1st Quarter - Week 1 - 3 - PE

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LOG Teaching Week WEEK 1 Quarter 1


Date: Aug. 22-26, 2022 August 22, 2022 August 23, 2022 August 24, 2022 August 25, 2022 August 26, 2022
A. Content Standards The Learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote community fitness.
B. Performance Standards The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community.
The learner practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.
C. Learning Competencies/ Orientation/Meet and Greet -The learner undertakes -The learner undertakes activity -The learner undertakes activity -The learner monitors periodically
Objectives activity and physical fitness and physical fitness assessments. and physical fitness one’s progress towards the fitness
assessments. assessments. goals.
-The learner monitors
periodically one’s progress
towards the fitness goals.
II. CONTENT Physical Fitness and The Phases of Exercise, PMHR and Phases of Exercise, PMHR and Physical Fitness Test
Components of Physical THR THR Sit and Reach Push-Ups
Fitness Zipper Test
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s material pages LM pp. 1-3 LM pp. 3-6 LM pp2-6 LM pp6-7

3. Additional Materials from

Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Establishing a purpose for The students will compare their Review on physical fitness and its Pre-Assessment: The learners will give their
the lesson daily activities with the components. Accomplish the Physical Activity insights/comments about the NBA
activities done in the video. Readiness Questionnaire (PAR) finals, GSW and CAVS.
LM pp. 3-4
B. Reviewing previous lesson The teacher will present a Pre-Assessment: Review on physical fitness and Review the phases of exercise, PMHR
or presenting the new lesson video clip. Then the learners its components. and THR.
will answer the following: Accomplish the Physical Activity
Readiness Questionnaire (PAR)
1. What did you feel after
watching the video? LM pp. 3-4
2. What are the different
activities done in the video?
C. Presenting examples/ Class discussion on the Class discussion about the The teacher will present different
instances of the new lesson meaning of physical fitness. different phases of exercise. pictures. The learners will describe
and identify the following:
1. Kind of movement
2. Body part involved
3. Components of fitness involved
D. Discussing new concepts -The learners will answer the Activity 1: Class discussion on the Class discussion about the procedure
and practicing new skill #1 & 2 following: meaning of PMHR and THR. how to execute sit and reach, zipper
1.How to obtain one’s heart rate. test and push-ups.
1. Are you physically fit? 2. How to compute PMHR and
2. Why did you answer, you THR.
are not physically fit?
3. Why did you answer, you
are physically fit?
4. How can you say that a
person is physically fit?
- Class discussion on the
components of physical fitness
and the factors affecting
physical fitness.
E. Developing Mastery . The learners will answer the Activity 2: Activity 1: Class discussion on the body parts
worksheet. 1. How to obtain one’s heart involved and components being
The learners will compute their rate. measured in doing sit and reach,
own PMHR and make/formulate 2. How to compute PMHR and zipper test and push-ups.
their own THR. THR.
F. Finding practical The learners will answer the Activity 3: Activity 3: The learners will perform properly with
applications of concepts & following question. The learners will perform the The learners will perform the pair sit and reach, zipper test and
skills in daily living
following: following: push-ups.
1. What is the importance of a 1. Warm-up……….....5 minutes 1. Warm-up…...5 minutes
high level of physical fitness in 2. Jug in place……….3 minutes 2. Jug in place..3 minutes
3. Cool-down………...2 minutes 3. Cool-down....2 minutes
daily living?
4. Obtain heart rate…1 minute 4. Obtain heart rate….1 minute
5. Interpret the result of heart 5. Interpret the result of heart
based on the formulated THR based on the formulated THR
G. Making generalizations & The learner swill answer the The learners will answer the The learners will answer the The learner will answer the following:
abstractions about the lesson following: following: following: What did the result of the three fitness
1. How can you assess your 1. What is the importance of the What is the importance of the test reveal about your present fitness
own fitness? phases of exercise? phases of exercise? level?
2. What is the importance of 2. What is the significance of What is the significance of Which test did you score
knowing the components of PMHR and THR to one’s progress PMHR and THR to one’s satisfactorily? Poorly? What should
physical fitness in assessing and fitness goal? progress and fitness goal? you do about it?
your fitness level? How important is taking your sit and
3. How can you improve the reach, push-ups and zipper test?
level of your physical fitness?

H. Evaluating Learning Short quiz Record the result of activity 2 & 3. Record the result of activity 2 & Record the result of the fitness test.
I. Additional activities for The learners will design their own The learners will design their
application or remediation exercise routine with THR. own exercise routine with THR.

