Hypothesis I
Hypothesis I
Hypothesis I
Hypothesis Testing
with One Sample 7.1
Introduction to Hypothesis
Hypothesis Testing for the
Mean (s Known)
Hypothesis Testing for the
Mean (s Unknown)
Case Study
Hypothesis Testing for
Hypothesis Testing for
Variance and Standard
The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) assigns ratings to video games to Uses and Abuses
indicate the appropriate ages for players. These ratings include EC (early childhood), Real Statistics—Real Decisions
E (everyone), E10+ (everyone 10+), T (teen), M (mature), and AO (adults only). Technology
Sample statistic
pˆ ≈ 0.400
p = 0.35
0.29 0.3 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.4 0.41
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
z ≈ 4.69
Sampling Distribution
Sampling Distribution of x
Hypothesized mean
Sample mean μ = 50
x = 47
z ≈ − 2.99 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
Study Tip
The term null hypothesis 1. A null hypothesis H0 is a statistical hypothesis that contains a statement of
was introduced by Ronald equality, such as … , =, or Ú .
Fisher (see page 35). If 2. The alternative hypothesis Ha is the complement of the null hypothesis.
the statement in the null It is a statement that must be true if H0 is false and it contains a statement
hypothesis is not true, of strict inequality, such as 7 , ≠, or 6 .
then the alternative The symbol H0 is read as “H sub-zero” or “H naught” and Ha is read as
hypothesis must be true. “H sub-a.”
To write the null and alternative hypotheses, translate the claim made
about the population parameter from a verbal statement to a mathematical
statement. Then, write its complement. For instance, if the claim value is k and
the population parameter is m, then some possible pairs of null and alternative
hypotheses are
Picturing e
H0: m … k
Ha: m 7 k
H:m Ú k
, e 0
Ha: m 6 k
H:m = k
, and e 0
Ha: m ≠ k
the World Regardless of which of the three pairs of hypotheses you use, you always
A study was done on the effect of a
wearable fitness device combined assume m = k and examine the sampling distribution on the basis of this
with a low-calorie diet on weight assumption. Within this sampling distribution, you will determine whether or not
loss. The study used a random a sample statistic is unusual.
sample of 237 adults. At the end of The table shows the relationship between possible verbal statements
the study, the adults had a mean about the parameter m and the corresponding null and alternative hypotheses.
weight loss of 3.5 kilograms. So, Similar statements can be made to test other population parameters, such as p,
it is claimed that the mean weight s, or s2.
loss is 3.5 kilograms for all adults
who use a wearable fitness device
combined with a low-calorie diet. Verbal Verbal
(Adapted from The Journal of the Statement H0 Mathematical Statement Ha
American Medical Association) The mean is . . . Statements The mean is . . .
Note to Instructor
Begin with a hypothesis statement
and ask students to state its logical
Stating the Null and Alternative Hypotheses
complement. Some students will
have difficulty with the fact that Write each claim as a mathematical statement. State the null and alternative
the complement of m ≠ k is m = k. hypotheses, and identify which represents the claim.
Discuss the role of a double negative
1. A school publicizes that the proportion of its students who are involved in
in English. The important point is that
if you conclude that H0 is false, then
at least one extracurricular activity is 61%.
you are also concluding that Ha is true. 2. A car dealership announces that the mean time for an oil change is less than
15 minutes.
3. A company advertises that the mean life of its furnaces is more than 18 years.
Ha H0 Ha 1. The claim “the proportion . . . is 61%” can be written as p = 0.61. Its
complement is p ≠ 0.61, as shown in the figure at the left. Because
0.57 0.59 0.61 0.63 0.65 p = 0.61 contains the statement of equality, it becomes the null hypothesis.
In this case, the null hypothesis represents the claim. You can write the null
and alternative hypotheses as shown.
H0: p = 0.61 (Claim)
Ha: p ≠ 0.61
Ha H0 2. The claim “the mean . . . is less than 15 minutes” can be written as m 6 15.
Its complement is m Ú 15, as shown in the figure at the left. Because m Ú 15
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 contains the statement of equality, it becomes the null hypothesis. In this
case, the alternative hypothesis represents the claim. You can write the null
and alternative hypotheses as shown.
H0: m Ú 15 minutes
Ha: m 6 15 minutes (Claim)
H0 Ha 3. The claim “the mean . . . is more than 18 years” can be written as m 7 18.
Its complement is m … 18, as shown in the figure at the left. Because m … 18
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 contains the statement of equality, it becomes the null hypothesis. In this
case, the alternative hypothesis represents the claim. You can write the null
and alternative hypotheses as shown.
H0: m … 18 years
Ha: m 7 18 years (Claim)
In the three figures at the left, notice that each point on the number line is in
either H0 or Ha, but no point is in both.
Because your decision is based on a sample rather than the entire population,
there is always the possibility you will make the wrong decision.
For instance, you claim that a coin is not fair. To test your claim, you toss the
coin 100 times and get 49 heads and 51 tails. You would probably agree that you
do not have enough evidence to support your claim. Even so, it is possible that
the coin is actually not fair and you had an unusual sample.
But then you toss the coin 100 times and get 21 heads and 79 tails. It would
be a rare occurrence to get only 21 heads out of 100 tosses with a fair coin. So,
you probably have enough evidence to support your claim that the coin is not
fair. However, you cannot be 100% sure. It is possible that the coin is fair and
you had an unusual sample.
Letting p represent the proportion of heads, the claim that “the coin is not
fair” can be written as the mathematical statement p ≠ 0.5. Its complement,
“the coin is fair,” is written as p = 0.5, as shown in the figure.
Ha H0 Ha
0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52
A type I error occurs if the null hypothesis is rejected when it is true.
A type II error occurs if the null hypothesis is not rejected when it is false.
Truth of H0
Let p represent the proportion of the ground beef that is contaminated. The
meat inspector’s claim is “more than 7.5% is contaminated.” You can write the
null hypothesis as
H0: p … 0.075 The proportion is less than or equal to 0.075.
You can visualize the null and alternative hypotheses using a number line, as
shown below.
Ground beef meets Ground beef exceeds
USDA limits USDA limits
H0 : p ≤ 0.075 Ha : p > 0.075
0.055 0.065 0.075 0.085 0.095
A type I error will occur when the actual proportion of contaminated ground
beef is less than or equal to 0.075, but you reject H0. A type II error will occur
when the actual proportion of contaminated ground beef is greater than 0.075,
but you do not reject H0. With a type I error, you might create a health scare
and hurt the sales of ground beef producers who were actually meeting the
USDA limits. With a type II error, you could be allowing ground beef that
exceeded the USDA contamination limit to be sold to consumers. A type II
error is more serious because it could result in sickness or even death.
Study Tip
When you decrease a In a hypothesis test, the level of significance is your maximum allowable
(the maximum allowable probability of making a type I error. It is denoted by a, the lowercase Greek
probability of making a letter alpha.
type I error), you are likely The probability of a type II error is denoted by b, the lowercase Greek
to be increasing b. The letter beta.
value 1 - b is called the
power of the test. It represents
the probability of rejecting the null
By setting the level of significance at a small value, you are saying that
hypothesis when it is false. The you want the probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis to be small. Three
value of the power is difficult (and commonly used levels of significance are
sometimes impossible) to find in a = 0.10, a = 0.05, and a = 0.01.
most cases.
If the null hypothesis is true, then a P@value (or probability value) of a
hypothesis test is the probability of obtaining a sample statistic with a value
as extreme or more extreme than the one determined from the sample data.
The P@value of a hypothesis test depends on the nature of the test. There
are three types of hypothesis tests—left-tailed, right-tailed, and two-tailed.
The type of test depends on the location of the region of the sampling
distribution that favors a rejection of H0. This region is indicated by the
alternative hypothesis.
1. If the alternative hypothesis Ha contains the less-than inequality symbol
1 6 2, then the hypothesis test is a left-tailed test.
P is the area to
H0: μ ≥ k the left of the
Ha: μ < k standardized
test statistic.
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Standardized test statistic
Left-Tailed Test
If the alternative hypothesis Ha contains the greater-than inequality
symbol 1 7 2, then the hypothesis test is a right-tailed test.
P is the area to
H0: μ ≤ k the right of the
Ha: μ > k standardized
test statistic.
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Standardized test statistic
Right-Tailed Test
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Standardized test statistic Standardized test statistic
Two-Tailed Test
The smaller the P@value of the test, the more evidence there is to reject the
null hypothesis. A very small P@value indicates an unusual event. Remember,
however, that even a very low P@value does not constitute proof that the null
hypothesis is false, only that it is probably false.
EX A M P L E 3
In Symbols In Words
1. H0: p = 0.61 The proportion of students who are involved in at least
one extracurricular activity is 61%.
1 1
Ha: p ≠ 0.61 The proportion of students who are involved in at least
P-value 2
P-value one extracurricular activity is not 61%.
area area
z Because Ha contains the ≠ symbol, the test is a two-tailed hypothesis test.
0 The figure at the left shows the normal sampling distribution with a shaded
Standardized test statistic area for the P@value.
In Symbols In Words
2. H0: m Ú 15 min The mean time for an oil change is greater than or
equal to 15 minutes.
Ha: m 6 15 min The mean time for an oil change is less than 15 minutes.
z Because Ha contains the 6 symbol, the test is a left-tailed hypothesis test.
0 The figure at the left shows the normal sampling distribution with a shaded
Standardized test statistic area for the P@value.
In Symbols In Words
3. H0: m … 18 yr The mean life of the furnaces is less than or equal to
18 years.
P-value Ha: m 7 18 yr The mean life of the furnaces is more than 18 years.
z Because Ha contains the 7 symbol, the test is a right-tailed hypothesis test.
0 The figure at the left shows the normal sampling distribution with a shaded
Standardized test statistic area for the P@value.
