Rutledge Media Psychology
Rutledge Media Psychology
Rutledge Media Psychology
What is media psychology? It’s a field with no Media psychology is using #7 to answer #6 because of
consensus definition, no clearly-defined career paths, #1 through #5
and no easy answers. In spite of that, it can add value
Psychology is key to understanding the implications of
anywhere human behavior intersects media
technology. Consequently, it seems like it should be
technologies. Here’s why:
pretty straightforward to define media psychology. For
1. Media technologies are everywhere some reason, though, it’s not. I have had discussions
with colleagues for hours (or at least it seems like it)
2. People of all ages use media technologies a lot
about what constitutes media, mediated
3. Young people use them most communication, and technology and what we mean by
4. Older people worry about younger people psychology in the context of media—and we’re not
even philosophers. In this and the following two posts,
5. Technology is not going away I will discuss my definition of media psychology and
6. We all worry if this is good or bad or somewhere why I think media psychology is so important.
in-between Both media and psychology have made major
7. Psychology is the study of people of all ages contributions to western culture throughout the 20th