Logic Manager Specification and Technical Data: Detergant
Logic Manager Specification and Technical Data: Detergant
Logic Manager Specification and Technical Data: Detergant
Specification and
Technical Data
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TDC 3000X
Specification and
Logic Manager Technical Data
Introduction 3
Universal Control Network 3
Network Interface Module 3
Functional Description 4
Functional Overview 4
Data Point Types 5
Alarm System Functions 6
Point Mix 6
Point Processing 7
Physical Characteristics 7
Standard Configuration 7
Processor Card File (Rack) 7
I/O Card Files (Racks) 7
Options 7
I/O Subsystems 7
Logic Manager Redundancy 8
Special Processor Modules 8
Program Loaders 9
Other Options 9
Specifications 10
Processor and I/O Card Files 10
Processor Card File 10
Serial I/O 11
Module Tables 12
Digital Input Modules 12
Digital Output Modules 13
Analog Input Modules 14
Analog Output Modules 14
Special Function I/O Modules 14
Special Function LM Processor
File Modules 14
Manager UNIVERSAL Logic
HIWAY Data Process
Hiway Manager Advanced
Boxes Process
Advanced Manager
Remote I/O
Smartline 3000
are available for maintenance. All Digital Input shows a diagram representing the
diagnostic information that is major parameters associated with
provided in the Logic Manager is A Logic Manager digital input (DI) this type of point. It shows how
available at the US. can be acquired from any the commanded state is passed
designated status location within from the LMM to the Control
the LM Control Processor Processor, where it can be
Data Point Types memory. Typically, it would be processed by the ladder logic
mapped to an Input Status Table program. Permissives and
Nine operator-displayable point address that contains the status of interlocks, if built into the Control
types can be configured for the a process connection. Scan time Processor logic, are
Logic Manager: is fixed at twice per second, and communicated to the LMM where
• Digital Input up to 1866 digital input points can they can influence the resulting
be processed. LMM output parameter (OP).
• Digital Output
Process feedback can be
• Digital Composite provided through one or two
• Analog Input Digital Output
optional inputs (D1, D2). The
• Analog Output A digital output (DO) request from status of a local manual switch can
• Linkage an operator or system device is also be monitored to show if the
• Flag passed directly to the Control outputs are being controlled by
Processor for immediate the Control Processor or by an
• Numeric external device. A maximum of
• Timer processing. The request is written
into the designated memory 304 DC points can be
location—normally the Output implemented. Group, detail, and
Note that these data points are graphic display support of all point
configured uniquely for the Logic Status Table. The Logic Manager
Module monitors the Control parameters is provided.
Manager Module. The user
assigns these points to the field Processor point, and places the
I/O points that are read and stored latest status in the LMM’s “current
status” table. Up to 1950 digital Analog Input
in the Control Processor Data
Tables described earlier, or to outputs points can be processed
The LMM can be configured to
internal registers and coils. In at a fixed rate of twice per second.
process analog inputs (AIs) either
many cases, such as in Digital once or twice per second. At the
Composite points, multiple I/O 1-second rate, up to 254 points
points will be combined into a Digital Composite
can be accommodated; at the 1/2-
single LM point for greater second rate, 127 points can be
meaning on the operator display. Digital composite (DC) points are
Some field points will not require multi-input/multi-output digital
associated Logic Manager points. points. They provide an improved
Engineering unit conversion and
Therefore, the number of different view of the process to the
limit checking is performed on
types of data points configured for operator. They are primarily
each of these points. Alarms can
the Logic Manager may differ from faceplates to display motor control
be generated accordingly and
the actual numbers of I/O points functions implemented in the relay
there is provision for alarm
connected to the I/O modules. ladder logic program. Figure 5
From Operator
or Program Commanded P0 I0 New Permissives Interlocks
State P1 P2 I1 I2 State
Register Module Memory
(2 or 3 State Option)
Off-Normal Bad OP Ladder
Command Disagree D1 Logic Control
Inputs (Opt.)
Uncommanded Change D2 Outputs
LMM Indicator
Control Processor
Analog Output There may be up to 1024 numeric Alarm messages include the
points, and they can be optionally “Alarm Limit Exceeded” indication.
An analog output (AO) from the configured with a unique tag Analog inputs that are connected
UCN is converted by the LMM to name. to another configured tag, such as
the Control Processor format, and a regulatory slot in a PM, can have
then queued as a “write its alarms assigned to that tag,
command” for the designated thereby providing a single
Control Processor register, to be interface to the operator. LM
The timer point offers access to
processed during the next ladder digital input points can be
registers that are associated with
logic scan. After the write configured for “off-normal” alarms
relay ladder logic timers. The point
command, the LMM reads the or for alarms triggered by a change
controls the timer by writing to the
value from the Control Processor in the process variable.
