Examination Past Papers For LLB 1 2021
Examination Past Papers For LLB 1 2021
Examination Past Papers For LLB 1 2021
1. This exam carries 70 mad«s
2. THREE questions in total including QUESTION ONE which is COMPULSORYand
carries 30 'Warks.In addition to QuestionOne, candidates may attempt any other TWO
3. Answer any other TWO Questions in Addition to Number One.
4. This examination is CLOSED book. Candidates are NOT permitted to come to the
examination room with unauthorized materials.
5. Use of relevant authorities and or examples presentedin a clear and legible handwriting
shall attract high scores;
6. phones and other electronic gadgets shall not be allowed into the examination
7. The University rules regarding the conduct of examinations shall apply to this
8. Time allowed is 3 Hours.
Question Two:
Parliament of Uganda is vested with powers to make laws under Article 79(1) of the 1995
Constitution of Uganda. Give a detailed explanation of the law-making processesand the role
played by the president in that process. (20 Marks)
Kasemire Wendy has come to you and is seeking to understandthe principles courts apply in
adjudicating both civil and criminal cases. She also is seeking information on the jurisdiction,
compositionand hierarchy of courts of law in Uganda. Kindly help her better understand
what she seeks to know. (20 Marks)
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Question Four:
With the aid of relevant authorities, compare and contrast the following. In your answer,
make specific reference to the establishment, hierarchy, composition and jurisdiction of
Question Six:
i) Write detailed notes on the following: (5 Marks @)
a) Arbitration
b) Conciliation
c) Mediation
ii) What merits does alternative dispute resolution have over the adversarial court system.
(5 Marks)
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1. This exam carries 70 marks
2. Answer THREE questions in total including QUESTION ONE which is COMPULSORY and
carries 30 Marks. In addition to Question One, candidates may attempt any other TWO
3. Answer any other TWO Questions in Addition to Number One.
4. This examination is CLOSED book. Candidates are NOT permitted to come to the
examination room with unauthorized materials.
5. Use of relevant authorities and or examples presented in a clear and legible
handwriting shall attract high scores;
6. Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets shall not be allowed into the examination
7. The University rules regarding the conduct of examinations shall apply to this
8. Time allowed is 3 Hours.
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any phones from Joseph. Joseph is now aggrieved by Sarah's refusal to accept the
In a memorandum,identify all the legal issues involved and advise Joseph on the
likely hood of success of his sit if he opts to go to court for redress. (30 Marks)
Question Two:
Ken is a Law lecturer at one of the top universitiesin Uganda. He recently visited Allied
Book Centre Bookshopat Mackay Plaza to buy text books for the Law of Contract for use
during Covid Lockdown. He was given a list of books titled 'RecommendedLaw Books for
LLB I Courses at Ugandan Universities'. As he was in a hurry, he could not scrutinize the
list or open the boxes containing the books to confirm the details. However, he enquired
from the attendant at Allied Book Centre and he was assuredthat the books on the list
were selected by experts from the various Law Faculties and were ideal for the LL. B I
Program. He purchased the entire lot and packed them in his car.
a) Upon arriving at home and opening the box containing the books, Ken discovered
that the whole consignmentcontained French textbookson the Civil law system
which were not relevant for his classes since in Ugandasince Ugandanfollows the
common law system. Ken scrutinized the receipt he was issued and realized that it
had a clause at its back reading 'Goods once sold are not retumable'. Ken is very
furious and feels cheated that he was given bookson the French Civil law system.
You're a Junior associate NLC Advocates and Ken is before you for advice. (15
b) Would your advice be any different if the clause referred to above was contained in
a formal contract Ken signed with the Bookshopbefore he paid for the books? (5
Question Three:
Write short notes on the following:
issues of
a) The presumptions that are applied by the courts when considering
intention to create legal relations (10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
b) The doctrine of PromissoryEstoppel
Question Four:
by a side-wind....it still
"The doctrine of consideration is too firmly fixed to be overthrown
LJ, Combe v Combe
remains a cardinal necessity of the formation of a contract". Denning
(20 Marks)
[1951] 2 KB 215. Discuss.