For each claim, state H0 and Ha in words and in symbols. Then determine
whether the hypothesis test is a left-tailed test, right-tailed test, or two-tailed
test. Sketch a normal sampling distribution and shade the area for the P@value.
1. A consumer analyst reports that the mean life of a certain type of automobile
battery is not 74 months.
2. An electronics manufacturer publishes that the variance of the life of its
home theater systems is less than or equal to 2.7.
3. A realtor publicizes that the proportion of homeowners who feel their
house is too small for their family is more than 24%.
Answer: Page A36
Interpreting a Decision
You perform a hypothesis test for each claim. How should you interpret your
decision if you reject H0? If you fail to reject H0?
1. H0 (Claim): A school publicizes that the proportion of its students who are
involved in at least one extracurricular activity is 61%.
2. Ha (Claim): A car dealership announces that the mean time for an oil
change is less than 15 minutes.
1. The claim is represented by H0. If you reject H0, then you should conclude
“there is enough evidence to reject the school’s claim that the proportion of
students who are involved in at least one extracurricular activity is 61%.”
If you fail to reject H0, then you should conclude “there is not enough
evidence to reject the school’s claim that the proportion of students who are
involved in at least one extracurricular activity is 61%.”
2. The claim is represented by Ha, so the null hypothesis is “the mean time for
an oil change is greater than or equal to 15 minutes.” If you reject H0, then
you should conclude “there is enough evidence to support the dealership’s
claim that the mean time for an oil change is less than 15 minutes.” If you
fail to reject H0, then you should conclude “there is not enough evidence to
support the dealership’s claim that the mean time for an oil change is less
than 15 minutes.”
The general steps for a hypothesis test using P@values are summarized below.
Note that when performing a hypothesis test, you should always state the null
and alternative hypotheses before collecting data. You should not collect the
data first and then create a hypothesis based on something unusual in the data.
H0: ? Ha: ?
a = ?
Reject H0.
In Step 4 above, the figure shows a right-tailed test. However, the same basic
steps also apply to left-tailed and two-tailed tests.
1. To answer the question, first think about the context of the claim. Because
you want to support this claim, make the alternative hypothesis state that
the mean recovery time for patients is less than 96 hours. So, Ha: m 6 96
hours. Its complement, H0: m Ú 96 hours, would be the null hypothesis. If
you reject H0, then you will support the claim that the mean recovery time
is less than 96 hours.
H0: m Ú 96 and Ha: m 6 96 (Claim)
2. First think about the context of the claim. As an opposing researcher, you
do not want the recovery time to be less than 96 hours. Because you want
to reject this claim, make it the null hypothesis. So, H0: m … 96 hours. Its
complement, Ha: m 7 96 hours, would be the alternative hypothesis. If you
reject H0, then you will reject the claim that the mean recovery time is less
than or equal to 96 hours.
H0: m … 96 (Claim) and Ha: m 7 96
17. c; H0: m … 3
19. Ha: m ≠ 3 (c) μ
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
19. b; H0: m = 3 Identifying a Test In Exercises 21–24, determine whether the hypothesis test
μ is left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed.
1 2 3 4
Note to Instructor To use a P@value to make a decision in a hypothesis test, compare the P@value
If a P@value is less than 0.01, then the
with a.
null hypothesis will be rejected at the 1. If P … a, then reject H0.
common levels of a = 0.01, a = 0.05, 2. If P 7 a, then fail to reject H0.
and a = 0.10. If the P@value is greater
than 0.10, then you would fail to reject
H0 for these common levels. Make
sure students know that the same EX A M P L E 1
conclusion will be reached regardless
of whether they use the critical value Interpreting a P-Value
method or the P@value method.
The P@value for a hypothesis test is P = 0.0237. What is your decision when
the level of significance is (1) a = 0.05 and (2) a = 0.01?
1. Because 0.0237 6 0.05, you reject the null hypothesis.
2. Because 0.0237 7 0.01, you fail to reject the null hypothesis.
The lower the P@value, the more evidence there is in favor of rejecting H0.
The P@value gives you the lowest level of significance for which the sample
statistic allows you to reject the null hypothesis. In Example 1, you would reject
H0 at any level of significance greater than or equal to 0.0237.
Note to Instructor
We use the same format for all Using P@Values for a z@Test for a Mean M (S Known)
hypothesis testing throughout the In Words In Symbols
text. Using the same format makes 1. Verify that s is known, the
it easier for students to understand
sample is random, and either the
the logic of the test. Emphasize
that the sampling distribution and,
population is normally distributed
consequently, the logic of the test or n Ú 30.
are based on the assumption that 2. State the claim mathematically State H0 and Ha.
the equality condition of the null and verbally. Identify the null
hypothesis is true. and alternative hypotheses.
3. Specify the level of significance. Identify a.
x - m
4. Find the standardized test statistic. z =
s 1n
5. Find the area that corresponds to z. Use Table 4 in
Appendix B.
6. Find the P@value.
a. For a left-tailed test, P = 1Area in left tail2.
b. For a right-tailed test, P = 1Area in right tail2.
c. For a two-tailed test, P = 21Area in tail of standardized test statistic2.
7. Make a decision to reject or fail If P … a, then reject H0.
to reject the null hypothesis. Otherwise, fail to reject H0.
8. Interpret the decision in the
context of the original claim.
The area to the left Using Table 4 in Appendix B, the area corresponding to z = -2.98 is 0.0014.
of z = −2.98 is Because this test is a left-tailed test, the P@value is equal to the area to the left
P = 0.0014. of z = -2.98, as shown in the figure at the left. So, P = 0.0014. Because the
P@value is less than a = 0.01, you reject the null hypothesis. You can check your
answer using technology, as shown below. Note that the P@value differs slightly
from the one you found due to rounding.
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
z = − 2.98 One sample Z hypothesis test:
Left-Tailed Test μ : Mean of population
H0 : μ = 13
HA : μ 6 13
Standard deviation = 0.19
Because s is known 1s = 3.5°F2, the sample is random, and the population is
normally distributed, you can use the z@test. The claim is “the mean is different
from 68.3°F.” So, the null and alternative hypotheses are
H0: m = 68.3°F and Ha: m ≠ 68.3°F. (Claim)
The level of significance is a = 0.05. The standardized test statistic is
x - m Because s is known and the population
z = is normally distributed, use the z@test.
s 1n
67.2 - 68.3
= Assume m = 68.3°F.
3.5 225
≈ -1.57. Round to two decimal places.
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
z = − 1.57
Two-Tailed Test
So, the P@value is P = 2(0.0582) = 0.1164. Because the P@value is greater than
a = 0.05, you fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Interpretation There is not enough evidence at the 5% level of significance
to support the claim that the mean indoor temperature at night during winter
is different from 68.3°F for U.S. homes that use heating equipment.
A rejection region (or critical region) of the sampling distribution is the range
z of values for which the null hypothesis is not probable. If a standardized test
z0 0 statistic falls in this region, then the null hypothesis is rejected. A critical
Left-Tailed Test value z0 separates the rejection region from the nonrejection region.
Finding Critical Values in the Standard Normal Distribution
1. Specify the level of significance a.
2. Determine whether the test is left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed.
3. Find the critical value(s) z0. When the hypothesis test is
Right-Tailed Test
a. left-tailed, find the z@score that corresponds to an area of a.
b. right-tailed, find the z@score that corresponds to an area of 1 - a.
c. two-tailed, find the z@scores that correspond to 12a and 1 - 12a.
1 1 4. Sketch the standard normal distribution. Draw a vertical line at each
α α
2 2 critical value and shade the rejection region(s). (See the figures at the left.)
− z0 0 z0
Note that a standardized test statistic that falls in a rejection region is
Two-Tailed Test considered an unusual event.
EX A M P L E 7
The figure shows the standard normal
curve with a shaded area of 0.01 in the left
tail. In Table 4, the z@score that is closest
α = 0.01
to an area of 0.01 is -2.33. So, the critical
value is z
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
z0 = -2.33. z0 = −2.33
The rejection region is to the left of this 1% Level of Significance
critical value. You can check your answer
using technology, as shown below.
1 NORM.S.INV(0.01)
2 –2.32634787
EX A M P L E 8
Find the critical values and rejection regions for a two-tailed test with a = 0.08.
Answer: Page A37
z z
z0 0 0 z0
− z0 0 z0
Two-Tailed Test
Remember, failing to reject the null hypothesis does not mean that you have
accepted the null hypothesis as true. It simply means that there is not enough
evidence to reject the null hypothesis.
Using Rejection Regions for a z-Test for a Mean M (S Known)
In Words In Symbols
1. Verify that s is known, the
sample is random, and either the
population is normally distributed
or n Ú 30.
2. State the claim mathematically State H0 and Ha.
and verbally. Identify the null
and alternative hypotheses.
3. Specify the level of significance. Identify a.
4. Determine the critical value(s). Use Table 4 in Appendix B.
5. Determine the rejection region(s).
x - m
6. Find the standardized test statistic z =
and sketch the sampling distribution. s 1n
7. Make a decision to reject or fail to If z is in the rejection region,
reject the null hypothesis. then reject H0. Otherwise,
fail to reject H0.
8. Interpret the decision in the context
of the original claim.
The figure shows the location of the rejection region and the standardized test
statistic z. Because z is not in the rejection region, you fail to reject the null
1 − α = 0.95
α = 0.05
Is the evidence strong enough to
support the claim that the station
wagon’s highway miles per gallon z
exceeds the EPA estimate? Use a −2 −1 0 1 2
z-test with A = 0.01. z ≈ −1.08
z 0 = −1.645
5% Level of Significance
There is enough evidence at the 1%
level of significance to conclude that Interpretation There is not enough evidence at the 5% level of significance
the mean mileage of the station wagon to support the employees’ claim that the mean salary is less than $88,200.
is greater than 49 miles per gallon on
the highway. Be sure you understand the decision made in this example. Even though
your sample has a mean of $85,900, you cannot (at a 5% level of significance)
support the claim that the mean of all the mechanical engineers’ salaries is less
than $88,200. The difference between your test statistic 1x = $85,9002 and the
hypothesized mean 1m = $88,2002 is probably due to sampling error.
