Wing Load Calculation
Wing Load Calculation
Wing Load Calculation
Document reference:
Approval data
Prepared by Verified by Approved by
Name, sign.
Record of Revision
Rev. # Issue date Description of change
0 Initial issue
0. Introduction
This document calculates the flight loads on the wings of the ABCD aircraft. The requirements are referenced in
the compliance checklist of the certification programme ABCD-CP-00.
Within this document the loads on the wings are determined throughout the whole flight envelope [1] and for the
design weights as determined in [2] under all loading conditions.
The simplified criteria of requirement X.1 [3] have not been used for these calculations.
The Loads are calculated using literature methods taken from the documents referenced in chapter 1..
This document is to provide an example of a flight load calculation document for an aircraft type certificate application in accordance
with CS-LSA. The document can be used even if the applicant does not own a DOA. It does not substitute, in any of its parts, the
prescriptions of Part-21 and its amendments.
This document is intended to assist applicants in applying for an LSA RTC/TC and therefore demonstrating compliance of the design to
the requirements.
The document should not be read as a template and it should not be used as a form to fill. The content shall be checked for
appropriateness and changed accordingly by the applicant.
The required information can be presented entirely in this document, or in additional documents appropriately identified and referred
Comments and notes to the user are provided throughout the document with “blue highlighted and italic text”.
IMPORTANT: All the statements and/or conclusions provided in this guideline can be considered realistic and
have a reasonable technical basis but the designer is solely responsible of each of the statements that he/she
will provide
Document reference:
0. Introduction 2
1. References 4
2. List of Abbreviations 4
3. Requirements 6
4. Input data 8
5. Load Calculation 9
6. Load cases 9
6.1. Loads on the aeroplane 13
6.1.1. Reference axes and sign convention 13
6.1.2. Symmetrical flight conditions 13
6.1.3. Aerodynamic centre 15
6.1.4. Pitching moment of the wing 15
6.1.5. Influence of the fuselage 16
6.2. Forces and moments acting on the wings 16
6.3. Unsymmetrical flight conditions 18
6.4. Wing load distribution 19
6.4.1. Wing lift distribution 19
6.4.2. Wing drag distribution 21
6.4.3. Wing and fuel mass distribution 21
6.4.4. Wing torsion distribution 22
6.4.5. Distribution of internal loads 23
7. Compliance statements 31
1. References
2. List of Abbreviations
CG centre of gravity
LE leading edge
ISA international standard atmosphere by International Organisation for Standardisation
KEAS knots equivalent airspeed
MAC mean aerodynamic chord
MTOW maximum take-off weight
SI international system of units
Document reference:
cm0 w
zero lift wing pitching moment coefficient []
D drag force on the wings [N]
d span wise drag line loading []
φ c/ 4 wing sweep of the quarter chord line [deg]
g gravity acceleration [m/s2]
Kf fuselage moment factor []
L total wing lift force (on both wings) [N]
Li local lift at station i [N]
li lift line loading on the wing [N/m]
L HT total horizontal tail lift force [N]
l fuse total fuselage length [m]
lN fuselage length in front of wing quarter mean aerodynamic chord point [m]
c root
λ taper ratio (equals ) []
c tip
M AC wing pitching moment with lift acting on its aerodynamic centre [N]
MY moments around y axis [Nm]
N normal force [N]
n load factor []
num total number of stations of a single wing; num = 10 []
ρ density of ambient air at a specific altitude [ ]
QD i
running horizontal shear force at station i (direction parallel to drag force) [N]
∆ QD i
incremental horizontal shear force at station i (direction parallel to drag force) [N]
QL i
running vertical shear force at station I (direction parallel to lift force) [N]
∆ QL i
incremental vertical shear force at station i (direction parallel to lift force) [N]
Ri local resulting force at station i [N]
S wing area (not including wing carry-through) [m2]
Ti local tangential force at station i [N]
TS total torsion around elastic axis of the wing (at wing root) [mN]
TS i
local torsion around elastic axis of the wing at station i [mN]
∆TS i
incremental torsion around elastic axis of the wing at station i [mN]
μ dynamic viscosity (for Reynolds number) [ 2 ]
v airspeed [m/s]
W total aircraft weight [kg]
mfuel i
local weight of the wing at station i (with no fuel or payload) [kg/m2]
m wing total weight of a single wing (with no fuel or payload) [kg]
