F9 1-s2.0-S1364032120304020-mainGreen Roof and Green Wall Benefits and Costs A Review of The
F9 1-s2.0-S1364032120304020-mainGreen Roof and Green Wall Benefits and Costs A Review of The
F9 1-s2.0-S1364032120304020-mainGreen Roof and Green Wall Benefits and Costs A Review of The
Green roof and green wall benefits and costs: A review of the
quantitative evidence
Maria Manso b, *, Inês Teotónio b, Cristina Matos Silva a, Carlos Oliveira Cruz a
Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, CERIS, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Georesources, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001, Lisbon,
Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, CERIS, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001, Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Greening the urban environment can be an important strategy to tackle the problems of urban densification and
Green roofs meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Green infrastructures, like green roofs and green walls,
Green walls have multiple associated environmental, social and economic benefits that improve buildings performance and
the urban environment. Yet, the implementation of green roofs and green walls is still limited, as these systems
Life-cycle costs
Data variability
often have additional costs when compared to conventional solutions.
Average quantification Recent studies have been comparing these greening systems to other solutions, balancing the long-term
benefits and costs. Also, there is significant research on green roofs and green walls benefits. Although, green
roofs and green walls economic analyses don’t include all benefits due to measuring difficulties. The associated
uncertainty regarding the quantification of the benefit makes it difficult to compare the research outcomes.
This paper aims to provide a research review of existing benefits and costs of different types of green roofs and
green walls. These were divided between building scale benefits, urban scale benefits and life cycle costs,
focusing on the identification of results variability and assessment of their average quantification.
The analysis shows that in general, there are few data regarding intangible benefits, as the promotion of
quality of life and well-being. Also, there are still few studies quantifying green walls benefits and costs. High
variability in data is mostly related to the different characteristics of systems, buildings envelope, surrounding
environment and local weather conditions.
1. Introduction have multiple environmental [4], social and economic benefits [5–7]
that help to improve buildings performance and the surrounding urban
Urban densification has been increasing in the last decades causing environment [3].
pressure over the existing infrastructures and detrimental impacts on Green roofs, also known as ecoroofs, living roofs or vegetated/
urban environmental and social conditions. According to the United vegetative roofs, refer to all systems which enable greening roofs,
Nations, more than half of the world population lives in cities and allowing the growth of different types of vegetation on top of buildings
projections show that the urban population may rise 60% by 2030. Also, [6–8]. Green roofs include a set of layers that protect the support and
cities occupy only 3% of the Earth’s land but account for 60–80% of improve system performance. They commonly include the vegetation,
global energy consumption, 75% of global carbon emissions and more growing medium (substrate), filter layer and drainage layer [3]. These
than 60% of resource use [1]. Urban densification has an impact on solutions are normally applied over waterproofed roofs with a root
global climate change, which is reflected by urban heat island effect barrier and the insulation layer. Also, the green roof system must be
(UHIE) [2,3], and affects urban noise, air pollution and water manage applied over a layer with a minimum slope of 2% to drain the excessive
ment, interfering with citizens health and wellbeing [1]. rainwater along the roof [9]. Compared to conventional roofs, green
In order to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, roofs tend to be more expensive, requiring extra maintenance depending
green infrastructures, like green roofs and green walls, can be used as a on the vegetation type and irrigation needs. If the substrate thickness is
strategy to minimize these problems. In fact, these greening solutions significant the system may need an increased weight load capacity of the
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Manso).
Received 25 November 2019; Received in revised form 9 July 2020; Accepted 16 July 2020
Available online 8 August 2020
1364-0321/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Manso et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110111
Fig. 1. Green roofs energy savings compared to black roofs [28,30,34–40] and white roofs [30,34,39]. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
roof to be able to be implemented. green walls, the selection of the most appropriate system must take into
Green roofs can be classified as intensive, semi-intensive or exten consideration building characteristics and local climate conditions [4].
sive, according to their substrate depth and plants used [4,9]. Intensive Recent research has been identifying and modelling green roofs and
green roofs have a thicker substrate layer (over 15–40 cm), allowing the green walls benefits and quantifying their life cycle costs [4,6–8].
integration of a wide variety of plants (shrubs, bushes and small trees) However, results are not easily comparable as their methodologies are
[8]. However, they require regular irrigation and maintenance [9]. different.
