Geo Depth

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GeoDepth Velocity Determination,

Modeling and Imaging

An Integrated System for Highest
Quality Imaging in Depth

Depth image with salt domes Combined vertical and horizon-based residual moveouts in
the GeoDepth Velocity Navigator

A Comprehensive System for Improved Seismic Enhanced Anisotropy Tools Assure Accurate
Imaging Positioning of Reservoir Targets
Accurate seismic images and depth models are essential in GeoDepth provides full support for transverse isotropy models,
hydrocarbon exploration and production. The GeoDepth™ including both vertical axis of symmetry (VTI) and tilted axis
velocity determination and modeling system offers explorationists of symmetry (TTI). Enhanced tools enable the user to define
a solution for improved seismic imaging in time or depth through 3D anisotropy parameters (Thompsen’s e and d parameters
and axis symmetry angles) as maps and 3D grids in an
the integration of interpretation, velocity analysis, model
accurate and efficient manner. GeoDepth uses the anisotropy
building, time-to-depth conversion, depth migrations, and model
models for 3D ray tracing modeling, tomography inversions,
verification and updating. GeoDepth supports the entire range ray-based imaging such as Kirchhoff and Common Reflection
of seismic surveys, including 2D and 3D marine and land surveys, Angle (CRAM), and Wave Equation Migrations (WEM and RTM
and narrow and wide-azimuth acquisition geometries, covering [Reverse Time Migrations). The ability to calculate the effect
every type of geological structure in the world. of physical anisotropy on wave propagation (especially in
shale and sand sediments) when processing large offset data,
GeoDepth offers fast access and easy 3D visualization of results in more accurate models, leading to better positioning
prestack/poststack seismic data and interpretation data for of the reservoir targets.
2D/3D surveys, as well as well data. The comprehensive
3D view of the data adds new information to the imaging Velocity Estimation Techniques for Accurate Model
workflow and optimizes quality control. Determination
Layer velocities may vary with depth of burial, age, lithology
Solutions that Reduce Drilling Risk or a combination of all these factors. In building a velocity/
GeoDepth enables users to solve exploration and depth model, the appropriate tool must be selected to
development problems associated with the imaging model these factors. Through the state-of-the-art Velocity
Navigator user interface, GeoDepth supports a wide range of
and positioning of a wide range of subsurface geological
tools designed especially for each of these conditions. These
structures, in order to reduce drilling risk. These include fault
include a model-based velocity analysis method for structure-
shadow, subsalt, sub-basalt, salt flanks, reefs, gas plumes, dependent regimes, and a grid-based approach for a structure-
thrust faults and subtle lateral velocity variations. independent environment, or a combination of both.

“GeoDepth offers a wide variety of velocity model determination and imaging techniques suitable for our most critical
seismic assets in every geological environment. Its advanced QC and visualization tools deliver highest-quality results that
enhance our understanding of depth uncertainty. Furthermore, the efficiency of the product has enabled our asset teams to
dramatically increase their productivity.”
Velocity Determination, Modeling and Imaging

Imaging and 3D visualization of various attributes, e.g. RMO, dip and azimuth, illumination, main and interlayer horizons,
uniquely stored in a Pencil database

Velocity Model Building GeoDepth offers a number of proprietary methods for RMO
GeoDepth performs velocity model determination in two extraction. Parabolic and higher order RMO parameters may
stages – building an initial background model that is consistent be extracted either by using semblance profiles, or through
with the short-to-medium offset traces of the input seismic the use of AVO attributes (the FastVel™ add-on application).
gathers, and refining it to obtain an improved model that is fully In addition, vector-based, trace-by-trace, automatic RMO
consistent with the entire range of offset traces. picking is provided.