mwing i
local weight of the wing at station i (with no fuel or payload) [kg/m2]
x longitudinal axis of the aircraft [m] x HT
distance to HT quarter chord line from wing LE (at mean aerodynamic chord) [m]
x CG distance to aircraft centre of gravity from wing LE (at mean aerodynamic chord) [m]
x CG f
distance to fuel centre of gravity from wing LE (at mean aerodynamic chord) [m]
x CG w
distance to wing centre of gravity from wing LE (at mean aerodynamic chord) [m]
x CG ¿
local distance to wing centre of gravity from wing LE at station i [m]
∆ x N fuse aerodynamic centre shift due to fuselage pitching moment [m]
x AC aerodynamic centre of the wing with respect to wing LE
Document reference:
xs shear axis of the wing from wing LE (at mean aerodynamic chord) [m]
y lateral axis of the aircraft (span wise direction) [m]
yi average wing span position at station i [m]
∆ yi spanwise width of station i [m]
z vertical axis of the aircraft [m]
Throughout this document SI-units are used with speeds expected as m/s and angles in degrees if not stated
3. Requirements
This document covers the following certification specifications requirements:
CS-LSA. 15, 29th July Referenced
Subject of requirement
2013 amendment 1 [4] chapter
(ASTM F2245-12d) [3] Strength requirements are specified in terms of limit loads (the 6.
maximum loads to be expected in service) and ultimate loads (limit
loads multiplied by prescribed factors of safety). Unless otherwise
provided, prescribed loads are limit loads. Unless otherwise provided, the air, ground, and water loads must
be placed in equilibrium with inertia forces, considering each item 6.2.
of mass in the airplane. These loads must be distributed to
conservatively approximate or closely represent actual conditions. The simplified structural design criteria given in Appendix X1 may Simplified
be used for airplanes with conventional configurations. If Appendix Criteria is not
X1 is used, the entire appendix must be substituted for the used
corresponding paragraphs of this subpart, that is, 5.2.1 to 5.7.3.
Appendix X2 contains acceptable methods of analysis that may be
used for compliance with the loading requirements for the wings
and fuselage.
5.2.1 General: – Flight load factors, n, represent the ratio of the aerodynamic force 6.4.5.
component (acting normal to the assumed longitudinal axis of the
airplane) to the weight of the airplane. A positive flight load factor
is one in which the aerodynamic force acts upward, with respect to
the airplane. Compliance with the flight load requirements of this section must 6.
be shown at each practicable combination of weight and
disposable load within the operating limitations specified in the
5.2.2 Symmetrical Flight Conditions: - The appropriate balancing horizontal tail loads must be accounted 6.1.
for in a rational or conservative manner when determining the
wing loads and linear inertia loads corresponding to any of the
symmetrical flight conditions specified in 5.2.2 to 5.2.6. The incremental horizontal tail loads due to maneuvering and Insignificant to
gusts must be reacted by the angular inertia of the airplane in a wing loads
rational or conservative manner. In computing the loads arising in the conditions prescribed above, 6.1.
CS-LSA. 15, 29th July Referenced
Subject of requirement
2013 amendment 1 [4] chapter
(ASTM F2245-12d) [3]
the angle of attack is assumed to be changed suddenly without loss
of air speed until the prescribed load factor is attained. Angular
accelerations may be disregarded. The aerodynamic data required for establishing the loading 6.1.
conditions must be verified by tests, calculations, or by 6.2.
conservative estimation. In the absence of better information, the
maximum negative lift coefficient for rigid lifting surfaces may be
assumed to be equal to −0.80. If the pitching moment coefficient,
Cmo, is less than ±0.025, a coefficient of at least ±0.025 must be
5.2.3 Flight Envelope – Compliance shall be shown at any combination of 6.
airspeed and load factor on the boundaries of the flight envelope.
The flight envelope represents the envelope of the flight loading
conditions specified by the criteria of 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 (see Fig. 1). General – Compliance with the strength requirements of this 6.
subpart must be shown at any combination of airspeed and load
factor on and within the boundaries of a flight envelope similar to
the one in Fig. 1 that represents the envelope of the flight loading
conditions specified by the maneuvering and gust criteria of 5.2.5
and 5.2.6 respectively.
