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Topo Report

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MATRIC NO. 2019233070034




AIM ……………………………………………………………….

SITE ………………………………………………………………


DATA ACQUISITION……………………………………………

DATA PROCESSING…………………………………………….



 To expose the students to the observation using GPS

 To enhance better understanding for student on what they are being thought
in class
 To let students know the application of all the functioning part of the GPS


The site that the observation was taken located at the Surveying &
Geo-informatics Department Uhuru area North campus Polytechnic of
Ibadan, Ibadan

 Tripod
 GPS (Emlid)
 Tracking Rod
 Book & pen





ADELABU AYOKUNLE 2019233070071









Surveying is a profession with many definitions as applied to it over the
years, changing even as the duties of surveyor has been dynamic over the years.
Some years back, surveying was defined as the science and art of making reliable
measurements of the relief position of features above or beneath the datum and
plotting of these measurements to some suitable scale to form a map, plan, or chart

In recent times, the millennium definition of surveying is given as a

mathematical science which deals with making measurements of relative position
of the earth features and presentation of this information either graphically or
numerically (U.S Geological Survey 2008) surveying has played a major role in
engineering projects, the immediate physical environment of the nation. Surveying
is the first process which is usually carried out before any physical development is
done on the ground.

Surveying is generally considered as the bedrock of very environment

development. It plays a very important role in every aspect of the human life
because various activities of other profession are based usually on the laid down
foundation of the surveyor. In all the aspect environment development, surveying
is usually the first to provide the basic information for better decision making and
probably the last for integrity checking of the executed environmental projects.

Surveying may be define as the art and science of making reliable

measurement to various points on the earth surface such that when drawn to scale,
both natural and artificial features are well delineated on a map/plan in their true

Surveying is regarded as the bedrock of all development as it performs a

very significant role in environmental development either before the
commencement or during process of development. A good topographical map is
required in the planning and construction of roads, sewage, dams, buildings, citing
railroads, pipelines, electricity, and other similar engineering works.

Topographic surveying is the science and art of carrying out measurement of

both natural and artificial features of the surface of the earth and production of
maps and plans to show their relative positions both horizontally and vertically.

The volume and form of this information had satisfied the user community
till the end of 1970s. With advancement in graphical data processing technology
and rapid progress of sophisticated information system, it became clear at the
beginning of the 1980s that the analogue information did not always meet the
demands of many public and private users. Digital information continues to
become more and more desirable. With the introduction of digital techniques in
surveying, graphic information can be displayed and updating of information can
be made easily.

Over the years the production of topographical map has not being easy since
the few types of equipment available then were analogue types. With the high
demands on data and information, the capabilities for data collection, processing,
and expanding needs of information by users has brought about the introduction of
digital equipment’s e.g. Total station, GPS, etc.to ease the process of data
acquisitions, data processing and production of maps and plans in digital format
especially topographical maps.

The production of Topographical Map of Surveying & Geo-informatics

department of the Polytechnic of Ibadan, Ibadan will facilitate good and conducive
planning for future development such as Irrigation Farming, adequate
infrastructure development and maximization of other potentials of the area.
The data acquired in this project will also serve as a database for any further
processing to facilitate or developing any type of information system that can be
design to solve specific problem as a decision making tools .


The end product of topographical surveying could be applied in so many ways

which are summarized as follows:

 It is used in military intelligence for detection and location of safe position

especially during war time and other necessary information needed for
planning military operation(advances surveying)
 In relating to existing property boundaries by identifying such boundaries
and relocating them to the existing details on the ground (Dashe 1987 p.18)
 To geologist, in investigating mineral oil, water resources and studying
different layers of the earth surface (Brinck and wolf 1778)
 Used by engineers for location of most accurate and economic route for
roads, railways, pipelines, transmission lines, dams etc. and preparation of
irrigation system (Clerk 1956 p. 170).


Data acquisition is the process by which data are acquired from the site or on
the earth surface. This involves the actual making of measurements and recording
of observed data on the field. The data was acquired using GPS (emlid, single


The following instruments were deployed for the field work.

 Tripod
 Tracking rod
 Tribrach
 Base & Receiver
 Logger


The field observation procedures adopted were as follows:-

 Traversing
 Spot heightening and detailing

A set of three (3) verified controls pillars identified on the ground were used to
connect the survey on UTM zone 31P.

