Cisco Cable Command Reference Cable - P - Through - Cable - R
Cisco Cable Command Reference Cable - P - Through - Cable - R
Cisco Cable Command Reference Cable - P - Through - Cable - R
cable ofdm-rf-change-trigger
To configure the trigger thresholds specific to OFDM RF impairment, use the cable ofdm-rf-change-trigger
command in global configuration mode.
Syntax Description percent Indicates the percentage of cable modems that must report that a particular non-primary
value OFDM RF channel is down before that channel is suspended from the bonding group. The
valid range is 1 to 100. The default is 0.
count Specifies the number of cable modems that must report that a particular non-primary OFDM
number RF downstream channel is down before that channel is suspended from the downstream
bonding groups. The default is 0.
no-ncp-plc With this option configured, DOCSIS3.1 Downstream Resiliency feature will not take any
action when cable modem reports CM-STATUS-EVENT 20 or 21.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series
Converged Broadband Routers.
Cisco 1x2 / Compact Shelf RPD Software This command was modified on the Cisco Remote PHY Device
4.1 to add a no-ncp-plc option.
Usage Guidelines This command is optional and the configured trigger thresholds apply to non-primary OFDM channels only.
If this command is not configured, the trigger thresholds configured by the command cable rf-change-trigger
percent will be used for the non-primary OFDM channels.
With no-ncp-plc configured in the command, DOCSIS3.1 Downstream Resiliency for RPHY feature will
not take any action when cable modem reports CM-STATUS-EVENT 20 or 21.
Examples The following example shows how to configure DOCSIS3.1 Downstream Resiliency for RPHY:
cable rf-change-trigger Specifies the amount of time an event must persist before it triggers an action for
the reporting cable modem.
cable ofdma-frequency-exclusion-band
To exclude the range of frequencies from all OFDMA channels on a port, use the cable
ofdma-frequency-exclusion-band command in controller configuration mode.
Syntax Description start Specify the start value of the frequency range.
Command Modes
Controller configuration (config-controller)
Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband
Usage Guidelines Exclusion bands apply to OFDMA channels only. OFDMA channel does not use frequencies in exclusion
band set by the cable ofdma-frequency-exclusion-band command. So the legacy SC-QAM channel can be
placed in this band.
cable ofdma-frequency-unused-band
To configure frequencies in unused band, use the cable ofdma-frequency-unused-band command in
controller configuration mode.
Syntax Description start Specify the start value of the frequency range.
Command Modes
Controller configuration (config-controller)
Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband
Usage Guidelines Unused bands apply to OFDMA channels only. OFDMA channel does not use frequencies in unused band
set by the cable ofdma-frequency-unused-band command for data traffic, but can send probes in them.
cable ofdma-frequency-exclusion-band Set the frequency range to be excluded from all OFDMA channels
on a port.
cable oudp-leak-detect
See the OFDMA OUDP Leak Detection Configuration section in the configuration guide for the EXEC,
Global configuration, Configuration and Show commands.
To configure OUDP leakage test sessions on one or more upstream OFMDA channels simultaneously, use
the cable oudp-leak-detect session-id OUDP parent test session id session create command.
cable oudp-leak-detect OUDP parent test session id session { create | delete | stop | reset }
Syntax Description create Creates a new OUDP Parent test session assigning a new parent session ID.
delete Deletes the specified OUDP parent test session and frees the parent session ID and all children sessions
and IDs.
stop Stops the specified OUDP test session in ACTIVE state. Stopping a parent session stops all child
reset Resets an OUDP Parent Test Session. Removes all child sessions, deletes all stats, clears the parent
start and stop time, and sets the session status back to CONFIGURING. This CLI is intended to allow
a COMPLETED parent test session to be reused.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC (#)
Release Modification
Usage Guidelines The show cable oudp-leak-detectsession-id OUDP parent test session id session create command is used
to configure OUDP leakage test sessions on one or more upstream OFMDA channels simultaneously.
Examples The following example shows how to create a OUDP parent test session for leak detection:
cable oudp-leak-detect session-id OUDP parent test session id { start datetime datetime | stop datetime
datetime }
cable oudp-leak-detect session-id OUDP parent test session id { start now | stop never }
cable oudp-leak-detect session-id OUDP parent test session id frequency start hertz end hertz
cable oudp-leak-detect session-id OUDP parent test session id transmit burst duration no. of frames gap
no. of frames { cycle-gap no. of frames | fixed-bursts-per-cycle no. of frames | cycle-time milliseconds }
cable oudp-leak-detect session-id OUDP parent test session id interface cable [slot][subslot][md-idx]
cable oudp-leak-detect session-id OUDP parent test session id cm { add | delete } mac-address
cable oudp-leak-detect session-id OUDP parent test session id clear { cm-list | cm-stats | interface |
strict-cm-list }
frequency starthertz endhertz Sets the start and end frequencies of the OUDP
parent test session. The OUDP child test session
includes all minislots, which include the parent test
session frequency range.
The valid range is 4500000-204500000 Hz.
transmit burst duration no. of frames gap no. of frames Sets the OUDP parent test session OUDP transmit
{ cycle-gap no. of frames | fixed-bursts-per-cycle no. burst parameters for burst duration, burst gap and
of frames | cycle-time milliseconds } either cycle-gap or cycle-time.
Cycle-Gap complies with the OSSI specifications
for OUDP testing. The OUDP test cycle repeat
interval is measured in frames.
Cycle-Time provides a time-based repeat interval
for the OUDP test cycle that is compatible with
RF-detectors requiring a minimum repeat burst
cm-add mac-address Adds the MAC address to the parent test session
cm-delete mac-address Removes the MAC address from the parent test
session CM-List.
session preview Allows the system admin to preview the child test
session create from an OUDP parent test session
prior to the pretest setup time.
Child test sessions and modems are created based
on the current state of the system, and are not
guaranteed to be the same at the actual pretest setup
time when child test sessions are rebuilt for the
actual test start.
Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z This command is introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers.
cable oudp-leak-detect
You can use the Global configuration mode to execute the cable oudp-leak-detect commands.
Syntax Description pre-test-setup-time seconds The valid range is 10-300 seconds. The default value is 60 seconds.
expire-age days The valid range is 1-7 days. The default value is 3 days.
system-boot-holdoff minutes
reserved-probe-pct percentage The valid range is 0-10 percent. The default value is 3 percent.
modem-selectallow-late-cm-join Enables modems to join child test sessions after they reach the active
state. Normal rules for CM-List and interface modem participation
adjust-test-time { all | icmts | none OUDP tests are scheduled based on the PTP/GPS clock time. The
} CLC line card scheduler uses the DOCSIS frame clock. This command
enables a timing adjustment between the GPS clock and the DOCSIS
clock. Normally RPHY will not require the time adjustment, whereas
iCMTS does.
The default value is icmts.
cable oudp-leak-detect
You can use the Configuration mode to execute the cable oudp-leak-detect commands.
cable oudp-leak-detect schedule recurring weekday days start timeofday time stop timeofday time
Syntax Description burst-profile number Creates a OUDP burst profile and enters the burst profile
configuration sub-mode.
The valid range is 1-9999.
cable oob
To enter the out of band (OOB) configuration mode, use the cable oob command in global configuration
mode. To void the OOB configuration, use the no form of this command.
cable oob
no cable oob
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Cisco IOS XE Everest This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband
16.5.1 Routers.
Usage Guidelines Use this command to enter the OOB configuration mode.
Examples The following example shows how to enter the OOB configuration mode:
cable power
To manually power a cable interface line card on or off on a Cisco uBR10012 router, use the cable power
command in privileged EXEC mode.
Syntax Description on Turns on power to the specified cable interface line card.
off Turns off power to the specified cable interface line card. Power to that particular card slot remains
off until power is turned back on using the cable power on version of this command.
slot/card Specifies the slot and card number for the desired cable interface card number. The valid range
for slot is 5 to 8 and for card is 0 or 1.
Command Default Cable interface line cards are powered on by default when the card is inserted into the chassis slot.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC (#)
12.2(4)BC1b This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR10012 router.
12.2(8)BC1 This command is disabled if a working TCC+ card is not present in the Cisco uBR10012
12.3BC This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3BC.
12.2(33)SCA This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco
uBR7225VXR router was added.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines This command is typically not used during normal operations, but it can be used for lab, diagnostic, and
troubleshooting purposes. For example, using this command to first power off and then power on a card is
functionally equivalent to performing an online insertion and removal (OIR) of the card.
Be aware of the following points when using this command:
• Using the cable power off command is functionally equivalent to disconnect the cables from the card’s
upstream and downstream connectors and then removing the card from the chassis. When you use this
command to turn off power to a card, the output for the show interface cable command for that card
will display the message “Hardware is not present.”
Note You can also use the LC Power off Status Reg and Line Card Presence Status Reg fields in the show controllers
clock-reference command to determine whether a cable interface line card is actually present in the chassis
and whether it has been powered on or off.
• Powering off a cable interface line card automatically drops all sessions with the cable modems that are
using that card’s upstreams and downstreams. Do not use this command on a live network unless this is
what you intend.
• All cards are powered on when you upgrade to a new software image for the Cisco uBR10012 router,
even if a card had previously been powered off using the cable power off command.
• You can turn power both on and off to a cable interface line card slot, even if a card is not physically
present in the slot.
• This is the only CLI command that actually powers off a card. The hw module reset command appears
to perform a similar function, but it performs only the equivalent of issuing the shutdown and no
shutdown commands on the card.
• When power is turned off for a cable interface line card, the power to that card slot will remain off until
the cable power on command is used to turn the power back on. If you insert a cable interface card in
to a slot that had been previously powered down, you will have to use the cable power on command to
turn on power before being able to use the card.
• This command requires that a working TCC+ card be present because the TCC+ card controls and
monitors the operation of the cable interface line cards. In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)BC1 and later, this
command is disabled if a working TCC+ card is not present in the router.
Note The Cisco uBR10012 router requires a working TCC+ card for normal operations. Using the router without
a working TCC+ card is not a supported configuration.
Examples The following example shows how to power off the first cable interface card in a Cisco uBR10012
chassis (card 5, slot 0). It also shows the output from the show interface cable command, with a
line that indicates that the hardware is not present.
Note The show interface cablecommand will not display output for a card that is not physically present,
so if you can use the show interface cable command but it indicates that the hardware is not present,
this usually means that power to the card has been turned off using the cable power offcommand.
The following example shows the error message that results when you attempt to power on or off a
cable interface card that is not physically present in the chassis:
Note Power is still turned on or off to a cable interface line card slot, even when the card is not physically
present in that slot.
hw module reset Resets a line card, performing the equivalent of the shutdown, no
shutdown commands.
show controllers clock-reference Displays status information from the TCC+ card, including whether a
line card is physically present and whether power has been turned off
to its slot.
show interface cable Displays configuration and status information for a cable interface line
show version Displays the basic configuration of the router, including whether an
active TCC+ card is present.