Extensive green roofs are lightweight systems that can be installed in This work provides a research review of all building and urban
existing, flat or sloped roofs up to 30◦ improving the aesthetics of benefits and life-cycle cost of green roofs and green walls. The aim is to
non-accessible roofs. Due to their thickness (6–20 cm), extensive solu identify the variability of results regarding the quantification of green
tions have limitations on plants variety. Several studies indicate the use roofs and green walls benefits and costs and measure the average
of succulent plants (e.g. Sedum) due to its short root structure and quantification of these results for each greening solution. This study is
compatibility with limited water resources [10] and solar radiation based on a scientific literature review considering articles in peer-
tolerance [11]. However, other vegetation types can also be used in reviewed journals, conference papers, research reports, books, master
extensive systems like mosses, grasses, wildflowers, grasses [9] and and doctoral theses. It gathers the information obtained from 129
other CAM plants [11], as long as they are adapted to the local climate different studies, identifying the minimum, maximum and average
conditions and agree with the system characteristics. When applied in values obtained in each study. When relevant a global minimum,
buildings retrofitting extensive green roofs are more appropriate than maximum and total average are calculated from the obtained data, in
intensive green roofs as these solutions do not overload the existing order to assess the range performance values and the most representa
structure. Semi-intensive or simple intensive green roofs have interme tive value for each solution. These studies aren’t representative of all
diate characteristics, including a thicker substrate (12–25 cm) than countries. However, where applicable (e.g. building energy consump
extensive solutions but requiring less irrigation and maintenance than tion and UHIE mitigation), studies are organized according to Köppen
intensive ones [9].Green walls, also known as vertical greening systems Geiger climate classification to improve the understanding of the
[12,13] or vertical greenery systems (VGS) [14–17], refer to all systems context.
which enable greening a vertical surface of a building (e.g. façades, This paper is organized into five sections. Section 1 includes an
walls, blind walls, partition walls, etc.) with a selection of plant species introduction to the topic in discussion. Section 2 concerns the identifi
[5]. Green walls can be generally divided into two main categories, cation and quantification of building scale benefits, considering their
green façades and living walls [5,18]. Green façades are usually based characteristics to improve buildings performance. Section 3 includes all
on the use of climbing plants which grow directly against the wall (using urban scale benefits, considering the impact of green roofs and green
aerial roots, leaf tendrils and adhesion pads) or have an indirect support walls in the urban area. In section 4 is determined the average cost of
system (e.g. wire, mesh, trellis) [19]. Green façades usually have slow each system in the several phases of their lifecycle. In section 2 to 4, the
surface coverage and include a limited plant selection. Instead, living results from several authors are compared and the variability between
walls, either modular or continuous, allow a more uniform vegetation results is analysed. Section 5 summarizes the average values for each
growth along the surface and the application of different plant varieties building and urban scale benefit, and the costs in each stage of their
[20]. However, living wall systems may require frequent irrigation and lifecycle. The variability of these results is analysed and compared be
nutrients supply. tween systems, when applicable. A discussion is made regarding the
In summary, for a successful implementation of green roofs and main outcomes of benefits and lifecycle costs variability. Finally, the
M. Manso et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110111
Table 1
Maximum energy savings of green roofs compared to black roofs and white roofs.
Maximum Energy Efficiency (%)
Green roof versus Black roof Green roof versus White roof
Roof Type Season Insulation Csa Af Bwh Bsh Cfb Dfb Csa Af Bwh Bsh Cfb Dfb
paper ends with some remarks and recommendations for future buildings interior during the cooling season [27]. Also, the presence of a
research. thermal insulation layer in the roof shows significant influence in the
