:> 4110m
time ( )
Figure 5.4 Voltage fluctuations at the drain of the current source transistor
As shown in figure 5.4.a, the voltage fluctuation at the drain of the current source
transistor without the cascode current source is equal to 8OmV. On the other hand,
figure 5.4.b shows the voltage variation is reduced tolOmV with the help of cascode
current source transistor. Hence, with the help of the cascode transistor the current
source transistor is shield from the voltage fluctuations at the common source node of
the switches. The settling time of the DAC is also improved due to the small size
cascode current source transistor.
Chapter 5. Results
5.4 Error source analysis
In the following plot, the perfonnance (SFDR) of the DAC is plotted versus the input
frequency. As shown in figure 5.5, at the lower input frequencies a SFDR up to 80dB
is achievable. On the other hand, at higher frequencies i.e. especially the interested
band of frequencies (600MHz-IGHz) the SFDR is limited between 66 to 60dB.
iii" 50
50 75 100 150 300 600 900 1000
Input Frequency (MHz)
Figure 5.5 SFDR versus input frequency
Several tests are perfonned to analyze the error sources, which are limiting the
perfonnance of the DAC at higher signal frequencies. As shown in figure 5.6, extra
capacitances are added to investigate the dominating error source in the unit current
Chapter 5. Results
Figure 5.6 Schematic for error source analysis
The effects of extra capacitance at the gate-drain of the current switches (Cgd), at the
common source node of the switches (C
) and at the output of the current switches
) are plotted in figure 5.7.a. In figure 5.7.b, the integer multiples of the initial
(schematic level parasitic capacitance) values of the capacitance Cgd (2fF), C
and Ccs (18fF) are plotted versus the performance. In these simulations, an ideal
driver is used to switch the current switches. The driver current, Idriver = 200JlA is used
and the voltage swing of the control signal is OAV.
Chapter S. Results
SFDR extra Cgd, Ccs and Coul (ldriver 200mA)
en 45
100 10
Total Cgd. Cout and Ccs (IF)
30 +-+--_-'-----1
SFDR versus multiples of initial Cgd, Ccs and Cout
0:: 55
40 +-------------+--------1
f (Cap) = Clolall Cinilial (Cgd. Gout and Ccs) (fF)
FigureS.? a) Effect of extra Cgd, C
and COulon the DAC perfonnance b) Effect of
integer multiple value of the Cgd, C
and COUlon the perfonnance of the DAC
I Note: Initial (schematic-level parasitic) value oflhe Cgd = 2fF for the switch size ofWslLs = 10.5/0.15 llm, the
on state capacitance of the unit current cell, Cout = 19fF and Ccs = 18fF for the cascode current source transistor
size equal to W/L = 28/0.2811m.
Chapter 5. Results
Figure 5.7.a. and figure 5.7.b. show that the effect of the gate-drain overlap
capacitance, Cgd dominates. The schematic-level parasitic capacitance value of Cgd (ov)
is 2fF, for a switch size equal to WsiL
= IO.5Ilm/0.15Ilm. It is clear from figure 5.7.a
that the performance curve starts rolling off at Cgd(ov)= 2fF. The performance (SFDR)
is affected due to the large gate-drain overlap capacitance.
504.1 Effects of the small Cgd and driver current on the performance
The small switch size and the small voltage swing of the switch control signal favour
the charge reduction. In this design, the control signal voltage swing was selected as
OAV and the switch size is WsiL
=IO.5Ilm/0.15Ilm (Cgd (ov) =2fF). One of the possible
solutions to reduce the charge feedthrough is to use a small size switch transistor, i.e.
small gate-drain overlap capacitance, Cgd (ov). To check the effect of a smaller gate-
drain overlap capacitance (smaller than 2fF) of the switching transistor, a simulation
test was performed with negative values of Cgd (2fF + additional negative value). The
simulation result is presented in figure 5.8.
80 -,-------r-----,--___,------,
30 +--------'--------'--+-----+--------'------j
20 + - - ~ - _ _ _ , - + - _ _ _ , - ' - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - j
100 10
10 +----'------+---'----+--------1
Figure 5.8 Effects of small Cgd and boosted driver circuits.
As shown in figure 5.8 (curve I), the DAC performance can be improved up to 70dB,
if the gate-drain overlap capacitance of the switch is smaller than 2fF. A large size
current switch means a large gate-drain overlap capacitance and that results in
increased charge injection in the output terminal of the DAC. Hence, the dynamic
performance of the DAC is mainly affected by the charge feedthrough error.
Chapter 5. Results
Curve 2, in figure 5.8 shows the effect of the driver current on the performance of the
DAC. The driver current" is increased from to As shown in figure 5.7,
the performance is improved by increasing the driver current, because a large driver
current results in a large slope and hence, small timing spread. However, with the
increased driver current the performance of the DAC also starts degrading for Cgd
equal to 2fF.
5.4.2 Effect of output cascode on the performance of the DAC
In this design, the output cascode transistors are used to isolate the drains of the
switching transistors from the voltage fluctuation at the global output node of the
DAC. The output cascode transistor source is a low impedance point. Hence, the
voltage variation at the inner node of the current source is very small. In this section, a
test is 'proposed to analyze the effect of the output cascode transistor on the
performance of the DAC. The test results are not fully investigated at this moment.
The test schematic is shown in figure5.9, where the output cascode is buffered from
the drain of the current switch transistor and applying a fixed voltage to the drain of
the switches.
