and other sulfur compounds by biological processes neutrophilic, alkaline, or thermophilic conditions. Thermothrix
(Oyarzún et al. 2003; Cha et al. 1999; Chung et al. 1996; azorensis and Thiothrix nivea are neutrophilic bacteria and
Sublette and Sylvester 1987). These bacteria have the ability to develop well at pH of 6-8 (Odintsova et al. 1996; Howarth et al.
grow under various environmental stress conditions such as 1999). Optimum growth temperature for Thermothrix azorensis,
oxygen deficiency, acid conditions, etc. Many Thiobacillus sp. a thermophilic bacterium, is between 76 and 86ºC (Odintsova et
(i.e. T. thiooxidans, T. ferrooxidans) have acidophilic character- al. 1996). Thioalkalispira microaerophila is able to grow in
istics and are able to develop in conditions of low pH (1-6). alkaline conditions and attains optimum growth at pH 10
Thiobacillus thiooxidans has a great tolerance for acidic (Sorokin et al. 2002).
conditions and can grow at pH < 1 (Devinny et al. 1999; Takano
et al. 1997). Thiobacilli such as T. thiooxidans and T. ferro- Beggiatoa sp. and Thiothrix sp., both microaerophilic -
oxidans are used in processing digested sludge or leaching low- Proteobacteria, have mixotrophic nutritional function because
grade metal ores because of their ability to remove metals by they are able to degrade H2S using inorganic and organic (e.g.
microbial leaching (Sreekrishnan and Tyagi 1996; Prescott et al. acetate) energy sources (Prescott et al. 2003; Howarth et al.
2003). Other Thiobacillus sp. (e.g. T. thioparus, T. 1999). Pseudomonas acidovorans and Pseudomonas putida are
denitrificans, T. novellus) develop in neutral medium other mixotrophs which degrade both H2S and organosulfur
(neutrophilic bacteria) at pH of 6-8. Thiobacillus denitrificans compounds (Oyarzún et al. 2003; Chung et al. 2001).
is able to grow facultatively on reduced sulfur compounds by The reaction shown in Eq. 3 takes place in an aerobic sulfide
reducing nitrate (NO3-) to nitrogen gas (N2) (Kleerebezem and removal system (Kuenen 1975).
Mendez 2002; Lampe and Zhang 1996). Thiobacillus novellus chemotrophs
is a mixotroph Thiobacilli because it can grow heterotrophically H 2 S + CO2 + nutrients + O2 →
(Kelly at al. 2000).
cells + S and / or SO42 − + H 2 O (3)
Laboratory Biooxidataion in the Poly-4- 6.3 L (reactor Mixed gas composed - T. novellus 100% (H2S) Immobilization of Cha et al.
bubble column reactor vinylpyridine volume) of 30 ppm H2S, MM, 100% (MM) T. novellas on PVP (1999)
(PVP) matrix DMS, and DMDS* 87% (DMDS) matrix)
73% (DMS)
Laboratory Biofiltration Compost or 18 L 10-450 ppm H2S, 1.7 m3/h Indigenous 90-100% (H2S) Yes (waste- Wani et al
compost/hog fuel balance air 38s (in sludge) activated sludge) (1999)
Full Biotrickling/ Polyurethane 500 m3 Odors from tobacco 11 s - >90% (H2S) - Cox and
Biofiltration foam (6 units) company: 800-1200 OU Deshusses
Laboratory Biofiltration Wood chips, 1L 30-450 ppm H2S, 60-180 T. thioparus 75-99% (H2S) Yes (activated Kim et al.
