Triple e Lesson Planning Template Doc 1
Triple e Lesson Planning Template Doc 1
Triple e Lesson Planning Template Doc 1
Subject: Science
Learning Goals
Learning Goals Goal 1 How will they be met
Content Specific Goals SC.5.11.3 Gather and analyze data to
communicate understanding of space systems:
Earth’s stars and solar system.
Empowered Learner
Digital Citizen
Knowledge Constructor
Innovative Designer
Computational Thinker
Creative Communicator
Global Collaborator
Other Goals
Materials Needed for Lesson (tech and
Lesson Overview
Lesson Overview: Share how the activities in the lesson will help to meet the learning goals. How will technology play a role
in meeting the learning goals?
Triple E Framework Considerations
Share which technology tools you plan to integrate into the lesson. Describe how each tool will help
to meet your learning goals. In addition, share the instructional practices that you plan to develop in
conjunction with the tool to optimize the learning.
What is the minute-to-minute activity that will be happening in the lesson. Describe what the
teacher is going to do and say, as well as what the students are going to do.
Time stamp and what is What are the students going to do? What is the teacher going to say?
the teacher going to do