Because s is known 1s = $28752, the sample is random, and n = 500 Ú 30,
you can use the z@test. The claim is “the mean annual cost is $14,050.” So, the
null and alternative hypotheses are
H0: m = $14,050 (Claim) and Ha: m ≠ $14,050.
Because the test is a two-tailed test and the level of significance is a = 0.10,
the critical values are -z0 = -1.645 and z0 = 1.645. The rejection regions are
z 6 -1.645 and z 7 1.645. The standardized test statistic is
x - m
z = Because s is known and n Ú 30, use the z-test.
s 1n
13,795 - 14,050
= Assume m = $14,050.
2875 2500
≈ -1.98. Round to two decimal places.
The figure shows the location of the rejection regions and the standardized test
statistic z. Because z is in the rejection region, you reject the null hypothesis.
1 − α = 0.90
1 1
α = 0.05 α = 0.05
2 2
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
z ≈ − 1.98 − z0 = − 1.645 z0 = 1.645
10% Level of Significance
One-Sample Z
Test of μ = 14050 vs ≠ 14050
The assumed standard deviation = 2875
N Mean SE Mean 90% CI Z P
500 13795 129 (13584, 14006) - 1.98 0.047
17. Fail to reject H0. In Exercises 17 and 18, use the TI-84 Plus displays to make a decision to reject or
18. Reject H0. fail to reject the null hypothesis at the level of significance.
19. Critical value: z0 = - 1.88 17. a = 0.05
Rejection region: z 6 - 1.88
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
z 0 = − 1.88
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
z 0 = −1.34
37. (a) The claim is “the mean Hypothesis Testing Using Rejection Region(s) In Exercises 37– 42,
caffeine content per (a) identify the claim and state H0 and Ha, (b) find the critical value(s) and identify
12-ounce bottle of a the rejection region(s), (c) find the standardized test statistic z, (d) decide whether
population of caffeinated soft to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, and (e) interpret the decision in the
drinks is 37.7 milligrams.”
context of the original claim.
H0: m = 37.7 (claim)
Ha: m ≠ 37.7 37.
Caffeine Content A consumer research organization states that the mean
(b) - z0 = - 2.575, z0 = 2.575 caffeine content per 12-ounce bottle of a population of caffeinated soft
Rejection regions: drinks is 37.7 milligrams. You want to test this claim. During your tests,
z 6 -2.575, z 7 2.575 you find that a random sample of thirty-six 12-ounce bottles of caffeinated
- 0.72 (d) Fail to reject H0. soft drinks has a mean caffeine content of 36.4 milligrams. Assume the
population standard deviation is 10.8 milligrams. At a = 0.01, can you reject
(e) There is not enough
evidence at the 1% level
the research organization’s claim? (Source: National Soft Drink Association)
of significance to reject 38. High School Graduation Rate An education researcher claims that the
the consumer research mean high school graduation rate per state in the United States is 80%. You
organization’s claim that want to test this claim. You find that a random sample of 30 states has a
the mean caffeine content
mean high school graduation rate of 82%. Assume the population standard
per 12-ounce bottle of a
population of caffeinated
deviation is 5.1%. At a = 0.05, do you have enough evidence to support the
soft drinks is 37.7 milligrams. researcher’s claim? (Source: U.S. Department of Education)
38. (a) The claim is “the mean high 39. Fast Food A fast food restaurant estimates that the mean sodium content
school graduation rate per in one of its breakfast sandwiches is no more than 920 milligrams. A
state in the United States is random sample of 44 breakfast sandwiches has a mean sodium content of
80%.” 925 milligrams. Assume the population standard deviation is 18 milligrams.
H0: m = 80 (claim) At a = 0.10, do you have enough evidence to reject the restaurant’s claim?
Ha: m ≠ 80
40. Light Bulbs A light bulb manufacturer guarantees that the mean life
(b) - z0 = - 1.96, - z0 = 1.96
Rejection regions: z 6 - 1.96,
of a certain type of light bulb is at least 750 hours. A random sample of
z 7 1.96 25 light bulbs has a mean life of 745 hours. Assume the population is
normally distributed and the population standard deviation is 60 hours. At
(c) 2.15 (d) Reject H0.
a = 0.02, do you have enough evidence to reject the manufacturer’s claim?
(e) There is enough evidence at
the 5% level of significance 41. Fluorescent Lamps A fluorescent lamp manufacturer guarantees that
to reject the education the mean life of a fluorescent lamp is at least 10,000 hours. You want to
researcher’s claim that the test this guarantee. To do so, you record the lives of a random sample
mean high school graduation of 32 fluorescent lamps. The results (in hours) are listed. Assume the
rate per state in the United population standard deviation is 1850 hours. At a = 0.11, do you have
States is 80%. enough evidence to reject the manufacturer’s claim?
39. See Odd Answers, page A69.
8,800 9,155 13,001 10,250 10,002 11,413 8,234 10,402
40. See Selected Answers, page A100.
10,016 8,015 6,110 11,005 11,555 9,254 6,991 12,006
41. See Odd Answers, page A69. 10,420 8,302 8,151 10,980 10,186 10,003 8,814 11,445
6,277 8,632 7,265 10,584 9,397 11,987 7,556 10,380
Note to Instructor Finding Critical Values in a t@Distribution
A thoughtful student might ask what 1. Specify the level of significance a.
should be done if the sample size is
2. Identify the degrees of freedom, d.f. = n - 1.
small, the standard deviation is not
known, and you cannot assume that 3. Find the critical value(s) using Table 5 in Appendix B in the row with
the population is normally distributed. n - 1 degrees of freedom. When the hypothesis test is
Chapter 11 will cover this case (see a. left-tailed, use the “One Tail, a” column with a negative sign.
nonparametric tests). You can cover
these tests immediately after this b. right-tailed, use the “One Tail, a” column with a positive sign.
section if desirable. c. two-tailed, use the “Two Tails, a” column with a negative and a
positive sign.
See the figures below.
1 1
α 2
α α
t t t
t0 0 0 t0 − t0 0 t0
EX A M P L E 1
The degrees of freedom are
α = 0.05
d.f. = n - 1 = 21 - 1 = 20.
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 To find the critical value, use Table 5 in Appendix B with d.f. = 20 and
t0 = − 1.725 a = 0.05 in the “One Tail, a” column. Because the test is left-tailed, the critical
5% Level of Significance value is negative. So, t0 = -1.725, as shown in the figure at the left.
Find the critical value t0 for a left-tailed test with a = 0.01 and n = 14.
Answer: Page A37
The degrees of freedom are
d.f. = n - 1
= 17 - 1
= 16.
To find the critical value, use Table 5 with
d.f. = 16 and a = 0.01 in the “One Tail, a” α = 0.01
column. Because the test is right-tailed, the
critical value is positive. So, t
− 4 −3 −2 − 1 0 1 2 3 4
t0 = 2.583 t0 = 2.583
The degrees of freedom are
d.f. = n - 1
= 26 - 1
= 25.
To find the critical values, use Table 5 with d.f. = 25 and a = 0.10 in the “Two
1 1
α = 0.05 2
α = 0.05 Tails, a” column. Because the test is two-tailed, one critical value is negative
and one is positive. So,
−4 −3 − 2 − 1 0 1 2 3 4 -t0 = -1.708 and t0 = 1.708
− t0 = − 1.708 t0 = 1.708
as shown in the figure at the left. You can check your answer using technology,
10% Level of Significance as shown below.
1 T.INV.2T(0.1,25)
2 1.708140761
Find the critical values -t0 and t0 for a two-tailed test with a = 0.05 and n = 16.
Answer: Page A37
In Step 8 of the guidelines, the decision rule uses rejection regions. You can
also test a claim using P-values, as shown on page 382. Also, when the number
of degrees of freedom you need is not in Table 5, use the closest number in the
table that is less than the value you need (or use technology). For instance, for
d.f. = 57, use 50 degrees of freedom.
Because s is unknown, the sample is random, and the population is normally
distributed, you can use the t@test. The claim is “the mean price is at least
$21,000.” So, the null and alternative hypotheses are
H0: m Ú $21,000 (Claim)
Ha: m 6 $21,000.
The test is a left-tailed test, the level of significance is a = 0.05, and the
degrees of freedom are
d.f. = 14 - 1 = 13.
So, using Table 5, the critical value is t0 = -1.771. The rejection region is
t 6 -1.771. The standardized test statistic is
x - m Because s is unknown and the population
t =
s 1n is normally distributed, use the t@test.
19,189 - 21,000
= Assume m = 21,000.
2950 214
≈ -2.297. Round to three decimal places.
To explore this topic further, The figure shows the location of the
7.3 see Activity 7.3 on page 386. rejection region and the standardized test
statistic t. Because t is in the rejection
region, you reject the null hypothesis.
α = 0.05
Interpretation There is enough evidence
at the 5% level of significance to reject t
the claim that the mean price of used −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Because s is unknown, the sample is random, and n = 39 Ú 30, you can use
the t@test. The claim is “the mean pH level is 6.8.” So, the null and alternative
hypotheses are
H0: m = 6.8 (Claim) and Ha: m ≠ 6.8.
The test is a two-tailed test, the level of significance is a = 0.05, and the
degrees of freedom are d.f. = 39 - 1 = 38. So, using Table 5, the critical
values are -t0 = -2.024 and t0 = 2.024. The rejection regions are t 6 -2.024
and t 7 2.024. The standardized test statistic is
x - m
t = Because s is unknown and n Ú 30, use the t@test.
s 1n
6.7 - 6.8
= Assume m = 6.8.
0.35 239
≈ -1.784. Round to three decimal places.
