MTRJ Template

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Vol Y no Z

Manuscript Template for Submissions to the Mathematics

Teaching-Research Journal

Małgorzata Marciniak1, Ambroży Kleks2, Adam Niezgódka2

LaGuardia Community College of the City University of New York, USA, 2Akademia Pana
Kleksa, Kałamarz, Poland
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: This is a sample template to help authors with the submission style. Please keep
the abstract in italics, Times New Roman 12 points.

In general, the style of MTRJ resembles the APA style. Here we reflect on the appearance of the
first page. The heathers and footers are provided here for to hep the authors manage the positions
of pictures and tables on the pages. Please keep the heathers and footers unchanged. Page
numbers will be adjusted during the editorial process.
Title and authors
Words in the title of the manuscript should be capitalized and written in Calibri Light (Headings)
bold, 16 points. Provide the original spelling of the names of the authors in Times New Roman
12 points.
Affiliations and email addresses
Affiliations and locations of the institutions are mandatory for accepted manuscripts and email
addresses are encouraged, at least the address of the corresponding author(s). In case of multiple
authors with multiple affiliations provide superscripts as in the example above. The order of the
authors can be either alphabetical or arranged based on authors’ contribution to the manuscript.

Equations should be numbered, editable and written in with consistent notation. Their style
should be consistent throughout the manuscript, especially if the variables or equations
appear in text. Here is an example of a text with equations.
We will solve the following integral

Readers are free to copy, display, and distribute this article as long as: the work is attributed to the author(s), for non-commercial
purposes only, and no alteration or transformation is made in the work. All other uses must be approved by the author(s) or MTRJ.
MTRJ is published by the City University of New York.
Vol Y no Z

sinx 1 sinx
∫ cos 2 x dx=∫ cosx ∙ cosx dx (1)

by using substitution u = cosx and by plugging du = sinx dx, so we have

−∫ =−∫ u du .
2 (2)
−2 +1 −1
−u −u
+c = +c (3)
−2+1 −1
and after plugging u = cosx into equation (3) one obtains
+ c =secx + c. (4)
This concludes the example and the chapter with equations.

Number tables consistently throughout the manuscript and label them as in Table 1 below.
Tables should be mentioned preferably right before or soon after they appear in the text.
D4 1 r r2 r3 m mr mr2 mr3
1 1 r r2 r3 m mr mr2 mr3
r r r2 r3 1 mr3 m mr mr2
r2 r2 r3 1 r mr2 mr3 m mr
r3 r3 1 r r2 mr mr2 mr3 m
m m mr mr2 mr3 1 r r2 r3
mr mr mr2 mr3 m r3 1 r r2
mr2 mr2 mr3 m mr r2 r3 1 r
mr3 mr3 m mr mr2 r r2 r3 1
Table 1: The Cayley table for D4

Number pictures consistently throughout the manuscript and label them as in Picture 1
below. Pictures should be mentioned preferably right before or soon after they appear in the

Readers are free to copy, display, and distribute this article as long as: the work is attributed to the author(s), for non-commercial
purposes only, and no alteration or transformation is made in the work. All other uses must be approved by the author(s) or MTRJ.
MTRJ is published by the City University of New York.
Vol Y no Z

Figure1: Khateem of Sulaman

This concludes the main aspects of the style of the Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal.
While working on the style of the submission you may be inspired by the outline below for
checking the appropriateness of the content:
Briefly describe the main objective of the research, the methodology and the most important
Include your motivation or justification of the proposal. Present the research problem or other
studies. Set up the objectives. Optional: create a roadmap paragraph containing the structure of
the submission.
Literature Review
Structure the review by the fundamental pillars of the research area. Quote international studies,
not only local authors. Balance between classic studies and the most current ones. Should not
exceed 10-20% of the entire submission.
Depending on the nature of the submission, describe the context, the sample of the
proposal/activity/, how the data was collected, provide the variables of the analysis, and their
character (deductive or inductive). Share and analyse students’ work. Do not forget the
assessment (formal and informal).
Analyse the overall perspective of the development of the activity. Share the difficulties in the
course of implementation. Analyse each variable taken into account in the methodology.
Discussion and conclusions
Relate the results to the literature review. Review the objectives set up at the beginning of the
study. Make attempts to reflect on topics interesting to teachers, for example, how the results of

Readers are free to copy, display, and distribute this article as long as: the work is attributed to the author(s), for non-commercial
purposes only, and no alteration or transformation is made in the work. All other uses must be approved by the author(s) or MTRJ.
MTRJ is published by the City University of New York.
Vol Y no Z

the study will change your teaching in the future or how various aspects of the study may
influence the results.
Place references cited in the text. Do not place references not cited.

Below is a sample style of the references.

[1] Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990) Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Harper & Row
[2] Ford, J. (2018) Blended team-based learning with standard-base grading in a calculus
classroom, Mathematics Teaching -Research Journal Online, Vol 10, N-3-4
[3] Keysers, C. (2010). Mirror Neurons, Current Biology 19 (21), (pages 971–973)
[4] Koestler, Arthur. (1964) The Act of Creation. Penguin Books, New York
[5] Russell, S. H., Hancock, M. P., McCullough, J., (2007) The pipeline: Benefits of
undergraduate research experience, Science, 316 (5824), (pages 548-549)
[6] Wallas, G. (1926). The Art of Thought, New York: Harcourt Brace

Readers are free to copy, display, and distribute this article as long as: the work is attributed to the author(s), for non-commercial
purposes only, and no alteration or transformation is made in the work. All other uses must be approved by the author(s) or MTRJ.
MTRJ is published by the City University of New York.

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