Run Contact and Accumulator. Up
register and returns it to the LMM Digital composite points provide
to 700 timer points can be
database for history, logging, or for off-normal alarms for inputs.
processed, and full control of the
operator inquiry. Where there are both inputs and
timer by the operator is supported.
outputs, Command Disagree
Like analog inputs, the LMM cycle alarms can be established. This
for analog output points can be provides for the situation where
Alarm System Functions
configured to process points the actual state changes relative to
either once or twice per second. the commanded state, as well as
The Logic Manager supports
Depending on this selection, the many of the extensive alarming when the actual state fails to track
maximum number for analog features of TDC 3000. As process the commanded state within a
outputs can be either 965 or 482, alarms are detected, they are configurable time period.
respectively. brought to the operator’s attention
at the Universal Station through
Point Mix
Linkage keyboard LEDs and a variety of
displays including alarm The Logic Manager Module can
The function of the linkage point summaries, alarm annunciator be configured to process one or
in the LM, also referred to as the displays, group displays, and any combination of the point
“logic point,” is to transfer data custom graphic displays. Contacts types, within the individual point-
between UCN and Control also are provided for connection type maximum limits (Table 1),
Processor connections. Any of customer-supplied devices Control Processor constraints
pairing is acceptable, and can such as audible signals or external related to transfer table capacity,
include unsigned, integer, and annunciators. Because alarms can and the overall constraint of total
real data formats. This point is the be confined to selected areas or allotted “processing units” (2800).
basis for the LM application-level units, operators need not be The processing unit totals are
support of peer-to-peer subjected to alarms that do not calculated from processing unit
communications on the UCN. relate to their specific values associated with each point
Each linkage point can assignments. type. Table 2 shows the
accommodate 12 input calculations for a sample
connections and 12 outputs. LM analog inputs can be configuration.
UCN connections are limited to a configured for High/Low alarm
maximum of 45 inputs and 50 detection, with a fixed deadband
outputs. Point processing takes or engineering-unit deadband. Point Processing
place at 1/2-second intervals.
I/O Card Files (“Racks”) Figure 6 — Modules in Single Processor Card File 11790
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The Parallel I/O Subsystem is Figure 7 — Redundant LM Configuration With Serial I/O 11785
Program Loaders The Logic Manager normally The Logic Manager is a powerful
includes one or more standard and highly flexible product.
The Model 623-60 Loader is a Honeywell UCN cabinets. Although the standard options
package designed to run on an Optionally, NEMA 12 enclosures have been briefly described
MS-DOS-compatible personal can be supplied. Remote above, other options to meet
computer. It contains a serial mounting of serial I/O card files can special requirements can also be
interface board, floppy disks, and also be accommodated. supported. Contact your
appropriate manuals. Honeywell representative for more
In addition to the many types of I/O information.
modules, related I/O hardware is
Other Options available.
Surge Current (amps) 15 for 1 cycle from Register Size (bits) 17 (16 + sign bit)
cold start
Ladder Logic Program
Power Fail Level Memory Size 24 kwords
Vac 115-85
Vac 230-190 Timers
Vdc 24-19 Maximum Number 1024
On/Off delay time Up to 65,535 sec.
Power Fail Delay (ms) Resolution 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 sec.
115 Vac 11.5
24 Vdc 7.0 Counters Up
Operating Temperature (°C) 0-60 Up/Down
Serial I/O
Parameter Specification/Description
Data Transfer Medium Serial 4-wire full duplex (asynchronous to processor scan)
Serial Channel Scan Rate Function of the number of card files per link, the number of
card files containing PUSH/PULL cards, and the number of
PUSH/PULL cards updated per scan (all or 1 per scan)
Maximum Channel Length 4,000 ft. (Belden 9729 with 200 ohm terminating resistor) or
10,000 ft. (Belden 9182 with 300 ohm terminating resistor)
Operating Current
Serial Link Module, Model 621-9939 2.60 A (+5 Vdc typical)
Serial I/O Module, Model 621-9940 2.03 A (+5 Vdc typical)
Serial I/O Module, Model 621-9938R 2.06 A (+5 Vdc typical)
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Module Tables
The following tables show I/O options and special processor file options for the Logic Manager. For the
individual I/O module specifications, see the Honeywell Logic Controller 621 I/O Specifications User Manual.
* The IEEE 518 signal class is application-dependent and can vary with the voltage and current present
in the wiring.
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* The IEEE 518 signal class is application-dependent and can vary with the voltage and current present
in the wiring.
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While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Honeywell disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and
makes no express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its customer.
In no event is Honeywell liable to anyone for any indirect, special or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice.