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Design of a Unit Current Cell for a

12-bit 3.2GHz Current Steering

Digital-to-Analog Converter
Shalaka E. Zite
April 11, 2006
Master of Science thesis
Project Period: July 2005 - March 2006
Ir. P.C.W. van Beek
Dr. ir. J.A. Hegt
Dr. ir. J. Briaire
Prof. dr. ir. A. H. M. van Roennund
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Eindhoven University of Technology
does not accept any responsibility regarding the contents of Master's Theses.
This thesis presents the design of a unit current cell for a 12-bit current steering
Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) with 3.2GHz clock frequency. Some of the
physical problems associated with the unit current cell design for a high speed current
steering DAC are discussed in this thesis. The circuit is designed in Philips
CMOS090, 90nm process, with a supply voltage of 1.2V. The design is based on a
differential current steering topology. The differential output of the DAC is loaded
with the two 250 resistor and a full-scale differential voltage ofO.5Vpp is generated.
The unit current cell is designed for a 5/7 thermometer/binary segmented DAC. The
simulated DAC converts five most significant bits (MSBs) into the thermometer code,
which controls the 31 unit current sources. The remaining 7 least significant bits
(LSBs) control seven binary-scaled current sources. In this design a 5-bit (VHDL)
binary/thermometer decoder is used.
Several current cell architectures are compared based on the physical problems
associated with the current cell design. Cascoding is found to be the best option to
overcome the error sources associated with the unit current cell design. However, the
low supply voltage of I.2V in CMOS090 limits the cascoding benefits. In this thesis,
a new topology is presented to solve this low voltage headroom problem.
The demand for high-speed Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs) and Analog-to-
Digital Converters (ADCs) is increasing tremendously. DACs designed in CMOS
technology are becoming more and more popular in high-speed communication,
instrumentation and data acquisition system. During the past few years, the
requirements of multiple carriers in CDMA, WCDMA and GSM systems mandated
the use of a DAC, which provides the highest level of dynamic performance. In short
the two performances like high conversion rate and high resolution are the key issues
in the DACs design.
Current-steering DACs can be made with several different architectures. One of the
freedoms is the segmentation, which is defined as a ratio between the thermometer
code and the binary code part of the DAC. Another aspect of the architecture is a
design of an individual current cell. In this thesis, the unit current cell design is
implemented for a segmented architecture DAC. The design is simulated for the 5/7
thermometerlbinary segmented current steering DAC. The goal is to explore a suitable
current cell topology for a 12-bit DAC in CMOS090 90nm process in order to
enhance the dynamic performance of the DAC. Designing of the unit current cell
requires understanding of the error mechanisms, which influences the dynamic
performance of the DAC. For the different current cell architectures the error sources
have to be analyzed. The architecture choice for a unit current cell is made based on
the analysis of the physical problems associated with the high-speed current steering
In chapter' I, the basic principles of digital-to-analog conversion are explained.
Section 1.1 gives an overview of the most important performance definitions of the
DACs. The different error sources associated with high-speed DACs are described in
chapter 2. Main focus is on the physical problems associated with the unit current cell
design. In chapter 3, the different current cell topologies are presented. Based on the
error analyses, the different current cell architectures are compared. Chapter 4
presents a detailed design of the selected architecture. Finally, simulation results of
the selected unit current cell design are explained in chapter 5 and conclusions are
described in chapter 6.
1 Digital-to-Analog Conversion 5
1.1 Perfonnance definitions of Digital-to-Analog Converters 5
1.1.1 INL and DNL Error 5
1.1.2 Harmonic distortion (HDk) 6
1.1.3 Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) 7
1.1.4 Signal-to-Noise and distortion ration (SNDR) 7
1.1.5 Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) 7
1.2 Architecture of Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs) 8
1.2.1 Binary weighted DACs 9
1.2.2 Thennometer DACs 10
1.2.3 Segmentation 11
2 Error Analysis of Current Steering DACs 14
2.1 Matching Error 14
2.2 Finite output impedance 16
2.2.1 Modulation of rise and fall time 20
2.2.2 Charge feedthrough 21
2.3 Timing error 23
3 Architecture Choice for a Unit Current Cell 26
3.1 Basic unit current cell 26
3.2 The cascode configuration current cell 28
3.3 The cascode configuration current cell with cascoded switches 29
3.4 The cascode current cell with thick oxide layer cascoded switch 30
3.5 Comparison of different current cell architectures 31
4 Design of a Unit Current Cell 35
4.1 Design goals and design specifications 35
4.2 Design considerations 36
4.2.1 Unit current cell 36
4.2.2 Current switches 41
5 Results 46
5.1 Signal dependent output capacitance .46
5.2 Charge feedthrough reduction with thick oxide output cascode switches .. .48
5.3 Voltage fluctuation the output of current source .49
5.4 Error source analysis 50
5.4.1 Effects of the small Cgd and driver current on the perfonnance 53
5.4.2 Effect of output cascode on the perfonnance of the DAC 54
6 Conclusions 56
7 Recommendations 58
8 Appendix 59
8.1 Circuit Implementation of the DAC 59
8.2 Circuit implementation of the master latch and buffer 60
8.3 Circuit implementation of the slave latch 60
8.4 Circuit implementation of the current cell and the driver 61
Chapter 1. Digital-to-Analog Conversion
1 Digital-to-Analog Conversion
Digital-to-analog conversion is an essential function in data processing systems.
Digital-to-analog converters (DACs) generate an analog output (signal) that represents
the digital input (signal). In this chapter different architectures of current steering
digital-to-analog converters will be described and different kinds of properties of
DACs will be discussed; e.g. INL and DNL error, Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Spurious
Free Dynamic Range. These properties and architectures of a DAC determine its
1.1 Performance definitions of Digital-to-Analog Converters
In high speed DACs, it is very important to characterize the performance in time
domain but most of the characterization is done in the frequency domain. The
characterizations can also be divided into static and dynamic properties. The static
properties are given by settled values, and often too optimistic to determine the true
performance of the DAC. The static performance is specified by the imperfections in
four parameters: gain error, offset error, differential nonlinearity (DNL) and integral
nonlinearity (INL). Output offset is defined as a constant dc offset in the transfer
curve of analog output vs. digital input and therefore has no effect on frequency
domain characterization. The gain defines the full-scale output of the DAC in relation
to its reference circuit [1,2]. The DNL and INL static nonlinearities are explained in
the next section. At higher frequencies the dynamic nonlinearities in the DACs
overshadows the static nonlinearities (DNL and INL). The dynamic nonlinearities
occur during the transition phase, they consist of glitches, time skew etc. [3]. In the
following sections the most important properties ofDACs will be discussed.
1.1.1 INL and DNL Error
DAC DC transfer ....ilh errors
~ - . . . . , . .. , Ideal Transfer function with
2 corrected gain and offset
error (Best-fit line)
lnput value ! T ~ m e
Figure 1.1 Non-ideal characteristic illustrating INL and DNL errors in a DAC
Equation 1.1
Chapter 1. Conversion
The INL expresses the deviation from the straight line as shown in figure 1.1. The
ideal line is the ideal transfer function corrected for gain and offset errors. The DNL
expresses how much the difference in output level between two adjacent codes
deviates from the ideal LSB step It is typically measured in least-significant bits
(LSB). The INL is measured as maximum deviation from the best-fit line shown in
figure1.1. The DNL and the INL at step k are defined by [4]
and INL

where a is the corrected input value for offset and gain error and is the LSB step.
Although the DNL and the INL are defined for all k, it is common to use the worst-
case DNL and INL to express the quality of the converter. The worst-case DNL and
the INL is given by,
DNL = maxkE1.....
From equation 1.1 the DNL and INL can be expressed as,
and INL
Equation 1.2
Equation 1.3
Equation 1.4
The INL and the DNL are good measures for identifying which bits that contain the
largest error.
1.1.2 Harmonic distortion (HD
The harmonic distortion with respect to the kth harmonic, HDK, is the ratio of power
between the kthharmonic and the fundamental, which is given by,
Equation 1.5
where P
is the power of the k
harmonic. P1 is the power of the fundamental (P1 = P
signal power). The total harmonic distortion (THD) is the ratio of the total harmonic
distortion power and the power of the fundamental, i.e.

Chapter 1. Digita1-to-Analog Conversion

Equation 1.6
Since, there is an infinite number of harmonics the THD is usually calculated using
the first 10-20 harmonics or until the harmonics no longer can be distinguished from
the noise floor [3].
1.1.3 Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR)
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is the ratio of the power of the fundamental and the
total noise power within a certain frequency band, excluding the harmonic
components, which is given by,
Equation 1.7
where P
is the signal power and P
is the noise power.
1.1.4 Signal-to-Noise and distortion ration (SNDR)
The signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) is the ratio of the power of the
fundamental and the total noise and distortion power within a certain frequency band,
which is given by [5],
SNDR =10log

+ L P
where P
is the signal power and P
is the noise power.
1.1.5 Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR)
Equation 1.8
The spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) is the ratio of the power of the fundamental
component of the signal and the power of the largest spurious (unwanted) tone within
a certain frequency band. SFDR is usually expressed in dB.
