Training History Report Reps by Acad Roads Sars T2022
SC Criminal Justice Academy For. Underwood, Matthew Fernand
‘Academy ID 9258-0247
Underwood, Matthew Person Status Active DOB 294 BEOC Black
Fernando ‘SSN ’ Gender Male
Mo mt
organization Ave Dates Teast __Enmpleyment Type _Appoinmene Type_[ Stes
‘Columbia Police Dept. (09/21/2020 - 05/27/2022 [om Class 1 LEO Tnactive
set Explaton seam
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DUL Detect Citation eso: tosis Atv Ati)
Class | Law Enforcement Officer 03/19/2021 03/19/2024 Allegation of Misconduct (Inactive)
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‘Total Hours Oh Om)
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Comaeie Cos Ne Dring Ds Grade sums Cay Hows
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Line Up-LineUp 201 Sepenber Over ag82021—e823n022 cone thom
BLE ELD POOL-BLE Fi Pox FY 2021 Crane
3rd Qtr 01/01/2021 01/01/2022 79.00% 11/96/9020 Oh Om
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For Official Use Only Page 1 of 3Training History Report
‘SC Criminal Justice Academy.
oh Adio Reatines Ste
For: Underwood, Matthew Fernando
Academy 1D 92580247
‘Legal Update -Legal Update 2021 -Part2 08/08/2021 08/08/2021 ‘Completed thom
Line-Up LineUp 2020 November-Devember 08/08/2021 08/08/2021 ‘Completed thom
Line-Up -LineUp 2021 July-August os/os2021 08/08/2021 Completed thom
Line-Up - Line Up 2021 March-April ‘08/08/2021 08/08/2021 Completed thom
Studio - Mental Mines: Resources for Law
x ‘osvos2021 08/08/2021 Completed 20m
Studio - SLED First Amendment Auditors Mandatory
pends os0s72021ow/os2021 Compieied 0h 10m
Studio -SLED Open Carry with Training Act 08/08/2021 08/08/2021 Completed anon” Oh 15m
Studio - Vietim-Centered Approach to Combat,
ee ee owvow2021 08/8/2021 Completed thom
Line-Up LineUp 2021 January-Febrosry 01/04/2021 08/08/2021 Completed thom
CDV - Annual -DV 2020- Tdenifving the 960999 ogiogz02i seed m
Primary Aggressor Compl a
Graduated -
BLE 8 WEEK - BLE 731 2021.0125 ov2siz021 —o3/1972021 95.33% Gran, 462h 0m
BLE 8 WEEK - BLE 730 2021.01.11 ovina 03/572021 83.00% Departed ohm
Total Hours (4738 40m)
Other Periods (through 12/31/2020)
CourseTile Course No.) Training Dates Grade _Staus Hours
Special Basic Onlin - Special Basic Driver
ue lon 1210972020 12/09/2020 Completed 0m
BLE Cumulative TesvPAT - BLE Cumulative Complete
TesdPAT 2020.1.11 1:30pm ees 78.79% yynin020 ao
Total Hours (Oh Om)
‘A grado of indicates thatthe weights for this clas ae not valid and grades cannot be caleulted.
No education data exist
For Official Use Only Page 20f3Training History Report Reported by Acadie® Readiness Sul snv72022
‘SC Criminal Justice Academy For: Underwood, Matthew Fernando
‘Academy ID 92580247
Has Application Yes
‘Has been Fingerprinted Yes
Has Birth Certificate Yes
Has Driver's License Yes
“Has High School Diploma Yes
Has Medical Form Yes
Place of Birth South Carolina
US Citizen Yes
For Official Use Only Page 3of3Read Y Status: Submitted
Entry #1138 Unread
Date Submitted: 5/31/2022 10:52 AM
Internal Use
South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy
Agent status
Malkiewicz, Daniel Closed / Completed
Agency Information
Today's Date
Columbia Police Dept
Agency Email ‘Agency Phone Number
‘[email protected] (03) 213-1028
Officer Information
Matthew Underwood
eademy 1D Certification Type
9256-0247 Class 1 LEO
Columbia, South Carolina 29210
Separation Information(For all separations NOT involving misconduct as defined in §.C. Reg. 37-025)
You must submit MRN (Mandatory Retraining Notifcation) information below indicating in-service training received since last
“Date of Separation" and "CONFIRM Date of Separation’ MUST MATCH
Date of Separation
Separation Action
Reason(s) for Separation
There isa pending criminal investigation on this officer
‘There are pending criminal charges on this officer
CONFIRM Date of Separation
If specified training has been viewed in Acadis, please do not enter values. For traning not conducted or viewed in Acadis, please enter
Certification Renewal Date
DV Year Viewed Domestic Valence Hours
Legal Update 1 Legal Update 2
V0 Year Viewed vO Hours
In-Service Year Viewed In-Service Hours
2022 85
Enter Reporting Year
Legal Update HoursSeparate Cert. Year Viewed
DV Year Viewed
Legal Update 1
EVO Year Viewed
InService Year Viewed.