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Question Two:
Question Three:
Question Four:
Discuss the various types of remediesavailable to a patty who is aggrieved by the breach of a
contract. (20 Marks)
Question Five:
a) Anticipatory breach
b) Actual undue influence
c) Presumed undue influence
d) Restrictive covenants
Question Six:
"A contract is like a covenant, once the parties enter into it, they are bound for life",
SaddamAine, a second-yearstudent was overheadin a discussion.Do you agree with his
assertions? (20 Marks)
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1. This exam carries 70 marks
2. Answer THREE questions in total including QUESTION ONE which is COMPULSORYand
carries 30 In addition to Question One, candidates may attempt any other TWO
3. Answer any other TWO Questions in Addition to Number One.
4. This examination is CLOSED book. CandidatesNOT permitted to come to the examination
room with unauthorized materials.
5. Use of relevant author'itiesand or examples presented in a clear and legible handwriting
shall attract high scores;
6. Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets shall not be allowed into the examination
7. The University rules regarding the conduct of examinations shall apply to this
8. Time allowed is 3 Hours.
In light of the provisions of the (B)Ugandaagreement, assess the impact of the Buganda
Agreement on Uganda. (30 Marks)
Question Two:
"In all cases, civil and criminal to which natives were parties, every court shall... be guided by
native law so long as its applicable and is not repugnant to justice and morality or
inconsistent with any order-in-council or ordinance or any regulation or rule made under any
Order-in -Council/or ordinance..." Clause 20 of the 1920 Uganda Order in Council.
Question Three:
"After the onset of independence, Ugandaas a newly independentstate witnesseda time of
tension and pressure arising not only from a failed constitutional process but also from a clash
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of Egos of the leaders at the moment and this amounted to a ticking bomb that would explode
anytime into a fatal crisis".
Examine the causes and the implications of the 1966 Kabaka Crisis on the political and
constitutional history of Uganda. (20 Marks)
Question Four:
The Second Republic of Uganda existed from 1971 to 1979, when Uganda was ruled by a
military dictatorship. The eight-year reign of terror in Uganda encompassedwidespread
killing, torture and dispossessionof multitudes and left the country pauperized, for much of
the 1970's, the beefy, sadistic and telegenic despot had reveled in the spotlight of world
attention as he flaunted his tyrannical power, hurled outlandish insults at world leaders and
staged pompousdisplays of majesty.
Question Five:
During the swearing in ceremony on 29 January 1986, the NRM government promised
Ugandans a fundamental change: "No one should think that what is happening today is a
change of guard; it is a fundamentalchange in the politics of our country." The promise
created a lot of expectations within the populationafter many years of despair. The
had gone through tough times due to bad governance from 1966 to 1986.
Assess this promise in light of the constitutional developmentsin the period
(20 Marks)
Question Six:
by UCU, the curriculum
You have been invited to a curriculum review meetingorganized
to be covered by first year
included constitutional history as one of the modules/subject
students of law.
should be maintained on the curriculum or
Discuss why you believe constitutional history (20 Marks)
why it should be eliminated from the curriculwn.
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a) With the exception of a CLEAN and UNMARKEDcopy of the 1995 Constitution, no other
materials of whatever kind or form are permitted into the examination room.
b) Answer Three (3) questions in total. Question 1 is mandatory and carries 30 marks.
Answer Two further questions (each carries 20 marks).
c) Answers that are clearly and concisely thought out, well-structured and authoritatively
supported will earn higher marks.
d) Sharing of statues and reading lists is strictly prohibited.
e) Use of relevant authorities and or examples presented in a clear and legible handwriting
shall attract high scores;
f) Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets shall not be allowed into the examination
g) The University rules regarding the conduct of examinations shall apply to this
h) Time allowed is 3 Hours.
