Information Systems For Business: Ly-Huong T. Pham, Tejal Desai-Naik, Laurie Hammond, & Wael Abdeljabbar
Information Systems For Business: Ly-Huong T. Pham, Tejal Desai-Naik, Laurie Hammond, & Wael Abdeljabbar
Information Systems For Business: Ly-Huong T. Pham, Tejal Desai-Naik, Laurie Hammond, & Wael Abdeljabbar
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Part 1 has six chapters. It discusses what an information system is and its components: hardware, software, data and databases,
networking, and security.
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About the Book
An Open Educational Resource Supported by the Academic Senate for California Community
Colleges Open Educational Resources Initiative
The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI) was funded by the
California legislature in trailer bill language during the summer of 2018. The OERI’s mission is to reduce the cost of
educational resources for students by expanding the availability and adoption of high quality Open Educational Resources
(OER). The OERI facilitates and coordinates the curation and development of OER texts, ancillaries, and support systems. In
addition, the OERI supports local OER implementation efforts through the provision of professional development, technical
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Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
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Book Contributors
This book is written for a general business audience and the California Community College course C-ID-BUS 140, Business
Information System, Computer Information System.
Information Systems for Business and Beyond was originally developed in 2014 by David T. Bourgeois Ph.D., and is licensed
under CC BY 4.0.
The book was updated in 2019 by James L. Smith Ph.D., Shouhong Wong, Ph.D., and Joseph Mortati, MBA, and is licensed
under CC BY NC-SA 3.0
This Revised First Edition (2021) was edited by:
Ly-Huong T. Pham, MBA, Ph.D. (all chapters)
Tejal Desai-Naik (chapters 7, 8, 9, and 12)
Laurie Hammond (chapters 2, 4, and 11)
Wael Abdeljabbar, Ph.D. (chapters 5 and 6)
Renee N. Albrecht is acknowledged for her early contribution to our editorial process.
This Revised First Edition is licensed CC BY - NC 4.0.
This book is written as an introductory text, meant for those with little or no experience with computers or information
systems. While sometimes the descriptions can get a little bit technical, every effort has been made to convey the information
essential to understanding a topic and not getting bogged down in detailed terminology.
Chapter Outline
The text is organized around thirteen chapters divided into three major parts, as follows:
We discuss hardware and how it works. We will look at different types of computing devices, computer parts, learn how they interact,
and the effect of the commoditization of these devices.
Software and hardware cannot function without each other. Without software, hardware is useless. Without hardware, software has no
hardware to run on. In this chapter, we discuss the types of software, their purpose, and how they support different hardware devices,
individuals, groups, and organizations.
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This chapter provides an overview of information systems, and its components, including the history
of how we got where we are today.
Defining an information system is from two perspectives: What components make up an
information system, and how do they work together? What is the role of IS in providing value to
businesses and to individuals in solving their needs?
Provide a list of study and exercise questions.
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1.1: Introduction
In the course of a given day, think of activities that you do to entertain yourself, deliver a work product, purchase something,
or interact with your family, friends, or co-workers. How many times do you snap a picture, post a text, or email your friends?
Can you even remember the number of times you used a search engine in a day? Consider what you are using to do these
activities. Most likely, many, if not all, of these activities involve using technologies such as a smartphone, a laptop, a website,
or an app. These activities are also enabled by Wi-Fi networks that surround us everywhere, be it on the school’s campus,
workplace, the airport, or even cars. You are already a user of one or more information systems, using one or more electronic
devices, different software, or apps, and connect globally through different networks. Welcome to the world of information
Information systems affect our personal, career, society, and the global economy by evolving to change businesses and the way
we live. To prepare yourself to participate in developing or using information, building a business, or advancing your career,
you must be familiar with an information system's fundamental concepts.
Information Systems. (2017, June 05). Retrieved July 28, 2020, from
Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J. P. (2012). Management Information Systems, twelfth edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Valacich, J. and Schneider, C. (2010). Information Systems Today – Managing in the Digital World, fourth edition. Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Figure 1.2.1 : Components of Information Systems. Image by Ly-Huong Pham is licensed under CC BY NC
Each has a specific role, and all roles must work together to have a working information system. In this book, we group the
first four components as Technology. People and Processes are the two components that deliver value to organizations in how
they use the collection of technologies to meet specific organizations’ goals.
Technology can be thought of as the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. From the invention of the
wheel to the harnessing of electricity for artificial lighting, technology is a part of our lives in so many ways that we tend to
take it for granted. As discussed before, the first four components of information systems – hardware, software, network
communication, and data, are all technologies that must integrate well together. Each of these will get its own chapter and a
much lengthier discussion, but we will take a moment to introduce them to give you a big picture of what each component is
and how they work together.
Hardware represents the physical components of an information system. Some can be seen or touched easily, while others
reside inside a device that can only be seen by opening up the device's case. Keyboards, mice, pens, disk drives, iPads,
printers, and flash drives are all visible examples. Computer chips, motherboards, and internal memory chips are the hardware
Figure 1.2.2 : Keyboard and iPad by Firmbee from Pixabay, Pen by athree23 from Pixabay, Printer by Steve Buissinne from
Pixabay, Keyboard by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay. All images are licensed under CC BY 2.0
Software is a set of instructions that tell the hardware what to do. Software is not tangible – it cannot be touched. Programmers
create software programs by following a specific process to enter a list of instructions that tell the hardware what to do. There
are several categories of software, with the two main categories being operating-system and application software.
Figure 1.2.3 : This image is a derivative work from David Bourgeois is licensed under CC BY 2.0. This work “Hardware,
Software, Users - Interrelated” by Ly-Huong Pham is licensed under CC BY-NC
Operating system software provides an interface between the hardware and application to protect the programmers from
learning about the underlying hardware's specifics. Chapter 3 will discuss Software more thoroughly. Here are a few examples:
Examples of Operating Systems and Applications by Devices
Devices Operating Systems Applications
The third component is data. You can think of data as a collection of non-disputable raw facts. For example, your first name,
driver's license number, the city you live in, a picture of your pet, a clip of your voice, and your phone number are all pieces of
raw data. You can see or hear your data, but by themselves, they don’t give you any additional meanings beyond the data itself.
For example, you can read a driver's license number of a person, you may recognize it as a driver's license number, but you
know nothing else about this person. They are typically what IS would need to collect from you or other sources. However,
Networking Communication
The components of hardware, software, and data have long been considered the core technology of information systems.
However, networking communication is another component of an IS that some believe should be in its own category. An
information system can exist without the ability to communicate. For instance, the first personal computers were stand-alone
machines that did not have access to the Internet. Information Systems, however, have evolved since they were developed. For
example, we used to have only desktop operating system software or hardware. However, in today’s environment, the
operating system software now includes mobile OS, and hardware now includes other hardware devices besides desktops. It is
extremely rare for a computer device that does not connect to another device or a network. Chapter 5 will go into this topic in
greater detail.
Figure 1.2.4 : Network by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
People built computers for people to use. This means that there are many different categories in the development and
management of information systems to help organizations to create value and improve productivity, such as:
Users: these are the people who actually use an IS to perform a job function or task. Examples include: a student uses a
spreadsheet or a word processing software program.
Technical Developers: these are the people who actually create the technologies used to build an information system.
Examples include a computer chip engineer, a software programmer, and an application programmer.
Business Professionals: these are the CEOs, owners, managers, entrepreneurs, employees who use IS to start or expand
their business to perform their job functions such as accounting, marketing, sales, human resources, support customers,
among others. Examples include famous CEOs such as Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Steve Jobs of Apple, Bill Gates of
Microsoft, and Marc Benioff of Salesforce.
The last component of information systems is Process. A business process is a series of steps undertaken to achieve a desired
outcome or goal. Businesses have to continually innovate to either create more revenues through new products and services
that fulfill customers’ needs or to find cost-saving opportunities in the ways they run their companies. Simply automating
activities using technology is not enough. Information systems are becoming more and more integrated with organizational
processes to deliver value in revenue-generating and cost-saving activities that can give companies competitive advantages
over their competitors. Specialized standards or processes such as “business process reengineering,” “business process
management,” “enterprise resource planning,” and “customer relationship management” all have to do with the continued
improvement of these business procedures and the integration of technology with them to improve internal efficiencies and to
gain a deeper understanding of customers’ needs. Businesses hoping to gain an advantage over their competitors are highly
focused on this component of information systems. We will discuss processes in Chapter 8.
Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2011). Management information systems. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Figure 1.3.1 : Model K Adder, Image by Arnold Reinhold is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Software evolved along with the hardware evolution. Grace Hopper completed A-0, the program that allowed programmers to
enter instructions to hardware with English-like words on the UNIVAC 1. With the arrival of general and commercial
computers, we entered what is now referred to as the mainframe era. (Computer History Museum, n.d.)
Figure 1.3.2 : Univac 1, U.S. Census Bureau employees are licensed under CC-PD (right) Commodore Grace M. Hopper,
Image by James S. Davis is licensed under CC-PD
The PC Revolution
The 1970s ushered in the growth era in both making the computers smaller- microcomputers, and faster big machines-
supercomputers. In 1975, the first microcomputer was announced on the cover of Popular Mechanics: the Altair 8800,
invented by Ed Roberts, who coined the term “personal computer.” The Altair was sold for $297-$395, and came with 256
bytes of memory, and licensed Bill Gates and Paul Allen’s BASIC programming language. Its immediate popularity sparked
entrepreneurs' imagination everywhere, and there were quickly dozens of companies making these “personal computers.”
Though at first just a niche product for computer hobbyists, improvements in usability and practical software availability led to
growing sales. The most prominent of these early personal computer makers was a little company known as Apple Computer,
headed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, with the hugely successful “Apple II .” (Computer History Museum, n.d.)
Figure 1.3.4 : Altair 8800 Computer with 8 inch floppy disk system - Image by Swtpc6800 is licensed under CC-PD. (right)
Apple II Computer - Image by Rama is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 FR
Hardware companies such as Intel and Motorola continued to introduce faster and faster microprocessors (i.e., computer
chips). Not wanting to be left out of the revolution, in 1981, IBM (teaming with a little company called Microsoft for their
operating system software) released their own version of the personal computer, called the “PC.” Businesses, which had used
By the mid-1980s, businesses began to see the need to connect their computers to collaborate and share resources. This
networking architecture was referred to as “client-server” because users would log in to the local area network (LAN) from
their PC (the “client”) by connecting to a powerful computer called a “server,” which would then grant them rights to different
resources on the network (such as shared file areas and a printer). Software companies began developing applications that
allowed multiple users to access the same data at the same time. This evolved into software applications for communicating,
with the first prevalent use of electronic mail appearing at this time.
We seem to be at a tipping point of many technological advances that have come of age. The miniaturization of devices such
as cameras, sensors, faster and smaller processors, software advances in fields such as artificial intelligence, combined with
the availability of massive data, have begun to bring in new types of computing devices, small and big, that can do things that
were unheard in the last four decades. A robot the size of a fly is already in limited use, a driverless car is in the ‘test-drive’
phase in a few cities, among other new advances to meet customers’ today needs and anticipate new ones for the future.
“Where do we go from here?” is a question that you are now part of the conversation as you go through the rest of the
chapters. We may not know exactly what the future will look like, but we can reasonably assume that information systems will
touch almost every aspect of our personal, work-life, local and global social norms. Are you prepared to be an even more
sophisticated user? Are you preparing yourself to be competitive in your chosen field? Are there new norms to be embraced?
Timeline of Computer History: Computer History Museum. (n.d.). Retrieved July 10, 2020, from
CERN. (n.d.) The Birth of the Web. Retrieved from
Sidebar: Walmart Uses Information Systems to Become the World’s Leading Retailer
Walmart is the world’s largest retailer, with gross revenue of $534.6 billion and a market of $366.7B in the fiscal year that
ended on January 31, 2020 (source: Yahoo finance on 7/13/2020). Walmart currently has approximately 11,500 stores and
e-commerce websites in 27 countries, serving nearly 265 million customers every week worldwide (Wal-Mart, 2020).
Walmart’s rise to prominence is due in no small part to its use of information systems.
Carr, Nicholas (2003). Retrieved from
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (2020 ). Retrieved July 13, 2020, from
1. Suppose you had to explain to a member of your family or one of your closest friends the concept of an information
system. How would you define it? Write a one-paragraph description in your own words that you feel would best describe
an information system to your friends or family.
2. Of the six components of an information system (hardware, software, data, network communications, people, process),
which do you think is the most important to a business organization's success? Write a one-paragraph answer to this
question that includes an example from your personal experience to support your answer.
3. We all interact with various information systems every day: at the grocery store, at work, at school, even in our cars (at
least some of us). Make a list of the different information systems you interact with every day. See if you can identify the
technologies, people, and processes involved in making these systems work.
4. Do you agree that we are in a post-Web 2.0 stage in the evolution of information systems? Some people argue that we will
always need the personal computer, but it will not be the primary device used to manipulate information. Others think that
a whole new era of mobile, biological, or even neurological computing is coming. Do some original research and make
your prediction about what business computing will look like in the next three to five years.
5. The Walmart case study introduced you to how that company used information systems to become the world’s leading
retailer. Walmart has continued to innovate and is still looked to as a leader in the use of technology. Do some original
research and write a one-page report detailing a new technology that Walmart has recently implemented or is pioneering to
stay competitive.
Discuss hardware, the first of the six components: hardware, software, data, communication,
people, and process
Gaining an understanding of information systems focusing on consumer devices such as the personal computer, tablet, and Bluetooth.
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2.1: Introduction
Information systems are made up of six components: hardware, software, data, communication, people, and process. In this
chapter, we will review hardware. Hardware is the tangible or physical parts of computing devices to function. We will review
the components of information systems, learn how it works, and discuss some of the current trends.
As stated above, computer hardware encompasses digital devices that you can physically touch. This includes devices such as
the following:
desktop computers
laptop computers
mobile phones
tablet computers
storage devices, such as flash drives
input devices, such as keyboards, mice, and scanners
output devices such as 3d printers and speakers
Besides these more traditional computer hardware devices, many items that were once not considered digital devices are now
becoming computerized. Digital technologies are now being integrated into many everyday objects, so the days of a device
being labeled categorically as computer hardware may be ending. Examples of these types of digital devices include
automobiles, refrigerators, and even soft-drink dispensers. In this chapter, we will also explore digital devices, beginning with
defining the term.
Digital Devices
A digital device is any equipment containing a computer or microcontroller; included in these devices are smartphones,
watches, and tablets. A digital device processes electronic signals that represent either a one (“on”) or a zero (“off”). The
presence of an electronic signal represents the “ on ” state; the absence of an electronic signal represents the “ off ” state. Each
one or zero is referred to as a bit (a contraction of binary digit); a group of eight bits is a byte. The first personal computers
could process 8 bits of data at once; modern PCs can now process 128 bits of data at a time. The larger the bit, the faster
information can be processed simultaneously.
Figure 2.2.1 : Personal Computer by Green Chameleon on Unsplash is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
These wires carried out the commands sent to it by the software and returned results to be acted upon. The earliest CPUs were
large circuit boards with limited functionality. Today, a CPU is generally on one chip and can perform a large variety of
functions. There are two primary manufacturers of CPUs for personal computers: Intel and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).
The speed (“clock time”) of a CPU regulates the rate of instruction and executes and synchronizes the various computer
components. The faster the clock, the quicker the CPU can execute instruction per second. The clock is measured in hertz. A
hertz is defined as one cycle per second. Using the binary prefixes mentioned above, we can see that a kilohertz (abbreviated
kHz) is one thousand cycles per second, a megahertz (MHz) is one million cycles per second, and a gigahertz (GHz) is one
billion cycles per second. The CPU’s processing power increases at an amazing rate (see the sidebar about Moore’s Law).
Besides a faster clock time, many CPU chips now contain multiple processors per chip.
A multi-core processor is a single integrated circuit that contains multiple chips. These chips are commonly known as cores.
The multi-core runs and reads instructions on the cores at the same time, increasing the speed. A computer with two processors
Figure 2.2.2 : (a) Bottom view of an Intel central processing unit Core i7 Skylake type core, model 6700K. LGA 1151 socket,
14 nm process, core frequency 4.00 GHz. Manufactured in Vietnam. Image by Eric Gaba is licensed under CC BY-SA. (b) Top
view of an Intel central processing unit Core i7 Skylake type core, model 6700K. LGA 1151 socket, 14 nm process, core
frequency 4.00 GHz. Manufactured in Vietnam. Image by Eric Gaba is licensed under CC BY-SA
Graphics processing unit (GPU) is an electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the
creation of images in a frame buffer for output. Devices that use GPUs are personal computers, smartphones, and game
consoles. Nvidia is one of the powerhouse companies that manufacture HD graphics cards. Nvidia has been a leader in GPU’s
chips, one of the most popular chips is the Nvidia GeForce, which is integrated with laptops, PCs, and virtual reality
processors. Nvidia has also worked with many companies expanding its GPU chip market. Some notable companies that
Nvidia works with are Tesla, Quadro, and GRID.
