Michael Ledo - The Bible Astrology Handbook
Michael Ledo - The Bible Astrology Handbook
Michael Ledo - The Bible Astrology Handbook
In fact, modern scholars are so self-righteous in their
knowledge they proclaim, “The ancient interpreters did not know
more than we do about the biblical world or about history or about
Bible authors. They knew less.”
LEO ............................................................................................... 7
VIRGO ........................................................................................... 8
HYDRA .......................................................................................... 8
CORVUS THE RAVEN .................................................................... 8
CRATER THE CUP .......................................................................... 8
COMA ........................................................................................... 8
CENTAURUS ............................................................................... 10
LUPUS THE VICTIM ..................................................................... 10
SOUTHERN CROSS ...................................................................... 10
ARGO .......................................................................................... 11
THE DOVE OF NOAH................................................................... 11
ORION ........................................................................................ 12
CANIS MAJOR ............................................................................. 12
CANIS MINOR ............................................................................. 12
LEPUS THE HARE ........................................................................ 13
URSA MAJOR .............................................................................. 14
HERCULES................................................................................... 15
OPHIUCHUS AND SERPENS ........................................................ 15
LIBRA .......................................................................................... 16
CANCER ...................................................................................... 17
GEMINI ....................................................................................... 19
AURIGA ...................................................................................... 20
BOÖTES ...................................................................................... 21
NORTHERN CROWN ................................................................... 22
TAURUS ...................................................................................... 23
ERIDANUS RIVER ........................................................................ 24
THE PLEIADES ............................................................................. 24
PERSEUS ..................................................................................... 25
CETUS ......................................................................................... 25
ARIES .......................................................................................... 25
THE BAND................................................................................... 26
PISCES......................................................................................... 27
PEGASUS .................................................................................... 28
CYGNUS, THE SWAN .................................................................. 29
LYRA, THE HARP ......................................................................... 30
DRACO, THE DRAGON ................................................................ 30
CEPHEUS, THE KING ................................................................... 32
CASSIOPEIA ................................................................................ 33
URSA MINOR .............................................................................. 33
ANDROMEDA ............................................................................. 35
AQUARIUS/ DELPHINUS/ PISCES AUSTRALIS ............................. 36
CAPRICORN ................................................................................ 38
SAGITTA...................................................................................... 38
AQUILA ....................................................................................... 39
SAGITTARIUS/ARA/ SCORPIO ..................................................... 40
SOUTHERN CROWN ................................................................... 41
JESUS .......................................................................................... 42
CONCLUSION.............................................................................. 47
Adam was the ancient form of Leo, called Asad. Based on the
Arabic names of various stars related to the parts of a lion, it is
held that there once existed a large lion constellation which
incorporated several constellations, among which were Cancer,
Leo, Virgo, and Libra. Ptolemy and the later Arab astronomers
were responsible for the split into various constellations of the
original Asad, as it appeared in the initial zodiac.
create Eve. Upon examining the current constellations of Leo and
Virgo, we find it is the tail of the lion that joins with the head of the
woman. In the tail there is a star the Hebrews named Sarcam,
which literally means “the joining.” This tail would become a
reinterpretation of the rib YHWH took from Adam to make his wife.
Coma was originally part of the lion's tail. In Egypt, the
constellation was pictured as a mother and child. It represented
hope for a nation. In the Old Testament it was the promise God
made to Abraham that his children would become God's chosen.
In the New Testament it is the child prodigy; Jesus in the
temple dazzling the wise rabbis with his wisdom. Coma coupled
with nearby Virgo provides the prophecy in Isa. 7:14
Centaurus is Cain. The word Cain mean "to strike fast"
with a spear. The constellations as well as the name of Cain
informs us of how Cain killed Abel. In the New Testament Cain
would be the centurion who spears Christ in the side. It is also
Pilate. The name Pilate means “armed with a spear." This is a
natural allusion to Centaurus, killing his victim with spear in hand.