O On 14thJanuary 2021, Uganda held presidential and parliamentary elections. Following voting
and tallying, the Electoral Commissiondeclared Candidate Yoweri Kaguta Tibuhabuma Museveni
the winner of the elections by over 54%of the vote. His opponents contested the results and
alleged massive vote rigging, intentional delays in providing voting material, bribery and
intimidation of voters. Candidate Robert Kyagulanyi, the runner up, called a press conference
and informed the public that he will lead a processionof his supportersto the Electoral
Commission Offices in Kampala to demand the official tally slips and declaration forms that were
used in the voting process. He also threatened to petition the Supreme Court to annul the
Following Kyagulanyi's announcement, the police have barred him from leaving his home, he
cannot receive any visitors, his entire family cannot even go to the market to get food, police is
everyhere around his home including his garden and his entire neighborhoodto the extent that
his neighbors have started complaining about these officers beating them and harassing them at
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night and stealing their food. A police helicopter is surrounding his home and neighborhood
every day to ensure that they oversee whatever is taking place around his home.
One morning on the 21st January 2021, heavily armed men from both the police and the
came and raided Kyagulanyi's home, searched the entire home alleging that they had
informationthat his homewas used as a tally center on the 14thJanuary 2021 election day and
they took away all the computersin his home, all the mobile phonesfor all the family members
and beat all the members mercilessly and then arrested Kyagulanyi and took him to an unknown
place. His wife has tried to locate him in vain.
As a result of the above events, the National Unity Platform members have organised a
procession to the United States Embassy where they wanted to go and meet the ambassador and
discuss issues pertaining the arrest and disappearanceof the party president. They have called
the Mediato join them such that they can inform the public of the unfolding events. As they
approachedthe embassy, they were intercepted by the police and the military who teargased
them, beat up the media causing many of them serious injuries and destroyed
all their cameras.
Manyof the NUP Supporterswere arrested and they are facing charges
in the court martial. They
have through their lawyers tried to apply for bail and it has been denied on the
basis that the
crimes they committed are non bailable. Someof the membersof the media who
were injured
have lost their limbs and police is denying ever beating and injuring them.
Some party members have learnt that you are a constitutional law expert and they
have come to
you for help.
(a) Raise all the issues and advise all the parties involved on the remediesavailable if
any. (20
(b) Which appropriate court can grant the above remedies? (10 Marks)
Question Two:
It was appreciatedin the case of Simon Peter Ochieng & John Tusiime v. The Attorney
General of the Republic of Uganda, Reference No. 11 of 2013 [2018] EACJ, page 27 that in
Gerald Kafureka Karuhanga v. Attorney General of UgandaConst. Petition No. 39 of 2013,
an Article by Lord Justice Gross, "The Judiciary: The third Branch of the State" (April 2014)
cited with approval to better the understandingof the principle of good governanceas
encompassed in the doctrine of separation of powers. It reads: -
"The proper and effective functioningof any State committed to the rule of law
depends on its branches understanding and being respectful of each other's
respective roles and functions. Understandingis the basis from which the branches
can work together within a framework of separation of powers to maintain...therule
of law"
With relevant authorities, discuss the extent to which the doctrine of separation of powers
has been applied in Uganda than being considered 'a myth'. (20 Marks)
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Question Three:
of Uganda towards
a . Discuss the duties of the President under the 1995 Constitution
(10 Marks)
promoting the rule of law.
the role of Parliament of Uganda in
b. With reference to relevant authorities, examine (10 Marks)
fostering the rule of law.
Question Four:
and authority of the Auditor General
Discuss the distinction between the Constitutional powers
(20 Marks)
and the Inspectorate of Government in Uganda.