Figure 2.2.3 : NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra & NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GX2. Image by Hyins is licensed under CC PD
“The name of the game now is the technology may not be traditional silicon
transistors; now it may be quantum computing, which is a different structure and
nano-biotechnology, which consists of proteins and enzymes that are organic."
Therefore it is likely in the next five years, the emphasis of Moore’s Law will change. Experts believe that Moore’s law will
not be able to go on indefinitely because of physical limits on shrinking the size of components on a chip continually.
Currently, the billions of transistors on chips are not visible to the naked eye. It is thought that if Moore’s law were to continue
through 2050, engineers would have to design transistors from components that are smaller than a single atom of hydrogen.
Figure 2.3.1 : Moore’s Law over 120 years. Image by Jurvetsonis licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
This figure represents Moore’s law empirical relationship linked to transistors' number in a dense integrated circuit that
doubles about every two years.
There will be a point, someday, where we hit the apex of processing technology as challenges occur to move forward to shrink
circuits at the time of exponential growth will get more expensive. Moore’s Law will then be outdated due to technology
innovation. Engineers will continue to strive for new ways to increase performance (Moore, 1965).
The motherboard is the main circuit board hub of the computer. The hub connects the inputs and components of the computer.
It also controls the power received by the hard drive and video card. The motherboard is a crucial component, housing the
central processing unit (CPU), memory, and input and output connectors. The CPU, memory, and storage components, among
other things, all connect to the motherboard. Motherboards come in different shapes and sizes; the prices of motherboards also
vary depending on complexity. Complexity depends on how compact or expandable the computer is designed to be. Most
modern motherboards have many integrated components, such as video and sound processing, requiring separate components.
Random-Access Memory
When a computer starts up, it begins to load information from the hard disk into its working memory. Your computer's short-
term memory is called random-access memory (RAM), which transfers data much faster than the hard disk. Any program that
you are running on the computer is loaded into RAM for processing. RAM is a high-speed component that stores all the
information the computer needs for current and near-future use. Accessing RAM is much quicker than retrieving it from the
hard drive. For a computer to work effectively, a minimal amount of RAM must be installed. In most cases, adding more RAM
will allow the computer to run faster. Increasing the RAM size, the number of times this access operation is carried out is
reduced, making the computer run faster. Another characteristic of RAM is that it is volatile or temporary memory. This means
that it can store data as long as it receives power; when the computer is turned off, any data stored in RAM is lost. This is why
we need hard drives and SSDs that hold the information when we shut off the system.
RAM is generally installed in a personal computer by using a dual-inline memory module (DIMM). The type of DIMM
accepted into a computer is dependent upon the motherboard. As described by Moore’s Law, the amount of memory and
speeds of DIMMs have increased dramatically over the years.
Solid-State Drives
SSD is a new generation device replacing hard disks. They are much faster, and they utilize flash-based memory.
Semiconductor chips are used to store data, not magnetic media. An embedded processor (or brain) reads and writes data. The
brain, called a controller, is an important factor in determining the read and write speed. SSD’s are decreasing in price, but
they are expensive. SSD’s have no moving parts, unlike the HDD, which deals with wear and tear of spinning and break down.
Less power draw, averages 2 – 3 watts, More power draw-- averages 6 – 7 watts and
Power Draw / Battery Life
resulting in 30+ minute battery boost. therefore uses more battery.
Expensive, roughly $0.20 per gigabyte (based alt Only around $0.03 per gigabyte, very
on buying a 1TB drive). cheap (buying a 4TB model)
Typically around 500GB and 2TB
Typically not larger than 1TB for notebook
Capacity maximum for notebook size drives; 10TB max
size drives; 4TB max for desktops.
for desktops.
Operating System Boot-Time Around 10-13 seconds average bootup time. Around 30-40 seconds average bootup time.
There are no moving parts and, as such, no
Noise Audible clicks and spinning can be heard.
The spinning of the platters can sometimes
Vibration No vibration as there are no moving parts.
result in vibration.
HDD doesn’t produce much heat, but it will
Lower power draw and no moving parts, so have a measurable amount more heat than an
Heat Produced
little heat is produced. SSD due to moving parts and higher power
Mean time between failure rate of 2.0 Mean time between failure rate of 1.5 million
Failure Rate
million hours. hours.
Generally above 200 MB/s and up to 550 The range can be anywhere from 50 – 120
File Copy / Write Speed
MB/s for cutting-edge drives. MB/s.
Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Supported on Full Disk Encryption (FDE) Supported on
some models. some models.
File Opening Speed Up to 30% faster than HDD. Slower than SSD.
An SSD is safe from any effects of
Magnetism Affected? Magnets can erase data.
Moore, Gordon E. (1965). "Cramming more components onto integrated circuits" (PDF). Electronics Magazine. p. 4.
Retrieved 2012-10-18.
Figure 2.4.1 : USB Connections. Image by Bruno /Germany is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Network Connection
When personal computers were first developed, they were stand-alone units, which meant that data was brought into the
computer or removed from the computer via removable media, such as the floppy disk. Engineers as early as 1965 saw merit
in being able to connect and share information with other computers. The term used was networking as the connections
increased to multiple users, it grew to inter-networking. The abbreviated version is now called the internet. In the mid-1980s,
organizations began to see the value in connecting computers together via a digital network. Because of this, personal
computers needed the ability to connect to these networks. Initially, this was done by adding an expansion card to the
computer that enabled the network connection. By the mid-1990s, network ports were standard on most personal computers.
The configuration of these ports has evolved over the years, becoming more standardized over time. Today, almost all devices
plug into a computer through the use of a USB port. This port type, first introduced in 1996, has increased in its capabilities,
both in its data transfer rate and power supply.
For a personal computer to be useful, it must have channels for receiving input from the user and channels for delivering
output to the user. These input and output devices connect to the computer via various connection ports, which generally are
part of the motherboard and are accessible outside the computer case. In early personal computers, specific ports were
designed for each type of output device. The configuration of these ports has evolved over the years, becoming more and more
standardized over time. Today, almost all devices plug into a computer through the use of a USB port. This port type, first
introduced in 1996, has increased in its capabilities, both in its data transfer rate and power supplied.
Besides USB, some input and output devices connect to the computer via a wireless-technology standard called Bluetooth.
Bluetooth was first invented in the 1990s and exchanges data over short distances using radio waves.
Input Devices
All personal computers need components that allow the user to input data. Early computers used simply a keyboard to allow
the user to enter data or select an item from a menu to run a program. With the advent of the graphical user interface, the
mouse became a standard component of a computer. These two components are still the primary input devices to a personal
computer, though variations of each have been introduced with varying levels of success over the years. For example, many
new devices now use a touch screen as the primary way of entering data. Besides the keyboard and mouse, additional input
devices are becoming more common. Scanners allow users to input documents into a computer, either as images or as text.
Microphones can be used to record audio or give voice commands. Webcams and other video cameras can be used to record
video or participate in a video chat session. The list continues to grow, such as joysticks used for gaming, digital cameras, and
touch screens. Smartwatches are wearable compact computers on the wrist. The watch's functionality is similar to the
smartphone offering mobile apps and WiFi/Bluetooth connectivity. Specialized watches for health and sports enthusiasts have
also emerged, offering counts of steps taken, heart rate, and blood pressure monitoring; a popular brand is Fitbit.
Figure 2.4.3 : (a) Barcode scanner by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 (b) Fitbit. Image
by Andres Urena on Unsplash is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 (c) Smartphone. Image by Selwyn van Haaren on Unsplash is
licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
Output Devices
Output devices are essential as well. The most obvious output device is a display, visually representing the state of the
computer. In some cases, a personal computer can support multiple displays or be connected to larger-format displays such as
a projector or large-screen television. Besides displays, other output devices include speakers for audio output and printers for
printed output. 3D printers have changed the way we build toys, tools, homes, and even body parts. The process of 3D printing
that differentiates itself from a regular printer is called additive manufacturing.
Portable Computers
In 1983, Compaq Computer Corporation developed the first commercially successful portable personal computer. By today’s
standards, the Compaq PC was not very portable: weighing in at 28 pounds, this computer was portable only in the most literal
sense – it could be carried around. But this was no laptop; the computer was designed like a suitcase, to be lugged around and
laid on its side to be used. Besides portability, the Compaq was successful because it was fully compatible with the software
being run by the IBM PC, which was the standard for business.
In the years that followed, portable computing continued to improve, giving us laptop and notebook computers. The
“luggable” computer has given way to a much lighter clamshell computer that weighs from 4 to 6 pounds and runs on
batteries. In fact, the most recent advances in technology give us a new class of laptops that is quickly becoming the standard:
these laptops are extremely light and portable and use less power than their larger counterparts. The screens are larger, and the
weight of some can be less than three pounds.
The ACER SWIFT 7 is a good example of this. Its specification is:
CPU: Intel Core i7-7Y75
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 615
Screen: 14-inch Full HD
Storage: 256GB SSD
Weight: 1.179 kg (2.6 pounds)
This is simply amazing!
Finally, as more and more organizations and individuals are moving much of their computing to the Internet or cloud, laptops
are being developed that use “the cloud” for all of their data and application storage. These laptops are also extremely light
because they have no need for a hard disk at all! A good example of this type of laptop (sometimes called a netbook) is
Samsung’s Chromebook.
The first modern-day mobile phone was invented in 1973. Resembling a brick and weighing in at two pounds, it was priced
out of reach for most consumers at nearly four thousand dollars. Since then, mobile phones have become smaller and less
expensive; today, mobile phones are a modern convenience available to all levels of society. As mobile phones evolved, they
became more like small walking computers. These smartphones have many of the same characteristics as a personal computer,
such as an operating system and memory. The first smartphone was the IBM Simon, introduced in 1994.
Tablet Computers
The tablet is larger than a smartphone and smaller than a notebook. A tablet uses a touch screen as its primary input and is
small enough and light enough to be easily transported. They generally have no keyboard and are self-contained inside a
rectangular case. Apple set the standard for tablet computing with the introduction of the iPad in 2010 using iOS, the operating
system of the iPhone. After the success of the iPad, computer manufacturers began to develop new tablets that utilized
operating systems that were designed for mobile devices, such as Android.
Global market share for tablets has changed since the early days of Apple’s dominance. Today the iPad has about 58.66%,
Samsung at 21.73%, and Amazon at 5.55% as of June 2020 (Statistica: E-commerce, 2020). The market popularity of the
tablet has been steadily declining in recent years.
Figure 2.5.2 : Electronic Waste. Image by George Hotelling from Flicker is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Many developing nations accept this e-waste. Abroad, these recyclers re-purpose parts and extract minerals, gold, and cobalt
from these devices. These dumps have become health hazards for those living near them.
Proper safe practices are ignored, and whatever waste is not usable is dumped improperly. Consumers are trying to change this
common practice by demanding companies be transparent as to how they are addressing e-waste. Though many manufacturers
have made strides in using materials that can be recycled, electronic waste is a problem with which we must all deal with.
In 2006 the Green Electronics Council launched the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT). This tool
helps purchasers of electronics to evaluate the effect of products on the environment. They give a ranking of how companies
Broadband Search (2020). Mobile Vs. Desktop Internet Usage. Retrieved September 1, 2020, from
Statista (2019). Mobile share of website visits worldwide 2018. Retrieved September 1, 2020, from
Clement, J. (2020, July 16). U.S. mobile buyers 2020. Retrieved September 1, 2020, from
Coldfusion. (2015). How Tesla’sAuto-pilot Mode Works. Youtube. [video file: 10:04 minutes] Closed Captioned
Edureka! (2020). The Internet of Things. Youtube. [video file: 3:21 minutes] Closed Captioned
Petrov, C. (2020, August 11). 55+ Mobile Vs. Desktop Usage Stats You Should Know in 2020. Retrieved September 1, 2020,
Six Months later reviews. (2020). How to start a Smart Home in 2020. Youtube. [video file: 2:01 minutes] Closed Captioned
Statista (2020). Key Figures in E-Commerce. Retrieved September 1, 2020, from
Striapunina, K. (2020, June 08). E-commerce revenue in China 2017-2024. Retrieved September 1, 2020, from
1. Review the sidebar on the binary number system. How would you represent the number 16 in binary? How about the
number 100? Besides decimal and binary, other number bases are used in computing and programming. One of the most
used bases is hexadecimal, which is base-16. In base-16, the numerals 0 through 9 are supplemented with the letters A (10)
through F (15). How would you represent the decimal number 100 in hexadecimal?
2. Go to - Pick one computer from the listing and write a brief summary. Include the specifications for
CPU, memory, and screen size. Now find the specifications of a computer being offered for sale today and compare. Did
Moore’s Law hold?
3. Under the category of IoT, pick two products and explain how IoT has changed the product. Review the price before and
after the technology was introduced. Has this new technology increased popularity for the item?.
4. Go on the web and compare and contrast two smartphones on the market. Is one better than the other, and if so, why. Be
sure to include the price.
5. Review the e-waste policies in your area. Do you feel they are helping or ignoring this growing crisis?
6. Now find at least two more scholarly articles on this topic. Prepare a PowerPoint of at least 10 slides that summarize the
issue and recommend a possible solution based on your research.
7. As with any technology text, there have been advances in technologies since publication. What technology that has been
developed recently would you add to this chapter?
8. What is the current state of solid-state drives vs. hard disks? Describe the ideal user for each. Do original research online
where you can compare prices on solid-state drives and hard disks. Be sure you note the differences in price, capacity, and
List study and exercises.
1 8/28/2021
3.1: Introduction to Software
The second component of an information system is software. Software is the means to take a user’s data and process it to
perform its intended action. Software translates what users want to do into a set of instructions that tell the hardware what to
do. A set of instructions is also called a computer program. For example, when a user presses the letter ‘A” key on the
keyboard when using a word processing app, it is the word processing software that tells the hardware that the user pressed the
key ‘A’ on the keyboard and fetches the image of the letter A to display on the screen as feedback to the user that the user’s
data is received correctly.
Software is created through the process of programming. We will cover the creation of software in this chapter and more detail
in chapter 10. In essence, hardware is the machine, and software is the intelligence that tells the hardware what to do. Without
software, the hardware would not be functional.
Figure 3.2.1 : Overview of software types. Image by Ly-Huong Pham is licensed under CC BY-NC
System Software
Operating Systems
The operating system provides several essential functions, including:
1. Managing the hardware resources of the computer
2. Providing the user-interface components
3. Providing a platform for software developers to write applications.
An operating system (OS) is a key component of the system software. Examples of popular operating systems are Google
AndroidTM, Microsoft WindowsTM, and Apple iOSTM.
An OS is a set of programs that coordinate hardware components and other programs and acts as an interface with application
software and networks. Some examples include getting input from a keyboard device, displaying output to a screen, storing or
retrieving data from a disk drive.
Figure 3.2.3 : Tux, Linux’s Mascot. Image by [email protected] Larry Ewing and The GIMP is licensed under Creative
Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication
A third personal-computer operating system family that is gaining in popularity is Linux. Linux is a version of the Unix
operating system that runs on a personal computer. Unix is an operating system used primarily by scientists and engineers on
larger minicomputers. These computers, however, are costly, and software developer Linus Torvalds wanted to find a way to
make Unix run on less expensive personal computers: Linux was the result. Linux has many variations and now powers a large
percentage of web servers in the world. It is also an example of open-source software, a topic we will cover later in this
In 2007, Google introduced Android to support mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets specifically. It is based on the
Linux kernel, and a consortium of developers developed other open-source software. Android quickly became the top OS for
mobile devices and overtook Microsoft.
Operating systems have continuously improved with more and more features to increase speed and performance to process
more data at once and access more memory. Features such as multitasking, virtual memory, and voice input have become
standard features of both operating systems.
According to (2020), from August 2019 to August 2020, Windows still retains the desktop's dominant
position with over 87% market share. Still, it is losing in the mobile market share, to Android with over 70% market share,
followed by Apple’s iOS with over 28% market share.
Utility software includes software that is specific-purposed and focused on keeping the infrastructure healthy. Examples
include antivirus software to scan and stop computer viruses and disk defragmentation software to optimize files' storage. Over
time, some of the popular utilities were absorbed as features of an operating system.
Figure 3.2.5 : Comparison of office application software suites. Image by David Bourgeois, Ph.D. is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Enterprise Software
As the personal computer proliferated inside organizations, control over the information generated by the organization began
splintering. For example, the customer service department creates a customer database to track calls and problem reports. The
sales department also creates a database to keep track of customer information. Which one should be used as the master list of
customers? As another example, someone in sales might create a spreadsheet to calculate sales revenue, while someone in
finance creates a different one that meets their department's needs. However, the two spreadsheets will likely come up with
different totals for revenue. Which one is correct? And who is managing all this information? This type of example presents
challenges to management to make effective decisions.