One-Sample T
Test of μ = 6.8 vs ≠ 6.8
N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% CI T P
3 9 6.7000 0.3500 0.0560 (6.5865, 6.8135) - 1.78 0.082
T-Test T-Test
Inpt:Data Stats µ<14
µ0:14 t= - .9035079029
x:13 p=.1948994027
n:10 x=13
t=-.9035 p=.1949
µ:≠µ0 <µ0 >µ0 Sx=3.5
Calculate Draw n=10
19. (a) The claim is “the mean Using and Interpreting Concepts
price of a three-year-old
sport utility vehicle (in good Hypothesis Testing Using Rejection Regions In Exercises 19–26,
condition) is $20,000.” (a) identify the claim and state H0 and Ha, (b) find the critical value(s) and identify the
H0: m = 20,000 (claim)
rejection region(s), (c) find the standardized test statistic t, (d) decide whether to reject
Ha: m ≠ 20,000 or fail to reject the null hypothesis, and (e) interpret the decision in the context of the
(b) - t0 = -2.080, t0 = 2.080 original claim. Assume the population is normally distributed.
Rejection regions:
t 6 -2.080, t 7 2.080 19.
Used Car Cost A used car dealer says that the mean price of a three-year-old
sport utility vehicle (in good condition) is $20,000. You suspect this claim is
(c) 1.51 (d) Fail to reject H0.
incorrect and find that a random sample of 22 similar vehicles has a mean
(e) There is not enough
price of $20,640 and a standard deviation of $1990. Is there enough evidence
evidence at the 5% level of
to reject the claim at a = 0.05?
significance to reject the
claim that the mean price of 20. D
MV Wait Times A state Department of Transportation claims that
a three-year-old sport utility the mean wait time for various services at its different locations is at most
vehicle (in good condition) is 6 minutes. A random sample of 34 services at different locations has a mean
wait time of 10.3 minutes and a standard deviation of 8.0 minutes. Is there
20. (a) The claim is “the mean wait enough evidence to reject the claim at a = 0.01?
time for various services at
different locations is at most 21. Credit Card Debt A credit reporting agency claims that the mean credit
6 minutes.” card debt by state is greater than $5500 per person. You want to test this
H0: m … 6 (claim); Ha: m 7 6 claim. You find that a random sample of 30 states has a mean credit card
(b) t0 = 2.445 debt of $5594 per person and a standard deviation of $597 per person. At
Rejection region: t 7 2.445 a = 0.05, can you support the claim? (Adapted from TransUnion)
(c) 3.13 (d) Reject H0. 22. Battery Life A company claims that the mean battery life of their MP3
(e) There is enough evidence at player is at least 30 hours. You suspect this claim is incorrect and find that a
the 1% level of significance random sample of 18 MP3 players has a mean battery life of 28.5 hours and a
to reject the state Department standard deviation of 1.7 hours. Is there enough evidence to reject the claim
of Transportation’s claim at a = 0.01?
that the mean wait time
for various services at 23.
Carbon Monoxide Levels As part of your work for an environmental
different locations is at most awareness group, you want to test a claim that the mean amount of carbon
6 minutes. monoxide in the air in U.S. cities is less than 2.34 parts per million. You find
21. See Odd Answers, page A70. that the mean amount of carbon monoxide in the air for a random sample
22. See Selected Answers, page A101. of 64 U.S. cities is 2.37 parts per million and the standard deviation is 2.11
parts per million. At a = 0.10, can you support the claim? (Adapted from U.S.
23. See Odd Answers, page A70.
Environmental Protection Agency)
24. See Selected Answers, page A101.
25. See Odd Answers, page A70. 24. Lead Levels As part of your work for an environmental awareness group,
you want to test a claim that the mean amount of lead in the air in U.S. cities
26. See Selected Answers, page A101..
is less than 0.036 microgram per cubic meter. You find that the mean amount
of lead in the air for a random sample of 56 U.S. cities is 0.039 microgram per
Annual salaries cubic meter and the standard deviation is 0.069 microgram per cubic meter.
At a = 0.01, can you support the claim? (Adapted from U.S. Environmental
100,651 82,505 102,450 91,091 Protection Agency)
96,309 74,193 76,184 82,088
93,551 77,012 104,020 85,063 25.
Annual Salary An employment information service claims the mean
112,717 80,970 103,982 110,316 annual salary for senior level product engineers is $98,000. The annual
salaries (in dollars) for a random sample of 16 senior level product engineers
TABLE FOR EXERCISE 25 are shown in the table at the left. At a = 0.05, test the claim that the mean
salary is $98,000. (Adapted from Salary.com)
Annual salaries
26. Annual Salary An employment information service claims the mean annual
89,245 86,013 83,151 69,771 salary for home care physical therapists is more than $80,000. The annual
87,834 67,964 76,523 90,268 salaries (in dollars) for a random sample of 12 home care physical therapists
90,440 93,538 76,999 68,257 are shown in the table at the left. At a = 0.10, is there enough evidence to
support the claim that the mean salary is more than $80,000? (Adapted from
29. Class Size You receive a brochure from a large university. The brochure
Class sizes
indicates that the mean class size for full-time faculty is fewer than
35 28 29 33 32 40 32 students. You want to test this claim. You randomly select 18 classes
26 25 29 28 30 36 taught by full-time faculty and determine the class size of each. The
33 29 27 30 28 25 results are shown in the table at the left. At a = 0.05, can you support the
university’s claim?
30. F
aculty Classroom Hours The dean of a university estimates that the
mean number of classroom hours per week for full-time faculty is 11.0. As a
Classroom hours member of the student council, you want to test this claim. A random sample
11.8 8.6 12.6 7.9 of the number of classroom hours for eight full-time faculty for one week is
6.4 10.4 13.6 9.1 shown in the table at the left. At a = 0.01, can you reject the dean’s claim?
33. Writing You are testing a claim and incorrectly use the standard normal
sampling distribution instead of the t@sampling distribution. Does this make
it more or less likely to reject the null hypothesis? Is this result the same
no matter whether the test is left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed? Explain
your reasoning.
EX PLOR E n: 50
Distribution: Normal
Step 1 Specify a value for n. Mean: 50
Step 2 Specify a distribution. Std. Dev.: 10
Step 3 Specify a value for the mean. Null mean: 50
Step 4
Specify a value for the Alternative: <
1. Set n = 15, Mean = 40, Std. Dev. = 5, and the distribution to “Normal.”
Test the claim that the mean is equal to 40. What are the null and alternative
hypotheses? Run the simulation so that at least 1000 hypothesis tests are run.
Compare the proportion of null hypothesis rejections for the 0.05 level and the
0.01 level. Is this what you would expect? Explain.
2. Suppose a null hypothesis is rejected at the 0.01 level. Will it be rejected at the
0.05 level? Explain. Suppose a null hypothesis is rejected at the 0.05 level. Will
it be rejected at the 0.01 level? Explain.
3. Set n = 25, Mean = 25, Std. Dev. = 3, and the distribution to “Normal.”
Test the claim that the mean is at least 27. What are the null and alternative
hypotheses? Run the simulation so that at least 1000 hypothesis tests are run.
Compare the proportion of null hypothesis rejections for the 0.05 level and the
0.01 level. Is this what you would expect? Explain.
386 CHAPTE R 7 Hypothesis Testing with One Sample
1. Complete the hypothesis test for all adults (men 2. If you lower the level of significance to
and women) by performing the following steps. a = 0.01, does your decision change? Explain
Use a level of significance of a = 0.05. your reasoning.
(a) Sketch the sampling distribution. 3. Test the hypothesis that the mean temperature
(b) Determine the critical values and add them of men is 98.6°F. What can you conclude at a
to your sketch. level of significance of a = 0.01?
(c) Determine the rejection regions and shade 4. Test the hypothesis that the mean temperature
them in your sketch. of women is 98.6°F. What can you conclude at a
(d) Find the standardized test statistic. Plot and level of significance of a = 0.01?
label it in your sketch. 5. Use the sample of 130 temperatures to form
(e) Make a decision to reject or fail to reject the a 99% confidence interval for the mean body
null hypothesis. temperature of adult humans.
(f) Interpret the decision in the context of the 6. The conventional “normal” body temperature
original claim. was established by Carl Wunderlich over
100 years ago. What were possible sources of
error in Wunderlich’s sampling procedure?
Case Study 387
Using a z@Test for a Proportion p
In Words In Symbols
1. Verify that the sampling distribution np Ú 5, nq Ú 5
of pn can be approximated by a
normal distribution.
2. State the claim mathematically State H0 and Ha.
and verbally. Identify the null
and alternative hypotheses.
Study Tip
3. Specify the level of significance. Identify a.
A hypothesis test for a
proportion p can also be 4. Determine the critical value(s). Use Table 4 in Appendix B.
performed using P@values. 5. Determine the rejection region(s).
Use the guidelines on pn - p
6. Find the standardized test statistic z = .
page 365 for using P@values 2pq n
and sketch the sampling distribution.
for a z@test for a mean m,
but in Step 4 find the standardized 7. Make a decision to reject or fail to If z is in the rejection region,
test statistic by using the formula reject the null hypothesis. then reject H0. Otherwise,
fail to reject H0.
pn - p
z = . 8. Interpret the decision in the context
2pqn of the original claim.
The other steps in the test are the
same. In Step 7 of the guidelines, the decision rule uses rejection regions. You can
also test a claim using P-values, as shown in the Study Tip at the left.
To explore this topic further, Hypothesis Test for a Proportion
see Activity 7.4 on page 393.
A researcher claims that less than 45% of U.S. adults use passwords that are
less secure because complicated ones are too hard to remember. In a random
sample of 100 adults, 41% say they use passwords that are less secure because
complicated ones are too hard to remember. At a = 0.01, is there enough
evidence to support the researcher’s claim? (Adapted from Pew Research Center)
The products np = 10010.452 = 45 and nq = 10010.552 = 55 are both
greater than 5. So, you can use a z@test. The claim is “less than 45% of U.S.
adults use passwords that are less secure because complicated ones are too
hard to remember.” So, the null and alternative hypotheses are
H0: p Ú 0.45 and Ha: p 6 0.45. (Claim)
Because the test is a left-tailed test and the level of significance is a = 0.01,
the critical value is z0 = -2.33 and the rejection region is z 6 -2.33. The
standardized test statistic is
pn - p
z = Because np Ú 5 and n Ú 5, you can use the z-test.
2pq n
0.41 - 0.45
= Assume p = 0.45.
210.45210.552 100
≈ -0.80. Round to two decimal places.
Recall from Section 6.3 that when the sample proportion is not given, you
can find it using the formula
pn = Sample proportion
the World n
where x is the number of successes in the sample and n is the sample size.
According to a survey, at least
35% of smartphone owners say
the first thing they access on their See Minitab steps
EX AMP LE 2 on page 414.
phones each day is texts or instant
messages. To test this claim, you Hypothesis Test for a Proportion
randomly select 300 smartphone
owners. In the sample, you find A researcher claims that 51% of U.S. adults believe, incorrectly, that
that 93 of them say the first thing antibiotics are effective against viruses. In a random sample of 2202 adults,
they access on their phones 1161 say antibiotics are effective against viruses. At a = 0.10, is there enough
each day is texts or instant evidence to support the researcher’s claim? (Source: HealthDay/Harris Poll)
messages. (Adapted from Deloitte’s
2016 Global Mobile Consumer Survey: SO L UT ION
U.S. edition) The products np = 220210.512 ≈ 1123 and nq = 220210.492 ≈ 1079 are
both greater than 5. So, you can use a z@test. The claim is “51% of U.S. adults
At A = 0.05, is there enough believe, incorrectly, that antibiotics are effective against viruses.” So, the null
evidence to reject the claim? and alternative hypotheses are
H0: p = 0.51 (Claim) and Ha: p ≠ 0.51.
No, there is not enough evidence at the
5% level of significance to reject the Because the test is a two-tailed test and the level of significance is a = 0.10,
claim that at least 35% of smartphone the critical values are -z0 = -1.645 and z0 = 1.645. The rejection regions are
owners say the first thing they access z 6 -1.645 and z 7 1.645. Because the number of successes is x = 1161 and
on their phones each day is texts or n = 2202, the sample proportion is
instant messages.
x 1161
pn = = ≈ 0.527.
n 2202
The standardized test statistic is
pn - p Because np Ú 5 and nq Ú 5,
z =
2pq n you can use the z-test.
0.527 - 0.51
= Assume p = 0.51.
210.51210.492 2202
≈ 1.60. Round to two decimal places.
13. (a) The claim is “27% of U.S. Hypothesis Testing Using a P-Value In Exercises 13–16, (a) identify
adults would travel into the claim and state H0 and Ha, (b) use technology to find the P-value, (c) decide
space on a commercial flight whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, and (d) interpret the decision
if they could afford it.” in the context of the original claim.
H0: p = 0.27 (claim)
Ha: p ≠ 0.27 13. Space Travel A research center claims that 27% of U.S. adults would
(b) 0.03 (c) Reject H0.
travel into space on a commercial flight if they could afford it. In a random
sample of 1000 U.S. adults, 30% say that they would travel into space on
(d) There is enough evidence at
a commercial flight if they could afford it. At a = 0.05, is there enough
the 5% level of significance
to reject the research
evidence to reject the research center’s claim? (Source: Rasmussen Reports)
center’s claim that 27% of 14. Purchasing Food Online A research center claims that at most 18% of
U.S. adults would travel into U.S. adults’ online food purchases are for snacks. In a random sample of
space on a commercial flight 1995 U.S. adults, 20% say their online food purchases are for snacks. At
if they could afford it.
a = 0.10, is there enough evidence to support the center’s claim? (Source:
14. See Selected Answers, page A101. The Harris Poll)
15. See Odd Answers, page A71.
15. Pet Ownership A humane society claims that less than 67% of U.S.
16. See Selected Answers, page A101. households own a pet. In a random sample of 600 U.S. households, 390
17. Fail to reject H0. There is not say they own a pet. At a = 0.10, is there enough evidence to support the
enough evidence at the 5% society’s claim? (Adapted from The Humane Society of the United States)
level of significance to reject
the claim that at least 63% of 16. Stray dogs A humane society claims that 5% of U.S. households have
adults make an effort to live taken in a stray dog. In a random sample of 200 U.S. households, 12 say they
in ways that help protect the have taken in a stray dog. At a = 0.05, is there enough evidence to reject the
environment some of the time. society’s claim? (Adapted from The Humane Society of the United States)
Protecting the Protecting the Environment In Exercises 17 and 18, use the figure at the
left, which suggests what adults think about protecting the environment. (Source:
Environment Pew Research Center)
How often adults say
they make an effort to 17. Are People Concerned About Protecting the Environment? You interview
live in ways that help
protect the environment: a random sample of 100 adults. The results of the survey show that 59% of the
Not too often adults said they live in ways that help protect the environment some of the
All of the time time. At a = 0.05, can you reject the claim that at least 63% of adults make
an effort to live in ways that help protect the environment some of the time?
Not at all
4% 18. What Are People’s Attitudes About Protecting the Environment? Use
your conclusion from Exercise 17 to write a paragraph on people’s attitudes
Some of the time
about protecting the environment.
Extending Concepts
Alternative Formula In Exercises 19 and 20, use the information below.
FIGURE FOR EXERCISES 17 AND 18 When you know the number of successes x, the sample size n, and the population
proportion p, it can be easier to use the formula
18. Answers will vary.
x - np
19. See Odd Answers, page A71. z =
20. See Selected Answers, page A101.
to find the standardized test statistic when using a z-test for a population
proportion p.
19. Rework Exercise 7 using the alternative formula and verify that the results
are the same.
20. The alternative formula is derived from the formula
pn - p ( xn ) - p
z = = .
2pq n 2pq n
Use this formula to derive the alternative formula. Justify each step.
n: 50
True p: 0.5
Null p: 0.5
Alternative: <
Cumulative results:
Prop. rejected
Step 1 Specify a value for n.
Step 2 Specify a value for True p.
Step 3 Specify a value for Null p.
Step 4 Specify an alternative hypothesis.
Step 5 Click SIMULATE to generate the hypothesis tests.
1. Set n = 25 and True p = 0.35. Test the claim that the proportion is equal
to 35%. What are the null and alternative hypotheses? Run the simulation
so that at least 1000 tests are run. Compare the proportion of null hypothesis
rejections for the 0.05 and 0.01 levels. Is this what you would expect? Explain.
2. Set n = 50 and True p = 0.6. Test the claim that the proportion is at least
40%. What are the null and alternative hypotheses? Run the simulation so
that at least 1000 tests are run. Compare the proportion of null hypothesis
rejections for the 0.05 and 0.01 levels. Perform a hypothesis test for each level.
Use the results of the hypothesis tests to explain the results of the simulation.
S EC T IO N 7 . 4 Hypothesis Testing for Proportions 393
Finding Critical Values for a Chi-Square Test
1−α 1. Specify the level of significance a.
α 2. Identify the degrees of freedom, d.f. = n - 1.
χ2 3. The critical values for the chi-square distribution are found in Table 6
Critical in Appendix B. To find the critical value(s) for a
value χ 20
a. right-tailed test, use the value that corresponds to d.f. and a.
Right-Tailed Test b. left-tailed test, use the value that corresponds to d.f. and 1 - a.
c. two-tailed test, use the values that correspond to d.f. and 12a, and
d.f. and 1 - 12a.
See the figures at the left.
α 1−α
Critical Finding a Critical Value for a Right-Tailed Test
value χ 2 0 Find the critical value x20 for a right-tailed test when n = 26 and a = 0.10.
Left-Tailed Test
The degrees of freedom are d.f. = n - 1 = 26 - 1 = 25. The figure below
shows a chi-square distribution with 25 degrees of freedom and a shaded area
of a = 0.10 in the right tail. Using Table 6 in Appendix B with d.f. = 25 and
α 1−α a = 0.10, the critical value is x20 = 34.382.
Critical Critical α = 0.10
value χ 2 L
value χ 2
Two-Tailed Test 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
χ 2 = 34.382
Note to Instructor
This section can be omitted or
covered later (with Chapter 10) Find the critical value x20 for a right-tailed test when n = 18 and a = 0.01.
without loss of continuity. Answer: Page A37
EX A M P L E 2
The degrees of freedom are
d.f. = n - 1 = 11 - 1 = 10.
The figure at the left shows a chi-square distribution with 10 degrees of
freedom and a shaded area of a = 0.01 in the left tail. The area to the right of
the critical value is
1 - a = 1 - 0.01 = 0.99.
Using Table 6 with d.f. = 10 and the area 0.99, the critical value is x20 = 2.558.
α = 0.01 You can check your answer using technology, as shown below.
5 10 15 20
χ 2 = 2.558
Inverse Cumulative Distribution Function
Chi-Square with 10 DF
P ( X … x) x
0.01 2.55821
Note that because chi-square distributions are not symmetric (like normal
or t-distributions), in a two-tailed test the two critical values are not opposites.
Each critical value must be calculated separately, as shown in the next example.
EX A M P L E 3
The degrees of freedom are
d.f. = n - 1 = 9 - 1 = 8.
The figure shows a chi-square distribution
with 8 degrees of freedom and a shaded area
of 12a = 0.025 in each tail. The area to the
EXCEL right of xR2 is 12a = 0.025, and the area to the
1 1
α = 0.025 α = 0.025
A B right of xL2 is 1 - 12a = 0.975. Using Table 6 2 2
3 CHISQ.INV.RT(0.025,8) xL2 = 2.180. You can check you answer χ 2 = 2.180 χ 2 = 17.535
4 17.53454614 using technology, as shown at the left.