Question Five:
is derived from the
In light of Article 126 (1) of the Constitutionwhich provides: "Judicial power
name of
people and shall be exercised by the courts established under this Constitution in the
of the
the people and in conformitywith law and with the values, norms and aspirations
people." Discussin detail the concept of Judicial power and the people under the
Constitution of the Republic of Uganda.
(20 Marks)
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(c) Discuss the advantages of public corporations over government departments.(10 Marks)
Question Two
(a) "Uganda is a Country of laws and not men," Discuss. (10 Marks)
(b) Share your detailed opinion on whether the notion of judicial independenceshould be
a componentor rather a prerequisiteof rule of law. (10 Marks)
" ...Whenthe legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same
body of government officials, there can be no liberty; because apprehensionsmay arise, lest
the same monarch or senate should enact tyrannical laws to execute them in a tyrannical
manner Baron de Montesquieu, Spirit of the Laws (1748)
(a) Discuss the above statement in light of the circumstances Uganda. (10 Marks)
(b) Discuss and justify what the best state of affairs should be in the country to ensure
proper governance. (10 Marks)
Question Four
You have been invited to Uganda Christian University to address year one law students about
key notions of administrative law. Makea detailed presentationenvisaging the following;
(a) The form, nature and essence of administrative law and; (10 Marks)
(b) The various sources of administrative law. (10 Marks)
Question Five
One of the democratic principles set out in the National Objectives and Directive Principles of
State Policy state that, "the state shall be guided by the principle of decentralizationand O
devolution of government functions and powers to the people at appropriate levels where
they can be best managed and direct their own affairs. "
(a) Discuss how the institutional frameworkof the local governmentin Ugandais meant to
give effect to the above principles.(10 Marks)
(b) How does the central government monitor and supervise activities at local government
level in Uganda?(10 Marks)
1. This exam carries 70 marks
2. Answer THREE questions in total including QUESTION ONE which is COMPULSORY and
carries 30 Marks. In addition to QuestionOne, candidates may attempt any other TWO
3. Answer any other TWO Questions in Addition to Number One.
4. This examination is CLOSED book. Candidates are NOT permitted to come to the
examination room with unauthorized materials.
5. Use of relevant authorities and or examples presented in a clear and legible handwriting
shall attract high scores;
6. Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets shall not be allowed into the examination
7. The University rules regarding the conduct of examinations shall apply to this examination;
8. Time allowed is 3 Hours.
A. KIGUNGU created magazines, which contained personal adverts for prostitutes. This
included their personal contact details, photographsand descriptions of their services.
KIGUNGU also received money from the prostitutes for the directory; thus, he was
living on the earningsof prostitutes.The Office of the Directorof Public Prosecutions
intends to charge him with the 'offence' of conspiracy to corrupt public morals, which
does not exist in the penal statute booksof this country. On November1, 2021, the
Street Offences Act, 2021 that was passed by parliament appeared in the Uganda
gazette. The Office of the Directorate of Public Prosecutionswishes to also include the
offence of solicitation of prostitutioncontrary to section 6 of the Street Offence Act,
C. On the eve of 9th October 2021. JAMES, JOHN, JUNIOR and JACK met for coffee at the
Eland Café in Mukono.Duringtheir chit chat, James proposeda heist on Centenary
Bank Ltd, Mukono Branch. Aware of how lucrative this would be, the quartet had
unanimously resolved as follows;
i) JAMES to purchase guns that shall be used in case of interference by the armed
men while at the Bank.
JOHN to secure the map into the Bank and copies of the keys to the cash vault
from his girlfriend, EDITH who doubles as a secretary at the Bank.
iii) JUNIOR to drive the double carbin pick up where boxes of money shall be
dropped after JACK has carried them from the basement.
iv) The quartet also slated the heist for 10th December 2021.
EDITH, JOHN's girlfriend having been filled in on the plan by JOHN later, pretended to
agree to the plan because she feared the ruthlessnessof her boyfriend. She informed
the police of the whole plan, date, time, and place of departure. On the said date
Edith kept the police up to date on the planned robbery. Before the cohort left their
premises to execute the plan, they were apprehendedby the police. All four men are
in police custody.
