ENN Chapter 1 2 Handouts

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Chapter 1

Overview of Scientific and Technical Writing

Technical Writing- giving an account or description of an aspects of a particular art, science,
trade or profession learned by experience, study, observation and investigation.

Comparison between Technical Writing and Literary Writing

Literary Writing Technical Writing

Purpose:  Literary writers cater to man’s  Technical writers cater to
effective sense. man’s cognitive sense.
 Entertains and amuses the  Gives useful information.
readers  A basis for decision
 Broadens person’s outlook in making.
Subject Matter:  Focuses on man’s  Focuses on the subject
life/experience. related to business,
industry, science and
Language:  It make use of imaginative  It makes use of technical
vocabulary. terminologies.
Point of view:  Writers may all possible  The preference is the third
point of view. person’s point of view.

Tone:  It is emotional, personal and  It is objective, unbiased or

subjective. impersonal.

Three stages of Technical Writing:

1. A problem or a subject matter.
2. Study, investigation, observation, analysis and precise information about the
3. Organization and presentation of the information gathered so that it will be clear and
meaningful to the intended readers.


The ABC’s of Report Writing by Paul Zall (1980)
A technical paper should be free from errors. A misplaced element or misstated fact could
make months, even years of labor worthless. Accuracy of statement depends not only on
individual words but on the way sentences are put together, the way the paragraphs are
developed, and the way the report as whole is balance. In conclusion, a technical writer
should guard himself against being misunderstood.
A technical paper should be short or brief and makes use of concise expressions. A
technical writer should begin with his main point and then show why it is sound.
Emphasize the highlights of your work, cut out irrelevant comments, immaterial
excursions and meaningless statements.
The elements of a technical paper should be logically consistent. Sentences, paragraphs
and groups of paragraphs hold together by means of appropriate transitional devices
which a writer uses in the composition.
A report writer should develop on his paper the sense of reliability and trust. He should
be sure enough to know more about the subject than anyone else at that time. If he
convinced that he is right, he should say it. If not, he should go back to see where the
problem lies and how he can correct it.
Dignity refers to the quality or state of being worthy, honoured, or esteemed.
Grammatical construction in a technical paper should be complete. This can also be
achieved with straightforward expression and with summarized, simplified and well
organized information.
A report writer should know how to stress major points. As matter of course, the writer must
indicate the most important ones and never expect the reader to find it out for himself. He
should tell the reader what is important and lead him from point to point by using a
straightforward style plenty of guideposts and transition aids.
Facility is making the report easy to read and understand. For facility, report writing should
observe pacing, sequence, arrangement, and continuity.
• PACING- is presenting technical and unfamiliar information is small segments,
explained, defined or illustrated before more of such information is presented.
• SEQUENCE-is leading the reader from unfamiliar, from the simple to complex,
from the whole to the parts.
• ARRANGEMENT-is emphasizing and balancing important parts to show their
proper relationship and important.
• CONTINUITY-is showing that the thought of one part to another should be clearly
established, illustrator stated
Grammatical Correctness
It is the rule of the thumb that whatever kind of writing a person does, the application of
grammatical rules is must.
Honesty in writing is chiefly acknowledging the use of other people’s information or work
either in footnotes or in text. This can also be shown by telling the readers, one’s successes
and failures.
Illustration material referred to as graphics or visuals which includes charts, diagrams,
tables, photos and other which is used to elucidate, clarify and support the writer’s view,
precept, idea, or the text given.
This can also be referred to as qualifying or weighing the materials that the he had
gathered. These can be done by considering these criteria: (1) most ample; (2) most
relevant or pertinent; (3) most simple in explaining the facts with least additional
evidence; (4) most harmonious with the rest of the data and information.
Knowledge which is more than a collecting of data, involves interpretation and the
formulation of conclusions.
Logic is thinking straight. It is the process of showing the relation among groups of
things and classes of groups. Fundamentally, it is the way of doing classification-putting
things in their proper slots. By thinking logically, one can avoid the following trouble
1. Statements must not contradict each other.
2. Words must be used in a consistent sense.
3. Statements must move in one direction, whether space, time, or relation.
4. Statements must make sense
5. Judgments must not be based on too few data.
6. Cause and effects should be clearly distinguished from simple sequence.
7. An authority should not be accepted if he is based or he is not an expert in the
particular field.
Mechanical Neatness
Mechanical Neatness connotes the general appearance of the report. It involves putting the
report in perfect shape neatly typed and well margined. A presentable and neat report reflects
that the writer gave enough time and effort to give the very best.
Normal Procedure
Normal Procedure is following or conformity to the acceptable arrangement of the
different parts of a report. Report readers are used into finding information presented in
standard fashion. If someone departs from this, readers tend to be confused.
Objectivity is the writer’s assuming a detached, impartial point of view. He writes not
impress but to express his ideas, beliefs or perceptions on the topic he is working out. He
should treat his subject matter the way he sees or observes it.
This gives purpose and direction to what he has to write.it involves thinking ahead of what
has to do. When to do it, how to do it and who is to do it.
Qualification is explaining the circumstances surrounding the work because they might
have affected the results to be reported. It also and refined to its perfection. The secret of
good writing is rewriting.
Straight Sentences
It is a good practice that the sentences to be employed must be limited to only one idea or
two closely related ideas.
Thoroughness is treating the subject fully for the report to have a lasting value. He has to
make sure that he has said enough to satisfy the reader’s needs and achieve his objectives.
Unity implies that all details and facts in the report are clearly relevant to the main point
under discussion. The main objective of a unified report is to let the readers feel that
they have read everything essential to the subject undertaken.
Veracity means truthfulness. Thus, a good technical paper never misleads or misinterprets.
The viewpoint is established with the first sentence and should be maintained throughout the
Word Choice
Words used must be related to the technical writing report topic.
Enjoyment on the part of the writers.