Figure 5.9 Test schematic for output cascode
Chapter 5. Results
As shown in figure 5.9, the drain voltage of the switch transistor is fixed at 0.72V i.e.
the drain voltage of the turned on switch transistor and the same current is copied into
the corresponding output cascode transistor by a current controlled current source.
This test shows that for the fixed voltage (0.72V) at the drain of the switch transistor
the perfonnance was improved to 72dB. The perfonnance versus the drain voltage of
switching transistor is plotted in figure 5.10.
iii 68
0.8 0.9
Drain voltage 01 switch transistor (VI
1.1 1.2
Figure 5.10 SFDR versus drain voltage of switch transistor
As shown in figure 5.10, ifthe voltage at the drain of the switch transistor is increased
towards l.2V i.e. off voltage of the switch, then the perfonnance is degraded. The
causes of this perfonnance degradation are not this moment clear. However, this
simulation shows that a small voltage variation at the drain of the switch transistor
results in better perfonnance. This indicates that the output cascode needs to be design
in such a way that the inner node of the unit current cell will experience smaller
voltage variations.
Chapter 6. Conclusions
6 Conclusions
The problems associated with the current cell design in CMOS090 process were taken
into account and the different current cell architectures were analyzed. The different
current cell topologies were compared based on the physical problems associated with
high-speed DACs. The analyses were performed mainly for the output resistance and
capacitance modulation of the unit current cell, charge feedthrough and modulation of
the settling time. The comparison based on these analyses showed that each current
cell architecture has advantages and disadvantages.
The basic current cell architecture (figure 3.1) suffers from all three errors such as
charge feedthrough, voltage fluctuations at the common source node and the signal
dependent output impedance modulation. This is, because the current source switches
are exposed to the dynamic output node of the DAC. In the cascode configuration
current cell (figure 3.3), the current source transistor is shielded from the voltage
variation at the common source node of the switches. The cascode current source
transistor also improves the settling time of the DAC. However, this current cell
architecture suffers from the charge feedthrough error. The cascode current source
with the cascoded switches architecture (figure 3.4) is one of the possible solutions for
reducing the charge feedthrough. However, the benefits of the cascoding are limited
due to the low voltage headroom in CMOS090. Hence, a new current cell topology
was explored to resolve this low voltage headroom problem associated with the
CMOS090 process. In this new approach thick oxide layer transistors were used as
output cascode. These thick oxide output cascode transistors improved the voltage
headroom and showed better performance at a full-scale output current of20mA.
A circuit application of the selected unit current cell architecture (figure 3.5) has been
presented. The circuit is based on a 12-bit DAC with 5/7, thermometerlbinary-
segmented architecture. In this DAC, the cascoded current source with the thick oxide
cascoded switch was used. The thick oxide output cascode transistors solve the
limited voltage headroom problem in CMOS090. The thick oxide transistors can
operate up to 3.3V but care should be taken that the voltage headroom at the drain of
the switching transistors is limited below 1.2V. In this design, an auxiliary current of
6/-lA was used to limit the voltage. Hence, the new current cell topology increased the
voltage headroom significantly, but it requires an additional biasing current.
The unit current cell with thick oxide cascoded switches can operate with a 3.2GHz
clock frequency. At 3.2GHz clock frequency and a signal frequency of 600MHz the
SFDR is equal to 66dB and at low signal frequencies the SFDR is equal to 80dB.
Numbers of analyses were performed to investigate the error source, which is limiting
the performance at high signal frequencies. The output impedance of the DAC is code
dependent and at the higher frequencies the modulation of the output capacitance is
more dominating than the output resistance. From the analyses results, it can be
concluded that the charge feedthrough mainly affects the dynamic performance of the
56 .
Chapter 6. Conclusions
DAC. The charge feedthrough depends on the size of the switches and the voltage of
the node where the charge is injected.
Chapter 7. Recommendations
7 Recommendations
In order to have benefits of cascoding, the voltage headroom should be sufficient to
keep current source transistor in saturation. The use of the current cell architecture
with cascoded current source and cascoded switches (figur3.4) is limited in
CMOS090 process due to the low voltage headroom. One of the possible ways to
improve the headroom is, to reduce the output load resistance of the DAC. However,
by changing the load resistance the signal power is changed. The DAC output is
connected through a 1: 1 transformer to a son load (0.5V voltage swing). Hence, with
a proper choice of transformer ratio and reduced output load resistance of the unit
current cell the voltage headroom can be increased without changing the output signal
The effect of charge feedthrough, on the performance of the DAC is required to be
investigated in detail. During the layout of the design, special attention should be
paid to the gate-drain overlap capacitance of the current switches.
During the design of the output cascoded switches the care should be taken in sizing
the output cascode transistors and setting the proper value of the auxiliary current,
within an optimum trade-off.
The effect of the cascoded switches on the performance of the DAC should be
investigated further.
8 Appendix
In this chapter, the circuit implementations are presented.
8.1 Circuit Implementation of the DAC
Chapter 8. Appendix
Ideal AID
Ideal Decoder(VHDL) Master
BinarylThermometer(S-bit) Latches
Figure 8.1 Implementation ofthe DAC
Chapter 8. Appendix
8.2 Circuit implementation of the master latch and buffer
". WIld
. "
Figure 8.2 Implementation ofthe master latch and buffer
8.3 Circuit implementation of the slave latch
.... w
d............."' ... datG-
Figure 8.3 Implementation of slave latch
Chapter 8. Appendix
8.4 Circuit implementation of the current cell and the driver
Figure 8.4 Implementation of the unit current cell and driver
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