13 Hybrid Drives Bosch 5ta Edicion
13 Hybrid Drives Bosch 5ta Edicion
13 Hybrid Drives Bosch 5ta Edicion
Hybrid drives
3 Alternator
4 Electric motor
5 Inverter 6 5
6 Battery
Robert Bosch GmbH (ed.), Bosch Automotive Electrics and Automotive Electronics,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-01784-2_13, © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2014
Hybrid drives | Drive concepts | 367
It has only been possible to make mean- There are different types of implementa-
ingful use of serial drive concepts since tion. The electric motor can be directly
the mid-80’s. Until this time, neither elec- flanged to the crankshaft (crankshaft-
trical machines nor storage media with mounted starter-alternator) or coupled
the required capacity for realizing serial to the internal-combustion engine by a
concepts were available. belt drive. Both drive sources can be used
A serial hybrid system is used in the together or individually to propel the vehi-
Toyota Coaster (Bus) Hybrid, for example. cle. Since only one electric motor is incor-
Other usage areas for the serial hybrid porated in the system, the vehicle cannot
drive are diesel trains and busses that be electrically powered whilst the battery
frequently travel in stop-and-go traffic is being charged. The electric motor can
in urban areas. The serial hybrid drive only operate as an alternator or for drive
is not used in passenger cars, however. purposes.
If a coupling is integrated between the
Parallel hybrid drive electric motor and the internal-combus-
The term “parallel hybrid drive” is used to tion engine (Fig. 2), the engine does not
describe an arrangement of hybrid compo- have to be carried along when the vehicle
nents in which the electric motor and the is being propelled using purely electric
internal-combustion engine can both indi- power. Drag torque losses can therefore
vidually deliver their output to the drive. be avoided.
If necessary, the outputs can be combined The drive-side positioning of the electric
by means of mechanically coupling the motor, i.e. directly on the drive shaft
motor and the engine to the drive. The downstream of the transmission, makes it
possibility of power addition allows the possible to prevent transmission efficiency
machines to be made with relatively small losses.
dimensions without adversely affecting
the driving performance. The components
that are required are designed according
to the most frequent area of use.
Fig. 2
1 Internal-combustion
2 Parallel hybrid drive 3 Split-power hybrid drive
2 Fuel tank
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 Electric motor/
4 Coupling
5 Inverter
4 6 Battery
Fig. 3
1 Internal-combustion
7 engine
2 Fuel tank
3 Planetary gear
4 Electric motor
5 Inverter
6 5 6 5 6 Battery
7 Alternator
368 | Hybrid drives | Drive concepts
Electric driving
Recuperative brake
Operating strategies for tric drive can increase the torque and
electric hybrid vehicles therefore provide improved acceleration
capability, particularly at low engine rpm.
The integration of electrical components An integrated examination of design and
in the drivetrain has wide-ranging effects strategy optimization is required in order
on the overall vehicle system. Because to utilize the maximum potential. In this
of the complexity of the drivetrain in case, operating strategy means a driving
an electric hybrid vehicle (HEV: Hybrid situation-dependent torque distribution
Electric Vehicles), system solutions with between the two drive sources of internal-
mutually coordinated components are combustion engine and electric motor.
of special significance. As well as having
a favorable combination of appropriate Figure 5 shows the networking of the indi-
components, the optimization of the oper- vidual components in the drivetrain using
ating strategy is the most important task the example of a vehicle with a parallel
in order to achieve the goals of reducing hybrid drive. The entire system is coordi-
consumption and emissions while increas- nated by a supervisory hybrid controller.
ing driving pleasure and driving comfort. This involves battery management, engine
HEV functions that reduce consumption management, electric drive management,
and emissions are start/stop operation of transmission management and brake sys-
the internal-combustion engine, recupera- tem management. It becomes clear that
tive braking and operating point optimiza- the development of these control systems
tion. (particularly the supervisory hybrid con-
troller) and the development of the com-
The electric propulsion function is an im- ponents have to be closely interlinked in
portant constituent of operating point op- order to achieve optimum functionality.
