◆◆ General Description
◆◆ Features
¾ High voltage tolerance is used for charger connection pins, VM and CO pins are
absolute maximum rating=28V
¾ 0V battery charge function available /unavailable are selectable
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◆◆ Applications
◆◆ Block Diagram
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Input voltage between VDD and VSS VDD VSS= -0.3 ~ VSS= +10 V
Electrical static discharge
MM 200 V
Remarks: Any operation condition exceeds the absolute maximum ratings will damage the IC.
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Overcharge hysteresis voltage Vhys1 - 0.20 - V A
Overdischarge release voltage2 Vrel2' 2.30 2.40 2.50 V A
R2=1.0kΩ, VM=Vchg
Discharging overcurrent detection VDD=3.0V,
Vdet3 0.11 0.14 0.17 V B
voltage R2=1.0kΩ
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4 NC No connection
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*1:R1 is a singlestage RC filter,the higher resistance of R1,the better the filtering effect,If the R1 resistance higher than the
recommended value, it will affect the internal detection circuit and the voltage detection accuracy will out of specification.
We suggest using the recommended resistance in application.
*2:The absolute maximum rating of CO and VM is 28V, customer could choose 20V or 30V dual NMOSFET switches for different
*3:Add a C1 capacitor between VDD and VSS could filter conduction and radiation noise.
*4:R2 resistor could have a current limit function and limit charger current surge.
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◆◆ Normal Operation
The DW01A monitors the VDD power supply voltage relative to VSS detecting the
over-charge and over-discharge conditions. It also monitors the VM voltage to detect the
discharge over-current and load short circuiting to protect the battery cell. In normal operation,
the VDD should be in the range from the over-charge detection voltage Vdet1 to the
over-discharge voltage Vdet2, and the VM pin voltage is in the range from discharge
over-current voltage Vdet3 to charger detection voltage VCHA. In normal condition, the internal
pull-up resistor from VM pin to VDD(RVMD)is disconnected and the internal pull-down resistor
(RVMS)from VM pin to VSS is also disconnected.
Notice: Discharging may not be enacted when the battery is first time connected. To
regain normal status, VM and VSS terminal must be shorted or the charger must be
◆◆ Over-Charge Condition
When the battery voltage is greater than over-charge voltage(Vdet1)and have a TVdet1
time duration from a normal operation condition, the over-charge condition hold and the CO
pin will output from logic “H” to logic “L” to disconnect the battery charging path. It will turn-off
the external MOSFET and the charging status stopped.
It will release the over-charge condition in the following conditions. If the battery voltage
less than Vrel1 from the over-charge condition, the CO will output logic “H” to turn on the
external MOSFET to resume the charging path. In the over-charge condition, the discharge
over-current and load short circuiting function will be disabled until the battery voltage falls
below the overcharge detection voltage. It is because that the internal resistance of battery
which will trigger the discharge over-current and load short circuiting function in the time when
over-charge condition enabled.
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◆◆ Over-Discharge Condition
The DW01A single-cell lithium protect IC monitors the VDD voltage to detect the
over-discharge state from normal operation condition. If the VDD voltage becomes lower than
the Vdet2 and continues for the over-discharge delay time TVdet2 from normal operation
condition, the DO pin will output “L” to disable the external MOSFET and the discharging
If a charger is connected and the VDD voltage is greater than over-discharge release
voltage Vrel2, the over-discharge condition released. In over-discharge condition, the charging
path is connected by the parasitic diode of discharge controlled MOSFET.
When a battery in the over-discharge condition, if VDD is greater than Vrel2 and the VM is
higher than VCHA, the over-discharge condition is released. When a battery in the
over-discharge condition, if VDD is greater than Vdet2 and the VM is lower than VCHA, the
over-discharge condition is released.
When the over-discharge condition hold, and the voltage difference between VM and VDD
is less than 1.3V, the current consumption is reduced to the power-down current consumption
0.1 A in typical.
When the MOSFET is off, VM pin voltage is pulled up by the resistor to VDD in the IC, at
this time, the power consumption is reduced to the lowest. This condition is called the “Green
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◆◆ Over-current Condition
There are 3 kinds of over-current condition. One is the discharge over-current condition
and another is the load short-circuiting condition and the other is charge over-current
The DW01A monitors the VM pin voltage to detect the over-current and load
short-circuiting condition. If VM pin voltage is greater than Vdet3 and continues to discharge
over-current delay time TVdet3, the over-current condition enabled and the DO pin output logic
“L” to disable the discharging path. At the same time, the discharging is stopped.
If the VM pin voltage falls below the charger detection voltage VCHA under normal condition,
and it continues and longer than the overcharge detection delay time TVdet1, the CO pin will
disable the charging path by disconnected the charge controlled MOSFET. The charge
over-current detection is released when the voltage difference between VM pin and VSS
becomes less than charger detection voltage VCHA.
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◆◆ Timing Diagram
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