Building a proper initial background velocity model is essential, Velocity model updating may be performed using GeoDepth
and GeoDepth does this efficiently and in a geologically Constrained Velocity Inversion (CVI) or GeoDepth Tomography.
constrained manner, using advanced proprietary techniques.
GeoDepth Constrained Velocity Inversion (CVI)
Among these are GeoDepth coherency and stacking velocity
GeoDepth CVI offers a rapid, straightforward and robust
inversions, which successfully perform ray-based layer stripping
method for updating the velocity model. It uses a constrained
in areas of complex geology, and a constrained Dix-based
least square solution to convert either velocity or residual
method (CVI) for sedimentary basins with moderate lateral
vertical functions, sampled irregularly and sparsely (laterally
velocity variation.
and vertically) into a regular, fine, geologically constrained
interval velocity. Unlike tomography, CVI assumes a locally
Efficient Analysis of Errors in the Velocity Depth varying 1D model for the updating process.
Once the initial background velocity depth model is built, GeoDepth Tomography
GeoDepth provides a wide range of tools and workflows for GeoDepth Tomography is a state-of-the-art velocity model
refining the velocity model. The main workflow includes depth updating system designed to handle all velocity environments,
migration to create both an image and common image gathers including extremely difficult scenarios involving strong lateral
(offset or angle domain). This is followed by interactive and/or heterogeneity and considerable anisotropy, structural model
automatic picking of main reflection events in the image domain, complexity, and shallow velocity anomalies with rough
and residual moveouts (RMO) along the common image gathers. topography. It enables consistent and efficient conversion of
The RMO indicate the non-flatness of the reflection events, and isotropic models to VTI/TTI anisotropic models and their update,
provide information about traveltime errors along rays travelling ensuring the best positioning for reservoir targets. High-
through the subsurface, which is the core information needed to resolution calculation grids (depth varying) provide accurate
refine the velocity model. velocity models in surveys of any size, especially in shallow areas.

GeoDepth’s dedicated Velocity Navigator application GeoDepth Tomography supports 2D multi-line grid-based,
window optimizes RMO extraction accuracy, ensuring the 3D grid-based, 3D model-based, and hybrid tomographic
reliability of the updated velocity model. Gather processing methodologies, customized to the problem at hand. Grid-
and conditioning with RMO extraction may be performed on based 2D and 3D tomography share the same workflow, user
clusters comprising massive amounts of nodes, enhancing interface and parameters, making them easier to both learn
productivity in today’s large-scale projects in both marine and and use. 2D grid tomography provides a multi-line capability
land environments. that enables work on a large number of lines (from a few
dozen up to several hundred) with minimal user intervention.
Ray tracing and illumination in GeoDepth
GeoDepth 3