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I OIC- Master Teacher I, MAPEH Dept.
LOG Teaching Week WEEK 2 Quarter 1


Date: Aug. 29-Sept. 2, 2022 August 29, 2022 August 30, 2022 August 31, 2022 September 1, 2022 September 2, 2022
A. Content Standards The Learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote community fitness.
B. Performance Standards The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community.
The learner practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.
C. Learning Competencies/ (Holiday) – National Heroes Day -The learner undertakes -The learner monitors periodically -The learner undertakes activity -The learner monitors periodically
Objectives activity and physical fitness one’s progress towards the fitness and physical fitness one’s progress towards the fitness
assessments. goals. assessments. goals.
-The learner monitors -The learner monitors
periodically one’s progress periodically one’s progress
towards the fitness goals. towards the fitness goals.
II. CONTENT Phases of Exercise, PMHR Physical Fitness Test Phases of Exercise, PMHR and Physical Fitness Test
and THR Sit and Reach Push-Ups THR Sit and Reach Push-Ups
Zipper Test Zipper Test
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s material pages LM pp2-6 LM pp6-7 LM pp2-6 LM pp6-7

3. Additional Materials from

Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Establishing a purpose for Pre-Assessment: The learners will give their The learners will give their The learners will give their
the lesson Accomplish the Physical insights/comments about the 2022 insights/comments about the insights/comments about the 2022
Activity Readiness NBA finals, GSW and CAVS. 2022 NBA finals, GSW and NBA finals, GSW and CAVS.
Questionnaire (PAR) CAVS..
LM pp. 3-4
B. Reviewing previous lesson Review on physical fitness and Review the phases of exercise, Review the phases of exercise, Review the phases of exercise, PMHR
or presenting the new lesson its components. PMHR and THR. PMHR and THR. and THR.
C. Presenting examples/ Class discussion about the The teacher will present different The teacher will present The teacher will present different
instances of the new lesson pictures. The learners will describe different pictures. The learners pictures. The learners will describe
different phases of exercise. and identify the following: will describe and identify the and identify the following:
1. Kind of movement following: 1. Kind of movement
2. Body part involved 1. Kind of movement 2. Body part involved
3. Components of fitness involved 2. Body part involved 3. Components of fitness involved
3. Components of fitness
D. Discussing new concepts Class discussion on the Class discussion about the Class discussion about the Class discussion about the procedure
and practicing new skill #1 & 2 meaning of PMHR and THR. procedure how to execute sit and procedure how to execute sit how to execute sit and reach, zipper
reach, zipper test and push-ups. and reach, zipper test and test and push-ups.
3. push-ups.
E. Developing Mastery Activity 1: Class discussion on the body parts Class discussion on the body Class discussion on the body parts
1. How to obtain one’s heart involved and components being parts involved and components involved and components being
rate. measured in doing sit and reach, being measured in doing sit and measured in doing sit and reach,
2. How to compute PMHR and zipper test and push-ups. reach, zipper test and push-ups. zipper test and push-ups.
F. Finding practical Activity 3: The learners will perform properly Class discussion on how to The learners will perform properly with
applications of concepts & The learners will perform the with pair sit and reach, zipper test improve the pair sit and reach, zipper test and
skills in daily living
following: and push-ups. Level of the fitness components push-ups.
1. Warm-up…...5 minutes involved in the three fitness test.
2. Jug in place..3 minutes
3. Cool-down....2 minutes
4. Obtain heart rate….1 minute
5. Interpret the result of heart
based on the formulated THR
G. Making generalizations & The learners will answer the The learner will answer the The learners will perform The learner will answer the following:
abstractions about the lesson following: following: properly with pair sit and reach, What did the result of the three fitness
What is the importance of the What did the result of the three zipper test and push-ups. test reveal about your present fitness
phases of exercise? fitness test reveal about your level?
What is the significance of present fitness level? Which test did you score
PMHR and THR to one’s Which test did you score satisfactorily? Poorly? What should
progress and fitness goal? satisfactorily? Poorly? What should you do about it?
you do about it? How important is taking your sit and
How important is taking your sit reach, push-ups and zipper test?
and reach, push-ups and zipper

H. Evaluating Learning Record the result of activity 2 & Record the result of the fitness The learner will answer the Record the result of the fitness test.
3. test. following:
1. What did the result of the
three fitness test reveal about
your present fitness level?
2. Which test did you score
satisfactorily? Poorly? What
should you do about it?
3. How important is taking your
sit and reach, push-ups and
zipper test?
I. Additional activities for The learners will design their
application or remediation own exercise routine with THR.