5.2.7 Unsymmetrical Flight Conditions – The airplane is assumed to be Not calculated
subjected to the unsymmetrical flight conditions of and for this revision. Unbalanced aerodynamic moments about the centre of
gravity must be reacted in a rational or conservative manner
considering the principal masses furnishing the reacting inertia
forces. Rolling Conditions – The airplane shall be designed for the loads Not calculated
resulting from the roll control deflections and speeds specified in for this revision.
5.7.1 in combination with a load factor of at least two thirds of the
positive maneuvering load factor prescribed in The rolling
accelerations may be obtained by the methods given in X2.3. The
effect of the roll control displacement on the wing torsion may be
accounted for by the method of X2.3.2 and X2.3.3. Yawing Conditions – The airplane must be designed for the Not calculated
yawing loads resulting from the vertical surface loads specified in for this revision.
5.5.3 Outboard Fins or Winglets: Not applicable.
Table 1 – Requirements
Document reference:
4. Input data
The values shown below are derived from design data or other compliance documents for this particular
5. Load Calculation
The following steps have been followed:
1. Load cases: First, the load cases have been identified in, in terms of weight, centre of gravity, speed, load
factor, flap/aileron position, Altitude.
2. External Loads on the wing: for all load cases, the loads on the wing are calculated;
3. Internal Loads in the wing: for the same load cases the internal loads in the wing (shear, bending
moment, torsion) are calculated considering also the effect of the inertia of the wing;
6. Load cases
Table 3 comprises all load cases corresponding to the points of the flight envelope [1] and design weights and
centres of gravity [2].
Loads corresponding to flap deflected are considered not critical for the wing and will not be calculated in
this document (flap loads will be calculated instead for the flap verification).
Loads corresponding to landing conditions are considered not critical for the wing (since the landing gear
is attached to the fuselage and no tip tanks or other large masses under the wing) and will not be
calculated in this document.
For the gust load calculations the wing and horizontal tail are treated together according to X3.1 in ref.
[3]. The resulting gust load accelerations are therefore calculated using the slope of the lift curve of the
aeroplane (see also [1]) and treated as balanced flight conditions within this document.
Note: These assumptions have been considered realistic for this aeroplane but they are not of generic validity. It is
the responsibility of the applicant to define the set of assumptions which can be acceptable for the particular
Document reference:
Altitude: The maximum permissible operational altitude is 13000ft. Despite the CS-LSA requirements do
not require to accounts for the effects of altitude, such effects have been considered up to 10000 ft. in
fact the gust load factor have been calculated at such altitude. This is considered acceptable since it
covers the operational range within which the aeroplane will fly most of the time.
(Note: the CS-LSA requirement does not require to account for the effects of altitude. Calculating the loads at sea
level would be acceptable. In this case, the choice to consider such effect up to 10000 ft is a decision of a designer,
which would be accepted by the team.)