SFDR =10 loglo-S
Equation 1.9
where P
is the signal power and Pmax is power of the largest tone in the band of
Chapter 1. Digital-to-Analog Conversion
1.2 Architecture of Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs)
There are different ways to convert a digital code into an analog output [1]. The
architectures choice for DACs partly depends on the application. In all the different
architectures, matched unit components such as resistors, capacitor or transistors are
used to convert the digital input into the analog output. The design presented in this
thesis uses a current steering architecture. Current steering DACs are much faster
compared to the other architectures such as resistor ladder or capacitor architectures
because it does not require an output buffer.
Current steering Digital- to-Analog Converters
The current steering architecture is suitable for high-speed and high-resolution
applications, especially when special care is taken to improve the matching of the
current sources. Conventional current-steering DACs are classified into two groups, a
binary-weighted array and a unit current-cell matrix.
The basic principle of the current- steering DACs is to sum the currents from the
current sources according to the digital input. The current steering DAC with a binary
weighted architecture is shown in figure 1.2. The current sources are connected in
parallel to each other. The current sources are connected to the output node via MOS
switches, which are controlled by the input code. Therefore, the output current of the
DAC is proportional to the input code.

r-I r-I 1
Iref r-I
C C. C
01 02 Ok
Binary Input Code
Figure 1.2: Binary weighted current-steering DAC
Chapter 1. Digital-to-Analog Conversion
1.2.1 Binary weighted DACs
In binary-weighted current-steering DACs the reference current Ire/. as shown in
figure1.2 is multiplied by powers of two, creating larger currents to represent the
higher magnitude digital signal. Each switch switches a current to the output that is
twice as big as the less significant bit. This means that the output current of the k
current source is equal to 2
Ire!' where Iref = ILSB is the current of the least
significant bit.
The advantage of this architecture is that it requires a relatively small area with a
small number of transistors. This means that for a 12-bit converter there are only 12
current sources and an equal amount of switches. One more advantage of this
architecture is its simplicity (no complex decoding logic). In the binary weighted
architectures a special decoder is not required, because the binary input code can be
directly applied to the switches. On the other hand, a large DNL error and an
increased dynamic error are intrinsically linked with this architecture.
~ ~ .
Figure 1.3: (a) Glitch disadvantage for a binary-weighted DAC (b) Matching
problems hurt the DNL performance
In binary weighted DACs due to the large ratio between the LSB and the MSB, it is
difficult to synchronize the switching. At mid-code transitions, 2
unit current
sources are switching on/off and 2N-I -1 unit current sources are switching off/on
(0111 ~ 1000). The output can change by substantially more than 1LSB, which gives
rise to a glitch as shown in figure 1.3.a.
Chapter 1. Digital-to-Analog Conversion
Assuming a nonnal distribution for each current-source with the standard deviation of
cr(I), then the mid scale step cr is given by [6],
CJ"(M) = CJ"(I)
Equation 1.10
where I is the current switched by each current source and N is the number of bits.
The sigma, is a good approximation for the DNL error. The most significant bit
(MSB) current source needs to be matched the sum of all the other current sources to
within LSB. Such matching can never be guaranteed because of the statistical
spread. Therefore, this architecture is not guaranteed monotonic [6]. Matching is an
issue for all bit transitions, but in the binary-weighted DAC the severity of the
matching problem is detennined by the weight of the bit, resulting in a typical
differential nonlinearity (DNL) plot, as shown in figure 1.3.b. The matching of the
MSB current source transistor must be extremely accurate because this limits the
DNL perfonnance of a binary-weighted DAC. Due to these mismatch and glitch
problems, the full binary-weighted architecture does not exceed more than ten bits of
resolution [1].
1.2.2 Thennometer DACs
r 1
Tolerance --
-50")10--- <-
Thermorneklr Coda
1 switch 4 switches
(b) (c)
Figure 1.4: Matching and glitch advantage of a thennometer-code DAC
Chapter 1. Digital-to-Analog Conversion
In thennometer coded DACs, the digital input code is converted into a thennometer
code, which controls the switches. As shown in figure1.4.a, when the digital input
increases by 1 LSB, one additional current source is turned on. Each current branch
produces an equal amount of current, thus for N bit converter, 2
-1 current source
and switches are required, which results in a larger area. Although unit-element arrays
have the drawback of larger area than the binary weighted architectures, they also
have the benefit of guaranteed monotonicity.
In addition, there are several other advantages for thennometer-coded DACs
compared to binary weighted architecture DACs. The matching requirement in
thennometer coded DACs is much relaxed: 50% matching of the unit current source is
good enough for DNL < ~ LSB as shown in figure I.4.b [2]. Thennometer coded
DACs offer a lower glitch energy by minimizing the number of switched current cells
at the mid-code transitions. The glitches hardly contribute to nonlinearity in
thennometer coded DACs. This is because the magnitude of a glitch is proportional to
the number of switches that are actually switching at a given sample time.
As shown in figure IA.c, when the step is small (i.e. one LSB changes), the glitch is
extremely small, and when the step is larger (i.e. four LSBs change), the glitch is
larger. However, as the number of switches that change is proportional to the size of
the signal step, the magnitude of the glitch is directly proportional to the amplitude of
the signal step. Thus the glitch does not cause any nonlinearity in the converter's
analog output signal.
The main disadvantages of the thennometer-coded approach are complex decoding
logic, the large area requirement and high power consumption. For a 12-bit Digital-to-
Analog converter the complete thennometer architecture is not suitable because as
mentioned previously for N bit conversion,2
-1 unit current sources are required.
However, when the DACs specifications call for a high resolution as well as a good
linearity and monotonicity, a combination of binary-weighted and unit-element arrays
can be used to create a segmented digital-to-analog converter.
1.2.3 Segmentation
The combination of a thennometer coded and a binary weighted architecture is found
in most of the DACs. This combination is called segmentation, where the DAC is
divided into two sub DACs, one for the Most Significant Bits (MSBs) and the other
for the Least Significant Bits (LSBs). The thennometer code is used for the MSBs and
the binary weighted code is used for the LSBs. This is due to the thennometer-coded
architecture giving good DNL and the binary-weighted DACs using less area.
The full binary weighted design means 0% segmentation and the full thennometer-
code design means 100% segmentation. The obvious question that arises is how much
to segment the converter (i.e. how many bits should be assigned for the thennometer
part and how many for the binary-weighted part).
Chapter 1. Digital-to-Analog Conversion
A_lor DNL =D.Solsb,INL= 1.O-lsb
THO ex: Non-linear glitch energy
l z8
~ 2"
!; 2'
~ ,.
0 50 100
i i
0 50 100
segmentation [%]
segmentation ['Yo)
blnary lhennomeler
(a) (b)
Figure 1.5: a) Normalized required area versus percentage of segmentation b) THD
versus percentage versus percentage of segmentation, (for lO-bit 500-Msample/s
DAC in 0.35!lm CMOS technology, [7])
The optimum segmentation point is determined as shown in figure 1.5(a). In [7], C.
Hung Lin, et.al, has chosen the segmentation for a IO-bit converter. The DNL and
MSB-LSB glitches versus required area and power determine the segmentation
choice. As shown in figure 1.5.a, the area required for the 0% segmentation is equal to
, where A
is area of the unit current cell. This point is dominated by the size
requirement to get a good DNL specification. As segmentation increases, the
normalized area required decreases. However, at a normalized area of 2
the INL
requirement becomes the limiting specification, for both the binary and the
thermometer code architectures. The INL requirement is independent for a certain
degree of segmentation, which is indicated by the horizontal line in figure I.5.a.
In the thermometer-coded approach extra decoding logic is needed for each current
source, hence the decoding logic demanded by the thermometer-coded section begins
to dominate, with an area equal to 2
Adecode' where Adecode is the area of the digital
decoding logic in each current source cell and M is the number of bits in the MSB
section. The digital logic area becomes more dominant in the size of the converter
because the numbers of current sources increase exponentially with a higher
percentage of segmentation. It is clear from the above plot (Figure.1.5.a), that any
point on the horizontal line would be an optimum level of the segmentation. However,
the glitch performance of the thermometer code architecture is better than of the
binary weighted. The glitch problems with binary weighted coding give rise to the
total harmonic distortion (THD).
As explained in section 1.2.1, the binary weighted architecture DACs give the glitches
at the mid-code transition and the total harmonic distortion is proportional to the
nonlinear glitch energy. Thus, the more bits that are contained in the LSB section, the
higher the glitch energy, as shown in figure I.5.b.
Chapter 1. Digita1-to-Analog Conversion
Therefore, according to the theory in [7], the optimal degree of segmentation occurs at
the rightmost part of the horizonta11ine in the plot, which is still a minimum area and
meets the DNL specification, and has the smallest THD. The MSB-LSB glitches are
important to determine the optimal segmentation level, but there are other sources of
errors, which also determine the optimal segmentation. The maximized segmentation
can cause problems such as complex logic and large number of switching elements.
The thermometer coding does not improve the skew between the switches; this means
that a higher degree of segmentation can result in worse time skew [8].
Chapter 2. Analysis of Current Steering DACs
2 Error Analysis of Current Steering DACs
In this chapter, a number of dynamic issues will be discussed. The performance of the
DAC is limited due to various causes. Some ofthe main errors, which are limiting the
performance, are listed below [3].
