This document provides an overview of the English curriculum for Grade 9. It outlines the units, topics, content standards, performance standards, assessment methods, activities, resources, and core values for each term. The units cover information processing, word order, poetry, argumentative essays, intimate communication styles, and verbal/non-verbal performance in a one-act play. Assessment includes summaries, quizzes, compositions, and oral recitations. Recommended resources include Springboard materials and videos. The curriculum aims to develop skills like critical thinking, creativity, logical thinking, and speech delivery through active learning experiences.
This document provides an overview of the English curriculum for Grade 9. It outlines the units, topics, content standards, performance standards, assessment methods, activities, resources, and core values for each term. The units cover information processing, word order, poetry, argumentative essays, intimate communication styles, and verbal/non-verbal performance in a one-act play. Assessment includes summaries, quizzes, compositions, and oral recitations. Recommended resources include Springboard materials and videos. The curriculum aims to develop skills like critical thinking, creativity, logical thinking, and speech delivery through active learning experiences.
This document provides an overview of the English curriculum for Grade 9. It outlines the units, topics, content standards, performance standards, assessment methods, activities, resources, and core values for each term. The units cover information processing, word order, poetry, argumentative essays, intimate communication styles, and verbal/non-verbal performance in a one-act play. Assessment includes summaries, quizzes, compositions, and oral recitations. Recommended resources include Springboard materials and videos. The curriculum aims to develop skills like critical thinking, creativity, logical thinking, and speech delivery through active learning experiences.
This document provides an overview of the English curriculum for Grade 9. It outlines the units, topics, content standards, performance standards, assessment methods, activities, resources, and core values for each term. The units cover information processing, word order, poetry, argumentative essays, intimate communication styles, and verbal/non-verbal performance in a one-act play. Assessment includes summaries, quizzes, compositions, and oral recitations. Recommended resources include Springboard materials and videos. The curriculum aims to develop skills like critical thinking, creativity, logical thinking, and speech delivery through active learning experiences.
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Subject: English
Grade level: Grade-9
Teachers: Rovigin Paula N. Garcia Strands: First Quarter Term( UNIT TOPIC CONTENT PERFORMANCE COMPENTENCIES ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES RESOURCES INSTITUTIONAL NO.): STANDARDS STANDARDS /SKILLS CORE VALUES MONTH (CS) (PS) 8 Information The The learner Process Summarizati Springboard Practical Enhancing processing learner actively information on of a : English critical demonstra participates mentioned in text. Video For Global thinking tes in a speech the text viewing Competitiv skills understan choir listened to eness 10 Normal and ding of through Use Writing Seatwork: Practical Improving inverted how using normal and composition *Identifica English one’s Word Order Anglo- effective inverted tion For Global creativity in American verbal and word order in Competitiv writing literatur non-verbal creative eness e and strategies writing. 7 Making an other based on the Infer Short quiz: Springboard Practical Logical inference text following thoughts, *Interpret : English thinking on the types criteria: feelings, and what is in Video For Global Material serve as Focus, intentions in the picture viewing Competitiv Viewed means of Voice, the eness enhancing Delivery, material the self; Facial viewed. 7 Go, Lovely also Expressions, Analyze Self Springboard Practical Importance of Rose by how to Body literature reflection : English appreciating Edmund use Movements/ as a means of *Essay Video For Global ourselves Waller processin Gestures and discovering Viewing and Competitiv g, Audience the analyzing eness assessing Contact. self. pictures , Express summarizi appreciatio ng n for informati sensory on, word images derivatio used 8 Skimming n and Skim to *Essay Reading a Practical Enhancing formation determine short story English reading skills strategie key ideas and For Global s, author’s Competitiv appropria purpose eness 10 Types of te word Identify types Composing Short quiz: Practical Learn to poetry order, and poem. *Identifica English express one’s punctuati features of tion For Global selves through on marks poetry. Competitiv poetry and eness interject ions to enable him/her to participa te actively in a speech choir. SECOND QUARTER Term(NO.): UNIT CONTENT PERFORMANCE COMPENTENCIES ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES RESOURCES INSTITUTIONAL MONTH TOPIC STANDARDS STANDARDS /SKILLS CORE VALUES (CS) (PS) 8 Getti The The learner *Shift •Create a •Role play Practical Learn to write ng learner actively from one telephone a situation English through Infor demonstra participates listening conversatio showing a For Global Argumentative matio tes in a speech strategy to n. conversatio Competitiv essay. n understan choir another •Present a n between eness from ding of through based on 2-minute an employer Argum how using topic, script and his/her entat Anglo- effective purpose, and showing employees. ive American verbal and level of intimate essay literatur non-verbal difficulty of conversatio e and strategies the n among other based on the argumentative family text following or members. types criteria: persuasive serve as Focus, text. means of Voice, 15 “How enhancing Delivery, Identify the Oral Role-play Practical Learning the do I the self; Facial distinguishing recitation English features of love also Expressions, features of For Global notable Anglo- Thee? how to Body notable Competitiv American ” use Movements/ Anglo-American eness Sonnets processin Gestures and sonnets, g, Audience dramatic assessing Contact. poetry, , vignettes, summarizi and short ng stories informati on, word derivatio n and 7 Intim formation Give the Concept Video Practical Enhancing ate strategie appropriate mapping viewing English one’s viewing commu s, communicative For Global ability nicat appropria tyles a Competitiv ive te word situation eness style order, (intimate, s punctuati casual, on marks conversational and , interject consultative, ions to frozen). 