lo ad fa ct o r []
VG pos. gust
0 VA VC VD neg. gust
0 20 40 60 80 VF 100 120 140 160 180 flaps
Airspeed [KEAS]
(CG= 0.30m)
(CG= 0.50m)
weight (CG=
Rear ballast
aircraft CG
(at MAC)
V-n envelope W&B envelope Speed n Altitude
1 WMTOW,aft VA 4 MSL/FL100
Manoeuvring @ VA
2 WMTOW,fwd VA 4 MSL/FL100
Manoeuvring @ VA
3 WZWF,fwd VA 4 MSL/FL100
Manoeuvring @ VA
4 WZWF,aft VA 4 MSL/FL100
Manoeuvring @ VA
5 Wmin,fwd VA 4 MSL/FL100
Manoeuvring @ VA
6 Wmin,aft VA 4 MSL/FL100
Manoeuvring @ VA
7 Positive Gust @ VC WMTOW,aft VC 5.24 FL100
8 Positive Gust @ VC WMTOW,fwd VC 5.24 FL100
9 Positive Gust @ VC WZWF,fwd VC 5.24 FL100
10 Positive Gust @ VC WZWF,aft VC 5.24 FL100
11 Positive Gust @ VC Wmin,fwd VC 6.11 FL100
12 Positive Gust @ VC Wmin,aft VC 6.33 FL100
13 Positive Gust @ VC WminFF VC 5.84 FL100
14 Negative Gust @ VC WMTOW,aft VC -3.24 FL100
15 Negative Gust @ VC WMTOW,fwd VC -3.24 FL100
16 Negative Gust @ VC WZWF,fwd VC -3.24 FL100
17 Negative Gust @ VC WZWF,aft VC -3.24 FL100
18 Negative Gust @ VC Wmin,fwd VC -4.11 FL100
19 Negative Gust @ VC Wmin,aft VC -4.33 FL100
20 Negative Gust @ VC WminFF VC -3.84 FL100
21 WMTOW,aft VD 4 MSL/FL100
Manoeuvring @ VD
22 WMTOW,fwd VD 4
Manoeuvring @ VD MSL/FL100
23 WZWF,fwd VD 4
Manoeuvring @ VD MSL/FL100
24 WZWF,aft VD 4
Manoeuvring @ VD MSL/FL100
25 Wmin,fwd VD 4
Manoeuvring @ VD MSL/FL100
26 Wmin,aft VD 4
Manoeuvring @ VD MSL/FL100
27 Positive Gust @ VD WMTOW,aft VD 3.82 FL100
28 Positive Gust @ VD WMTOW,fwd VD 3.82 FL100
29 Positive Gust @ VD WZWF,fwd VD 3.82 FL100
30 Positive Gust @ VD WZWF,aft VD 3.82 FL100
31 Positive Gust @ VD Wmin,fwd VD 4.41 FL100
32 Positive Gust @ VD Wmin,aft VD 4.55 FL100
33 Positive Gust @ VD WminFF VD 4.23 FL100
34 Negative Gust @ VD WMTOW,aft VD -1.82 FL100
Document reference:
V-n envelope W&B envelope Speed n Altitude
35 Negative Gust @ VD WMTOW,fwd VD -1.82 FL100
36 Negative Gust @ VD WZWF,fwd VD -1.82 FL100
37 Negative Gust @ VD WZWF,aft VD -1.82 FL100
38 Negative Gust @ VD Wmin,fwd VD -2.41 FL100
39 Negative Gust @ VD Wmin,aft VD -2.55 FL100
40 Negative Gust @ VD WminFF VD -2.23 FL100
41 Negative Manoeuvring @ VD WMTOW,aft VD -2 MSL/FL100
42 Negative Manoeuvring @ VD WMTOW,fwd VD -2 MSL/FL100
43 Negative Manoeuvring @ VD WZWF,fwd VD -2 MSL/FL100
44 Negative Manoeuvring @ VD WZWF,aft VD -2 MSL/FL100
45 Negative Manoeuvring @ VD Wmin,fwd VD -2 MSL/FL100
46 Negative Manoeuvring @ VD Wmin,aft VD -2 MSL/FL100
47 Negative Manoeuvring @ VG WMTOW,aft VG -2 MSL/FL100
48 Negative Manoeuvring @ VG WMTOW,fwd VG -2 MSL/FL100
49 Negative Manoeuvring @ VG WZWF,fwd VG -2 MSL/FL100
50 Negative Manoeuvring @ VG WZWF,aft VG -2 MSL/FL100
51 Negative Manoeuvring @ VG Wmin,fwd VG -2 MSL/FL100
52 Negative Manoeuvring @ VG Wmin,aft VG -2 MSL/FL100
Note: For this revision of this example document, asymmetric load cases have not been calculated.
+Mx +Fx
The origin is located at the airplane axis of symmetry (x axis) with the y axis passing through the leading edge of
the mean aerodynamic chord section of the wing.
The following abbreviations are used within this chapter (all measurements with respect to wing leading edge at
wing mean aerodynamic chord, forces acting according to arrows are positive)
Document reference:
The external forces and moments acting on the aeroplane in a balanced flight condition have been determined.
The simplified scheme in is considered. The aeroplane is reduced to the wing and the Horizontal tail.
Note: The assumptions above provide a clear simplification to the calculations. The fact that they are used here
does not mean that they can always be used. It is the responsibility of the designer to make the appropriate
assumptions and to agree them with the Agency.
