Ead 519 Case Study Special Education
Ead 519 Case Study Special Education
Ead 519 Case Study Special Education
Aaron Mckee
A summary of the case is that a large school lost their testing center coordinator due to
budget cuts at a district level. As a result, more work was placed on overloaded teachers who are
struggling to see a feasible solution. There are several issues to be resolved including how the
school can accommodate the considerable number of 504 and IEPs (Individualized Education
There are a few stakeholders involved in the issues of this case including parents,
students, and teachers. Each of these stakeholders has been impacted by the changes made that
impact them. One existing court ruling that relates to the issues in this case is the School Funding
Reform Act (SFRA) – in 2011‐12 in which the New Jersey State Supreme Court ordered the
Governor to restore a $42 million dollar cut from Newark’s budget from 2010.
Hillsboro School District policies that relate to the issues are HSD 1J Code: CCG
Adopted: 10/30/07 Revised/Readopted: 11/25/14. This requires that the superintendent regularly
report to the school board on a personal evaluation of the support systems and educator
I see several workable solutions to the issues at hand in this case. First, I would address
the situation and request alternative solutions with the district. I would also look at the needs and
numbers of the students represented and plan to move to another staff position to accommodate it
or combine monies with a partner school or schools so that we can all utilize a single position
between all the sites. A long-term solution would be to obtain a government grant to cover the
The solutions I chose to resolve the issues are communication and partnership with the
district as well as seeking a combined position with other schools. I would prioritize a meeting at
the district within the week and begin calling potential partner schools right away. I believe that
when a solution is approved, we will be able to implement our hiring process immediately
following approval. This could take 2 -3 weeks at the earliest, so I would make sure to shift staff
When I consider the potential moral and legal consequences of my chosen solutions, I
understand that these solutions must be ethical and equitable in fairness and not build reliance. In
special education programs we must facilitate in such a way that students are not overly reliant
on services they receive in school (Ethical Issues for Special Education Programs, 2013). I also
know that there are basic rights of students with disabilities that must be weighed so that no
individual is discriminated against in the school environment due to their disability (Individuals
Part 2: Rationale
This case is a huge opportunity for the principal to fight for their students. This is an issue
that involves social justice of students whose needs are obviously not on the forefront of
informing how we need to educate them. This is such a large school that it is easy for those who
are more marginalized to get lost in the system, therefore becoming victims of budget cuts which
threaten the ability of the school to keep the laws of the land. By requesting help from the
district, I am making them aware that we are facing a challenge, and we are also potentially
marshaling resources that are bigger than ourselves. This type of collaboration is just what is
needed to bring our crisis to the attention of the people in power who have a different leverage
As I think about the stakeholders involved and how they have been impacted by the
budget cuts, I need to make sure that they are being handled with integrity, fairness, and
professionalism that goes the extra mile to advocate for them. To do that, we need to collaborate
with the staff, the district, and other professionals who may be facing the same problem of not
being able to maintain proper ratios in their staffing. I would seek the council that is able to help
our team assess our legal liabilities as well as finding out how to formulate the procedural
Allen, L., Granum, M., Lopez, E., Martinez, Y., Spross, J., Strelchun, K., & Watson, M. (2018).
Ethical Issues for Special Education Programs. (2013). The Classroom | Empowering Students in
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). (2022, September 2). Individuals with