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I OIC- Master Teacher I, MAPEH Dept.
LOG Teaching Week WEEK 3 Quarter 1


Date: September 3-7, 2022 September 5, 2022 September 6, 2022 September 7, 2022 September 8, 2022 September 9, 2022
A. Content Standards The Learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote community fitness.
B. Performance Standards The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community.
The learner practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.
C. Learning Competencies/ -The learner undertakes activity -The learner undertakes -The learner monitors periodically -The learner undertakes activity -The learner monitors periodically
Objectives and physical fitness activity and physical fitness one’s progress towards the fitness and physical fitness one’s progress towards the fitness
assessments. assessments. goals. assessments. goals.
-The learner monitors periodically -The learner monitors -The learner monitors
one’s progress towards the periodically one’s progress periodically one’s progress
fitness goals. towards the fitness goals. towards the fitness goals.
II. CONTENT Phases of Exercise, PMHR and Physical Fitness Test Physical Fitness Test Physical Fitness Test Physical Fitness Test
THR Three Minute Step Test Sit and Reach,Push-Ups Juggling, hexagon test 40m sprint, stork balance, stick drop
Zipper Test
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s material pages LM pp2-6 LM pp2-6 LM pp6-7 LM pp6-7 LM pp6-7

3. Additional Materials from

Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Establishing a purpose for Pre-Assessment: Pre-Assessment: The learners will observe The learners will observe The learners will observe
the lesson Accomplish the Physical Activity Accomplish the Physical demonstration of teacher or watch demonstration of teacher or demonstration of teacher or watch
Readiness Questionnaire (PAR) Activity Readiness video demo presentation watch video demo presentation video demo presentation
LM pp. 3-4 Questionnaire (PAR)
LM pp. 3-4
B. Reviewing previous lesson Review on physical fitness and its Review on physical fitness and Review the phases of exercise, Review the phases of exercise, Review the phases of exercise, PMHR
or presenting the new lesson components. its components. PMHR and THR. PMHR and THR. and THR.
C. Presenting examples/ Class discussion about the Class discussion about the The teacher will present different The teacher will present The teacher will present different
different phases of exercise. pictures. The learners will describe different pictures. The learners pictures. The learners will describe
instances of the new lesson different phases of exercise. and identify the following: will describe and identify the and identify the following:
1. Kind of movement following: 1. Kind of movement
2. Body part involved 1. Kind of movement 2. Body part involved
3. Components of fitness involved 2. Body part involved 3. Components of fitness involved
3. Components of fitness
D. Discussing new concepts Class discussion on the meaning -Class discussion on the Class discussion about the Class discussion about the Class discussion about the procedure
and practicing new skill #1 & 2 of PMHR and THR. Physical Fitness Test procedure how to execute sit and procedure how to execute how to execute 40m sprint, stork
Evaluation and its benefit to reach, zipper test and push-ups. Juggling, hexagon test balance, stick drop
our body
E. Developing Mastery Activity 1: Activity 1: Class discussion on the body parts Class discussion on the body Class discussion on the body parts
1. How to obtain one’s heart rate. 1. How to obtain one’s heart involved and components being parts involved and components involved and components being
2. How to compute PMHR and rate. measured in doing sit and reach, being measured in doing measured in doing 40m sprint, stork
THR. 2. How to compute PMHR and zipper test and push-ups. Juggling, hexagon test balance, stick drop.
F. Finding practical Activity 3: Activity 3: The learners will perform properly Class discussion on how to The learners will perform properly for
applications of concepts & The learners will perform the The learners will perform the with pair sit and reach, zipper test improve the 40m sprint, stork balance, stick drop
skills in daily living
following: three-minute step test. and push-ups. Level of the fitness components
1. Warm-up…...5 minutes involved in the physical fitness
2. Jug in place.3 minutes test.
3. Cool-down....2 minutes
4. Obtain heart rate….1 minute
5. Interpret the result of heart
based on the formulated THR
G. Making generalizations & The learners will answer the The learners will answer the The learner will answer the The learners will perform The learner will answer the following:
abstractions about the lesson following: following: following: properly with pair Juggling, 1. What did the result of the physical
1. What is the importance of the 1. What is the importance of 1. What did the result of the hexagon test fitness test reveal about your present
phases of exercise? the phases of exercise? physical fitness test reveal about fitness level?
2. What is the significance of 2. What is the significance of your present fitness level? 2. Which test did you score
PMHR and THR to one’s PMHR and THR to one’s 2. Which test did you score satisfactorily? Poorly? What should
progress and fitness goal? progress and fitness goal? satisfactorily? Poorly? What should you do about it?
you do about it? 3. How important is taking your 40m
3. How important is taking your sit sprint, stork balance, stick drop?
and reach, push-ups and zipper

H. Evaluating Learning Record the result of activity 2 & 3. Record the result of activity The learner will answer the The learner will answer the Record the result of the fitness test.
following: following:
1. What did the result of the 1. What did the result of the
physical fitness test reveal about physical fitness test reveal
your present fitness level? about your present fitness
2. Which test did you score level?
satisfactorily? Poorly? What should 2. Which test did you score
you do about it? satisfactorily? Poorly? What
3. How important is taking your sit should you do about it?
and reach, push-ups and zipper 3. How important is taking your
test? Juggling, hexagon test?
I. Additional activities for The learners will design their own The learners will design their
application or remediation exercise routine with THR. own exercise routine with THR.

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I OIC- Master Teacher I, MAPEH Dept.

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