Matching error: The variation in the process forces the oxide thickness
threshold voltage, transistor widths, etc., to vary over the chip area. Due to the
mismatch error, the identically designed transistors become unmatched, which
affects the linearity ofDAC.
Finite output impedance: The finite output impedance of the unit current
source strongly affects the linearity of the converter. This is mainly caused by
the non-ideal current source having a finite output impedance, which is signal
Settling time error: A limited settling time will cause the settling error, which
can be signal dependent and hence introduce distortion. The settling errors
occur due to the parasitic capacitances within the current sources.
Charge feedthrough: Due to the capacitive coupling between gate and drain of
the current switch, charge or current will be induced in the output terminal of
the DAC.
Glitches: due to the nonideal switches, different capacitive loads on different
bits and matching errors, there will be a time skew between the bits. This will
introduce the current or voltage spikes at the output, which are called glitches.
2.1 Matching Error
Mismatch is the process that causes time-independent random variation in the
physical quantities of identically designed devices (current sources) [9]. The physical
quantities such as the oxide thickness, threshold voltage, transistor width etc. varies
over the chip area during the creation process. Due to the matching error, identical
designed transistors become unmatched.
The matching determines the accuracy of the current source. The influence of the
matching errors makes the sizes of the transistors to differ from their designed values,
therefore the output current will not be correct. A current source with a mismatch
error can be modeled as an additional current source in parallel with the nominal
current source [4].
Chapter 2. Analysis of Current Steering DACs
~ u t
Figure 2.1 A model of the current source with error current source, Mu
It is assumed that the fI-1 unit current sources are used to define the current source
shown in figure 2.1. Also, in this case, the ideal output current is given by1" = 1" .
Each unit current source has an absolute matching error equal to 51
. Hence, the actual
output current will be
The relative matching error is given by
G =-
" 1
Equation 2.1
Equation 2.2
The matching errors are assumed to be statistically independent and Gaussian
distributed with zero mean and variance, equal tocr;. Hence, the SNDR can be found
by taking the ratio between the signal power and the matching plus noise error power.
The SNDR and SFDR for an N-bit converter are given by [5].
SNDR::::: 6.02N+ 1.76-10 loglO(1 + 3cr; 2
SFDR::::: 3(N+3)-10log,ocr; dB
Equation 2.3
Equation 2.4
Chapter 2. Analysis of Current Steering DACs
In equation 2.4 the 3
hannonic distortion is considered. From equation (2.3) it is
clear that for low mismatch values the SNDR reaches its ideal value, which is
determined by SNDR =6.02 N +1.76dB [1].
2.2 Finite output impedance
A finite output impedance of the current source strongly affects the linearity of the
converter. If the output (current summing) node of the current-steering array, as
shown in figure 2.2, experiences a large voltage excursion then the nonlinearity arises
due to the finite output impedance of the current sources [1].
Figure 2.2 Generalized model of a differential mode binary-weighted DAC.
The output resistance of the DAC is a function of the number of switched on current
cells, thus depends on the input signal. In addition to that, the DAC output has a
capacitive nature due to the current source switches and interconnections. The output
capacitance of the current source is also signal dependent. Therefore the time constant
of the output signal is modulated by the input code. The effects of the output
conductance and capacitance variation are described in the next sections.
Chapter 2. Analysis of Current Steering DACs
Output conductance variation
If a current source is made with transistors then the output conductance of the current
source is not zero. Transistors are dependent on the applied voltage across them Le.
the voltage across the drain and source, and hence, they will have a finite output
IUnlt * Code
* Code
Figure2.3 a. Generalized view of a current source with a non-zero output
conductance b. Code dependent output conductance
Figure 2.3 (a) gives a generalized model of the current source and its non-zero output
conductance. The output conductance associated with the unit current source is
assumed to be G
= 1/R
and the total output conductance of the DAC is given by,
Equation 2.5
Equation 2.5 shows that the output conductance Gout is input code dependent; it will
give rise to a signal dependent gain, Le. distortion. Hence, the performance of the
DAC depends on the conductance ratio, P [5].
= ~ = G . R
G unIt Load
where GLoad = 1/R
is the load conductance.
Equation 2.6
Chapter 2. Analysis of Current Steering DACs
The SFDR of the DAC for a full-scale signal is equal to [4],
Equation 2.7
where N represents the number of bits. The SFDR is strongly dependent on the
conductance ratio. If P is very small then the SFDR can be approximated by,
SFDR ~ -2010glOP - 6(N- 2) Equation 2.8
From equations 2.6 and 2.8, it seems that by doubling the load resistance, the SFDR is
decreased by 6dB. Equation 2.8 shows that the linearity is also distorted with an
increased nominal number of bits. The SNDR for a full-scale sinusoid input can be
also expressed as a function of the conductance ratio by [4].
in dB this is equal to,
SNDR = -6(N- 0.4)- 2010g
P dB.
Equation 2.9
Equation 2.10
The error caused by the non-ideal output conductance can be compensated by using a
transimpedance amplifier (output buffer) as shown in figure 2.4, which provides the
DAC with a virtual ground and hence a low impedance load.
Am lifi r
X ..._--oVOUl
Current steering array
x ~ - - - - j - - - - = - - j
Current steering array
L ~
(a) (b)
Figure 2.4 Conversion of output current of an array to voltage using (a) resistor and
(b) transimpedance amplifier
Chapter 2. Analysis of Current Steering DACs
As shown in figure 2.4.a, the single resistor R
converts the output current to a
voltage. In this case, node X experiences the entire output voltage swing and this
topology suffers from the limited output impedance error. This problem can be
avoided, as shown in figure 2.4.b, by placing the resistor R
in the feedback loop
around the op-amp AI, which provides a virtual ground at node X As a result, the
voltage variation at node X is quite small and modulation of output impedance is
small. The settling time of the DAC is determined by the op amp's speed. However,
the buffer itself may limit the performance of the DAC. There are various trade-offs
among speed, linearity, output voltage swing and driving capability of the op-amps
that often restrict the dynamic range and settling speed of the DAC [10]. In this
design, simple output cascode switch is used.
Output capacitance variation
The output capacitance of the DAC is a function of the input code just like the output
resistance. In this section, the output capacitance variation problem is viewed as a
time domain error. The time domain errors are dominating at higher frequencies [11].
The signal dependent output capacitance and the resistance modulate the settling time
tJ _ C
:::] ro
Q . ~
- tJ :::] ro
o 0-
IUnit *w
Input code
Figure 2.5 The modulation of output capacitance by input code.
The variation in the output capacitance can be modeled as shown in figure 2.5, where
is the output capacitance of the unit current cell and w represents the input code.
Hence, the output capacitance of the DAC, CaUl, linearly depends on the input signal.
Equation 2.11
The output capacitance of the unit current source, C
changes when the switch is
turned on or off. The output capacitance as a function of sate of the switch is shown in
figure 2.6.
Chapter 2. Analysis of Current Steering DACs
D ~ I
:d '001-
I ~ -
Figure 2.6 Output capacitance depends on the switch state.
When the switch is off, the output capacitance of the current cell is equal to Coff- If the
switch is turned on the capacitance will be Con. The unit capacitances C
= Con - Coffis
the difference between the on and off state capacitance. Thus the total output
capacitance, Cout. for a thennometer coded DAC is given by [11].
Equation 2.12
where N is the number of thennometer bits. The load capacitance C
and the fixed
capacitance (2
) Coff are independent of the input signal. As a result, the difference
in on and off state capacitance, C
is very important because it gives rise to the signal
dependent errors.
There are several problems caused by the fact that the output capacitance is a function
of the input code. The first problem is the signal dependent rise / fall time and the
second problem is the charge feedthrough.
2.2.1 Modulation of rise and fall time
The signal dependent settling time is caused by the variation in the output capacitance
and resistance of the DAC, which will result in a data dependent rise/fall time. When
a current source is off, it has an infinite resistance and a capacitance, which depends
on the size of the current switch. But when the switch turns on, the capacitance is
slightly changed by adding a capacitance, Cu. As explained in the previous section,
the total output capacitance of the DAC is equal to COlli =C
+C" . w +(2
}sOff ;
where C,, w is code dependent. The output resistance ofthe DAC is a function ofthe
input signal, which is given by R
== R., / w; where, w represents the input code. Hence,
the settling time of the DAC can be approximately given by [12],
Chapter 2. Analysis of Current Steering DACs
where r u w more important, because every extra current cell that is switched on,
increases the time constant byr u , whereas r 0 is constant.
One solution to this modulation of the output capacitance and resistance is the use of
buffer at the output node, which buffers the current at this output node (virtual
ground), as shown in figure 2.4. In this case, the modulation of the output impedance
of the DAC is significantly reduced. The main drawback of this approach when the
aim is to use the DAC for a high speed and a high accuracy application is that the
buffer should be more linear than the overall DAC. This buffer limits the speed and
dynamic range of the DAC at higher frequencies.
2.2.2 Charge feedthrough
Charge feedthrough is another physical problem, which affects the performance of the
DAC. The amount of charge injected into the output node depends on the number of
switched on current sources. The charge-feedthrough is related to the parasitic
coupling between the gate and the drain ofthe MOS switches.