Syntax Description modem Excludes the cable modem with the specified MAC address from pre-equalization during
mac-addr cable modem registration.
oui id Excludes the specified Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI) from pre-equalization
during cable modem registration.
Command Default Pre-equalization is disabled by default on a Cisco CMTS router, and for cable modems that have a valid and
operational DOCSIS configuration file.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
12.3(17a)BC This command was introduced to the Cisco uBR10012 router and the Cisco uBR7246VXR
12.2(33)SCA This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco
uBR7225VXR router was added.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines Use the cable pre-equalization exclude command to disable pre-equalization for DOCSIS 1.1 CMs that
claim pre-equalization support but do not properly implement pre-equalization functions.
To enable pre-equalization, use the cable upstream equalization-coefficient interface configuration command.
Pre-equalization starts when a cable modem that supports DOCSIS 1.1 or above sends the CMTS router a
ranging request message indicating that pre-equalization is possible.
The following example of output from the show cable modem verbose command shows which modems are
indicating pre-equalizer support during the DOCSIS registration process. In this example, the first two modems
are capable of pre-equalization support, and the last two modems support DOCSIS 1.0, which does not support
pre-equalization. You do not need to use the cable pre-equalization exclude command for DOCSIS 1.0 CMs.
Exclusion is supported for a specified DOCSIS 1.1 cable modem, or for a specified OUI value for the entire
interface. Removing the cable pre-equalization exclude configuration returns the cable modem or interface
to normal pre-equalization processes during cable modem registration.
Examples The following example configures pre-equalization to be excluded for the specified cable modem.
Pre-equalization data is not sent for the corresponding cable modem:
The following example configures pre-equalization to be excluded for the specified OUI value of
the entire interface. Pre-equalization data is not sent for the corresponding OUI value of the entire
The following series of commands configures pre-equalization on the Cisco uBR10012 router with
MC5X20U BPEs. On the PRE Console, configure the following commands.
On the line card console for the same Cisco uBR10012 router, verify the configuration with the
following command:
The following series of commands configures pre-equalization on the Cisco uBR7246VXR router
with MC28U cable interface line cards. On the Network Processing Engine (NPE) console, configure
and verify with the following commands.
On the line card console for the same Cisco uBR7246VXR router, verify the configuration with the
following command:
After either of these exclusion methods for pre-equalization are configured, you can verify that all
ranging messages do not include pre-equalization data. Use the following debug commands in global
configuration mode:
• debug cable range
• debug cable interface cx/x/x mac-addr
Verify the ranging message for the non-excluded cable modems include pre-equalization data, and
for the excluded cable modems, the ranging messages do not include such data.
The following example removes pre-equalization exclusion for the specified OUI and interface. This
results in the cable modem or OUI to return to normal pre-equalization functions. Ranging messages
resume sending pre-equalization data.
You can verify removal of this feature using the debug cable interfacecommand.
Syntax Description all Preserves all primary service flow traffic counters when a DOCSIS 1.1-provisioned CM goes
offline. This includes the counters displayed by CLI commands and counters that are obtained
through SNMP requests.
snmp-only Preserves only the primary service flow traffic counters that are obtained through SNMP requests.
The counters displayed by CLI commands are reset to zero when a DOCSIS 1.1-provisioned
CM goes offline.
Command Default Primary service flow traffic counters are not preserved after a DOCSIS 1.1-provisioned CM goes offline (no
cable primary-sflow-qos11 keep). Service-flow information is always preserved for DOCSIS 1.0-provisioned
CMs, regardless of the configuration of this command.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband
Usage Guidelines By default, when a CM that is provisioned for DOCSIS 1.1 quality of service (QoS) service flows goes offline,
the CMTS deletes all service flow information, including traffic counters, that correspond to that CM. The
cable primary-sflow-qos11 keep command preserves the service flow traffic counters after a DOCSIS
1.1-provisioned CM goes offline and then comes back online. This allows service providers to track the total
usage of CMs over a period of time, regardless of the number of times the CMs go offline and reboot.
Note This command affects only CMs that are provisioned for DOCSIS 1.1 operations and that are currently online
all cable interfaces on the Cisco CMTS. Information is not preserved for DOCSIS 1.1-provisioned CMs that
went offline before this command was given. The service-flow information for CMs that are provisioned for
DOCSIS 1.0 operations is always preserved, regardless of how this command is configured.
Examples The following example shows how to preserve both the CLI and SNMP service flow counters when
a DOCSIS 1.1-provisioned CM goes offline:
The following example shows how to preserve only the SNMP-based service flow counters when a
DOCSIS 1.1-provisioned CM goes offline. The CLI-based counters are still reset to zero when this
CM goes offline.
The following example shows how to disable this command and return to the default behavior, which
is to reset all CLI-based and SNMP-based counters when a DOCSIS 1.1-provisioned CM goes offline.
cable sflog Enables service flow logging and configures the number and duration of
entries in the log.
show cable modem counters Displays downstream and upstream traffic counters for one or more CMs.
cable privacy
To enable and configure BPI or BPI+ encryption, use the cable privacy command in cable interface
configuration mode or MAC domain profile configuration mode. To disable privacy or to remove a particular
configuration, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description accept-self-signed-certificate (Optional) Allows cable modems to register using self-signed
manufacturer certificates, as opposed to a manufacturer certificate that
is chained to the DOCSIS root certificate.
authenticate-modem (for uBR (Optional) Uses AAA protocols in conjunction with BPI to authenticate
series router) all CMs.
authorize-multicast (for uBR (Optional) Uses AAA protocols with baseline privacy interface (BPI)
series router) to authorize all multicast stream (IGMP) join requests.
mandatory (Optional) Requires baseline privacy be active for all CMs with BPI/BPI+
enabled in their DOCSIS configuration files or the CMs are forced to
go offline.
If a CM does not have BPI enabled in its DOCSIS configuration file, it
will be allowed online without BPI.
Command Default The encryption priority defaults to 128bit AES, 56bit DES, 40bit DES depending on modem capability. The
CMTS treats self-signed manufacturer certificates as untrusted. Untrusted certificates are not retained by the
12.2(33)SCA This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers. The authenticate-modem and authorize-multicast
keywords were removed.
IOS XE Fuji 16.7.1 This command was modified to support MAC domain profile configuration
on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines This command is applicable only on images that support BPI or BPI+ encryption.
Note The cable privacy accept-self-signed-certificate command affects only those CMs that register after you
give the command. For example, if you give the no cable privacy accept-self-signed-certificate command
so that CMs cannot register using self-signed certificates, you must then issue the clear cable modem all
reset command to force all CMs reregister using certificates that are chained to the DOCSIS root certificate.
The router reads the new files and the self-signed cable modem comes online.
Examples The following example shows how to force baseline privacy interface (BPI) to be used for all CMs
on a particular cable interface:
The following example shows how to turn on the BPI modem authentication for an interface:
The following example shows how to turn on BPI multicast authorization on a particular cable
interface on Cisco uBR series router:
The following example shows how to allow CMs to register with self-signed certificates on a particular
cable interface:
The following example shows how to allow CMs to enable privacy DSX support on a particular
cable interface:
The following example shows how to allow CMs to enable OAEP support on a particular cable
The following example shows how to allow CMs to retain failed certificates on a particular cable
The following example shows how to allow CMs to skip certificate validity period on a particular
cable interface:
cable privacy hotlist Adds a CM certificate to the DOCSIS hotlist so that it is no longer accepted.
Command Description
cable privacy kek Sets key encryption keys and timeout periods.
cable privacy tek Sets traffic encryption keys and timeout periods.
show cable privacy Displays information about BPI status and operation.
Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCD5, the cable privacy bpi-plus-enforce command is replaced
with the cable privacy bpi-plus-policy command. For more information, see the cable privacy bpi-plus-policy
To mandate that a cable modem provisioned in DOCSIS 1.1 or higher must register with DOCSIS Baseline
Privacy Interface Plus (BPI+), and not use the earlier DOCSIS BPI, use the cable privacy bpi-plus-enforce
command in global configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.
Command Default The cable privacy bpi-plus-enforce command is not enabled by default, but must be configured for optimal
DOCSIS BPI+ security.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
12.2(33)SCD5 This command was replaced with the cable privacy bpi-plus-policy command.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable privacy bpi-plus-enforce command enables the Cisco CMTS router to detect cloned cable modems
and eliminate denial-of-service (DOS) attacks that are caused by cloned cable modems.
If the cable modem is not provisioned to use DOCSIS BPI or BPI+ security certificates, then the existing
behavior of the Cisco CMTS router remains unchanged. The Cisco CMTS router does not attempt to distinguish
between two cable modems if neither is provisioned for BPI+ security.
Note The non-DOCSIS compliant cable modems that are commonly available contain an option to force registration
in DOCSIS BPI, as opposed to DOCSIS BPI+ mode, even in DOCSIS 1.1-provisioned networks.
Examples The following example illustrates logging messages that are created with the detection of cloned
cable modems:
SLOT 7/0: Nov 14 12:07:26: %UBR10000-6-CMMOVED: Cable modem 0007.0e03.3e71 has been moved
from interface Cable7/0/1 to interface Cable7/0/0.
cable logging layer2events Saves selected (low priority) DOCSIS events that are specified in the Cisco
CMTS MIB registry to the cable logging buffer (instead of to the general
logging buffer).
cable privacy bpi-plus-policy Configures the BPI+ enforcement policies on a Cisco CMTS router.
show cable logging Displays the log of messages about bad IP source addresses or DOCSIS layer
events on the cable interfaces.
show cable modem Displays information for registered and non-registered cable modems on the
Cisco CMTS.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines You can exclude individual cable modems, which are compliant with DOCSIS 1.0 and later versions, from
the BPI+ enforcement policy based on their MAC addresses on a per-MAC domain basis. If a cable modem
is added to the exclusion list, the Cisco CMTS router does not enforce the BPI+ enforcement policy on that
cable modem. You can exclude a maximum of 30 cable modems per MAC domain.
Examples The following example shows how to exclude a cable modem from the BPI+ enforcement policy
based on its MAC address:
cable privacy bpi-plus-policy Configures the BPI+ enforcement policy on a Cisco CMTS router.
Syntax Description capable-enforcement Specifies that BPI+ enforcement is required on all BPI+ capable cable modems
that are BPI+ enabled and provisioned with DOCSIS1.1 configuration file (Policy
d11-enabled-enforcement Specifies that BPI+ enforcement is required on all cable modems that register
with a DOCSIS 1.1 configuration file with parameters indicating BPI+ is enabled
with or without TLV 29 (Policy 2).
d11-enforcement Specifies that BPI+ enforcement is required on all cable modems that are
compliant with DOCSIS 1.1 and later versions (Policy 3).
total-enforcement Specifies that BPI+ enforcement is required on all cable modems (Policy 4).