10 Revie enable Distinguish Composing a Essay Practical Importance of w the him/her the poetry English writing featu to features For Global res participa present in Competitiv of te poetry and in eness poetr actively prose. y in a 5 Chamb speech Use the Oral Short quiz: Practical Improving er choir. appropriate recitation *Identifica English one’s speech Theat prosodic tion For Global using English er features *Multiple Competitiv of speech when choice eness delivering lines in a Readers Theatre or in a Chamber Theatre. THIRD QUARTER Term( UNIT TOPIC CONTENT PERFORMANCE COMPENTENCIES ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES RESOURCES INSTITUTIONAL NO.): STANDARDS STANDARDS /SKILLS CORE VALUES MONTH (CS) (PS) 10 Verbal and The The learner Employ varied Oral Springboard Practical Showcasing Non-Verbal learner actively verbal and recitation : Video English verbal and in a One- demonstra participates non-verbal viewing For Global non-verbal act Play tes in a speech strategies Competitiv One-act play understan choir while eness ding of through performing in how using a one-act play 10 Technical Anglo- effective Produce the One-act- Springboard Practical Observing Vocabulary American verbal and English play/role- : Video English one’s for Drama literatur non-verbal sounds play viewing For Global pronunciation and Theater e and strategies correctly Competitiv and vocabulary other based on the and eness text following effectively types criteria: when serve as Focus, delivering means of Voice, lines in a enhancing Delivery, one-act the self; Facial play. 10 Tone and also Expressions, Draw Concept Springboard Practical Learning one’s mood how to Body similarities mapping : Video English ability to use Movements/ and viewing For Global determine tone processin Gestures and differences of Competitiv and mood. g, Audience the eness assessing Contact. featured , selections in summarizi relation to ng the informati theme 15 Literary on, word Compose forms Writing a Interpretat Practical Improving writing derivatio of composition ion of a English one’s writing n and literary short story For Global skills formation writing. Competitiv strategie eness 5 Using non- s, Use effective Create a Short quiz: Practical Distinguishing verbal appropria and video that Identify if English non-verbal and communicati te word appropriate shows non- the For Global verbal on in a order, non-verbal verbal and following Competitiv communication One-act punctuati communication verbal situation eness play on marks strategies communicati strategies and on. are verbal interject or non- ions to verbal enable strategies. 5 Literary him/her Use the Concept Groupwork: Practical Enhancing devices to appropriate mapping Script English one’s speech participa prosodic writing and For Global using English te features role-play Competitiv through actively of speech when eness Chamber of in a delivering theater. speech lines in choir. a Readers Theatre or in a Chamber Theatre. FOURTH QUARTER Term( UNIT TOPIC CONTENT PERFORMANCE COMPENTENCIES ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES RESOURCES INSTITUTIONAL NO.): STANDARDS STANDARDS /SKILLS CORE VALUES MONTH (CS) (PS) 12 Biases and The The learner *Relate text Self *SPRINGBOAR Practical Awareness of Prejudices learner actively content to Reflection: D: Play the English the self on demonstra participates particular Essay game “Bawal For Global social issues. tes in a speech social Judgemental Competitiv understan choir issues, ” using set eness ding of through concerns, or of how using dispositions pictures. Anglo- effective in real life. *Participat American verbal and e in a literatur non-verbal discussion e and strategies on other based on the prejudice text following and its types criteria: effect on serve as Focus, its society means of Voice, and people enhancing Delivery, civil the self; Facial rights 8 Julius also Expressions, *Analyze Self Video Practical Understanding Ceasar how to Body literature Reflection: viewing English the self use Movements/ as a means of Essay For Global processin Gestures and understanding Competitiv g, Audience unchanging eness assessing Contact. values in a , changing world summarizi *Explain ng how the informati elements on, word specific derivatio to full-length n and plays build formation its strategie theme 10 Determining s, Determine the Short quiz: Interpretin Practical Learn to the appropria relevance and *Identifica g pictures English determine the relevance te word the tion For Global truthfulness and order, truthfulness *Essay Competitiv truthfulnes punctuati of the eness s of ideas on marks ideas in the and presented in material interject the material viewed ions to viewed 12 Explicit enable Analyze the Speech Composing Practical Improving and him/her stand of presentatio argumentati English communication implicit to the speaker n ve text For Global skills. statements participa based on Competitiv te the explicit eness actively statement in a made 8 Technical speech Get familiar Speech Concept Practical Learning the vocabulary choir. with presentatio mapping English areas of for drama the technical n For Global chamber and theater vocabulary for Competitiv theater drama and eness theater (like stage directions) 5 Composing a Compose a play Movie Watching a Practical Enhancing play review Review. Review short video English one’s skills clip. For Global in viewing and Competitiv writing. eness Grade Level: Grade 9 GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of British-American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
Qtr Most Essential Duration K to 12
Learning CG Code Competencies Q1 Express permission, obligation, and prohibition using modals Q1 Use conditionals in expressing arguments Q1 Employ the appropriate communicative styles for various situations (intimate, casual, conversational, consultative, frozen) Q2 Make connections between texts to particular social issues, concerns, or dispositions in real life Q2 Analyze literature as a means of understanding unchanging values in the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world. Q3 Differentiate biases from prejudices Q3 Determine the relevance and the truthfulness of the ideas presented in the material Viewed. Q3 Judge the validity of the evidence listened to. Q4 Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness of the presentation Q4 React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis and call for prompt actions