results. Several studies have demonstrated that green roof systems can
2. Building scale benefits be more effective when applied to less insulated buildings [28].
In general, green roofs are more energy efficient than black roofs in
In a building scale, green roofs and green walls promote energy all climates. Table 1 shows that maximum energy savings are obtained
savings [8], reduce sound transmission into buildings [21], contribute to when comparing intensive green roofs to black roofs, especially over
greywater treatment [22] and increase the envelope’s longevity [16]. non-insulated roofs, reaching to 84% energy savings in the cooling
Green roofs can also increase photovoltaic panels (PV) performance [23, season and 48% in the heating season. Also, in Csa climate, green roofs
24]. While green walls can shade and protect blank walls, contributing can be more effective than white roofs in the heating season, especially
to surface and air temperature reduction [25]. In fact, green roofs and in buildings that are not insulated. However, in this climate green roofs
green walls can be a feature in new buildings but are also interesting are not as effective in the cooling season, except for intensive green roofs
solutions for buildings retrofitting. due to substrate thickness.
In the Tropical climate (Af), where only cooling is necessary, tests
developed by Wong et al. [29] in a commercial building in Singapore,
2.1. Energy consumption reduction
demonstrate that extensive green roofs show higher energy savings than
black roofs also in non-insulated buildings, obtaining average energy
In the last decade, several studies have been demonstrating the po
savings of 63%.
tential of green roofs and green walls to improve buildings energy effi
In the Tropical desert climate (Bwh) the application of extensive
ciency [8,26]. Their performance varies according to: system
green roofs was tested by Zinzi and Agnoli [30]. Results from Cairo city
characteristics [17] (leaf area, geometry, substrate type, depth and
in Egypt, demonstrate that in the heating season extensive green roofs
moisture content, materials of each layer and connection to the build
are more effective than black and white roofs, reaching 22% and 52%
ing), buildings physical characteristics (height, insulation, construction
energy savings, respectively. However, in the cooling season results are
materials, building envelope, glazing area, solar orientation, shading)
not as promising, as white roofs reveal to be more effective.
and to local climate conditions (seasons, heating or cooling needs).
In the Semi-arid hot climate (Bsh) a semi-intensive green roof was
Energy savings in buildings are obtained by different studies based
analysed by Ascioni et al. [31]. Energy savings for cooling of this green
on the comparison of energy use for heating and cooling between a
roof reached an average of 7,25% compared to a traditional roof and
building covered with a green roof (extensive or intensive) and a stan
were not as effective as white roofs.
dard scenario, where the building includes a traditional flat roof, namely
In cold climates (Cfb and Dfb), where winters require more heating
white or black roof. The results obtained by several authors are illus
loads, all types of green roofs have proven to be more effective than
trated in Fig. 1 and Table 1. Studies were categorized according to their
black and white roofs. In summer green roofs demonstrate to reduce
location and to Köppen–Geiger climate classification system. From all
energy loads when compared to black roofs but not as much as in
climatic regions, the Hot-summer Mediterranean climate (Csa) was
warmer climates. In Table 1 maximum energy savings were also ob
tested the most. Results were also obtained for Tropical rainforest
tained with extensive green roofs in the Oceanic climate (Cfb) revealing
climate (Af), Tropical and subtropical desert climate (Bwh), Hot semi-
to be highly effective in the cooling season reaching to 84% in insulated
arid climate (BSh), Marine west coast climate (Cfb) and Warm-
buildings and 100% in non-insulated buildings, but not in the heating
summer humid continental climate (Dfb). All results were divided into
cooling and heating seasons when applied. Insulated buildings were
More recently some authors have studied green walls potential to
distinguished from non-insulated ones. Also, studies comparing green
improve energy efficiency in buildings, due to surface temperature
roofs with white roofs (highly reflective roof with low albedo) were
reduction and shadowing provided by plants [14,32,33]. Studies
distinguished from green roofs comparisons with any other flat roofs,
demonstrate that, in Csa climate, when compared to a conventional
here nominated as black roofs.
wall, green façades can have an energy efficiency of 34% [33] and living
Fig. 1 shows that green roofs, when compared with black roofs,
walls 59% [14] to 66% [32], during the cooling season.
provide additional thermal insulation, due to substrate thickness. Also,
plants contribute to evapotranspiration, reducing roofs superficial
temperature. When comparing green roofs with white roofs, white roofs 2.2. Improvement of photovoltaics performance
reflect most of the incident solar radiation during daytime and radiate
heat stored in the structure during the night, reducing heat transfer into Photovoltaics are integrated into the universe of renewable energy
M. Manso et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110111
and black roofs [45]. Some authors indicate the annual performance
and/or the summer performance due to an increase in solar irradiation
during the warm season [43].