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable privacy bpi-plus-policy command replaced the cable privacy bpi-plus-enforce command in
Cisco IOS Relase12.2(33)SCD5. If you upgrade from an earlier Cisco IOS Release to Cisco IOS Release
12.2(33)SCD5 and later, the existing BPI+ enforcement configuration is disabled by default during the upgrade.
You must reconfigure the BPI+ enforcement policy using the cable privacy bpi-plus-policy command.
You can configure only one enforcement policy at a time per MAC domain. If you configure one policy after
another, the latest policy supersedes the already existing policy. For example, if you want Policy 2 to take
over Policy 1, you can directly configure the former without disabling the latter.
Examples The following example shows how to configure BPI+ enforcement policies on the cable interface
3/0 on the Cisco uBR7246VXR router:
cable privacy bpi-plus-exclude Excludes individual cable modems from BPI+ enforcement policies based
on their MAC addresses.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Examples The following example shows how to enable the clone modem functionality, so that the cloned cable
modems cannot register with the CMTS:
(Not supported for Cisco uBR10K Series Specifies that a cable modem provisioned in DOCSIS 1.1 or higher
and cBR Series Converged Broadband must register with DOCSIS BPI+, and not use the earlier DOCSIS
Routers) cable privacy BPI.
cable logging layer2events Saves selected (low priority) DOCSIS events that are specified in
the Cisco CMTS MIB registry to the cable logging buffer (not of
the general logging buffer).
show cable logging Displays the log of messages, about bad IP source addresses or
DOCSIS-layer events, on the cable interfaces.
show cable modem Displays information for registered and non-registered cable
modems on the Cisco CMTS.
Command Description
show running-config interface cable Displays the bundles that are configured on a Cisco CMTS router
showing the running configuration for each of the cable interfaces.
Syntax Description cm-mac-address Hardware (MAC) address of a specific cable modem to be added to the EAE exclusion
Command Default The EAE exclusion list does not contain any MAC address.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The exclusion list is mainly used to debug issues with specific cable modems.
Examples The following example shows how to add a CM with the MAC address of 00C0.8345.de51 to the
EAE exclusion list, so that this particular CM cannot register with the CMTS:
cable privacy kek Sets key encryption keys and timeout periods.
cable privacy tek Sets traffic encryption keys and timeout periods.
show cable privacy Displays information about BPI status and operation.
disable-enforcement Disables EAE thereby preventing the CMTS from enforcing EAE on any cable
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
IOS XE Fuji This command was modified to support MAC domain profile configuration on the Cisco
16.7.1 cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The EAE policy is applied on a MAC domain and the policies are mutually exclusive. The CMTS enforces
EAE only on CMs that initialize on a downstream channel on which the CMTS is transmitting MAC Domain
Descriptor (MDD) messages.
The EAE exclusion list is a global list and is created on all line cards as part of the DOCSIS 3.0 specifications.
Cable modems in the EAE exclusion list are always exempted from EAE enforcement. If the CMTS receives
an authorization request before the CM is registered in the EAE exclusion list, the CMTS rejects that request.
Note When Early Authentication and Encryption is enabled in Cisco cBR-8 router, BPI will revert back to DES-56
even if the hardware supports AES-128.
Examples The following example shows how to enforce EAE policy on capable modems:
The following example shows how to disable EAE policy so that the CMTS does not enforce EAE
policy on any cable modem:
The following example shows how to enforce EAE policy on DOCSIS 3.0 modems only:
The following example shows how to enforce EAE policy on all cable modems:
cable privacy exe-exclude Adds the CM to be excluded from EAE policy enforcement.
cable privacy hotlist Adds a CM certificate to the DOCSIS hotlist so that it is no longer accepted.
cable privacy kek Sets key encryption keys and timeout periods.
cable privacy tek Sets traffic encryption keys and timeout periods.
show cable privacy Displays information about BPI status and operation.
Syntax Description aes128-des40-des56 Specifies the order of the encryption algorithm priority.
AES with a 128-bit block is given the highest priority, followed by DES with 40-bit
block size, and DES with 56-bit block size.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines Use this command to specify the order of the encryption algorithm priority.
When Early Authentication and Encryption is enabled in Cisco cBR-8 router, BPI will revert back to DES-56
even if the hardware supports AES-128.
Examples The following example shows how to assign AES the highest priority, followed by 40-bit DES, and
56-bit DES.
cable privacy kek Sets key encryption keys and timeout periods.
cable privacy tek Sets traffic encryption keys and timeout periods.
show cable privacy Displays information about BPI status and operation.
Syntax Description cm mac-address Specifies the MAC address for the CM to be added to the hotlist. The
mac-address should be specified as a hexadecimal string, without periods
or other separators. In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)BC2 and later releases,
you can also specify it as three sets of hexadecimal digits, separated by
manufacturercert-serial-number Specifies the serial number for the particular manufacturer CA certificate.
The cert-serial-number should be specified as a hexadecimal string up to
32 bytes in length. Enter multiple lines as needed, and use a blank line to
terminate the string.
host mac-address Specifies the MAC address for the host to be added to the hotlist. The
mac-address should be specified as a hexadecimal string, without periods
or other separators. In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(15)BC2 and later releases,
you can also specify it as three sets of hexadecimal digits, separated by
Command Default The CMTS hotlist does not contain any certificates.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
12.1(7)CX, 12.2(1)XF1, This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR7100 series and Cisco
12.2(4)BC1 uBR7200 series routers.
12.2(15)BC2 The mac-address can be specified in the canonical form of three pairs of
hexadecimal digits, separated by periods (for example, 0000.0001.0002).
12.2(33)SCB5 This command was integrated into the 12.2SC release train.
Release Modification
IOS-XE 3.15.OS This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers. The host keyword was added.
Usage Guidelines The cable privacy hotlist command is used to configure the following features:
• DOCSIS 1.1 for the Cisco CMTS Routers
This command is applicable only on images that support BPI or BPI+ encryption.
Note The cable privacy hotlist command is not supported on the Cisco uBR10012 router running Cisco IOS
releases prior to Cisco IOS release 12.3(23)BC9, Cisco IOS release 12.2(33)SCB5, and Cisco IOS
release12.2(33)SCC. To add a manufacturer’s or CM certificate to the hotlist on the Cisco uBR10012 router,
use SNMP commands to set the appropriate attributes in DOCS-BPI-PLUS-MIB.
Examples The following command adds the CM certificate with the MAC address of 00C0.8345.de51 to the
hotlist, so that this particular CM cannot register with the CMTS:
The following example adds a manufacturer CA certificate into the BPI+ hotlist, so that the CMTS
will reject any CM attempting to register with a certificate from that particular manufacturer:
cable privacy kek Sets key encryption keys and timeout periods.
cable privacy tek Sets traffic encryption keys and timeout periods.
show cable privacy Displays information about BPI status and operation.
Note This command is applicable only on images that support BPI or BPI+ encryption.
Syntax Description life-timeseconds (Optional) Length of the key encryption life-time in seconds. The valid range is 300 to
604,8000. The default is 604,800 seconds (7 days).
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
12.1(4)CX, 12.2(1)XF1, 12.2(4)BC1 The valid range for both options was changed to support DOCSIS 1.1
and BPI+ encryption.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers.
IOS XE Fuji 16.7.1 This command was modified to support MAC domain profile
configuration on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines Baseline privacy on an HFC network is configured with key encryption keys (KEKs) and traffic encryption
keys (TEKs). The encryption is based on 40-bit or 56-bit data encryption standard (DES) encryption algorithms.
A KEK is assigned to a cable modem based on the cable modem service identifier (SID) and permits the cable
modem to connect to the Cisco CMTS when baseline privacy is activated. KEKs can be set to expire based
a life-time value.
The life-time keyword is used to assign a more permanent key to a cable modem.
A cable modem that has a life-time key assigned by the Cisco CMTS requests a new key before the current
one expires.
Examples The following example shows how to set the KEK privacy life-time to 750,000 seconds:
cable privacy tek Sets traffic encryption keys and timeout periods.
show cable privacy Displays information about BPI status and operation.
show interface cable privacy Displays the current values of the KEK and TEK timers for an interface.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE 3.18.1SP This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Examples The following example shows how to add a CM with the MAC address of 00C0.8345.de51 to the
EAE exclusion list, so that this particular CM cannot register with the CMTS:
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable privacy revocation crl skip-sig-check command allows you to use the CRL response from the
CRL server without validating the signature of the response.
Examples The following example shows how to skip the CRL response signature check:
cable privacy revocation ocsp skip-sig-check Allows to skip the OCSP response signature check.
cable privacy revocation timeout Sets the timeout value of CRL or OCSP response time.
cable privacy revocation enable Allows to quickly enable privacy revocation checking.
show cable privacy Displays information about BPI status and operation.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines This command allows you to quickly enable or disable revocation checking. When you enable revocation
checking, it creates the trustpoints for both the EU and US certificates.
cable privacy revocation ocsp skip-sig-check Allows to skip the OCSP response signature check.
cable privacy revocation timeout Sets the timeout value of CRL or OCSP response time.
show cable privacy Displays information about BPI status and operation.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable privacy revocation ocsp skip-sig-check command allows you to use the OCSP response from the
OCSP responder without validating the signature of the response.
Examples The following example shows how to skip the OCSP response signature check:
cable privacy revocation enable Allows to quickly enable privacy revocation checking.
cable privacy revocation timeout Sets the timeout value of CRL or OCSP response time.
show cable privacy Displays information about BPI status and operation.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines
Note Checking CM certificates requires a lot of processing power, which impacts the router performance.
cable privacy revocation enable Allows to quickly enable privacy revocation checking.
cable privacy revocation ocsp skip-sig-check Allows to skip the OCSP response signature check.
cable privacy revocation timeout Sets the timeout value of CRL or OCSP response time.
show cable privacy Displays information about BPI status and operation.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines This command only takes effect if cable privacy revocation enable command is configured. The timeout
value for authorization “reply” or “reject” messages in the CM configuration file must be greater than the
revocation timeout value.
Examples The following example shows how to set the timeout value for CRL or OCSP response:
cable privacy revocation enable Allows to quickly enable privacy revocation checking.
cable privacy revocation ocsp skip-sig-check Allows to skip the OCSP response signature check.
show cable privacy Displays information about BPI status and operation.
Note This command is applicable only on images that support BPI or BPI+ encryption.
Syntax Description life-time (Optional) Length of the traffic encryption life-time in seconds. The range is 180 to
seconds 604,8000. The default is 43,200.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
12.1(4)CX, 12.2(1)XF1, 12.2(4)BC1 The valid range for both options was changed to support DOCSIS 1.1
and BPI+ encryption.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers.
IOS XE Fuji 16.7.1 This command was modified to support MAC domain profile
configuration on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines Baseline privacy on an HFC network is configured with key encryption keys (KEKs) and traffic encryption
keys (TEKs). The encryption is based on 40-bit or 56-bit data encryption standard (DES) or 128-bit AES
encryption algorithms.
