SNAP Ethernet Configuration
SNAP Ethernet Configuration
SNAP Ethernet Configuration
27 March 2009
Version 1.0
The SNAP Printers offer Ethernet communications as a standard feature. This
allows the user to attach a SNAP printer to their network and send formats and
data over the network. Network communications offer significant advantages,
including sending data from a remote location and significantly increased
download speed.
The SNAP printer must be configured to each specific network. The printer’s IP
address, Sub Mask and Gateway must be set up to work on the network. Contact
your network administration to determine the values for your specific network.
The SNAP printers offer two ways to set up the network configuration. Interactive
Configuration is the easiest, but it requires connecting a monitor and keyboard to
the printer. The Configuration File method requires a host computer or laptop
running PCMate Platinum and a serial connection to the printer.
Entries are not case sensitive. All commands may be
entered in either upper or lower case.
3. A menu of commands will appear. Each command may be used to either view
the current setting or enter a new setting.
4. To view the current setting, simply enter the command followed by the Enter
key. The current value will be displayed.
5. To enter a new value, type the command followed by the value, then press the
Enter key. For example, to set the IP address to, type IP
and press the Enter key.
6. If at any time you need to refresh the command list, type HELP followed by
the Enter key.
7. The SMTP address is for email, which is not implemented in current versions.
8. The TCP/IP value must be set to ENABLED.
The printer stores the Ethernet configuration in a file named TCPIP.CFG. This is
a text file that contains the following (values shown are the values that are set
when the printer is shipped):
GATEWAY=;set to zero if not
This file may be created using a text editor, or the template file can be
downloaded from the D2Comm In-Plant Printing Solutions web site at To download the file:
Edit the file to include the correct IP, Mask and Gateway addresses and save the
There are two methods for downloading the file to the printer. PCMate Platinum
includes the Printer Memory Manager utility that allows files to be downloaded to
the printer. Alternately, the file can be converted to an upgrade file and PCMate
Platinum used to upgrade the printer.
1. Start Printer Memory Manager by clicking on the Windows Start button, then
selecting All Programs – PCMate Platinum – Printer Memory
2. The following window will appear to allow selection of the COM port and
settings for communicating with the printer. Select the COM port to which the
printer is connected, the baud rate (default is 115,200 baud) and XON/XOFF
handshaking. Then Click the Connect button.
4. In the Files on Printer: box will be a list of files already stored on the
printer. Click the Transfer Files To Printer button. A File Open window
will appear. Navigate to the folder containing the TCPIP.CFG file and select
it, then click the OK button. The file will be transferred to the printer and will
appear in the Files on Printer: box.
5. Click the Close button to exit Printer Memory Manager, then turn the printer
off and back on the install the new Ethernet configuration.