Figure 2.7 Charge feedthrough in a current steering DAC
The charge feedthrough phenomenon is explained in figure 2.7. The current from the
unit current source is switched between the two output branches through the MOS
switches. The switching is controlled by the applied switching signal. The charge
appears at the output node through the capacitive coupling between the gate and drain
of the switches.
Chapter 2. Analysis of Current Steering DACs
During switching, the charge passes from the switch control node to the output node
of the DAC through the gate-drain overlap capacitance, Cgd= WsC
, where C
is the
overlap capacitance per unit width, Ws is the width ofthe switch transistor.
The charge is a function of the size of the switch devices (size relates to capacitance),
the control signal swing and the slope of the driving signal [13]. The charge injected
in the output node is given by,
Equation 2.14
Equation 2.15
where ~ n is the swing of the switch-driving signal. This charge injection results in a
voltage error at the output node, which is approximately equal to [IIJ,
!:lV z V. gd
In C
where L1N is the number of switched on current sources and Cout is the output
capacitance of the DAC, which changes by the applied input code.
As described in section 2.1, the output capacitance of the DAC is given as
. W +(2
~ o f f ' where, the difference in on-off state capacitance C
is more
important. When C
is assumed to be zero then the output capacitance of the unit
current cell would not depend on the input code word applied to the DAC. The signal
applied to the current source switches is differential in nature. The charge injected in
one output node is opposite to the. charge injected in the other.
When the capacitance C
is assumed to be nonzero, as is the case in this design, then
the C
depends on the input code and the charge is not perfectly compensated.
Therefore, there exist two different error mechanisms due to the charge feedthrough.
In the first, the error contribution is due to the fact that each switched on current
source introduces some amount of charge in the output terminal of the DAC. This
error results in nonlinearity in the DAC, because the number of the switched on
current sources depends on the input signal. The second error mechanism appears via
the charge to voltage translation at the output node of the DAC. This voltage variation
modulates the output impedance, which affects the performance of the DAC.
There are various methods presented in literature for reducing the effect of charge
feedthrough. In this design cascoded switches are used, which will be described in
chapter 4.
Chapter 2. Analysis of Current Steering DACs
2.3 Timing error
The size of the switches (size is related to the capacitance) and slope of the driver
signal determine the timing accuracy of the DAC. For calculating the timing accuracy
of the DAC, the current source cell and driver circuit is considered.
Rd Rd
Untt current source
Figure 2.8 Timing error with unit current cell and driver
As shown in figure 2.8, the unit current source switches are driven by the driver
circuit, which has a current equal to h The capacitance of the current source switch is
given by
Equation 2.16
where Ws is the width of the switch and L
is the length. Cox is the gate-oxide
capacitance of the switch. The capacitance at the output of driver is determined by the
contributions of the self-load capacitance of the driver Cd and the gate capacitance,
which is expressed as,
Gotat =Cs +Cd Equation 2.17
Chapter 2. Analysis of Current Steering DACs
For this calculation the driver is assumed ideal, such that there is no timing spread
caused by the driver capacitance, Cd. As the switches are driven by the constant
switching signal, the capacitance at the output of the driver is charged and discharged
with the constant current, h Hence, the slope ofthe driving signal is given by [14]
Equation 2.18
where S is the slope of the switching signal for single ended signal and for differential
case the slope is two times larger. The offset voltage of the MOS differential pair can
be written as,
a ---===
Voffsel - JWL
s s
Equation 2.19
where AVT is a process parameter in mV. ).l m, which characterizes the threshold
voltage properties of the used CMOS process, and Ws, L
are the dimensions of the
switches. If we assume that the gate capacitance C
dominates, then the spread of the
timing error is equal to,
Equation 2.20
The timing error spread is inversely proportional to the driver current and linearly
proportional to the area of the switch. This means that when the device size is
increased, the timing error increases due to the extra capacitance. For a small timing
spread, a(M
)' the slope of the switching signal needs to be steep. The large slope
requires a large driver current, Id and a small capacitance, i.e. small switches. But the
smaller switch means a larger offset voltage, therefore a larger timing spread.
Hence, to minimize the effect of the timing spread error the slope of the driver signal
has to be very steep that means a large h The large current needs a large size
transistor, hence more area. In addition to that, for smaller offset voltage a large
switch transistor is required, which results in more charge feedthrough. The large
output capacitance also modulates the settling time of the DAC.
Chapter 2. Analysis of Current Steering DACs
The error analysis associated with the current steering DACs is presented. Mainly the
errors associated with the unit current cell were taken into account. The perfonnance
of the DAC is affected by the finite output impedance. The code dependent output
resistance and capacitance modulates the settling time of the DAC. The code
dependent output capacitance also contributes to the charge feedthrough error, which
will affect the perfonnance of the DAC. The charge injected in the output node is
translated into a voltage step, which will modulate the output impedance ofthe DAC.
The variation in the output conductance can be compensated with the help of a
transimpedance amplifier (output buffer). However, this buffer would introduce other
problems, which would limit the perfonnance ofthe DAC.
Chapter 3. Architecture Choice for a Unit Current Cell
3 Architecture Choice for a Unit Current Cell
In this chapter the different unit current cell architectures are described and compared.
The focus is to explore a suitable unit current cell topology for the I2-bit DAC in
Philips CMOS090, 90nm process.
The main part of current steering DACs is a unit current source. The unit current
source has a large influence on the performance of current steering DACs. In current
steering DACs the integral nonlinearity (!NL) is mainly affected by the matching
behaviour of the current sources. The matching of the current sources is one of the
main issues in high-speed, high-resolution DACs design. The performance of the
DACs is mainly limited by three factors: 1) voltage fluctuation of the output node of
the current source due to improper timing of switching off and on of the switch
transistor; 2) charge feedthrough into the output terminal; 3) imperfect
synchronization ofthe control signal of the current switching transistors [15]. The unit
current source needs to be designed with care to avoid the problems listed above. In
this chapter, the first two error sources are taken into account and the charge
feedthrough phenomenon was described in chapter 2.
3.1 Basic unit current cell
The basic unit current cell, as shown in figure 3.1, consists of a single MOS transistor
as a current source and two switching transistors. The switching transistors are
directly e ~ p o s e d to the output terminal of the DAC i.e. the global output node, where
such a ZV-l current cells are connected. Hence, this circuit topology is mainly
subjected to all three errors listed above.
lout+ lout-
--1 :C
Figure 3.1 Basic unit current Cell (no cascode)
Chapter 3. Architecture Choice for a Unit Current Cell
Voltage fluctuation:
Ideally, the voltage at the output node of the current source should be constant. In
reality, the switching causes a significant voltage variation at node A, in figure3.1.
The voltage variation at the drain of the current source transistor makes the current
source transistor to drop out of saturation. A large current source transistor is used for
matching purposes, which results in a large parasitic capacitance. This current source
parasitic capacitance is one of the main sources of errors. While switching, the current
source transistor drops out off saturation, the parasitic capacitor of the current source
discharges and it takes time to charge again. This charging/discharging will increase
the settling time of the DAC. Therefore, it affects the dynamic performance of the
Voltage Z
Figure 3.2 A voltage fluctuation at common node
Figure 3.2 shows the simplest differential control signals applied to the switches of
the current source in figure 3.1, which varies between OV and V
. The crossing
point of the two control voltages is V
=VDD/2. Therefore the voltage variation at
the common node, A is given by [15],
Equation 3.1
where, I is the current of the unit current source and P= (Ws/Ls)KP and KP is the
gain of the transistor.
Thus, there is a significant voltage variation at the drain of the current source. The
capacitance at the common node discharges due to this voltage variation. Therefore,
two scenarios can occur. In the first scenario, the capacitance C
discharges rapidly
and the voltage at the common node follows the voltage change at the switching
transistor. Therefore, the voltage at the drain of the current source transistor drops and
the unit current source enters the linear region. In the second scenario, the capacitance
Chapter 3. Architecture Choice for a Unit Current Cell
Cs discharges slowly and the unit current source remains in saturation but the settling-
time of the DAC increases.
There are several methods proposed in literature to avoid the errors due to the voltage
fluctuation at the common node. One of the common circuits is a current source with
a cascode configuration [16].
3.2 The cascode configuration current cell
A cascode configuration is used to isolate the current source transistor from the
voltage fluctuation at the common node. As shown in figure 3.3, a small sized cascode
transistor is used to shield the large current source transistor.
lout+ lout-
Figure 3.3 The cascode configuration current cell
The current cell with cascode configuration topology isolates the current source from
the voltage variation at the common node. The small size cascode transistor implies
small parasitic capacitance. Due to this small parasitic capacitance the problems
caused by the voltage fluctuation are reduced and the settling time of the DAC is
The cascode configuration current cell results in a high output impedance, which
positively affects the linearity of the DAC. This is, because the maximum relative
non-linearity (TI'J"L) of a DAC is approximately given by NR
[1], where RL is
load resistance of the DAC and r
is the output impedance of the unit current cell.
However, these benefits of cascoding are only possible if the cascode configuration
transistor remains in saturation.
