Article 1564483166
Article 1564483166
Article 1564483166
Research Article
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Dr. Ranjna Kapoor*1, Dr. Navneet Vaidya2 and Dr. Rashmi Srivastva3
MD Scholar of Deptt. of Dravyaguna RGGPG AYU. College & Hospital Paprola Distt. KANGRA HP.
Reader, Deptt. of Dravyaguna RGGPG AYU. College & Hospital Paprola Distt. KANGRA HP.
Ayurveda is an ancient science and it holds high esteem and trust in the field of medication and treatment of
various diseases. Over the past decade, Ayurvedic drugs have become a subject of world importance, with both
medicinal and economical implications. These Ayurvedic drugs are obtained from different kind of sources like
some from plants, some from animals etc. Acharayas have been described on the basis of the useful parts of
Dravyas obtained from what kind of sources i.e. (1) Audbhida- the plant origin- Drugs of this origin are about
75%. Ex. Root, stem, rhizome, fruit, seed, leaves, bark, etc. (2) Jangma- animal origin- Drugs of this origin are
about 10%. Ex. Musk, honey, milk , ghee , curd, etc. (3) Parthiva - Mineral origin- Drugs of this origin are about
15%. Ex. Abhrak, Parada, Hartal, Gandhaka, etc. All these types of Dravyas are commonly used in therapeutics.
The various parts of plants are used to prepare medicaments. The different parts of the same plant will have
different actions. Therefore, the study and understanding of different parts of the plant should be given importance.
In the medicinal plants, the secondary metabolites or active principle are made available through proper part which
get used and the specific period of collection as our Acharyas have been already described very beautifully and are
also proven by modern scientific methods. To attain a good therapeutic result it is mandatory to collect the drug
with optimum Rasaveeryadi qualities. In Ayurvedic literature, drug collection has been mentioned according to
different parts of the plant in respective seasons, Nakshatras, Veeryas on the basis of therapeutic uses. 162
Kapoor et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
According to Charaka the different parts of Audbhida possible quality of both source materials and finished
used in medicine are Mula, Tvak, Saara, Niryasa, Nala, products. It is well known that the quantitative
Svarasa, Pallava, Patra, Ksara, Ksira, Phala, Puspa, concentration of biologically active constituents varies
Bhasma, Taila, Kantaka, Kaanda and Praroha.[1] with the stage stage of plant growth and development.
According To Acharya Sushruta Different Acharayas of Ayurveda has been described the
Sushruta mentioned Tvak (bark), Patra (leaves), Phala different seasons for the collection of different parts of
(fruit),and Mula (root) which are known as Pancanga plants.
(five parts) and are commonly used . but during the
description of Sthavara vishas he has mentioned ten Acharya Charaka quotes the importance of Ritu in
usable parts those are Mula, Patra, Phala, Pushpa, Tvak, germination and growth of medicinal plants. Proper
Ksheera, Saara, Niryasa, Dhatu, Kanda.[2] season has been qualified as the season during which the
plant intended for collection should have Rasa in
According To Acharya Sharngdhra abundance, Veerya, and Gandha. He highlighted the role
U;xzks/kknsLRopks xzkg~;kLlkja L;kn~ohtdkfnr% A of „Kala‟ in the formation of drug properties and
Rkyhlkns’p i=kf.k QyaL;f=Qykfnr% AA mentioned specific seasons for the collection of different
/kkrD;k’p iq"ikf.k Luqg~;kns{khjekgjsr~ A parts.[1] He categorically pointed out that the drugs
’kk[kka xqMqfpdknsLrq fu;kZla jkeBkfnr% AA ¼’kk-iw-[ka-1@69&70½ growing seasonally are only to be collected.
