Permeabilidad, Jiang 2010
Permeabilidad, Jiang 2010
Permeabilidad, Jiang 2010
49 348
3 authors:
Li Wan
China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
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Abstract Permeability loss with depth is a general trend fractured media (e.g., Snow 1968a; Louis 1974;
in geological media and plays an essential role in Carlsson et al. 1983; Zhao 1998; Jiang et al. 2009a).
subsurface fluid flow and solute transport. In the near For porous sedimentary rocks such as carbonate and
surface zone where groundwater movement is active, the sandstone reservoirs, the decrease in porosity with
decrease in permeability with depth is dominated by the depth has been discussed in company with the depth-
mechanical compaction of deformable media caused by dependent permeability (Amthor et al. 1994; Budd
the increase in lithostatic stress with depth. Instead of 2001; Ehrenberg and Nadeau 2005). In fact, a unique
using empirical equations from statistical analysis, by relationship between permeability and depth is hardly
considering the well-defined relationships among perme- observed in the field because permeability measure-
ability, porosity, fracture aperture and effective stress ments at any depth show a remarkable variation.
under lithostatic conditions, new semi-empirical equations However, a systematic trend of decrease in porosity,
for the systematic depth-dependent permeability are hydraulic conductivity or permeability with depth can be
derived, as well as the equations for the depth-dependent commonly identified. Moreover, it is found that these trends
porosity in a porous medium and the depth-dependent are generally nonlinear.
fracture aperture in a fractured medium. The existing The dependence of permeability on depth, which is a
empirical equations can be included in the new equations kind of large-scale permeability heterogeneity, plays an
as special cases under some simplification. These new essential role in subsurface flow (Saar and Manga 2004).
semi-empirical equations perform better than previous The pumping tests in chalk and limestone aquifers
equations to interpret the depth-dependent permeability of usually show an obvious decrease of yield with low-
the Pierre Shale (with a maximum depth of approximately ering of water level, which is dominated by variation
4,500 m) and the granite at Stripa, Sweden (with a of hydraulic conductivity with depth (Rushton and
maximum depth of about 2,500 m). Chan 1976). In the investigation of groundwater
discharge into rock tunnels, Zhang and Franklin
Keywords Permeability . Porosity . Porous media . (1993) found that a constant average hydraulic con-
Fractured rocks . Sweden ductivity was unrealistic and the permeability gradient
(the rate of decrease in permeability with depth) would
significantly affect the discharge patterns. The effect of
gradually decreasing hydraulic conductivity on water-
Introduction table depths for steady-state subsurface drainage is also
discussed by Gallichand (1994). In the study of topography
The decrease in permeability (as well as hydraulic driven groundwater flow, Marklund and Wörman (2007)
conductivity) with depth has been documented for both found that the depth-dependent permeability controls the
porous media (e.g., Neuzil 1986; Whittemore et al. distribution of vertical flux driven by fluctuation of the
1993; Hart and Hammon 2002; Wang et al. 2009) and landscape and would even affect the infiltration at ground
surface. In sedimentary basins, the change in permeability
with depth significantly affects the pore pressure distribu-
Received: 24 August 2009 / Accepted: 5 January 2010 tion, which is significantly different from the results by using
Published online: 16 February 2010 average permeability (Walder and Nur 1984; Bethke and
Corbit 1988; Belitz and Bredehoeft 1988; Rice 1992; Wong
© Springer-Verlag 2010
et al. 1997).
A quantitative description of the permeability-depth
X.-W. Jiang : X.-S. Wang ()) : L. Wan relationship is necessary when the permeability loss is
School of Water Resources & Environment, accounted for in numerical modeling of subsurface flow or
China University of Geosciences,
Xueyuan Load 29, Haidian District, Beijing, 100083, China in other involved research. Traditionally, empirical equations
e-mail: [email protected] based on statistical analysis of permeability measurements
Tel.: +86-10-82320552 are used to establish the permeability-depth correlation. In
1 f3 This is the first item prepared for Eq. (4). Note that
k ¼ Fk;f ðfÞ ¼ ð5aÞ the constant n value also implies that the ratio of effective
5S 2 ð1 fÞ2 to non-effective porosity (Bernabe et al. 2003; Ghabezloo
et al. 2009) is assumed changeless in this study. Although
where S is the specific surface area of solid grains. Civan Eq. (5b) is used in this paper, other models of perme-
(2001) improved the Kozeny-Carman model by introducing ability-porosity relationship can also be applied by similar
non-integral exponents in Eq. (5a) to account for the steps.
interactive process between pore fluid and porous media.