Enterprise Resource Planning
In the 1990s, the need to bring the organization’s information back under centralized control became more apparent. The
enterprise resource planning (ERP) system (sometimes just called enterprise software) was developed to bring together an
entire organization in one software application. Key characteristics of an ERP include:
An integrated set of modules: Each module serves different functions in an organization, such as Marketing, Sales,
A consistent user interface: An ERP is a software application that provides a common interface across all modules of the
ERP and is used by an organization’s employees to access information
A common database: All users of the ERP edit and save their information from the data source. This means that there is
only one customer database, there is only one calculation for revenue, etc.
Integrated business processes: All users must follow the same business rules and process throughout the entire
organization”: ERP systems include functionality that covers all of the essential components of a business, such as how
organizations track cash, invoices, purchases, payroll, product development, supply chain.
There Are Now 8.9 Million Mobile Apps, And China Is 40% Of Mobile App Spending (2020, Feb 28). Retrieved September
4, 2020, from
One technology that is utilized extensively as part of cloud computing is “virtualization.” Virtualization is using software to
create a virtual machine that simulates a computer with an operating system. For example, using virtualization, a single
computer that runs Microsoft Windows can host a virtual machine that looks like a computer with a specific Linux-based OS.
This ability maximizes the use of available resources on a single machine. Companies such as EMC provide virtualization
software that allows cloud service providers to provision web servers to their clients quickly and efficiently. Organizations are
also implementing virtualization to reduce the number of servers needed to provide the necessary services. For more detail on
how virtualization works, see this informational page from VMWare.
Figure 3.4.1 : Convert a computer program to an executable. Image by Ly-Huong T. Pham is licensed under CC-BY-NC
Thousands of programming languages have been created since the first programming language in 1883 by a woman named
Ada Lovelace. One of the earlier English-like languages called COBOL has been in use since the 1950s to the present time in
services that we still use today, such as payroll, reservation systems. The C programming language was introduced in the
1970s and remained a top popular choice. Some new languages such as C#, Swift are gaining momentum as well.
Programmers select the best-matched language with the problem to be solved for a particular OS platform. For example,
languages such as HTML and JavaScript are used to develop web pages.
It is hard to determine which language is the most popular since it varies. However, according to TIOBE Index, one of the
companies that rank the popularity of the programming languages monthly, the top five in August 2020 are C, Java, Python,
C++, and C# (2020). For more information on this methodology, please visit the TIOBE definition page. For those who wish
to learn more about programming, Python is a good first language to learn because not only is it a modern language for web
development, it is simple to learn and covers many fundamental concepts of programming that apply to other languages.
One person can write some programs. However, most software programs are written by many developers. For example, it
takes hundreds of software engineers to write Microsoft Windows or Excel. To ensure teams can deliver timely and quality
software with the least amount of errors, also known as bugs, formal project management methodologies are used, a topic that
we will discuss in chapter 10.
Software Licenses
The companies or developers own the software they create. The software is protected by law either through patents, copyright,
or licenses. It is up to the software owners to grant their users the right to use the software through the terms of the licenses.
For closed-source vendors, the terms vary depending on the price the users are willing to pay. Examples include single user,
single installation, multi-users, multi-installations, per network, or machine.
They have specific permission levels for open-source vendors to grant using the source code and set the modified version
conditions. Examples include free to distribute, remix, adapt for non-commercial use but with the condition that the newly
revised source code must also be licensed under identical terms. While open-source vendors don’t make money by charging
for their software, they generate revenues through donations or selling technical support or related services. For example,
Wikipedia is a widely popular and online free-content encyclopedia used by millions of users. Yet, it relies mainly on
donations to sustain its staff and infrastructure.
TIOBE Index for August 2020. Retrieved September 4, 2020, from
1. Go online and find a case study about the implementation of an ERP system. Was it successful? How long did it take?
Does the case study tell you how much money the organization spent?
2. What ERP system does your university or place of employment use? Find out which one they use and see how it compares
to other ERP systems.
3. If you were running a small business with limited funds for information technology, would you consider using cloud
computing? Find some web-based resources that support your decision.
4. Download and install Open Office. Use it to create a document or spreadsheet. How does it compare to Microsoft Office?
Does the fact that you got it for free make it feel less valuable?
5. Go to and review their most downloaded software applications. Report back on the variety of applications
you find. Then pick one that interests you and report back on what it does, the kind of technical support offered, and the
user reviews.
6. Go online to research the security risks of open-source software. Write a short analysis giving your opinion on the different
risks discussed.
7. What are three examples of programming languages? What makes each of these languages useful to programmers?
Creating and managing databases.
1 8/28/2021
4.1: Introduction to Data and Databases
You have already been introduced to the first two components of information systems: hardware and software. However, those two
components by themselves do not make a computer useful. Imagine if you turned on a computer, started typing a document, but could not
save a document. Imagine if you opened your music app, but there was no music to play. Imagine opening a web browser, but there were
no web pages. Without data, hardware and software are not very useful! Data is the third component of an information system.
Figure 4.1.1 : Data to Wisdom. Image by David T. Bourgeois is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Data is raw bits and pieces of information with no context, for example, your driver's license or your first name. The information system
helps organize this information in a designed systematic manner to be useful to the user. The users can be individuals or businesses. This
organized collection of interrelated data is called a database. The two highest levels of data are quantitative or qualitative. To know which
to use depends on the question to be answered and the available resources. Quantitative data is numeric, the result of a measurement,
count, or some other mathematical calculation. A quantitative example would be how many 5th graders attended music camp this
summer. Qualitative data consist of words, descriptions, and narratives. A qualitative example would be a camper wearing a red tee-shirt.
A number can be considered qualitative as well. If I tell you my favorite number is 5, that is qualitative data because it is descriptive, not
the result of a measurement or mathematical calculation.
When using qualitative data and quantitative data, we need to understand the context of its use. There are advantages and disadvantages to
each. This table encapsulates the advantages and disadvantages when gathering data.
Qualitative Data
Advantages Disadvantages
Can give a nuanced understanding of the perspectives and needs of May lend itself to working with smaller populations; may not be representative of
program participants larger demographics
Can help support or explain results indicated in quantitative analysis Data analysis can be time-consuming
Source of detailed or “rich” information that can be used to identify Analysis can be subjective; there is potential for evaluator bias in analysis and
patterns of behavior collection.
Quantitative Data
Advantages Disadvantages
By itself, data is a collection of components waiting to be analyzed. To be useful, it needs to be given context. Users and designers create
meaning as they collect, reference, and organize the data. Information typically involves manipulating raw data to obtain an indication of
magnitude, trends, and patterns in the data for a purpose. Returning to the example above, if I told you that “15, 23, 14, and 85″ are the
numbers of students that had registered for an upcoming camp, that would be information. By adding the context – that the numbers
Figure 4.1.2 : Data Shown on Monitors. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0
Many information systems aim to transform data into information to generate knowledge that can be used for decision-making.
To do this, the system must take or read the data, then put the data into context, and provide tools for aggregation and analysis.
A database is designed for just such a purpose.
A database is an organized, meaningful collection of related information. It is an organized collection because, in a database,
all data is interrelated and associated with other data. All information in a database should be related; separate databases
should be created to manage unrelated information. For example, a database that contains information about employees'
payroll should not also hold information about the company’s stock prices. Digital databases include things created by MS
Excel, such as tables to more complicated databases used every day by people, from checking your balance at the bank to
accessing medical records and online shopping. Databases help us to eliminate redundant information. It ensures more
effective ways to access searches. Back in the day, databases would be a filing cabinet. For this text, we will only consider
digital databases.
Figure 4.2.1 : Relational Database. Image by mcmurry julie from Pixabay is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0
Relational Databases
Databases can be organized in many different ways and thus take many forms. DBMS (Database Management System) is
software that facilitates the organization and manipulation of data. DBMS functions as an interface between the database and
the end-user. The software is designed to store, define, retrieve and manage the data in the database. Other forms of databases
today are relational databases. Examples of relational databases are Oracle (RDBMS), MySQL, SQL, and PostgreSQL. A
Figure 4.3.1 : Data design flow. Image by David Bourgeois, Ph.D. is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Figure 4.4.1 : Data design flow. Image by David Bourgeois, Ph.D. is licensed under CC BY 4.0
With this design, not only do we have a way to organize all of the information we need to meet the requirements, but we have
also successfully related all the tables together. Here’s what the database tables might look like with some sample data. Note
that the Memberships table has the sole purpose of allowing us to relate multiple students to multiple clubs.
Figure 4.4.3 : Table: Students. Image by David Bourgeois, Ph.D. is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Figure 4.4.4 : Table: Memberships. Image: by David Bourgeois, Ph.D. is licensed under CC BY 4.0
When designing a database, one important concept to understand is normalization. In simple terms, to normalize a database
means to design it in a way that:
Reduces redundancy of data between tables easier mapping
Takes out inconsistent data.
Information is stored in one place only.
Gives the table as much flexibility as possible.
In the Student Clubs database design, the design team worked to achieve these objectives. For example, to track memberships,
a simple solution might have been to create a Members field in the Clubs table and then list all of the members' names.
However, this design would mean that if a student joined two clubs, then his or her information would have to be entered a
second time. Instead, the designers solved this problem by using two tables: Students and Memberships.
In this design, when a student joins their first club, we must add the student to the Students table, where their first name, last
name, e-mail address, and birth year are entered. This addition to the Students table will generate a student ID. Now we will
add a new entry to denote that the student is a specific club member. This is accomplished by adding a record with the student
ID and the club ID in the Memberships table. If this student joins a second club, we do not have to duplicate the student’s
Data Types
When defining the fields in a database table, we must give each field a data type. For example, the field Birth Year is a year, so
it will be a number, while First Name will be text. Most modern databases allow for several different data types to be stored.
Some of the more common data types are listed here:
Text: for storing non-numeric data that is brief, generally under 256 characters. The database designer can identify the
maximum length of the text.
Number: for storing numbers. There are usually a few different number types selected, depending on how large the largest
number will be.
Yes/No: a special form of the number data type that is (usually) one byte long, with a 0 for “No” or “False” and a 1 for
“Yes” or “True.”
Date/Time: a special form of the number data type can be interpreted as a number or a time.
Currency: a special form of the number data type that formats all values with a currency indicator and two decimal places.
Paragraph Text: this data type allows for text longer than 256 characters.
Object: this data type allows for data storage that cannot be entered via keyboards, such as an image or a music file.
The importance of properly defining data type is to improve the data's integrity and the proper storing location. We must
properly define the data type of a field, and a data type tells the database what functions can be performed with the data. For
example, if we wish to perform mathematical functions with one of the fields, we must tell the database that the field is a
number data type. So if we have a field storing birth year, we can subtract the number stored in that field from the current year
to get age.
Allocation of storage space for the defined data must also be identified. For example, if the First Name field is defined as a
text(50) data type, fifty characters are allocated for each first name we want to store. However, even if the first name is only
five characters long, fifty characters (bytes) will be allocated. While this may not seem like a big deal, if our table ends up
holding 50,000 names, we allocate 50 * 50,000 = 2,500,000 bytes for storage of these values. It may be prudent to reduce the
field's size, so we do not waste storage space.
Figure 4.5.1 : Database computers. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Streaming is a new easy way to view on-demand audio or video from a remote server. Companies offer audio and video files
from their server that can be accessed remotely by the user. The data is transmitted from their server directly and continuously
to your device. Streaming can be accessed by any device that connects to the internet. There is no need for large memory or
having to wait for a large file to download. Stream technology is becoming very popular because of its convenience and
accessibility. An example of some streaming services is Netflix, iTunes, and YouTube.
Figure 4.7.1 : Data warehouse process (top down). Image by Soha jamil is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Figure 4.9.1 : Open Office database management system. Image by David Bourgeois, Ph.D. is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Microsoft Access and Open Office Base are examples of personal database-management systems. These systems are primarily
used to develop and analyze single-user databases. These databases are not meant to be shared across a network or the Internet
but are instead installed on a particular device and work with a single user at a time.
Data Governance
Data governance is the process of taking data and managing the availability, integrity, and usability in enterprise systems.
Proper data governance ensures the data is consistent, trustworthy, and secured. We are in a time when organizations must pay
close attention to privacy regulations and increasingly need to rely more on data analytics to optimize decision making and
optimize operations. Data governance can be used at both the micro and macro levels. When we refer to micro, the focus is on
the individual organization to ensure high data quality throughout the lifecycle to achieve optimal business objectives. The
macro-level refers to cross-border flows by countries which are called international data governance.
Omnisci (2020). Definition of an Open Source Database. Retrieved September 1, 2020, from
Technopedia, (2020) Definition of Enterprise Database. Retrieved September 1, 2020, from
Privacy Concerns
Figure 4.11.1 : Cybersecurity. Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
The increasing power of data mining has caused concerns for many, especially in the area of privacy. It is becoming easier in
today’s digital world than ever to take data from disparate sources and combine them to do new forms of analysis. In fact, a
whole industry has sprung up around this technology: data brokers. These firms combine publicly accessible data with
information obtained from the government and other sources to create vast warehouses of data about people and companies
that they can then sell. This subject will be covered in detail in chapter 12 – the chapter on the ethical concerns of information
Figure 4.12.1 : Analytic information. Image by xresch from Pixabay is licensed CC BY-SA 2.0
1. Review the design of the Student Clubs database earlier in this chapter. Reviewing the lists of data types given, what data
types would you assign to each of the fields in each of the tables. What lengths would you assign to the text fields?
2. Review structured and unstructured data and list five reasons to use each.
3. Using Microsoft Access, download the database file of comprehensive baseball statistics from the website
4. (If you don’t have Microsoft Access, you can download an abridged version of the file here that is
compatible with Apache Open Office). Review the structure of the tables included in the database. Come up with three
different data-mining experiments you would like to try, and explain which fields in which tables would have to be
5. Do some original research and find two examples of data mining. Summarize each example and then write about what the
two examples have in common.
6. Conduct some independent research on the process of business intelligence. Using at least two scholarly or practitioner
sources, write a two-page paper giving examples of how business intelligence is being used.
7. Conduct some independent research on the latest technologies being used for knowledge management. Using at least two
scholarly or practitioner sources, write a two-page paper giving examples of software applications or new technologies
being used in this field.
1 8/28/2021
Like any other aspect in life, everything has its cons, and the cons of the internet are ensuring network safety and security. Ensuring a
network is secure requires technologies, protocols, devices, tools, and techniques that keep data secure and moderate threat vectors.
2 8/28/2021
5.1: Introduction to Networking and Communication
We are at a basic turning point with many innovations to expand and engage our capacity to communicate. The globalization
of the Web has succeeded faster than anybody has envisioned. The way social, commercial, political, and individual
motivation happens is quickly changing to keep up with the advancement of this worldwide network. Within our improvement
network, innovators will utilize the Web as a beginning point for their efforts, creating modern items and administrations
particularly planned to require advantage of the network capabilities. As designers thrust the limits of what is conceivable, the
capabilities of the interconnected systems that shape the Web will expand part within these projects' victory.
This chapter presents a brief history of the Internet and the stage of information systems upon which our social and commerce
connections progressively depend. The fabric lays the foundation for investigating the administrations, innovations, and issues
experienced by network experts as they plan, construct, and keep up the present-day network.
Sidebar: The Internet and the World Wide Web Are Not the Same Things
Many times, the terms “Internet” and “World Wide Web,” or even just “the web,” are used interchangeably. However,
they are not the same thing at all!
The Internet is an interconnected network of networks. Many services run across the Internet: electronic mail, voice and
video, file transfers, and, yes, the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is simply one piece of the Internet. It is made
up of web servers with HTML pages being viewed on devices with web browsers.
ITU estimate of global population using the internet. Retrieved September 6, 2020, from
Roberts, Lawrence G., The Evolution of Packet Switching, (1978, November). Retrieved on September 6, 2020, from
Figure 5.3.1 : Global Networking. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay is licensed CC BY 2.0
No Boundaries
Progressions in systems administration advancements are maybe the most noteworthy changes on the planet today. They assist
with making a world where national fringes, geographic separations, and physical confinements become less important,
introducing ever-lessening obstacles.
Figure 5.4.1 : Silver iMac near iPhone on brown wooden table. Image by Domenico Loia on Unsplash is licensed CC BY SA
A few types of communication include:
Messaging: Texting empowers moment constant correspondence between at least two individuals. WhatsApp and Skype
are examples of messaging tools that have gained huge popularity.
Internet-based life: Social media comprises intelligent sites where individuals and networks make and offer client-created
content with companions, family, peers, and the world. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are among the biggest social
media platforms at this time.
Joint effort tools: Without the limitations of area or time region, cooperation instruments permit people to speak with one
another, frequently across a continuous intelligent video. The expansive circulation of information systems implies that
individuals in remote areas can contribute on an equivalent premise with individuals in the core of largely populated
places. An example of that would be online gaming, where several players are connected to the same server.
Online journals: Blogs, which is a shortened form of "weblogs." In contrast to business sites, sites give anybody a way to
impart their musings to a worldwide crowd without specialized information on website composition.