Accoding to Sharangdhara, useful parts of plants with Sushruta and Vagbhata opines that in view of the
examples are given as Agnisomya nature of world, he suggested Ushna and
Sheeta Veerya drugs should collected in Agneya ritu and
Tvak- Nyagrodha etc., Saara- Bijaka etc., Patra- Talisa Saumya ritu respectively.
etc., Phala- Triphala etc., Puspa-
Ashtanghridya, quoted about the collection of drugs in
Dhatki etc., Ksira- Snuhi etc., Sakha- Guduci kanda etc., their fully matured condition on Pushya, Mrigshira and
Niryasa- Hingu etc.[3] Ashwini Nakshatra and on auspicious time in a day.[7]
According To Kaiydev Nighantu Sharngdhara quotes the Sharad as the best period to
iapk³~x¥~p rjks% iq"i QyRoM~ ewyi=dS% A
collect the drug for all therapeutics uses and also drugs
n’kkax lkj fu;kZl ’kk[kk ’kq³~xi;ks·fUorS% AA
DofpPNk[kki;% LFkkus o`Urd.VkS izdhfrZrkS AA ¼dS-fu- 8@7&8½ intended for Shodhana karma .In case of Vamana and
Virechana drugs can be preferably collected at the end of
According to Kaiyyadeva the different parts of plants Vasant ritu.[8]
used are mentioned as Panchanga and Dasanga. The
Panchanga or five parts are Puspa, Phala, Tvak, Mula, Bhavprakash specified the collection on auspicious day
Patra. that to in the early morning.[9]
The Dasanga or ten parts are Puspa, Phala, Tvak, Mula, It is the Raj nighantu, the lexicon which mentioned the
Patra, Sara, Niryasa, Sakha, Sunga and Kshira.[4] specific ritus for the collection of different parts of the
plant.[10] The herbs growing in the muddy ponds and
According to Amarkosha lakes should be collected during Sharad ritu may be due
In Amarkosa, following parts of plant are mentioned: to natural cleansing of water. Sangrahakala of various
Prakanda (stem); Sakha (branch); Sipha (fibrous root); parts in different seasons shows a systemic scientific
Avaroha (arial root); Sikhara (crown); Mula (root); Sara reason of transportation of secondary metabolites from
(heartwood); Tvak (bark); Kastha (wood;) Kotara one part to another to live fit in ecological condition. The
(cavity); Ankura (sprout); Patra (leaf); Pallava (young Dravyasangrahakala as per all Acharyas mentioned has
leaves); Vistara (expanse); Vrnta (petiole or pedicel); similarity except Sushruta suggested Phala collection in
Kalika (flower bud); Manjri (raceme); Stabaka (cluster of Greeshma and Raj Nighantukara mentioned Pushpa
buds); Ksarka (fresh buds); Mukula (slightly opening collection in Vasanta while others have told it as
bud); Puspa (flower); Makaranda (nectar); Paraga (pollen Yatharitu (fruit and flowering season). The Sara
grains); Phala (fruit); Salatu (unripe fruit); Vana (dried collection is mentioned in Vasant Ritu by Sushruta
fruit).[5] where others have mentioned it in Hemant. The Moola in
Greeshama and Shishira ritu, Kanda in Sharad (after
* Raj nighantu also describes these parts adding with rainy) season shows the storage of nutrients and
Parnasira (midrib).[6] chemical constituents in those parts, indicating the self
protecting phenomenon of plants also.
Collection of Different Parts of Plants During Specific
Medicinal plant materials should be collected during the
appropriate season or time period to ensure the best 163
Kapoor et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Specific useful parts collection methods in Ayurvedic the which part of the plant is getting use and period of
literature: 1) Charaka suggests to collect mature fruits of collection. This article highlight the importance of
Madanaphala (Randia spinosa), in between Vasanta different usable parts and application of collection
(spring) and Greeshma (summer) season on Pushya practices to achieve desired therapeutic effect because
,Ashwini or Mrigashira Nakshatra. 2) The tender leaves herbs without good potency become useless for
of Ikshwaku (Lagenaria siceraria) should be collected physician as well as pharmaceuticals companies.
before flowers appear on the climber. 3) Trivritta
(Operculina turpethum) should be collected for purgative REFERENCES
therapy during Shukla Paksha (the lunar cycle of full
1. Charak Samhita of Agnivesha,‟ revised by Charak
moon phase). 4) Latex of Snuhi (Euphorbia species)
and Dradhabala with „Ayurveda Dipika‟ commented
should be collected at the end of Shishira Ritu (winter
by Chakrapanidatta with Vidyotini hindi
season) from the plant which is two or three years old
commentary by Pt. Kashinath Shastri edited by Dr.