timization. Booster operation of the elec-
Hybrid control
Fig. 5
A Actuator
S Sensor
Hybrid drives | Operating strategies | 371
c ECVT effect:
operating point
relocation to faster
Rotational speed nmax Rotational speed nmax Rotational speed nmax
engine speeds
Hybrid drives | Operating strategies | 373
to faster speeds, which reduces the inter- In the New European Driving Cycle
nal-combustion engine torques that are (NEDC), internal-combustion engines are
needed, leading to additional NOX reduc- operated in conventional vehicles with a
tion. low part load and therefore at sub-optimal
Because of the serial operating mode on efficiency. In vehicles with a parallel hy-
the electrical path (simultaneous alterna- brid drive, low internal-combustion engine
tor operation of the first electric motor loads can be avoided by driving with elec-
and engine operation of the other), the tric propulsion only (Fig. 7b).
traction battery energy throughput and Since the electrical energy that is re-
cycling can be kept lower than with a quired cannot usually be recovered by
parallel hybrid. means of recuperation alone, the electrical
machine is subsequently operated in alter-
Operating strategy and internal- nator mode. In comparison to a conven-
combustion engine concepts for tional vehicle, this moves the operation of
gasoline hybrid vehicles the internal-combustion engine into the
The lowest emission values are achieved higher load range and therefore to a higher
with vehicles with stoichiometrically oper- level of efficiency. This means that more
ated gasoline internal-combustion engines electrical energy can be made available
due to the three-way catalytic converter than with the previously described
technology. The lowest emissions can also NOX strategy, making it possible to use
be achieved with large-displacement inter- a greater proportion of electrical propul-
nal-combustion engines in hybrid vehicles sion. However, a compromise must be
by using appropriate warm-up strategies. found between CO2 emissions and energy
It may even be possible to reduce the de- throughput because of the service life re-
mands that are made on the exhaust-gas quirements that are made of the traction
treatment system. The main objective with battery. The energy throughput has a sig-
the gasoline hybrid vehicle is therefore to nificant influence on the service life of the
save fuel and increase performance. traction battery.
b Avoiding low
7 Operating point relocation with CO2 strategy internal-combustion
engine loads by
a Conventional drive b Parallel hybrid c Split-power hybrid using electrical
Mmax Mmax Mmax propulsion and
c ECVT effect:
operating point
relocation to
Rotational speed nmax Rotational speed nmax Rotational speed nmax optimum energy
range of drivetrain
374 | Hybrid drives | Operating strategies
drivetrain to operate in the most energy- Definition in the finite state machine
efficient way. Because of the serial operat- However, torque distribution is not needed
ing mode on the electric path (simultane- in all driving conditions. Figure 8 shows
ous alternator and engine operation of the different driving conditions of a hybrid
both electrical machines), here too the vehicle, which are defined in a finite state
energy throughput and cycling of the trac- machine depending on driver request,
tion battery can be kept low in comparison the status of the electric accumulator and
to a parallel hybrid. vehicle speed.
Electric driving
Driver request
Charge level of State machine (trailing throttle, braking)
the battery (SOC) (finite state machine)
Boost (MFW = max.)
Speed Hybrid driving
Figure 9 shows the operating strategy de- Since it is not usually possible to generate
pendencies. The hybrid controller distrib- enough energy from recuperation alone
utes the required drive torque between the and the battery has limited storage capa-
drive sources of internal-combustion en- bility, internal-combustion engine charg-
gine and electrical machine on the basis of ing is unavoidable. In order to minimize
vehicle speed and the status of the electric the amount of fuel that is used to do this,
accumulator, among other things. The op- this type of electrical-energy generation
erating strategy also needs an equivalence should only be performed when the inter-
value of the stored electrical energy that nal-combustion engine is being used in
indicates how much fuel has been con- low-efficiency operating ranges and the
sumed in generating this electrical energy. additional load can be used to improve
efficiency. The optimum utilization of the
The different types of electrical power efficiency improvement during internal-
generation (recuperation and internal- combustion engine charging is an operat-
combustion engine charging) are exam- ing strategy issue, since it involves torque
ined in order to assign an optimization distribution between the internal-combus-
parameter equivalence value (e.g. fuel tion engine and the electric machine.
consumption) to the energy content of
the battery. This equivalence value forms
the basis for deciding which energy source
to use.
