MODULE 3 - Human Behavior in Organizations
MODULE 3 - Human Behavior in Organizations
MODULE 3 - Human Behavior in Organizations
Self-Concept, Perceptions and Attributions are important factors that impact employee’s view
of his work environment. Understanding these individual characteristics will surely aid
managers and non-managers in performing their respective roles and jobs more efficiently
and effectively.
Personality at Work
• Personality encompasses the relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns that have
been formed significantly by genetic and environmental factors which have given him identity.
• Understanding someone’s personality offers clues about how that person is expected to act and feel
in a variety of situations.
• Having this knowledge is a practical for placing people in the right jobs in the organization.
• Most experts agree that personality is both a product of nature and nurture.
• Nature means the genetic or hereditary origin of the person inherited from the mother and father of
the individual.
• Nurture consists of the person’s socialization, life experiences, and other forms of interaction in the
environment. Family relationship with parents, siblings and other family members is a significant
force in nurture.
Less likely to get revenge when other people treat them wrongly.
Highly motivated to study new skills, and they do well in training settings.
People who favor intuition pay extra attention to things like patterns &
impressions, thinking about possibilities, visualizing the future & abstracts
1. Extraversion (E) - Introversion (I) - is a way to describe
how people respond and interact with the world around them.
Extroverts tend to be action-oriented , enjoy more social
interaction and feel keyed up after spending time with people.
2. Sensing (S) - Intuition (I)
This scale engages in looking at how people collect information
from the world around them. All people expend some time
sensing and intuiting depending on the situation.
People who choose to sense are apt to pay more attention to
reality, facts & details, and in getting practical experience.
People who favor intuition pay extra attention to things like
patterns & impressions, thinking about possibilities,
visualizing the future & abstracts theories.
4. Judging (J) - Perceiving (P)
5. Ability is a person’s talent to perform a mental or
physical task. It includes both the natural aptitudes and
the learned capabilities needed to productively finish a
Aptitudes are the natural talents that aid employees in
learning specific tasks more speedily and executing
Learned capabilities are the skills and knowledge that
a person currently has. They tend to diminish over
time when not in use.
The following abilities help to differentiate between higher and lower
performers in the workplace:
1. Mental ability
2. Emotional intelligence
3. Tacit knowledge
4. Physical ability
Mental ability is the acquisition and application of knowledge
in solving problems
1. Verbal ability refers to the ability to understand and
express oral & written communication quickly and
There are two abilities:
1. Oral comprehension is the ability to understand spoken
words and sentences.
2. Written comprehension is the ability to understand written
words and sentences,
2. Quantitative ability refers to the two types of
mathematical abilities.
1. How to speak a language 6. Body language
2. Innovation 7. Intuition
3. Leadership 8. Humor
4. Aesthetic sense 9. Snowboarding
5. Emotional intelligence 10. Sales
Physical ability is performing job-related tasks requiring
manual labor or physical skill.
a) Cheerfulness f) Capability
b) Ambition g) Courage
c) Love h) Politeness
d) Cleanliness i) Honesty
e) Self-control j) Obedience
2. Terminal values are the overall goals that people hope to achieve in
their lifetime. This includes inner harmony, social recognition, and a
world of beauty.
Examples of terminal values: