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  Compare and contrast drive theory and expectancy theory? Provide an example
for each of the concepts.

 Drive theory: focus on biological needs that produce unpleasant feelings.

Ex: you feel hungry during a morning class

 Expectancy theory: expectation of achieving desirable and positive outcomes

Ex: choosing a jean of Levi’s because you one to be admired by others

 The same: It is all a need

 The difference: 

Drive theory Expectancy theory

takes place inside people takes place outside people

2. Define the self-concept and explain how the concept of self-esteem is applied in
Self-concept is a collection of beliefs about oneself.
Exp: you believe you are an extrovert and talkative, … so this personality is ur self-

Self-esteem changes consumers' attitudes and behavior toward products by

stimulating positive feelings toward themselves.
Exp: Dove uses a beautiful white girl to advertise their new products.

3. Discuss the concept of conformity. Then describe the five types of social
influence that affect the likelihood of conformity.
Conformity involves changing your behaviors, beliefs, or actions in order to "fit in" or
"go along" with the people around you caused by another person, group pressure or

Thích ứng (Conformity) là quá trình thay đổi hành vi để “tương thích” hoặc “hòa
hợp” với những người quanh bạn

Five types of social influence that the fact their likelihood of conformity

 Cultural pressure: Different cultures encourage conformity to a greater or lesser

o   Ex: In Japanese society, collective happiness and group loyalty are
highly valued over individual needs.

 Fear of deviance: The group will punish those who behave nonconforming

o   Nhóm sẽ trừng phạt những người có hành vi không phù hợp

o   Ex: It is not uncommon to observe teenage students avoiding a

"different" peer

 Commitment:  The more people contribute to the team, respect each other to
motivate the team to develop

o   Càng nhiều người cống hiến cho nhóm, tôn trọng nhau tạo động lực cho
nhóm phát triển

 Group unanimity, size, and expertise: As groups gain in power, compliance

 Susceptibility to interpersonal influence: Personal needs affect others.

o   Nhu cầu của cá nhân ảnh hưởng đến người khác

4.  Discuss the differences between the absolute threshold and the differential
threshold. Describe how marketers can apply their knowledge of differential
threshold to packaging, pricing, and promotional claims during periods of rising
cost of raw materials.

 Absolute threshold: The lowest level at which an individual can experience a


Ex: The lowest volume of a sound we can hear

 Difference threshold: The minimal difference that can be detected between two

Ex: The smallest difference in sound for us to perceive a change in the radio’s

 During periods of rising cost of raw materials:  the negative changes- reduction of
the size, increase in price or reduced quality
5. Explain the difference between compensatory and non-compensatory decision
rules? Give an example of each decision rule that you have used in making a
recent purchase.
Non-Compesatory Compensatory
Use this rule when we feel that a product Use this rule when we feel that a product
with a low standing. with high standing.
Eliminates alternatives that do not meet Highly consider & evaluate options
a particular standard. through their strengths and weaknesses.
Give a product a chance to make up for
its shortcoming.
Ex: If you want to buy a pen, there are Ex: You take the flight to Ha Noi, and
many options and you would choose the your option is VN airline and VietJack,
pen that you are into most (color, type, … you compare their elements to choose
price, …). No compare and think too the most suitable for you with the risk
much about those. that you totally accepted.

6. Explain three types of motivational conflicts, describe how marketers can apply

their knowledge of motivational conflicts to affect consumer behavior.

 Approach-Approach Conflict occurs when consumer has to make a choice

between two desirable options.
o Ex: Huyn wants to buy a handbag from LV and Huyn wants to buy a
handbag from Gucci, but she just has enough money to buy one.
o Comparative advertising with emphasis on highlighting key benefits of
buying handbags from LV in comparison to buying handbags from Gucci is
a way a marketer could resolve this conflict.
 Approach-Avoidance Conflict occurs when there is one goal or event that has
both positive and negative effects.
o Ex: KO loves to eat unhealthy foods such as chocolate, ice cream, snack, …
but these high calories foods will cause KO to gain weight.
o In this case to resolve approach-avoidance conflict, marketer could offer
more types of healthy snack with low calories such as muesli bar and
 Avoidance/Avoidance Conflict occurs when consumers are faced with two
equally undesirable choices.
o Ex: Tuvnk ’s laptop fails. Tuvnk may not want to spend money on a new
laptop, or pay to have the old one repaired, or go without one.
o To resolve avoidance-avoidance conflict, marketers could turn a
disadvantage into an advantage.
o For example, buying a new laptop will be supported by installments and
warranty when the laptop has problems, in addition to being given some
additional items.

7. Give the definition of perceived risks and name five perceived risks, indicate the
kinds of consumers most vulnerable to each risk, and indicate the types of
purchases most sensitive to each

 Perceived risk: there are maybe negative consequences if you use or don’t use a
product or service
 Five perceived risks:
1. Monetary risk
2. Functional risk
3. Physical risk
4. Social risk
5. Psychological risk
 Kinds of consumers most vulnerable to each risk: 
1. Who are little income and wealth
2. Practical consumer
3. Who are elderly, ill, ...
4. Who are insecure and uncertain
5. Who are lacking self- respect or attractiveness to peers
 Types of purchases most sensitive to each
1. High ticket items
2. Product or services whose purchase and use requires the buyer’s exclusive
3. Mechanical or electrical goods, drugs, food, medical treatment, ...
4. Social visible or symbolic goods such as clothes, cars, homes, ...
5. Expensive personal luxuries that may engender guilt, durables, and services whose
use demands self- discipline or sacrifice

8. How do consumers reduce postpurchase dissonance after they purchase a

relatively expensive product?
Consumers shift their awareness from the negative to the positive.
Ex: you bought a Macbook with a high cost of about 30m and you regret it. You
change your negative thoughts to positive ones. MacBook has chip M1, a strong chip,
it is more flexible to use app, than other brands, it has good quality. For these reasons,
that why MacBook has this price.
How can marketers provide positive reinforcement to consumers after the
purchase in order to enhance customer satisfaction?
- Build a loyalty program: Use the loyalty cards for the new consumer to increase
demand for them for a new turn.
- Provide consumer support: get feedback, …
- Improve return process: return if you deliver the wrong products or consumers
reject them.

9. How many elements of Biases in Decision-Making Process? Describe each

element in the process

4 elements of Biases in Decision-Making Process.

 Mental accounting: shaping a profit/loss problem that affects our decisions

o Ex: Bonuses, birthday money, lottery winnings, etc., are a few examples of
mental accounting.
 Sunk-cost fallacy: We are unwilling to waste something we have paid for
o Ex: Choosing to finish a boring movie because you already paid for the
 Loss aversion: We emphasize losses more than gains
o Ex: The unwillingness to sell your house for less money than you paid for it
 Prospect theory: risk differs when we face profit or loss.
o Ex: You choose to receive 50$ instead of initially choosing 100$ but lose 50$.

10. How many Stages in the Consumption Process? List each step in the process?
11. List and define the five stages of the consumer decision-making process with
Stage Definition Example
1. Need Recognize a need for You need a laptop to study.
recognition a service or product
2. Information Find and gather You look up google, and watch the
search information about review on Youtube to find out info
that service or about this product.
3. Evaluation Consider the Compare the brand, abilities, and
of options, and prices ( dell 20m vs MacBook 30m,
Alternatives compare the …)
4. Purchase Pick up the most You choose Dell because Dell is
decision appropriate choice to cheaper and has the same abilities as
make a product. Macbook.
5. Outcomes Complete the Complete the purchase and give
purchase. feedback to the supplier.

12. List three separate motivations for shopping, and give an example of

 Social experiences: The shopping center has replaced the traditional market as a
community gathering place.
 Sharing of common interests: Stores often offer specialised goods that allow
people with similar interests to communicate.
 Interpersonal attraction: Shopping centers are a natural place to gather. The
shopping mall has become a central "hangout" for teenagers.

13.  Use cultural ideas about food and eating as examples to explain the differences
between the three types of crescive norms discussed in the book.

 A crescive norm is one that is embedded so deeply inside a culture that it is

discovered through interaction with other members of that culture rather than
through memory or study.
 A custom is a crescive norm that controls basic behavior.
 For example, custom would dictate at what times and how much people eat.
 For example, dog meat is taboo in the United States, but not necessarily in other

14. What is “retail theming” strategy? List four types of retail theming
Retail theming is creating imaginative environments that transport shoppers to fantasy
world to attract more consumers.
Four types of retail theming techniques:
- Landspace themes: outdoor, use trees to decorate your shop.
- Marketscape themes: manmade space, Novaworld make a coffee shop like Paris
city, …
- Mindscape themes: Escape room use Monster to decorate their playground, …
Why is this strategy important to retail stores as well as services providers?
This strategy may catch the intentions of new or old consumers. This makes your shop
can catch the trend and make your shop’s environment more professive.

15. What is subculture? Give examples of at least four subcultures which you
belong to and explain how each subculture affect your consumption behavior
A subculture is a group whose members share beliefs and common experiences that set
them apart from others. We all belong to many subcultures, depending on our age, race,
ethnic background, and place of residence.
 Subcultures of age
o Ex: Streetwear style in recent years has been very popular with young
people, especially my peers, so my fashion style is also greatly influenced
by streetwear style, such as how I intend to wear sneakers, hoodies, swag
shirts, and turbans.

 Subculture of religion
o Ex: My family is Buddhist, so my family never eats “dog meat”. It's a
taboo in Buddhism.
 Subcultures of ethnic background
o In the US, people often hire Vietnamese people to do nails, because people
think that Vietnamese people do nails better than Americans.
 Subcultures of place
o The area where I live often hires farmer because they think that farmers are
very hard-working and honest.

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