D. NINJJA 38 years old and NIGER 42 years old are well renown habitual thieves around
Mukono. They have been known to even recruit children in their mischievous acts
around the villages in Mukono.On the 12thof December 2021 they used two boys,
DIVINE 10 years old and GRACE 8 years old to enter the house of SSEJJUSSA through a
small window at about 2:00am and bring out to them money or other valuables. All
four have been arrested and are in police Custody
question Two:
a) the case of Woolmingtonv DPP [1935] AC 462, explaining the principle raised and
reasoning with emphasis on the decision by the House of Lords. (8 Marks)
b) In the case of Uganda v Robert Isabirye & 7 others Lady Justice Anglin recognised that
there are a few instances/exceptionsprovidedby law where the burden of proof may
shift to the defence. Discus the exceptions. (12 Marks)
Question Three:
Whereas common law and Ugandanlaw does not require a person to act as a Good Samaritan,
there certain situations where individuals will be held criminally responsibleshould they fail
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to act. Citing relevant authorities, explain under what circumstancescriminal responsibility
will arise from failure to act. (20 Marks)
Question Four:
a) It is generally irrelevant to liability whether the defendantacted with a 'good' or 'bad'
motive. Explain. (6 Marks)
b) Discus the distinction between liability for criminal recklessness and liability for
criminal negligence. (12 Marks)
Question Five:
a) Explain the reasons for the developmentof criminal law. (6 Marks)
b) Describe how criminal law is different from civil law. (6 Marks)
c) Identify and explain with support of authorities the first three main sourcesof criminal
law. (8 Marks)
Question Six:
Using relevant statutory and or case law write short notes on any four of the following:
(5 Marks @)
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question one as compulsory
a) Select and answer only THREE Questions, with
Students may bring in the
Acts of parliament which
examination room clean copies of reading lists plus relevant
are applicable to the subject. supported
c) Answersthat are clearly thoughtout, well structured, and
with legible handwriting will attract higher marks
d) Sharing of statues and reading lists is strictly prohibited.
clear and legible
e) Use of relevant authorities and or examples presented in a
handwriting shall attract high scores;
the examination
f) Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets shall not be allowed into
apply to this
g) The University rules regarding the conduct of examinations shall
h) Time allowed is 3 Hours.
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In March while John was sleeping at Serena Hotel,
Zigid the twin brother of John opened
John's house using a master key, rushed straight to the bed
room where he started having sex
with Nalongo Sumaya John's wife. When Nalongo realized
that Zigid was too aggressive, she
pushed him off her chest and as he attempted to escape, Opiyo
the security guard gave a
chase and shot zigid four-gun shots and he ran and died
from John's compound. In April 2021,
Kalekyezi Mike was driving from Gulu and he was stopped at a
police check point at Bombo. It
was established that the vehicle had won out tyres and when
they checked the boot, they
found four pieces of ivory and a gun AK47 in a green polythene bag.
He was tasked to explain
the source and he remained silent.
With reference to the above problem, raise all the legal issues and advise
the parties
accordingly. (30 Marks)
Question Two:
The United Nations Office for Gender has invited your lecturer to present a paper
sexual and
gender-basedviolence in Uganda. As a studentof criminal liability, with the aid of relevant
authorities, write a detailed memorandumon the principles governing the law of defilement
and rape in Uganda. (20 Marks)
Question Three:
With the aid of relevant authorities, compare and contrast the offences of theft and robbery
in criminal law. (20 Marks)
Question Four:
The Director of Public Prosecutionshas been invited to a workshopand she has identified you
as the only capable research assistant. In a detailed memorandumand with the aid of
relevant statutes and case law, identify and discuss any five offences where a person may be
criminally liable as a consequenceof loss of life. (20 Marks)
Question Five:
= END =
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