Wikis: Wikis are website pages that gatherings of individuals can alter and see together. Like an individual diary, an
individual often writes a blog, and a wiki collects creations from many people. All things considered, it might be dependent
upon increasingly broad surveys and altering. Numerous organizations use wikis as their inner joint effort apparatus.
Podcasting: Podcasting permits individuals to convey their sound chronicles to a wide crowd. The sound document is put
on a site (or blog or wiki) where others can download it and play the account on their PCs, workstations, and other cell
Distributed (P2P) File Sharing: Peer-to-Peer document sharing permits individuals to impart records to one another
without putting away and downloading them from a local server. The client joins the P2P arrangement by just introducing
the P2P programming. Everybody has not grasped P2P document sharing. Numerous individuals are worried about
disregarding the laws of copyrighted materials.
Client and server programming ordinarily run on discrete PCs, yet it is also feasible for one PC to simultaneously complete the
two jobs. In private companies and homes, hosts work as servers or clients on the network. This sort of system is known as a
shared network. An example of that would be several users connected to the same printer from their individual devices.
End Devices
An end device is either the source or destination of a message transmitted over the network. Each end device is identified by
an IP address and a physical address. Both addresses are needed to communicate over a network. IP addresses are unique
logical IP addresses that are assigned to every device within a network. If a device moves from one network to another, then
the IP address has to be modified.
Physical addresses, also known as MAC (Media Access Control) addresses, are unique addresses assigned by the device
manufacturers. These addresses are permanently burned into the hardware.
Network Media
Figure 5.6.3 : Fiber Optic Cable. Image by blickpixel from Pixabay is licensed CC BY SA
While Bluetooth is not generally used to connect a device to the Internet, it is an important wireless technology that has
enabled many functionalities that are used every day. When created in 1994 by Ericsson, it was intended to replace wired
connections between devices. Today, it is the standard method for connecting nearby devices wirelessly. Bluetooth has a range
of approximately 300 feet and consumes very little power, making it an excellent choice for various purposes.
Figure 5.6.4 : Bluetooth combo wordmark 2011. Image by House is licensed under Public Domain
Some applications of Bluetooth include: connecting a printer to a personal computer, connecting a mobile phone and headset,
connecting a wireless keyboard and mouse to a computer, and connecting a remote for a presentation made on a personal
Topology Diagrams
Understanding topology diagrams are required for anybody working with a network. They give a visual guide of how the
network is associated.
There are two sorts of Topology diagrams:
Physical topology and Logical topology diagrams. The physical topology diagrams identify the physical location of
intermediary devices and cable installation.
The Logical topology diagrams identify devices, addressing schemes, and ports.
With physical topology, it is quite self-explanatory. It is how they are interconnected with cables and wires physically. The
logical topology is how connected devices are seen to the user.
Types of Networks
Networks foundations can fluctuate extraordinarily regarding:
Size of the territory secured
Number of users connected
Number and kinds of administrations accessible
Territory of obligation
The two most normal sorts of system frameworks:
Local Area Network (LAN): A network framework that gives access to clients and end devices in a little topographical
zone, commonly an enterprise, small business, home, or small business network possessed and oversaw by an individual or
IT department.
Wide Area Network (WAN): A network foundation that gives access to different networks over a wide topographical
region, commonly possessed and overseen by a broadcast communications specialist co-op.
Different kinds of networks include:
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): A network foundation that traverses a physical region bigger than a LAN yet littler
than a WAN (e.g., a city). Keep an eye on are ordinarily worked by a solitary substance, for example, a huge association.
Wireless LAN (WLAN): Like a LAN, it remotely interconnects clients and focuses on a little geological region.
Storage Area Network (SAN): A network foundation intended to help record servers and give information stockpiling,
recovery, and replication.
Figure 5.7.1 : Local Area Network. Image by T.seppelt, derivative work from File:Ethernet.png, including content of the Open
Clip Art Library, by © 2007 Nuno Pinheiro & David Vignoni & David Miller & Johann Ollivier Lapeyre & Kenneth Wimer &
Riccardo Iaconelli / KDE / LGPL 3, User:George Shuklin and the Tango Project! is licensed CC BY-SA
Fault Tolerance
The desire is that the Internet is consistently accessible to a great many clients who depend on it. This requires a network
architecture that is worked to tolerate flaws. A fault-tolerant network restrains the effect of failure, with the goal that the least
number of devices are influenced. It is additionally worked in a manner that permits brisk recuperation when such a
disappointment happens. These networks rely upon various ways between the source and goal of a message. If a path fails, the
messages can be instantly sent over an alternate link. Having numerous ways to a goal is known as redundancy.
One way dependable networks give repetition is by executing a packet-switched network. Packet switching parts traffic into
packets that are steered over a shared network. For example, a solitary message, an email, or a video stream, is broken into
multiple message blocks, called packets. Every packet has the important addressing information of the source and goal of the
message. The routers inside the network switch the packets dependent on the state of the network at that point. This implies all
the packets in a solitary message could take totally different ways to the goal.
A scalable network can grow rapidly to help new users and applications without affecting the service's performance being
conveyed to existing users.
Another network can be effortlessly added to a current network. Furthermore, networks are versatile because the designers
observe acknowledged protocols and standards. This permits software and hardware vendors to improve items and
administrations without stressing over structuring another arrangement of rules for working inside the network.
Quality of Service
Quality of Service (QoS) is additionally a consistently expanding requirement of networks today. New applications accessible
to users over internetworks, for example, voice and live video transmissions, make better standards for the quality of the
delivered services. Have you at any point attempted to watch a video with steady breaks and stops? As information, voice, and
video content keep on combining into a similar system, QoS turns into an essential instrument for overseeing blockage and
guaranteeing dependable conveyance of substance to all users.
Congestion happens when the interest for bandwidth surpasses the amount which is accessible. Network bandwidth is
estimated in the number of bits transmitted in a solitary second or bits per second (bps). When synchronous correspondences
have endeavored over the network, the interest for network bandwidth can surpass its accessibility, making network
When traffic volume is more prominent than what can be shipped over the network, devices queue or hold the packets in
memory until assets become accessible to transmit them.
Vital individual and business resources are the network infrastructure, services, and the data contained on network-attached
Two kinds of network security worries must be addressed: network infrastructure security and information security.
Ensuring a network infrastructure incorporates the physical securing of devices that give network connectivity and forestalling
unapproved access to the management software that resides on them.
Data security ensures that the data contained inside the packets being transmitted over the network and the data put away on
network-attached devices. To accomplish the objectives of network security, there are three essential requirements:
Confidentiality: Data secrecy implies that just the planned and approved recipients can access and read information.
Integrity: Data honesty affirms that the data has not been adjusted in transmission, from root to goal.
Availability- Data accessibility implies confirmation of timely and solid access to information services for approved users.
Online Collaboration
People want to connect with the network, for access to data applications, in addition to team up with each other.
Collaboration is characterized as "the demonstration of working with another or others on a joint venture." Collaboration tools,
give representatives, students, instructors, clients, and accomplices an approach to quickly interface, connect, and accomplish
their targets.
For businesses, collaboration is a basic and vital need that associations are utilizing to sustain their competition. Collaboration
is additionally a need in training. Students need to work together to help each other in learning, to create group abilities
utilized in the workplace, and to cooperate on group based projects.
Video Communication
Another trend in networking that is basic to the correspondence and joint effort exertion is video. Video is being utilized for
interchanges, cooperation, and amusement. Video calls can be made to and from anyplace with an Internet connection.
Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is another worldwide trend changing how we access and store information. Cloud computing permits us to
store individual files, even backup our whole hard disk drive on servers over the Internet. Applications, for example, word
processing, and photograph editing, can be accessed utilizing the Cloud.
When it comes to businesses, cloud computing expands IT's capabilities without requiring interest in new infrastructure,
preparing new faculty, or permitting new software. These services are accessible on request and conveyed economically to any
device on the planet without trading off security or capacity.
There are four essential Clouds: Public Clouds, Private Clouds, Hybrid Clouds, and Custom Clouds. Snap each Cloud to find
out additional.
Cloud computing is conceivable because of data centers. A data center is an office used to house PC frameworks and related
parts. A data center can consume one room of a building, at least one story, or the whole thing. Data centers are commonly
over the top expensive to manufacture and keep up. Therefore, just huge associations utilize secretly fabricated data centers to
house their information and offer users assistance. Smaller associations that can't afford to keep up their own private data
center can lessen the general expense of ownership by renting server and capacity services from a bigger data center
association in the Cloud.
Powerline Networking
Powerline networking is a rising trend for home networking that utilizes existing electrical wiring to connect devices.
The idea of "no new wires" signifies the capacity to connect a device to the network where there is an electrical outlet. This
spares the expense of introducing data cables and with no extra expense to the electrical bill. Utilizing similar wiring that
conveys power, powerline networking sends information by sending data on specific frequencies.
Utilizing a standard powerline adapter, devices can connect with the LAN any place there is an electrical outlet. Powerline
networking is beneficial when wireless access points can't be utilized or can't arrive at all to the devices in the home.
Powerline networking isn't intended to fill in for committed cabling in data networks. But it is an alternative when data
network cables or wireless communications are not a reasonable choice.
Wireless Broadband
Connecting with the Internet is indispensable in savvy home innovation. DSL and cable are basic advances used to connect
homes and private companies to the Internet. Nonetheless, remote access might be another choice in numerous regions.
Another remote answer for home and independent companies is wireless broadband. This uses the equivalent cell innovation
to get to the Internet with an advanced mobile phone or tablet. A radio wire is introduced outside the house, giving either
remote or wired availability for home devices. In numerous zones, home wireless broadband is contending legitimately with
DSL and cable services.
Security Solutions
No single arrangement can shield the network from the many threats that exist. Consequently, security ought to be
implemented in various layers, utilizing more than one security arrangement. If one part of the security fails to recognize and
shield the network, others will stand.
A home network security execution is typically rather essential. It is commonly executed on the interfacing end devices, just as
connected with the Internet, and can even depend on contracted services from the ISP.
Conversely, the network security implementation for a corporate network, for the most part, comprises numerous segments
incorporated with the network to screen and channel traffic.
In a perfect world, all segments cooperate, which limits maintenance and improves overall security.
Network security parts for a home or little office network should at least incorporate the following:
Antivirus and antispyware: These are utilized to shield end devices from getting contaminated with vindictive software.
Firewall filtering: This is utilized to prevent unapproved access to the network. This may incorporate a host-based firewall
system that is actualized to forestall unapproved access to the end device or an essential separating service on the home
router to keep unapproved access from the outside world into the network.
Bigger networks and corporate networks frequently have other security necessities:
Dedicated firewall systems: These are utilized to develop further firewall abilities that can channel a lot of traffic with
greater granularity.
Access control lists (ACL): These are utilized to channel access and traffic sending additionally.
Intrusion prevention systems (IPS): These are utilized to distinguish quick-spreading dangers, for example, zero-day or
zero-hour assaults.
1. Give an example of each of the following terms:
Wireless LAN (WLAN)
Wide-area network (WAN)
Local-area network (LAN)
2. Give an example for each of the following:
Fault tolerance
Quality of service (QoS)
3. Create a google account at -, create a new document using google docs, share the document with others and
explore document sharing via your google account.
4. Find the IP address of your computer. Explain the steps how you find it.
5. Identify your or your school’s Internet service provider.
6. Pretend that you are planning a trip to three foreign countries in the next month. Consult your wireless carrier to determine
if your mobile phone would work properly in those countries. Identify if there are costs and other alternatives to have your
phone work properly.
Despite technology being convenient, it can also be used against us and threaten our devices'
Like real-life crime, cybercrime exists, and Security Operations Center safeguards companies from internal and external threats.
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6.1: Introduction
As computers and other digital devices have become essential to business and commerce, they have also increasingly become
a target for attacks. For a company or an individual to use a computing device with confidence, they must first be assured that
the device is not compromised in any way and that all communications will be secure. This chapter reviews the fundamental
concepts of information systems security and discusses some of the measures that can be taken to mitigate security threats. The
chapter begins with an overview focusing on how organizations can stay secure. Several different measures that a company
can take to improve security will be discussed. Finally, you will review a list of security precautions that individuals can take
to secure their personal computing environment.
Figure 6.2.1 : The Information Security triad: CIA. Image by John M. Kennedy T., is licensed under CC BY-SA
Protecting information means you want to restrict access to those who are allowed to see it. This is sometimes referred to as
NTK, Need to Know, and everyone else should be disallowed from learning anything about its contents. This is the essence of
confidentiality. For example, federal law requires that universities restrict access to private student information. Access to
grade records should be limited to those who have authorized access.
Integrity is the assurance that the information being accessed has not been altered and truly represents what is intended. Just as
people with integrity mean what they say and can be trusted to represent the truth consistently, information integrity means
information truly represents its intended meaning. Information can lose its integrity through malicious intent, such as when
someone who is not authorized makes a change to misrepresent something intentionally. An example of this would be when a
hacker is hired to go into the university’s system and change a student’s grade.
Integrity can also be lost unintentionally, such as when a computer power surge corrupts a file or someone authorized to make
a change accidentally deletes a file or enters incorrect information.
Information availability is the third part of the CIA triad. Availability means information can be accessed and modified by
anyone authorized to do so in an appropriate time frame. Depending on the type of information, an appropriate timeframe can
mean different things. For example, a stock trader needs information to be available immediately, while a salesperson may be
happy to get sales numbers for the day in a report the next morning. Online retailers require their servers to be available
twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Other companies may not suffer if their web servers are down for a few minutes
once in a while.
You'll learn about who, what, and why of cyber-attacks in this chapter. Different people commit cybercrime for different
purposes. Security Operations Centers are designed to fight cybercrime. Jobs in a Security Operations Center (SOC) can be
obtained by earning certifications, seeking formal education, and using employment services to gain internship experience and
job opportunities.
The Danger
In chapter 5, we discussed various security threats and possible solutions. Here are a few scenarios to illustrate how hackers
trick users.
Hijacked People
World War 3 Zero Days (Official Movie Site) - Own It on DVD or Digital HD. Retrieved September 6, 2020, from
The most common way to identify people is through physical appearance, but how do we identify someone sitting behind a
computer screen or at the ATM? Tools for authentication are used to ensure that the person accessing the information is,
indeed, who they present themselves to be.
Authentication can be accomplished by identifying someone through one or more of three factors: something they know,
something they have, or something they are. For example, the most common form of authentication today is the user ID and
password. In this case, the authentication is done by confirming something that the user knows (their ID and password). But
this form of authentication is easy to compromise (see sidebar), and stronger forms of authentication are sometimes needed.
Identifying someone only by something they have, such as a key or a card, can also be problematic. When that identifying
token is lost or stolen, the identity can be easily stolen. The final factor, something you are, is much harder to compromise.
This factor identifies a user through physical characteristics, such as an eye-scan or fingerprint. Identifying someone through
their physical characteristics is called biometrics.
A more secure way to authenticate a user is to do multi-factor authentication. Combining two or more of the factors listed
above makes it much more difficult for someone to misrepresent themselves. An example of this would be the use of an RSA
SecurID token. The RSA device is something you have and will generate a new access code every sixty seconds. To log in to
an information resource using the RSA device, you combine something you know, a four-digit PIN, with the device's code.
The only way to properly authenticate is by both knowing the code and having the RSA device.
Figure 6.3.1 : An RSA SecurID SID800 token with USB connector. Image by Alexander Klink is licensed CC BY
Access Control
Once a user has been authenticated, the next step is to ensure that they can access the appropriate information resources. This
is done through the use of access control. Access control determines which users are authorized to read, modify, add, and/or
delete information. Several different access control models exist. Here we will discuss two: the access control list (ACL) and
role-based access control (RBAC).
For each information resource that an organization wishes to manage, a list of users who have the ability to take specific
actions can be created. This is an access control list or ACL. For each user, specific capabilities are assigned, such as reading,
writing, deleting, or adding. Only users with those capabilities are allowed to perform those functions. If a user is not on the
list, they have no ability even to know that the information resource exists.
ACLs are simple to understand and maintain. However, they have several drawbacks. The primary drawback is that each
information resource is managed separately. If a security administrator wanted to add or remove a user to a large set of
information resources, it would not be easy. And as the number of users and resources increases, ACLs become harder to
maintain. This has led to an improved method of access control, called role-based access control, or RBAC. With RBAC,
instead of giving specific users access rights to an information resource, users are assigned to roles, and then those roles are
assigned access. This allows the administrators to manage users and roles separately, simplifying administration and, by
extension, improving security.
An organization often needs to transmit information over the Internet or transfer it on external media such as a USB. In these
cases, even with proper authentication and access control, an unauthorized person can access the data. Encryption is a process
of encoding data upon its transmission or storage so that only authorized individuals can read it. This encoding is
accomplished by a computer program, which encodes the plain text that needs to be transmitted; then, the recipient receives
the ciphertext and decodes it (decryption). For this to work, the sender and receiver need to agree on the method of encoding
so that both parties can communicate properly. Both parties share the encryption key, enabling them to encode and decode
each other’s messages. This is called symmetric key encryption. This type of encryption is problematic because the key is
available in two different places.