The TEK is assigned to a CM when its KEK has been established. The TEK is used to encrypt data traffic
between the CM and the Cisco CMTS. TEKs can be set to expire based a life-time value.
The life-time keyword is used to assign a more permanent key to a CM.
A CM that has a life-time key assigned by the Cisco CMTS requests a new key before the current one expires.
Examples The following example shows how to set the traffic encryption key life-time to 800000 seconds:
cable privacy kek Sets key encryption keys and timeout periods.
show cable privacy Displays information about BPI status and operation.
show interface cable privacy Displays the current values of the KEK and TEK timers for an interface.
cable profile
To create and configure common profile for service group based configuration of layer 2 (L2) interfaces, use
the cable profile command. To remove a common profile use the no form of the command with the appropriate
key words and variables.
Cisco IOS-XE 3.17.0S This command is introduced on theCisco cBR Series Converged Broadband
Usage Guidelines Feature—Service Group Profile Based Configuration for DOCSIS interfaces and fiber nodes.
Use this command to configure the three common profiles — MAC domain, primary downstream channel
profile and wideband-cable interface profile. When you enter the profile configuration mode, configure the
parameters for the profile. These parameters will be applied when this profile is added to a specific service
group profile. This command is used to create the service group profile.
MAC Domain Common Profile
When you enter the MAC domain common profile configuration mode, configure the following using the
cable command:
• cable ip-init [apm | dual-stack | ipv4 | ipv6]
• cable mrc-mode
• cable mtc-mode
• cable dynamic-secret [lock | mark | reject]
• cable shared-secret [0 | 7 | LINE]
• cable privacy bpi-plus-policy [capable-enforcement | d11-enabled-enforcement | d11-enforcement
| total-enforcement ]
• cable privacy mandatory
• Enter the wideband interface configuration group using the wideband-interface Id profile BG profile
• In the wideband interface configuration mode, use the downstream sg-channel group list
rf-bandwidth-percent percent command to add the upstream channels.
cable proxy-arp
To activate cable proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) on the cable interface or subinterface, use the
cable proxy-arp command in cable interface or subinterface configuration mode. To disable this feature, use
the no form of this command.
cable proxy-arp
no cable proxy-arp
Command Modes
Cable interface configuration (config-if)
IOS-XE This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines This command enables or disables direct host-to-host communications over the same cable subnet. Because
the downstream and upstream are separate interfaces, CMs cannot directly perform address resolution with
other CMs on the cable plant. This means that the CMs must send all traffic through the CMTS, even if the
destination CM is on the same subnet.
The cable proxy-arp command enables the Cisco CMTS to act as a proxy for ARP requests generated by the
CMs, which allows CMs on the same cable subnet to communicate directly which each other, without the
traffic having to be routed first through the CMTS. The no cable proxy-arp command disables this feature,
preventing CMs on the same subnet from communicating with each other without routing the traffic through
the CMTS.
Note Using the no cable arp and no cable proxy-arpcommands shifts all responsibility for the management of
the IP addresses used by CMs and CPE devices to the DHCP server and provisioning system.
Examples The following example shows how to activate proxy ARP for host-to-host communications:
The following example shows how to activate proxy ARP for host-to-host communications, on the
cable subinterface:
Syntax Description rule-name Name of the enforce-rule to be created and configured. This name can be any arbitrary and unique
string from 1 to 15 characters in length.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
12.3(9a)BC This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(9a)BC. This command replaces
the cable qos monitoring command.
12.2(33)SCA This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the Cisco
uBR7225VXR router was added.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
IOS-XE 3.17.0S This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable qos enforce-rule command creates an enforce-rule with the specified name and then enters
enforce-rule configuration mode. After entering enforce-rule configuration mode, use the following commands
to configure the enforce-rule for uBR Series Routers:
• activate-rule at-byte-count
• enabled (enforce-rule)
• enforced qos-profile
• monitoring-duration
• penalty-period
• registered qos-profile
At the very minimum, you must use the activate-rule at-byte-count and registered qos-profilecommands
to configure an enforce-rule, and the enabled command to activate it, before it takes effect.
Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(9a)BC, the activate-rule at-byte-count command is not available in
Cisco IOS software.
Note The maximum number of enforce-rules is counted as the total number of rules created on both the upstreams
and downstreams combined.
Examples The following example shows the creation of an enforce-rule named “residential.” The system then
enters the enforce-rule configuration mode.
The following example shows the error message that is displayed if you try to create more than 20
enforce-rules in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(23)BC1 and earlier:
The following example shows the error message that is displayed when you try to name an enforce-rule
with a name that is larger than 15 characters. An error message is displayed, and the name is truncated
to the first 15 characters.
The following example shows the creation of an enforce-rule named "test1" on Cisco cBR Series
Converged Broadband Routers. The system then enters the enforce-rule configuration mode.
Router(config)#cable qos enforce-rule test1
Router(enforce-rule)# ?
Configuration commands for QoS enforce rules:
Penalty-period Penalty period in Minutes
duration Legacy monitoring parameters
enabled Enable the enforce-rule
exit Exit from QoS enforce rule editing mode
monitoring-basics Set the monitoring basics
no Negate a command or set its defaults
peak-time1 Peak-OffPeak parameters
qos-profile qos-profile for monitoring cable modems
service-class service-class for monitoring cable modems
weekend Setup different peak-time for weekends
activate-rule at-byte-count Specifies the number of bytes that a subscriber can transmit during
the monitoring period.
debug cable subscriber-monitoring Displays enforce-rule debug messages for subscriber traffic
management on the Cisco CMTS routers.
duration Specifies the time period and sample rate to be used for monitoring
penalty-period Specifies the time period that an enforced QoS profile should be in
effect for subscribers that violate their registered QoS profiles.
qos-profile enforced Specifies a QoS profile that should be enforced when users violate
their registered QoS profiles.
qos-profile registered Specifies the registered QoS profile that should be used for this
show cable qos enforce-rule Displays the QoS enforce-rules that are currently defined.
show cable subscriber-usage Displays subscribers who are violating their registered QoS profiles.
Syntax Description create Permits creation of QoS table entries by Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
enforce The enforce keyword overrides the provisioned QoS profile of the CM and enforces a specific
index CMTS-local QoS profile. The index argument specifies the number of the QoS profile to be
enforced on all CMs connecting to the CMTS. Valid values are from 1 to 255.
Note Both the originally provisioned QoS profile and the enforced QoS profile must be
created on the Cisco CMTS. This option does not support profiles that are created
by the CM.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
12.1(4)CX This command was deprecated for DOCSIS 1.1 use, because DOCSIS 1.1 replaces the
QoS profile model with a service flow model.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines If the QoS profile to be enforced does not exist at the CMTS during registration, the CMTS uses the QoS
profile configured for the registering CM.
If you disable the use of CM-created profiles, using the no cable qos permission command, any CMs using
such a profile go offline immediately and the CM-created profiles are removed.
This no cable qos permission command is similar to the docsIfCmtsQosProfilePermissions attribute in the
DOCS-IF-MIB, as both prohibit CMs from creating their own QoS profiles in the future. However, the no
cable qos permission command also immediately deletes QoS profiles that have been created by the cable
modems and takes those modems offline. The docsIfCmtsQosProfilePermissions method does not affect QoS
profiles that are currently in use, but only unused profiles and profiles that are created in the future.
Examples The following example shows how to enable CMs to request arbitrary QoS parameters:
The following example shows how a CM with a QoS profile 4 created by the CM is reset to use QoS
profile 225 enforced by the cable router (management):
show cable qos permission Displays the status of permissions for changing QoS tables for a cable router.
show cable qos profile Displays the QoS profiles that have been defined.
Syntax Description us-priority Specifies the upstream priority to be assigned to the pre-registration traffic.
Command Default The default QoS profile-2 priority of the initializing cable modem is zero.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable qos pre-registration command allows the Cisco CMTS operators to enforce a profile on all cable
modems that have not yet begun initialization. However, this command has no affect on cable modems that
have already started initialization and may be having difficulties getting [w-]online.
Examples The following example shows how to set the priority of the QoS profile-2.
show cable qos profile Displays the QoS profiles for a Cisco CMTS.
Syntax Description burst-size The downstream burst size of QoS profile in bytes.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
12.3(13a)BC This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR7100 Series and Cisco uB7246VXR
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines To display ERBA settings as applied to DOCSIS 1.0 cable modems and QoS profiles on the Cisco CMTS,
use the show cable qos profile command in Privileged EXEC mode.
The following example of the cable qos profile command in global configuration mode illustrates changes
to the cable qos profile command. Fields relating to the ERBA feature are shown in bold for illustration:
priority Priority
privacy Cable Baseline Privacy Enable
tos-overwrite Overwrite TOS byte by setting mask bits to value
The following example of the show cable qos profile command illustrates that the maximum downstream
burst has been defined, and is a management-created QoS profile:
1 0 0 0 0
0 0xFF 0x0 cmts(r) no no
2 0 64000 0 1000000
0 0xFF 0x0 cmts(r) no no
3 7 31200 31200 0
0 0xFF 0x0 cmts yes no
4 7 87200 87200 0
0 0xFF 0x0 cmts yes no
6 1 90000 0 90000
0xFF 0x0 mgmt
yes no
10 1 90000 0 90000
0x1 0xA0 mgmt
no no
50 0 0 0 96000
0 0xFF 0x0 mgmt no no
51 0 0 0 97000
0 0xFF 0x0 mgmt no no
The following example illustrates the maximum downstream burst size in sample QoS profile 10 with the
show cable qos prof verbose command in privileged EXEC mode:
If a cable modem registers with a QoS profile that matches one of the existing QoS profiles on the Cisco
CMTS, then the maximum downstream burst size, as defined for that profile, is used instead of the default
DOCSIS QoS profile of 1522.
For example, a DOCSIS 1.0 configuration that matches QoS profile 10 in the previous examples would be as
The maximum downstream burst size (as well as the ToS overwrite values) are not explicitly defined in the
QoS configuration file because they are not defined in DOCSIS. However, because all other parameters are
a perfect match to profile 10 in this example, then any cable modem that registers with these QoS parameters
has a maximum downstream burst of 100000 bytes applied to it.
For further illustration, consider a scenario in which packets are set in lengths of 1000 bytes at 100 packets
per second (pps). Therefore, the total rate is a multiplied total of 1000, 100, and 8, or 800kbps.
To change these settings, two or more traffic profiles are defined, with differing downstream QoS settings as
desired. The table below provides two examples of such QoS profiles for illustration:
Table 1: Sample QoS Profiles with Differing ERBA (Maximum Downstream) Settings
In this scenario, both QoS profiles are identical except for the max-ds-burst size, which is set to 5000 in QoS
profile 101 and 5000 in QoS profile 102.