Results indicate an increase of PV performance reaching a minimum
average of 1,59% and a maximum average of 3,35%, with a total
average increase of 2,6%. Also, PV’s performance seems not to be
significantly different when compared to black roofs (0,5% to 1,2%
increment) [41,45] and to white roofs (0,7% to 0,8% increment) [41].
Also, life cycle assessment results indicate that PV-green roofs are
more environmentally friendly on a long-term basis than PV combined
with conventional roofs due to their increased electricity production
Fewer studies were developed based on the comparative analysis of
PV panels combined with green walls and PV panels over blank walls.
Moren and Korjenic [46] demonstrated how the creation of a green
buffer space between a green façade and the PV panels acts as a tem
perature regulation tool reducing the PV operating temperatures 1 ◦ C to
4 ◦ C, reaching higher temperature differences when the outdoor tem
perature is above 20 ◦ C [46].
Table 2
Extensive green roofs sound transmission reduction [52,57].
Frequency magnitude Frequency range (Hz) Reference Minimum (dB) Maximum (dB)
M. Manso et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110111
M. Manso et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110111
2.8. Incentive policies Dense urban areas are normally affected by the Urban Heat Island
Effect (UHIE), as a result of a temperature difference between a certain
To promote the application of green roofs and green walls several urban area and its nearby rural areas. This phenomenon is influenced by
incentive policies are being used. Incentives can be categorized as tax surfaces temperature, air pollution, wind speed, buildings height,
property, stormwater fee, other taxes reduction, subsidies, reduction of limited green and open areas and lack of water evaporation. The UHIE
interest rate, construction permit, sustainability certification, obliga has an impact on public comfort and health leading to increased energy
tions by law or agile administrative process. Each country must select consumption for cooling in buildings.
M. Manso et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110111
Table 3 UHI mitigation potential of green walls. The obtained results demon
Living walls urban noise reduction [80,113,115,117]. strate that green façades and living walls can contribute in average to an
Reference Minimum Maximum Comments urban temperature decrease of 1,37 ◦ C. However, there is not enough
(dB) (dB) data to distinguish the impact depending on the system applied.
Lacasta et al. (2016) 4 4 dB (250–4000 The use of green roofs and green walls can be particularly important
Hz) in cities located in warmer climates due to their potential of shading and
Lunain et al. (2016) 0 6 0–6 dB evapotranspiration effect of plants, which helps to create a more
(400–2500 Hz) comfortable environment in buildings surroundings.
Lunain et al. (2016) 0 10 0–10 dB (>3150
Veisten et al. (2012) 4,1 3.2. Urban noise
Configuration a
Veisten et al. (2012) 4,5 Green roofs and green walls have the potential to reduce noise
Configuration b
pollution in urban environments, as these systems absorb, scatter and
Van Renterghem et al. 4,4
(2013) influence the reflection of airborne sound, improving the acoustical
Total Average 5,5 characteristics of the surrounding environment [112]. Also, as previ
ously referred in section 2.3 the noise reduction potential of green walls
and green roofs influences not only the noise in the surrounding urban
To counteract this effect, it is necessary to increase building surfaces environment but also the sound transmission into the building interior
cooling abilities. Plants have the ability to absorb solar radiation to in the surfaces where the system implemented). Vegetation and sub
develop their biological functions (photosynthesis, transpiration, evap strate characteristics (foliage dimension and shape, root system, sub
oration and respiration) [95] and create a milder microclimate as strate density, etc.) are constantly changing along the year, influencing
evapotranspiration cools both the plant foliage and the ambient air their capacity to absorb and reflect sound [113]. The urban form also
around them [96]. Therefore, solutions as green roofs or green walls, can influences sound propagation, as building roofs and facades give rise to
contribute to evaporative cooling from evapotranspiration [97], multiple sound wave reflections and diffractions [53,114,115].