Note to Instructor In Step 8 of the guidelines below, the decision rule uses rejection regions.
Review the properties of chi-square You can also test a claim using P-values (see Exercises 31-34).
distributions. Tell students that this
family of distributions will be used GUIDELI N E S
in later chapters, but the degrees
of freedom for those tests are not Using the Chi-Square Test for a Variance S 2 or a Standard Deviation S
necessarily n - 1.
In Words In Symbols
1. Verify that the sample is random
and the population is normally
2. State the claim mathematically State H0 and Ha.
and verbally. Identify the null
and alternative hypotheses.
3. Specify the level of significance. Identify a.
4. Identify the degrees of freedom. d.f. = n - 1
5. Determine the critical value(s). Use Table 6 in Appendix B.
6. Determine the rejection region(s).
1n - 12s2
7. Find the standardized test statistic x2 =
and sketch the sampling s2
8. Make a decision to reject or fail to If x2 is in the rejection region,
reject the null hypothesis. then reject H0. Otherwise, fail
to reject H0.
9. Interpret the decision in the context
of the original claim.
EX A M P L E 4
Because the sample is random and the population is normally distributed, you
can use the chi-square test. The claim is “the variance is no more than 0.25.”
So, the null and alternative hypotheses are
H0: s2 … 0.25 (Claim) and Ha: s2 7 0.25.
The test is a right-tailed test, the level of significance is a = 0.05, and the
degrees of freedom are d.f. = 41 - 1 = 40. So, using Table 6, the critical
value is
x20 = 55.758.
The rejection region is x2 7 55.758. The standardized test statistic is
1n - 12s2
x2 = Use the chi-square test.
141 - 1210.272
= Assume s2 = 0.25.
= 43.2.
The figure at the left shows the location of the rejection region and the
standardized test statistic x2. Because x2 is not in the rejection region, you fail
to reject the null hypothesis. You can check your answer using technology, as
shown below. Note that the test statistic, 43.2, is the same as what you found
α = 0.05
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 One sample variance hypothesis test:
χ 2 = 43.2 χ 2 = 55.758 s2 : Variance of population
H0 : s2 = 0.25
HA : s2 7 0.25
A bottling company claims that the variance of the amount of sports drink in
a 12-ounce bottle is no more than 0.40. A random sample of 31 bottles has a
variance of 0.75. At a = 0.01, is there enough evidence to reject the company’s
claim? Assume the population is normally distributed.
Answer: Page A37
Because the sample is random and the population is normally distributed, you
can use the chi-square test. The claim is “the standard deviation is less than
1.4 minutes.” So, the null and alternative hypotheses are
H0: s Ú 1.4 minutes and Ha: s 6 1.4 minutes. (Claim)
The test is a left-tailed test, the level of significance is a = 0.10, and the
degrees of freedom are
d.f. = 25 - 1 = 24.
So, using Table 6, the critical value is
x20 = 15.659.
The rejection region is x2 6 15.659. The standardized test statistic is
Study Tip 1n - 12s2
x2 = Use the chi-square test.
Although you are testing s2
a standard deviation
125 - 1211.12 2
in Example 5, the standardized = Assume s = 1.4.
test statistic x2 requires variance. 11.42 2
Remember to square the standard ≈ 14.816. Round to three decimal places.
deviation to calculate the variance.
The figure below shows the location of the rejection region and the standardized
test statistic x2. Because x2 is in the rejection region, you reject the null
α = 0.10
5 10 20 25 30 35 40
χ 2 ≈ 14.816 χ 2 = 15.659
A police chief claims that the standard deviation of the lengths of response times
is less than 3.7 minutes. A random sample of 9 response times has a standard
deviation of 3.0 minutes. At a = 0.05, is there enough evidence to support the
police chief’s claim? Assume the population is normally distributed.
Answer: Page A37
EX A M P L E 6
Picturing Using a Hypothesis Test for the Population Variance
the World A sporting goods manufacturer claims that the variance of the strengths
of a certain fishing line is 15.9. A random sample of 15 fishing line spools
A community center claims that
the chlorine level in its pool has
has a variance of 21.8. At a = 0.05, is there enough evidence to reject the
a standard deviation of 0.46 parts manufacturer’s claim? Assume the population is normally distributed.
per million (ppm). A sampling of
the pool’s chlorine levels at 25
random times during a month Because the sample is random and the population is normally distributed, you
yields a standard deviation of can use the chi-square test. The claim is “the variance is 15.9.” So, the null and
0.61 ppm. (Adapted from American alternative hypotheses are
Pool Supply)
H0: s2 = 15.9 (Claim) and Ha: s2 ≠ 15.9.
The test is a two-tailed test, the level of significance is a = 0.05, and the
4 degrees of freedom are
3 d.f. = 15 - 1
2 = 14.
1 Using Table 6, the critical values are xL2 = 5.629 and xR2 = 26.119. The rejection
regions are
1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0
x2 6 5.629 and x2 7 26.119.
Chlorine level (ppm)
The standardized test statistic is
At 0.05, is there enough evidence
to reject the claim? 1n - 12s2
x2 = Use the chi-square test.
Yes, there is enough evidence at the 115 - 12121.82
= Assume s2 = 15.9.
5% level of significance to reject the 115.92
claim that the chlorine level in the pool ≈ 19.195. Round to three decimal places.
has a standard deviation of 0.46 parts
per million. The figure below shows the location of the rejection regions and the
standardized test statistic x2. Because x2 is not in the rejection regions, you fail
to reject the null hypothesis.
α = 0.025 α = 0.025
2 2
5 10 15 20 25 30
χ 2 = 5.629 χ 2 ≈ 19.195 χ 2 = 26.119
Annual salaries
27. Waiting Times A hospital claims that the standard deviation of the waiting
times for patients in its emergency department is no more than 0.5 minute.
47,262 67,363 81,246 A random sample of 25 waiting times has a standard deviation of 0.7 minute.
65,876 59,649 78,268 At a = 0.10, is there enough evidence to reject the claim?
88,549 52,130 73,955
91,288 54,476 86,787 28. Hotel Room Rates A travel analyst claims that the standard deviation of
66,923 48,337 70,172 the room rates for two adults at three-star hotels in Denver is at least $68.
A random sample of 18 three-star hotels has a standard deviation of $40. At
TABLE FOR EXERCISE 29 a = 0.01, is there enough evidence to reject the claim? (Adapted from Expedia)
29. Salaries The annual salaries (in dollars) of 15 randomly chosen senior level
Annual salaries graphic design specialists are shown in the table at the left. At a = 0.05, is
there enough evidence to support the claim that the standard deviation of
59,922 99,493 98,221 the annual salaries is different from $10,300? (Adapted from Salary.com)
90,143 65,106 78,975
74,644 107,817 85,492 30. Salaries The annual salaries (in dollars) of 12 randomly chosen nursing
87,179 90,505 71,090 supervisors are shown in the table at the left. At a = 0.10, is there enough
evidence to reject the claim that the standard deviation of the annual salaries
TABLE FOR EXERCISE 30 is $16,500? (Adapted from Salary.com)
Extending Concepts
P-Values You can calculate the P-value for a chi-square test using technology.
T I - 8 4 PLUS
After calculating the standardized test statistic, use the cumulative distribution
function (CDF) to calculate the area under the curve. From Example 4 on page 397,
x2 = 43.2. Using a TI-84 Plus (choose 8 from the DISTR menu), enter 0 for
the lower bound, 43.2 for the upper bound, and 40 for the degrees of freedom,
as shown at the left. Because it is a right-tailed test, the P-value is approximately
1 - 0.6638 = 0.3362. Because P 7 a = 0.05, fail to reject H0. In Exercises 31 –34,
use the P-value method to perform the hypothesis test for the indicated exercise.
31. Exercise 25 32. Exercise 26 33. Exercise 27 34. Exercise 28
hypothesis, but they also tend to ▲ Use a z@test when s is known and the population is normal.
make your decision more reliable.
● Use a z@test for any population when s is known and n Ú 30.
▲ Use a t@test when s is not known and the population is normal.
● Use a t@test for any population when s is not known and n Ú 30.
■ Proportion: H0 describes a hypothesized population proportion p.
Use a z@test for any population when np Ú 5 and nq Ú 5.
n , or s2.
■ Compute the test statistic x, p
■ Decision Rule:
Reject H0 when P … a.
Fail to reject H0 when P 7 a.
z z z
z0 0 −z 0 0 z0 0 z0
t t t
t0 0 −t0 0 t0 0 t0
χ2 χ2 χ2
χ2 χ2 χ2 χ2
0 L R 0
Not Using a Random Sample The entire theory of hypothesis testing is based
on the fact that the sample is randomly selected. If the sample is not random,
then you cannot use it to infer anything about a population parameter.
Attempting to Prove the Null Hypothesis When the P@value for a hypothesis
test is greater than the level of significance, you have not proven the null
hypothesis is true—only that there is not enough evidence to reject it. For
instance, with a P@value higher than the level of significance, a researcher could
not prove that there is no benefit to eating dark chocolate—only that there is not
enough evidence to support the claim that there is a benefit.
Making Type I or Type II Errors Remember that a type I error is rejecting a
null hypothesis that is true and a type II error is failing to reject a null hypothesis
that is false. You can decrease the probability of a type I error by lowering the level
of significance a. Generally, when you decrease the probability of making a type I
error, you increase the probability b of making a type II error. Which error is more
serious? It depends on the situation. In a criminal trial, a type I error is considered
worse, as explained on page 352. If you are testing a person for a disease and they
are assumed to be disease-free 1H0 2, then a type II error is more serious because
you would fail to detect the disease even though the person has it. You can
decrease the chance of making both types of errors by increasing the sample size.
Do You Consider the Amount of
Federal Income Tax You Pay as Too
High, About Right, or Too Low?
Too low
In Exercises 1– 3, assume that you work for the Internal Revenue Service.