In some other classic models (e.g., Walsh and Brace 1984),
permeability is proportional to integer powers of pore a
geometry parameters, i.e., porosity, hydraulic radius, tor- 1
tuosity and/or specific surface area. According to these 0.8 Kozeny-Carman model
models, the permeability-porosity relationship can be
power-law model, n=3
simplified and described by the power-law (Bernabe et al. 0.6
power-law model, n=5
0.4 power-law model, n=4
k ¼ Fk;f ðfÞ ¼ k0 ðf=f0 Þ ð5bÞ 0.2
dFf;A df
¼ 0 ¼ aðf fr Þ ð9Þ dk ng g aðf fr Þð1 fÞ
dm ¼ k ð14Þ
dz f
This is the second item prepared for Eq. (4).
To solve this equation, the function of depth-dependent
porosity, f(h), must be firstly derived. With Eq. (13),
Eq. (9) can be rewritten as:
Effective stress under lithostatic conditions
The action of effective stress on a porous medium is df
subject to the pressure of confining materials, porous fluid ¼ g g aðf fr Þð1 fÞ ð15Þ
pressure and tectonic deformation. Measurements of the
complete state of geostress have been conducted in many For constant values of g g and α, the solution of Eq. (15) is
rocks at different depths across the world (Hoek and given by
Brown 1980). It has been found that the lithostatic stress is
generally proportional to depth. ðf0 fr Þð1 þ fr Þ
In this simplified model, the relationship between the fðzÞ ¼ fr þ
vertical effective stress, z , the horizontal effective stress, ðf0 fr Þ þ ð1 þ 2fr f0 Þ exp g g að1 þ fr Þz
0 0 0
H ¼ x ¼ y , and the mean effective stress under a ð16Þ
lithostatic condition are calculated with equations as
follows: where f0 is the initial porosity, which can be considered as
the porosity on the ground surface.
Equation (16) is the simple semi-empirical solution of
0 0 0 1 0 0
depth-dependent porosity for a porous medium. One can
H ¼ M z ; m ¼ z þ 2H ð10Þ
3 easily obtain the semi-empirical solution of the depth-
g ðbr þ bd Þ3 gb3
q¼ J¼ J ð22Þ
The equation for permeability-depth in a fractured 12nf 12nf
where q is the volumetric flow rate through a joint per unit
In fractured media, groundwater flow mainly takes place in width, bd is the apparent aperture, br is the residual
discontinuities. Moreover, the occurrence of discontinuities aperture, J is the hydraulic gradient, ν is the fluid viscosity
can be the single most important factor that governs the and f is a friction factor that accounts for the roughness of
mechanical properties as well as permeability of rock the joint surface, b=br +bd, is the effective hydraulic
masses. Unlike porous media, the permeability of fractured aperture. Transmissivity, T, of a fracture is generally
rock is controlled by the aperture of individual fractures and defined as
their combination. Transmissivity of a facture can be
calculated by the famous cubic law with its aperture under q gb3
a certain stress condition. Studies on the change of perme- T ¼ GT;b ðbÞ ¼ ¼ ð23Þ
J 12nf
ability in loading/unloading procedure for fractured rock
masses have attracted numerous researchers. Equations of Therefore
stress-dependent permeability are developed based on exper-
imental studies and theoretical models for hydro-mechanical
behavior of discontinuities (Rutqvist and Stephansson 2003). dGT;b dT gb2
They encourage the attempt of expressing the permeability- ¼ ¼ ð24Þ
db db 4nf
depth trend with a simple equation for fractured rock masses
(Snow 1968b; Oda 1986; Wei et al. 1995).
In this section, a new simplified model of depth-dependent This is the first item prepared for Eq. (21).
transmissivity for a facture is established and applied to give
a systematic permeability trend of fractured media. This
equation is developed on the fundamental discoveries of Discontinuity closure under stress
relationships among the transmissivity, the aperture, the With increasing normal stresses on the faces, the aperture
effective normal stress and the depth of a fracture that can be of a discontinuity would decrease. The apparent aperture
described by functions as follows: can be interpreted as the residual aperture, br, plus an
apparent mechanical opening (Witherspoon et al. 1980)
T ¼ GT;b ðbÞ ð18Þ
bd ¼ umax un ð25Þ
b ¼ Gb;A n ð19Þ Where un and umax are the normal deformation of the
fracture and the maximum closure, respectively.
0 Empirical models have been developed to give a
n ¼ GA;z ðzÞ ð20Þ correlation between the closure of a discontinuity and
This is the second item prepared for Eq. (21). This is the last item prepared for Eq. (21).
It is necessary to mention that laboratory investigations
on single rock discontinuities had showed that both
normal closure and shear dilation can change facture
transmissivity (Tsang and Witherspoon 1981; Raven and The solution of depth-dependent transmissivity
Gale 1985; Olsson and Barton 2001). However, when it of a fracture
comes to a rock section that contains a multitude of Substituting Eqs. (24), (28), (31) and (32) into (21), one
discontinuities, the change in transmissivity is mainly has
determined by the normal closure on fractures caused by
normal stress (Barton et al. 1995; Min et al. 2004). 3g h 1 ðTr =T Þ1=3
Accordingly, as a reasonable approximation, the influence ¼ T ð33Þ
of shear stress on closure of a fracture is currently ignored dz ðb0 br ÞKn0 þ g h z
in this model.
where Tr is the transmissivity when b=br. Equation (33)
indicates that the change of transmissivity with depth is
Effective normal stress under lithostatic conditions highly nonlinear.