.According to Modern sciences, drugs possess highest
Gangasahaya Pandeya, A.M.S, Chaukhamba
potentiality during its collection period. The climate,
Sanskrit Sansthan, Gopal Mandir Lane, Varanasi
temperature, rain fall, duration of day light, altitude,
221001, India, reprint, (Vimansthana 8/87),
methods of cultivation, effect of lunar cycle, collection
(Sutrasthana 1/73), 2007.
from wild area, soil condition and methods of collection,
2. Dr.Ambikadutt shastri,Sushruta Samhita of
processing and storage have impact on the secondary
Maharshi Sushruta edited with
metabolites of the plant ultimately which affect the
Ayurvedatattvasandipika Hindi commentary
therapeutic efficiency of the drug.
published by Chaukhamba Sanskrit .Sansthan,Gopal
Mandir Lane, PO no:1139,Varanasi-221001.
(Kalpsathana 2/4).
Useful parts and time of collection of medicnial plants 3. Sharangdhara Samhita, Dipika Hindi Vyakhya, by
play an important role to achieve disered therapeutic Brahmananda Tripathi, Choukhamba Surbharati
effect . Even different parts of same plants varies in their prakashana, Vasranasi. (Prathama Khanda 1/69-70).
chemical constitution and pharmacological functions for 4. Kaiyadeva Nighantu [Pathyapathya-vibodhakah]
ex. Moola of Gambhari is described in Dashmoola for edited and translated by Prof. priyavrata Sharma and
treatment of Shotha But its fruit is suggested as Dr. Guru Prasada Sharma, Chaukhamba
Rasayana. In present time most of the medicinal plants Orientalia,Gopal Mandir Lane, Varanasi 221001,
are collected from wild. The majority of traders for second edition 2006. (Mishrakavarga 8/7).
financial profit collect these plants through untrained and 5. Amara-Kosha of Sri Amara Sinha by shri Manna Lal
unskilled labours. They generally extract the entire plant „Abhimanyu‟ published by Master Khelari lal and
irrespective of its useful part. It furhter results into over Sons, Sanskrit book Depot, Kachaudi Gali, Benares
exploitation of certain species and can even effect the city, [vanaushadhivarga, (2.4/10-18)].
potency of collected plant. This directly effect the 6. Rajnighantu with Dravyagunaprakashika hindi
therapeutic properties of the drug and its abailabilty for vyakhya by Indradev Tripathi, Choukhamba
future use. Ayurveda achrayas have beautifully described krishnadas academy,Varanasi, (2/32).
different usable parts and their collection in specific 7. Ashtanga Hridya of Vagbhata with the
season and to revise this knowledge is very useful. Commentaries Sarvangasundara of Arundatta and
Ayurved rasayana of Hemadri Annotated by
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Dr.Anna Moreswar Kunte, Choukhmbha Surbharati
The description of different usable parts of herbal plants
8. Sharangdhara Samhita, Dipika Hindi Vyakhya, by
(Prayojyanga) and collection practices (Sangrahan kala)
Brahmananda Tripathi, Choukhamba Surbharati
are well documented in Ayurvedic literature. Therapeutic
prakashana, Vasranasi. (Prathama Khanda 1/67).
efficiency depend on the quality and quantity of the
9. Bhavaprakash Nighantu Commentary by
secondary metabolites which in turn are influenced by
Dr.Krishnachand Chunekar, Oriental Publishers and 164
Kapoor et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 165