Kinds of Technical Literature:

Business letters- a formal document from one company to another or between such
organizations and their customers, clients or external parties.
Instruction Manual- a booklet or book, usually accompanying an appliance, device,
computer game or vehicle, which contains written guidelines informing how to use it
Business Proposals- a written offer from a seller to a prospective sponsor.
Brochures-informative paper document (often used for advertising) that can be folded
into a template, pamphlet or leaflet.
Pamphlets- unbound book that may consist of a single sheet of paper that is printed on
both sides and folded in half thirds or fourths called a leaflet.
Memoranda- provides a set of tools to help a user to organize their daily work:
 Note editor- for quick editing the rich text notes and other documents organized as
diary with calendar interface.
 Task manager- for planning the personal projects as hierarchical trees of to do task
and sub-task.
 Resources manager- to collect the links to the local documents and web resources.
 Events manager-for scheduling the events with automatic notifications.

Chapter 2

Basic Techniques of Technical Writing

Basic Techniques of Technical Writing
A. Definition
B. Classification
C. Partition
D. Description of mechanism
E. Description of a Process

A. Definition-The need for defining occurs when the report uses technical terms which
are not familiar to the reader or when common terms are used in special way.

Classification of Definition

Informal definition- consists of one or more synonymous expressions substituted

for unfamiliar term. According to Mills and Walter, an informal definition does
not require the application of an unchanging, rigid formula, rather it is a technique
about can be used only when the writer is certain that the term alone and not the
referent which is unfamiliar to the reader.
Term Informal Definition
Hookah water pipe
Broadcast report
Gas mask protector
Formal definition- used to give more precision in giving
Three parts of Formal Definition

• Term- word to be defined

• Genus- group/class where the term belongs
• Differential- states distinctive characteristics of the term.

e. g. Computer is a device used to search information

term genus differential

Rules in giving definitions:

1. Word Derivation- gives the origin or etymology of a term.
2. Further Definition- once the writer thinks that some of the words in his definition
may not be familiar to readers, he will elaborate it.
3. Concrete examples and instances- considered the best of all the techniques
because it helps to give the reader specific examples.
4. Comparison and Contrast- terms can be compared by similarities and contrasted
because of differences.
5. Negative Statement-sometimes called negation or elimination. It tells what
something is by first clearing up any confusion the term may have in reader’s mind
with closely related terms.
6. Physical Description- physical features must be presented in order to give the
readers thorough understanding of a thing without telling what it looks like.
7. Analysis- presenting what steps comprise a process, or what functional parts makes
up a device or what constituents makes up a substance.
8. Basic Principle-applicable to process and mechanism is the example of basic
9. Cause and Effect- the method that provides readers the reason for the output or
result of a specific activity.
10. Location-with minor importance which tells where a thing may be found.

