App001 Student Day04
App001 Student Day04
App001 Student Day04
Learning Objectives
1. Understand basic searching concepts and develop search
Effective Searching Strategies and
strategies from web search tools
Techniques by INASP, 2013
2. Carry out online searches using a variety of information
retrieval systems.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of the major information sources
and reference tools to answer standard user inquiries;
Review/Lesson Preview. (Write your answers on the space provided in this sheet.)
Read the questions carefully then select the best answer among the choices.
Search strategies and techniques: (Kids, you may also try to perform searches based from the examples given in this section)
1. Boolean Searching
v Uses commands (operators) such as AND, OR, NOT
v Different search tools may use different symbols
v AND +
v NOT –
v Different search tools may use OR or AND as a default setting
v Sometimes Boolean operators must be entered in capital letters (e.g. Synergy)
2. Phrase and proximity searching
v Using quotation marks allows you to search for an exact phrase, e.g. “information literacy”
v Using NEAR allows you to specify how close to each other the terms you are searching for should be.
o You use the command like this: information NEAR literacy
3. Truncation or wildcard functions
v Truncation: place a symbol at the end of the word so you search for variant endings of that word
o E.g. litera$ would look for literature, literacy, literal
v Wildcards: place a symbol within a word to find variations on it
o E.g. analy*e would find analyse or analyze
o Different symbols— including $ * # ! : —Are used by different search tools
Developmental Activities: (Write your answers for No. 4 on the space provided in the sheet)
Guided Practice: (Write your answers on the space provided in this sheet.)
Instructions: Open your browser and type Google scholar to open the Website.Try to search Google Scholar
database more systematically by identifying ‘search concepts’, find out suitable keywords/descriptors for each
concept, and use appropriate Boolean and proximity operators for combining these terms. Use Boolean
operators for more complicated topics. Use advanced search technique.
1. One PhD student has approached you for getting references on the topic “Preferences and Motivating
Factors for Knowledge Sharing by Students.” You should be able to write down the author/s of the
journal. ______________________________________
2. Check how many articles were authored by Rahaman and published on the digital libraries in the
journal of Library Review from 2010 to 2015. _________
3. The Director of User Services from NLB is preparing a policy document to be presented to Singapore
government. Can you find for her articles about censorship in public libraries published in 2013-2015?
If yes, how many? ______________
4. Check how many articles written by the following researchers are available through the Google
scholar database.
a. Professor Schubert Foo ___________
b. Associate Prof. Christopher Khoo Soo Guan ____________
c. Assistant Prof. Desiree Cendana ____________
d. Dr. Nigel Cabison _______________
e. Associate Prof. Mian Shaheen Majid ______________
Independent Practice (Write your answers on the space provided in this sheet.)
1. What are the steps in conducting effective search strategy?
2. If I am to search for the term “management” and help me to expand the search by including its synonyms,
which operator should I use?
3. If I would like to search at least one of the search terms, which operator should I use?
4. Search for all the journals authored by Chan, published in the Journal of Knowledge Management from
2014-2015. How many items did you get?
Enrichment Activity
To conduct the search, proceed to:
Task A: Understanding Lexis-Nexis System
Before you begin searching the given topics, spend some time (15-20 minutes) to understand different search
features of Lexis-Nexis system. Quickly go through the Help topics for different types of news and other
categories of information sources.
Task B: Searching Lexis-Nexis
1. Get all TV and radio news transcripts on the 48th National Day parade in Singapore for the period from
08 August to 13 August 2013.
2. Find all news items on typhoon Ator published on 15/16 August 2013 in Asian newspapers. To get
more relevant item, you may confine your search to ‘headlines’ filed.
3. News items discussing where about of the ousted Egyptian President Mohammad Mursi, published in
American newspapers.
4. News about American solider Bradley Manning involved in Wikileak scandal, published during the last
one week in non-American newspapers and wires.
5. Get all news items on sexual and racial discrimination in universities published in the Chronicle of
Higher Education.
6. One lawyer is interested in all cases on child pornography heard by Ontario Superior Courts during the
last two years.
7. Find out basic information about a Singaporean company called Chan Brothers Travel Pte Ltd. Also
find out its mailing address and telephone number.
Explore Activity
1. Open your browser
2. Search for the word “ICT” from Wikipedia and Britannica encyclopedia.
3. Write down the definition provided by Britannica and Wikipedia in a separate paragraph.
4. Do they have the same thought? If yes, combine the idea from Wikipedia and Britannica to form a
single definition for the word “ICT”. If no, write down their difference.
5. Put your answer in a short coupon bond (8.5 x 11) then submit it to your teacher before start of the
next session.