CDP Final
CDP Final
CDP Final
If we can, bring that warm-weather plant inside for the winter. These
vibrant plants can be used to decorate the home as they’re receiving
much-needed protection from winter weather. When this isn’t
feasible—due to space limitations, for example—outdoor plants can
also be transported to the garage or sun room, where they can be
exposed to temperatures at least ten degrees warmer than what
they’d be experiencing outside. Determine where potted plants need
to be placed by making note of their sun requirements; those that
need the most light should be situated by east and west facing
windows while those that don’t need as much sunshine can sit by
windows that face to the north and south. Either way, your plants
shouldn’t be too close to the windows, as the cold can affect them if
they touch a pane. Vents dry the air so also try to keep houseplants
away from them.
Apply mulch:
When heat and moisture escape from soil during the winter months,
plants suffer. Protect the vulnerable root systems of the plants by
applying a layer of mulch two to three inches thick to the soil
surrounding them. Consider wheat or pine straw mulch, as these
varieties trap heat effectively and are easily removed in the spring.
Mulch can serve another purpose as well: Some plants, such as roses
and strawberries, benefit from being covered by mulch in the winter.
Mulch helps plants survive the winter, but it needs to be raked back
in the spring so the soil and plants can be exposed to the warmth of
the sun.
Cover plants:
While they may protect the plant they’re purposed for, pesticides
can contaminate soil, water and other vegetation, causing harm to
birds, fish, beneficial insects and non-target plants. This can have a
devastating impact on pollination, thus throwing the whole
ecosystem out of balance.
Clever plant combining or making your own natural pesticides using
everyday food items such as garlic and pepper are a great way to
combat invasive species without harming the environment or your
In this last 40 days I managed to get a bud which feels like my own baby.