Based on the above assumptions the following equilibrium equations are set. The basis system of equations
include 4 equations with the following unknowns:
(for wing)
4) wing lift coefficient c L= (f.
ρ v2 S
6.1.3. Aerodynamic centre
The aerodynamic centre is a characteristic of the wing and it is defined as the point about which the pitch
moment does not change with changes of the angle of attack throughout the linear range of the lift curve.
According to [5] the aerodynamic centre can be estimated by adding a correction factor (shift) to the quarter
chord point of the mean aerodynamic chord. The correction factor is a function of the maximum thickness of the
profile which in this wing is 16% of the chord. For a tapered wing, the mean aerodynamic chord corresponds to
the mean chord and it is 2
=1.4 m (see [6]). For this wing the correction factor is 0.012 (from Fig.2 [5] at 16%
thickness), so the mean aerodynamic centre of the wing without fuselage is
AR cos2 ( φ c/ 4 ) 2
7.70∗cos (−0.74 )
cm0 = cm 0= ∗(−0.055 )=−0.0437
AR+2 cos ( φ c/ 4 ) 7.70+ 2∗cos (−0.74 )
( )
c root −c tip 1
φ c/ 4=−tan −1 =−0.74 deg
With quarter chord sweep angle of the wing b 4 .
Document reference:
−K f bfuse 2 croot
∆ x N fuse = 1.05=0.078 m (f.
c root lN
With =0.22 and =0.4 as input to the diagram in [9] yielding K f =0.65 and a correction factor of 1.05
l fuse l fuse
due to low-wing configuration.
x AC +w =x AC +∆ x N fuse =0 .333−0.078=0.255 m
c L2
Total wing drag coefficient c D=0.01+ (FIG. X2.1 of [3])(f. 6.2.1)
π AR
Drag force on the wings D= c ρ v 2 S (FIG. X2.1 of [3]) (f. 6.2.2)
2 D
The angle of attack (using α C as reference instead of α =0 ) for each load case is calculated using the following
α= + αC
( )
dc L (FIG. X2.1 of [3]) (f. 6.2.3)
d cL AR 7.7
lift curve slope =0.1 =0.1 =0.079 1/deg (FIG. X2.1 of [3]) (f. 6.2.4)
dα AR +2 7.7+2
and the zero-lift angle of the wing is taken as α c =−2deg . This value is the zero-lift angle of the corresponding
The results of this chapter for the load cases highlighted in subchapter 6. are presented within the table below.
Document reference:
Every load is assumed to act on the span wise centre of each station.
Note: Alternatively, the applicant would have to determine the reduction in wing lift distribution at the location of
the fuselage and demonstrate the validity of the approach.
Figure 5 – Effect of the fuselage, areas A (total lift calculated at the end of this chapter)
and B (total lift according to Schrenk) are of equal size
Document reference:
This approach is based on the approximation described by Schrenk [10] and requires adjustments:
moving the apex of the elliptical distribution from the fuselage centre towards the wing root
increasing lift of wetted wing sections to compensate for zero lift of fuselage wing section
The formula for wing lift distribution is derived from Schrenk [10] and is altered to assume zero lift at the wing
section within the fuselage as shown below. The formula gives the value of the lift for span unit. “i” identifies the
individual station.
Figure 6 – l schrenk lift distribution with zero lift at fuselage wing section
( √ ( ))
y i− 0
1 2 d cL 1 4 2 ( [10]) (f.
l schrenk = ρ v
2 dα
( α −α c L=0
)2 c i + c MAC
Now the lift of the wing section within the fuselage is redistributed across the wetted wing area to achieve
conservative results. The lift distribution calculated above is adjusted by multiplication of a correction factor
derived from comparison between total lift of the whole wing including the fuselage section and the wetted wing
Figure 7 – Fuselage wing section lift redistributed across wetted wing stations
∑ ( lschrenk ∆ y ¿i )
or l schren k i = i=0
l schrenk i
∑ ( lschrenk ∆ y ¿i )
The lift distribution corresponding to the formula above, gives a value of lift at wing tip which is higher than zero
and therefore does not fully reproduce the actual loading (the winglift is normally zero at the tip). Nevertheless
this assumption does not give significant changes and yields conservative results.