Figure 6.3.3 : Symmetric/private key encryption. Image by Phayzfaustyn is licensed CC0 1.0
An alternative to symmetric key encryption is public-key encryption. In public-key encryption, two keys are used: a public key
and a private key. To send an encrypted message, you obtain the public key, encode the message, and send it. The recipient
then uses the private key to decode it. The public key can be given to anyone who wishes to send the recipient a message. Each
user needs one private key and one public key to secure messages. The private key is necessary to decrypt something sent with
the public key.
Another essential tool for information security is a comprehensive backup plan for the entire organization. Not only should the
data on the corporate servers be backed up, but individual computers used throughout the organization should also be backed
up. A good backup plan should consist of several components.
A full understanding of the organizational information resources. What information does the organization actually
have? Where is it stored? Some data may be stored on the organization’s servers, other data on users’ hard drives, some in
the cloud, and some on third-party sites. An organization should make a full inventory of all of the information that needs
to be backed up and determine the best way to back it up.
Regular backups of all data. The frequency of backups should be based on how important the data is to the company,
combined with the company's ability to replace any data that is lost. Critical data should be backed up daily, while less
critical data could be backed up weekly.
Offsite storage of backup data sets. If all of the backup data is being stored in the same facility as the original copies of
the data, then a single event, such as an earthquake, fire, or tornado, would take out both the original data and the backup!
Another method that an organization should use to increase security on its network is a firewall. A firewall can exist as
hardware or software (or both). A hardware firewall is a device connected to the network and filters the packets based on a set
of rules. A software firewall runs on the operating system and intercepts packets as they arrive at a computer. A firewall
protects all company servers and computers by stopping packets from outside the organization’s network that does not meet a
strict set of criteria. A firewall may also be configured to restrict the flow of packets leaving the organization. This may be
done to eliminate the possibility of employees watching YouTube videos or using Facebook from a company computer.
Some organizations may choose to implement multiple firewalls as part of their network security configuration, creating one
or more sections of their partially secured network. This segment of the network is referred to as a DMZ, borrowing the term
demilitarized zone from the military. It is where an organization may place resources that need broader access but still need to
be secured.
Figure 6.3.5 : Network configuration with firewalls, IDS, and a DMZ. Image by David Bourgeois is licensed CC BY 4.0
Physical Security
An organization can implement the best authentication scheme globally, develop the best access control, and install firewalls
and intrusion prevention. Still, its security cannot be complete without the implementation of physical security. Physical
security is the protection of the actual hardware and networking components that store and transmit information resources. To
implement physical security, an organization must identify all of the vulnerable resources and ensure that these resources
cannot be physically tampered with or stolen. These measures include the following.
Locked doors: It may seem obvious, but all the security in the world is useless if an intruder can walk in and physically
remove a computing device. High-value information assets should be secured in a location with limited access.
Physical intrusion detection: High-value information assets should be monitored through the use of security cameras and
other means to detect unauthorized access to the physical locations where they exist.
Secured equipment: Devices should be locked down to prevent them from being stolen. One employee’s hard drive could
contain all of your customer information, so it must be secured.
Environmental monitoring: An organization’s servers and other high-value equipment should always be kept in a
monitored room for temperature, humidity, and airflow. The risk of server failure rises when these factors go out of a
specified range.
Employee training: One of the most common ways thieves steal corporate information is to steal employee laptops while
employees are traveling. Employees should be trained to secure their equipment whenever they are away from the office.
Security Policies
Besides the technical controls listed above, organizations also need to implement security policies as a form of administrative
control. In fact, these policies should really be a starting point in developing an overall security plan. A good information-
security policy lays out the guidelines for employee use of the information resources of the company. It provides the company
recourse in the case that an employee violates a policy.
A security policy should be guided by the information security triad discussed above. It should lay out guidelines and
processes for employees to follow to access all resources to maintain the three categories' integrity: confidentiality, integrity,
and availability.
Policies require compliance and need to be enforceable; failure to comply with a policy will result in disciplinary action.
SANS Institute’s Information Security Policy Page (2020) lists many templates for different types of security policies. One
example of a security policy is how remote access should be managed, which can be found here.
A security policy should also address any governmental or industry regulations that apply to the organization. For example, if
the organization is a university, it must be aware of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which restricts
who has access to student information. Health care organizations are obligated to follow several regulations, such as the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Sidebar: Mobile Security
As mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets proliferate, organizations must be ready to address the unique security
concerns that these devices use. One of the first questions an organization must consider is whether to allow mobile devices in
the workplace.
Many employees already have these devices, so the question becomes: Should we allow employees to bring their own devices
and use them as part of their employment activities? Or should we provide the devices to our employees? Creating a BYOD
(“Bring Your Own Device”) policy allows employees to integrate themselves more fully into their job and bring higher
employee satisfaction and productivity. It may be virtually impossible to prevent employees from having their own
smartphones or iPads in the workplace in many cases. If the organization provides the devices to its employees, it gains more
control over the use of the devices, but it also exposes itself to the possibility of an administrative (and costly) mess.
Mobile devices can pose many unique security challenges to an organization. Probably one of the biggest concerns is the theft
of intellectual property. It would be a straightforward process for an employee with malicious intent to connect a mobile
device either to a computer via the USB port or wirelessly to the corporate network and download confidential data. It would
also be easy to take a high-quality picture using a built-in camera secretly.
When looking to secure information resources, organizations must balance the need for security with users’ need to access and
use these resources effectively. If a system’s security measures make it difficult to use, then users will find ways around the
security, which may make the system more vulnerable than it would have been without the security measures! Take, for
example, password policies. If the organization requires an extremely long password with several special characters, an
employee may resort to writing it down and putting it in a drawer since it will be impossible to memorize.
Security Policy Templates. Retrieved September 6, 2020, from SANS Institute’s Information Security
2020 IC3 Report. Retrieved April 6, 2021, from
Elements of a SOC
Defending against today's threats requires a formalized, structured, and disciplined approach that is carried out by Security
Operations Centers professionals who work closely with other groups such as IT or networking staff. SOCs offers a wide
variety of services tailored to meet customer needs, from monitoring and compliance to comprehensive threat detection and
hosted protection. SOCs may be wholly in-house, owned and run by a company, or security providers, such as Cisco Systems
Inc.'s Managed Security Services, may be contracted to elements of a SOC. The key elements of a SOC are individuals,
processes, and technology.
A great way to fight against threats is through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. AI and machine learning use
multi-factor authentication, malware scanning, and fighting spam and phishing to fight against threats.
Availability % Downtime
But security cannot be so powerful that it interferes with employee needs or business functions. This is often a tradeoff
between good security and allowing companies to work efficiently.
1. Research and analyze cybersecurity incidents to come up with scenarios of how organizations can prevent an attack.
2. Discuss some IoT (Internet of Things) application vulnerabilities with non-techie and techie technology users, then
compare and contrast their different perspectives and reactions to IoT vulnerabilities.
3. Describe one multi-factor authentication method that you have experienced and discuss the pros and cons of using multi-
factor authentication.
4. Identify the password policy at your place of employment or study. Assess if it is a good policy or not. Explain.
5. Take inventory of possible security threats that your home devices may be exposed to. List them and discuss their potential
effects and what you plan to do about them.
6. Recall when you last back up your data. Discuss the method you use. Define a backup policy for your home devices.
7. Research the career of a SOC professional. Report what certificate training it requires to become SOC professionals, what
the demand is for this career, and their salary range.
Business processes are the essence of what a business does, and information systems play an important role in making them work. This
chapter will discuss business process management, business process reengineering, and ERP systems.
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This chapter examines the impact that information systems have on organizations, how they can use
IT to develop and sustain competitive advantages and to improve operational effectiveness in their
value chain and decision making processes. We will discuss seminal works by Brynjolfsson, Carr,
and Porter as they relate to IT and competitive advantage.
We will look at the value IT can bring to an organization
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7.1: Introduction
For over fifty years, since the microprocessor's invention, computing technology has been a part of the business. From UPC
scanners and computer registers at your local neighborhood store to huge inventory databases used by companies like
Amazon, information technology has become the backbone of commerce. Organizations have spent trillions of dollars on
information technologies. But has all this investment in IT made a difference? Do computers increase productivity? Are
companies that invest in IT more competitive? This chapter will look at the value IT can bring to an organization and try to
answer these questions. We will begin by highlighting two important works from the past two decades.
IT Doesn’t Matter
Just as a consensus was forming about IT's value, the Internet stock market bubble burst; two years later, in 2003, Harvard
professor Nicholas Carr wrote his article “IT Doesn’t Matter” in the Harvard Business Review. In this article, Carr asserts that
as information technology has become more ubiquitous, it has also become less of a differentiator. In other words: because
information technology is so readily available and the software used so easily copied, businesses cannot hope to implement
these tools to provide any competitive advantage. IT is essentially a commodity, and it should be managed like one: low cost,
low risk. IT management should see themselves as a utility within the company and work to keep costs down. For IT,
providing the best service with minimal downtime is the goal. As you can imagine, this article caused quite an uproar,
especially from IT companies. Many articles were written in defense of IT; many others in support of Carr.
The best thing to come out of the article and the subsequent book was that it opened up discussion on IT's place in a business
strategy and exactly what role IT could play in competitive advantage. It is that question that we want to address in the rest of
this chapter.
Brynjolfsson, E. and Hitt, L. (1998). Beyond the Productivity Paradox. Communications of the ACM. Retrieved August 16,
2020, from
Brynjolfsson, E. (1992). The Productivity Paradox of Information Technology: Review and Assessment. Center for
Coordination Science MIT Sloan School of Management Cambridge, MA. Retrieved from August 16, 2020, from
Carr, Nicholas G (2003) IT Doesn’t Matter. Retrieved August 20 from
Technology development: Technological advances and innovations support the primary activities. These advances are then
integrated across the company to add value in different departments. Information technology would fall specifically under
this activity.
Procurement: Acquiring the raw materials used in the creation of products and services is called procurement. Business-to-
business e-commerce can be used to improve the acquisition of materials.
A value chain is a powerful tool in analyzing and breaking down a company into its relevant activities that result in higher
prices and lower cost, by understanding how these activities are connected and the company’s strategic objectives, companies
can identify their core competencies and insight into how information technology can be used to achieve a competitive
Figure 7.3.3 : Porter’s Five Forces. Image by Grahams Child is licensed CC BY-SA 3.0
In 2001, Porter wrote an article entitled ”Strategy and the Internet,” in which he takes this model and looks at how the
Internet(and IT) impacts an industry's profitability. Although the model's details differ from one industry to another, its general
structure of the five forces is universal. Let’s have a look at how the internet plays a role in Porter’s five forces model:
Threat of New Entrants: The easier it is to enter an industry, the tougher it will be to profit in that industry. The Internet
has an overall effect of making it easier to enter industries. Traditional barriers such as the need for a physical store and
sales force to sell goods and services are drastically reduced. Dot-coms multiplied for that very reason: All a competitor
has to do is set up a website. The geographical reach of the internet enables distant competitors to compete more directly
with a local firm. For example, a manufacturer in Northern California may now have to compete against a manufacturer in
the Southern United States, where wages are lower.
Threat of Substitute Products: How easily can a product or service be replaced with something else? The more types of
products or services there can meet a particular need, and the less profitability will be in an industry. For example, the
advent of the mobile phone has replaced the need for pagers. The Internet has made people more aware of substitute
products, driving down industry profits in those industries being substituted. Any industry in which digitized information
can replace material goods such as books, music, software is at particular risk ( Think, for example, Amazon’s Kindle and
Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Companies can more easily find alternative suppliers and compare prices more easily.
When a sole supplier exists, then the company is at the mercy of the supplier. For example, if only one company makes the
controller chip for a car engine, that company can control the price, at least to some extent. The Internet has given
companies access to more suppliers, driving down prices. On the other hand, suppliers now also have the ability to sell
directly to customers. As companies use IT to integrate their supply chain, participating suppliers will prosper by locking
customers and increasing switching costs.
Bargaining Power of Customers: A company that is the sole provider of a unique product has the ability to control
pricing. But the Internet has given customers access to information about products and more options (small and big
business) to choose from.
Threat of Substitute Products: The more competitors in an industry, the bigger a factor price becomes. The visibility of
internet applications on the Web makes proprietary systems more difficult to keep secret. It is straightforward to copy
technology, so innovations will not last that long. For example, Sony Reader was released in 2006, followed by Amazon
Bajpai, P (2020). Analyzing Starbucks Value Chain Model. Retrieved August 16, 2020, from
Porter, M. (2001). Strategy and the Internet. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved August 20, 2020, from
Figure 7.4.1 : A four-level pyramid model of different types of Information Systems based on the different levels of hierarchy
in an organization. Image by By Compo is licensed CC BY-SA 3.0
Let’s look at a few examples.
Collaborative Systems
As organizations began to implement networking technologies, information systems emerged that allowed employees to
collaborate differently. Tools such as document sharing and video conferencing allowed users to brainstorm ideas together and
collaborate without the necessity of physical, face-to-face meetings.
Broadly speaking, any software that allows multiple users to interact on a document or topic could be considered collaborative.
Electronic mail, a shared Word document, social networks, and discussion boards would fall into this broad definition.
However, many software tools have been created that are designed specifically for collaborative purposes. These tools offer a
broad spectrum of collaborative functions. They can exist as stand-alone systems or integrated with any of the information
systems above. Here is just a shortlist of some collaborative tools available for businesses today:
Cloud Services refer to a wide variety of services delivered on-demand to companies and customers over the internet without
the need for internal infrastructure or hardware.
Cloud Services
One of the first true “groupware” collaboration tools.
Provides a full suite of collaboration software, including integrated
Obsolete with the advent of newer, easier-to-use technologies like
IBM Lotus Notes Google Drive and Microsoft SharePoint.
Online Video Conferencing Services allows two or more people in different geographical locations to meet and collaborate.
Online Video Conferencing Services
Most popular online video conferencing and meeting platform due
to its user-friendly interface.
Great for small and large businesses as it can support up to 100p
participants in online meetings
Wide variety of options such as screen share, whiteboard, live chat
and messaging, recording, and breakout rooms.
Zoom Collaboration and Interaction from a variety of devices(computers,
tablets, smartphones, etc.)
Google Chrome and Linux OS support
With the explosion of the worldwide web, the distinction between these different systems has become fuzzy. Information
systems are available to automate practically any business aspect - from managing inventory to sales and customer service. "
Information Technology(IT)" is now the category to designate any software-hardware-communications structures that today
work as a virtual nervous system of society at all levels.
Figure 7.5.1 : Technology with AI at its heart has the power to change the world, but what exactly is Artificial Intelligence?
(The Royal Society; The Royal Society via
In the tech-driven and ever-changing business landscape, successful leveraging and implementing IT has become the solution
for maintaining competitive advantage and growth. One such solution is artificial intelligence (AI). AI (or machine
intelligence) is intelligence demonstrated by machines - machines' ability to operate like a human brain - to learn patterns,
provide insights and even predict future occurrences based on inputted data/information. For example, AI can give companies
a competitive edge in marketing by providing insights into how to market, who to market to, when, and how to market. AI
offers insights that are objective and data-driven. Amazon uses AI to follow user’s behavior on their website - what type of
products they buy, how long they spend on a product page, etc. The AI system quickly learns to generate tailored
recommendations to each user's taste and preference based on their activity. Another advantage of AI is in cybersecurity and
fraud protection. AI technologies can use user behavior data to identify and flag any activity that is out of the ordinary for any
user (such as credit card use outside your home state). AI systems are very versatile in that they can handle all three types of
decisions - structured, semi-structured, and unstructured.
Global Competition
Many companies today are operating in a global environment. In addition to multinational corporations, many companies now
export or import and face competition from products created in countries where labor and other costs are low or where natural
McAfee, A. and Brynjolfsson, E. 2008). Investing in the IT That Makes a Competitive Difference. Harvard Business Review.
Retrieved August 16, 2020, from
The Royal Society. (2018). What is Artificial Intelligence? YouTube. [video file: 2:31 minutes] Closed Captioned.
1. Discuss the idea that an information system by itself can rarely provide a sustainable competitive advantage.
2. Review the Zoom website. What features of Zoom would contribute to good collaboration? What makes Zoom a better
collaboration tool than something like Skype or Google Hangouts?
3. Think of a semi-structured decision that you make in your daily life and build your own DSS using a spreadsheet to help
you make that decision.
4. Give an example of AI that you see used in your daily life. Describe one way it can be improved or combined with another
information system to gain an advantage.
We will discuss the fifth component of information systems, which is Process.
1 8/28/2021
8.1: Introduction
In the last seven chapters, we have gone through the first four components of an information system (IS). In this chapter, we
will discuss the fifth component of information systems, which is a process. People build information systems to solve
problems faced by people. Have you wondered how organizations use IS to run their organizations, help their people
communicate and collaborate? That is the role of Business Processes in an organization. This chapter will answer those
questions and describe how business processes can be used for strategic advantage.