The low voltage headroom i.e. lower supply voltage of the CMOS090 process limits
the use of a cascode configuration. On top of that this topology also suffers from the
charge feedthrough problem. The charge feedthrough at the output is correlated with
the input signal. The amount of charge injected in the output terminal depends on the
number of switching current cells. As described in chapter 2, the charge feedthrough
Chapter 3. Architecture Choice for a Unit Current Cell
is code dependent. Each turned on current cell induces a certain amount of charge in
the output terminal. The charge induced through the gate-drain capacitive coupling
between the control signal node and the output of the DAC is translated in a voltage
step at the output, which affects the dynamic performance of the DAC.
There are various methods presented in the literatures to reduce this charge
feedthrough effect. One possible way to reduce the charge feedthrough is to isolate
the switching transistor from the output terminal ofthe DAC [16].
3.3 The cascode configuration current cell with cascoded switches
As shown in figure3.4, two cascode transistors, M3 and M4 are used to isolate the
switching transistors from the output node of the DAC. The cascoded switch
transistors are stacked on top of the switching transistors.
Figure 3.4 The cascode configuration current cell with cascoded switches
This topology reduces the charge feedthrough significantly by isolating the current
switches from the output node of the DAC. The cascode current source transistor
isolates the current source transistor from the voltage fluctuation at node A and also
improves the output impedance of the unit current cell. All the benefits of cascoding
are possible provided that the current source transistor remains in saturation.
However, with the low voltage headroom in the CMOS090 process, it is difficult to
achieve benefits of cascoding. The voltage headroom is not sufficient to keep the
current source in saturation.
One solution to achieve all the benefits of the cascoding even with the lower supply
voltage is by replacing the cascode transistors by thick oxide layer transistors, which
can operate with higher voltages up to 3.3V.
Chapter 3. Architecture Choice for a Unit Current Cell
3.4 The cascode current cell with thick oxide layer cascoded switch
The low voltage headroom problem in CMOS090 can be solved using a thick oxide
layer transistor for the output cascode switch cascode, as shown in figure 3.5.
-1c i " ~ m '00.'
Figure 3.5 The current cell with thick oxide layer cascoded switch transistor
This thick oxide layer transistor increases the voltage headroom significantly because
it can operate with higher supply voltages. However, care should be taken to prevent
the voltage at the drain of the switching transistors from increasing beyond the
maximum supply voltage ofCMOS090 technology, i.e. 1.2V. As shown in figure 3.5,
the output voltage l.8V, hence to keep the voltage at node I below l.2V an auxiliary
current source is used. The output cascoded switch can shield the switch transistor
from the output node of the DAC, only ifit remains in saturation. Hence, the auxiliary
current sources are used to keep the output cascode transistors in saturation.
Moreover, these extra biasing current sources result in a complex circuitry and
increased power.
The current cell with the thick oxide layer cascoded switches improves the voltage
headroom significantly, hence the benefits of cascoding, such as reduced charge
feedthrough and shielding of the current source transistor from voltage fluctuation at
the common source node is possible. However, the auxiliary currents are required to
bias the thick oxide transistors.
Chapter 3. Architecture Choice for a Unit Current Cell
3.5 Comparison of different current cell architectures
All the described current cell architectures have positive and negative effects on the
DAC performance. Therefore, a fair comparison between all these architectures is
made based on some simulation results in order to select a suitable architecture. In this
section, the different current cell approaches are taken into account and a suitable
topology for CMOS090 is explored. All these topologies are compared mainly based
on the physical problems associated with the current steering DACs such as the signal
dependent output capacitance, the settling time error and charge feed through in the
output terminal of the DAC.
A. Code dependent output capacitance
The output capacitance depends on the input code, just like the output resistance. The
capacitance of the unit current cell changes when the switch is turned on and off. This
change in the capacitance is modeled as shown in figure 2.6 in chapter 2.
When a switch is off, the off state capacitance is equal to Cojf = Cgd + Cdb(V), where
Cgd is the gate drain overlap capacitance of the switch and Cdb(V) is its drain-bulk
junction parasitic, which is voltage dependent. When the switch is turned on, the
output capacitance is equal to Can = Cgd + Cdb(V) + Cchannel, where Cchannel is the
channel capacitance of the switch transistor. Hence, the total output capacitance for
the thermometer DAC is given by [11],
Equation 3.2
Equation 3.2 shows two signal dependent errors, one is due to the voltage dependent
drain-bulk junction capacitance, Cdb (v) and the other is due to the difference in the
on/off state capacitance ( ~ C ) . The voltage dependent drain-bulk capacitance depends.
on the dimensions of the switch transistor. Therefore, use of a small sized switch
transistor easily reduces the associated errors.
The output capacitance of the current cell depends on the output voltage of the DAC,
i.e. the number of turned on current cells. The difference in the on/off state
capacitance ( ~ C ) is more important than the absolute value of the output capacitance.
Hence, in figure 3.6 the difference in on/off state capacitance is plotted as a function
of output voltage for the different current cell topologies.
Chapter 3. Architecture Choice for a Unit Current Cell
__Cascode Configuration CC
_ Cascoded Switch CC
__Thick oxide cascoded switch
100 CC
(CC: Current Cell)
0.8 0.9
Output Voltage (v)
Figure 3.6 The capacitive difference plotted vs. output voltage
The smaller the difference between the off and on state capacitance, the smaller the
error of the capacitance modulation by the input code, this was described in more
detail in chapter 2. It is visible from figure 3.6, that the current cell with the thick
oxide layer cascoded switches topology has a smaller capacitive difference at the
lower output voltages compared to the other three topologies. Hence, with the other
three current cell architectures the full-scale output current of 20mA is not possible.
On the other hand, the current cell with the thick oxide cascoded switches improves
the voltage headroom sufficiently such that the benefits of cascoding are achievable.
The settling time of the DAC is also modulated due to the signal dependent output
capacitance of the unit current cell. The modulation of settling time will be described
in the next section.
B. Settling time error
In figure 3.7, the difference in the settling time of the unit current cell with an
accuracy of 12-bit is plotted for the current cell with and without thick oxide cascoded
switches. The settling time is the time required for the DAC to reach the final value
within the accuracy of the DAC. The difference in the settling time is also a function
of the output voltage. The output resistance of the DAC is code dependent as well as
the output capacitance of the DAC is a function of output code; therefore the settling
time of the DAC is also modulated by the input code
Chapter 3. Architecture Choice for a Unit Current Cell
__Cascaded Switch CC
10 Thick oxide cascaded
switch CC
0.01 +----+---+_--!---I----I-----+--+----...1
0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1.2
(CC: Current Cell)
Output Voltage (V)
Figure 3.7 The settling time difference plotted as a function of the output voltage
It is visible from figure 3.7, that the settling time difference is large at full-scale
output current of 20mA (i.e. O.7V) for the current cell architectures without thick
oxide layer cascoded switches. If the difference in the on/off states capacitance is
large, then the settling time of the DAC also increased due to the large capacitance.
Therefore, at low output voltages, the dynamic performance of the DAC is affected
due to the modulation of the settling time. On the other hand, the current cell with the
thick oxide layer transistor shows smaller on/off state capacitive difference compared
to the other current cell architectures, which results in smaller settling time error.
C. Charge feedthrough
As explained in chapter 2, another effect of the signal dependent output capacitance is
charge feedthrough, which affects the performance of the DAC. The charge injected
into the output node depends on the number of switched on current cell. The charge
feedthrough is related to the parasitic coupling between the gate and the drain of the
current switches. The charge induced in the output terminal without thick oxide
cascode switch is approximately equal to 1fC and with thick oxide cascode switches
the charge feedthrough is reduced to O.65fC.
Hence, the current cell with thick oxide cascoded switch architecture reduces the
charge feedthrough significantly and gives small on/off state capacitive difference,
which results in smaller settling time. Table 3.1 gives detail comparison of the
different unit current cell architectures.
Chapter 3. Architecture Choice for a Unit Current Cell
Output Impedance
Current Cell Charge feed DC AC(C)
Architecture through At full-scale output current 20rnA
(Ro) ON OFF Diff
Basic CC (figure 3.1) 1.2fC 77MO 35fF 5.5fF 29.5fF
Cascade configuration IfC 8lMO 55fF 5fF 50fF
CC (figure 3.3)
Cascade CC with O.87fC 130Mn 200fF 30fF 170fF
cascaded switch
Cascade CC with thick O.65fC 163Mn 19fF 8.9fF lO.lfF
oxide cascaded switch
(figure 3.5)
(CC: Current Cell)
Table 3-1 Comparison of different unit current cell architectures
The different unit current cell architectures were observed in order to explore a
suitable unit current cell topology for the CMOS090 process. To compare the
different architectures a number of analysis were performed. The focus was mainly on
the error sources related to the unit current cell, such as the charge feedthrough, the
output capacitance variation and the settling time error. The comparison of
architectures shows that the basic current cell topology suffers from all three errors
mentioned above. The cascode configuration current cell with cascoded switch
reduces the charge feedthrough and isolates the current source transistor from the
voltage variation at the common node. However, the low supply voltage in CMOS090
limits the benefits of cascoding. Moreover, this low voltage headroom problem was
solved using thick oxide cascoded switches but it requires extra biasing.
Chapter 4. Design of a Unit Current Cell
4 Design of a Unit Current Cell
In this chapter, a unit current cell design is presented for a l2-bit digital-to-analog
converter. The design is based on the architecture choice described in the previous
chapter. The unit current source is designed in a CMOS090 process with a supply
voltage of 1.2V.
