Step 3-7
Step 3-7
Step 3-7
Learning Goal: : Students will know complements in numbers up to and including 10 without
looking at rods. solve empty box problems.
Measurable Objectives:
The students will know Complements of numbers up to 10
The students will be able to know complements to 10 and lower numbers without looking at rods.
The students will be able to solve empty box problems.
The students will know 1.N.18 - Use a variety of strategies to compose and decompose one-digit
The students will know 1.N.28 - Demonstrate fluency and apply addition and subtraction facts to and
including 10
If you would like feedback on your pre-assessment for alignment prior to administering, copy it
in here.
Pre-Assessment - Copy and paste the pre-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’
knowledge of the topic prior to implementing the unit lessons. Include the scoring criteria used
to determine whether the student is Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient, Minimally
Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.
Grade 1 Mathematics Review Exam, September 2022
Name: Date:
1. Write down all the trains you can think of that are equal to the purple rod. Organize them in a
way that lets you know you have them all. Use letter signs or numbers and +.
2. Write down all the two car trains that are equivalent to the orange rod. + = O + = O + = O + =
3. Write down all the one-color trains you can think of that are equivalent to orange + red (Use
of the or ‘x’).
A. 4
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
5. Sarah went for a walk at 5 PM. She walked for an hour. What time was it when she got home?
8. Maya gets on a bus at 3:30 P.M. Which clock correctly shows the time Maya gets on the bus
Number of Students 25
Post-Assessment – Copy and paste the post-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’ knowledge
of the topic after implementing the unit lessons. The post-assessment can be the same as the pre-
assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures the same concepts. Include the
scoring criteria used to determine whether students are Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient,
Minimally Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.
Same assessment to see if they improved or gained a better understanding after our unit review
which covers topics students struggled with during pre-assessment. Pre and Post assessment
cover complements of ten and under, addition/subtraction of double digits, breaking double digits
into tens and ones, reading a clock, reading a graph and some fraction problems such as 1/2x6 is
what . Students can use their manipulatives for help.
Anticipatory Set Pull up Labadabado Have children make Model an addition and Given a two-digit Given a two- digit
How will students’ prior
site on smartboard and all the two- car trains subtraction train. number, mentally find number , students will
knowledge be activated as ask class who can for brown (8) and blue 10 more or ten less be able to create and
Who can read this and
well as gain student interest make me the staircase? (9) trains? than the number, write their number
write my number
in the upcoming content? Have one student without having to sentence and solve.
What do you notice/ sentence?
come up and create the count, explain the
Does anything repeat?
staircase while class What do you notice reasoning used.
Can we switch the
completes it at their about my rod
order of the rods? Will
desk/ placement?
our answer still be the
What do you notice? Is same? How do I know which
this correct? Who else operation to perform?
can come up and
create the staircase for
me? Have children create
their own model and
I will model what a turn and share with
two-colored train their peers to see if
looks like using the they can figure out
staircase the class which operation to
made and create a perform?
complement for the
purple rod which value
is four.
Have children make
all the two car ( two
color rods) trains for
orange (10).
Presentation of Content
Multiple Means of (tactile) I will Activity: Play Move Activity: We will I will model a two- Review of topics
Representation represent this concept the train class will sit create empty box digit number using covered during the
Describe how content will be
utilizing the in a circle and each equations using rod both the rodsand place week and taking a
presented in various ways to Cuisenaire rods where student will have a rod site. Students will value blocks to show problem from each
Empty box equations
Teacher center-
working with group to
create double digit
addition and
subtraction equations
(no regrouping) with
Use an online video platform such as Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video.
Be sure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submitting.
Summary of Unit Implementation: This unit is something we do in the beginning of second grade to
get insight into where our students are and areas we need to review and focus more on. It also
allows me insight into how I can scaffold and differentiate my lesson plans going forward to help
my students master these skills and being able to do them independently. When creating this unit I
chose to work on topics that were covered last year and are a key component into what we will
learn in second grade such as adding and subtracting two-digit numbers and
composing/decomposing two digit numbers which will help them when working with three-digit
numbers and beyond. Reviewing complements in tens and teens will help them when learning to do
complements in 100 and working with place values.
Summary of Student Learning: During the Pre-assessment I was very much surprised and
impressed that most students remembered the skills they learned in first grade and were able to
complete most of the problems on the assessment. Others struggled in remembering how to
decompose and compose two-digit numbers such as how many tens and ones are in this number
and so forth. Or they didn’t remember how to complete empty box equations where they have to
find the missing addend. An area I saw many students lost or confused on was the inequalities
questions which showed me that we need to review that area. Overall, I think the unit well and
helped students recover what they already knew but loss due to the summer slide. Now they can use
those skills and their prior knowledge and push forward in future math topics we will cover this
school year.
