Triple e Lesson Planning Template Doc 1

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Lesson Title: Out of This World!

Our Solar System

Grade Level: 5th Grade

Subject: Science

Time frame: 120 Minutes

Learning Goals
Learning Goals Goal 1 How will they be met
Content Specific Goals SC.5.11.3 Gather and analyze data to
communicate understanding of space systems:
Earth’s stars and solar system.

I can describe different characteristics of

planets in the solar system.
Technology-based Goals

Empowered Learner

Digital Citizen

Knowledge Constructor

Innovative Designer

Computational Thinker

Creative Communicator

Global Collaborator
Other Goals
Materials Needed for Lesson (tech and

Lesson Overview

Lesson Overview: Share how the activities in the lesson will help to meet the learning goals. How will technology play a role
in meeting the learning goals?
Triple E Framework Considerations
Share which technology tools you plan to integrate into the lesson. Describe how each tool will help
to meet your learning goals. In addition, share the instructional practices that you plan to develop in
conjunction with the tool to optimize the learning.

Name of Tool Tool #1 Tool #2 Tool #3 Tool #4

Learning goal(s) met by

using the Tool
BrainPop Website Solar System Tour Google Search Engine Google Slides Flipbook
(The Nine Planets)

How is the Tool Being Individual Individual Individual Individual

Integrated Pairs Pairs Pairs Pairs
Team, individual, pairs, or Teams Teams Teams Teams
other? Other Other Other Other
What features of the Can the technology allow Can the technology allow Can the technology allow Can the technology allow
technology tool have students to focus on the students to focus on the students to focus on the students to focus on the
assignment/learning with assignment/learning with assignment/learning with assignment/learning with
elements of engagement?
less distraction (Time on less distraction (Time on less distraction (Time on less distraction (Time on
Answer the Triple E Task)? Task)? Task)? Task)?
Engagement questions No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
concerning how technology
can bring about co-use, time- Can the technology Can the technology motivate Can the technology motivate Can the technology motivate
on-task learning and focus on motivate students to begin students to begin the students to begin the students to begin the
the learning goals. Anywhere the learning process? learning process? learning process? learning process?
No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
there is a lower score (less
than 4), consider adding in
instructional moves in the Can the technology cause a Can the technology cause a Can the technology cause a Can the technology cause a
notes to help push the score shift in behavior, from more shift in behavior, from more shift in behavior, from more shift in behavior, from more
up! Some instructional passive to active social passive to active social passive to active social passive to active social
moves are listed in the rows learners (co-use)? learners (co-use)? learners (co-use)? learners (co-use)?
No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
Score=___/6 Score=___/6 Score=___/6 Score=___/6


Teaching Moves Teaching Moves Teaching Moves Teaching Moves

Included (From list Included (From list Included (From list Included (From list
below): below): below): below):
Which teaching moves Guided practice Guided practice Guided practice Guided practice
could be integrated to aid Modeling thinking Modeling thinking Modeling thinking Modeling thinking
technology in helping Modeling navigation of Modeling navigation of Modeling navigation of Modeling navigation of
students engage in the the tool the tool the tool the tool
learning goals?
Software tour Software tour Software tour Software tour
In other words, what is
lacking in the technology tool I do, we do, you do I do, we do, you do I do, we do, you do I do, we do, you do
(from the score above) that Teacher monitoring Teacher monitoring Teacher monitoring Teacher monitoring
could be improved by good Student self-reflective Student self-reflective Student self-reflective Student self-reflective
instructional strategies. monitoring monitoring monitoring monitoring
Which strategies listed might
Co-use or co-engagement Co-use or co-engagement Co-use or co-engagement Co-use or co-engagement
be helpful. Note: This is just
a suggested list. Purposeful partnering Purposeful partnering Purposeful partnering Purposeful partnering
Gradual release of Gradual release of Gradual release of Gradual release of
learning learning learning learning
Create a mentor text Create a mentor text Create a mentor text Create a mentor text
Share-aloud Share-aloud Share-aloud Share-aloud
Turn and talk Turn and talk Turn and talk Turn and talk
Switcheroo Switcheroo Switcheroo Switcheroo
Other Other Other Other
What features of the Can the technology allow Can the technology allow Can the technology allow Can the technology allow
technology tool include students to develop or students to develop or students to develop or students to develop or
demonstrate a more demonstrate a more demonstrate a more demonstrate a more
elements to enhance student
sophisticated understanding sophisticated understanding sophisticated understanding sophisticated understanding
learning? of the learning goals of the learning goals of the learning goals of the learning goals
Answer the Triple E (possibly use higher-order (possibly use higher-order (possibly use higher-order (possibly use higher-order
Enhancement questions thinking skills)? thinking skills)? thinking skills)? thinking skills)?
concerning how technology No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
can bring about learning
supports/scaffolds, higher-
Can the technology create Can the technology create or Can the technology create or Can the technology create or
order thinking, and value-
or provide supports provide supports (scaffolds) provide supports (scaffolds) provide supports (scaffolds)
added over traditional tools. (scaffolds) to make it easier to make it easier to to make it easier to to make it easier to
Anywhere there is a lower to understand concepts or understand concepts or ideas understand concepts or ideas understand concepts or ideas
score (less than 4), consider ideas (possibly differentiate (possibly differentiate or (possibly differentiate or (possibly differentiate or
adding in instructional moves or personalize)? personalize)? personalize)? personalize)?
in the notes to help push the No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
score up! Some instructional
moves are listed in the rows Can the technology create Can the technology create Can the technology create Can the technology create
below. paths for students to paths for students to paths for students to paths for students to
demonstrate their demonstrate their demonstrate their demonstrate their
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
learning goals in ways they learning goals in ways they learning goals in ways they learning goals in ways they
could not do with traditional could not do with traditional could not do with traditional could not do with traditional
tools? tools? tools? tools?
No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2