The Southern Cross was the cross of Jesus, still visible in
Jerusalem in 33 A.D. In the Old Testament it was the mark of
Cain. The Jewish tradition claims the “Mark of Cain“ was the letter
Teth translated as Tau. This letter looks similar to the Southern
Argo the ship is Noah's ark. Canopus, the brightest star in
Argo is known as "the navigator." The ark landed on a nearby star
Hadar, which means "ground."
Orion is the great hunter. The three stars in his belt is easy to
find. As the great hunter Orion would be Nimrod. The constellation
also represents Noah after he debarks. In the New Testament,
Orion is King Herod. The belt in Orion represents the three wise
men who follow the Star of the East.
Sirius in the nose of Canis Major is the Star of the East. It
was the star followed by the magi. In the Old Testament, Canis
Major represents Shem and his descendents.
Canis Minor is the constellation of Japheth and his
descendents. It is also known as the "white dog."
This is the constellation of the moon-hare, or Easter
Bunny. The four stars of the constellation of Lepus the Hare,
located in the subservient position at the footstool of Orion, would
represent the sons of Canaan.
Ursa Major (Big Dipper) is the Tower of Babel. It is located
near the top of the heavens. The Tower was viewed as a step
pyramid. During the night, as the earth rotated, the Tower would
"overturn." The star Alioth, which has the same Arabic name as a
star in Auriga is the marker of Rachel's burial location.
It is here, in Ursa Major, where Reuben took his father’s
concubine, Bilhah represented by the star Alcor.
Hercules is Abraham. Abraham would be represented by
the brightest star in the constellation, Ras Algethi, which is “the
head of the kneeling man.” This would be a later definition of the
star. Its original Arab name was most likely Ras Kalb al Rāí, “the
Shepherd’s Dog. Sarah is linked to the star Kornephorus vel
Rutilicus, which is perhaps the diminutive of rutilus, “golden red,”
or “glittering.”
As the sign of the scales, Libra represents judgment. In this
case it would the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the New
Testament it would the trial of Christ. Centaurus is located just
below this constellation.
This is the sign of the barren births of Isaac, Esau, Jacob, and
Samson. Coupled with Virgo, it was the sign of the virgin birth of
Rebecca will be the mother of Gemini, the twins Jacob and
Esau. She is the star Acubens. The name Rebecca means “to
clog by tying up the fetlock or fettering by beauty.” In this case,
Isaac was held by the beauty of Rebecca.
Gemini, the sign of the twins, are the twins Esau and
Jacob. Esau, being the first born is on the left closest to Cancer.
This sign is sometimes shown with the second twin inverted. This
would put Jacob's head at Esau's heel. Jacob came out holding
the heel of Esau.
The colorful garnet star Arcturus is the coat of many colors. In
the New Testament, this star would represent the mock robe of
Jesus. On the Euphrates, Arcturus is identified as “Shepherd of
the Heavenly Flock.” This is Joseph’s role in Boötes.
The Northern Crown represents the complex story of Judah
and Tamar. This sign was associated with a maze, the color red,
and string. The thread and maze is symbolically important. It
represents the womb and umbilical cord. This was typical
symbolism in ancient times.
The generosity of Taurus is the generosity Joseph shows
his brothers in Egypt. The two horns of Taurus represent the two
his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. The Hyades are Joseph's
brothers. Joseph would be the star Al Debaran.
The Eridanus is the river of the heavens. It represents the
Nile River in the story of Moses. The river starts at the foot of
Orion. This is where a group of stars would represent the basket
Moses was placed in as a child. One star outside of the basket
represents the killing of new born. This would be the "slaughter of
the innocents" in the Gospel of Matthew as well as the Passover
in Egypt.
The Eridanus flows as the Nile, then turns into the Red Sea.
The star at the end of the river represented the dry land where
Moses crossed the Red Sea.