Optimal Settings for DOCSIS 1.0 Downstream Powerburst
DOCSIS allows the setting different token bucket parameters for each service flow, including the token bucket
burst size. When burst sizes are closer to 0, QoS is enforced in a stricter manner, allowing a more predictable
sharing of network resources, and as a result easier network planning.
When burst sizes are larger, individual flows can transmit information faster (lower latency), although the
latency variance can be larger as well.
For individual flows, a larger burst size is likely to be better. As long as the system is not congested, a large
burst size reduces the chances of two flows transmitting at the same time, because each burst is likely to take
less time to transmit. However, as channel bandwidth consumption increases, it is probably that large burst
traffic would exceed the thresholds of buffer depths, and latency is longer than with well shaped traffic.
For additional information about the cable qos profile command and configuring QoS profiles, see the DOCSIS
1.1 for the Cisco CMTS document on
show cable qos permission Displays the status of permissions for changing QoS tables for a cable router.
show cable qos profile Displays the QoS profiles that have been defined.
cable queue-limit
To set the DOCSIS service flow queue limits to non-default values on the Cisco CMTS, use the cable
queue-limit command in global configuration mode. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description queue_limit_in_ms Queue limit in milliseconds. The valid range is from 1 to 200 milliseconds.
threshold_value Queue bandwidth threshold in Kbps. The valid range is from 0 to 1000000.
Note The queue limit specification take effect only if the queue shape rate exceeds
the queue-bandwidth threshold.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
12.2(33)SCG1 Support was added for the Cisco uBR7200 Series router.
IOS-XE This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable queue-limit bandwidth-threshold command is used to configure the DOCSIS WFQ Scheduler
on the Cisco CMTS Routers feature.
The queue size on the downstream interfaces can be adjusted to be different than the default settings; for
example, when the application can benefit from a larger queue size on a high speed queue.
The queue size in packets is calculated as:
queue-size = bandwidth (Kbps) * queue-limit (ms) / 8 / 1518
(where 1518 B is the packet size, and bandwidth is the same as queue shape rate).
Examples The following example shows how to set the queue limit to 25 ms at max-rate when bandwidth
exceeds 100000 Kbps:
(For uBR10K Series Routers) show cable Displays the queue information on the Cisco uBR7200 router.
modem queue
Command Description
(For uBR10K Series Routers) show pxf Displays parallel express forwarding (PXF) queuing, link queue
cpu queue statistics, and the service flow queue information including the
queue size on the Cisco uBR10012 router.
(For uBR10K Series Routers) show pxf Displays information about a particular service ID (SID),
cable interface including information about the status of queues used by the SID
on the Cisco uBR10012 router
The following example shows how to configure the number of ranging packets to get the CM-based
SNR using the cable ranging cm packet command:
The following cable ranging upstream packet command example shows how to configure the
number of ranging packets to get the US channel-base SNR:
Syntax Description min-plus-excess Specifies that the service flow requires a bandwidth of the specified minimum reserved
traffic rate, plus excess traffic rate.
Command Default When the cable rate-limit-algorithm min-plus-excess command is not configured, service flows with the
minimum reserved traffic rate configured are guaranteed only their minimum reserved traffic rate. Excess
traffic rate bandwidth may not be shared evenly among service flows with or without the minimum rate
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Examples The following example shows how to specify the min-plus-excess keyword:
Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# cable rate-limit-algorithm argument min-plus-excess
show interface cable mac-scheduler Displays the current time-slot scheduling state, statistics, and weighted
fair queuing (WFQ) parameters for the indicated cable interface.
show interface cable service-flow Displays the attributes of the DOCSIS service flows on a cable
cable rcc-template
To define a receive channel configuration (RCC) template, use the cable rcc-template command in global
configuration mode.
Command Default If an RCC template is not assigned to a cable interface, the CMTS will use the wideband cable interface
generated RCC for a receive channel profile (RCP).
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command was replaced by the cable rcc-templates frequency-based command on
the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines A valid RCC template consists of a configured RCP ID, a receive module (RM) entry, and a receive channel
(RC) entry.
First, you define an RCC template for an RCP, and then assign the template to a cable interface to generate
RCCs based on the actual DS channel configuration.
Note When assigning an RCC template to a cable interface, use this command in interface configuration mode.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command was introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
This command replaces the cable rcc-template command.
cable rcp-control
To enable the receive channel profile (RCP) reporting with verbose description, use the cable rcp-control
command in interface configuration mode. To revert to the default simple RCP reporting, use the no form of
this command.
Syntax Description verbose Enables RCP reporting with verbose description that contains complete subtype encodings defined
in DOCSIS 3.0.
Command Default If this command is not used, cable modems use the default RCP reporting method that contains only the RCP
IOS-XE This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines Use this command to enable a CM to send detailed RCP data in the registration request. This detailed RCP
data can be verified using the debug cable registration command. This verbose RCP data is useful while
configuring a receive channel configuration (RCC) template.
Examples The following example shows how to enable RCP reporting with verbose description on a cable
interface on the Cisco uBR10012 router:
The following example shows how to enable RCP reporting with verbose description on a cable
interface on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers:
debug cable registration Displays debug messages for the CM registration process.
Command Description
(For Cisco uBR Series Routers) cable Defines a Receive Channel Configuration (RCC)
rcc-template template.
(For Cisco cBR Series Routers) cable Defines a frequency based Receive Channel
rcc-template frequency-based Configuration (RCC) template.
cable rcp-id
To configure vendor specific Receive Channel Profile's (RCP), use the cable rcp-id command in global
configuration mode.
Command Default The Standard Receive Channel Profile's (RCP) defined in DOCSIS 3.0 MULPI Specification Annex E are
pre-defined in the system by default. These RCP's are un-configurable and can be displayed using the show
cable rcps command.
Usage Guidelines The RCP's define the physical layer components that permit CM to receive multiple downstream channels.
All standard RCP's defined in DOCSIS 3.0 MULPI specification are already pre-loaded into the system. Users
can configure vendor specific RCPs using this command.
The following example shows a typical display for the cable rcp-id rcp id command for all cable
Router(config)#cable rcp-id 00 10 18 80 61
Router(config-rcp)#name TI
Router(config-rcp)#center-frequency-spacing 6
Router(config-rcp)#number-of-channels 8
Router(config-rcp)#primary-capable-channels 1
Router(config-rcp)#module 1 minimum-center-frequency 111000000 maximum-center-frequency
999000000(config-rcp)#module 1 number-of-adjacent-channels 10
Router(config-rcp)#module 1 connected-module 1
Router(config-rcp)#module 2 minimum-center-frequency 111000000 maximum-center-frequency
Router(config-rcp)#module 2 number-of-adjacent-channels 10
Router(config-rcp)#module 2 connected-module 2 #show cable rcp-id 00 10 18 80 61
RCP-ID : 00 10 18 10 61
Name : TI
Number of association : 1
Center Frequency Spacing : 6
Number of Channels : 8
Primary Capable Channels : 1
Number of Modules : 2
Module [1]:
Number-of-adjacent-channels : 10
Minimum-center-frequency : 111000000
Maximum-center-frequency : 999000000
Connected Module : 1
Module [2]:
Number-of-adjacent-channels : 10
Minimum-center-frequency : 111000000
Maximum-center-frequency : 999000000
Connected Module : 2
The following example shows how to recover unresponsive modems using the cable reconciliation
enable command for all cable interfaces:
Router(config)#configure terminal
Router(config)# cable reconciliation enable
Router(config)# end
cable reconciliation time Specifies the time when the cable reconciliation enable command should run.
The following example shows how to set the time when the cable reconciliation enable command
should run:
Router(config)#configure terminal
Router(config)# cable reconciliation time 23
Router(config)# end
Syntax Description value Percentage to channel bandwidth when creating dynamic bonding groups for energy management.
Valid range is from 1-96.
Usage Guidelines The cable reduction-mode energy-management dynamic-channel-percent command sets the percentage
of dynamic channel bandwidth.
Usage Guidelines The cable reduction-mode energy-management enable command enables the energy management mode.
The following example shows how to enable or disable the energy management feature:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# cable reduction-mode energy-management enable
Router(config)#no cable reduction-mode energy-management enable
Show cable modem reduction-mode Shows the the original wideband and upstream channel
energy-management-mode information.
Usage Guidelines The cable reduction-mode energy-management process-queue-size command sets the queue size of the
energy management requests.
Usage Guidelines The cable reduction-mode energy-management ranging-init-technique command sets the technique in
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#cable reduction-mode energy-management ranging-init-technique
Syntax Description dampen-time seconds Specifies the dampen time in seconds. Valid range is from 30 to 300.
dynamic-channel-percent percent Specifies the maximum and first try percentage of dynamic channel
bandwidth in battery backup mode. Valid range is from 1 to 96.
enable Enables the channel bonding downgrade for cable modems in battery
backup mode.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines Use the cable reduction-mode mta-battery command to enable channel bonding downgrade for cable
modems in battery backup mode. In addition, you can configure dampen time, init-range technique, maximum
and first try percentage using this command.
Examples The following example shows how to enable the channel bonding downgrade for cable modems in
battery backup mode globally:
The following example shows how to configure the maximum and first try percentage of dynamic
channel bandwidth in battery backup mode:
Router(config)# cable reduction-mode mta-battery dynamic-channel-percent 20
The following example shows how to enable the channel bonding downgrade for cable modems in
battery backup mode for each MAC domain:
show cable modem reduction-mode Displays the channel bonding downgrade information for
mta-battery cable modems in battery backup mode.
cable redundancy hashfilter hash_id {type namestring | mac-mask mac-mask | mac-map mac-address
node node_id | oui-map oui node node_id}
no cable redundancy hashfilter
Syntax Description hash_id Unique ID for the shared hash filter. Multiple (differently named) hash filters are
supported in the same Cisco DDC Redundancy scheme at the same time, though
only one hash filter can be enabled at any one time. The valid range is from 1 to 3.
type namestring Alphanumeric hash filter name. Only the namestring of default is supported at this
mac-mask mac-mask Specifies the number of bits in the cable modem’s MAC address to be used by the
hashing algorithm.
mac-map mac-address A manually configured MAC address for the DDC node (overrides any default MAC
address configured on the router).
node node_id This value overrides the node that all cable modems with the shared mac-address
or oui value will use, and updates the MAC address mapping in the hash filter.
oui-map oui This value overrides the node that all cable modems with the shared OUI value will
use, and updates the OUI address mapping in the hash filter.
Command Default • Cable redundancy hash filters are disabled (not configured) by default.