Score=___/6 Score=___/6 Score=___/6 Score=___/6


Teaching Moves Teaching Moves Teaching Moves
Included (From list Included (From list Included (From list Teaching Moves
Which teaching moves Active listening Active listening Active listening Active listening
could be integrated to aid Switcheroo Switcheroo Switcheroo Switcheroo
technology in enhancing the Self reflective practices Self reflective practices Self reflective practices Self reflective practices
learning goals? Visible thinking routines Visible thinking routines Visible thinking routines Visible thinking routines
In other words, what is
Graphic organizers Graphic organizers Graphic organizers Graphic organizers
lacking in the technology tool
(from the score above) that Visual representations of Visual representations of Visual representations of Visual representations of
could be improved by good learning learning learning learning
instructional strategies. Reflective notebooks Reflective notebooks Reflective notebooks Reflective notebooks
Which strategies listed might Anticipation guides Anticipation guides Anticipation guides Anticipation guides
be helpful. Note: This is just
Questioning practices Questioning practices Questioning practices Questioning practices
a suggested list.
Predicting Predicting Predicting Predicting
Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation Differentiation
Personalization Personalization Personalization Personalization
Share-aloud Share-aloud Share-aloud Share-aloud
Other Other Other Other
How does the technology Can the technology create Can the technology create Can the technology create Can the technology create
opportunities for the opportunities for the opportunities for the opportunities for the
extend the learning goals? students to learn outside the students to learn outside the students to learn outside the students to learn outside the
Answer the Triple E Extend typical school day? typical school day? typical school day? typical school day?
questions concerning how No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
technology can bring about Can the technology create a Can the technology create a Can the technology create a Can the technology create a
learning that connects to bridge between school bridge between school bridge between school bridge between school
learning and everyday life learning and everyday life learning and everyday life learning and everyday life
everyday life, allows learners (authentic experiences)? (authentic experiences)? (authentic experiences)? (authentic experiences)?
to continue to learn 24/7 and No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
helps them develop soft
Can the technology allow Can the technology allow Can the technology allow Can the technology allow
skills. Anywhere there is a students to build authentic students to build authentic students to build authentic students to build authentic
lower score (less than 4), life skills, which they can life skills, which they can life skills, which they can life skills, which they can
consider adding in use in their everyday life use in their everyday life use in their everyday life use in their everyday life
(soft skills)? (soft skills)? (soft skills)? (soft skills)?
instructional moves in the No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2 No=0, Somewhat=1, Yes=2
notes to help push the score
up! Some instructional Score=___/6 Score=___/6 Score=___/6 Score=___/6
moves are listed in the rows NOTES: NOTES: NOTES: NOTES:
Teaching Moves Teaching Moves Teaching Moves Teaching Moves
Included (From list Included (From list Included (From list Included (From list
below): below): below): below):
Which teaching moves Real world issues Real world issues Real world issues Real world issues
could be integrated to aid Partner with real world Partner with real world Partner with real world Partner with real world
technology in extending the organizations organizations organizations organizations
learning goals? Connect with authentic Connect with authentic Connect with authentic Connect with authentic
In other words, what is
experts experts experts experts
lacking in the technology tool
(from the score above) that Engage students in Engage students in Engage students in Engage students in
could be improved by good authentic discourse with authentic discourse with authentic discourse with authentic discourse with
instructional strategies. others others others others
Which strategies listed might Pen Pals Pen Pals Pen Pals Pen Pals
be helpful. Note: This is just
Student’s investigate and Student’s investigate and Student’s investigate and Student’s investigate and
a suggested list.
direct their own project direct their own project direct their own project direct their own project
Role playing Role playing Role playing Role playing
Use authentic tools that Use authentic tools that Use authentic tools that Use authentic tools that
are prominent in are prominent in are prominent in are prominent in everyday
everyday life everyday life everyday life life
Other Other Other Other
Lesson set up.
How will I prepare for this
piece of technology in this
What do I need to do to get
the technology ready?
✓ Selecting the just
right tool or part of
the resource
✓ Setting up Accounts
✓ Differentiating
✓ Personalizing
✓ Creating models or
Assessment .

How will you assess the

activities happening
through the tool?
✓ Monitoring/
✓ Formative
✓ Informal
✓ Summative

What is the minute-to-minute activity that will be happening in the lesson. Describe what the
teacher is going to do and say, as well as what the students are going to do.
Time stamp and what is What are the students going to do? What is the teacher going to say?
the teacher going to do

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