Documenting a Process
Every day, we will conduct many processes without even thinking about them: getting ready for work, using an ATM, reading
our email, etc. But as processes grow more complex, they need to be documented.
For businesses, it is essential to do this because it allows them to ensure control over how activities are undertaken in their
organization. It also allows for standardization: McDonald’s has the same process for building a Big Mac in its restaurants.
The simplest way to document a process is to create a list. The list shows each step in the process; each step can be checked
off upon completion. For example, a simple process, such as how to create an account on Amazon, might look like a checklist
such as::
Go to
Click on “Hello Sign in Account” on the top right of the screen
Select “start here” after the question “new customers?”
Select “Create your Amazon account.”
Enter your name, email, password
Select “Create Your Amazon account.”
Check your email to verify your new Amazon account
For processes that are not so straightforward, documenting the process as a checklist may not be sufficient. Some processes
may need to be documented as paths to be followed depending on certain conditions being met. For example, here is the
process for determining if an article for a term needs to be added to Wikipedia:
Search Wikipedia to determine if the term already exists.
If the term is found, then an article is already written, so you must think of another term. Repeat step 1.
If the term is not found, then look to see if there is a related term.
If there is a related term, then create a redirect.
If there is not a related term, then create a new article.
This procedure is relatively simple – in fact, it has the same number of steps as the previous example – but because it has some
decision points, it is more difficult to track with a simple list. In these cases, it may make more sense to use a diagram to
document the process to illustrate both the above steps and the decision points:
Figure 8.2.2 : Enterprise systems modules. Image by Shing Hin Yeung, is licensed under CC by-SA 3.0
Let’s look at an ERP and associated modules as illustrated in Fig 8.2.
Figure 8.2.3 : College bookstore process redesign. Image by David Bourgeois, Ph.D. is licensed CC BY 4.0
Ly-Huong T. Pham, Tejal Desai-Naik, Laurie Hammond, &
8/28/2021 8.2.5 CC-BY-NC-SA
Wael Abdeljabbar
The Before process steps are:
1. The students get a booklist from each instructor
2. Go to the bookstore to search for the books on the list
3. If they are available, then students can purchase them
4. If they are not available, then the students will order the missing books
5. The students purchase the missing books
6. Students may need to do step 3 if it is not yet done
After diagramming the existing process and meeting with student focus groups, the bookstore develops a new process. In the
newly redesigned process:
1. The bookstore utilizes information technology to reduce the amount of work the students need to do to get their books by
sending the students an email with a list of all the books required for their upcoming classes along with purchase options(
new, used, or rental)
2. By clicking a link in this email, the students can log into the bookstore, confirm their books, and pay for their books online.
3. The bookstore will then deliver the books to the students.
The new re-engineered process delivers the business goal of capturing a larger percentage of students as customers of the
bookstore using technology to provide a valuable value-added service to students to make it convenient and faster.
ISO Certification
Many organizations now claim that they are using best practices when it comes to business processes. To set themselves apart
and prove to their customers (and potential customers) that they are indeed doing this, these organizations seek out an ISO
9000 certification.
ISO is an acronym for International Standard Organization, representing a global network of national standards bodies
Registered trademark of International Standard Organization. Image by International Organization for Standardization is
licensed CC-by-SA 4.0 International
This body defines quality standards that organizations can implement to show that they are, indeed, managing business
processes in an effective way. The ISO 9000 certification is focused on quality.
To receive ISO certification, an organization must be audited and found to meet specific criteria. In its most simple form, the
auditors perform the following review:
Tell me what you do (describe the business process).
Show me where it says that (reference the process documentation).
Prove that this is what happened (exhibit evidence in documented records).
Over the years, this certification has evolved, and many branches of the certification now exist. The ISO 9000 family
addresses various aspects of quality management. ISO certification is one way to separate an organization from others
regarding its quality and services and meet customer expectations.
Hammer, Michael (1990). Reengineering work: don't automate, obliterate. Harvard Business Review 68.4: 104–112
1. Think of a business process that you have had to perform in the past. How would you document this process? Would a
diagram make more sense than a checklist? Document the process both as a checklist and as a diagram.
2. Review the return policies at your favorite retailer and then answer this question: What information systems do you think
need to be in place to support their return policy.
3. If you were implementing an ERP system, in which cases would you be more inclined to modify the ERP to match your
business processes? What are the drawbacks of doing this?
4. Which ERP is the best? Do some original research and compare three leading ERP systems to each other. Write a two- to
three-page paper that compares their features.
5. Research a company that chooses to implement an ERP. Write a report to describe it.
6. Research a failed implementation of an ERP. Write a report to describe why.
7. Research and write a report on how a company can obtain an ISO quality management certification.
Discuss the different ways people are involved in information systems.
1 8/28/2021
9.1: Introduction
In this text's opening chapters, we focused on the technology behind information systems: hardware, software, data, and
networking. In the last chapter, we discussed business processes and the key role they can play in a business's success. In this
chapter, we will be discussing the last component of an information system: people.
Figure 9.1.1 : People in Information systems. Image by Karen Arnold - PublicDomainPicutres is licensed CCO-PD
People are involved in information systems in just about every way you can think of: people imagine information systems,
develop information systems, support information systems, and, perhaps most importantly, people use information systems.
Systems Analyst
The systems analyst's role is unique in that it straddles the divide between identifying business needs and imagining a new or
redesigned computer-based system to fulfill those needs. This individual will work with a person, team, or department with
business requirements and identify the specific details of a system that needs to be built. Generally, this will require the analyst
to understand the business itself, the business processes involved, and the ability to document them well. The analyst will
identify the different stakeholders in the system and work to involve the appropriate individuals.
Once the requirements are determined, the analyst will begin translating these requirements into an information-systems
design. A good analyst will understand what different technological solutions will work and provide several different
alternatives to the requester, based on the company’s budgetary constraints, technology constraints, and culture. Once the
solution is selected, the analyst will create a detailed document describing the new system. This new document will require
that the analyst understand how to speak in systems developers' technical language.
A systems analyst generally is not the one who does the actual development of the information system. The design document
created by the systems analyst provides the detail needed to create the system and is handed off to a programmer (or team of
programmers) to do the actual creation of the system. In some cases, however, a systems analyst may create the system that he
or she designed. This person is sometimes referred to as a programmer-analyst.
In other cases, the system may be assembled from off-the-shelf components by a person called a systems integrator. This is a
specific type of systems analyst that understands how to get different software packages to work with each other.
To become a systems analyst, you should have a background in business and systems design. You also must have strong
communication and interpersonal skills plus an understanding of business standards and new technologies. Many analysts first
worked as programmers and/or had experience in the business before becoming systems analysts. The best systems analysts
have excellent analytical skills and are creative problem solvers.
Computer Engineer
Computer engineers design the computing devices that we use every day. There are many types of computer engineers who
work on various types of devices and systems. Some of the more prominent engineering jobs are as follows:
Hardware engineer: A hardware engineer designs hardware components, such as microprocessors. A hardware engineer
is often at the cutting edge of computing technology, creating something brand new. Other times, the hardware engineer’s
job is to engineer an existing component to work faster or use less power. Many times, a hardware engineer’s job is to write
code to create a program that will be implemented directly on a computer chip.
Careers in IT. Retrieved November 13, 2020, from
Computer Operator
A computer operator is a person who keeps large computers running. This person’s job is to oversee the mainframe computers
and data centers in organizations. Some of their duties include keeping the operating systems up to date, ensuring available
memory and disk storage, and overseeing the computer's physical environment. Since mainframe computers have increasingly
been replaced with servers, storage management systems, and other platforms, computer operators’ jobs have grown broader
and include working with these specialized systems.
Database Administrator
A database administrator (DBA) is the person who manages the databases for an organization. This person operates and
maintains databases, including database recovery and backup procedures, used as part of applications or the data warehouse.
They are responsible for securing the data and ensuring that only users who are approved to access the data can do so. The
DBA also consults with systems analysts and programmers on projects requiring access to or creating databases.
Database Architect: Database architects design and create secure databases that meet the needs of an organization. They
work closely with software designers, design analysts, and others to create comprehensive databases that may be used by
hundreds, if not thousands, of people. Most organizations do not staff a separate database architect position. Instead, they
require DBAs to work on both new and established database projects.
Database Analyst: Some organizations create a separate position, Database Analyst, who looks at databases from a higher
level. He analyzes database design and the changing needs of an organization, recommends additions for new projects, and
designs the tables and relationships.
Oracle DBA: A DBA that specializes in Oracle database. Oracle DBA’s handle capacity planning, evaluate database server
hardware, and manage all aspects of an Oracle database, including installation, configuration, design, and data migration.
Help-Desk/Support Analyst
Most midsize to large organizations have their own information-technology help desk and are the most visible IT roles. The
help desk is the first line of support for computer users in the company. Computer users who are having problems or need
information can contact the help desk for assistance. Often, a help-desk worker is a junior-level employee who does not
necessarily know how to answer all of the questions that come his or her way. In these cases, help-desk analysts work with
senior-level support analysts or have a computer knowledgebase at their disposal to help them investigate the problem at hand.
The help desk is a great place to break into IT because it exposes you to all of the company's different technologies. A
successful help-desk analyst has conflict resolutions, active listening skills, problem-solving abilities, and a wide range of
technical knowledge across hardware, software, and networks.
A computer trainer conducts classes to teach people specific computer skills. For example, if a new ERP system is installed in
an organization, one part of the implementation process is to teach all users how to use the new system. A trainer may work for
a software company and be contracted to come in to conduct classes when needed; a trainer may work for a company that
offers regular training sessions, or a trainer may be employed full time for an organization to handle all of their computer
instruction needs. To be successful as a trainer, you need to be able to communicate technical concepts well and have a lot of
Functional Manager
As an information-systems organization becomes larger, many of the different functions are grouped and led by a manager.
These functional managers report to the CIO and manage the employees specific to their function. For example, in a large
organization, a group of systems analysts reports to a systems-analysis function manager. For more insight into how this might
look, see the discussion later in the chapter of how information systems are organized.
ERP Management
Organizations using an ERP require one or more individuals to manage these systems. These people make sure that the ERP
system is completely up to date, work to implement any changes to the ERP needed, and consult with various user departments
on needed reports or data extracts.
Project Managers
Information-systems projects are notorious for going over budget and being delivered late. In many cases, a failed IT project
can spell doom for a company. A project manager is responsible for keeping projects on time and budget. This person works
with the project stakeholders to keep the team organized and communicates the status of the project to management. A project
manager does not have authority over the project team; instead, the project manager coordinates schedules and resources to
maximize the project outcomes. A project manager must be a good communicator and an extremely organized person. A
project manager should also have good people skills. Many organizations require their project managers to become certified as
project management professionals (PMP).
Information-Security Officer
An information security officer is in charge of setting information-security policies for an organization and then overseeing
those policies' implementation. This person may have one or more people reporting to them as part of the information security
team. As information has become a critical asset, this position has become highly valued. The information-security officer
must ensure that the organization’s information remains secure from both internal and external threats.
Figure 9.6.1 : Jobs in Information Systems - Image from Pickpic is licensed CCO-PD
Working with information systems can be a rewarding career choice. Whether you want to be involved in very technical jobs
(programmer, database administrator) or want to be involved in working with people (systems analyst, trainer), there are many
different career paths available.
Often, those in technical jobs who want career advancement find themselves in a dilemma: do they want to continue doing
technical work, where sometimes their advancement options are limited or do they want to become a manager of other
employees and put themselves on a management career track? In many cases, those proficient in technical skills are not gifted
with managerial skills. Some organizations, especially those that highly value their technically skilled employees, will create a
technical track that exists in parallel to the management track to retain employees who are contributing to the organization.
Today, most large organizations have dual career paths - the Managerial and Technical/Professional.
Then there are people from other fields who want to get into IT. For example, a writer wants to become a technical writer, and
a salesperson may want to become a quality tester.
People have many different reasons for transitioning into the IT industry, and the timing couldn’t be better. The IT industry is
facing a massive shortage of workers, both domestic and international, and there are many employment opportunities at every
Outsourcing- using third-party service providers- to handle some of your business processes became a popular business
strategy back in the '80s and 90’s to combat rising labor costs and allow firms to focus on their core functions. For example, an
early function that firms outsourced is payroll. With the Internet boom and bust in 2000-2001 and the rise of the global
marketplace, outsourcing is now a common business strategy for companies of all sizes.
Job Outlook
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Computer and Information Systems
Managers. Retrieved November 13, 2020, from
Careers in IT. Retrieved November 13, 2020, from
Rogers, E. M. (1962). Diffusion of innovations. New York: Free Press
1. Which IT job would you like to have? Do some original research and write a two-page paper describing the duties of the
job you are interested in.
2. Spend a few minutes on Dice or Monster to find IT jobs in your area. What are IT jobs currently available? Write up a two-
page paper describing three jobs, their starting salary (if listed), and the skills and education needed for the job.
3. How is the IT function organized in your school or place of employment? Create an organization chart showing how the IT
organization fits into your overall organization. Comment on how centralized or decentralized the IT function is.
4. What type of IT user are you? Take a look at the five types of technology adopters, and then write a one-page summary of
where you think you fit in this model.
Discuss the different methods of taking those ideas and bringing them to reality, a process known
as information systems development.
1 8/28/2021
10.1: Introduction
When someone has an idea for a new function to be performed by a computer, how does that idea become a reality? If a
company wants to implement a new business process and needs new hardware or software to support it, how do they go about
making it happen? How do they decide whether to build their own solution or buy or subscribe to a solution available in the
This chapter will discuss the different methods of taking those ideas and bringing them to reality, a process known as
information systems development.
Fig 10.1 - Software Development Lifecycle Model. Image by Ly-Huong Pham, Ph.D. is licensed under CC BY NC
1. Planning. In this phase, a request is initiated by someone who acts as a sponsor for this idea. A small team is assembled to
conduct a preliminary assessment of the request's merit and feasibility. The objectives of this phase are:
To determine how the request fits with the company’s strategy or business goals.
To conduct a feasibility analysis, which includes an analysis of the technical feasibility (is it possible to create this?),
the economic feasibility (can we afford to do this?), and the legal feasibility (are we allowed to do this?).
To recommend a go/no go for the request. If it is a go, then a concept proposal is also produced for management to
2. Analysis. Once the concept proposal is approved, the project is formalized with a new project team (including the previous
phase). Using the concept proposal as the starting point, the project members work with different stakeholder groups to
determine the new system's specific requirements. No programming or development is done in this step. The objectives of
this phase are:
Identify and Interview key stakeholders.
Document key procedures
Develop the data requirements
To produce a system-requirements document as the result of this phase. This has the details to begin the design of the
3. Design. Once the system requirements are approved, the team may be reconfigured to bring in more members. This phase
aims for the project team to take the system requirements document created in the previous phase and develop the specific
Waterfall Model
One specific SDLC-based model is the Waterfall model, and the name is often thought to be the same as SDLC. It is used to
manage software projects as depicted in Fig 10.2 with five phases: Requirements, Design, Implement, Verification, and
Maintenance. This model stresses that each phase must be completed before the next one can begin (hence the name
waterfall). For example, changes to the requirements are not allowed once the implementation phase has begun, or changes
must be sought and approved to a change process. They may require the project to restart from the requirement phase since
new requirements need to be approved, which may cause the design to be revised before the implementation phase can begin.
The robust process to control and track changes to minimize the number Take time to record everything, which leads to additional cost and time
of risks can derail the project unknowingly. to the schedule.
Standard and transparent processes help the management of large Too much time spent attending meetings, seeking approval, etc. which
teams. lead to additional cost and time to the schedule.
Documentation reduces the risks of losing personnel, easier to add Some members do not like to spend time writing, leading to the
people to the project. additional time needed to complete a project.
Other models are developed over time to address these criticisms. We will discuss two other models: Rapid Application
Development and Agile, as different approaches to SDLC.
Fig 10.3 Image Rapid Application Development Model is licensed Public domain.
1. Requirements Planning. This phase is similar to the planning, analysis, and design phases of the SDLC.
Scarce resources as developers are tied up, which could slow down
Increase interaction time between developers/experts and users
other projects.
Best suited for small to medium size project teams Difficult to scale up to large teams
Lean Methodology
One last methodology we will discuss is a relatively new concept taken from the business bestseller The Lean Startup, by Eric
Fig 10.5. The Lean Methodology. David T. Bourgeois, Ph.D. is licensed CC BY-SA 2.0
This methodology focuses on taking an initial idea and developing a minimum viable product (MVP). The MVP is a working
software application with just enough functionality to demonstrate the idea behind the project. Once the MVP is developed, it
is given to potential users for review. Feedback on the MVP is generated in two forms: (1) direct observation and discussion
with the users, and (2) usage statistics gathered from the software itself. Using these two forms of feedback, the team
determines whether they should continue in the same direction or rethink the project's core idea, change the functions, or
create a new MVP. This change in strategy is called a pivot. Several iterations of the MVP are developed, with new functions
added each time based on the feedback, until a final product is completed.