GeoDepth Tomography offers a powerful combination of high- seismic data alone; in such cases, it’s possible to find a
performance cluster computing, rich bottom-up reflection ray velocity that will flatten the gathers but not tie to the wells.
tracing in all azimuths and angles, automatic reflection patch Well information is used to reduce this ambiguity.
picking (poststack) and residual moveout picking (prestack),
and anisotropic model parameter picking. Supported prestack Mis-ties between seismic horizons and well markers are
data includes 2D offset/angle gathers, 3D full-azimuth reflection calculated and used as input to well tie tomography to
angle gathers, and sectored offset/angle gathers. update the velocity/anisotropic parameters, resulting in a
velocity model that minimizes the input mis-ties.
The 3D Canvas window provides a comprehensive visualization
and interpretation system to analyze, QC and edit the GeoDepth also offers time-preserving tomography, an
automated RMO picked data. The rich 3D environment efficient and accurate application for simulating different
enables the display of RMO curves along a massive amount of scenarios of isotropic/anisotropic velocity-depth models
gathers, together with the ability to filter out outliers according which are consistent with a given background model. Re-
to predefined QC attributes. depthing using time-preserving tomography systematically
reduces depth seismic-to-well marker mis-ties.
All information, including picks and associated attributes such
as dip, azimuth and continuity of reflecting surfaces, surface The accuracy and quality of the subsurface seismic image,
ID, residual velocity and others, is stored in a Pencil Database. in particular, the structure, size and shape of the target
The information can be extracted using either volume-based reservoirs, are highly dependent on the ability to accurately
(ImageDAC) or reflector-based (ImagePICK) operations. The model the velocity distribution of the shallow model.
extraction procedure is parallelized, for added efficiency.
GeoDepth 3D refraction tomography is an accurate and
GeoDepth tomography enables the performance of multiple efficient inversion tool for defining shallow high-resolution
inversions to solve the tomography matrix, with different velocity distribution. The two-point ray tracing method is
geological constraints applied independently to each able to uncover areas with vertical velocity inversions and
geological layer or model creation of complex geology. local lateral anomalies, making it possible to detect shallow
velocity complexities, such as hidden channels, gas pockets,
As a result of enhanced integration between GeoDepth and permafrost sheets, small faults, etc.
the SKUA™ structural and stratigraphic modeling solution, it is
possible to run model-based tomography on complex SKUA- GeoDepth joint refraction-reflection tomography enables
generated models, including faults and multi-value surfaces, consistent construction of the velocity model in both the
for structural and stratigraphically constrained velocity shallow and deep sections. This strategy increases accuracy,
models. Three component displacements from model-based plausibility and resolution in the velocity model and can
tomography can be used to generate updated depth T-surfaces result in much-improved migrated images.
for horizons/faults, and then used in SKUA to rebuild the
model. The geologically-consistent updated velocity model 3D Q tomography is used to update subsurface
fully honors the structural complexity of the subsurface. attenuation parameters (Q factor). GeoDepth grid-
based 3D Q tomography, the newest addition to the
GeoDepth is uniquely able to integrate well information (check GeoDepth tomography portfolio, provides an accurate Q
shots, VSP data, and well markers) into tomography equations representation. When input to EarthStudy 360™ Imager,
for solving and controlling anisotropic inverted parameters. which supports Q compensation, the result is higher-
Integrating VSP data reduces uncertainty in the model building resolution images.
process, resulting in fewer iterations and quicker delivery of the
final model. Input to the Q tomography workflow is a measured
attenuation property of full-azimuth angle domain gathers
Tying the horizons interpreted on the seismic image to well from EarthStudy 360. These gathers are 3D in nature and
markers plays a critical role in the velocity model building are optimal for this type of calculation. 3D Q tomography
workflow, especially in the presence of anisotropy. The aim is a global updating method that simultaneously considers
is to find a velocity model that yields flat gathers after depth input from many subsurface locations, enabling it to produce
migration, and ties to the well markers. Subsurface velocities highly accurate results. 3D grid tomography output is an
cannot be uniquely determined by the surface recorded updated Q factor model.

Pencils extracted from model maps colored by Dip Automatic picking of RMO along common image gathers
in 3D Canvas
4 Velocity Determination, Modeling and Imaging

3D Canvas visualization plays a central role in the multi-2D Visualization of prestack gathers and picks in 3D Canvas
velocity building workflow, from multi-2D line interpretation along multiple 2D lines
to visualization of prestack, poststack, RMO curves, and
RMO attributes, for efficient multi-2D line QC.

Flexible Technologies for Mapping and Modeling EarthStudy 360 – A New World of Information for
Emerson offers a wide range of geomodeling capabilities Geoscientists
covering all the model-building needs of today’s geoscientist, EarthStudy 360™, the next-generation extension of
from simple, map-based solutions through more complex, GeoDepth, is an innovative system that generates three-
surface-based applications, up to true 3D modeling dimensional angle gathers which are then uniquely processed
capabilities in the SKUA-GOCAD™ suite of products. Together, and analyzed. The result is a complete set of data that
these provide the flexibility needed to create the appropriate provides accurate isotropic/anisotropic subsurface velocity
model quickly and easily from horizon and fault surfaces models, structural attributes, medium properties, and
described by grids, triangulated meshes or picks. reservoir characteristics. The system extracts unprecedented
value from all modern and legacy seismic data acquisitions,
Using a comprehensive set of mapping tools, it is possible to especially those with wide and rich azimuth and long offset, in
create horizon, fault and slice maps, as well as velocity attribute both marine and land environments.
maps. By supporting multi-Z valued surfaces and picks, such
as vertical faults, salt overhangs and fault overthrust, the most EarthStudy 360 is most effective for imaging and analysis
complex structures can be easily and accurately represented. in unconventional gas plays within shale formations and in
fracture carbonate reservoirs. The system delivers highly
Connectivity to SKUA Structural and Velocity Modeling accurate images from below complex structures such as
GeoDepth works seamlessly with the state-of-the-art SKUA shallow low-velocity anomalies like gas pockets, subsalt,
structural and velocity modeling application. Using SKUA, it is sub-basalt and high-velocity carbonate rocks. These result in
possible to build complex structures and create volumes that are optimal solutions for anisotropic tomography and for fracture
available to GeoDepth for analysis and imaging. detection and reservoir characterization.