B. Classification -systematic process of dividing material into kinds of classes.

It involves not only dividing the subject into its constituent classes but also
grouping similar units in a subclass which in turn falls under a larger class.

Principles of Classification:
1. Classification basic approach in analysis. Places related items into categories or
2. Only plural subject or subject who’s meaning in plural can be classified. If a
subject is singular, it can be partitioned but not classified.
3. Categories in classification must be coordinate or parallel. All categories on the
same level must be of the same rank in grammatical form and in content.
4. Categories must be mutually exclusive. Each category should be composed of
clearly defined group that would still exist without the other categories on the same
5. Categories must not overlap. An item can have a place in only one category.

C. Partition-an analysis that divides a singular term unto parts, step or aspects.
Only singular object can be partitioned, plural subjects are classified.
Partition breaks down into its components a concrete subject such as tree (parts:
roots, trunk, brunches, leaves).

Characteristics of a Partition System (Laster, Ann A., Neli Ann Pickett):

a. Partition is a basic approach in analysis. It divides a subject into parts so

that an individual consideration of these, a better understanding of the whole
can be achieved.
b. Only singular subject can be partitioned. If the subject is plural it can be
c. The division must be complete but it must not overlap
d. The division should coordinate, parallel and mutually exclusive.
e. The data in partition analysis may be presented in outlines, in verbal
explanations and in visuals.
f. The basis on which partition is made should be clear, useful, and purposeful.
g. The order of presentation depends on their purpose: time, familiarity,
importance, complexity, space, and alphabetical listings.

D. Description of Mechanism. A Product specifications require detailed

descriptions of design features; instructions often require specific descriptive
detail to “show” the reader what to do.
Mechanism descriptions should provide a clear understanding of the object being
described, including
• General appearance and physical properties
• Overall function/purpose
• Component parts
• How the parts interact to create a functioning whole.

The reader should be able to clearly picture, and therefore understand, the nature of the
object being described, what it does, and how it works.
In order to achieve this clarity for the reader, the writer must choose significant
details and organize information logically. Select details that can be described
precisely and measurably, such as

color materials texture, smell, taste

shape component parts finish
size properties
dimensions principles at work interactions

E. Description of a Process- Series of step to get something done.

What do we need to include in a good process description?
A process description is a set of information that describes the
characteristics of a process in terms that will enable its effective installation,
commissioning, operation, control and maintenance. Often the content of a
process description is not much more than a flow chart and this can be adequate
in certain circumstances where much of the other information is consolidated in
department and divisional plans or manuals. However, problems may arise if a
process has to be moved and set up elsewhere. It is then that difficulties arise as
people know the process worked but don't know why. The essential elements are
as follows: (Note: Don't try to include everything - the process description is a
model of reality not a complete specification that has to explain everything)

Human resources - what the process needs to do what it does expressed as the
capacity and competency needed to achieve the process objectives in following terms.
Physical resources expressed as the capacity and capability needed to achieve the
process objectives in terms of the plant, facilities, machinery, floor space,
instrumentation, monitoring equipment, calibration etc.
Process constraints expressed as the statutory and legal regulations, corporate
policies and other conditions resulting from the analysis of critical success factors
that constrain the manner in which the process operates. Can be contained in
tables with cross references to other process elements.

o Process reviews - how the process is controlled expressed as:

• Performance reviews performed to an established schedule in accordance with

defined methods to determine whether the process objectives are being achieved.
• Improvement reviews performed to an established schedule in accordance with
defined methods to establish whether there are better ways of achieving the process
objectives than those that are currently prescribed.
• Effectiveness reviews performed to an established schedule in accordance with
defined methods to establish whether the process objectives, measures and targets
remain aligned to the business objectives and stakeholder needs

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