6% You are asked to write a report about the claim that 57% of U.S. adults
About right
think the amount of federal income tax they pay is too high. (Source: Gallup)
1. What is the null hypothesis in this situation? Describe how your
report could be incorrect by trying to prove the null hypothesis.
Too high
57% 2. Describe how your report could make a type I error.
3. Describe how your report could make a type II error.
7 Chapter Summary
What Did You Learn? Example(s) Exercises
Section 7.1
How to state a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis 1 1– 6
How to know whether to use a one-tailed or a two-tailed statistical test and 3 7–10
find a P@value
How to interpret a decision based on the results of a statistical test 4 7–10
Section 7.2
How to find and interpret P@values 1–3 11, 12
How to use P@values for a z@test for a mean m when s is known 4 – 6 25, 26
How to find critical values and rejection regions in the standard normal 7, 8 13–16
How to use rejection regions for a z@test for a mean m when s is known 9, 10 17–24, 27, 28
Section 7.3
How to find critical values in a t@distribution 1–3 29–34
How to use the t@test to test a mean m when s is not known 4, 5 35–42
How to use technology to find P@values and use them with a t@test to test a 6 43, 44
mean m when s is not known
Section 7.4
How to use the z@test to test a population proportion p 1, 2 45– 50
Section 7.5
How to find critical values for a chi-square test 1–3 51–54
4 – 6 55–62
How to use the chi-square test to test a variance s2 or a standard deviation s
7 Review Exercises
1. H0: m … 375 (claim); Ha: m 7 375 Section 7.1
2. H0: m = 82 (claim); Ha: m ≠ 82
In Exercises 1– 6, the statement represents a claim. Write its complement and state
3. H0: p Ú 0.205 which is H0 and which is Ha.
Ha: p 6 0.205 (claim)
4. H0: m = 150,020 1. m … 375 2. p 6 0.205
m = 82 3.
Ha: m ≠ 150,020 (claim) 4. m ≠ 150,020 5. s 7 1.9 6. p Ú 0.64
5. H0: s … 1.9; Ha: s 7 1.9 (claim)
In Exercises 7–10, (a) state the null and alternative hypotheses and identify which
6. H0: p Ú 0.64 (claim); Ha: p 6 0.64
represents the claim, (b) describe type I and type II errors for a hypothesis test of the
7. See Odd Answers, page A72. claim, (c) explain whether the hypothesis test is left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed,
8. See Selected Answers, page A102. (d) explain how you should interpret a decision that rejects the null hypothesis, and
9. See Odd Answers, page A72. (e) explain how you should interpret a decision that fails to reject the null hypothesis.
10. See Selected Answers, page A102. 7. A polling organization reports that the proportion of U.S. adults who have
11. 0.1736; Fail to reject H0. volunteered their time or donated money to help clean up the environment
12. 0.0102; Reject H0. is 65%. (Source: Rasmussen Reports)
13. See Odd Answers, page A72. 8. An agricultural cooperative guarantees that the mean shelf life of a type of
14. See Selected Answers, page A102. dried fruit is at least 400 days.
15. See Odd Answers, page A72. 9. A nonprofit consumer organization says that the standard deviation of the
16. See Selected Answers, page A102. fuel economies of its top-rated vehicles for a recent year is no more than
17. Fail to reject H0 because 9.5 miles per gallon. (Adapted from Consumer Reports)
-1.645 6 z 6 1.645. 10. An energy bar maker claims that the mean number of grams of carbohydrates
18. Reject H0 because z 7 1.645. in one bar is less than 25.
19. Fail to reject H0 because
-1.645 6 z 6 1.645. Section 7.2
20. Reject H0 because z 6 - 1.645.
21. Fail to reject H0. There is not In Exercises 11 and 12, find the P-value for the hypothesis test with the standardized
enough evidence at the 5% test statistic z. Decide whether to reject H0 for the level of significance a.
level of significance to reject the 11. Left-tailed test, z = -0.94, a = 0.05
12. Two-tailed test, z = 2.57, a = 0.10
In Exercises 13 –16, find the critical value(s) and rejection region(s) for the type of
z-test with level of significance a. Include a graph with your answer.
13. Left-tailed test, a = 0.02 14. Two-tailed test, a = 0.005
15. Right-tailed test, a = 0.025 16. Two-tailed test, a = 0.03
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
In Exercises 17 –20, state whether the standardized test statistic z allows you to
− z0 = − 1.645 z0 = 1.645 reject the null hypothesis. Explain your reasoning.
FIGURE FOR EXERCISES 17–20 17. z = 1.631 18.
z = 1.723 19. z = -1.464 20. z = -1.655
In Exercises 21 –24, test the claim about the population mean m at the level of
22. Reject H0. There is enough
evidence at the 3% level of
significance a. Assume the population is normally distributed.
significance to support the 21. Claim: m … 45; a = 0.05; s = 6.7. Sample statistics: x = 47.2, n = 22
22. Claim: m ≠ 8.45; a = 0.03; s = 1.75. Sample statistics: x = 7.88, n = 60
23. Fail to reject H0. There is not
enough evidence at the 1% level 23. Claim: m 6 5.500; a = 0.01; s = 0.011. Sample statistics: x = 5.497, n = 36
of significance to support the 24. Claim: m = 7450; a = 0.10; s = 243. Sample statistics: x = 7495, n = 27
24. See Selected Answers, page A102.
41. (a) The claim is “the mean In Exercises 41 and 42, (a) identify the claim and state H0 and Ha, (b) find the
monthly cost of joining a critical value(s) and identify the rejection region(s), (c) find the standardized test
health club is $25.” statistic t, (d) decide whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, and
H0: m = 25 (claim) (e) interpret the decision in the context of the original claim. Assume the population
Ha: m ≠ 25 is normally distributed.
(b) - t0 = -1.740, t0 = 1.740
41. A fitness magazine advertises that the mean monthly cost of joining a health
Rejection regions:
t 6 -1.740, t 7 1.740 club is $25. You want to test this claim. You find that a random sample of
18 clubs has a mean monthly cost of $26.25 and a standard deviation of $3.23.
(c) 1.64 (d) Fail to reject H0.
At a = 0.10, do you have enough evidence to reject the advertisement’s
(e) There is not enough claim?
evidence at the 10% level
of significance to reject the 42. A fitness magazine claims that the mean cost of a yoga session is no more
advertisement’s claim that than $14. You want to test this claim. You find that a random sample of
the mean monthly cost of 32 yoga sessions has a mean cost of $15.59 and a standard deviation of
joining a health club is $25. $2.60. At a = 0.025, do you have enough evidence to reject the magazine’s
42. (a) The claim is “the mean cost claim?
of a yoga session is no more
than $14.” In Exercises 43 and 44, (a) identify the claim and state H0 and Ha, (b) use
technology to find the P-value, (c) decide whether to reject or fail to reject the
H0: m … 14 (claim)
null hypothesis, and (d) interpret the decision in the context of the original claim.
Ha: m 7 14
Assume the population is normally distributed.
(b) t0 = 2.040
Rejection region: t 7 2.040 43. An education publication claims that the mean score for grade 12
(c) 3.46 (d) Reject H0. students on a science achievement test is more than 145. You want
(e) There is enough evidence at to test this claim. You randomly select 36 grade 12 test scores. The
the 2.5% level of significance results are listed below. At a = 0.1, can you support the publication’s
to reject the fitness claim? (Adapted from National Center for Education Statistics)
magazine’s claim that the 188 80 175 195 201 143 119 81 118 119 165 222
mean cost of a yoga session 109 134 200 110 199 181 79 135 124 205 90 120
is no more than $14.
216 167 198 183 173 187 143 166 147 219 206 97
43. (a) The claim is “the mean score
for grade 12 students on a 44.
An education researcher claims that the overall average score of
science achievement test is 15-year-old students on an international mathematics literacy test is
more than 145.” 494. You want to test this claim. You randomly select the average
H0: m … 145 scores of 33 countries. The results are listed below. At a = 0.05, do you
Ha: m 7 145 (claim) have enough evidence to reject the researcher’s claim? (Source: National
(b) 0.0824 (c) Reject H0. Center for Education Statistics)
(d) There is enough evidence at 561 554 536 531 523 518 515 511 506 500 499
the 10% level of significance 493 490 489 485 482 482 479 477 466 453 448
to support the education 439 432 423 421 413 407 394 388 386 376 368
publication’s claim that
the mean score for grade
12 students on a science Section 7.4
achievement test is more
than 145. In Exercises 45– 48, determine whether a normal sampling distribution can be used
to approximate the binomial distribution. If it can, test the claim.
44. See Selected Answers, page A102.
45. See Odd Answers, page A72. 45. Claim: p = 0.15; a = 0.05
46. Can use normal distribution. Sample statistics: pn = 0.09, n = 40
Reject H0. There is enough 46. Claim: p = 0.65; a = 0.03
evidence at the 3% level of Sample statistics: pn = 0.76, n = 116
significance to reject the claim.
47. Claim: p 6 0.70; a = 0.01
47. Can use normal distribution.
Sample statistics: pn = 0.50, n = 68
Reject H0. There is enough
evidence at the 1% level of 48. Claim: p Ú 0.04; a = 0.10
significance to support the Sample statistics: pn = 0.03, n = 30
48. Cannot use normal distribution.
7 Chapter Quiz
1. (a) The claim is “the mean hat Take this quiz as you would take a quiz in class. After you are done, check your
size for a male is at least work against the answers given in the back of the book.
7.25.” For each exercise, perform the steps below.
H0: m Ú 7.25 (claim)
Ha: m 6 7.25 (a) Identify the claim and state H0 and Ha.
(b) Left-tailed because the (b) Determine whether the hypothesis test is left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed,
alternative hypothesis and whether to use a z-test, a t-test, or a chi-square test. Explain your reasoning.
contains 6; z-test because s (c) Choose one of the options.
is known and the population
is normally distributed. Option 1: Find the critical value(s), identify the rejection region(s), and find
the appropriate standardized test statistic.