9 Operating strategy
Equivalent value
of electrical energy
Target torque
Driver request torque internal-combustion
Control strategy engine
Charge level of the battery (SOC)
(hybrid control)
Target torque
electric motor
376 | Hybrid drives | Recuperative brake system
The electrical energy for charging the However, taking the driving behavior into
battery can be provided by increasing the consideration, no major braking decelera-
load of the internal-combustion engine or tion can be achieved by simulating or in-
by operating the electric motor as an alter- creasing the drag torque. The different
nator. On the other hand, the vehicle’s recuperative brake torques that occur
kinetic energy during deceleration pro- during individual braking procedures and
cesses can also be used. This energy is the resulting braking power variations are
converted to heat in conventional vehicles problematic. These must be adapted to the
either by the engine-drag torque or by battery charge level and the thermal load
the vehicle service brake by operating of the electric drive. If significant battery
the brake pedal. temperature increase occurs after several
braking procedures, the recuperative out-
By using the electric motor as an alterna- put may need to be reduced in order to
tor, hybrid vehicles open up the possibility prevent the system from overheating.
of reclaiming at least some of the energy
and using it for electric consumers or the
vehicle’s electric drive. This procedure us
referred to as recuperative or regenerative
10 Maximum torque trend with electric machine in
alternator mode
Brake torque in Nm
Vehicle speed
any more alternator torque at extremely
low rpm (Fig. 10).
in m/s
in Nm
Regeneration Regeneration
potential requirement
Wheel brake
Driving condition
Hybrid drives | Recuperative brake system | 379
If unstable driving conditions are detected The block diagram of the cooperative
or the amount of brake slip is excessive, recuperative brake system (Fig. 12) is
it is advisable to suppress the recuperative something that all versions have in com-
part of the braking and only use the fric- mon. The vehicle control system continu-
tion brake system for braking deceleration ously monitors all relevant parameters
and stabilization corrections. Otherwise of the hybrid drive and determines the
instability and drivetrain oscillation could torque that the electric motor can provide
have a detrimental effect on the wheel slip for braking. When the brake pedal is oper-
control system. ated, the torque coordinator of the brake
control unit calculates the distribution of
Compared to partial braking operations, the brake torque to the friction brake and
brake stabilization system interventions the recuperative brake system.
via the vehicle systems occur so infre- The proportion of recuperative torque
quently that suppressing recuperative is fed back to the vehicle control system
braking in these situations has no notice- and relayed to the electric motor actuator.
able effect on the average consumption The residual brake torque is set by the
of the vehicle. friction brake while vehicle stability and
wheel slip are monitored.
Friction brake implementation
There are different types of friction brake
in the cooperative recuperative brake sys-
These are usually mechatronic brake
systems that decouple the brake pedal and
the wheel brake and simulate brake pedal
characteristics by adding a pedal simula-
tor. The energy storage that is needed for
brake boosting can be provided hydrauli-
cally or pneumatically.
380 | Hybrid drives | Electrical energy accumulators
The traction battery of plug-in hybrids is Energy accumulator for hybrid systems
fully charged from the mains power supply Nickel metal hydride batteries (NiMH)
at regular intervals. The vehicle is oper- are currently used as standard for hybrid
ated with electricity up to a preselected vehicles. Nickel cadmium batteries are
average charge level, after which it is oper- not used in modern vehicles because of
ated like other hybrid vehicles. the fact that the cadmium material is toxic
and damages the environment.
Thermal management Lithium battery systems are undergoing
The acceleration and recuperation phases further development for use in hybrid
alternate during vehicle operation. Even vehicles.
at high charge/discharge efficiency levels,
this leads to heat losses that cause the bat- Nickel metal hydride systems (NiMH)
tery to become warm. In order to remove Nickel metal hydride batteries are particu-
the heat in a suitable way (air/liquid cool- larly useful for hybrid vehicles because
ing) the battery system must have a ther- designs with a high power density can be
mal management system. realized, given the materials that are used.
The alkaline electrolyte (caustic potash
Charge quantity solution, KOH) does not take part in the
During battery system selection it must be electrode reaction (compared to lead/acid
taken into consideration that only a limited systems).
charge quantity can be used during the Also, operation in a partially charged
lifetime of the battery in cycle operation; condition does not adversely affect the
this can occur in many flat cycles with service life. High efficiency levels with
small changes to the charge level, or high charge/discharge currents can be
fewer cycles with a large discharge depth achieved in other charge condition ranges.