The Pleiades is the seven sisters. Moses wife, Zipporah,
was one of seven sisters. In Hebrew, Zipporah is literally
translated as "bird or fowl." In Greek mythology the brightest star
in the Pleiades was Celaeno, the wife of Poseidon, the sea god.
Moses parted the waters. Celaeno, in Greek mythology was also a
name of a harpy, a bird like creature. In Ur, the Pleiades was
represented by a bird on the back of Taurus. There was an
ancient Babylonian city known as Sippara (phonetically similar to
Zipporah). Its patron deity was Luagal-banda, "the divine storm
bird" or Zu-bird. It was known to have given birth to Taurus and
was associated with the Pleiades.
Cetus is the wilderness. It is the forty years Moses spent
wandering in the desert. It is the desert where Jesus spent his
forty day fast. The head of Cetus was known as Al Kaff al
Jidhmah, “the Part of the Hand”, and was most the hand which
pushed the Egyptians back. The star Mira represents Mt. Sinai.
Mira is another star that oscillates like the burning bush. The
distinction is that the naked eye can see it go from visible
magnitudes to invisible magnitudes. It is located in the neck of
Cetus. The star is garnet in color and is called the “south pole” of
the Milky Way. Its title was “Wonderful Star.” The appearance and
disappearance of the star Mira would account for the odd
instructions about having infrequent access to YHWH on Sinai.
Sometimes YHWH would be on Mt. Sinai (Mira), and other times
he would not be there, making sporadic appearances just like the
Aries is the sign of war and victory. Great fighters are
associated with Aries. When the Hebrews spied on Canaan they
saw great fortified cities and fighters that were giants (Nephilim).
The cities, as described, mirrored the layout of Aries. Amalek lived
in the Negeb, or the “southland.” This would be the flank of Aries
where the star Al Botain is located. The name means “Little Belly,”
and it is associated astrologically with finding treasure and
retaining captives.
The Band represents the binding to one's enemies. In this
case it was the Israelites intermingling with the Moabites.
If one was to ask several people to write a story involving
the number two, fish, hiding, flax, and a sea monster; one would
get a variety of stories which had the same basic elements. So it
is with cosmic myth comparison.
In Greek mythology Pisces was associated with Venus and
Cupid, who dove into the water for a swim. When the TWO
encountered a SEA MONSTER they turned themselves into FISH
to avoid the monster. In order not to lose each other in the water,
they tied themselves together with a rope made of FLAX. They
swam and HID from the monster. ( Friday is the day that honors
Venus, the goddess of love. Fish eaten on that day in her honor
were considered an aphrodisiac. Lovemaking was done on Friday,
also in her honor. Conflicts arose when Friday fell on the
thirteenth. Thirteen was the number of the menstruation cycle
because there are thirteen lunar months in a solar year. In several
cultures it was taboo to make love during this time.)
The Bible has a story with the same elements, but is radically
different. After Moses' story ends in Aries, the next zodiac
constellation is Pisces and the next story is that of Joshua sending
his TWO spies into Jericho. Joshua is the son of Nun, which
means FISH. They met Rahab, whose name means SEA
MONSTER. When the authorities came to look for the spies she
HID them in stalks of FLAX.
Venus as the goddess of love and Rahab being a prostitute
both imply some sort of promiscuity. This would be a sixth point of
convergence. What is interesting in this story is the fact the flax
adds no real significance to the story except from an astrological
Pegasus represents the first leg in the conquests of
Joshua. The River Jordan flows along the base of Pegasus, who
is partially in water. Jericho lacks a star because the city was
destroyed and never rebuilt. Ai lies in the mouth region of
Pegasus as the star, Enif or Al-Anf, which means “water,” but was
also called “the nose” or “the mouth” or “the lip.” It was associated
with “something steep” or “danger.” In Joshua 7:5:
And the men of Ai smote of them about thirty and six men: for
they chased them from before the gate even unto Shebarim, and
smote them in the going down: wherefore the hearts of the people
melted, and became as water.