SKUA offers a wide range of powerful yet easy-to-use A Fully Integrated Product Suite Offers Seamless
technologies for the accurate, efficient and productive Workflows
construction of subsurface models. Unlike other, map-based GeoDepth is fully integrated with all other Emerson E&P
solutions, where structural complexity is quickly a limiting software products running on the Epos™ infrastructure
factor and where the approach incorporates simple layering, and data management platform. Furthermore, due to the
SKUA enables accurate modeling in salt and other structurally system’s comprehensive interoperability capabilities, datasets
complex environments, making use of 3D operations that
honor the stratigraphy and faults. GeoDepth velocity maps and
vertical functions may be accessed by SKUA to create velocity

Advanced Migrations Assure Highest Quality Imaging

GeoDepth is supported by a full range of 2D and 3D prestack
depth migration add-on modules, including flexible, target-
oriented Kirchhoff migrations with high-end imaging options
(Wavefront Reconstruction and Common Reflection Angle
Migrations [CRAM]) and Common Shot Wave Equation Migrations
(WEM). Reverse Time Migration (RTM) is available within the
Echos™ seismic data processing and analysis system. Collectively,
these migrations can be applied to solve a broad range of imaging
objectives, such as thrust fault, subsalt and rugged terrain
imaging, and accommodate a variety of imaging acquisitions,
including wide angle, OBC and other multi-component

Fracture imaging in EarthStudy 360

GeoDepth 5

Reflection and directional angle gathers in EarthStudy 360 at a given location along the depth model

in existing multi-vendor databases can be accessed and by GeoDepth migrations are the input for the QSI inversions, and
processed smoothly and quickly, with no reformatting needed. determine the quality of the results.

Integration with the Echos Seismic Processing System Integration with Emerson E&P Interpretation Software
GeoDepth shares a file system, project data and core GeoDepth capabilities are heavily embedded in the
computational libraries with Echos. The seismic images SeisEarth™ multi-survey, regional to prospect interpretation
produced by GeoDepth benefit from Echos pre-processing product suite. The SeisEarth 3D Canvas supports the
and post-processing capabilities. Together, they produce the simultaneous display and use of prestack and poststack
highest quality images of the subsurface. seismic data in a common interpretation environment. It
enables efficient and accurate three-dimensional picking,
Integration with Quantitative Seismic Interpretation editing and QC of the main reflectors used for velocity model
Quantitative Seismic Interpretation (QSI) AVO inversion is determination and amplitude inversion. In particular, massive
based on the velocity model and amplitude-preserved migrated amounts of residual moveout curves can be visualized and
image gathers generated in GeoDepth, and uses some of its edited, enhancing reliability and productivity. A new 2D
core computational libraries, such as ray tracing modeling and visualization window allows the simultaneous display of
residual moveouts. GeoDepth amplitude preserved migrations, prestack and poststack data, including multiple displays and
especially in the angle domain, determine the quality of the AVO panel management.
inversion. The 3D velocity models and seismic images generated

Two-point ray tracing Prestack gather in the post-stack domain (Data courtesy
of AWE)
Velocity Determination, Modeling and Imaging

GeoDepth offers an advanced illumination add-on module
that provides a previously unattainable breadth of knowledge
about ray propagation in complex areas.

The Illuminator uses an enhanced, interactive ray tracing

technology that quantifies the relationship between the
surface acquisition geometry and the subsurface angles
in targeted areas. Launched from SeisEarth 3D Canvas,
input for the Illuminator includes isotropic and VTI, TTI and
orthorhombic/anisotropic velocity models, converted waves,
and optionally, data acquisition geometry. Ray tracing is fully
parallelized, for increased productivity.