4.1 Design goals and design specifications.
The goals of the design are to analyze the effects of the error sources described in
chapter 2 and to see the effects of different current cell topologies on the performance
of the DAC. The design is based on the architecture choice made in chapter 3, i.e. the
current cell with the thick oxide layer cascoded switches.
Digital Input 12-bit
Input Buffers
~ ~
Binary to Thermometer
Delay equalizer
Master-Slave Latches
+ +
Current Sources
+ +
loutput + loutput -
Figure 4.1: Current Steering DAC Architecture
This unit current cell is designed for the 5/7 thermometer/binary segmented current
steering architecture, which consists of input buffers, a 5-bit binary-to-thermometer
decoder, master-slave latches, delay equalizers, current switch drivers and current
cell. All these sub-circuits are shown in figure 4.1. However, the focus is on the
current cell design. The unit current cell consists of the current source, current source
switches and output cascode switches. A short description of the design specification
is given in table 4.1.
Chapter 4. Design of a Unit Current Cell
Specifications Value
Resolution 12 bits
Clock frequency 3.2GHz
Signal frequency 600MHz
Full scale current 20mA
LSB current
Unit current
Driver current
Power supply
60-65dB (frequency - 600MHz)
Table 4-1 Design specification
4.2 Design considerations
In this section, some practical design considerations concerning the choice of the
circuit elements in a unit current cell design are explored. The different building
blocks of the current steering DAC are given in figure 4.1. Most essential are the
current source and the current switches. In the following sections, the unit current
source and the current switch are described in detail.
4.2.1 Unit current cell
The schematic of the unit current cell used in this design is shown in figure 4.2. It
consists of a cascoded current source and a thick oxide layer cascoded switch pair. A
short list ofthe parameters of the unit current cell design is given in table 4.2.
v ~
I M2
v ~
I M1
Figure 4.2 Schematic of realized current cell
Chapter 4. Design of a Unit Current Cell
Current source
Cascode current source
Unit current
Current switch
Control signal swing
Cascode switch
Auxiliary current
W/L =
W/L =
Iunit = 625
Ws/Ls =
Vswing = OAV
Iauxi = 6J,.lA
Table 4-2 Design parameters
The focus is on the error sources associated with the unit current cell and their effects
on the dynamic performance of the DAC. The unit current source must be designed
with care, because the dynamic performance of the DAC is mainly affected by the
matching of the unit current source. For a l2-bit resolution DAC, the unit current
source needs to be accurate and fast enough to achieve the desired specifications.
The issues considered during the design of the current source are the matching of the
current source transistors, the current source transistor isolation and the signal
dependent output impedance and nonlinear settling. These issues are described in
detailed in this section.
Matching ofthe current source
To achieve l2-bit accuracy in the converter, the currents of the individual
thermometer current sources should be very well matched and the binary one should
be scaled according the thermometer current source. Matching is one of the key
issues in the design of high-speed resolution DACs. Based on the size versus
matching relation [9] for MOS transistors an expression for a unit current source area
is given by [15],
Equation 4.1
where A
VT and are mismatch process parameters and (V
- V
) is the gate
overdrive voltage. Equation 4.3 shows that for a given area of the unit current source,
Le. W = and L = the calculated standard deviation of a unit current
cy(I) .
source, -- IS equal to l38nA.
Chapter 4. Design of a Unit Current Cell
For the current steering DACs, the INL is mainly detennined by the matching
behavior of the current sources. Due to this mismatch, the INL specification of the
different DACs made in the technology varies randomly. A parameter, which is
introduced for expressing this technology versus DAC-specification, is the INL yield.
This INL yield is defined as a ratio of the number of D/A converter with an INL
smaller than Y2 LSB to the total number of tested D/A converters. Assuming a normal
distribution of the unit current sources, the required accuracy on the current source is
given by [4]
u(I) 1 l( Yield)
--:$ r::Ii' where,C =norm- 0.5+-- ,
I 2C-v2
Equation 4.2
Equation 4.3
standard deviation ofa unit current source,
number ofbit ofDAC,
inverse cumulative normal distribution,
relative number ofDACs with INL < ~ LSB.
Chapter 4. Design of a Unit Current Cell
Current source transistor isolation
One of the problems associated with the unit current cell is the large parasitic
capacitance at the drain of the current source transistor. The solution for this problem
is presented in figure 4.3.b and figure 4.3.a shows the current cell without cascode.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.3 a) no cascode b) single cascode
As mentioned in section 3.1, the current cell without cascoding suffers from all three
physical problems. 1bis is mainly due to the fact that the current source has a large
parasitic capacitance at node A. The capacitance at node A is determined by the
capacitance of the switches and the capacitance of transistor MI. The current source
transistor, M
is large due to the matching requirements, which results in a large
parasitic capacitance. While switching, this parasitic capacitance discharges, as a
result M
drops out off saturation and the capacitance needs to charge again. If this
happens it takes a long time to re-enter in saturation. This charging and discharging of
the parasitic capacitance increases the settling time of the DAC.
In this design, the cascode transistor, M
is used to isolate the large parasitic
capacitance of the current source transistor, MI. A small size cascode transistor,
shields the large current source transistor from the voltage fluctuations at the common
node. The small transistor means a small parasitic and small settling time. This
cascode transistor also increases the output resistance ofthe DAC.
Chapter 4. Design of a Unit Current Cell
Signal dependent output impedance and Non-linear settling
The next problem associated with the unit current source is the output impedance
modulation based errors such as a signal dependent settling time and frequency
dependency of the current cell output impedance. These errors are caused by the
capacitance present at the inner nodes of the current cell. Some circuit details of these
problems with the current cell shown in figure 4.4.a.
v ~
l M2
v ~
(a) (b)
Figure 4.4 a) single cascode b) Thick oxide layer cascode switch
As described, in section 3.5, when a switch is turned off, (for example M
is on and
2 is oft) the capacitance seen at the output of M
is equal to COif = Cgd + Cdb(V) and
at the output of the M
is equal to Con = Cgd + Cdb(V) + C
, where Cgd is the gate-drain
overlap capacitance and Cdb(V) is the voltage dependent drain bulk capacitance. This
capacitive difference in on/off state of the switches is code dependent, which also
modulates the settling time of the DAC. This on/off state capacitive difference
modulation is compensated with the simple cascoding switches, as shown in figure
4.4(b). With the cascode transistor the change in the impedance is reduced. Hence, the
settling time of the DAC is more constant.
Chapter 4. Design of a Unit Current Cell
4.2.2 Current switches
The switches steer the current from the current source in the differential output
branches. The critical design parameters for the switch are its width and length
dimensions and the shape of the driving signal, including slope and voltage swing.
The switch needs to be sized carefully because it addresses the charge feedthrough
phenomena and the signal dependent modulation of the switch common source node.
As described in section 2.2, the charge feedthrough phenomena are in the first order
proportional to the channel and gate drain overlap capacitance of the switch and to the
swing of the switch control signal. The capacitance and the control signal swing
determine the amount of charge injected into the output terminal of the DAC and the
slope of the driver signals determines how fast the charge is deposited. However, a
small swing of the switch control signal, a small switch size and a small slope can
reduce the charge feedthrough.
Charge compensation
The second solution to the charge feedthrough problem is to compensate it. The
charge can be compensated with the use of dummy switch transistors [17], which are
driven by a complimentary driving signal. These dummy switch transistors of half
width (W/2) dimension are switching in parallel with the switching transistors. As
shown in figure 4.5, the dummy transistor gate is connected to the complimentary
control signal; therefore, the net charge injected is reduced.
lout+ lout-
Figure 4.5 Charge compensation by using dummy switches
However, this solution has drawbacks: the charge compensation only works for a
symmetrical control signal and the control signal is deliberately made asymmetrical.
The switching speed will be affected because the dummy transistor loads the driver
circuit. Another method of compensating the charge feedthrough is the use of
transmission gates [14]. This transmission gates consist of a pMOS connected in
Chapter 4. Design of a Unit Current Cell
parallel with a nMOS transistor. The charge feedthrough will cancel out since the
pMOS transistor absorbs the charge that the nMOS transistor induces into the output
tenninal. The influence on the conductance is low for the pMOS transistor, with the
same dimensions as the nMOS transistor. Therefore, the speed is lower. Moreover,
the pMOS switch increases the parasitic capacitance, giving relatively low frequency
pole at the output node. This reduces the dynamic perfonnance of the DAC. Hence, in
this design the dummy transistors are not used.
Cascode switches
One of the solutions for reducing the charge feedthrough is to decouple the switch
output node from the DAC output node. This can be achieved with a global (buffer or
trans impedance amplifier, figure 2.4) or a local buffer. The use of single (global)
buffer in the DAC output has several drawbacks [10]. Hence, it is not used in this
design. The local buffering offers advantages, because each current cell is buffered
locally, and there is no need for a high linearity global buffer to handle large current at
the high frequencies. This can be realized with the nMOS cascode transistors, as
shown in figure 4.6.