Here in this one line we have all the elements of the star:
water, danger, a steep precipice, and the gate as the mouth.
Gibeon, or “hill city,” is the next adventure tale. This story
involves the five kings and Joshua’s memorable act in which he
made the sun stand still for a day. Hills generally mean either
being at the head of a constellation or going up (north) in the sky
chart, as we have discovered. In this case, Gibeon would be a
shared star between the constellations of Pegasus and Cygnus,
Azelfafage. E. W. Bullinger divides it into two stars: Azel, “who
goes and returns quickly,” and Fafage, “the gloriously shining
forth.” In this case, Azel fits the case very nicely for Gibeon. The
people from Gibeon pretended that they lived far away when they
visited Joshua, whereas in reality they lived with them. Thus,
when they visited, they went and returned quickly. Joshua made a
pact to defend Gibeon from invaders. Once it was learned that
Gibeon had made peace with Joshua, the five kings decided to
The kings came from faraway places to attack Gibeon, only to
be rained on by hailstones and then witness the sun standing still.
The Greek legend of the constellation claims Phaethon, a mortal
son of Helios, the sun god drives his father's sun chariot recklessly
and threatens to destroy the earth.
And Joshua at that time turned back, and took Hazor, and
smote the king thereof with the sword: for Hazor beforetime was
the head of all those kingdoms.
evil associated with the constellation Draco. The name of a third
city, Shimron, means “watch-height,” and Madon means “strife.”
Mizpah, another name mentioned, means “watchtower.” Between
the “he whom God observes” and all the references to high
places, this must be a constellation near the top of the heavens.
Four to five stars make up the head of Draco. These would be
those cities.
Abimelech, whose name means “my father is the king,” went
to Shechem, “the shoulder.” Aldermin, a star in the shoulder of the
king, means “right arm.” It also signifies—along with Alphirk, in the
belt—a “flock.” This would correspond to the profuse number of
Abimelech’s siblings.
Abimelech gathered the citizens at the “oak of the pillar” in
Shechem with the entire house of Millo (“rampart mound”). This
oak is the staff Cepheus holds in his right hand.
And all the evil of the men of Shechem did God render upon
their heads: and upon them came the curse of Jotham the son of
Millo mentioned above, would be Caph, a nearby star in
the constellation Cassiopeia. Caph is located in the throne of “the
queen.” Al Tizini designated the star as Al Sanam al Nakah, “the
Camel’s Hump.”
Jotham spoke to the people from Mount Gerizim. Notice
that Abimelech is associated with a mound and Jotham with a
mount. In Judges 9:7, Jotham speaks from Polaris in Ursa Minor:
And when they told it to Jotham, he went and stood in the top
of Mount Gerizim, and lifted up his voice, and cried, and said unto
them, Hearken unto me, ye men of Shechem, that God may
hearken unto you.
In Aquarius, Samson grabbed the fresh jawbone of an ass and
killed a thousand men, then thirsted. He took the jawbone, cast it
away, and then God opened up the earth and water came out.
This takes place at the stars Lehi (“jaw”), Ramat-Lehi (“height of
jawbone”), and Enhakkore (“eye or spirit of one calling”). The
place where the spring of water gushed forth is easy to figure out:
it is the urn in Aquarius which spills the water. Aquarius was
sometimes depicted as an ass carrying two urns of water.
at the town of Cyrene, correctly determined the diameter and size
of the Earth.
Delilah has a barber cut off Samson’s hair. Samson’s eyes are
put out: therefore, he loses his strength at the winter solstice, the
only time when the Philistines can dominate him. He is placed in a
prison house. I would suggest that the prison house is Skat, “the
star of the foundation.”