The local angle of attack for the station I, as a result of this corrected Schrenk distribution, is given by the
l schren k
α i= i
(( )
1 2 cL
following formula: ρ v ci +α C (from f.6.2.3 and f. (f.
2 dc L L=0
lift line load l'_schrenk_i [N/m]
lift line
1000 load
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
wing span [m]
Figure 8 – Span wise lift distribution l schrenk
d= (f.
b−b 0
Document reference:
has a linear distribution proportional to the chord. At each station the point of application of the mass is 45% of
the chord.
direction of flight
direction of flight
Station 2 rib
Figure 10 – Fuel distribution
A constant fuel distribution (at a point of application of 20% of the chord) is assumed throughout the fuel tank
cm 0
x P =x AC −c i ¿
(from eq. 9.17.(d) [11]) (f.
i i
Where, ci is the chord at each station, cm0_w_i is the pitching moment around the aerodynamic centre of the wing
section (it is -0.0436 across the wing from chapter 6.1.4.), CL_i is the local lift coefficient and comes from the
corrected Schrenk distribution (l ' schrenk ) in . Therefore centre of pressure location is dependent on the local angle
of attack.
Each station’s lift force acts on its centre of pressure and imposes torsion around the wing elastic axis which for
this aeroplane is located approximately at a constant chord percentage of 30% (see design data - the main spar is
approximately at 25% of the chord) throughout the entire wing span with local positions x s as local shear centres i
at the stations.
Note: the location of the elastic axis for this wing has been assumed at 30%. It is responsibility of the applicant to
determine and justify the location of the elastic axis.
Incremental torsion load on structure at each station with respect to local wing shear centre including
contribution of fuel and wing structure inertia forces:
The flight load factor n is assumed to act in parallel to the direction of the lift force instead of the direction of the
normal force (As required by of ref. [3]). The difference is assumed negligible.
The incremental shear load parallel to lift force vector at station i is taking into account also the inertia unloading
of the wing
∆ Q D =d ∆ y i
The summation of incremental shear loads throughout the stations to obtain the absolute shear loads at station i
is presented below.
Document reference:
QD = i
∑ ∆ QD i
The components of the loads along the normal and tangential directions are derived by using the following
formulas and figure:
(The tangential force is oriented opposite to the x axis and is therefore positive when directed towards the front
of the aeroplane.)
resulting force i √
Q R = (Q L + Q D i
) (f.
With the local angle of attack for the station i as a result of the corrected Schrenk distribution given by the
l 'schren k
α i= i
(( )
1 2 cL
following formula: ρ v ci +α C
2 dc L L=0
(from f.
Summation of shear loads to obtain the bending moments at each station and using the increased lever arm ( ∆ y n
∆ yn
instead of ) at the wing tip station results in slightly more conservative values.
Bending moment along normal direction
M z = ∑ ( QN ∆ y i )
i i
The results are presented within the graphs and tables below.
Document reference:
EA SA Examp le Do uc men ts
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of 33 name
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EA SA Examp le Do uc men ts
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EA SA Examp le Do uc men ts
Figure 14 – Shear load distribution Q T in direction of tangential force bending moment distribution M N in direction of normal force
i i
Page 29 company
Date Revision Doc.-No.
of 33 name
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EA SA Examp le Do uc men ts
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EA SA Examp le Do uc men ts
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of 33 name
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EA SA Examp le Do uc men ts
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7. Compliance statements
Compliance statements are shown below:
CS-LSA Strength requirements are specified in terms of limit loads (the maximum loads to be
F2245-12d expected in service) and ultimate loads (limit loads multiplied by prescribed factors of safety). Unless otherwise provided, prescribed loads are limit loads.
Statement of Calculated loads are limit loads. See chapter 6..
CS-LSA Unless otherwise provided, the air, ground, and water loads must be placed in
F2245-12d equilibrium with inertia forces, considering each item of mass in the airplane. These loads must be distributed to conservatively approximate or closely represent actual conditions.
Statement of Calculations are based on equilibrium of air and inertia forces.
compliance Mass distribution is taken into consideration. See chapters 6.1., 6.2., .