shading, increase the surface albedo (0,7 to 0,85 versus 0,1 to 0,2) [4] Van Renterghem and Botteldooren [116] studied sound propagation
and emissivity, and complement the building insulation [21,34]. The over extensive green roofs. Acoustic green roof improvements among
UHI mitigation potential of greening systems is conditioned by several single diffraction exceeding 10 dB were found for frequencies between
variables as i) climate conditions (solar radiation, outdoor temperature 400 Hz and 1250 Hz. For double diffraction, positive results up to 10 dB
and humidity, wind and precipitation); ii) optical variables (surface al were obtained with less frequency dependency.
bedo and emissivity); iii) thermal variables (thermal capacity and Table 3 shows the results obtained by different authors regarding the
thermal transmittance); iv) and hydrological variables (latent heat loss potential of living walls to contribute to urban noise reduction. Results
through evaporation by plants and soil) [38]. indicate a variation along different frequencies and between systems. A
The UHI mitigation potential of green roofs and green walls is total average urban noise attenuation of 5,5 dB was obtained, ranging
determined based on their effect in the surrounding environment, between 0 and 10 dB.
considering the air temperature difference between the baseline sce
nario and the inclusion of green roofs or green walls in the same sce
3.3. Water management
nario. Fig. 5 presents the UHI mitigation effect of green roofs studied by
different authors. Overall, the average reduction of the surrounding
Stormwater runoff is an increasing problem in urban areas due to the
temperature collected in these studies is l, 34 ◦ C, varying between a
application of ground materials with no water retention capacity
minimum and a maximum average of 1 ◦ C to 2,3 ◦ C.
(impermeable surfaces). Therefore, rainwater is drained directly to the
Fig. 6 shows that fewer studies have been identified regarding the
sewage. Intense rainfall events may overload the sewage system, causing
Fig. 7. Stormwater retention capacity of extensive green roofs [36,107,109,119–124,126–145] and intensive green roofs [72,119,146].
M. Manso et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110111
M. Manso et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110111
Table 4
Air pollutant concentration change (%) of green roofs’ scenario compared to the baseline scenario [159–161,166].
Reference Location Method Air pollutant concentration (%)
3.4. Air quality improvement the actual value of air quality improvement it is a good way to assess the
potential of green roofs and green walls.
Urban areas usually have higher concentrations of air pollutants Fig. 10 illustrates the pollutants removal capacity of green roofs
which are harmful to human health, mainly due to intense road and air obtained by different authors through dry deposition. All values were
traffic, and concentration of industries. Air pollutants include, among converted to grams (g) per area unit (m2) per year. These studies show
others, ground-level ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate higher average removal capacity of O3 (1,96 g/m2.year), PM10 (1,47 g/
matter less than 10 μm in diameter (PM10), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and m2.year) and NO2 (1,03 g/m2.year). Significant average results were
carbon monoxide (CO). According to the European Environment also obtained for SO2 (0,41 g/m2.year), CO (0,41 g/m2.year).
Agency, urban population are being exposed frequently to air pollution Table 4 presents the results obtained by different authors regarding
levels above the limit values [156], becoming mandatory to find solu the percentual air pollution concentration change (%) of green roof
tions to attenuate this problem. The conventional approach to air scenario compared to the baseline scenario. Results indicate an average
pollution is to control the source (e.g. road traffic and industrial emis increase in the concentration of O3 (20%), NO2 (14.4%) and PM10
sions). However innovative solutions can be adopted to remove the (33.6%) and a decrease of SO2 (37%). Authors refer that increased
existing air pollutants in urban areas [157]. Plant species, depending on pollutants concentration may occur due to the green roof system char
their form and dimension, are able to sequester air pollutants and acteristics (e.g. use of crushed stones, gravel and exposed substrates on
consume carbon dioxide to develop their vital functions. For example, green roofs [159]), low wind speed [160]and lack of horizontal airflow
evergreen conifers may provide a greater benefit than deciduous species in urban canyons [161].