 The base was setup centered and leveled on a point

 The power was turned on and “Menu” selected
 Program-Surveying was selected and set job was activated the following
were set into the instrument.
 Operator – OLAMIDE
 Date and time – Auto Set by Instrument
 The enter button was selected to set the above parameters.
 The “Set Station” submenu was selected and the station ID, coordinate of
the point was given by the instrument and the height of instrument was
impute to the instrument which was measured from the trunnion axis of the
instrument to the tip of the nail on the pillar and input into the instrument.
 Enter button was pressed on “Set” to Save & to start to begin Surveying
 The point ID of the next point to be captured which was part of the boundary
beacon was impute and the receiver taken to the point
 The instrument was moved from one station to the other and the same
procedure was repeated for all other traverse (Boundary) point and until the
traverse was closed
 Each field data displayed on the screen was stored in the internal memory of
the logger


Good numbers of spot elevations were captured using scattered method. The
GPS was used in determining the spot height elevations, such that points selected
were adequate enough to depict the terrain features.

Before the spot heightening, the heights of the boundary beacons were obtained
during the traverse operation. These heights were used to check the correctness and
accuracy of the observed height. Subsidiary station points were located on the site
where all points to be heighted were inter-visible

The geometric data which comprises of X, Y, Z values of points within the project
site at designated interval were acquired with total station which facilitates the
determination of the number of different spot (points) within the coverage area.
The result of the operation was presented as topographic information i.e.
acquisition of data of the entire project area.

The field procedure for spot height determination was highlighted below:

 The project was created for detailing and sport height

 Enter button was pressed on SET to save.
 Enter button was pressed on START to begin SURVEYING operation
 The Point ID of different spot points to be captured and the height of reciever
were inputted.
 The above procedures constituted a typical radiation process. The procedure
was repeatedly followed until all the spot points had been accurately observed.
 Same procedures were repeated for the capturing of all details within the project


Data downloading is transfer of data from memory unit of a digital

instrument into a computer system for processing, updating, retrieval, and storage.
The acquired data were downloaded from the logger into the computer, which
enables the management of the data collected in the field. All the raw data were
downloaded into a computer via the simple process below:-

 The file of the job was located on the instrument and was downloaded
directly to the external adapter.
 After the completion of the downloading process, the external adapter
was ejected from the instrument. The external adapter was then
connected to the computer system and the downloaded file was copied
from it to the computer system.
 Hence, the data were copied into a Microsoft excel sheet for preliminary
editing. The data were then saved for further processing.

Data processing is the process of transforming the raw field data into
information and subsequent plan production using AutoCAD software.

 Click on open filename.

 Open file with excel.
 Go to data.
 Set the pin delimited.
 Click on the next and mark space, comma (i.e to arrange the data into different
column as E for Easting, N for Northing and H for Height and first column for
Point and Point ID)
 Copy the data to notepad.
 Click on save.
 This will be used in the next stage of the processing


 Launch surfer
 Go to grid
 Select data (open data dialogue box)
 Locate data folder
 Select file name, click open
 Data import option would appear
 Click okay
 Grid data
 Dialogue box would appear
 Go to view
 Column for all arrangement appear “C” for easting, “B” for Northing, and “E”
for Height
 Check the grid N.B it must be “KRIGING”
 Click okay and the grid fil was created to create a different map
 Click on map
 Click on contour map
 Select grid file, contour map is created to edit
 Click on property manager
 Click on contour
 Interval
 Export to export file
 Go the file
 Click on export
 Go to save file type.
 Go to save
 Save as DXF file
 Go to file menu
 Save with (a name to remember) e.g. GROUP VIII CONTOUR then click save
 Export option appears
 Click on Save.


 Launch AutoCAD
 Go to file
 Select open
 Select file dialogue box will appear
 Go to file
 Select unit
 Set the unit (the meter, degree, and direction)
 Pick the line
 Type the Easting (C) and type the Northing (N)
 Type in all the bearings and distance and the distance. Press enter
 Click on ‘Z’ enter and ‘E’ enter
 The plan would appear on the screen
 Edit the bearings and distance of the station on plan
 Show the pillars on the plan and go to point style for the points of the pillar to
 Make proper adjustment on the scale of the plan and necessary one too
 Print out the plan with printer.