Interpreters can generate ray attribute, illumination, and

reliability maps to gain knowledge about the quality and
integrity of the seismic image. A user who wants to know Pore pressure prediction
more about why certain areas have low reliability, has access
to an extensive set of tools which deliver that knowledge. The
Pore Pressure Prediction
results are displayed in a clear visual manner, simplifying even
the most complex set of imaging characteristics. Pore Pressure Prediction procedures that use seismic velocity
information have had a huge impact on drilling safety and
For depth imaging specialists who seek additional knowledge the economics of drilling design and well construction. As
about imaging reliability, the Illuminator can perform ray pore pressure prediction is a multi-disciplinary procedure,
tracing in batch mode along fine 3D grids for the generation it is more effectively carried out with a technology base and
of full-azimuth illumination gathers, volumes and maps. common infrastructure that include seismic data processing,
velocity model building, high-resolution tomography and
Grid-based ray tracing is supported by Emerson’s HPC depth imaging. The detailed velocity models provided by
functionality and can run on multi-node clusters. GeoDepth, and the ability to identify velocity anomalies,
enable geoscientists to accurately predict pore pressure.

Kirchhoff Migrations
Prestack Time Migrations: 2nd and 4th order, and anisotropic curved rays.

Prestack Depth Migrations: Computation of traveltimes for waves propagating from

sources to subsurface image points using the Wavefront Reconstruction, Fermat
or Eikonal method. Wavefront Reconstruction is the most accurate solver and
supports VTI/TTI anisotropic models, using the most energetic arrivals.

Kirchhoff is a fast, target-oriented process which enables efficient velocity model

building and updating and is particularly adaptable to irregular acquisition
geometries. It accurately handles anisotropic and converted wave velocity
models and surface topography. In 2D surveys, users can easily and efficiently run
migrations for tens to hundreds of 2D lines.

Local Angle Domain Imaging

Advanced Local Angle Domain imaging is performed in the EarthStudy 360 Imager.
The GeoDepth Common Reflection Angle Migration (CRAM) is a major component
of this offering. CRAM generates subsurface, amplitude preserved, reflection
angle gathers, using all arrivals within the full recorded data. These are the optimal
gathers for accurate determination of the velocity depth model as well as for
amplitude inversion (AVA). CRAM can be utilized to provide fast, target-oriented
solutions for local analysis, and can also be used for imaging on a regional scale.
CRAM supports anisotropic VTI and TTI models, as well as Q compensation.

■ Dedicated application interface (Velocity Navigator) for grid-based
and model-based velocity analysis
■ Efficient, cluster-based gather processing
■ Anisotropic multi-azimuth joint reflection and refraction
tomography, incorporating geological information and well data
■ Flexible, accurate mapping and geomodeling (SKUA)
■ Full support for ray- and wave equation-based isotropic/anisotropic
modeling, imaging and velocity determination
■ Automatic RMO analysis using the SWAN method (FastVel)
■ Broad range of illumination analyses
■ Full integration and seamless operation with the Echos seismic
processing system
■ Full integration with the Epos-based SeisEarth interpretation and
visualization product suite

All Epos-based applications enable interoperability with third-party
data stores, including:
■ RESQML 2.0.1
■ OpenWorks® R5000.10
■ Petrel* 2021, 2020 & 2019
■ Recall™ 5.4.2

(* a mark of Schlumberger)

System Specifications
■ 64-bit Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7.6+, 8.4+

The Emerson E&P Software Advantage

■ A complete suite of interactive and batch velocity analysis tools
handles a full range of seismic imaging problems.
■ Continuity in the velocity model building process prevents data
loss and honors geological constraints.
■ Easy construction of 2D and 3D models, regardless of the
complexity of the structural geology.
■ A complete 2D/3D ray tracing modeling library, comprising
isotropy and anisotropy models, enables accurate
■ Simulation of wave propagation in complex subsurface areas.
■ An intuitive, wizard-driven user interface, assuring a short learning
curve and full control over the velocity analysis process.

Cover image data and Kirchhoff migration data courtesy of Devon Energy

The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. All other
marks are the property of their respective owners. © 2022 Emerson Electric Co. All
rights reserved.

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