• Only the hash filter name of default is supported at this time.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Release 12.3(9a)BC This command was introduced on the Cisco uBR7246 universal broadband router.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines This command is used in the early stages of configuring DDC Redundancy on all DDC nodes (routers) in the
scheme. For additional information in context, refer to the Configuring Cisco DDC Redundancy on the Cisco
uBR7246VXR Universal Broadband Router feature documentation on
Note This configuration must be present and identical on each CMTS router participating in the DDC redundancy
Examples The following example implements the cable redundancy hashfilter command in four sequential
steps, completing the entire mapping information required for one DDC node in a redundancy scheme
of two routers:
cable redundancy myid Sets the total number of Cisco DDC nodes (routers) in the DDC Redundancy
scheme, and sets the ID of the current DDC node.
cable redundancy node Configures the DDC node with active or standby state.
show cable redundancy Displays the current DDC redundancy configurations and status.
Syntax Description node_id A unique identifier for the Cisco DDC node currently being configured. The value must be 1 or
greater (not to exceed the value used for nodes). This value must be unique on each CMTS that
participates in the scheme.
nodes Total number of Cisco CMTS routers participating in the DDC redundancy scheme (range 1 to 3).
This value must be identical on all DDC nodes (routers).
Command Default DDC Redundancy is disabled and DDC nodes (routers) are not configured for DDC redundancy by default.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Release 12.3(9a)BC This command was introduced on the Cisco uBR7246 universal broadband router.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines This configuration must be present (identical except node_id) on all DDC nodes (routers) participating in the
This command is used in the early stages of configuring DDC Redundancy on all DDC nodes (routers) in the
scheme. For additional information in context, refer to the Configuring Cisco DDC Redundancy on the Cisco
uBR7246VXR Universal Broadband Router feature documentation on
Examples The following example configures the DDC node (router) ID to be 2 in a scheme in which there are
three DDC nodes total.
cable redundancy node Configures the DDC node with active or standby state.
show cable redundancy Displays the current DDC redundancy configurations and status.
Syntax Description node_id DDC node (router) with which the subinterface is associated. The range is the number of DDC
nodes in the scheme.
force Optional keyword forces the subinterface into the standby state regardless of the number of active
voice or E911 calls.
Command Default DDC switchover events are disabled by default and must be manually initiated on a case-by-case basis.
Command Modes
Subinterface configuration (config-subif)
Release 12.3(9a)BC This command was introduced on the Cisco uBR7246 universal broadband router.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines This command can be used in the context of DDC configuration, testing or forced switchover events. Refer
to earlier procedures in this document for additional information.
Note Use of this command is subject to additional constraints described in the Active Voice Call Protection in Cisco
DDC Redundancy section of the Configuring Cisco DDC Redundancy on the Cisco uBR7246VXR Universal
Broadband Router feature documentation on
Examples The following command sequence sets the DDC node states in a scheme with two DDC nodes
(routers), then forces a switchover event on DDC node 1 that puts it into standby state.
cable redundancy myid Sets the total number of Cisco DDC nodes (routers) in the DDC Redundancy
scheme, and sets the ID of the current DDC node.
Command Description
show cable redundancy Displays the current DDC redundancy configurations and status.
Syntax Description node_id DDC target node ID for which the frequency is being set.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Release 12.3(9a)BC This command was introduced on the Cisco uBR7246 universal broadband router.
IOS-XE 3.15.OS This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines This command must be present on each cable interface participating in the scheme, regardless of its bundle
Examples The following example configures the downstream frequency of DDC node 1 to be 435000000.
cable redundancy myid Sets the total number of Cisco DDC nodes (routers) in the DDC Redundancy
scheme, and sets the ID of the current DDC node.
cable redundancy node Configures the DDC node with active or standby state.
cable redundancy target Configures the DDC node by setting the target DDC node (router) to use in
a DDC switchover event.
cable redundancy threshold Configures the DDC node by setting the active voice call threshold on the
current DDC node (router)
show cable redundancy Displays the current DDC redundancy configurations and status.
Syntax Description node_id Target node ID (in relation to the current DDC node)
Command Default When this command is not present, the default target node is the next higher node in the scheme.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Release 12.3(9a)BC This command was introduced on the Cisco uBR7246 universal broadband router.
IOS-XE 3.15.OS This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The downstream frequency that is used in a DDC switchover event is the frequency set on the respective target
DDC node, as set with this command.
Note This command may be present on each participating cable interface, regardless of its bundle status.
When this command is not present, the default target node is the next higher node in the scheme (the next
higher node_id value in the scheme). For example, if there are three participating nodes, the default target
nodes are as follows (respectively):
• If the current node is 1, the target node is 2.
• If the current node is 2, the target node is 3.
• If the current node is 3, the target node is 1.
Examples The following example configures the target node on the current router to be DDC node 1, often
referred to as CMTS A in additional sections of this document.
cable redundancy myid Sets the total number of Cisco DDC nodes (routers) in the DDC
Redundancy scheme, and sets the ID of the current DDC node.
cable redundancy node Configures the DDC node with active or standby state.
Command Description
cable redundancy node frequency Configures the DDC scheme by setting the DS frequencies for each
node in the scheme other than the current DDC node (router).
cable redundancy threshold Configures the DDC node by setting the active voice call threshold on
the current DDC node (router).
show cable redundancy Displays the current DDC redundancy configurations and status.
Syntax Description max-calls The threshold value for the number of active voice calls.
Command Default The threshold for maximum calls is not set by default.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
Release 12.3(9a)BC This command was introduced on the Cisco uBR7246 universal broadband router.
IOS-XE 3.15.OS This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines If the number of active voice calls exceeds this value, a DDC switchover does not take place unless it is forced
by using the cable redundancy node node_id standby force subinterface configuration command.
If the command is configured on a bundle primary, the threshold is used to compare with the total number of
voice calls in the bundle. This command is not accepted on interfaces configured as bundle subordinates.
If this threshold is not configured, this check does not occur and the DDC switchover proceeds regardless of
how many voice calls are active. This is subject to additional constraints described in the Call Priority in
Cisco DDC Redundancy section of the Configuring Cisco DDC Redundancy on the Cisco uBR7246VXR
Universal Broadband Router feature documentation on
Examples The following example configures DDC redundancy not to take place if there are more than 20 active
or E911 calls at the time a DDC switchover event is attempted or requested.
cable redundancy myid Sets the total number of Cisco DDC nodes (routers) in the DDC
Redundancy scheme, and sets the ID of the current DDC node.
cable redundancy node Configures the DDC node with active or standby state.
cable redundancy node frequency Configures the DDC scheme by setting the DS frequencies for each
node in the scheme other than the current DDC node (router).
Command Description
cable redundancy target Configures the DDC node (node_id) by setting the target DDC node
(router) to use in a DDC switchover event.
show cable redundancy Displays the current DDC redundancy configurations and status.
cable registration-timeout
To set the value of the DOCSIS registration timeout timer (T9 timer) on a particular interface, use the cable
registration-timeout command in cable interface configuration mode. To reset the timeout value to the
default, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description minutes Sets the value of the DOCSIS CM registration timeout timer (T9 timer). The range is from 2 to 60.
The default is 3.
IOS-XE This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The DOCSIS 1.1 specification states that the CMTS should enforce the T9 timer, which is a registration
timeout timer that specifies the maximum time allowed between the CMTS sending a successful Ranging
Response (RNG-RSP) message and the CM replying with a Registration Request (REG-REQ) message. If
this timer expires, the CMTS must remove the CM from its list of active CMs, and the CM must restart the
registration process.
The cable registration-timeoutcommand can be used to customize the value of the T9 timer for each cable
interface, to accommodate the CMs using that interface.
Examples The following example shows the registration timeout value being increased from 3 minutes to 10
cable relay-agent-option
To enable the system to insert the CM MAC address into a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
packet received from a CM or host and forward the packet to a DHCP server, use the cable relay-agent-option
command in cable interface configuration mode. To disable MAC address insertion, use the no form of this
cable relay-agent-option
no cable relay-agent-option
Command Modes
Interface configuration—cable interface only (config-if)
12.0 mainline, 12.1(2)EC1, 12.0(10) This command was made obsolete and was replaced by the ip dhcp
SC relay information option command.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines This functionality enables the use of DHCP Option 82 to allow a DHCP server to identify the CM sending
the request and to initiate the appropriate action based on this information. On Cisco IOS Release 12.0 and
later releases, use the ip dhcp relay information option command to enable Option 82 processing.
Examples The following example shows how to enable the insertion of DHCP relay agent information into
DHCP packets:
cable helper-address Specifies a destination IP address for User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
broadcast (DHCP) packets.
cable telco-return spd Enforces the telco-return CM to use a specific DHCP server.
Command Description
cable telco-return spd dhcp-server Identifies the IP address of the DHCP server that the telco-return
CM must access.
ip dhcp relay information option Enables the system to insert the CM MAC address into a DHCP
packet received from a CM or host and forward the packet to a DHCP
ip dhcp smart-relay Monitors client retransmissions when address pool depletion occurs.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable ds-resiliency command is used to configure the Downstream Resiliency Bonding Group feature.
Examples The following example shows how to configure the Downstream Resiliency Bonding Group feature:
cable ds-resiliency Reserves a resiliency bonding group for a line card on the Cisco CMTS
show cable modem resiliency Displays resiliency status of the cable modem in resiliency mode on the
Cisco CMTS router.
show cable resiliency Displays all information about resiliency bonding groups on the Cisco CMTS
Syntax Description seconds Specifies the wait time in seconds before a created resiliency bonding group is freed/recycled. The
recommended value is 360.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1y This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines This command applies to all non-primary RF channels on a Cisco CMTS router.
Examples The following example shows how to specify the wait time in seconds before a created resiliency
bonding group is freed/recycled:
cable rf-change-up-multiplier Specifies the rf-channel up dampen time as an integer multiplier of the
rf-channel down dampen time.
Syntax Description seconds Specify the time in seconds for the cable ds-resiliency command to move an unused RBG's state
from Assigned to In_Delete. The valid range is 1 to 3600. The default value is 300.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z This command is introduced for the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers
Usage Guidelines Use the cable ds-resiliency idle-interval seconds command to move an unused Resiliency Bonding Group's
(RBG) state from Assigned to In_Delete. This command applies to all non-primary RF channels on a Cisco
CMTS router.
Examples The following example shows how to configure the cable resiliency idle-interval command:
cable Reserves a resiliency bonding group for a line card on the Cisco CMTS router.
rate The number of RBGs that are created per minute. The range is 0-100.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z This command is introduced for the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers.
The following example shows how to configure RBG Throttle auto mode and set CM threshold,
CPU threshold values, and settle time values.
Router(config)#cable resiliency rbg-throttle rate 10 auto
Router(config)#cable resiliency rbg-throttle auto cm-threshold 25
Router(config)#cable resiliency rbg-throttle auto cpu-threshold 95
Router(config)#cable resiliency rbg-throttle auto settle-time 2
Router(config)#cable resiliency rbg-throttle auto nb-to-rbg-rate 2
cable ds-resiliency Reserves a resiliency bonding group for a line card on the Cisco CMTS
show cable resiliency throttled-cm Displays all information about resiliency bonding groups on the Cisco
CMTS router.