The final co-ordinates obtained from the boundary points surveyed with the
Total Station was used for the perimeter plotting while the spot heights were for
contouring. AutoCAD2007 was used for map compilation and presentation. Hence,
the perimeter boundary, spot heights and details were plotted with
AutoCAD2007while the contour was generated using Surfer 9 software which was
later exported through data exchange format (dxf) into AutoCAD2007 for editing
and final presentation. Conventional symbols were used to represent trees and
existing roads and their colours, in line with survey regulations and departmental

The following procedure of plotting was followed for each stage of the
plotting with different software used.

 The computer was booted and AutoCAD2007 was launched from the
 The layer for each feature with its respective color were also created e.g.
boundary in red, details in black etc.
 The data was now imported to AutoCAD work area screen, and Z -E was
typed at the command menu to zoom extent so that the imported points can
be seen.
 Each corresponding layer was made active when joining the corresponding
features of interest through their point ID e.g. boundary layer was made
active when joining the Point ID that made up the boundary.
 This procedure was repeated for the plotting of all other points.

A contour line is an imaginary line that connects points of equal elevation.

Contours form patterns that help us to visualize what the land actually looks like.
The data were simply downloaded from the instrument and the contour was
generated using Surfer software as the following procedures were followed.

 The computer was booted and surfer 9 was launched from the desktop
 From the menu bar, “file” command was selected to open a new plot
 “Data” was selected under Grid menu to plot a grid file for the contour plan.
 The excel file containing the grid data was opened and a grid file was
automatically plotted at the click of ok
 New contour map was selected under map menu to plot a new contour map
 From the contour map property dialogue box displayed, contour lines
smoothing was set to medium, line property was set to brown color, all level
label were set to brown color, all level label were snap to “yes” and contour
internal to 0.5m .
 “Apply” was clicked and the contour was plotted, it was exported to
AutoCAD 2007 in DXF format.
The Topographic plan of the Surveyed portion was obtained by overlaying
the contour plan on the previously plotted perimeter and detail survey plan. The
“copy and paste to original coordinate” command was used in achieving this.



The project area covered 6142.635 sqms. The project cut across
reconnaissance, perimeter traversing, spot heightening and detailing. Total Station
was used for perimeter survey, spot heightening and detailing. The final adjusted
coordinates were used for the production of perimeter plan and topographic plan
using AutoCAD and Surfer 9 respectively. The plan was drawn at a scale of 1: 500


 The project was executed on a very rugged terrain and a lot of obstruction
which slowed down the work to some extent, but with the experience gained over
the year, we were able to achieve success and completed the task.
 As the school was opened, students were roaming about the project site and
also the pandemic which cause delay in our observation.
 Conclusively, the limited time given for the processing of data and
submission of the project contributed to the problems faced during the execution of
the project which caused us hurrying at processing the data. This problem was
brought to barest effect by a cooperative processing and checking of all
computations and write-ups by the group members.


Conclusively, one can say that the project was carried out according to
Survey rules and regulations and to departmental specification by proper choice of
equipment, methodology, analysis of the result, the accuracy obtained, and the
outcome of the final survey (i.e. Plan).The plan produced will serve as base map
for decision making by the school (by their Planners, Engineers and the relevant
professionals) in the design, construction and development of the land, hence the
aim of the project has been achieved. The project has been successfully completed
with the plans produced from acquired data.


With strong vehemence, I recommend the following;

 That such project like this should be continuous as it would be imparting
great knowledge in the students who will be going to the labor market to sell such
knowledge and won’t only fetch the students good but also ascribe more value to
the school
 That school should repair instruments that are not in good working
 That more instruments should be made available for the purpose of
executing practical and projects since these two are of great paramount in this
citadel of learning. If this should be considered, it won’t only help the student in
carrying out their practical assignment but speed up the slowness in the calendar of
the school
 That its high time surveying software like AUTOCAD, ArcGIS, CivilCAD
and SURFER should be taught in the ND levels of the school as it would be of
great help to the students when such knowledge will be needed.

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