Figure 4.6 Thick oxide layer Cascode transistor
This cascode switches isolate the switches from the output node of the DAC. For a
Low to High transition of the control signal, the voltage variation at the output is,
L1 Vout = 0V, because the related cascode transistor is cut off and the path between the
output node and drain of the switching transistor is open. On the other hand, for a
High to Low transition, the related cascode transistor is in saturation, and the voltage
fluctuation at the source of the cascode transistor is small because it is a low
impedance node. Hence, the voltage fluctuation at the source node of the cascode
transistor is given by [18]
V_I C ~ V ; n
~ D - -- gd(sw)--
gmcas t
Chapter 4. Design of a Unit Current Cell
Equation 4.4
where Cgd is the gate-drain capacitance of the switching transistor and fJ is fall time
of the control signal. With this methodology the charge feedthrough is not completely
compensated but it is reduced. The gmcas of the cascode transistors determines the
amount of charge to be absorbed, i.e. it depends on the size of the cascode switches.
Apart from the charge reduction, it reduces the change in the impedance seen from the
switches. As mentioned in chapter 2, the output impedance is code dependent. The
cascode transistor gives nearly constant impedance; therefore the signal modulated
settling time error is also small.
In this design, the thick oxide layer transistor is used as a cascode transistor. This
thick oxide transistor can operate with higher voltages up to 3.3V. While designing
the thick oxide cascode transistor, care should be taken that its source voltage should
not increase beyond the maximum supply voltage of the CMOS090 process. Hence,
the thick oxide transistor needs to be biased well. For limiting the source voltage
below 1.2V an auxiliary current source is used.
Spikes at common switch node
Ideally, the voltage at the drain of the current source transistor should be constant.
But, in reality the switching causes voltage fluctuation. As shown in figure 4.7.a, this
switching signal is generated a simple driver circuit. The main reason for the voltage
fluctuation at the common node is the level of the crossing point of the differential
driver signal. With the simplest switch control signal varying between Vdd and OV,
the voltage fluctuation at the common node is approximately O.5V; see section 3.1.
Due to this voltage variation, the current source parasitic capacitance discharges and
needs to charge gain. This will influence the setting time of the DAC.
There are three methods to raise the crossing point of the control signal, which are
shown in figure 4.7:
1. The first method is to delay the driver signal, as shown in figure 4.7.b.
2. The second method is to delay the rising or the falling of the control signals, as
shown in figure 4.7.c.
3. In the third method, figure 4.7.d, the crossing point is raised with reducing the
voltage swing of the control signal. The output voltage of the driver is changed in
such a way that the lower output voltage is higher than zero.
Chapter 4. Design of a Unit Current Cell
lout+ lout-
!I p.Amp
(b) (c)
Raised off vtg
Figure 4.7. b) Current source driver b) Crossing point realized with time delay
C) Different rise and fall time d) Low swing
The first two methods are not used because in the first method, the delaying of the
control signal limits the use of a high clock frequency and the method of different rise
or fall time reduces the speed [14]. In this design the third method is used, where the
voltage swing is reduced with the help of increasing the Voff voltage. If the lower
output voltage is increased, the switching point of control signal is also increased.
This method has advantage of the low swing. The reduced swing results in a reduced
charge feedthrough. However, the slope of the control signal is reduced at the crossing
point, which negatively affects the timing spread. In this design a 400mV voltage
swing is selected.
The unit current cell design was presented in this chapter. In this design a combination
of the cascode current source and the thick oxide layer cascode switches are used. Due
to the cascode current source the output impedance of the current cell increases.
Moreover, the switches are not directly coupled to the large parasitic capacitance of
the current source transistor. Hence, the settling time decreases. The thick oxide layer
output cascode switches solve the voltage headroom problem of the CMOS090
process and shield the current switches from the output node of the DAC. The output
node voltage and the impedance change according to the input code. With the output
Chapter 4. Design of a Unit Current Cell
cascode switches the current switches are isolated from these changes. The settling
time of the switches is less dependent on the input code. Therefore, the dynamic
performance ofthe DAC increases.
Chapter 5. Results
5 Results
In chapter 4, the circuit implementation of the current cell was presented. This current
cell design was simulated and the results are described in this chapter. The design is
made in CMOS090, a 90nm process, with a supply voltage of 1.2V. Aim ofthe design
is to see the effect of unit current cell architecture on the performance of the DAC.
The simulated DAC has a resolution of 12-bit. The unit current cell design can operate
at a clock frequency of 3.2GHz and a simulated input frequency of 600MHz.
In the following sections, a comparison between the selected current cell architecture
and the other current cell architectures is presented. Also the error analyses of the
selected architecture (the cascoded current source with thick oxide cascoded switch)
are presented. The effect of the selected circuit parameters on the dynamic
performance (SFDR) ofthe DAC is described.
5.1 Signal dependent output capacitance
Output capacitance as a function of output voltage
for a current cell with thick oxide output cascode switch
C 12
::l ~ 10
~ -
S 8
[ 6
U 4
;- 2
Current source on
Current source off
~ ~
... ...
'" .t.
1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4
o ' - - - ' - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
output voltage unit current cell (V)
Figure 5.1 The capacitance as a function of the output voltage on the output node of
the unit current cell with the thick oxide output cascode.
The output capacitance of the unit current cell is a function of the output voltage. In
figure 5.1, the output capacitance is plotted versus the output voltage for the cascode
current cell with thick oxide cascoded switches. The output capacitance depends on
the state of the current switch. The above plot shows that when switch is off, the
output capacitance of the unit current cell is equal to 9tF(when output voltage =1.8V).
On the other hand, the on state output capacitance is equal to 19tF for the full-scale
Chapter 5. Results
output current of 20rnA, i.e. l.3V. The difference in the on/off state output
capacitance is more important than the absolute value of this capacitance.
The unit current cell with thick oxide cascode transistors has a smaller capacitive
difference at the full-scale output current (20mA i.e. l.3V) compared to the other
current cell topologies. The comparison was given in section 3.5. In following graph,
the output capacitive difference is plotted for the current cell (cascoded current
source) with and without thick oxide output cascode.
;; 30
0.1 0.2 0.3
Vsupply-oulpulvoltage (V)
0.4 0.5
Figure 5.2 ~ C plotted for a current cell (CC) with thick oxide layer output cascode
and for a CC without output cascode.
As shown in figure 5.2, the current cell without output cascode shows a smaller
difference between on/off state output capacitance, ~ C at lower output voltages.
Hence, this current cell topology can be used only when the output voltage swing is
smaller or equal to O.3V. However, for this current cell ~ C is equal to 50fF at the
specified full-scale output current of 20rnA(i.e. output voltage swing of O.5V). Hence,
with this topology the full-scale output current of20mA is not possible.
On the other hand, the thick oxide cascoded switches current cell shows a smaller
difference in the on/off state output capacitance, i.e. 10fF at the full-scale output
current of 20mA.Therfore, due to this smaller ~ C the error caused by the signal
dependent output capacitance is also small.
Chapter 5. Results
5.2 Charge feedthrough reduction with thick oxide output cascode switches
Without output
4.90n 5.00n 5.113" 5.201'> 5.30" 5.401'> 5.501'l
1ime ( s )
Figure 5.3 Output currents for a current cell (CC) with thick oxide output cascode and
for a CC without output cascode
In figure 5.3, the output currents of the current cell with and without thick oxide
cascode switches are plotted. The effect of the output cascode is visible in the above
plot. Due to the output cascode the charge injection is significantly reduced. The
charge induced in the output terminal without cascode switch is equal to IfC and with
cascode switches the charge feedthrough is reduced down to O.65fC. The amount of
charge compensated depends on the size of the output cascode transistors. The effect
of the output cascode transistor will be explained in section 5.4.2.
Chapter 5. Results
5.3 Voltage fluctuation the output of current source

:> 4110m

time ( )
Figure 5.4 Voltage fluctuations at the drain of the current source transistor
As shown in figure 5.4.a, the voltage fluctuation at the drain of the current source
transistor without the cascode current source is equal to 8OmV. On the other hand,
figure 5.4.b shows the voltage variation is reduced tolOmV with the help of cascode
current source transistor. Hence, with the help of the cascode transistor the current
source transistor is shield from the voltage fluctuations at the common source node of
the switches. The settling time of the DAC is also improved due to the small size
cascode current source transistor.
Chapter 5. Results
5.4 Error source analysis
In the following plot, the perfonnance (SFDR) of the DAC is plotted versus the input
frequency. As shown in figure 5.5, at the lower input frequencies a SFDR up to 80dB
is achievable. On the other hand, at higher frequencies i.e. especially the interested
band of frequencies (600MHz-IGHz) the SFDR is limited between 66 to 60dB.

iii" 50

50 75 100 150 300 600 900 1000
Input Frequency (MHz)
Figure 5.5 SFDR versus input frequency
Several tests are perfonned to analyze the error sources, which are limiting the
perfonnance of the DAC at higher signal frequencies. As shown in figure 5.6, extra
capacitances are added to investigate the dominating error source in the unit current
Chapter 5. Results
Figure 5.6 Schematic for error source analysis
The effects of extra capacitance at the gate-drain of the current switches (Cgd), at the
common source node of the switches (C
) and at the output of the current switches
) are plotted in figure 5.7.a. In figure 5.7.b, the integer multiples of the initial
(schematic level parasitic capacitance) values of the capacitance Cgd (2fF), C
and Ccs (18fF) are plotted versus the performance. In these simulations, an ideal
driver is used to switch the current switches. The driver current, Idriver = 200JlA is used
and the voltage swing of the control signal is OAV.