Syntax Description count Time interval (in seconds) at which the traps must be sent for each cable modem. The range is from
0 to 86400. The default is 1.
Command Default By default, the resiliency trap interval is enabled and set as 1 second.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable resiliency traps-interval command is associated with the Wideband Modem Resiliency feature.
When the network has less number of cable modems with resiliency events occurring at a given time, use the
default value of 1 second interval. But if the network has many cable modems with resiliency events occurring
at a given time, set the interval to a higher value.
Examples The following example shows how to set the time interval to 10 second for sending traps for each
cable modem:
show cable modem resiliency Displays resiliency status of the cable modem in resiliency mode on the
Cisco CMTS router.
Syntax Description general Period when the RF adaptation process examines the physical layer statistics of all modems on
RF adaptation-enabled upstream channels. The valid range is from 1 to 300 seconds. The default
value is 10 seconds.
candidate Period when the RF adaptation process examines the physical layer statistics of modems flagged
as downgrade and/or upgrade candidates. The valid range is from 1 to 300 seconds. The default
value is 1 second.
relocation Period when the RF adaptation process performs a single relocation of a candidate modem from
its current upstream channel to the appropriate destination. The valid range is from 1 to 300
seconds. The default value is 1 second.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Examples The following example shows how to set timers for cable modem upstream RF adaptation:
cable upstream rf-adapt (logical Configures the primary upstream logical channel and secondary
channel) upstream logical channel.
Command Description
cable upstream threshold Configures the upstream for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and
forward error correction (FEC) threshold values to be used in
determining the allowable noise levels.
cable upstream threshold hysteresis Configures the hysteresis value to be used in conjunction with the
dynamic modulation upgrade thresholds.
cable upstream threshold rf-adapt Configures the upstream RF adaptation threshold value, which
prevents excessive relocation of modems from the primary upstream
channel to the secondary upstream channel.
show cable rf-adapt Displays the downgrade and upgrade candidate lists.
cable rf-bandwidth-percent
To enable either static or dynamic bandwidth sharing for a modular cable (MC) or integrated cable (IC)
interface, use the cable rf-bandwidth-percent command in interface configuration mode or MAC domain
profile configuration mode. To remove bandwidth sharing for the MC or IC interface, use the no form of this
Syntax Description percent-value Specifies static bandwidth allocation of a downstream RF channel. The range is 1–96. The
default is 0.
remaining (Optional) Specifies the ratio of the remaining or excess bandwidth that can be allocated
ratio to the modular cable channel. (For Cisco uBR10012 Router and Cisco uBR7200 Series
Note This option is only available when dynamic bandwidth sharing is enabled.
excess-value (For Cisco uBR10012 Router and Cisco uBR7200 Series Routers) Specifies the value of
excess bandwidth that can be allocated to the modular cable channel. The valid range is
from 1 to 100. The default is 1.
Command Default The default static bandwidth percentage for a modular cable or integrated cable interface is 0.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
12.3(23)BC This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR10012 router.
12.2(33)SCB This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command was integrated into Cisco IOS-XE Release 3.15.0S. Support for the Cisco
cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers was added.
IOS XE Fuji This command was modified to support MAC domain profile configuration on the Cisco
16.7.1 cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The total percentage of the RF channel bandwidth allocated to both the modular cable (MC) and wideband
interfaces must not exceed 96 percent. The remaining 4 percent of the bandwidth is reserved for minislot
allocation packet (MAP) and other MAC management messages (MMM) DOCSIS traffic using this RF
channel as its primary channel.
When dynamic bandwidth sharing (DBS) is enabled on the MC or IC interface, the bandwidth percentage is
converted to a committed information rate (CIR) value for the corresponding link queue. By re-interpreting
the bandwidth percentage value as a CIR value for the interface, the interface receives, at minimum, the
configured percent of bandwidth and more when the RF channel’s bandwidth is not consumed by other
interfaces sharing the same RF channel. The remaining ratio option (applicable only for Cisco uBR7K and
uBR10K Series Routers) is only available when DBS is enabled using the cable dynamic-bw-sharing
Note For Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers, DBS is always enabled but the remaining ratio is not
(For Cisco uBR7K and uBR10K Series Routers) If the cable rf-bandwidth-percent command is not configured
and DBS is enabled, no bandwidth is reserved for the MC interface and it is effectively in the protocol down
state—the MC link queue is not created. Static bandwidth sharing (the default) or DBS can be configured on
an MC interface, but you cannot have both on the same interface.
The following is an example of static bandwidth allocation configuration in cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers:
cable dynamic-bw-sharing Enables dynamic bandwidth sharing on a specific modular cable or wideband
cable interface.
cable rf-channel Associates an RF channel on a Wideband SPA with a wideband channel and
allocates bandwidth.
show pxf cable controller Displays information about the RF channel Versatile Traffic Management
System (VTMS) links and link queues.
Command Description
show pxf cpu queue Displays parallel express forwarding (PXF) queueing and link queue statistics.
cable rf-change-dampen-time
To configure the amount of time a radio frequency (RF) channel must remain in its new state (either up or
down), use the cable rf-change-dampen-time command in global configuration mode. To restore the default
value, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description seconds Specifies the amount of time in seconds for a non-primary RF channel to remain in its new state.
The valid range is 1 to 65535. The default value is 60.
Command Default If this command is not used, the default value of 30 seconds is restored.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Examples The following example shows how to specify the amount of time for a non-primary RF channel to
remain in its new state:
cable rf-change-trigger Specifies the persistence thresholds for an event before the event triggers an action
for the cable modem.
cable rf-change-trigger
To specify the amount of time an event must persist before it triggers an action for the reporting cable modem,
use the cable rf-change-trigger command in global configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the
no form of this command.
Syntax Description percent Indicates the percentage of cable modems that must report that a particular non-primary RF
value channel is down before that channel is suspended from the bonding group. The valid range
is 1 to 100. The default is 50.
count Specifies the number of cable modems that must report that a particular non-primary
number downstream channel is down before that channel is suspended from the downstream bonding
groups. The default is 0
secondary (Optional) Configures the Cisco CMTS to move the unicast secondary service flows to the
primary channel interface, when the number of cable modems reporting RF channel impairment
is less than the configured (percent or count) threshold.
By default, the secondary keyword is not configured.
Note Only those unicast secondary service flows, which share the same wideband
interface as the primary interface, are moved to the primary channel interface.
Command Default If this command is not used, the default value 0 is used.
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
12.2(33)SCE4 This command was modified. A new keyword secondary was added to move the unicast
secondary SFs, which share the same interface as the primary SF, to the primary channel
interface when the trigger threshold is not reached.
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable rf-change-trigger command is used to configure the Wideband Modem Resiliency feature.
This command applies to all non-primary RF channels on a Cisco CMTS router. The default value of 0 prevents
any bonding group modifications. In order to dampen the change of a logical state of an RF channel, the
trigger for the channel can be set to one half of the number used for the logical state. For example, if you enter
cable rf-change-trigger percent 20, when 20 percent of the cable modems report an RF channel is down,
the logical state of the RF channel is changed to down. And when 10 percent of the cable modems report that
the affected RF channel is back, the logical state is changed to up.
In the case of a small number of wideband modems, you can specify an absolute value for triggering an event
in addition to the percentage. Both values must be true in order to trigger the suspension of an RF channel.
When both values are 0, the cable modem is reset if the cable modem reports an RF failure through a status
message. Also, if you set thresholds to 0, then all cable modems with RF failures are reset and any RFs
suspended from a bonding group are reactivated.
Examples The following example shows how to specify the amount of time an event must persist before it
triggers an action for the reporting cable modem:
cable rf-change-dampen-time Specifies the amount of time an RF channel must remain in its new state.
cable rf-change-up-multiplier
To set the rf-channel up dampen time as an integer multiplier of the rf-channel down dampen time, use the
cable rf-change-up-multiplier command in global configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no
form of this command.
Syntax Description value Specifies the multiplier of the rf-channel down dampen time. The valid range is 1 to 10. The default
value is 1.
Command Default 1
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1y This command was implemented on the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers.
Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1z2 This command was updated on the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers. The default value was updated to 1.
Usage Guidelines This command applies to all non-primary RF channels on a Cisco CMTS router.
Examples The following example shows how to specify the multiplier of the rf-channel down dampen time:
cable resiliency free-interval Specifies the wait time before a created resiliency bonding group is
cable rf-channel
To associate an RF channel on the Cisco Wideband SPA with a wideband interface and allocate bandwidth,
use the cable rf-channel command in interface configuration mode. To remove an association of an RF
channel to a wideband interface, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description rf-port Specifies the RF channel physical port on the Wideband SPA field-programmable
gate array (FPGA).
Note Valid values for the RF port depend on the configuration set with the
annex modulation command (see the “Usage Guidelines” section).
controller controller-num Specifies the controller associated with the RF channel. The valid range is from
0 to 4.
Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCH for Bonding Across 3G60
Controllers Support feature, valid range is from 0 to 2.
channel channel-num Specifies the channel from the controller. The valid range is from 0 to 3.
Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCH for Bonding Across 3G60
Controllers Support feature, valid range is from 0 to 23.
bandwidth-percent (Optional) Specifies the percent of bandwidth from this RF channel that will be
bw-percent used for the wideband interface. The range is 0 to 100. If bandwidth-percent is
not used, the default bandwidth value is 100 percent.
remaining ratio (Optional) Specifies the ratio of the excess bandwidth that can be allocated to
excess-value the wideband interface. The default value is 1. The range is 1 to 100.
Note This option is only available when dynamic bandwidth sharing (DBS)
is enabled.
Command Default No default RF channel association with a wideband interface is configured. If the cable rf-channel command
is used without specifying bandwidth-percent, the default bandwidth value is 100 percent.
Command Modes
Interface configuration (config-if)
12.3(21)BC This command was introduced for the Cisco uBR10012 router.
12.2(33)SCA This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA.
Release Modification
12.2(33)SCB The remaining ratio option was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCB.
12.2(33)SCH The controller option is supported for the Cisco uBR-MC3GX60V cable interface line
card on the Cisco uBR10012 router.
IOS-XE This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable rf-channel command associates an RF channel (port) on a Wideband SPA with a wideband interface.
Optionally, you can specify the percent of bandwidth from this RF channel that will be used for the specified
wideband interface.
The Cisco uBR10012 router supports two Wideband SPAs. Each Wideband SPA supports up to 24 RF channels
depending on how the SPA is configured with the annex modulation command. For annex A and 256 QAM
modulation, each Wideband SPA supports up to 18 RF channels at full rate and up to 24 RF channels at less
than full rate. For all other cases, the SPA supports 24 RF channels.
Note The command changes in Cisco IOS releases 12.3(23)BC and 12.3(23)BC1 are not supported in Cisco IOS
release 12.2(33)SCA.