as they keep their leaves all year [158]. Green walls can also contribute to air pollutants removal as much as
The assessment of green roofs and green walls impact on air quality is 11,7%–40% of NO2, and 42%–60% of PM10, 40% O3, 3,5% SO2, 1,34%
usually done following one of two approaches: estimating the pollutant CO and also 1,34% PM2.5 [161,162].
deposition or calculating the difference in the pollutant concentration Like previous green roofs and green walls benefits, understanding
values. Most authors apply deposition models, although they do not give the effects of these systems on the air quality is not straightforward.
Fig. 11. Installation cost (€/m2) of extensive green roofs [67,69,73,76,79,154,184,188,192,193], semi-intensive green roofs [184] and intensive green roofs [67,69,
M. Manso et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110111
Fig. 14. Operation and maintenance cost (€/m2/year) of green walls [68,193].
Several factors, such as the weather conditions, the urban structure, the There are other environmental and social benefits which are not
spatial and temporal scale of the study, or the assessment approach easily quantifiable but provide a qualitative contribution to a more
(measuring or modelling) affect the results. sustainable urban environment as well [167]. This is the case of health
A more comprehensive analysis is needed to consider the physical and well-being, biodiversity, aesthetic value, recreational use of space
and chemical processes that may occur. and urban farming.
M. Manso et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110111
4. Life-cycle costs
M. Manso et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110111
Table 5
Summary of building and urban benefits and costs.
Green Roofs Green Walls
Ecosystem Measurable Building/ Energy savings (Maximum values) 100% Cooling 67% Cooling 84% Cooling 34% Cooling 66% Cooling
Servicesa Local (Cfb N-Ins.) (Csa N-Ins.) (Csa N-Ins.) (Csa) (Csa)
73% Heating 68% Heating 71% Heating
(Csa Ins.) (Csa N-Ins.) (Csa N-Ins.)
PV performance 1.35%–3.35% increase (Avg = 2.6%) No data available
Sound transmission <5 dB–20 dB No data available
Greywater treatment No data available <80%–90%
<90% BOD
<30–50% TN
<15–30% TP
E. coli
In-service life 28 years–47 years (Avg = 40 years) Avg = 50 years
Property value 16,2% (Avg = 8.24%) 2%–5% (Avg = 8.24%)
Risk of fire No data available
Incentive policies No data available
Intangibleb Health/well-being Use alternative methodologies of measurement as enquiries, multicriteria analysis, etc.
Aesthetic value
Recreational value
Costs Installation (€/m2) 67 - 128 (Avg = 112 - 148 156 - 627 (Avg 114 - 266 (Avg 408 - 1091
99) (Avg = 130) = 362) = 190) (Avg = 750)
Operation/Maintenance (€/m2/ 0,84–9,16 (Avg Avg = 7.77 0.72–12.75 2.06–9.07 Avg = 18.98
year) = 4.28) (Avg = 5.64) (Avg = 5.57)
Disposal (€/m2) Avg = 12 No data Avg = 26 44 - 146 (Avg Avg = 239
available = 95)
Avg (average); < (decrease); > (increase); N-Ins. (Non-insulated); Ins. (Insulated).
Benefits associated with the installation of green roofs/walls.
Require other approaches for measuring.
often mentioned that waterproof membranes last around 10 years. 4,28 €/m2/year (4,84 USD/m2/year), 7,77 €/m2/year (8,78 USD/m2/
However, the system itself may last 50 years (see section 2.5). Climate year) and 5,64 €/m2/year (6,37 USD/m2/year) is obtained for extensive,
conditions and plant selection can influence maintenance conditions. semi-intensive and intensive green roofs, respectively.