Reflection of Video Recording: For the activity I recorded we did composing/decomposing two-digit
numbers and when I saw that they were getting the hang of it. I switched it up and had them do
subtraction/ addition using two-digit numbers without saying we were doing that but simply asking
what they notice, what changed? Many students told me the number got bigger or smaller. How did
it get bigger? We have x amount of tens now or we put more tens or more ones in the number so
now it equals this. I think the mini lesson/activity allowed them to truly grasp the concept and
allowed them to see how and why this number had this many tens or ones. Having the students
Post-Test Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ learning on the topic, collect and
analyze the post-test data to determine the effectiveness of your instruction and assessment.
Number of Students Number of Students
Pre-Test Post-Test
Highly Proficient 12 17
5 4
Partially Proficient
3 1
Proficient 5 3
(69% and below)
Post-Test Analysis: Whole Class
Based on your analysis of the whole class post-test data, what is your interpretation of the
students learning? Cite examples and provide evidence of student learning that helped you come
to this conclusion.
When completing the post assessment, I saw students more eager to partake in the assessment
and seemed to be more confident in their skills to complete the questions. Students who struggled
on pre-assessment with complements and decomposing and composing numbers were breezing
through it and coming to the correct answer. My students who had previously struggled adding
two-digit numbers were now using the strategies they learned to help them add them together and
showing all their work. The number of students who scored 69% and below went down to three
students which shows me where I need to differentiate instruction to suit their needs and maybe
even create a small group for them to provide one on one support for them since the rest of the
class seems to have built their awareness for the content. During this grouping I will pair all
three together and provide support then add a high-flier to the group so they can build off of each
Based on the whole class post-test data, write one paragraph analyzing the effectiveness of your
instruction and assessment and effect on student learning. Cite examples and provide evidence of
student learning to support this analysis.
Post-Assessment Data: Subgroup (Gender, ELL population, Gifted, students on IEPs or 504s, etc.)
Highly Proficient 7 11
3 3
Partially Proficient
2 1
Based on your analysis of the subgroup post-test data, what is your interpretation of the student
learning? Cite examples and provide evidence of student learning that helped you come to this
Based on my subgroup my females they all increased in each category showing growth in their
learning and growth in the skills at hand. Also showing me insight into where their strengths and
weaknesses are to be able to adapt lessons and future lessons to fit their learning needs.
Based on the subgroup class post-test data, write one paragraph analyzing the effectiveness of
your instruction and assessment and effect on student learning. If there is a student or group of
students who have not mastered the objectives, discuss what you will do in future days to aid
students' understanding with respect to the unit’s objectives. Cite examples and provide evidence
of student misconceptions to support this analysis.
Based on my subgroup I saw the effectiveness in my lesson because based off my students
assessment results I planned and differentiate the lesson to help their needs. Such as two of my
female students are receiving speech services so modifying the instruction to include more
modeling and examples of what is expected of them using clear and understandable language
helped them perceiver. Allowing enough wait time for them to see and grasp what is going on.
Also assisting my Ell student who needs directions broken down so they can understand and
providing frequent check ins or remodeling how we do the problem. The differentiation made
throughout the lesson allowed for my students to grown and grasp the concept to the point of
mastery or almost mastery based on my pre and post assessment results. I will continue to teach
in the moment and feed off what my students give me so I can continue to help grow their minds
and skills.
Analyze the data of the subgroup as compared to the remainder of the class. In one paragraph,
describe the effectiveness of your instruction for this unit using the finding from your analysis.
During the course of this unit I have seen gradual increase in the students understanding of the
review topics and also them showing me areas that they need help in and how I can help them
based on their specific needs. The class as a whole improved substantially and raised theirs
scores. Removing my sub-group the remainder of the class improved showing that the lesson was
effective and parts of it stuck to the point where they were able to apply the skills they learned
and needed to do well on the post assessment. Going forward it also showed me how to modify
and scaffold my teaching approaches to accommodate all my students needs whether ELLs.
SWSN or even SWGA. Throughout each lesson I always have a bin for early finishers and even a
challenge question for my gifted students but available to the whole class should they feel up top
Based on your analysis of student learning, discuss the next steps for instruction, including an
objective that would build upon the content taught in this unit of instruction.
My next steps in instruction will be creating math groups based on where they are so it will allow
them to work on areas they need help with while also being involved in our whole group lesson .
Centers allow continuous practice to build their strengths and weaknesses while also reviewing
topics we covered during the week or previously.
3. edWebinars
I will watch or join live edWebinars to gather
more teaching strategies and knowledge in the
education field that I can incorporate into my
profession and future endeavors.
Long-Term Goals: Teachers who are dedicated to their profession and to improving the lives of
students will continually look for ways to grow and learn. The best way to ensure that learning is
prioritized is to create a long-term goal. Create one long term goal that is specific and
measurable. Make sure to discuss the following:
Long-Term Goal:
Rationale: Why did you choose this goal? How Long-Term goal:
do you expect it to improve the outcomes of your
future students? I stop “instructing” when I am unsure how to
proceed effectively and efficiently.
End Date: By when do you expect to accomplish I expect to accomplish this goal by end of
this goal? school year or before. My Individualized
Professional Development Plan goals begin
the first day of the school year until the end of
the school year, thereby giving me 180 days
to achieve the goal.
Action Timeline: What steps will you take to
complete this goal, and by when will you take