Samson’s hair, like the sun, returns. During the Philistine feast
to their god Dagon, Samson kills 3,000 Philistines on the roof of
the temple by taking down the two middle pillars (poles of the
winter and summer solstice). The temple is the star Fomalhaut,
the ancient star designating the winter solstice. The constellation
of the Pisces Australis was also associated with the fish-god
This is the story of David and Goliath. David was in the tail
of Capricorn. He was the star Nashira. The fish tail of Capricorn
represented Israel as a possible extension of Pisces the fish. The
head of the goat was to be sacrificed as atonement. Goliath
represented that sacrifice. Nashira represented “the bringer of
good tidings.” Goliath appeared in the head of Capricorn as the
star(s) Dabih and Geida Prima. The Arabic name for Dabih is Sa’d
adh-dhabih, “the Lucky One of the slaughterer.” The Arabs would
make a sacrifice at the helical rising of this star to aid with the
return of captives.
The opposing camps were both atop mountains. The two met
for battle in the valley between the head of the goat and tail of the
fish. Castra, a star in the belly of Capricorn, depicted Goliath. The
name Castra refers to a military fortress associated with an
uncontrollable temper and destruction. It was the massive armor
of Goliath.
I find this passage interesting, since it was said that the blind
and lame feared David because his generosity was not for them.
This is a characteristic of Sagittarius, whose generosity was for
the rich. This is evidenced in 2 Samuel 5:6:
And the king and his men went to Jerusalem against the
Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, who spoke to David, saying,
“You shall not come in here; but the blind and the lame will repel
you,” thinking, “David cannot come in here.”
David gathered his men to retrieve the Ark. This is fairly simple
and straightforward. They went to “bring up” the Ark. Southeast of
Sagittarius is the constellation Ara, or Ark. It is an altar which
dwells between Scorpio and Aquarius. They had only gone six
paces with the Ark when David danced in his “ephod.” This would
be the left leg of Sagittarius, At eventide, David went to the roof of
his house and saw Bethsheba bathing. David lay with her as her
husband while Uriah was away fighting in a war. David called
Uriah back from battle and asked him to go lie (“wash his feet”)
with his wife. Uriah did not. Knowing Bethsheba was with his child
and trying to avoid a sexual scandal, David had Uriah killed—
apparently with an arrow—by placing him at the front of the battle.
This is the crown of Solomon.
The cosmic tale did not stop with David. It continued onward.
Psalms, Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, and Job all have overt astrological
references. The explanations of the stories as given in the
midrashim proved that the priesthood still knew the exact meaning
of the cosmic connection within their text well into the second
century CE, and perhaps the Middle Ages. The Jewish
Pseudepigrapha and the Dead Sea Scrolls also had astrological
references. In the New Testament, Revelation is an astrologer’s
dream. The book of Matthew was said to have been written for a
Jewish audience. It also contains the most astrological references
of the four Gospels.
in this case Leo, the consort of Virgo, the virgin who can only be
linked to the same star in Eridanus, which represented the murder
of the firstborn in the tale of Moses. This would accord with the
fact that the Holy Trio fled to Egypt and then returned—another
Eridanus representation.
then return. When Jesus teaches and preaches in the cities of the
disciples, he could be almost anywhere in the constellation group
bounded by Pisces, Pegasus, and Cygnus. Jesus, on being
accused of being Satan, would most likely be Draco. The scene
by the rocky shore may have taken place in Andromeda.
color associated with the Corona Borealis. Simon of Cyrene,
carrying the cross, is once again Delphinus, the Northern Cross.
The crucified Jesus is Lupus, and his cross is most likely an early
version of the Southern Cross. The earthquake at the death of
Jesus is the same as the earthquake at the death of Abel, who
was also Lupus. Joseph of Arimathea—who tends to the body—
would be Ophiuchus, as “the healer.”
In chapter 28, we have the two Marys—demonstrating the dual
nature of Virgo. Hercules would be the likely association with the
resurrected Jesus.
There are many stories in the Bible that are not told in the
stars. Attempting to place them there would be wrong. For
instance, other than the crown, Solomon is not represented in the
stars. If you want to know more about how stories were matched
up to the stars, please examine On Earth as it is in Heaven, The
Cosmic Roots of the Bible.