Suppose that the fracture has a constant dip angle of θ, The solution of depth-dependent aperture can be
subjecting to the horizontal stress σ1 and the vertical stress derived by substituting Eq. (31) into Eq. (27) as follows
σ3 (Fig. 2), the normal stress on the joint can be calculated
by ghz
bðzÞ ¼ b0 ð34Þ
Kn0 þ ½g h z=ðb0 br Þ
1 þ 3 1 3
n ¼ þ cos 2 ð29Þ
2 2
Appling Eq. (34) in the cubic law, the solution of
transmissivity-depth can be obtained as
Under lithostatic conditions, applying Eqs. (10)–(12),
the relationship between the effective normal stress and
g zðb0 br Þ=b0
the depth can be described as T ðzÞ ¼ T0 1 h ð35Þ
ðb0 br ÞKn0 þ g h z
dn 1þM 1M
¼ gh ¼ cos 2 g e ð30Þ where T0 is the transmissivity when b=b0. Equation (35)
dz 2 2 is also the solution of Eq. (34).
where k0 and l0 is the permeability and the density of It is similar to the modified Athy’s law as shown in
joints for the fractured rock on the ground surface, Eq. (7). If zero residual porosity is considered in Eq. (44),
respectively. the widely used empirical exponential function of depth-
According to Eq. 36, the fracture porosity of the rock dependent permeability can be derived as follows:
mass due to opening of the joints can be approximate by
l 1 ðbr =b0 Þðz=zc Þ kðzÞ ¼ k0 exp ng g az ð45Þ
ff ðzÞ / lb ff 0 þ ð40Þ
l0 1 þ ðz=zc Þ 1 þ ðz=zc Þ
In Wang et al. (2009), the exponential function of
where ff0 is the fracture porosity on the ground surface. depth-dependent porosity had also been derived by
Equations. (39) and (40) give the general trends of assuming a constant effective unit weight and a zero
permeability loss and fracture porosity loss of a fractured residual porosity. However, the solution of the depth-
rock. They are quite different from the trends of perme- dependent permeability in Wang et al. (2009), which was
ability and porosity of a porous medium as described by obtained by the Kozeny-Carman model, is different from
Eqs. (16), 17a and 17b. However, a similar pattern can be either Eq. (42) or Eq. (45). Instead, if zero residual
seen, in that the permeability loss with depth is more porosity is assumed in Eq. (17a), which is also obtained
Consolidation b z
¼1 ð49Þ
A þ Bz
Steady Flow
Transient Flow
Depth (m)
k z
¼ 1 ð50Þ
103 k0 A þ Bz
Estimation Results
where A and B are two constants. Oda (1986) derived
similar equations with B being equal to 1. One can see the
104 relationship between Eqs. (48) and (36) if A and B are
Fig. 3 Estimation of depth-dependent permeability of the Pierre defined as
Shale (data from Neuzil 1986). The hydraulic conductivity is trans-
formed into the permeability with v/g=10−7 m·s according to a normal
zc 1
condition. Measured data were obtained from three types of tests A¼ ;B¼ ð51Þ
(Neuzil 1986). Three estimation results with Eq. (17b) are presented as 1 ðbr =b0 Þ 1 ðbr =b0 Þ
A: fr =0.112, k0 =1.0 × 10−4 mD, g gα(1 + fr)=0.0033 m−1; B: fr =
0.043, k0 =2.0 × 10−2 mD, g gα(1 + fr)=0.0014 m−1; C: fr =0.073, k0 =
1.3 × 10−3 mD, g gα(1 + fr)=0.0022 m−1. The next two estimation
With these definitions, Eq. (36) can be rewritten as
results with k0 =1.3 × 10−3 mD and g gα=0.0022 m−1 are presented as D Eq. (48). Wei et al. (1995) estimated the data from Snow
from Eq. (42) and E from Eq. (45), respectively (1968a) and A=58.0 m and B=1.02 were obtained. This B
br /b0=0.08 k0 =4 mD
Fractured zone 102
Depth (m)
k0 =10 mD
Carlsson et al.(1983)
Wei et al.(1995)
Fig. 5 Change of permeability with depth at Stripa, Sweden (data
from Carlsson et al. 1983). The hydraulic conductivity is trans-
Fig. 4 The average fracture frequency versus depth at Stripa, formed into the permeability with v/g=10−7 m·s according to a
Sweden (data from Carlsson et al. 1983) normal condition