CS-LSA The simplified structural design criteria given in Appendix X1 may be used for airplanes
F2245-12d with conventional configurations. If Appendix X1 is used, the entire appendix must be substituted for the corresponding paragraphs of this subpart, that is, 5.2.1 to 5.7.3. Appendix
X2 contains acceptable methods of analysis that may be used for compliance with the loading
requirements for the wings and fuselage.
Statement of The simplified design criteria is not used.
CS-LSA Flight load factors, n, represent the ratio of the aerodynamic force component (acting
F2245-12d normal to the assumed longitudinal axis of the airplane) to the weight of the airplane. A positive flight load factor is one in which the aerodynamic force acts upward, with respect
to the airplane.
Statement of The requirement has been met. This is shown in chapter 6.4.5..
CS-LSA Compliance with the flight load requirements of this section must be shown at each
F2245-12d practicable combination of weight and disposable load within the operating limitations specified in the POH.
Statement of Every combination of weight and centre of gravity was considered. See chapter 6..
t reference
CS-LSA The appropriate balancing horizontal tail loads must be accounted for in a rational or
F2245-12d conservative manner when determining the wing loads and linear inertia loads corresponding to any of the symmetrical flight conditions specified in 5.2.2 to 5.2.6.
Statement Horizontal tail balancing, fuselage aerodynamic and inertia loads were considered in
of determining the wing loads. See chapter 6.1..
t reference
CS-LSA The incremental horizontal tail loads due to maneuvering and gusts must be reacted by
F2245-12d the angular inertia of the airplane in a rational or conservative manner.
Statement In calculating the loads on the wing in gust and manoeuvre, the angular inertia of the
of aeroplane has been disregarded. This is considered acceptable for the wing loads. See
compliance chapter 6.1..
t reference
CS-LSA In computing the loads arising in the conditions prescribed above, the angle of attack is
F2245-12d assumed to be changed suddenly without loss of air speed until the prescribed load factor is attained. Angular accelerations may be disregarded.
Statement The loss of speed has been has been disregarded and also the angular accelerations during
of symmetrical flight. See chapter 6.1..
t reference
CS-LSA The aerodynamic data required for establishing the loading conditions must be verified
F2245-12d by tests, calculations, or by conservative estimation. In the absence of better information, the maximum negative lift coefficient for rigid lifting surfaces may be assumed to be equal to −0.80.
If the pitching moment coefficient, Cmo, is less than ±0.025, a coefficient of at least ±0.025 must
be used.
Statement Aerodynamic data is sourced from conservative estimates based on tests [7].
of Negative lift coefficient was sourced from aerodynamic tests [7].Moment coefficient Cmo is
compliance greater than ±0.025 (-0.055) [7]. See chapters 6.1., 6.2. and .
t reference
CS-LSA General – Compliance with the strength requirements of this subpart must be shown at
F2245-12d any combination of airspeed and load factor on and within the boundaries of a flight envelope similar to the one in Fig. 1 that represents the envelope of the flight loading conditions
specified by the maneuvering and gust criteria of 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 respectively.
Statement Every combination of airspeed and load factor on and within the boundaries of the flight
of envelope was considered. See chapter 6..
Document reference:
CS-LSA 5.2.7 Unsymmetrical Flight Conditions – The airplane is assumed to be subjected to the
F2245-12d unsymmetrical flight conditions of and Unbalanced aerodynamic moments
5.2.7 about the centre of gravity must be reacted in a rational or conservative manner considering
the principal masses furnishing the reacting inertia forces.
Statement of Note: Unsymmetrical loads have not been calculated in this revision of the document
CS-LSA Rolling Conditions – The airplane shall be designed for the loads resulting from the roll
F2245-12d control deflections and speeds specified in 5.7.1 in combination with a load factor of at least two thirds of the positive maneuvering load factor prescribed in The rolling
accelerations may be obtained by the methods given in X2.3. The effect of the roll control
displacement on the wing torsion may be accounted for by the method of X2.3.2 and X2.3.3.
Statement of Note: Unsymmetrical loads have not been calculated in this revision of the document
CS-LSA Yawing Conditions – The airplane must be designed for the yawing loads resulting from
F2245-12d the vertical surface loads specified in 5.5.
Statement of Note: Unsymmetrical loads have not been calculated in this revision of the document