Some climates require more irrigation and re-planting than others. Also, There is still few data regarding green walls maintenance cost. Cost
choosing native plant species can reduce significantly maintenance may vary according to nutrients and irrigation needs and plants species
needs and associated costs. used. Fig. 14 shows that, according to the most recent literature, the
Although there is no data related to maintenance cost reduction average maintenance cost for green facades is 5,57 €/m2/year (6,29
along the years, usually extensive green roofs require less maintenance USD/m2/year) and for living walls is 18,98 €/m2/year (21,45 USD/m2/
than intensive green roofs. In the first years, green roofs usually have year).
more irrigation needs and re-planting may be needed due to plant
inadaptation. 4.3. Disposal cost
Fig. 13 shows the operation and maintenance costs of extensive,
semi-intensive and intensive green roofs obtained by different authors. Green roofs and green walls systems disposal costs normally include
The analysed studies demonstrate that maintenance cost can vary all system elements including the removal of all plants, substrate and
significantly from country to country. An average maintenance cost of support layers, transport to landfill and dump taxes [192]. Some studies
M. Manso et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135 (2021) 110111
take into consideration the roof replacement, including as well the benefits and costs of green roofs in a SWOT analysis. Similarly, Ascione
recladding and renewal of the support surface [68]. et al. [21] used the SWOT methodology to balance the benefits and costs
Fig. 15 presents the disposal cost of extensive and intensive green of green walls. Viesten et al. [80] combined the monetised amenity
roofs obtained by different authors. An average disposal cost of 12 €/m2 values with noise-attenuation values in a cost-benefit analysis of a green
(14 USD/m2) was identified for extensive green roofs and 26 €/m2 (29 wall. Collins et al. [176] performed a study to estimate the public’s
USD/m2) for intensive green roofs. perceived value of green walls to the urban biodiversity, in the form of
Fig. 16 shows the disposal cost of green walls mentioned by different their willingness to pay (WTP). A multicriteria analysis was performed
authors. For green walls, the disposal cost was calculated considering by Teotónio et al. [201] which uses a decision support tool to identify
plants and support removal, transport to landfill, dump taxes and plaster the best green roof option considering the trade-off between costs and
recladding of the existing façade. An average disposal cost of 95 €/m2 benefits in agreement with the users/investors preferences. A broader
(107 USD/m2) was identified for green façades and 239 €/m2 (270 USD/ analysis was performed by Perini and Rosasco [202] based on a multi
m2) for living walls. Living walls present a higher disposal cost due to the criteria analysis to identify which economic, environmental, social and
diversity of the materials involved [16]. performance criteria influence the preference between a traditional or a
green roof solution.
5. Discussion and conclusions In general, there is a belief that all benefits, either measurable or
intangible are equally significant, which may be relevant to an all-
This research provides a review of the results obtained across the inclusive economic analysis.
existing studies regarding green roofs and green walls building and
urban scale benefits and their life-cycle costs. An assessment of the
collected data was performed to identify the quantitative evidence of Declaration of competing interest
these benefits and costs.
Table 5 presents a summary of the most relevant results regarding The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
the benefits and costs of green roofs and green walls. Results indicate a interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
high variability on benefits, especially concerning the improvement of the work reported in this paper.
energy consumption, sound transmission, greywater treatment and
water management. Acknowledgements
There are also other intangible benefits of green roofs and green
walls which are more difficult to quantify. Still few studies indicate how This work was supported by the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for
and how much green roofs and green walls contribute to the promotion Science and Technology) through the GENESIS project (PTDC/GESURB/
of quality of life and well-being, ecological preservation, promotion of 29444/2017).
biodiversity, aesthetic enhancement and promotion of recreational use. The authors would like to thank other members of the GENESIS
Regarding the life-cycle costs of these systems, the analysed data project team for their contribution to this work. A special thank you to
demonstrate a high variability between systems. Also, when compared Teresa Afonso do Paço and Joana Silva from Instituto Superior de
to other traditional solutions, green roofs and green walls have higher Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal for their contributions to
installation and maintenance costs, which may affect their selection over the information regarding water management of green roofs and green
other solutions. However, green roofs and green walls often have an in- walls.
service life longer than traditional reflective materials (e.g. cool roofs). If A special word of appreciation also to Ana Isabel Miranda, Vera
all their building and urban benefits were considered in life-cycle cost Moreira Rodrigues, Carlos de Sousa Silveira and Ana Ascenso for their
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