(c) Sample answer: z0 = - 2.33;
Rejection region: z 6 - 2.33; Option 2: Find the appropriate standardized test statistic and the P-value.
- 1.28 (d) Decide whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.
(d) Fail to reject H0. (e) Interpret the decision in the context of the original claim.
(e) There is not enough
evidence at the 1% level of 1. A hat company claims that the mean hat size for a male is at least 7.25.
significance to reject the A random sample of 12 hat sizes has a mean of 7.15. At a = 0.01, can you
company’s claim that the reject the company’s claim? Assume the population is normally distributed
mean hat size for a male is and the population standard deviation is 0.27.
at least 7.25. 2. A travel analyst claims the mean daily base price for renting a full-size or less
2. (a) The claim is “the mean expensive vehicle in Vancouver, Washington, is more than $36. You want to
daily base price for renting test this claim. In a random sample of 40 full-size or less expensive vehicles
a full-size or less expensive available to rent in Vancouver, Washington, the mean daily base price is $42.
vehicle in Vancouver,
Assume the population standard deviation is $19. At a = 0.10, do you have
Washington, is more than
enough evidence to support the analyst’s claim? (Adapted from Expedia)
H0: m … 36
3. A government agency reports that the mean amount of earnings for full-time
Ha: m 7 36 (claim) workers ages 18 to 24 with a bachelor’s degree in a recent year is $47,254.
(b) Right-tailed because the In a random sample of 15 full-time workers ages 18 to 24 with a bachelor’s
alternative hypothesis degree, the mean amount of earnings is $50,781 and the standard deviation is
contains 7; z-test because s $5290. At a = 0.05, is there enough evidence to support the claim? Assume
is known and n Ú 30. the population is normally distributed. (Adapted from U.S. Census Bureau)
(c) Sample answer: z0 = 1.28; 4. A weight loss program claims that program participants have a mean
Rejection region: z 7 1.28; weight loss of at least 10.5 pounds after 1 month. The weight losses after
1.997 1 month (in pounds) of a random sample of 40 program participants
(d) Reject H0. are listed below. At a = 0.01, is there enough evidence to reject the
(e) There is enough evidence at program’s claim?
the 10% level of significance 4.7 6.0 7.2 8.3 9.2 10.1 14.0 11.7 12.8 10.8
to support the travel
11.0 7.2 8.0 4.7 11.8 10.7 6.1 8.8 7.7 8.5
analyst’s claim that the mean
9.5 10.2 5.6 6.9 7.9 8.6 10.5 9.6 5.7 9.6
daily base price for renting
a full-size or less expensive 12.6 12.9 6.8 12.0 5.1 14.0 9.7 10.8 9.1 12.9
vehicle in Vancouver, 5. A nonprofit consumer organization says that less than 18% of the vehicles
Washington, is more than the organization rated in a recent year have an overall score of 78 or more.
$36. In a random sample of 90 vehicles the organization rated in a recent year,
3. See Odd Answers, page A73. 20% have an overall score of 78 or more. At a = 0.05, can you support the
4. See Odd Answers, page A73. organization’s claim? (Adapted from Consumer Reports)
5. See Odd Answers, page A73. 6. In Exercise 5, the nonprofit consumer organization says that the standard
6. See Odd Answers, page A73. deviation of the vehicle rating scores is 11.90. A random sample of 90 vehicle
rating scores has a standard deviation of 11.96. At a = 0.10, is there enough
evidence to reject the organization’s claim? Assume the population is
normally distributed. (Adapted from Consumer Reports)
7 Chapter Test
1. (a) The claim is “more than 30% Take this test as you would take a test in class.
of adults have purchased a For each exercise, perform the steps below.
meal kit in a recent year.”
H0: p … 0.30 (a) Identify the claim and state H0 and Ha.
Ha: p 7 0.30 (claim) (b) Determine whether the hypothesis test is left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed,
(b) Right-tailed because the and whether to use a z-test, a t-test, or a chi-square test. Explain your reasoning.
alternative hypothesis (c) Choose one of the options.
contains 7; z-test because
Option 1: Find the critical value(s), identify the rejection region(s), and find
np Ú 5 and nq Ú 5.
the appropriate standardized test statistic.
(c) Sample answer: z0 = 1.28;
Rejection region: z 7 1.28; Option 2: Find the appropriate standardized test statistic and the P-value.
- 0.65 (d) Decide whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.
(d) Fail to reject H0. (e) Interpret the decision in the context of the original claim.
(e) There is not enough
1. A retail grocery chain owner claims that more than 30% of adults have
evidence at the 10% level of
significance to support the purchased a meal kit in a recent year. In a random sample of 36 adults, 25%
retail grocery chain’s claim have purchased a meal kit in a recent year. At a = 0.10, is there enough
that more than 30% of adults evidence to support the owner’s claim? (Adapted from Harris Interactive)
have purchased a meal kit in 2. A travel analyst claims that the mean of the room rates for two adults at
a recent year. three-star hotels in Salt Lake City is $134. In a random sample of 37 three-star
2. (a) The claim is “the mean hotels in Salt Lake City, the mean room rate for two adults is $143. Assume
of the room rates for two the population standard deviation is $30. At a = 0.10, is there enough
adults at three-star hotels in evidence to reject the analyst’s claim? (Adapted from Expedia)
Salt Lake City is $134.”
3. A travel analyst says that the mean price of a meal for a family of 4 in a resort
H0: m = 134 (claim)
Ha: m ≠ 134 restaurant is at most $100. A random sample of 33 meal prices for families of
4 has a mean of $110 and a standard deviation of $19. At a = 0.01, is there
(b) Two-tailed because the
enough evidence to reject the analyst’s claim?
alternative hypothesis
contains ≠; z-test because s 4. A research center claims that more than 80% of U.S. adults think that
is known and n Ú 30. mothers should have paid maternity leave. In a random sample of 50 U.S.
(c) Sample answer: adults, 82% think that mothers should have paid maternity leave. At
- z0 = - 1.645, z0 = 1.645; a = 0.05, is there enough evidence to support the center’s claim? (Adapted
Rejection regions: from Pew Research Center)
z 6 -1.645, z 7 1.645; 1.82 5. A nutrition bar manufacturer claims that the standard deviation of the
(d) Reject H0. number of grams of carbohydrates in a bar is 1.11 grams. A random sample
(e) There is enough evidence at of 26 bars has a standard deviation of 1.19 grams. At a = 0.05, is there
the 10% level of significance enough evidence to reject the manufacturer’s claim? Assume the population
to reject the travel analyst’s is normally distributed.
claim that the mean of the
room rates for two adults at 6. A nonprofit consumer organization says that the mean price of the vehicles
three-star hotels in Salt Lake the organization rated in a recent year is at least $41,000. In a random sample
City is $134. of 150 vehicles the organization rated in a recent year, the mean price is
3. See Selected Answers, page A103. $40,600 and the standard deviation is $17,300. At a = 0.01, is there enough
evidence to reject the organization’s claim? (Adapted from Consumer Reports)
4. See Selected Answers, page A103.
5. See Selected Answers, page A103. 7.
A researcher claims that the mean age of the residents of a small
town is more than 38 years. The ages (in years) of a random sample
6. See Selected Answers, page A103.
of 30 residents are listed below. At a = 0.10, is there enough evidence
7. See Selected Answers, page A103. to support the researcher’s claim? Assume the population standard
deviation is 9 years.
41 44 40 30 29 46 42 53 21 29 43 46 39 35 33
42 35 43 35 24 21 29 24 25 85 56 82 87 72 31
College Success
1. What Would You Test? Freshman retention rate
What claims could you test if you wanted to convince a student to come 73.9%
4-year graduation rate
to your college? Suppose the student you are trying to convince is mainly 39.8%
concerned with (a) affordability, (b) having a good experience, and (c) 5-year graduation rate
graduating and starting a career. List one claim for each case. State the null 6-year graduation rate
and alternative hypotheses for each claim. Recent graduate employment rate
2. Choosing a Random Sample 94.4%
Classmates suggest conducting the following sampling techniques to test 0 20 40 60 80 100
various claims. Determine whether the sample will be random. If not, Percent
suggest an alternative.
(a) Survey all the students you have class with and ask about the average
College Cost
time they spend daily on different activities.
Annual tuition, public, In-state
(b) Randomly select former students from a list of recent graduates and $9130
Annual tuition, public, Out-of-state
ask whether they are employed. $21,303
Annual tuition, private
(c) Randomly select students from a directory, ask how much debt money $33,635
they borrowed to pay for college this year, and multiply by four. Amount borrowed
3. Supporting a Claim Need-based scholarship or grants
You want your test to support a positive claim about your college, not just x
fail to reject one. Should you state your claim so that the null hypothesis 0 10,000 20,000 30,000
contains the claim or the alternate hypothesis contains the claim? Explain. Amount
The Minitab display below shows a hypothesis test 4. Describe a hypothesis test for Judge Ford’s “random”
for a claim that the proportion of women in the selection of the venire. Use a claim of
city directory is p = 0.53. In the test, n = 350 and 102
pn ≈ 0.291. Should you reject the claim? What is the p = ≈ 0.291.
level of significance? Explain.
(a) Write the null and alternative hypotheses.
2. In Exercise 1, you rejected the claim that p = 0.53.
But this claim was true. What type of error is this? (b) Use technology to perform the test.
3. When you reject a true claim with a level of significance (c) Make a decision.
that is virtually zero, what can you infer about the (d) Interpret the decision in the context of the original
randomness of your sampling process? claim. Could Judge Ford’s selection of 100 venire
members have been random?
Test and CI for One Proportion
Extended solutions are given in the technology manuals that accompany this text.
Technical instruction is provided for Minitab, Excel, and the TI-84 Plus.
Technology 413
See Example 9, page 371. See Example 5, page 381. See Example 1, page 389.