(Fig. 13). The charge quantity that can be
used tends to be less with low discharge The disadvantages of the NiMH system are
cycles. the high self-discharge rate and extensive
It must also be noted that the internal power loss at low temperatures.
resistance of the battery increases with The relative low steady-state voltage
age, and performance deteriorates. of NiMH cells is also unfavorable. In order
to achieve a battery voltage that is compa-
rable with lead systems, approximately
13 Service life in relation to depth of discharge 1.6 times as many NiMH cells are required.
In order to ensure that the entire battery
16 system is reliable, the quality and unifor-
Number of charge/discharge cycles
14 Li Ion mity of the individual NiMH cells must be
Lead (AGM) somewhat greater.
Lead (liquid)
10 Nickel oxide hydroxide is used as the ac-
x 1,000
2% 5% 10% 25% 50% 100% overpressure and has a pressure relief Liquid lead: Lead-acid
Depth of discharge valve or bursting disk so that it can blow system/liquid
out hydrogen in critical operating condi- battery
382 | Hybrid drives | Electrical energy accumulators
tions. During operation, it must be ensured and 10 s pulse duration). Because of the
that excessive overcharging does not occur high energy content of the electrode mate-
and that ventilation facilities are provided. rial and the high cell voltage, special mea-
Clouds of caustic alkali can be expected sures are required:
to occur when the overpressure is being ▶ Use of organic electrolyte with special
released. The fact that hydrogen can form conductive minerals
oxyhydrogen gas when it is mixed with air ▶ Safety structures that prevent the cell
must also be taken into consideration. from exploding if it becomes damaged,
for example
Lithium ion systems (Li ions) ▶ Monitoring of individual cells in order to
Compared to NiMH systems, lithium avoid overcharging and overheating
systems provide even higher energy and
power densities at cell voltages of approxi- The positive electrode consists of special
mately 3.6 V. These systems are therefore metal oxides (Ni, Mn, Co or mixtures
mainly used in portable electrical systems thereof) that can store lithium ions. These
(mobile phones, laptops), where they have ions can move to the counter-electrode
essentially replaced NiMH batteries. and back during the discharging/charging
Efforts are currently being made to sub- process in a reversible mechanism. The
ject these cells to further development for counter-electrode is made from graphite
use in hybrid vehicles. Special attention is and can also absorb Li ions because of its
being paid to the use of low-cost and reli- stratified structure.
able electrode materials (e.g. LiMn2O4,
LiFePO4). Lithium-polymer batteries
A special version of the Li ion battery is
The use of lightweight Li metal and the the Li polymer battery. It contains electro-
properties of the other materials involved lytes in non-liquid form This version is
(graphite as the anode material) make it particularly suitable for manufacturing
possible to manufacture extremely thin pliable, flexible cells. It is currently being
electrodes (< 0.5 mm), which can be used investigated whether Li polymer batteries
to create structures with extremely high can be used in hybrid vehicles.
output (e.g. 3 kW/kg with SOC 60 %, 25 °C
Specific energy content in Wh/kg
Lithium ion system
Fig. 14
Nickel metal hydride
The comparison 60
only provides an
estimate of the basic Lead-acid
possibilities of the 20 system Supercaps
different systems.
Each electrochemical
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000
system can be
▶ Greenhouse effect
Short-wave solar radiation penetrates the The primary cause of this increase has been
earth’s atmosphere and continues to the the burning of coal and petroleum products.
ground, where it is absorbed. This process In this process, the carbon bound in the
promotes warming in the ground, which then fuels is released in the form of carbon
radiates long-wave heat or infrared energy. dioxide.
Some of this radiation is reflected in the The processes that influence the green-
atmosphere and heats the earth. house effect within the earth’s atmosphere
Without this natural “greenhouse effect” are extremely complex. The fact that anthro-
the earth would be inhospitable with an pogenic emissions (i.e. caused by man) are
average temperature of –18 °C. The green- the main cause of the climate change is dis-
house gasses in the atmosphere (water va- puted by another scientific theory. According
por, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, dinitro- to this theory, the warming of the earth’s
gen monoxide, aerosols and cloud particles) atmosphere is being caused by increased
provide average temperatures of approxi- solar activity.
mately +15 °C. Water vapor, in particular, There is, however, a large degree of una-
retains substantial amounts of heat. nimity in calling for reductions in energy con-
Since the beginning of the industrial age sumption in order to lower carbon dioxide
over 100 years ago, the concentration of emissions and combat the greenhouse
carbon dioxide has been increasing rapidly. effect.
Heat radiation
Water vapor
and trace gases