Chapter S. Results
SFDR extra Cgd, Ccs and Coul (ldriver 200mA)

en 45
100 10
Total Cgd. Cout and Ccs (IF)
30 +-+--_-'-----1
SFDR versus multiples of initial Cgd, Ccs and Cout
0:: 55
40 +-------------+--------1
f (Cap) = Clolall Cinilial (Cgd. Gout and Ccs) (fF)
FigureS.? a) Effect of extra Cgd, C
and COulon the DAC perfonnance b) Effect of
integer multiple value of the Cgd, C
and COUlon the perfonnance of the DAC
I Note: Initial (schematic-level parasitic) value oflhe Cgd = 2fF for the switch size ofWslLs = 10.5/0.15 llm, the
on state capacitance of the unit current cell, Cout = 19fF and Ccs = 18fF for the cascode current source transistor
size equal to W/L = 28/0.2811m.
Chapter 5. Results
Figure 5.7.a. and figure 5.7.b. show that the effect of the gate-drain overlap
capacitance, Cgd dominates. The schematic-level parasitic capacitance value of Cgd (ov)
is 2fF, for a switch size equal to WsiL
= IO.5Ilm/0.15Ilm. It is clear from figure 5.7.a
that the performance curve starts rolling off at Cgd(ov)= 2fF. The performance (SFDR)
is affected due to the large gate-drain overlap capacitance.
504.1 Effects of the small Cgd and driver current on the performance
The small switch size and the small voltage swing of the switch control signal favour
the charge reduction. In this design, the control signal voltage swing was selected as
OAV and the switch size is WsiL
=IO.5Ilm/0.15Ilm (Cgd (ov) =2fF). One of the possible
solutions to reduce the charge feedthrough is to use a small size switch transistor, i.e.
small gate-drain overlap capacitance, Cgd (ov). To check the effect of a smaller gate-
drain overlap capacitance (smaller than 2fF) of the switching transistor, a simulation
test was performed with negative values of Cgd (2fF + additional negative value). The
simulation result is presented in figure 5.8.
80 -,-------r-----,--___,------,
30 +--------'--------'--+-----+--------'------j
20 + - - ~ - _ _ _ , - + - _ _ _ , - ' - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - j
100 10
10 +----'------+---'----+--------1
Figure 5.8 Effects of small Cgd and boosted driver circuits.
As shown in figure 5.8 (curve I), the DAC performance can be improved up to 70dB,
if the gate-drain overlap capacitance of the switch is smaller than 2fF. A large size
current switch means a large gate-drain overlap capacitance and that results in
increased charge injection in the output terminal of the DAC. Hence, the dynamic
performance of the DAC is mainly affected by the charge feedthrough error.
Chapter 5. Results
Curve 2, in figure 5.8 shows the effect of the driver current on the performance of the
DAC. The driver current" is increased from to As shown in figure 5.7,
the performance is improved by increasing the driver current, because a large driver
current results in a large slope and hence, small timing spread. However, with the
increased driver current the performance of the DAC also starts degrading for Cgd
equal to 2fF.
5.4.2 Effect of output cascode on the performance of the DAC
In this design, the output cascode transistors are used to isolate the drains of the
switching transistors from the voltage fluctuation at the global output node of the
DAC. The output cascode transistor source is a low impedance point. Hence, the
voltage variation at the inner node of the current source is very small. In this section, a
test is 'proposed to analyze the effect of the output cascode transistor on the
performance of the DAC. The test results are not fully investigated at this moment.
The test schematic is shown in figure5.9, where the output cascode is buffered from
the drain of the current switch transistor and applying a fixed voltage to the drain of
the switches.
Figure 5.9 Test schematic for output cascode
Chapter 5. Results
As shown in figure 5.9, the drain voltage of the switch transistor is fixed at 0.72V i.e.
the drain voltage of the turned on switch transistor and the same current is copied into
the corresponding output cascode transistor by a current controlled current source.
This test shows that for the fixed voltage (0.72V) at the drain of the switch transistor
the perfonnance was improved to 72dB. The perfonnance versus the drain voltage of
switching transistor is plotted in figure 5.10.
iii 68
0.8 0.9
Drain voltage 01 switch transistor (VI
1.1 1.2
Figure 5.10 SFDR versus drain voltage of switch transistor
As shown in figure 5.10, ifthe voltage at the drain of the switch transistor is increased
towards l.2V i.e. off voltage of the switch, then the perfonnance is degraded. The
causes of this perfonnance degradation are not this moment clear. However, this
simulation shows that a small voltage variation at the drain of the switch transistor
results in better perfonnance. This indicates that the output cascode needs to be design
in such a way that the inner node of the unit current cell will experience smaller
voltage variations.
Chapter 6. Conclusions
6 Conclusions
The problems associated with the current cell design in CMOS090 process were taken
into account and the different current cell architectures were analyzed. The different
current cell topologies were compared based on the physical problems associated with
high-speed DACs. The analyses were performed mainly for the output resistance and
capacitance modulation of the unit current cell, charge feedthrough and modulation of
the settling time. The comparison based on these analyses showed that each current
cell architecture has advantages and disadvantages.
The basic current cell architecture (figure 3.1) suffers from all three errors such as
charge feedthrough, voltage fluctuations at the common source node and the signal
dependent output impedance modulation. This is, because the current source switches
are exposed to the dynamic output node of the DAC. In the cascode configuration
current cell (figure 3.3), the current source transistor is shielded from the voltage
variation at the common source node of the switches. The cascode current source
transistor also improves the settling time of the DAC. However, this current cell
architecture suffers from the charge feedthrough error. The cascode current source
with the cascoded switches architecture (figure 3.4) is one of the possible solutions for
reducing the charge feedthrough. However, the benefits of the cascoding are limited
due to the low voltage headroom in CMOS090. Hence, a new current cell topology
was explored to resolve this low voltage headroom problem associated with the
CMOS090 process. In this new approach thick oxide layer transistors were used as
output cascode. These thick oxide output cascode transistors improved the voltage
headroom and showed better performance at a full-scale output current of20mA.
A circuit application of the selected unit current cell architecture (figure 3.5) has been
presented. The circuit is based on a 12-bit DAC with 5/7, thermometerlbinary-
segmented architecture. In this DAC, the cascoded current source with the thick oxide
cascoded switch was used. The thick oxide output cascode transistors solve the
limited voltage headroom problem in CMOS090. The thick oxide transistors can
operate up to 3.3V but care should be taken that the voltage headroom at the drain of
the switching transistors is limited below 1.2V. In this design, an auxiliary current of
6/-lA was used to limit the voltage. Hence, the new current cell topology increased the
voltage headroom significantly, but it requires an additional biasing current.
The unit current cell with thick oxide cascoded switches can operate with a 3.2GHz
clock frequency. At 3.2GHz clock frequency and a signal frequency of 600MHz the
SFDR is equal to 66dB and at low signal frequencies the SFDR is equal to 80dB.
Numbers of analyses were performed to investigate the error source, which is limiting
the performance at high signal frequencies. The output impedance of the DAC is code
dependent and at the higher frequencies the modulation of the output capacitance is
more dominating than the output resistance. From the analyses results, it can be
concluded that the charge feedthrough mainly affects the dynamic performance of the
56 .
Chapter 6. Conclusions
DAC. The charge feedthrough depends on the size of the switches and the voltage of
the node where the charge is injected.
Chapter 7. Recommendations
7 Recommendations
In order to have benefits of cascoding, the voltage headroom should be sufficient to
keep current source transistor in saturation. The use of the current cell architecture
with cascoded current source and cascoded switches (figur3.4) is limited in
CMOS090 process due to the low voltage headroom. One of the possible ways to
improve the headroom is, to reduce the output load resistance of the DAC. However,
by changing the load resistance the signal power is changed. The DAC output is
connected through a 1: 1 transformer to a son load (0.5V voltage swing). Hence, with
a proper choice of transformer ratio and reduced output load resistance of the unit
current cell the voltage headroom can be increased without changing the output signal
The effect of charge feedthrough, on the performance of the DAC is required to be
investigated in detail. During the layout of the design, special attention should be
paid to the gate-drain overlap capacitance of the current switches.
During the design of the output cascoded switches the care should be taken in sizing
the output cascode transistors and setting the proper value of the auxiliary current,
within an optimum trade-off.
The effect of the cascoded switches on the performance of the DAC should be
investigated further.
8 Appendix
In this chapter, the circuit implementations are presented.
8.1 Circuit Implementation of the DAC
Chapter 8. Appendix
Ideal AID
Ideal Decoder(VHDL) Master
BinarylThermometer(S-bit) Latches
Figure 8.1 Implementation ofthe DAC
Chapter 8. Appendix
8.2 Circuit implementation of the master latch and buffer
". WIld
. "
Figure 8.2 Implementation ofthe master latch and buffer
8.3 Circuit implementation of the slave latch

.... w
d............."' ... datG-
Figure 8.3 Implementation of slave latch
Chapter 8. Appendix
8.4 Circuit implementation of the current cell and the driver
Figure 8.4 Implementation of the unit current cell and driver
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