The biggest difference between the lean methodology and the other methodologies is that the system's full set of requirements
is unknown when the project is launched. As each iteration of the project is released, the statistics and feedback gathered are
used to determine the requirements. The lean methodology works best in an entrepreneurial environment where a company is
interested in determining if their idea for a software application is worth developing.
Manifesto for Agile Software Development (2001). Retrieved December 10, 2020, from
The Lean Startup. Retrieved on December 9, 2020, from
Fig 10.6 Project Management Quality Triangle. Image by Mapto is licensed Public domain
So what does it mean that you can only address two of the three? It means that the finished product's quality depends on the
three variables: scope, schedule, and the allocated budget. Changes in any of these three variables affect the other two, hence,
the quality.
For example, if a feature is added, but no additional time is added to the schedule to develop and test, the code's quality may
suffer, even if more money is added. There are times when it is not even feasible to make the tradeoff. For example, adding
more people to a project where members are so overwhelmed that they don’t have time to manage or train new people.
Overall, this model helps us understand the tradeoffs we must make when developing new products and services.
Programming Languages
One of the important decisions that a project team needs to make is to decide which programming language(s) are to be used
and associated tools in the development process. As mentioned in chapter 3, software developers create software using one of
several programming languages. A programming language is a formal language that provides a way for a programmer to
create structured code to communicate logic in a format that the computer hardware can execute. Over the past few decades,
many different programming languages have evolved to meet many different needs.
There is no one way to categorize the languages. Still, they are often grouped by type (i.e., query, scripting), or chronologically
by year when it was introduced (i.,e. Fortran was introduced in 1954s), by their “generation,” by how it was translated to the
machine code, or how it was executed. We will discuss a few categories in this chapter. reported that by early 2020, Javascript was the most used language among developers worldwide. To see the
complete list, please visit for more details.
Sidebar: Examples of languages
First-generation language: machine code. In machine code, programming is done by directly setting actual ones and zeroes
(the bits) using binary code. Here is an example program that
adds 1234 and 4321 using machine language:
10111001 00000000
11010010 10100001
00000100 00000000
10001001 00000000
00001110 10001011
00000000 00011110
00000000 00011110
10111001 00000000
11100001 00000011
00010000 11000011
10001001 10100011
00001110 00000100
00000010 00000000
Second-generation language. Assembly language gives English-like phrases to the machine-code instructions, making it easier
to program. An assembly-language program must be run through an assembler, which converts it into machine code. Here is
an example program that adds 1234 and 4321 using assembly language:
MOV CX,1234 MOV DS:[0],CX MOV CX,4321 MOV AX,DS:[0]
Third-generation languages are not specific to the type of hardware they run and are much more like spoken languages. Most
third-generation languages must be compiled, a process that converts them into machine code. Well-known third-generation
languages include BASIC, C, Pascal, and Java. Here is an example using BASIC:
A=1234 B=4321 C=A+B END
Fourth-generation languages are a class of programming tools that enable fast application development using intuitive
interfaces and environments. Many times, a fourth-generation language has a particular purpose, such as database interaction
or report-writing. These tools can be used by those with very little formal training in programming and allow for the quick
development of applications and/or functionality. Examples of fourth-generation languages include Clipper, FOCUS, FoxPro,
SQL, and SPSS.
Why would anyone want to program in a lower-level language when they require so much more work? The answer is similar
to why some prefer to drive stick-shift automobiles instead of automatic transmission: control and efficiency. Lower-level
languages, such as assembly language, are much more efficient and execute much more quickly. You have finer control over
the hardware as well. Sometimes, a combination of higher- and lower-level languages is mixed together to get the best of both
worlds: the programmer will create the overall structure and interface using a higher-level language but will use lower-level
languages wherever in the program that requires more precision.
Compiled vs. Interpreted
Besides classifying a programming language based on its generation, it can also be classified as compiled or interpreted
language. As we have learned, a computer language is written in a human-readable form. In a compiled language, the program
code is translated into a machine-readable form called an executable that can be run on the hardware. Some well-known
compiled languages include C, C++, and COBOL.
An interpreted language requires a runtime program to be installed to execute. This runtime program then interprets the
program code line by line and runs it. Interpreted languages are generally easier to work with but are slower and require more
system resources. Examples of popular interpreted languages include BASIC, PHP, PERL, and Python. The web languages
such as HTML and Javascript would also be considered interpreted because they require a browser to run.
The Java programming language is an interesting exception to this classification, as it is actually a hybrid of the two. A
program written in Java is partially compiled to create a program that can be understood by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Each type of operating system has its own JVM, which must be installed, allowing Java programs to run on many different
types of operating systems.
Procedural vs. Object-Oriented
A procedural programming language is designed to allow a programmer to define a specific starting point for the program and
then execute sequentially. All early programming languages worked this way. As user interfaces became more interactive and
graphical, it made sense for programming languages to evolve to allow the user to define the program's flow. The object-
Programming Tools
Another decision that needs to be made during the development of an IS is the set of tools needed to write programs. To write
programs, programmers need tools to enter code, check for the code's syntax, and some method to translate their code into
machine code. To be more efficient at programming, programmers use integrated tools such as an integrated development
environment (IDE) or computer-aided software-engineering (CASE) tools.
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
For most programming languages, an IDE can be used. An IDE provides various tools for the programmer, all in one place
with a consistent user interface. IDE usually includes:
an editor for writing the program that will color-code or highlight keywords from the programming language;
a help system that gives detailed documentation regarding the programming language;
a compiler/interpreter, which will allow the programmer to run the program;
a debugging tool, which will provide the programmer details about the execution of the program to resolve problems in the
code; and
a check-in/check-out mechanism allows a team of programmers to work together on a project and not write over each
other’s code changes. reports that 80% of software developers worldwide from 2018 and 2019 use a source code collaboration tool such
as GitHub, 77% use a standalone IDE such as Eclipse, 69% use Microsoft Visual Studio. For a complete list, please visit
Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) Tools
While an IDE provides several tools to assist the programmer in writing the program, the code still must be written. Computer-
aided software engineering (CASE) tools allow a designer to develop software with little or no programming. Instead, the
CASE tool writes the code for the designer. CASE tools come in many varieties, but their goal is to generate quality code
based on the designer's input.
Javascript was the most used language among developers worldwide (2020). Retrieved December 10, 2020, from
Google Maps Platform Documentation. Retrieved December 10, 2020, from
Programming/development tools used by software developers worldwide from 2018 and 2019 (2020). Retrieved December 10,
2020, from
Worldwide mobile app revenues in 2014 to 2023 (2010.) Retrieved December 10, 2020, from
Change Management
As new systems are brought online, and old systems are phased out, it becomes important to manage how change is
implemented. Change should never be introduced in a vacuum. The organization should be sure to communicate proposed
changes before they happen and plan to minimize the impact of the change that will occur after implementation. Training and
incorporating users’ feedback are critical to increasing user’s acceptance of the new system. Without gaining the user’s
acceptance, the risk of failure is very high. Change management is a critical component of IT oversight.
Once a new system has been introduced, it enters the maintenance phase. In this phase, the system is in production and is
being used by the organization. While the system is no longer actively being developed, changes need to be made when bugs
are found, or new features are requested. During the maintenance phase, IT management must ensure that the system continues
to stay aligned with business priorities, has a clear process to accept requests, problem reports, deploy updates to ensure user’s
satisfaction with continuous improvements in the product's quality.
With the rise of privacy concerns, many companies now add policies about maintaining their customers’ data or data collected
during the project. Policies such as when to dispose of, how to dispose of, where to store are just a few examples.
1. Which software-development methodology would be best if an organization needed to develop a software tool for a small
group of users in the marketing department? Why? Which implementation methodology should they use? Why?
2. Doing your own research, find three programming languages and categorize them in these areas: generation, compiled vs.
interpreted, procedural vs. object-oriented.
3. Some argue that HTML is not a programming language. Doing your own research, find three arguments for why it is not a
programming language and three arguments for why it is.
4. Read more about responsive design using the link given in the text. Provide the links to three websites that use responsive
design and explain how they demonstrate responsive-design behavior.
5. Research the criteria and cost to put a mobile app into Apple’s App Store. Write a report.
6. Research to find out what elements to use to estimate the cost to build an app. Write a report.
1 8/28/2021
The rapid rise of the Internet has made it easier than ever to do business worldwide. This chapter
looks at the impact that the Internet is having on the globalization of business. Firms will need to
manage challenges and leverage opportunities due to globalization and digitalization. It will discuss
the digital divide concept, what steps have been taken to date to alleviate it, and what needs to be
Discuss globalization past and present.
1 8/28/2021
11.1: Introduction
In this chapter, we will look at how the internet has opened the world to globalization. We will look at where it began and fast
forward to where we are today. We will be reviewing the influences of man, machine, and technology that enables
globalization. It is now just as simple to communicate with someone on the other side of the world as to talk to someone next
door. In this chapter, we will look at the implications of globalization and its impact on the world.
What Is Globalization?
Globalization is found in economics and refers to the integration of goods, services, and culture among the people and nations
of the world. Globalization has accelerated since the turn of the 18th century due to mass improvement in transportation and
technology. Globalization has its roots as far back as an exploration of finding the New World. Globalization creates world
markets. Places that were once limited to only providing goods and services to the immediate area now have open access to
other countries worldwide. The expansion of global markets has increased economic activities in the exchange of goods,
services, and funds, which has created global markets that are now readily feasible. Today the ease of the connectivity of
people has accelerated the speed of globalization. People no longer have to sail for a year to share goods or services.
Fig. 11.1 Globalization in Handshake, Hands, Laptop, Monitor. Image by Gerd Altmann is licensed CC BY-SA 2.0
The internet has connected nations together. From its initial beginnings in the United States in the 1970s to the World Wide
Web development, it has crept into home use with the introduction of the personal computer by the 1980s. The 90’s then
introduced social networks and e-commerce of today; the Internet has continued to increase the integration between countries,
making globalization a fact of life for citizens worldwide. The Internet is truly a worldwide phenomenon. By Q3 of 2020,
approximately 4.9 billion people, or more than half of the world’s population, use the internet. For more details, please view
the data at
Castells, Manuel (2000). The Rise of the Network Society (2nd ed.). Blackwell Publishers, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA.
Friedman, T. L. (2005). The world is flat: A brief history of the twenty-first century. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Q3 2020 Internet usage. Retrieved December 5, 2020, from
Castells, Manuel (2000). The Rise of the Network Society (2nd ed.). Blackwell Publishers, Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA.
Kobrin, S.J (2020). How globalization became a thing that goes bump in the night. J Int Bus Policy 3, 280–286.
Statista. (2020). Countries with the fastest average fixed broadband internet speeds as of August 2020 (in Mbps). Retrieved
December 5, 2020, from
Statista. (2020). Household internet download speed of adults in the United States as of June 2020. Retrieved December 5,
2020, from
ACM (2020). ACM Code of Ethics and Professional conduct. Retrieved December 5, 2020, from
Digital Divide ‘a Matter of Life and Death’ amid COVID-19 Crisis, Secretary‑General Warns Virtual Meeting, Stressing
Universal Connectivity Key for Health, Development. Retrieved November 1, 2020, from
Kiburn, Kim (2005). Challenges in HCI: Digital divide. Crossroads 12, 2 (December 2005), 2-2.
Kim, P., Buckner, E., Makany, T., & Kim, H. (2011). A comparative analysis of a game-based mobile learning model in low-
socioeconomic communities of India. International Journal of Educational Development. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2011.05.008.
Nielsen, J (2006). Digital Divide: The 3 Stages. Retrieved Nov 1, 2020, from
1. Compare the concept of Friedman’s “Globalization 3.0″ with Nielsen's empowerment stage of the digital divide.
2. Do some original research to determine some of the US company's regulations before doing business in one of the
following countries: China, Mexico, Iran, and India.
3. Go to to determine your Internet speed. Compare your speed at home to the Internet speed at two other
locations, such as your local coffee shop, school, place of employment. Write up a one-page summary that compares these
4. Write a report to assess Nielson’s three stages based on your today’s experience.
5. Go to this website or search for
"Digital Nation Data Explorer" to locate it. Report the internet usage in your state and compare it with your own
6. Give one example of the digital divide and describe what you would do to address it.
7. How the research conducted by Manuel Castells influences globalization.
This chapter discusses the impact of information systems on how we behave (ethics) and the new
legal structures being put in place to protect intellectual property and privacy.
1 8/28/2021
12.1: Introduction
Information systems have had an impact far beyond the world of business. In the past four decades, technology has
fundamentally altered our lives: from the way we work, how we play to how we communicate, and how we fight wars. Mobile
phones track us as we shop at stores and go to work. Algorithms based on consumer data allow firms to sell us products that
they think we need or want. New technologies create new situations that we have never dealt with before. They can threaten
individual autonomy, violate privacy rights, and can also be morally contentious. How do we handle the new capabilities that
these devices empower us with? What new laws are going to be needed to protect us from ourselves and others? This chapter
will kick off with a discussion of the impact of information systems on how we behave (ethics). This will be followed by the
new legal structures being put in place, focusing on intellectual property and privacy.
Code of Ethics
One method for navigating new ethical waters is a code of ethics. A code of ethics is a document that outlines a set of
acceptable behaviors for a professional or social group; generally, it is agreed to by all members of the group. The document
details different actions that are considered appropriate and inappropriate.
A good example of a code of ethics is the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of the Association for Computing
Machinery, an organization of computing professionals that includes educators, researchers, and practitioners. Here is an
excerpt from the preamble:
ACM Code of Ethics. Preamble. Retrieved November 10, 2020, from
Copyright is the protection given to songs, movies, books, computer software, architecture, and other creative works, usually
for a limited time. An artist can, for example, sue if his painting is copied and sold on T-shirts without permission. A coder can
sue if another Web developer verbatim takes her code. Any work that has an “author” can be copyrighted. It covers both
published and unpublished work. Under the terms of copyright, the author of the work controls what can be done with the
work, including:
Who can make copies of the work?
Who can create derivative works from the original work?
Who can perform the work publicly?
Who can display the work publicly?
Who can distribute the work?
Often, work is not owned by an individual but is instead owned by a publisher with whom the original author has an
agreement. In return for the rights to the work, the publisher will market and distribute the work and then pay the original
author a portion of the proceeds.
Copyright protection lasts for the life of the original author plus seventy years. In the case of a copyrighted work owned by a
publisher or another third party, the protection lasts for ninety-five years from the original creation date. For works created
before 1978, the protections vary slightly. You can see the full details on copyright protections by reviewing the Copyright
Basics document available at the US Copyright Office’s website. See also the sidebar “History of Copyright Law.”
Fair Use
Another important provision within copyright law is that of fair use. Fair use is a limitation on copyright law that allows for
protected works without prior authorization in specific cases. For example, if a teacher wanted to discuss a current event in her
class, she could pass out copies of a copyrighted news story to her students without first getting permission. Fair use allows a
student to quote a small portion of a copyrighted work in a research paper.
Unfortunately, the specific guidelines for what is considered fair use and what constitutes copyright violation are not well
defined. Fair use is a well-known and respected concept and will only be challenged when copyright holders feel that their
work's integrity or market value is being threatened. The following four factors are considered when determining if something
constitutes fair use 9 :
The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational
The nature of the copyrighted work;
The amount and substantiality of the portion used concerning the copyrighted work as a whole;
The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work.
If you are ever considering using a copyrighted work as part of something you are creating, you may be able to do so under
fair use. However, it is always best to check with the copyright owner to ensure you are staying within your rights and not
infringing upon theirs.
ACM Code of Ethics. Preamble. Retrieved November 10, 2020, from
US copyright. Copyright basics. Retrieved November 10, 2020, from
US copyright. More information on fair use. Retrieved from
Creative Commons
In chapter 2, we learned about open-source software. Open-source software has few or no copyright restrictions; the software
creators publish their code and make their software available for others to use and distribute for free. This is great for software,
but what about other forms of copyrighted works? If an artist or writer wants to make their works available, how can they go
about doing so while still protecting their work integrity? Creative Commons is the solution to this problem.
Creative Commons is an international nonprofit organization that provides legal tools for artists and authors around the world.
The tools offered to make it simple to license artistic or literary work for others to use or distribute consistently with the
creator's intentions. Creative Commons licenses are indicated with the symbol CC . It is important to note that Creative
Commons and the public domain are not the same. When something is in the public domain, it has absolutely no restrictions
on its use or distribution. Works whose copyrights have expired, for example, are in the public domain.
By using a Creative Commons license, creators can control the use of their work while still making it widely accessible. By
attaching a Creative Commons license to their work, a legally binding license is created. Creators can choose from the
following six licenses with varying permissions from the least open to the most open license:
CC-BY: This is the least restrictive license. It lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the original work, in any
medium or format, even commercially, as long as they give the author credit(attribution) for the original work.
CC-BY-SA: This license restricts the distribution of the work via the “share-alike” clause. This means that others can
freely distribute, remix, adapt and build upon the work, but they must give credit to the original author, and they must share
using the same Creative Commons license.