granular 35-200 ppm NH3, L/h Nitrifying 30-92% (NH3) sludge from (2002)
activated carbon balance air 20-60 s bacteria sewage water
(GAC) treatment plant
+ culture of
T. thioparus)
Laboratory Biooxidation in the Polyurethane 1L Effluent from a gas lift - T. >80% (S-tot) - Kleerebezem
fixed film reactor particles reactor treating a sulfide tenitrificans and Mendez
nitrate mixture Nitrifying (2002)
(2-20 mM as S-tot) bacteria
Full Biosscrubbing Alkaline solution - Natural gas: 322,000 Indigenous >99.8% (H2S) - Benschop et
(absorption +aerobic for scrubbing 2000 ppm H2S nm3/d al. (2002)
Chung et al. (1996) immobilized Thiobacillus thioparus A comparison between removal efficiencies of inorganic
CH11 with Ca-alginate producing pellet packing material for the (H2S) and organo-sulfur (methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide,
biofilter. At a 28 second optimal retention time, the H2S and dimethyl disulfide) odour compounds by immobilized T.
removal efficiency was more than 98%. Elemental sulfur or novellus is presented in the study of Cha et al. (1999). They
sulfate was produced depending on the inlet H2S concentration. observed T. novellus can degrade H2S > methyl mercaptan >
dimethyl disulfide > dimethyl sulfide and the removal efficiency
Chung et al. (1997) used Thiobacillus novellus in a biofilter for
was 100% for H2S and methyl mercaptan, 87% for dimethyl
H2S oxidation under mixotrophic conditions. A removal disulfide, and 73% for the dimethyl sulfide. The final metabolic
efficiency of 99.6% was achieved and the products were sulfate product was sulfate.
(83.6%) and sulfite (12.6%). Little conversion of sulfide to
Shareefdeen et al. (2002) reported the operation of a
elemental sulfur was achieved. Later, Chung et al. (2001) used commercial biofilter for the treatment of an air stream
biofilters packed with co-immobilized cells Pseudomonas containing hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, dimethyl sulfide,
putida CH11 and Arthobacter oxydans CH8 for removal of H2S methanethiol, and ethylamine. This proprietary wood-based
and NH3, respectively, which are often present in off-gases of a (BIOMIX™) biofilter achieved 96.6% removal of H2S at an
livestock farm. In the 5-65 ppm range, H2S and NH3 removal inlet concentration of 1.07 mg/m3.
efficiencies were greater than 96%. However, at higher Elias et al. (2002) used packing material made up of pig
concentrations, H2S and NH3 showed inhibitory effects on H2S manure and sawdust for biofiltration purposes. More than 90%
removal. They also assessed the environmental risk associated H2S removal efficiency was attained at a loading rate of
with the release of bacteria when treating large volumes of 45 g m-3 h-1. No nutrient was added to the system and the
waste gases. The exhaust gas contained small amounts of porosity of the packing material decreased from 23.1 to 12.9%.
bacteria (< 19 CFU/m3 in all cases) and was considered safe. However, this change in porosity did not affect the removal
efficiency significantly and it was claimed that the biofilter
Wani et al. (1999) described the removal characteristics of could be easily cleaned by flushing water through the inlet. The
H2S and other reduced sulfur compounds emitted from kraft main by-product of the biodegradation process was sulfur (82%
pulp mills using three different biofilter mediums: compost, of total sulfur accumulation), accompanied by sulfates and
hog-fuel (pulverized mixture of raw bark, wood waste, and other thiosulfates (<18%).
materials) and a mixture of compost and hog fuel at 1:1 (w/w) Kim et al. (2002) investigated the simultaneous removal of
ratio. Dolomitic lime was mixed with each medium to act as a H2S and NH3 using two biofilters, one packed with wood chips
pH buffer. No significant difference was observed in the H2S and the other with granular activated carbon (GAC). A mixture
elimination capacities of these three media. However, the pH of of activated sludge (as a source of nitrifying bacteria) and
the media decreased significantly over an operating period of Thiobacillus thioparus (for sulfur oxidation) was sprayed on the
more than six months. At H2S concentrations up to 250 ppmv, packing materials and the drain solution of the biofilter was
complete removal was observed. The removal efficiency for recirculated to increase the inoculation of microorganisms.
inlet concentrations higher than 250 ppmv was above 90%. Initially both of the filters showed high (99.9%) removal
Compost, hog-fuel, and the mixture media had maximum elim- efficiency. However, due to the accumulation of elemental
ination capacities of 136, 137, and 138 g m-3 h-1, respectively. sulfur and ammonium sulfate on the packing materials removal