Separate Cert. Year Viewed
DV Year Viewed
Legal Update 1
V0 Year Viewed
Inservice Year Viewed
Separate Cert. Year Viewed
Separate Cert Hours
Domestic Violence Hours
Legal Update 2
Legal Update Hours
V0 Hours
In-Service Hours
Separate Cert. Hours
Domestic Violence Hours
Legal Update 2
Legal Update Hours
V0 Hours
In-Service Hours
Separate Cert. Hours
Mental Health Awareness Training
(One Required continuing law enforcement education credit in mental health or addictive disorders over a three (3) year recertification
Mental Health Year Viewed
‘Mental Health HoursSQA Instructor Teaching Hours
Electronic Signature (Agency Head or Authorized Represenative)
| hereby attest thatthe reason for separation ofthis officer does NOT involve misconduct or otherwise disqualify elilblity for certification
‘as defined in 8.C. Reg, 37-025,
Full Name Official Title ‘Academy iD#
Shawn ¢ Curie Program Assistant 7298-0127PCS: Separation Due to Misconduct
Employing Agency Information (Contact for more
This form MUST be completed within 15 days of the discovery of any event of misconduct which is
determined to be "FOUNDED" by the agency or department. The Misconduct Report Form, Separation
‘Supplement, and all documentation related to the misconduct must be forwarded to the Criminal Justice
‘Academy's Certification Unit.
For any separation involving misconduct as defined in S.C. Code Section 23-23-150, completion of this
form is REQUIRED.
Agency Informat
Reporting Agency
Columbia Police Dept.
Colin David Bailey
Agency Email Agency Phone Number
colin.bailey@columbiasc. gov (803) 545-3581
Officer Information
Matthew Fernando Underwood
Academy ID Certification Type
9258-0247 Class 1 LE
Phone Number
Current Home Address
Columbia, South Carolina 29210
Separation Information
Date of Separation CONFIRM Date of Separation
5/27/2022 5/27/2022‘Separation Action
Resignation INVOLVING MISCONDUCT as defined in S.C, Code Section 23-23-150 andlor S.C. Code of
Regulations 37-025
Please indicate the nature of the misconduct below:
The physical or psychological abuse of members of the public or pris
Reason for Separation
Do not use generic terminology such as conduct unbecoming, failed to meet agency standards, violation of
agency operating procedures, etc, Be specific. Detailed information describing act(s) of misconduct is
necessary for efficeint processing.
‘The below information is REQUIRED for all separations due to misconduct:
‘Type description of alleged misconduct:
‘A female citizen told a private investigator that she had sex with Officer Matthew Underwood to avoid three
traffic tickets. That investigator notified this office, which initiated an investigation.
This investigation includes an audio recording of the citizen's conversation with the investigator, along with
a sefies of text messages between herself and Officer Underwood. The investigation also includes tracking
information from Underwood's patrol car, Underwood's statement and schedule. Underwood also provided
copies of the text messages between himself and the female.
The investigation revealed that on April Sth, 2022 at 0230, Underwood was working an off duty assignment
at the EZ Spot in a marked patrol car and in uniform. Underwood saw a GMC Envoy operated by the
citizen and ran the tag. Upon learning the tag came back to another car, Underwood conducted an
investigation and approached the citizen, learning further that her driver's license was suspended. The
citizen agreed to meet Underwood down the street in @ parking lot behind a closed business. There they
had sex. Underwood then returned to the EZ Spot, but continued to communicate with the citizen via text
‘messaging and met up with her several more times in the following days.
(On September 21st, 2022, a Command Review Board Hearing was held in reference to the above-listed
incident and the resulting allegations. The allegations were that Underwood had violated the following
Columbia Police Department General Orders:
ina unanimous decision, the Command Review Board sustained the allegations and recommended
termination of employment. However, prior to the Command Review Board Hearing, Underwood submitted
aletter of resignation, having knowledge that such a resignation was in lieu of termination
The Board determined Underwood had violated the above policies; Underwood had violated our Conduct
Unbecoming policy when he engaged in a sex act while on duty. Underwood had violated our Abuse of
Position policy when he used his position to influence a woman into engaging in sex. Underwood had
violated our Leaving Duty Post policy when he left his off duty assignment location without just cause.
Criminal Charges Filed?
Pending Criminal Investigation?
Pending Criminal Charges?
Upload MRN
underwood. pdfPursuant to S.C. Code 23-23-150(F), does the submission of this allegation exceed the time allowed
by statute?