Note In Cisco IOS Releases 12.3(21)BC and 12.3(21a)BC3, the cable rf-channel command is not available on the
Cisco IOS command line until annex and modulation have been set with annex modulation command.
Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(23)BC, the annex modulation command is obsolete and annex and
modulation are included as keyword options in the rf-channel frequency command.
Each Wideband SPA supports up to 32 wideband channels. A wideband interface cannot consist of RF channels
from two different Wideband SPAs. The number of RF channels that can be aggregated into a wideband
interface is determined by the capability of the wideband cable modem.
• The Linksys WCM300-NA, WCM300-EURO, and WCM300 JP wideband cable modems can receive
a wideband interface consisting of up to eight downstream RF channels at 6 MHz per channel, or up to
six downstream RF channels at 8 MHz per channel. The modem requires that the channels be received
in a 50-MHz capture window.
• The Scientific Atlanta DPC2505 and EPC2505 wideband cable modems support the receiving of one
wideband interface. The wideband channel consists of three downstream RF channels at either 6 MHz
per channel or 8 MHz per channel.
An RF channel can be associated with multiple wideband interfaces as long as the wideband interfaces belong
to the same virtual bundle interface (cable bundle) and the RF channel’s total allocated bandwidth does not
exceed 100 percent. As an example, the table below shows that a single RF channel can be associated with
multiple wideband interfaces as long as the total allocated bandwidth for the RF channel does not exceed 100
10 0 30 percent
10 1 30 percent
10 2 40 percent
The table below shows that a single RF channel can be associated with a narrowband and multiple wideband
interfaces as long as the total allocated bandwidth for the RF channel does not exceed 100 percent.
Note Each RF channel on the CMTS can be mapped to a specific QAM port on an edge QAM device. Traffic from
different Wideband SPAs cannot be mixed on the same QAM port.
When dynamic bandwidth sharing (DBS) is enabled, the bandwidth percentage is converted to a committed
information rate (CIR) value that provides the level of guaranteed bandwidth for the wideband interface. The
reserved bandwidth for the wideband interface is the sum of its link queue CIR values and is used for admission
control of the service flows with minimal reserved rate. With DBS enabled and the cable rf-channel command
configured, the corresponding link queue can have 100 percent of the CIR value. The excess-value is the
percent of excess bandwidth that can be allocated to the wideband channel.
Static bandwidth sharing (the default) or DBS can be configured on a wideband interface, but you cannot
have both on the same interface.
Examples The following example shows how to associate RF channel 10 and RF channel 11 with wideband
interface 0:
The following example shows how to associate a controller to the RF channel for a wideband interface:
In the preceding example, because no bandwidth-percent is specified in the second cable rf-channel
command, the default value (100 percent of bandwidth) applies; that is, 100 percent of RF channel
11 bandwidth is used for wideband interface 0.
The following example shows bandwidth allocation when DBS is enabled:
In the preceding example, because DBS is enabled, the wideband interface is guaranteed 50 percent
of the bandwidth and 5 as the value for allocating excess bandwidth.
The following example shows how the Bonding Groups Across 3G60 Controllers feature is configured:
annex modulation Sets the annex and modulation for the Wideband SPA.
cable bonding-group-id Specifies a Bonding Group ID and indicates whether the bonding
group is a primary or secondary bonded channel.
modular-host subslot Specifies the modular-host line card for Wideband protocol
rf-channel ip-address mac-address Sets the IP address, MAC address and UDP port for each RF
udp-port channel.
Command Description
rf-channel network delay Specifies the CIN delay for each RF channel.
upstream cable connector Specifies the upstream channel ports for a fiber node.
cable rf-channels
To associate RF channels on the router with a wideband interface and allocate bandwidth, use the cable
rf-channels command in interface configuration mode. To remove the association of an RF channel with a
wideband interface, use the no form of this command.
Note This command can be used in the wideband interface configuration to specify RF channels on different
controllers or to specify different bandwidth percentages.
Syntax Description channel-list group-list Specifies the channels from the controller. The valid range is from 0 to
controller controller number (Optional) Specifies the controller associated with the RF channel. The
range is from 0 to 7. If not specified, the controller is the same as
wideband interface's controller.
bandwidth-percent (Optional) Specifies the percent of bandwidth from this RF channel that
bandwidth-percent is used for the wideband interface. The range is from 0 to 100.
Usage Guidelines An RF channel can be associated with multiple wideband interfaces as long as the wideband interfaces belong
to the same virtual bundle interface (cable bundle) and the RF channel’s total allocated bandwidth does not
exceed 100 percent.
An RF channel may be associated to a wideband interface on a different controller using the "controller"
option, however the following restriction applies. Wideband interfaces on controllers 0 - 3 may only include
RF channels on the same controllers. Likewise, wideband interfaces on controllers 4 - 7 may only include RF
channels on those controllers.
The following example shows how to associate an RF channel with wideband interface and allocate
Router(config)# interface Wideband-Cable3/0/0:60
Router(config-if)# cable bundle 1
Router(config-if)# cable rf-channels channel-list 0-1 3-31 bandwidth-percent 1
Syntax Description filename_cmts Filename of the image on or copied to the Cisco CMTS router.
to-rfsw Copies an image from the Cisco CMTS router to the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV.
from-rfsw Copies an image from the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV to the Cisco CMTS router.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC (#)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines Use the cable rfswitch copy command when an existing image on the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV or Cisco CMTS
router is corrupt or out-of-date and needs to be replaced with another image.
Examples The following example shows how to download the gcv2.11 image from the Cisco CMTS router to
the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV:
Router> enable
Router# cable rfswitch copy disk0:gcv2.11 to-rfsw gcv2.11
The following example shows how to upload the gcv2.11 image from the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV to
the Cisco uBR10012 CMTS:
Router> enable
Router# cable rfswitch copy disk0:gcv2.11 from-rfsw gcv2.11
show hccp channel-switch state Displays the current state of the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV.
Syntax Description filename_rfsw Filename of the image on the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV that needs to be deleted.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC (#)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable rfswitch delete command is used to configure the Cisco uBR Advanced RF Switch
(NGRFSW-ADV). For more information, see the Cisco uBR Advanced RF Switch Software Configuration
Guide .
Use the cable rfswitch delete command when an existing image on the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV is corrupt,
out-of-date, or needs to be replaced with another image. You cannot delete the active or the golden image on
the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV.
Examples The following example shows how to delete the gcv2.11 image on the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV:
Router> enable
Router# cable rfswitch delete gcv2.11
show hccp channel-switch image Displays the image list on the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV.
show hccp channel-switch state Displays the current state of the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC (#)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable rfswitch reboot command is used to configure the Cisco uBR Advanced RF Switch
(NGRFSW-ADV). For more information, see the Cisco uBR Advanced RF Switch Software Configuration
Guide .
Examples The following example shows how to reboot the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV:
Router> enable
Router# cable rfswitch reboot
show hccp channel-switch image Displays the image list on the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV.
show hccp channel-switch state Displays the current state of the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV.
Syntax Description filename_rfsw Filename of the image on the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV that needs to be set as active.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC (#)
IOS-XE 3.15.0S This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable rfswitch set-active command is used to configure the Cisco uBR Advanced RF Switch
(NGRFSW-ADV). For more information, see the Cisco uBR Advanced RF Switch Software Configuration
Guide .
Examples The following example shows how to set the gcv2.11 image as active on the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV:
Router> enable
Router# cable rfswitch set-active gcv2.11
Router# cable rfswitch reboot
show hccp channel-switch image Displays the image list on the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV.
show hccp channel-switch state Displays the current state of the Cisco NGRFSW-ADV.
cable rpd
To enter the RPD configuration mode, use the cable rpd command in global configuration mode. To void
the RPD configuration, use the no form of this command.
Cisco IOS XE Everest This command was introduced on theCisco cBR Series Converged Broadband
16.5.1 Routers.
Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1 This command was updated to support Generic Control Protocol Principal
(GCPP) on theCisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines Use this command to enter the RPD configuration mode.
Examples The following example shows how to enter the RPD configuration mode:
rpd-us 0 upstream-cable upstream_controller profile Specifies mapping relationship for RPD upstream
upstream_controller_profile port0 and Cisco cBR-8 routers upstream controller.
rpd-us 1 upstream-cable upstream_controller profile Specifies mapping relationship for RPD upstream
upstream_controller_profile port1 and Cisco cBR-8 upstream controller.
Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z This command is introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines Use this command to enter the RPD configuration mode.
Examples The following example shows how to enter the RPD configuration mode:
show cable rpd core-ident Displays RPD CCAP Core Identification information.
cable rpd { ip-address mac-address | all | group | oui | slot } name external-core core-ip-address {
add | delete } }
no cable rpd { ip-address mac-address | all | group | oui | slot } name external-core core-ip-address
{ add | delete } }
Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z This command is introduced on the Cisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines Use this command to enter the RPD configuration mode.
Examples The following example shows how to enter the RPD configuration mode:
show cable rpd core-ident Displays RPD CCAP Core Identification information.
Syntax Description timeout GCP KA interval in seconds. The default value is 4 and the range is 0 through 1000.
Note If you configure the GCP KA interval using the values as 1 through 3 or if the total
timeout value is less than 24, then this may cause RPD flapping during SUPHA or
LCHA in a large-scale environment.
If you configure the GCP KA interval as 0, then the GCP keepalive function is disabled
and the cBR-8 router cannot detect the GCP connection status using a keepalive message.
Configure CP KA interval as 0 only for debugging.
For standby core GCP connection, the GCP KA interval is 3 times the active core. After
LCHA, the interval value is reset to the correct value for the corresponding role.
retries Number of GCP keepalive retry attempts. The default value is 6 and the range is 3 through 1000.
Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1z This command is introduced on theCisco cBR Series Converged Broadband
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# cable rphy gcp keepalive timeout 20 6
Router# test platform software rphyman R0 gcp-keepalive logging enable
After configuring the command, you can verify your configuration using the following command:
Cisco IOS XE Fuji This command was introduced on theCisco cBR Series Converged Broadband
16.8.1 Routers.
Usage Guidelines Use this command to enter the RPD configuration mode.
Examples After configuring the command, you can check if there are static routes that are dynamically added
by code through show [ipv6|ip] static route [vrf <id>] command.
Syntax Description value Specifies the DEPI statistics synchronization interval in unit of 5 seconds.
Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1z This command was introduced on theCisco cBR Series Converged
Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines Use this command to configure the DEPI statistics synchronization interval.
Examples The following example shows how to configure the DEPI statistics synchronization interval:
Command Modes
Global configuration (config)
IOS-XE This command is not supported on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.
Usage Guidelines The cable rsvp default-scn command allows users to specify the default service class that enables the RSVP
created service flows to inherit characteristics.
show cable rsvp flow-db Displays the contents of the RSVP to DOCSIS service-flow mapping database.