CC-BY-NC: NC stands for “non-commercial.” This license is the same as CC-BY but adds that no one can make money
with this work - non-commercial purposes only.
CC-BY-NC-SA: This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the original work for non-
commercial purposes, but they must give credit to the original author and share using the same license.
Another important form of intellectual property protection is the patent. A patent creates protection for someone who invents a
new product or process. The definition of invention is quite broad and covers many different fields. Here are some examples of
items receiving patents:
circuit designs in semiconductors;
prescription drug formulas;
coating processes; and
business processes.
Once a patent is granted, it provides the inventors with protection from others infringing on their patent. A patent holder has
the right to “exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or
importing the invention into the United States for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention when the
patent is granted.”
As with copyright, patent protection lasts for a limited period of time before the invention or process enters the public domain.
In the US, a patent lasts twenty years. This is why generic drugs are available to replace brand-name drugs after twenty years.
A trademark is a word, phrase, logo, shape, or sound that identifies a source of goods or services. For example, the Nike
“Swoosh,” the Facebook “f,” and Apple’s apple (with a bite taken out of it) Kleenex(facial tissue brand) are all trademarked.
The concept behind trademarks is to protect the consumer. Imagine going to the local shopping center to purchase a specific
item from a specific store and finding that there are several stores all with the same name!
Two types of trademarks exist – a common-law trademark and a registered trademark. As with copyright, an organization will
automatically receive a trademark if a word, phrase, or logo is being used in the normal course of business (subject to some
restrictions, discussed below). A common-law trademark is designated by placing “TM” next to the trademark. A registered
trademark has been examined, approved, and registered with the trademark office, such as the Patent and Trademark Office in
the US. A registered trademark has the circle-R (®) placed next to the trademark.
While most any word, phrase, logo, shape, or sound can be trademarked, there are a few limitations.
A trademark will not hold up legally if it meets one or more of the following conditions:
1. The trademark is likely to confuse with a mark in a registration or prior application.
2. The trademark is merely descriptive for the goods/services. For example, trying to register the trademark “blue” for a blue
product you sell will not pass muster.
3. The trademark is a geographic term.
4. The trademark is a surname. You will not be allowed to trademark “Smith’s Bookstore.”
5. The trademark is ornamental as applied to the goods. For example, a repeating flower pattern that is a design on a plate
cannot be trademarked.
As long as an organization uses its trademark and defends it against infringement, the protection afforded by it does not expire.
Thus, many organizations defend their trademark against other companies whose branding even only slightly copies their
trademark. For example, Chick-fil-A has trademarked the phrase “Eat Mor Chikin” and has vigorously defended it against a
small business using the slogan “Eat More Kale.” Coca-Cola has trademarked its bottle's contour shape and will bring legal
action against any company using a bottle design similar to theirs. As an example of trademarks that have been diluted and
have now lost their protection in the US are “aspirin” (originally trademarked by Bayer), “escalator” (originally trademarked
by Otis), and “yo-yo” (originally trademarked by Duncan).
The term privacy has many definitions, but privacy will mean the ability to control information about oneself for our purposes.
Our ability to maintain our privacy has eroded substantially in the past decades due to information systems.
Fig 12.2: Non-obvious relationship awareness(NORA). Image by David Bourgeois, Ph.D. is licensed CC-By-NC-SA 4.0
First commercialized by big casinos looking to find cheaters, NORA is used by both government agencies and private
organizations, and it is big business. In some settings, NORA can bring many benefits, such as in law enforcement. By
identifying potential criminals more quickly, crimes can be solved more quickly or even prevented before they happen. But
these advantages come at a price: our privacy.
EFF. Unintended consequences - 16 years under DCMA (2014). Retrieved November 10, 2020, from
EFF. Do not track. Retrieved November 10, 2020, from
Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). National Institute of Standards and
Technology. US Department of Commerce Special Publication 800-122.
US Patent and Trademark Office, "What is a patent?" Retrieved November 10, 2020, from
1. Provide one example of how information technology has created an ethical dilemma that would not have existed before the
advent of information technology.
2. Find an example of a code of ethics or acceptable use policy related to information technology and highlight five points
that you think are important.
3. Find an example of work done under a CC license.
4. Do some original research on the effort to combat patent trolls. Write a two-page paper that discusses this legislation.
5. Give an example of how NORA could be used to identify an individual.
6. How are intellectual property protections different across the world? Pick two countries and do some original research,
then compare the patent and copyright protections offered in those countries to those in the US. Write a two- to three-page
paper describing the differences.
This chapter discusses the future trends enabled by new and improved technologies in many
industries, including social media, personalization, mobile, wearable, collaborative,
communication, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and quantum computers.
Discuss collaboration effort among consumers with free content, telecommunication, virtual environment, and 3D printing
1 8/28/2021
13.1: Introduction
Information systems have evolved at a rapid pace ever since their introduction in the 1950s. Today, devices that we can hold in
one hand are more powerful than the computers used to land a man on the moon. The Internet has made the entire world
accessible to people, allowing us to communicate and collaborate like never before. In this chapter, we will examine current
trends and look ahead to what is coming next.
The first trend to note is the continuing expansion of globalization due to the commercialization of the internet. The use of the
Internet is growing worldwide, and with it, the use of digital devices. All regions are forecasted for significant growth, with
some regions higher than others, such as Asia and Latin America.
The United Nations June 2020 “Report of the Secretary-General Roadmap for Digital Cooperation” reports that 86.6% of
people in the developed countries are online, while only 19% people are online in the least developed countries, with Europe
being the region with the highest usage rates and Africa with the lowest usage rate.
Chapter 11 discussed that by Q3 of 2020, approximately 4.9 billion people, or more than half of the world’s population, use the
internet and forecast growth of 1,266% for the world total, with Asia being the highest 2136%, Latin America at 2489%. The
smallest growth is still forecasted over 200% growth. For more details, please view the data at
Social Media
Social media is one of the most popular internet activities worldwide. reports that as of January 2020, the global
usage rate for social media is 49%, and people spend about 144 minutes per day on social media. Even then, there are still
billions of people that remain unconnected, according to For more details, please read the entire report of
Digital 2020.
As of October 2020, also reports that Facebook remains the most popular social network globally with about 2.7B
monthly active users, YouTube and WhatsApp with 2B, WeChat at 1.2B, Instagram at 1.1B, Twitter at 353M, TikTok at 689M,
etc. For more details, please view this report at
With the continued increased usage of the internet and e-commerce, users have moved beyond the simple, unique ringtones on
mobile phones. They now expect increased personalized experience in the products or services, entertainment, and learning,
such as highly targeted, just-in-time recommendations that are finely tuned with their preferences from vendors' data. For
example, Netflix recommends what shows they might want to watch. Wearable devices from various vendors such as Apple,
Google, Amazon make personalized recommendations for exercises, meditation, diet, among others, based on your current
health conditions.
Perhaps the most impactful trend in digital technologies in the last decade has been the advent of mobile technologies.
Beginning with the simple cell phone in the 1990s and evolving into the smartphones and tablets of today, mobile growth has
been overwhelming.
Smartphones were introduced in the 1990s. This new industry has exploded into a trillion-dollar industry with $484B spent on
smartphones, $176B in mobile advertising, $118B in Apps, $77B in accessories, $25B in wearables (Statista, 2020.) For more
details, please view The Trillion-Dollar Smartphone Economy.
EVO is designed to provide power without pain. Retrieved December 10, 2020, from
Statista. The Trillion-Dollar Smartphone Economy (2019). Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
Lifewire. The 7 Best Smart Clothes of 2020. Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
Report of the Secretary-General Roadmap for Digital Cooperation (June 2020.) Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
World Internet Usage and Population Statistics 2020 Year-Q3 Estimates (2020). Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
Personal communication
Video communication technologies such as Voice-over-IP (VoIP) have given consumers a means to communicate with each
other for free instead of paying for expensive traditional phone lines through free services such as Microsoft Skype and
WhatApp The combined use of smartphones, VoIP, more powerful servers, among others, have made landlines outdated and
expensive. By 2019, the number of landlines had decreased to less than 40% from 90% in 2004 (, 2019.)
The above trend continues to affect other industries, such as the consumers’ exodus of cable services or pay-TV to streaming
services, a phenomenon called ‘cutting the cord’ due to the rise of companies such as Netflix and Hulu. By 2022, it is
estimated that the number of households not paying for TV services in North America will grow to around 55.1 million
(, 2019). The convergence of TV, computers, and entertainment will continue as technologies become easier to use
and the infrastructure such as 5G networks, to deliver data becomes faster.
Virtual environment
Telecommuting has been a trend that ebbs and flows as companies experiment with technologies to allow their workers to
work from home. However, with the Covid-19 pandemic, telecommuting became essential as people worldwide worked from
home to comply with national or regional stay-at-home orders. The debate over the merit of telework has been set aside, and
its adoption spread to many industries that have eschewed this use of technology. For example, therapy counseling, medical
visits with primary care providers can now be done remotely. The Post-pandemic work environment may not necessarily be
the same as it was. Now, organizations have gained valuable insights about having most, if not all, of their entire workforce
work from home. In one year, Zoom, the name of a relatively unknown company providing video communications, became a
household word, gaining 37% in usage rate, with Microsoft Teams trailing at 19%, Skype at 17%, Google Hangouts at 9%,
and slack at 7% (Statista, 2020)
Figure 13.2.1 : A woman using the Manus VR glove development kit in 2016. (CC BY-SA 4.0; Manus VR via Wikipedia)
3D Printing
3D printing completely changes our current thinking of what a printer is or the notion of printing. We typically use printers to
print reports, letters, or pictures on physical papers. A 3-D printer allows you to print virtually any 3-D object based on a
model of that object designed on a computer. 3-D printers work by creating layer upon layer of the model using malleable
materials, such as different types of glass, metals, wax, or even food ingredients
3-D printing is quite useful for prototyping the designs of products to determine their feasibility and marketability. 3-D
printing has also been used to create working prosthetic legs or handguns. Icon can print a 500sqt home in 48 hours for
$10,000. NASA wants to print pizzas for astronauts, and we can now print cakes too. In 2020, The US Air Force produces the
first 3D-printed metal part for aircraft engines.
This technology can potentially affect the global value chain to develop products, and entrepreneurs can build prototypes in
their garage or provide solutions to some social challenges. For example, producing a prototype of a 3D object for research
and engineering can now be done in-house using a 3D printer which speeds up the development time. Tiny homes can be
provided at a fraction of a cost of a traditional home.
With the rising need from consumers for more personalization (as discussed earlier), this technology may help businesses
deliver on this need through shoes, clothing, and even 3D printed cars.
CAVE2 immerses scientists and engineers in their research -- literally! - Science Nation (2013). Retrieved December 10, 2020,
I Printed a 3D Gun (2013). Retrieved December 10, 2020, from
NASA astronauts may soon be able to 3D-print pizzas in space (2017). Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
Printed homes (2018). Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
US Air Force produces the first 3D-printed metal part for aircraft engines (2020.) Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
A trend that is emerging is autonomous robots and vehicles. By combining software, sensors, and location technologies,
devices that can operate themselves to perform specific functions are being developed. These take the form of creations such
as medical nanotechnology robots (nanobots), self-driving cars, self-driving trucks, drones, or crewless aerial vehicles (UAVs).
A nanobot is a robot whose components are on a nanometer scale, which is one-billionth of a meter. While still an emerging
field, it is showing promise for applications in the medical field. For example, a set of nanobots could be introduced into the
human body to combat cancer or a specific disease. In March of 2012, Google introduced the world to their driverless car by
releasing a video on YouTube showing a blind man driving the car around the San Francisco area (or search for "Self-Driving
Car Test: Steve Mahan). The car combines several technologies, including a laser radar system, worth about $150,000.
By 2020, 38 states have enacted some legislation allowing various activities from conducting studies, limited pilot testing, full
deployment of commercial motor vehicles without a human operator; The details can be found at
Autonomous Vehicles. Retrieved December 10, 2020, from
Chui, M. and Roberts R (2010, March 1). The Internet of Things. Retrieved December 10, 2020, from
Rouse, Margaret (2019). Internet of things (IoT). IoT Agenda. Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
SAE International Releases Updated Visual Chart for Its “Levels of Driving Automation” Standard for Self-Driving Vehicles
(2018). Retrieved December 10, 2020, from
Statista. Commercial Drones are Taking Off (2019). Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
A blockchain is a set of blocks or a list of records linked using cryptography to record a transaction and track assets in a
network. Anything of value can be considered an asset and be tracked. Examples include a house, cash, patents, a brand. Once
a transaction is recorded, it cannot be changed retroactively. Hence, it is considered highly secured.
Blockchain has many applications, but bitcoin is mostly associated with it because it was the first application using blockchain
technology. Sometimes bitcoin and blockchain are mistakenly meant to be the same thing, but they are not.
Bitcoin is digital money or a cryptocurrency. It is an open-source application built using blockchain technology. It is meant to
eliminate the need for a central bank since people can directly send bitcoins. Simply put, bitcoin keeps track of a list of who
sends how many bitcoins to another person. One difference with today’s money is that a bitcoin's value fluctuates since it
works like a stock. Anyone can buy different bitcoin cryptocurrencies or other cryptocurrencies on bitcoin exchanges such as
Coinbase. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are accepted by a few organizations such as Wikimedia, Microsoft, Wholefoods.
However, bitcoin’s adoption is still uncertain. If the adoption by major companies is accelerated, then banking locally and
globally will change significantly.
Some early businesses have begun to use blockchain as part of their operations. Kroger uses IBM blockchain to trace food
from the farms to its shelves to respond to food recalls quickly ( Amazon Managed Blockchain is a fully managed
service that makes it easy to create and manage scalable blockchain networks.
Figure 13.4.1 : Sophia, First Robot Citizen at the AI for Good Global Summit 2018. Image by ITU Pictures is licensed under
CC BY 2.0
3. Natural language: voice as a form of communication with our smart devices is now the norm—for example, Apple’s Siri,
Amazon’s Alexa.
4. Vision: advanced progress has been made towards camera technologies and solutions to store and manipulate visual
images. Examples include advanced security systems, drones, face recognition, smart glasses, etc.
5. Learning systems: Learning systems allow a computer (i.e., a robot) to react to situations based on the immediate
feedback it receives or the collection of feedback stored in its system. Simple forms of these learning systems can be found
today in customers' online-chat support, also known as ‘AI bot.’ One such example is IBM’s Watson Assistant.
6. Neural networks: This is a collection of hardware and software technologies. The hardware includes wearable devices
that allow humans to control machines using thoughts such as Honda Motor’s Brain-Machine Interface. This is still in the
research phase, but its results can impact many industries such as healthcare.
The goal of 100% duplicating a human brain has not been achieved yet since no AI systems have passed the Alan Turing test
known as Turing Test to answer the question 'Can a machine think?" Alan is widely considered a founder of the AI field and
devises a test to a machine's ability to show the equivalent intelligent behavior to that humans. The test does not look for
correct answers but rather answers closely resemble those a human would give.
Figure 13.4.2 : Alan Turing Aged 16. Image is licensed Public Domain
Even though AI has not been to duplicate a human brain yet, its advances have introduced many AI-based technologies such
as AI bot, robotics in many industries. AI progress has contributed to producing many practical business information systems
Boston Dynamics’ dog-like robot Spot is being used on coronavirus social distancing patrol (2020). Retrieved December 13,
2020, from
Changing your idea of what robots can do. Retrieved December 13, 2020, from
Honda's Brain-Machine Interface: controlling robots by thoughts alone (2009). Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
Kroger uses IBM Blockchain technology for farm to fork food traceability. Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
Menard A., Ostojic I., and Patel M. (2020, February 6). A game plan for quantum computing. Retrieved December 10, 2020,
The smarter AI assistant for business. Retrieved December 11, 2020, from
Study Questions
1. Which countries are the biggest users of the Internet? Social media? Mobile?
2. Which region had the largest Internet growth (in %) as of this year?
3. Identify the top three social media networks by active users?
4. How many people worldwide still need to be connected?
5. Explain what a virtual environment is.
6. What are two different applications of wearable technologies?
7. What are two different applications of collaborative technologies?
8. What capabilities do printable technologies have?
9. What makes anything an Internet of Think?
10. What is a UAV?
11. What is Conditional Automation?
12. What is a nanobot?
13. What is a humanoid?
14. Explain what Artificial intelligence is.
1. If you were going to start a new technology business, which of the emerging trends do you think would be the biggest
opportunity? Do some original research to estimate the market size.
2. What could privacy concerns be raised by collaborative technologies such as Zoom?
3. Do some research about the first handgun printed using a 3-D printer and report some of the concerns raised.
4. Write up an example of how the Internet of Things might provide a business with a competitive advantage.
5. How do you think wearable technologies could improve overall healthcare?
6. What potential problems do you see with a rise in the number of driverless cars? Do some independent research and write a
two-page paper that describes where driverless cars are legal and what problems may occur.